International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to Victims of Terrorism

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Interna�onal Day of Remembrance and Tribute to Vic�ms of Terrorism and

Violence based on religion or belief.

21st August 2023.

“On this International Day and every day, let us make sure that victims and survivors are always heard and never forgotten. And let us do everything we can to prevent more victims in the future.”

António Gutterres, UN Secretary-General 2020

Terrorism can be defined as inten�onal and systemic use of ac�ons designed to provoke terror to the public as a means to an end. It can be performed by an individual, a group or even a state. Terrorism can strike anywhere and without warning, leaving scars that can last forever.

In 2017 the General Assembly established this day to honour and support the lives changed forever by acts of terrorism. In that year alone, nearly 75% of terrorism-related deaths occurred in Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Somalis and Syria, and this day seeks to promote and protect the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the first of which is the right to live. The advent of this day strengthens solidarity with terror vic�ms in these countries and world wide.

Despite interna�onal condemna�on of terrorism, vic�ms o�en struggle to have their voices heard, their needs supported and their rights upheld. Vic�ms o�en feel forgoten and neglected once the immediate a�ermath of a terrorist atack fades, with profound consequences for them. They may have financial , physical or psychological needs, and may not have the resourced required to enable them to recover fully.

Few Member States have the resources or the capacity to fulfil the medium and long-term needs of vic�ms to enable them to fully recover, rehabilitate and re-integrate into society. Most vic�ms can only recover and cope with their trauma through long-term mul�-dimensional support, including physical, psychological, social and financial.

Terrorist atacks can include poli�cal, ideological or religious mo�va�on. Those who commit such acts may feel that they themselves are vic�ms of social injus�ce. However, whatever the mo�va�on, terrorist atacks lead to great suffering, both for those who are vic�ms of an atack and those who lose a loved one.

While we don’t personally have much control over terrorist atacks themselves, one of the most important things that we can do as part of the human race is try to understand those who are different ourselves. Educa�on and understanding of things that differ from our usual world view does a lot to diminish hatred and fear between different races and religions.

Take some �me on this day to remember the vic�ms of terrorist atacks around the world.


Interna�onal Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Vic�ms of Terrorism | United Na�ons


21 August: Interna�onal Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Vic�ms of Terrorism | UIA (

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