1 minute read
Congratulations on your retirement, Ruth
“Learn from each other and share our stories and past history," says Ruth Bishop as parting advice after 32 years with Grand Rapids Community Foundation.
Ruth has been focused on education and supporting students throughout her entire career. After working in various general and special education administrative positions in both the public and private school sector, she joined the Community Foundation in 1992. Here she has been responsible for administering awards for over 80 scholarship funds and supporting local efforts targeting college access for all students. She also supported grants for camp programs. She was a member of the National Scholarship Providers Association and provided college access information seminars and scholarship application writing workshops.
We are grateful for the many years of dedication to local students Ruth brought to the Community Foundation. Ruth shares that she will miss all the wonderful volunteers, staff and students she has worked with, but looks forward to volunteering and spending time with family in her retirement.