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Exclusive Interview with "High Flying" Cole Freeman, an American Dare Devil

Cole Freeman performing at the 115th Anniversary of Harley-Davidson

Brian "Big Boy" Whitcomb

Tell us a little about how Illconduct was formed Illconduct started in 1998 with a group of friends looking to have a good time on one wheel. Founding members Wildman Wayne Strickland, Jody Leonard (showtime JD) and Shane Brag they continued the team until a bad accident in 2005 the team was then sold to Jeff Schnieder and he kept the team alive until I came along in 2010 it’s been a wild ride and we are still here 20 years later being the longest running Harley thrill team!


At Black Diamon Harley-Davidson

Brian "Big Boy" Whitcomb

What's the inspiration behind your stunt riding? It all started in 2007 when I saw a friend of mine Kaz do a spreader wheelie for miles. From there I started to try and learn and now I have put together a pretty impressive resume in the motorcycle world! From jumping a road glide to performing at all the major rally’s across the USA

What role does your stunt team lend the motorcycle scene? We are pushing the limits of motorcycles every time we throw a leg over. We provide some of the best entertainment in the industry and now that I’m jumping Harley’s my goal is to keep Evel KNIEVEL’s legacy alive while building my own!

What has been so far your most memorable moment performing? Most definitely the pre sturgis party jump with Klockworks

Black Diamond Harley-Davidson

Cole Freeman talks to the crowd at Klock Werks Pre-Sturgis Party at the Corn Palace


The Illconduct Thrill Team: (from left to right) Little Dougie, Chris Pratt, Fearless AJ, Brian "Big Boy" Whitcomb, and "High Flying" Cole Freeman

Cole at the Shed in Milwaukee, WI

Where do you believe your drive and passion comes from? It definitely comes from wrestling my entire life. I’ve learned to set goals and smash them

Meeting a fan who lives on his shvoelhead and travels nationwide

Cole meeting the little fans at the Corn Palace before his epic jump


Who have been your influences over the years? Evel Knievel first and foremost! My parents and my brothers and sisters they all work so hard and it’s amazing to see what we as a family have accomplished! We don’t give up ever we push so hard for what we love and want out of life. Also so many other riders like Doug Domokos, Doug Danger, Teach McNeil, Bill Dixon and so many more...

Where is the Illconduct Thrill Team heading next? We are in Florida bouncing around for the winter then we go west to the Lonestar Rally to sign a jump contract for next year. Then off to Vegas for a possible jump on Fremont. I can’t wait to see what the future holds be sure to tag along and follow our journey on Instagram and Facebook @colefreeman


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