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LGPRF) Financial Performance Indicators

Appendix K(a) – Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF) Financial Performance Indicators

Dimension / indicator / measure Notes Actual 2019-20 Forecast 2020-21 Budget 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Financial Plan Projections 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 Trend +/o/-


Expenditure level

E2 Expenses per property assessment $2,991.75 $3,181.71 $3,032.41 $2,997.00 $3,042.54 $3,074.90 $3,119.97 $3,146.18 $3,178.28 $3,224.37 $3,249.93 $3,287.66 o [Total ex penses / N umber of property assessments]

Revenue level

E4 Average rate per property assessment $1,838.75 $1,894.72 $1,923.17 $1,942.73 $1,977.11 $2,011.90 $2,047.10 $2,082.73 $2,118.79 $2,155.27 $2,192.23 $2,229.64 + [General rates and municipal charges / N umber of property assessments]


Working capital

L1 Current assets compared to current liabilities

[C urrent assets / current liabilities] x 100

Unrestricted cash

L2 Unrestricted cash compared to current liabilities

[U nrestricted cash / current liabilities] x 100 2 205.46% 154.21% 144.91% 139.84% 131.13% 134.69% 137.01% 140.41% 144.48% 150.02% 157.94% 165.63% o

3 103.14% 102.77% 92.96% 85.74% 75.06% 73.27% 73.14% 73.96% 75.57% 77.97% 82.88% 88.29% o

Key to forecast trend + Forecasts improvement in Council's financial performance/position indicator o Forecasts that Council's financial performance/financial position indicator will be steady - Forecasts deterioration in Council's financial performance/financial position indicator

Appendix K(a) – LGPRF Financial Performance Indicators (continued)

Dimension / indicator / measure Notes Actual 2019-20 Forecast 2020-21 Budget 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Financial Plan Projections 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 Trend +/o/-


Loans and borrowings

O2 Loans and borrowings compared to rates

[Interest-bearing loans and borrow ings / rate rev enue] x 100 O3 Loans and borrowings repayments compared to rates

[Interest and principal repay ments on interest bearing loans and borrow ings / rate rev enue] x 100


O4 Non-current liabilities compared to own source revenue

[N on-current liabilities / ow n source rev enue] x 100

Asset renewal and upgrade

O5 Asset renewal and upgrade compared to depreciation

[Asset renew al and upgrade ex pense / asset depreciation] x 100 4 41.72% 37.68% 38.40% 44.52% 49.15% 43.66% 38.06% 32.94% 27.88% 22.91% 18.64% 14.95% +

8.16% 4.11% 3.99% 4.31% 5.25% 6.13% 5.95% 5.79% 5.63% 5.47% 4.72% 4.08% o

34.74% 32.28% 31.64% 35.66% 38.90% 34.18% 29.44% 25.11% 20.79% 17.07% 13.84% 10.66% +

5 113.10% 174.71% 131.35% 160.18% 158.78% 83.75% 87.39% 82.19% 73.46% 86.93% 89.72% 76.48% -

Key to forecast trend + Forecasts improvement in Council's financial performance/position indicator o Forecasts that Council's financial performance/financial position indicator will be steady - Forecasts deterioration in Council's financial performance/financial position indicator

Appendix K(a) – LGPRF Financial Performance Indicators (continued)

Dimension / indicator / measure Notes Actual 2019-20 Forecast 2020-21 Budget 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Financial Plan Projections 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 Trend +/o/-


Operating position Adjusted underlying result

Adjusted underlying surplus (deficit)

[Adjusted underly ing surplus (deficit) / Adjusted underly ing rev enue] x 100 1 0.61% (3.02%) 4.86% 6.70% 6.10% 6.26% 6.76% 7.04% 7.32% 7.21% 7.77% 7.85% +


Rates concentration

S1 Rates compared to adjusted underlying revenue

[Rate rev enue / adjusted underly ing rev enue] x 100

Rates effort

6 71.56% 73.03% 72.10% 72.36% 73.04% 73.44% 73.72% 73.98% 74.19% 74.39% 74.53% 74.79% o

S2 Rates compared to property values 0.29% 0.30% 0.31% 0.31% 0.31% 0.31% 0.32% 0.32% 0.32% 0.32% 0.32% 0.33% o

[Rate rev enue / capital improv ed v alue of rateable properties in the municipality ] x 100

Key to forecast trend + Forecasts improvement in Council's financial performance/position indicator o Forecasts that Council's financial performance/financial position indicator will be steady - Forecasts deterioration in Council's financial performance/financial position indicator

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