The City June 2019

Page 1



Greater Dandenong’s Monthly Magazine

JUNE 2019

Make Your Move PAGE 3

Refugee Week

Detox your home

Short Cuts Film Festival

►► PAGE 7

►► PAGE 9

►► PAGE 12



Customer Service Centres Dandenong Civic Centre 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong Springvale Customer Service 397–405 Springvale Road, Springvale Keysborough Customer Service Shop A7 Parkmore Shopping Centre, Keysborough Paddy O’Donoghue Centre 18–34 Buckley Street, Noble Park All correspondence to: The City PO Box 200 Dandenong VIC 3175 Email: Phone: 8571 1000 Fax: 8571 5196

Mayor ’s message Welcome to the June edition of The City. While winter settles in, here at Council we are always encouraging residents to be more active. Read the opposite page to discover our new Make Your Move campaign and see what a recent sport and activity survey found out about our community. This month we celebrate Refugee Week. The City of Greater Dandenong is a proud refugee Welcome Zone, and we have a long history of supporting people from all backgrounds. Read more about our support of refugees and people seeking asylum, and the fifth annual Home exhibition on page 7.

Mayor Cr Roz Blades AM

Find out how to recycle unwanted household goods and read more about detoxing your home of dangerous chemicals on page 9. If the arts is more your thing, turn to page 12 to read about the latest offering at the Drum Theatre, the return of the Emerging Writers’ Festival and the callout for entries for the internationally popular Short Cuts Film Festival. Whatever you get up to this month, I hope you enjoy life in our wonderful community. @greaterdandy cityofgreaterdandenong TTY: 133 677 Speak and listen: 1300 555 727 TIS: 131 450

My City Have you wondered what the artwork on Stockman’s Bridge Dandenong means? The imagery features people and livestock incorporating an overlay of local indigenous reeds, and celebrates more than 120 years of Dandenong’s Stock Market heritage. The artwork, by Sinatra Murphy, humanises the bridge with meaning and pride, reminding us that ultimately it is the presence of people that makes a city great.

Important Numbers Emergency calls Police / Fire / Ambulance................................... 000 Street lighting faults / non-operational United Energy............................................13 20 99 Traffic signal faults / non-operational................................... 8571 1000 Hoon Hotline................................. 1800 333 000 Hard Waste Collection WM Waste Management Services.................................................... 9721 1915 Australian Animal Protection Society.............................. 9798 8415 RSPCA....................................................... 9224 2222 Nurse on Call................................ 1300 606 024

Front Cover: Keysborough Bowls Club member Sue Jones and Noble Park Junior Football Club player Rashas Abdul-Khalek are making their move and getting active. Photo: Hilton Stone.

This publication is available in alternative formats upon request.


Greater Dandenong gets active Council recently conducted a survey to find out how Greater Dandenong residents get active. The results of the survey will help Council identify what activities are most popular, how active our residents are and what barriers might stop residents from being more active. More than 2500 people responded to the survey, with the number split evenly between males and females. Nearly 700 children and young people aged under 24, and 400 residents aged over 65 completed the survey, and more than 90 different sports and active recreation activities were identified.


dance was more popular among people from a Vietnamese background, while people born in Iran enjoyed basketball. Four out of five survey respondents participate in activities within the City of Greater Dandenong, which means they rely on appropriate sports facilities and recreation reserves within their local community. One-third of respondents said they had a desire to take part in particular activities that they were not already involved in. The survey found that the main reason for not taking part in their desired activity was a lack of information. For those aged over 65, the main barriers were health reasons and affordability. The survey also discovered that certain activities were more popular for people born in certain countries. For example

Jogging and running was also more popular with people born in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Pakistan and South Sudan. The Australian Guidelines for acceptable physical activity recommends four or more sessions per week for at least 30 minutes. About half (51%) of respondents met the guidelines. Respondents completed at least 30 minutes: ► Everyday

(26%) ► 4–6 times per week (25%) ► 1–3 times per week (33%) ► 2–3 times per month (5%) ► Once a month (2%) ► Less often (10%)

An early look at the data revealed some interesting facts and figures, including the top five activities for different groups.

All residents ► Walking

(57.4%) (19.1%) ► Swimming (15.7%) ► Jogging/Running (12.8%) ► Soccer (12.1%) ► Gym/Aerobics

Make your Move Council has launched a new campaign to help residents explore a healthier lifestyle. Make Your Move (MYM) aims to promote participation in regular sport and physical activity, and asks Greater Dandenong residents “How will you make your move?”.

The campaign was launched at the inaugural Big Picnic at Wachter Reserve in April, and was fronted by ambassador Kenjok Athiu. Kenjok is a Sudanese refugee from Noble Park who now plays soccer for Melbourne Victory. Council recognises the benefits of being more active, whether that’s playing organised sport, exercising at a gym or just taking the dog for a walk at the local park.

Council also recognises that some people face barriers to being more active, and MYM aims to break down those barriers and get everyone moving. Visit sportandrec to discover more opportunities to get active in Greater Dandenong.




Councillor Contacts Lightwood Ward Cr Youhorn Chea Ph/Fax: 9584 5149 0417 320 645

Lightwood Ward Cr Sean O’Reilly 0422 523 258

Lightwood Ward Cr Loi Truong 0466 004 618

Above: Mayor Cr Roz Blades joins Member for Dandenong Gabrielle Williams for the launch of a new Development Victoria project to create a public park in central Dandenong.

Paperbark Ward Cr Roz Blades AM – Mayor Ph/Fax: 9701 5821 0417 053 612

Left: Cr Maria Sampey and Mayor Cr Roz Blades celebrated the announcement of a Commonwelath Governmentfunded Information Hub trial to help support aged residents navigate their way through the My Aged Care portal. The hub will operate in Springvale and will be run by the Council of the Ageing (COTA) Victoria.

Paperbark Ward Cr Tim Dark 0466 403 914

Paperbark Ward Cr Sophie Tan 0466 793 727

Red Gum Ward Cr Matthew Kirwan 0403 072 295 THU RSDAY

10 JU NE

Red Gum Ward Cr Angela Long NOVEMBER Ph/Fax: 9795 6574 0466 004 616 Red Gum Ward Cr Jim Memeti Ph/Fax: 9792 4683 0434 560 239

Silverleaf Ward Cr Zaynoun Melhem 0466 518 082

Silverleaf Ward Cr Maria Sampey Ph/Fax: 9790 1291 0438 800 027

Council Meetings TUESDAY








Council meetings are usually held on the second and the fourth Monday of the month, at 7pm. All Council meetings are held at the city chambers at the Dandenong Civic Centre at 225 Lonsdale Street Dandenong. The June meetings will be held: Tuesday 11 June (due to a public holiday on the Monday) Monday 24 June





The general public is always welcome to attend meetings, but did you know you can watch Council meetings live online via our web-cast service? You can keep up with all the latest decisions, hear questions from residents and find out the many ways your local councillors are serving the community. To view meetings online simply go to councilmeetings





Cr Zaynoun Melhem

► Silverleaf Ward

Brady Road shops are a prime example of this with the introduction of CCTV cameras which have been operational for the past six months. There are 10 cameras that combine to cover the carpark, shop fronts (including those in Shalimar Avenue) and the rear laneway. These cameras transfer footage in real-time to Victoria Police stations in Dandenong and Springvale and I am sure they are already making residents and traders feel safer. With the 2019–20 Annual Budget being finalised by Council, there will be a number of projects being considered for funding over the next financial year. As a Councillor the safety of my community is very important to me. Feeling confident while out and about in our city often comes down to whether individuals feel safe in their environment, and Council makes every effort to improve not only the perceptions of safety but actual safety.

► Lightwood Ward The photo on the right is of my daughter Claudia, my son John and I taken at the inaugural Big Picnic at Wachter Reserve, Keysborough in April. It was a beautiful community day that attracted families from all over Greater Dandenong and beyond. As a parent, I’m always looking for activities to get my kids out in the fresh air. I go to events and see what’s on. Our Council hosts more than 100 festivals and events each year, many of which have won awards. Council invests a lot of time in community events as it’s a great way for us to get together, meet new people and support local traders. One of the most popular events is the Springvale Lunar New Year Festival, attracting 70,000 people. Springvale Asian Business Association runs the event with Council support. I like it because it brings us locals together, and welcomes visitors to discover the delights of Springvale.

The biggest of these will be funding to begin the implementation of the WJ Turner Reserve Master Plan, which is being finalised as I write this column.

You may have noticed the exercise stations which combine to make for a fun exercise circuit around the reserve. I have seen a few people out there working up a sweat, which is fantastic. Shade shelters with seating have also been installed at the park, including one shelter near the dog off leash area and another near the cricket training facilities. By the end of this month there will also be an electronic scoreboard at the ground, with WIFI connectivity and the ability to score a range of sports, this will be a great addition to the ground.

I f you would like to contact me about anything please email me at zaynoun.melhem or phone me on 0466 518 082.

There are a number of projects happening across Dandenong North at the moment, including improvements to Dandenong North’s Lois Twohig Reserve.

Cr Sean O’Reilly One of my favourite events is Springvale Snow Fest, which attracts up to 40,000 people annually. Snow play pits are filled with snow trucked directly from Mount Buller. Don’t miss the next Snow Fest happening on Sunday 28 July. From Australia Day at Dandenong Park in January, to New Year’s Eve at Harmony Square in December, there is something for everyone all year long. Council also runs Sunset Cinema, the Sustainability Festival, the Greater Dandenong Children’s Festival, Little Day Out and Christmas Carols in the Square. I like getting out and about in the community, as residents give me new ideas on how Council can do better in supporting and improving a harmonious, safe and sharing community. I’ll always listen to your ideas and feedback.

Please contact me via email at, phone 0422 523 258 or search for “councillorseanoreilly” on Facebook.




Working for You

Gambling Reform The City of Greater Dandenong continues to advocate for gambling reform as it suffers the biggest financial losses to electronic gaming machines in Victoria.

Rubbish dumper prosecuted report rubbish dumping

In the 2017/18 financial year $121 million was lost to electronic gaming machines in Greater Dandenong. These losses put a major strain on some of the most vulnerable members of our community. Council is an active member of the Alliance for Gambling Reform and has joined with the Alliance to campaign for key changes. These changes include: ► Venue

staff should be prohibited from engaging in activities aimed at increasing the amount of money people lose

► The

introduction of mandatory breaks and maximum daily limits on gambling time

► A

ban on the giving of gifts or inducements by the venue to gamblers

► A

ban on free drinks (excluding water) in the gaming area of venues

► All

venue staff should be required to monitor patrons for signs of gambling harm, and to be equipped to offer support for those experiencing gambling harm. Visit greaterdandenong. com/gambling for more information.

Illegally dumped rubbish is a significant issue for most Council’s across Melbourne, including for the City of Greater Dandenong. Over the last financial year, Council cleaned up about 900 tonnes of rubbish dumped illegally in streets and open spaces around our city. Where possible Council works hard to identify the people responsible for dumping and hold them accountable. In some instances we can use surveillance camera footage to identify people dumping rubbish. In April Council successfully prosecuted Rapid Bin Hire who dumped construction waste on vacant land in Greater Dandenong in May 2018. Photographs taken of the dumped rubbish revealed it even contained an uncapped syringe. The company was fined $10,000 plus court costs. It was their second prosecution, following separate court action in October 2016 when the company was fined $9000 plus court costs for illegally dumping rubbish.

If you see someone dumping rubbish anywhere in Greater Dandenong you should take notes about this incident, such as car registration or company names, and contact Council on 8571 1000 to report it. Visit waste for more information about reporting rubbish dumping or to find out how to dispose of your own rubbish correctly.

Community Calendar


Refugee Week 2019 The City of Greater Dandenong has a proud history of supporting the settlement of new migrants. Each year up to 2000 recently arrived migrants are welcomed to our community, with about one third of those being refugees. Our city is the most culturally diverse community in Australia. The migration waves and the settlement of people from different countries are an important part of our history and Greater Dandenong’s cultural identity. Many residents who have migrated have origins in parts of the world with recent histories of conflict, violence and misplacement. We know that many people seeking asylum and refugees face considerable challenges upon arrival in Australia. Council has been advocating against

recent Federal Government changes to the eligibility criteria for the Status Resolution Support Service (SRSS) for people seeking asylum. Council has committed to helping support some of the most vulnerable members of our community, and is one of about 100 councils across Australia which has signed a Refugee Welcome Zone declaration. Refugee Week (June 14–20) is an opportunity to celebrate the contributions refugee communities make to our society and to promote Greater Dandenong as a safe and welcoming home for refugees. Visit diversity to find out more about our support for refugees and people seeking asylum.

Home exhibition

Selected artists will also be given the opportunity to be mentored by an experienced artist or curator…

Artists with a refugee or asylum seeker background are invited to apply to share their stories through Home. The Home exhibition, now in its fifth year, will be staged in October at the Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre.

Apply now

Five artists will be shortlisted from the applications received, and each will be offered financial support of $1000, for the creation and delivery of their artworks. Selected artists will also be given the opportunity to be mentored by an experienced artist or curator, and may be offered a chance to take part in Greater Dandenong’s Artist in Residence program. Artwork may be produced in any medium including painting, printmaking, sculpture, textiles, video, photography or drawing. Applications close on 30 June 2019. Visit for information about how to apply.

2018 Home artist Mirwais Janbaz.





O P E N S PA C E Following an extensive consultation process in 2018, Council has created a draft Aquatic Strategy to guide the future of public aquatic facilities in Greater Dandenong. The draft Strategy proposes new industry leading facilities to accommodate the needs of our diverse community. More specifically it recommends: ► A

new aquatic and leisure centre to replace the ageing Dandenong Oasis

► Expansion

of the Noble Park Aquatic Centre

To have your say, complete a feedback form online or in person at Council’s customer service centres, libraries or aquatic and leisure centres.

Council wants to hear how residents use open space and how they would like to see open space improved in the future. We are preparing a new Open Space Strategy and are now seeking community feedback on open space across the city, including sporting fields, nature reserves, gardens, playgrounds, trails and civic spaces such as Harmony Square in Dandenong. From now until Friday 28 June, residents are invited to share their thoughts on how they use public open space, how often, and what types of open space are most important to you.

An online map and survey will help you pinpoint exact locations, and share your thoughts on open space in Greater Dandenong. Hard copy surveys are also available from any of Council’s Customer Service Centres or libraries. Visit futureofopenspace or phone 8571 1000 for more information.

Visit or phone 8571 1000 for more information.

Sustainability Awards The Greater Dandenong Sustainability Awards recognise the community’s efforts to make our city a more sustainable place to live, work and play.

The awards, now in their fifth year, reward community champions who are striving to help make Greater Dandenong one of the most sustainable cities in Australia.

This year the awards will recognise achievements across two categories:

Sustainable Community Category This category encourages entries from schools, community groups, volunteer groups and clubs or associations as well as households and individual residents, employees or students. The winner of this category will win a voucher to the value of $500, while finalists will win vouchers valued up to $150.

Sustainable Industry Category This category encourages entries from businesses, including commercial, industrial and retail, and new developments, including residential and non-residential. Entries for both categories close on Friday 21 June at 4pm, and winners will be announced in October. Visit sustainabilityawards for more information and entry forms.

Community Calendar

Council is running another Re-use and Recycle Drop-off Day in Dandenong, to help residents dispose of household goods more responsibly. Clear some space around the house and do your bit for the environment by bringing your larger, unwanted household and electronic goods to this free drop-off event. Collected items will be donated to charity or recycled, but most importantly they will be diverted from landfill. The Re-use and Recycle Drop-off Day will be held on Saturday 15 June, at Greaves Reserve, 2–20 Bennet Street, Dandenong, from 8am–1pm. Only cars or cars with trailers can drop off items, with each car limited to 15 items.

Items that can be accepted include:

detox home




► Televisions

and computers ► Electrical appliances ► White goods ► Furniture ► Mattresses (limit of two) ► Bicycles ► Homewares ► Clothes and linen Visit recycleday for more information. Bring the brochure that was delivered to your letterbox for entry on the day.


If you need to dispose of unwanted household chemicals then do it the safe way through the Detox your Home event. Reduce the risk of poisoning, environmental pollution and fire hazards, and take this opportunity to clean out your garden shed, bathroom, kitchen, laundry or garage of highly toxic chemicals. Detox your Home is safe, free and easy, and will divert potentially harmful chemicals from landfill. Simply register for the event to find out where the drop-off point is.

Hard Waste collection Each City of Greater Dandenong household is entitled to one free hard waste collection per financial year. Residents can book the collection whenever it suits them. You can book a collection online at or by phoning WM Waste Management Services on 9721 1915. When you book the collection you will be advised when it will take place, and it is important that you don’t place your waste out for collection until the weekend before your given date. Waste to be collected cannot be more than three cubic metres.

Items that will not be accepted include car tyres, batteries, garden waste, building or renovation materials, gas cylinders, soil and hazardous waste. Visit waste for more information about what can and can’t be accepted by a hard waste collection and to find out more about how to safely dispose of all your household waste.

Visit yourhome for a full list of accepted items and to register. Detox your Home will be held on Saturday 29 June, from 9am–2pm. The address will be revealed when you register. Paint, household batteries and fluorescent lights are less toxic than household chemicals, and can be disposed of throughout the year at permanent drop-off sites.

Visit waste to find out more.





What’s On June 2019 MONDAY


Art Club





► Combined

Probus Club of Noble Park and Dandenong Club Noble, Moodemere Street, Noble Park 10am Ph: 9546 2346


► Libraries

Up Late: Recipe Club Dandenong Library 6.30pm–8.30pm Ph: 1300 630 920


11 and District Diabetic Support Group Meeting Paddy O’Donoghue Centre 2pm–4pm Ph: 9546 2346

► Combined


► Library

Tech Assist Dandenong Library 3pm–5pm Ph: 1300 630 920


► Craft

Collective Dandenong Library 6.30pm–8pm (every Wednesday) Ph: 1300 630 920


► Creative

Writing Group The Open Door, 110 Ann Street, Dandenong 10am–12pm Ph: 9791 8664

► Council

Meeting Dandenong Civic Centre, 225 Lonsdale Street 7pm


► Library Tech Assist Dandenong Library 10am Ph: 1300 630 920

Playgroup for Families Seeking Asylum Springvale Library 10am Ph: 1300 630 920

Evening VIEW Club Dandenong RSL, 44–50 Clow Street, Dandenong 7pm Ph: 0417 511 588

► Dandenong

Probus Club of Sandown Moodemere Street, Noble Park 10am Ph: 9791 6807

► L anguage

► Dandenong




► Art

Series Springvale Library 6.30pm–8.30pm Ph: 1300 630 920


► Stride

and Strive Carers Walking Group Burden Park, Heatherton Road, Springvale South 9.30am Ph: 8552 2222


► Kids

Playgroup Dandenong Library 12.30pm–2.30pm Ph: 1300 630 920

► Greater

Dandenong Neighbourhood Watch Committee Meeting Paddy O’Donoghue Centre 7.30pm Ph: 0407 325 030


► Council

Meeting Dandenong Civic Centre 225 Lonsdale Street 7pm


► Libraries

Up Late: Trivia Tuesdays Dandenong Library 6.30pm–8pm Ph: 1300 630 920


► Keysborough

St Andrew Daylight Masonic Lodge Meeting South Eastern Masonic Centre, 270 Hutton Road, Keysborough Ph: 0414 512 443


► Swinging

on Broadway Drum Theatre 10.30am–12pm Ph: 8571 1666

► Backstage

Tour Drum Theatre 12.30pm Ph: 8571 1666

Community Calendar CITY OF CELEBRATION



1 Fun Springvale Library 10.30am–12pm Ph: 1300 630 920




► Family


► Greater

Dandenong Environment Group Dandenong Wetlands, Stud Road, Dandenong North 9.30am Ph: 8571 1702


► Sisters

of Mercy English Tutoring Dandenong Library 9am–11am Ph: 1300 630 920

9 Rotary Sunday Market Springvale Railway Station Carpark 6am–12.30pm Ph: 0425 806 006

Art Session Heritage Hill 10.30am–1.30pm Ph: 8571 1666


► Learn

English through Storytime Playgroup Dandenong Library 11am–12.30pm Ph: 1300 630 920


Dandenong Library Ph: 1300 630 920 Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens Ph: 9793 4511

Greater Dandenong Environment Group

City of Greater Dandenong Ph: 8571 1000 Drum Theatre Ph: 8571 1666

► Springvale

► Drop-in



and Recycle Drop Off Day Greaves Reserve, Bennet Street, Dandenong 8am–1pm Ph: 8571 1000

Jan Wilson Community Centre Ph: 9795 9279

► Re-use

Paddy O’Donoghue Centre Ph: 8571 1436

► Think

Tank: Biodiversity and Ecosystems Dandenong Library 3pm Ph: 1300 630 920


► Make

your own Nature Wall Hanging for Families Heritage Hill 10.30am–12.30pm Ph: 8571 1666


► Emerging

Writers Festival Dandenong Live Performance Walker Street Gallery, Dandenong 6.30pm–7.30pm Ph: 1300 630 920

Springvale Library Ph: 1300 630 920


► Springvale

Rotary Sunday Market Springvale Railway Station Carpark 6am–12.30pm Ph: 0425 806 006

Springers Leisure Centre Ph: 9701 5900 Walker Street Gallery Ph: 9706 8441 Dandenong Market Ph: 9701 3850 Cultural Tours Ph: 8571 1666


► Autumn

Botanicals: Still Life Series class Heritage Hill 10.30am–12.30pm Ph: 8571 1666

► Home

Grown Swap Day Noble Park Community Centre, Memorial Drive 10.30am



► Detox

Your Home Household Chemical Collection Dandenong 9am–2pm Song Drum Theatre 1pm–2pm Ph: 8571 1666

Send your event listings to

► Robot

Autumn Botanicals Still Life Series Class

List your community event online at eventlistings




Arts and Culture

SHORT CUTS 2019 The Short Cuts Film Festival is back for 2019 and all new and experienced filmmakers are being encouraged to get inspired. Now in its fourth year the festival provides a platform for local community members, emerging artists and accomplished professionals to tell their stories.

“The City of Greater Dandenong is gaining a strong reputation among filmmakers both as a film location and a place for emerging filmmakers to have their work celebrated,” she said.

Short Cuts will be curated once again by Richard Moore, and will screen at the Drum Theatre on Saturday 5 October. Shorter Cuts, featuring films by young filmmakers will also screen at Drum theatre on Sunday 6 October.

Submissions are invited across three categories, including Emerging, Community/Student and Open, and close on 2 July. Entry is $10, or free for residents of Greater Dandenong. Visit shortcutsfilmfestival. for more information.

Emerging Writers’ Festival Explore your passion for writing and storytelling through this series of free workshops and performances celebrating the Emerging Writers’ Festival. This one day only festival will be held at locations across Greater Dandenong on Saturday 22 June. Bookings are essential.

and produce your own web series.

Emerging Writers Intensive: Flash Fiction, Dandenong Library from 11am–1pm Bring your words to life through practical exercises and expert tips. Learn how to tell a captivating story in 500 words or less. Come prepared to craft, edit and share your own piece.

Dandenong Live Performance, Walker Street Gallery from 6.30pm–7.30pm Join us for an electrifying evening of stories, performances and readings. From the humorous to the heartfelt and the poetic to the playful, enjoy the breadth of literary talent that Dandenong has to offer.

Creating a Web Series, Dandenong Library from 2pm–4pm This hands-on introductory workshop will equip you with the tools to write

When 11-year-old Juniper May receives a petition signed by her entire classing stating that she is “the most hated person in the school” her life is thrown into chaos. Robot Song follows the story of Juniper as she stops eating and refuses to return to school. This must see theatre is a fantastic family show that explores being different in a rigid world, and includes live animation, robots, animatronics and original music.

Greater Dandenong Mayor Cr Roz Blades said the festival provided a great opportunity to unearth new talent in the film industry.

“Last year this festival received almost 2000 entries from across the globe, including Nepal, Iran, Romania and Latvia.”

Robot Song

DIY Zine Workshop, Springvale Library from 2pm–4pm Get crafty and creative in this interactive zine making workshop. Put your ideas on the page and build your own publication, ready to share with the world.

Visit emergingwritersfestival. for more information or to book in.

A deeply personal story, Robot Song illustrates the profound, transformative nature of creativity that when combined with unconditional love becomes an unstoppable force. The show is based on writer/director Jolyon James’ own experience of parenting a child on the Autism Spectrum and offers hope for anyone who has ever felt isolated.

Kick off the winter school holidays with Robot Song at the Drum Theatre, on Saturday 29 June at 1pm. Visit or phone 8571 1666 to book.

Community Calendar Youth


Youth Showcase 2019 The Youth Showcase celebration officially opened Victorian Youth Week in the City of Greater Dandenong in April.

The event was an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the outstanding personal and community achievements of young people aged 12–25 years. Youth Showcase Award recipients were recognised across three categories, listed below. Youth and Family Services also recognised the important contribution made by participants of community leadership programs, including FReeZA Committee, Young Leaders and Unite Alliance.

nic with Mauro Okello Domi lliams. Wi e ell bri Ga MP

Challenge and Change Awards Campbell Sims, 20 As a young job seeker, Campbell took part in the Kitchen Challenge program last year, affirming his ambition to become a pastry chef. He has overcome personal barriers to take on a TAFE course to work towards his dream career.

Rafiq Rashdan and MP Julian Hill

Mauro Okello Dominic, 18 Mauro came to Australia as a refugee minor in 2017 and has shown incredible determination and commitment to succeed in his new home. Despite experiencing disrupted education, Mauro recently received the Department of Education and Training’s Refugee Transition Award.

Isabella (Bella) Do, 21 Bella has volunteered for a range of services over many years, including with the Dandenong SES and the 2018 Young Leaders Program where she played a key role in delivering the Elevate Youth project.

Shanae Petricevic, 13 After a period of disengagement from education Shanae has overcome obstacles to start at a new school. She has showed immense resilience and determination to pursue her personal goals.

Kuang (KC) Noi, 19 KC has demonstrated a commitment to positively encouraging the South Sudanese community through his work as a mentor with Bounce Back, a mentoring program run by South Sudanese Australian Youth United.

Community Citizenship Awards

Academic Achievement Awards

Manzoor Nazari, 22 Manzoor came to Australia as an independent minor with no support networks, and has gone on to volunteer across a range of Greater Dandenong programs. In 2018 he received the Australia Day Multicultural Award.

Rafiq Rashdan, Minaret College, 99.70 ATAR Ross Pedridis, Nazareth College, 99.00 ATAR Uyen My Pham, Killester College, 98.05 ATAR

Immunisation Timetable – June 2019 Date



Monday 3 June


Springvale City Hall (Supper Room) 397–405 Springvale Road, Springvale

Tuesday 11 June

10am–11.45am Paddy O’Donoghue Centre, 18–34 Buckley Street, Noble Park

Wednesday 12 June 4pm–6.30pm

Dandenong Civic Centre, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong (enter via Harmony Square)

Monday 17 June


Springers Leisure Centre, 400 Cheltenham Road, Keysborough

Thursday 20 June


Jan Wilson Community Centre, Halton Road, Noble Park North (BJ Powell Reserve)

Wednesday 26 June 10am–12pm Saturday 29 June

Springvale City Hall (Supper Room) 397–405 Springvale Road, Springvale

10am–11.45am Dandenong Civic Centre, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong (enter via Harmony Square)




Business News

Dandenong Pavilion Dandenong Pavilion, or ‘The Pav’ as it is affectionately known, is an icon in Melbourne’s south eastern suburbs. After 13 years of operation, the restaurant continues to focus on delivering the ultimate customer experience, focusing on amazing staff, the highest quality food and fantastic service in a comfortable environment. Owner and manager Joel said staff listened to customer views, which was reflected in the weekly specials menu. The Pav also caters for vegetarian, vegan, gluten free and coeliac diners. “The venue has always been a place about respect and teamwork, and it remains so today ,“ said Joel. “Respect for the customer, the food, the staff and suppliers.” “Like Dandenong our business is multicultural, and we celebrate this and it works well. It doesn’t matter who you are of where you are from, we’re all friends here.

It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from, we’re all friends here. “One of the finest compliments we receive is from existing staff recommending their younger siblings to work at The Pav. “When we were voted as having the best burgers in Melbourne in 2015 and 2016 it added a new dimension to the business. We are a family restaurant, we try to feed the soul. “We entertain people from all different cultures, nationalities and ages. Modern

Australia means that there are flavours from everywhere. We have our different stories but they all come together. Dandenong Pavilion is like a community in itself.” Go to visit to read more about Dandenong Pavilion and other Greater Dandenong food experiences.

Financial Workshops Greater Dandenong Libraries will host two workshops to help residents better understand the Australian taxation system and their rights as consumers. Understand the Australian Tax System Monday 3 June, from 6pm–7pm, at Dandenong Library Run by the Australian Taxation Office, this program will prepare you for tax time and will cover: ► Why

we pay tax we pay tax in Australia ► How to keep your tax file number safe ► What a tax return is and how to submit one to the tax office ► How to protect yourself from scams relating to tax. ► How

Know your consumer rights and responsibilities Monday 17 June, from 11am–12.30pm, at Springvale Library Run by Consumer Affairs Victoria this program has been organised during Refugee Week to help newly arrived residents, and will cover: ► Scams ► Door to door sales ► Telemarketing ► General refund rights. Visit business to book.

Community Community Calendar News

Girl Guides in Greater Dandenong

Greater Dandenong Neighbourhood Watch This month hear from David Mann OAM/AM. David is best known as the “Mann about Town” a roving reporter for radio station 3AW and is passionate about working with emergency services. He has had roles with Victoria Police, Metropolitan Fire Brigade and Ambulance Victoria. David is Chair of the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Day Community Council, a Community Patron of Neighbourhood Watch Victoria and an ambassador for Community Safety Month and Harmony Day.

Girl Guides have been active in the City of Greater Dandenong for more than 100 years. The movement provide a femaleonly environment for girls to connect, be active and explore independence and curiosity. The female led program is for girls from all backgrounds and operated under the guidance of trained leaders. For this great program to continue into the future Girl Guides need adult leadership. As a non-profit organisation they rely on the work done by volunteers.

By sharing your time and skills with them you can make a real difference in the lives of girls, and along the way you can gain new skills, make new friends and feel a sense of achievement. If you are over 18 and can dedicate two hours every Monday night, plus some extra planning and meeting times then the Noble Park-based Girl Guides want to hear from you. Visit volunteer email volunteer@ or phone 8606 3500, to find out more about volunteering with the Girl Guides.


David speaks passionately about the role emergency services play in our community, and while he recently gave up speaking at community groups he is making a special appearance to share his stories with the Greater Dandenong community. If you have an interest in community safety you can find out more at this month’s Greater Dandenong Neighbourhood Watch committee meeting. The community-based volunteer crime prevention and community safety group meets regularly to discuss issues of safety and often has guest speakers talk on particular topics.

The committee meeting will be held at the Paddy O’Donoghue Centre, on Wednesday 19 June, at 7.30pm. For more information phone Greater Dandenong Neighbourhood Watch president Dawn Vernon on 0407 325 030.

Beware of NBN scammers NBN Co, the company building and upgrading Australia’s telecommunications and broadband network, is urging residents to be wary of scammers impersonating the wholesale network provider. NBN Co’s Chief Security Officer Darren Kane urged residents to be vigilant of callers and door knockers claiming to be from NBN Co requesting personal or financial information. “We will never make unsolicited calls or door knock to sell broadband services to the public,” Mr Kane said.

“We will never request remote access to a resident’s computer and we will never make unsolicited requests for payment or financial information.” NBN Co is a wholesale-only company and does not sell services directly to the public, so residents should only ever deal with their current internet provider when they have questions about the NBN. Visit for information on how to identify and avoid potential scammers.


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