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One Hundred New Philanthropists: Elliot Talen

Like many young people, Elliot Talen—at one point— wanted a change of pace. A move to Chicago brought a new professional opportunity and a new scene. Yet, as someone who values relationships and community, Elliot was pulled home to Grand Rapids. He feels a deep sense of belonging in the neighborhood where he grew up and in the city today.


For Elliot, exposure bred curiosity from a young age. “My parents were intentional about exposing us to things that would take us outside of our comfort zone.” His family is also active in community and philanthropy, establishing a legacy and example he carries on.

Participating in One Hundred New Philanthropists is one way Elliot expresses his commitment to engage and be a positive force for good. He serves on several community boards and committees and is especially dedicated to In the Image, a nonprofit that offers a free store for people in transitional phases of life.

A portion of my ‘why’ is that I do know I’m blessed. I know I was given a lot of really good opportunities. How can I share those things? It’s not just money. It’s time. It’s relationship. It’s all those layers that say I’m invested in this community as a whole.


As someone who watched dramatic transformation in his own neighborhood, Elliot knows there aren’t simple solutions to complex problems. Instead, he values organizations that genuinely understand community needs and convene many people to address them.

Elliot shares that he doesn’t always know the right solutions to emerging or long-established challenges. “I have things that I’m passionate about, that I support. But there’s also so much I don’t know and don’t see happening.” Grand Rapids Community Foundation, in his eyes, helps create a fuller view or awareness for its donor partners.

To further flexibility and adaptability, Elliot gives to the Fund for Community Good. The unrestricted fund provides financial support across a broad spectrum of needs. In all instances, the Community Foundation assesses grant partnerships on their ability to advance equity and justice.

Be stubborn about your goals and be flexible about how you get there. If your goal is a thriving neighborhood, you might not know exactly how it’s gonna happen. You have to be willing to adjust how you get there, but stay firm in what we’re going toward and shooting for.

Elliot Talen

100 New Philanthropists

As Grand Rapids Community Foundation moves toward its 100th anniversary in 2022, we want to recognize people’s philanthropy. That’s why we created our One Hundred New Philanthropists campaign.

This outreach effort asks people to do just four simple things:

• Make an annual gift to the Community Foundation.

• Volunteer in the community.

• Make a provision in your estate plan for the Community Foundation.

• Share your philanthropic story with us.

If you are interested in joining One Hundred New Philanthropists, please contact Jenine Torres at 616.454.1751 x126 or jtorres@grfoundation.org.

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