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Funds Providing Flexible Assets to Support Our Community
Each person or family listed below has entrusted Grand Rapids Community Foundation with their gifts to support our community’s ever-changing needs. The named funds listed were created by donors either through gifts in their lifetime or realized bequests set up through an estate gift. These funds represent and honor donors across time. These flexible funds are a primary way to grow our community’s endowment and create resources for grants to strengthen the lives of people in our community.
Funds lists in bold were created or have grown through additional gifts within the last five years. The Community Foundation honors and thanks the donors who have made this commitment to support our community in perpetuity.
Marian A. Aldrich Fund
American Box Board Community Fund
Gasper J. Amodeo Fund
Employees of Autocam Fund
Janet E. Berg Fund
Thomas and Vita "Vickie" Bergers Community Fund
John W. and Margaret Bertsch Fund
Ken Betz and Pat Brewer Fund
Anna Bissell Charity Trust Fund
James and Margaret Black Estate
Edward H. Blickley Fund
Harvey and Margaret Brower Fund
Orville and Jean Bulman Estate
Allan and Claudia Carlson Family Fund
Olga H. Cassard Fund
William J. Chaille Fund
Eugene D. Conger Fund
Louis A. Cornelius Trust
Dallas and Helen Darling Fund
Cornelia De Fouw Fund
Rafael O. Diaz Fund
Max H. and Lois Doering Fund
George and Louise Egeler Fund
Robert L. and Gloria M. Ellcey Fund
Engineered Protection Systems Fund
Diane S. Farage Fund
Fishell Fund
Henry A. Fox Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Frey Fund
Jim McKay and Twink Frey Fund
Mrs. L. C. Gardner Fund
Kenneth and Christina Gilchrist Fund
Carol E. Greene Fund for Community Good
Rená Guttrich Fund
Chester A. Hall Fund
Leon W. Hall Fund
Stanley C. Hall Fund
Bill and Claudia Hardy Fund
Haslinger Family Fund
Minnie E. Haven Fund
Janet A. Haynes Fund
Elizabeth Herkner Fund
Edward M. Herpolsheimer Fund
Karl E. Herpolsheimer Fund
Dirk and Victoria Hoffius Fund
Orianna D. Hooker Fund
Arthur J. and Sue H. Hoover Fund
Robert and Adelaide Hoover Fund
Allen I. and Helen J. Hunting Fund
Walter D. Idema Charitable Trust
Walter D. Idema Fund
Jabin Family Fund
Clare and Grace Jarecki Fund
Elizabeth J. Steed Johnson Trust
Kent Charitable Fund
William E. and Sue Kincaid Fund
Mary Jane Kirchgessner Trust
Jane and Sam Kravitz Fund for Community Good
Robert J. Kulms Trust
Tom and Sally Kyros Fund
James and Mary Jane Lamse Fund
B. Kenneth Larm Fund for Community Good
Perry M. and Hazel A. Lawr Fund
Ben H. Lee, Jr. Fund
Harvey E. Lemmen Fund
Clara T. Limbert Fund
Gertrude Lindberry Fund
Charles W. Loosemore Fund
Dr. Jack and Katy Lukens Fund
Hale J. Mackay Fund
Allen S. & Barbara P. Marcus Fund
Glen C. Mason Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. McCobb Fund
Isabel McLeod Fund
Frank H. and Virginia L. Merlotti Fund
George and Mary Metz Charitable Fund
Bonnie Miller Community Fund
Paul C. and Inez L. Miller Fund
Mary D. Morman Trust
Estate of Melanie L. Muir
Estate of Dr. Clifford T. Nelson
Francis J. O'Connor Fund
Jackman and Helen Palmatier Fund
Mary I. and Robert C. Pew Fund
Chalmers and Esther Quaintance Fund
Charlotte M. Raniville Fund
Eleanor J. Roberts Fund
Leonard and Dora Rosenzweig Fund
Theodore R. and Caroline Schoonbeck Fund
Grace L. Schouten Memorial Trust Fund
Willard and Barbara Schroeder Fund
Schuil Family Fund
The Sebastian Foundation Unrestricted Fund
Margery Seeger Fund
Diana Sieger Leadership Fund
Erin Slade Memorial Fund
Estate of Isabelle and Herman Slanger
Eileen Slootmaker Fund
Mary A. and Lenore G. Smith Fund
Marvin Stahl Fund
Paul L. Steketee Fund
Graham F. "Deck" and Ruth B. Stewart Fund
Joseph and Helen Tulos Fund
Adrian Van Daalen Fund
Selene Van Vleck Unrestricted Fund for Community Good
James R. Van Vulpen Fund
Earle Vande Poel Charitable Fund
Don VandenBos Jr. Fund
The Vander Beek Family Fund
Keith C. VanderHyde Fund
Biem H. and Irene G. Vandermass Fund
Herbert and Doris Vander Mey Fund for Community Good
Englebert J. and Lelah Sexton Vogt Trust
Estate of Ralph A. Voigt
Jeanette Shelly Warner Fund
Jane N. and James C. Welch Foundation Fund
John C. Whitcomb Fund
Marion Stuart White Fund
Mary K. White Fund
Estate of Zoe F. Whitworth Trust
Mrs. Imogene W. Wickett Fund
C. John Gill and Rita Williams Fund
Arthur D. Wolf Foundation Trust
Charles D. and Irene A. Worden Fund
Estate of Curtis M. Wylie
George L. and Esther B. Young Trust
Lynne M. Black Fund
Joy A. Brown-Baker Fund
Rita Champion-Balczak Fund
Laurie and Crawford Craft Family Fund
Tom and Jan Czerney Fund
Norman and Mary De Graaf Fund
Brownie Eberhard Beckering Fund
William and Patricia Edison Fund
James and Bebe Glerum Fund
Eleanore and Robert Howieson Fund
Miner S. and Mary Ann Keeler Fund
The David B. and Susan D. Lipner Fund
Malcolm/Magolan Family Fund
Ernest & Lorraine Malkewitz Fund
Marjorie and Robert Neubig Fund
Judge W. Baldwin Ogden and Judy Ogden Fund
Martha J. Porter Fund
Roth Family Fund for Community Good
Robert and Claire Schaefer Fund
Schaub Family Fund
Elmer and Mable Slemons Fund
Doug and Alix Thompson Fund
Robert F. and Ella M. Topp Family Fund
Bill and Barbara Van't Hof Fund
Theodore J. Vogt Fund
Are you interested in starting a fund to support the needs of today and tomorrow? Our development team would love to talk to you about options to strengthen our ability to activate our North Star through unrestricted giving. Call 616.454.1751 to start the conversation with no obligation.