A small contribution with a big impact. Let us help you protect the environment by making your vehicle repair process carbon-neutral.
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Putting a value on the invaluable GreenYield Index strategy and investments
Every day, collision shops repair around 50,000 cars. Providing these services in an environmentally friendly manner is no easy task. As one of the community’s premium service providers, we take our responsibilities seriously and rise to the challenge. Through a series of targeted investments and measures, we reduce our impact on the environment and conserve natural resources. Our “GreenYield Offset Cost” offering now enables you to help protect the environment at our repair shop: the CO2 emissions that occur during the repair process can be offset by paying a small surcharge to reduce air emissions and hazardous materials, making your repair carbon-neutral. You can read more about the offering and all the benefits on pages 8 and 9.
Clear targets and concrete measures: our environmental strategy For over a decade, this shop has been pursuing a sustainable service strategy that places considerable emphasis on environmental protection. In operating our business, we aim to be energy-efficient, prevent pollution and minimize CO2 emissions. Our environmental targets are based on the pollution prevention standards of the “Climate Leaders” action program launched by the United States EPA. We also gear our actions based on our energy conservation partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy, a commitment under the "Energy Star" program. True to these standards, we implement our environmental strategy by taking concrete, verifiable measures in every area of our business as audited by third-party professionals.
Our investments: the figures and achievements In implementing our environmental strategy, we have invested and introduced over 100 measures to optimize our collision repair operations. This makes us one of the leading businesses when it comes to environmental protection. The following examples demonstrate the extent of our efforts: • We have reduced our overall footprint by 22 %. • We have cut our electricity requirements by 10 %. • We reduced our heating requirements by 13%. Renewable energies now cover 12.5% of our remaining requirements. • Since 2009 we have invested in equipment upgrades, conversions and refurbishments.
Our climate deserves it Certified Green Investment reduces CO2 emissions
Our environmental strategy places considerable emphasis on climate protection. We minimize our CO 2 emissions through numerous measures and investments. These efforts are having an impact: since 2010, this shop has reduced its emissions by more than 9 %. More investment for less CO2 Melting glaciers, weather disasters and extreme temperature changes: the climatic events of late are an indication of the increasing strain on the environment. Which is why our shop focuses its efforts on minimizing air pollution. Already, we have met most of the interim targets set for 2011. Through the following measures, for example: • We use the"GreenYield Index” rating systemto practice carbon-neutral business practices. • Since the start of 2010, our shop has purchased most of its electricity from renewable sources. • This shop operates one of the most efficient paint spraying technologies available. By 2012 we will lower our proportion of surface coatings with low-emission procedures to 15 %. • Starting in 2012, this shop will begin using even less hazardous chemicals and products. Our climate protection investments are having an impact: despite an increase in business, we have cut our energy requirements by 10 %. And we are proud to have reduced our CO2 emissions by more than 9% since 2010. Based on our baseline situation in 2009, our shop is on track to meet or exceed its interim target of a 15 % reduction in Greenhouse Gas "GHG" by 2012.
For your contribution Our carbon-neutral repair solutions
This shop offsets the CO2 emissions that occur in the collision repair process. Our new "GreenYield Offset" offering makes it easy for you to contribute to climate protection too. For a small surcharge, you can make the repair of your vehicle carbon-neutral. The environmentally friendly processes we use are given a third-party "certified green investment" label. Your voluntary contribution to counteract CO2 emissions through "GreenYield Offset" surcharges shows your personal commitment to protect the environment.
“GreenYield” Indexing: the easy way to report the environmental impact of repairing vehicles. The processes and equipment used to repair vehicles consumes energy, thereby releasing a certain amount of CO2 into the environment. If you decide to pay the “GreenYield Offset” surcharge when we repair your vehicle, this shop will offset the Greenhouse Gas emissions that occur in the repair process – making this service carbon-neutral. The “Certified Green Investment” and GreenYield Index label is used to mark out carbon-neutral services. The CO 2 is offset by investing the full amount of the “GreenYield Offset” surcharges in climate protection and purchasing high-quality, environmentally friendly products. You can read more about the GreenYield Offset charge and our compliance criteria on pages 10 and 11.
A major impact at a small cost: the “GreenYield Offset" payment Customers who support shops are doing a huge amount for the environment – at a small cost to themselves: depending on the service chosen, the “GreenYield Offset" surcharge is just small percentage of the repair price. carbon-neutral does not cause you Making your any additional paperwork. Our customer advisors would be happy to provide you with detailed information on “GreenYield Indexing” and the carbon-neutral service we practice to protect the environment and our community.
“GreenYield” support pays off for you and sends a message to other businesses Making our repair carbon neutral benefits not onlythe environment, but the local vicinity as well. You can help our effort to protect the environment through your "Green Yield Offset" contribution as we grow the neighborhood image as eco-friendly. At the beginning of each month, this shop provides a GreenYield Index rating to show the amount of CO2 offset from the year before. For businesses with energy- and emissions-intensive operations, environmental protection is often a particularly thorny yet important issue. By making your repair carbon-neutral, you can send a clear message to other businesses, your friends and your colleagues that you care about their health and the environment.
We would be happy to answer any questions you may have Do you have any questions about our environmental efforts, the “GreenYield” offering in general or similar, carbon-neutral solutions for your home or business? Our customer advisors would be happy to provide you with detailed information. You will also find a wealth of information on the subject at www.greenyield.net.
Projects that are worth the effort How GreenYield ensures sustainable CO2 offsets
This shop fully offsets the CO 2 emissions of “GreenYield� indexing by investing in climate protection products and equipment. We select the products and equipment in a transparent manner and in collaboration with professional partners. In combination with the strict requirements applied to Federal, State and local compliance regulations, we ensure sustainable offsets. Visit www.certifiedgreeninvestment.com to learn all about our efforts.
Sustainability and quality: CO2 offset procedures and criteria
Supporting Certified Green Investment shops helps to protect the environment in that they offset the CO 2 emissions that occur in repairing vehicles. A low index indicates low emissions, first, by investing in equipment geared to cut CO 2 such as energy efficient lighting and solar panels and, secondly, by purchasing eco-friendly products. The "GreenYield" Index shows how much this shop has reduced its CO2 emissions. The "GreenYield Offset" calculation is audited by Registered Environemntal Assessors in accordance with EPA standards, thereby ensuring the sustainability of the offsets. • High quality: Our shop supports only climate-related products as independently monitored for Federal Trade Commission Green Marketing Standards. • Collaboration: Equipment is pre-selected based on the recommendations of independent professional
engineers. For quality assurance purposes, our shop commissions external partners to certify our reports and compliance with the applicable regulatory agencies. • Transparency: Pollution prevention and energy savings techniques are selected by way of a multi-stage process. Information on this process can be accessed at any time at www.recomply.com.
www.greenyield.net – the interactive platform for collision repair climate protection Our shop provides you with extensive information on its environmental efforts and the “GreenYield Offset" values. We also invite you to take part in viewing our performance. At www.greenyield.net, you can find out about our climate protection efforts that have been implemented, follow the experts through the auditing, assessment and monitoring process and have a say in the final choice. You will of course find further details of carbon-neutral commitment and solutions at this web address as well.
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