Low-Carbon Support for Businesses
This grid details available national and regional support and funding for low carbon business activity.
National Business Support & Funding
Category Description
Smart Export Guarantee (SEG). A Government backed initiative that requires some (SEG licenced) electricity suppliers to pay small scale generators (SEG generators) for low carbon electricity exported to back to the National Grid.
Your energy supplier may be obliged to offer a tariff and make payments to you as you export energy to the National Grid.
Green Gas Support Scheme. New anaerobic digestion biomethane plants receive financial incentives to increase the proportion of green gas in the gas grid.
Timelines & Eligibility More information
Eligibility: Businesses that have installed a renewable electricity generating technology under 5MW (such as Solar PV, wind, anaerobic digestion) and up to 50kW for micro CHP and grid exporting potential.
Timeline: Closes November 2025.

Registered participants receive quarterly payments based on the amount of biomethane inputted to the gas grid
Smarter Choices. Free support on energy assessment, access to financing options, as well as measurement and verification processes to decrease energy costs.
Eligibility: Must be a plant producing biomethane via anaerobic digestion, which is injected into the grid.
Eligibility: SMEs. Most viable for those with energy bills over £20,000, and those with responsibility for building services.
See more on the Smart Export Guarantee here.
See more information on the Green Gas Scheme and apply here.
See more here.
Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS). Provides capital grant to support building decarbonisation. Grants are available for the installation of heat pumps and depending on circumstance, biomass boilers.
Timeline: Ends April 2025.
Eligibility: The grant is available for some non domestic buildings and homes in England and Wales.
See more here.
Business rates relief on Renewable Energy Technology. Targeted business rates exemptions for onsite renewable energy generation and storage.
Eligibility: Business in England, investing in eligible green plant and machinery. This includes technologies such as solar panels, battery technology and heat pumps.
See more here.
Category Description
Industrial Energy Transformation Fund- The IETF is designed to help businesses with high energy use to cut their energy bills and carbon emissions through investing in energy efficiency and low carbon technologies
Tax and Capital Allowance. Businesses can benefit from tax and enhanced capital allowances from purchasing cars of certain emissions standards.
Timelines & Eligibility More information
The last application window for Phase 2: Autumn 2022 competition opens on the 10th October and will close on 13 January 2023.
Eligibility: Any business that has bought or uses a car.
Transport Transport
Plug in grants. You may be eligible for a discount on the price of brand new low emission vehicles through a grant to dealerships.
Timeline: Van and truck grants extended to April 2024. Car grants have ended.
Eligibility: To qualify, you need to purchase an approved low emission vehicle.
See more here
For the tax advantages, see here.
For capital allowances on cars and the associated emission standards, see here.
Find out more here.

Workplace Charging Scheme. Support on the up front costs of the purchase and installation of charging points through vouchers. Maximum grant of £350 per socket and total value of up to £14,000.
Eligibility: Must be registered with Companies House or have a VAT registration. Workplaces must be able to provide private parking for staff or fleet use only.
From early 2022, the scheme will open up funding to other businesses, including SMEs, small accommodation businesses, owners of commercial let premises at more.
See more here, along with guidance for applicants, installers and manufacturers.
The Mode Shift Revenue Support scheme. Grant funding to cover the additional operating costs incurred by companies, if they choose to transport freight by rail and water.
Timeline: Runs until 31 March 2025. Find out more here.
Category Description

Timelines & Eligibility More information
Eligibility: The business must distribute freight.
The Energy Savings Trust. Fleet advice for public and private sector businesses. Fleet support could save your fleet up to £300,000 and 250 tonnes of carbon annually. Access a Green Fleet Review, which provides advice on vehicle choice, fuel economy, fleet management and staff engagement. This review can extend to air quality, low-emission vehicles and HGV fleets (grey fleet).
Eligibility: Energy Savings Trust advises to contact fleetadvice@est.org.uk.
SmartGo. Provides access to discounts and incentives to encourage low carbon workplace travel. This includes offers on car hire, electric vehicles, cycling, bus and more.
More information on the scheme can be found here. There is other information relating to funding and advice on their website here.
Eligibility: Any business. Find out more about the scheme here.
Waste and Resources
Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP). Support through a range of grants, loans and investments to encourage the move towards a more circular economy. This includes support on the use of recycled materials, growing recycling capacity, waste and resources efficiency etc.
Eligibility: Varies by scheme, see the next column. Find out more about grants, loans and investment here. View WRAP services here.
Innovate UK Edge. A range of innovation funding (not limited to low carbon) is available through the Innovate UK Edge website. Their innovation and growth programmes aim to drive innovation, source funding and finance and open up new markets for businesses.
Various National and Regional Funding Opportunities. Sustainability West Midlands provide frequent updates on various funding opportunities.
Eligibility: Innovation driven SMEs in the UK. Specific eligibility is dependent on individual funding schemes.
See more here.
Eligibility: Varies by scheme, see the next column. See all listed funding here.