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Buttercream Bettie talks festivals...
Festival season is here and we couldn’t be more excited to be headed out west for the Rockin Route 66 Festival in Tucumcari, New Mexico. It will be held the last weekend in June and is packed full of amazing bands, rods and motorcycle shows, cruise ins, taste of New Mexico and the pinup contest hosted by yours truly! It’s going to be a rockin’ time for sure! This month I just wanted to put out a few pointers for the ladies as they plan to look their best in the middle of summer and try to stay somewhat comfortable. These are just a few things that I have noticed for myself throughout the years and I’m sure there’s going to be more that I pick up on for this trip too! I started thinking when these adorable parasols came in, what else could help? Well, here’s a short checklist that I plan to use and I hope it will help someone else too!

> Rockin’ Route 66 Parasol > Sunscreen, I prefer dry so it’s not greasy > Sunhat > Waterproof eyeliner and mascara > Drink plenty of water > Pace your alcohol if you drink > Comfortable shoes, I usually wear flats until it’s time for pictures. You don’t want blisters on your first day! > Band-aids > Spanx shorts if you need them for thigh rub, it’s awful if you get it! > Extra bobby pins for hair and safety pins for wardrobe malfunction > Needle and thread > Steamer for dresses if you’re traveling > Props for the contest if you are entering > Car show etiquette, ask if you can touch! > Most important, a great smile and have fun!
* Remember, many of these listed items may be purchased at Lowe’s in town directly on Route 66, just a minute away from the festival. Lowe’s is a proud supporting sponsor of Rockin’ Route 66.
Wardrobe Details: Dress: Top Vintage & Retro Boutique Heels: Lola Ramona Jewelry: Bow and Crossbones Turban: Jazzafine. pieces full of verve Photographer: Brooklyn Brat Images