Sustainability Awards 2021 Student (Primary) Category

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Student (Primary) Aditi- Artwork

I think that what makes my park sustainable is that most of the equipment is recycled and that this playground can fit people from age 1 and up and for that for plants instead of using big rose bushes, I use cacti because when you use rose bushes they need to be watered regularly, but with cactus you just need it to rain and it will stay alive. My playground features: slides in different sizes, swings, monkey bars, a trampoline, a string bridge and toilets.

Student (Primary) Jasmine - Artwork

Hi my name is Jasmine and I will be telling you about how my playground is sustainable and safe for children. The ground will be made out of rubber flooring or rubber mulch because they are made out of old tyers and they are safe for children. The swings will be made out of fibreboards and the actual swing will be made out of metal from old chains and also rubber. The base of the sandpit will be soft-boarded and the sand will be Sakrete sand because it's dust free. The see-saw will be made out of High Density Polyethelene, (HDPE, it's recycled plastic) and the seats will be made out of rubber from old tyers. The birds nest will be made out of Particleboards and the swing will be made out of old water bottles and rubber. The plants will be succulents like Jade Plant, Fasciated Haworthia and Burro's-tail also trees. The roundabout will be made out of reusable steel. The benches will be made out of bamboo and also the tables. I hope you enjoy my presentation.

Student (Primary) Lan - Artwork

The trampoline is made out of old car tyres that can be used for driving anymore. Since it is rubber it is reusable which is sustainable! These slides are in two different sizes for different age ranges. The slides are made from metal, donated from companies like factories. The ladder is made from old wood that has been made into dust and reformed into wood planks/ladders. The sandpit is big so it can hold large amounts of visitors. The wooden barrier/box that holds the sand is made from recycled wood. The benches are pre-owned seats that have been given and donated. It is great for our environment because we are reusing objects and furniture rather than throwing them away. The monkey bars are made from old metals, car pieces, etc, and have been reformed to poles to swing and climb on. Plants on the playground are succulents, meaning they do not need much water at all. Plants are sustainable for our planet and that is why the playground is surrounded by plants. Since succulents do not need much water than usual plants, which makes it easier to take care of. The swings are made from parts of recycled roller coaster parts that were re-shaped into the seats of our swings. Most swings often have chains to hold onto while swings, however chains and metals can easily rust. Rust can also eaisly get onto on your hands and can be dangerous if you have a small cut that the rust can get into and could cause an infection for the children playing.

Student (Primary) Calvin, Kirstoffer and Jadon - Artwork

My teams playground has two playgrounds: one for a slide and one for family gatherings and a chilling place. My playground area also has a basketball court with recycled rubber rings and also there is a cactus with a aloe vera plant. There is many trees. Also the chill area and slide is made out of recycled wood and bamboo scaffolding.

Student (Primary) Will - Artwork

My playground has a pirate ship, sandpit, toilet, bin, water fountain, workout, trampoline, spider web, castle and benches. This park is available for everyone, even pets! The trees are oak, the plants are orchids and cactus. The ground of the grass is fake and all things are made of recycled except the sand, the park also has lots of oxygen and it is drought and heavy wind resistent.

Student (Primary) Andy - Artwork

My fishy park has a pirate ship for children 8-12, a seating area for families to watch their children and a playground for children 5-8 . The park will also have deciduous trees around it including a forest area. The pirate ship will be made with recycled wood, the playground will be made of of recycled steel except the slide which will be made with polycarbonate and the benches will be made of recycled steel as well.

Student (Primary) Dishita - Artwork

The Amazing Aurora Park has many sustainable materials that will help make our environment stay healthy. This park is for anyone, for any age and it is also for people with disabilities. It is eco friendly. There are plenty of trees and bushes, which can provide plenty of oxygen. I have used recycable and reusable wood so that trees will last longer and that we don't have to cut down any more of them. This park has rubber materials, garden beds and lots of communication materials that will allow people to talk to one another more often. People with disabilities are more than welcome to do some planting, play in the park or wonder around by some trees and bushes. They can do many things! There is also a humungous oval for people to do some exercise, playing and for picnics too! The Amazing Aurora Park also has a few barbeque stands for people to enjoy their meals. I have also added some bins for people to throw their rubbish in them. There is a recycle bin, a general waste bin and a garden waste bin. Rubber mulch, rubber tiles, poured rubber and rubber floors are also very sustainable. I have added them to the park. There is lots of playground equipment for children to use as well. I have provided lots of shade, with hard roof strucutures and shade sails. There is a steel and wood slide for children. I have also added a tap in case if some people feel thirsty and need a drink. Toilets are also added. There are many more materials! The Amazing Aurora Fun Park is very sustainable.

Student (Primary) Jennifer - Artwork

It's made with recycled plastic, metal frame chain to hold the swing, recycled woods. My sandpit is made with wooded frame and we need to put a lide on at night so that animals don't go into it. My benches are made with recycled plastic with steel frame for support. And my slide is made with recycled wood. It's for any ages to play on my mini playground. In my playground I have Blackwood tree and a flower.

Student (Primary) Jayden - Artwork

Hello, my name is Jayden. Today I will be talking about my eco friendly and sustainable park. So let's first talk about the volleyball net. The net is made out of recycled plastic from plastic bottles and plastic bottle lids. The poles are made out of cans found on the street and recycled so it makes the poles and the red poles. Ok now the basketball hoop, the ring is made out of recycled steel rods, the back board is made out of wood from the ground and dead. And now lastly the playground, ok I will talk about the swing first, the poles are made out of recycled cans and steel rods - the seats are made out of leather and chains to hold the seat. And now the slide - the slide is made out of recycled plastic and the barrier is made out of wood and there is bamboo around the park and trees there are benches around so parents can relax - it is for all ages.

Student (Primary) Jadon, Kristoffer and Calvin - Artwork

Almost everything is recycled from wood, plastic and rubber and has fake grass so it doesn't need to be lawned and lawn mowers send fossil fuels into the air, it also has a basketball court made out of recycled rubber and has many trees around to provide shade, although there's not many in our build it will be in the real playground. The playground contains a slide and a tree house made of bamboo scaffolding.

Student (Primary) Lydia - Artwork

These are my 2 shadey areas and they are used for anyone/animals and it is made out of wood and recycled metal and it is used for anyone that wants to stay cool. I have a swing here which is made out of restyled metal - this swing is used for anyone including people with disabilities and it also has shade at the top to block the sun so it is cool. This is my slide and it is made out of wood which is recycled from train tracks and it used used for anyone who wants to slide down the slide. The tree here is made out of wood and leaves and it can be used as shade for everyone. Thanks for listening!

Student (Primary) Shenella - Artwork

Here is my emotions park! The playground is made out of recycled wood and the stairs are also made out of recycled wood. The streamers are made out of recycled paper, underneath the playground there is a buddy bench. In the bottom we have flowers and trees - also in the bottom there are stepping stones with different faces to represent the different emotions. There is also a rubbish bin so the little children playing can put their rubbish in the bin. Even if you want to get out of the house, get some fresh air, this playground would be suitable for that idea even if you want to have a picnic with your family! This playground is suitable for anyone! This is the emotion playground! On the playground there is a smiley face, your probably wondering why? It's to remind kids/adults/elderly people to smile! Thank you very much for listening!

Student (Primary) Laura - Artwork

Hello! This is the garden of my dreams! Enjoy my presentation! This is a little bench (under the shelter) the shelter is made out of strong metal. I chose this material because it would be suitable and sustainable for Parents, children and others to sit on. This is a fish pond where children of ALL ages can look at fish and take photos. I made the ramp out of concrete so disabled people can access the pond. Next is the rubbish bin where when people eat they can dispose of their rubbish in the bin! There will be a recycling bin and a general waste bin. The orange dots you see on the ground are stepping dots for children to follow the trail and see where it leads them to. They are made out of colour concrete and I chose this because if it was elevated and young children would fall and injure themselves and their parents wouldn't be happy. I made trees for fresh air. The type of tree I chose is Eucalyptus trees because they need to be watered just once a week! And have a great scent. And the leaves don't fall easily. Now is the community garden! I have garden beds where people from everywhere can come and plant seeds! I put tomatoes, cucumbers and blueberries. There would be more garden beds for people in the community to plant their seeds! If you don't want to spend money on groceries you can come to the community garden and collect some vegetables and fruits for your family! Thank you for listening! Have a good day!

Student (Primary) Iona - Artwork

Hi my name is Iona and today I will be telling you how my park is sustainable here is how I am picturing how it will be made when and if my park gets chosen, here is what I put in my park and what materials these structures will be made from (this park is for ages 2 - 12). Sand pit: Recycled wood and plastic (the plastic is for the toys) and sand Monkey bars: recycled metal for the bars and wood for the base Big kid swings: wood for the base and metal for the swings Small kid swings: metal and wood Swirly slide: recycled metal for the slide and wood for the ladder Flying fox: recycled metal for the Handel and recycled water bottles for the seat Normal slide: recycled metal for actually slide and recycled plastic bottles Benches: recycled wood Garden: they are Australian native: bushes, succulents etc. Trees: Australian native: Gum trees, banksia cocciena etc which are easy to maintain and provide a lot of shade. We need plants to absorb CO2 which is dangerous to the atmosphere and release oxygen to the air for us to breathe. My entrance is made out of recycled wood and the foot in the lark hose tambark and the enrage has pebbles. If you decide to bring your kids here they will have hours and hours and hours of fun.

Student (Primary) Gemma - Artwork

In greenery lands park I have tried to make everything in my playground suitable for everyone even animals. I have made a playground for everyone to enjoy. It might be a little hard for someone with a disability to get on the playground but they are still welcome to go on the playground. My playground is made out of recycled materials and the slide is made out of metal. The playground also has a pretty good amount of shade underneath it. My playground is also weather resistent. I have also made a small maze anyone can use it including disabled people and also animals people can walk there pets through the maze. The maze is made of safe and easy to grow plants. There is also a tree that is there to provide shade and oxygen; it is also safe and harmless. The floor underneath the playground is recycled fake grass but the floor underneath the maze is real grass. Thank you.

Student (Primary) Nicole - Artwork

Hi my name is Nicole, In this letter I will be informing you on why my playground is sustainable and ticks all the criteria for children from age 2 -16. For a starter, my playground is suitable for ages from 2 - 16 or over. It also has extra equipment for other activities such as an exercise course, a dog course and a flying fox. There are shades covering the equipment and trees to cover pedestrians from the sun. Secondly, the playgrounds are constructured out of recycled plastics and the recycled rubber. The roof of the playground is designed from reusable metal sheeting. The floor is layered with rubber made from old tyers. Additionally, the playground has beautiful lawn areas and seating areas for parents. The seating area is close to the Jr playground so the parents can watch their children while they take a break. I hope you take my design for granted and enjoy my design as well as construct an amazing playground and enjoy your day.

Student (Primary) Krystal - Artwork

My playground is sustainable for everyone, preferably for ages 7-30. Everyone can come and enjoy the playground. It has lots of freedom in the playground where you can play, relax and have fun. You can also make our own plant in the garden, it is welcome to everyone. We need plants in our environment to absorb the poisonous CO2 gases which are harmful to the atmosphere. They release clean Oxygen gases for us to breathe. My playground has a swing which is made out of recycled tyres and metal, I also have a slide made out of recycled plastic, my build is gonna be made out of recycled wood, the base is gonna be plastic grass, the garden are gonna have succulents acronychia imperforata and other strong plants and the wall ladder is gonna be made out of recycled wood. I hope you enjoyed my presentation and ideas.

Student (Primary) Liam and Ethan - Artwork

In Sunshine Athletic Park, our trees don't need much care because they are plam trees and everything in our park is sustainable because most of are mistrals are recycled. There's lots of play equipment like basketball court soccer field volleyball net and 4 square balls. We chose to do that because parents don't have to drive to different places to save petrol and time and also there's a picnic area so after you play you can eat food. The big tree is there to provide lots of shade. The ground trampoline is safer than a normal one because it in the ground and it use less materials. There's a bin for general waste and recycling items. Our park is made for anyone, disabled people can use the picnic area to eat food and kids can use the play equipment. The benches can be used for the parent's to watch their kid when they play.

Student (Primary) Myra - Artwork

There is a small playground with a wooden ladder, metal (recycled) platforms and a plastic (recycled) slide. Camp Park has a small pond with stone surrounding it to keep the water from escaping and toy sized islands made out of bamboo. There is also a toy camp with tents made out of bamboo fire, with recycled metal poles to hold it up (2 Tents) with toy food made out of recycled plastic. It is age appropriate for ages 4-12. There is also a zip line with recycled metal poles and a metal line for the zip line as the handle is made out of plastic (recycled). The ground is only bark.

Student (Primary) Jason - Artwork

My playground is environmentally friendly because instead of Leather or strings for my swing, I used dead hemp plant so the string we can tie and dead wood because it's stable and we don't cut fresh wood down and for my little hut I use leftover dead wood or logs and the tree house for kids to play and the grass area for the parents too look after their kids and for family to have a picnic and also everything is water resistent so when kids come to play they won't get wet.

Student (Primary) Angela - Artwork

Hello my name is Angela and this is my playground for all ages and for people with disabilities there are plenty of trees and bushes, and lots of places for kids to to enjoy, and while your at it your dogs or pets can have a drink and run around. All the materials are ECO friendly and it's for everyone to enjoy. And the plant are drought resistent and great for the environment. My playground has many other features like Gum trees, bushes and flowers. There is also a swing of kids made out of aspen wood which is a type of wood that is from trees and the playground it's self is mostly made out of wood and recycled plastic. For the slide it is made from polyvinyl chloride which is a really hard and sustainable type of plastic, there are also many other features like a sea saw which is made from steel and the sand pit is made from wood and there is also a bench for parents or people who just wanna rest and the flooring is fake grass so it doesn't take up energy to water it, the playground is for everyone ALL AGES I'm not saying that the elderly can't go on the slide or the playground instead they could walk around and exercise or take their pets for a walk and stop off for a rest and a drink. But personally I think children under 1 year old as it might be dangerous if they fall but overall I think it's great for all ages! Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Student (Primary) Jackson, Han, Martin, Anok and Joshua - Artwork

Sustainable playground for ages 5-80, it is a space for gardening where the community is welcomed to plant seeds, and for children to play.

Student (Primary) Paulina - Artwork

This is my Noble Park Eco friendly active reserve. My park is an active park. It has a pink balancing beam made out of recycled plastic, a swing made out of recycled plastic, a rock climbing made out recycled foam rubber. I also have a running area for people up to 1-99 and it is made from recycled metal and plastic and last of all I have a different rainbow balancing beam made from recycled wood. The grass I have used is fake grass because it is easier and you do not need to mow the grass and I also have some concrete so it is not all grass. My playground is aged from 0-99 which is for every single age. It is great park to play in everyday. I have catctuses whichis drought resistent.

Student (Primary) Amani - Artwork

My park, is a park for all children. Children with ADHD/ADD and autism. Children in wheelchairs and children with disabilities in general. My wood would come from… train tracks, fallen trees and wood from all cabins or houses. I would be usign recycled Poly - Carbon for slides (plastic) and plastic from old toys etc. Steel would come from old poles and metal roofs. There is a bicycle path, and normal footpath for elders who want to go for normal walks or power walks. There are trees and plants around for my oxygen and fruit trees for the people who want to harvest fruits. The bbq area is powered by solar panels, and SunSmart shades everywhere for children especially for people with sensitive skin. There is small bits of cacti because cacti stores water in itself. Everyone is important to me and we deserve a place to go and be free, good luck for everyone.

Student (Primary) Tavleen - Artwork

This is my eco-friendly public park. So it has a slide made from recycled plastic. This monkey bar is made from bamboo. The sand pit sides are made from trees that have already broken down, basically recycled wood. I have a recycle bin to put all your rubbish in it. I used plastic grass to use less electricity. And I have some trees to provide oxygen. The sand is soft sand so kids or people that play in it don't get hurt by the sand. And that's my park - it's called eco-friendly public park. This park aged for people from 0-99 so anyone can have fun anytime at my park.

Student (Primary) Deana and Thomas - Artwork

My fun park has a slide made out of wood and metal monkey bars that is made out of metal and a tree that is a red wood tree and it does not need much water and a bush.

Student (Primary) Oscar - Artwork

My park is named the very fun fun park - it includes a sustainable slide made of poly carbonate which is heat resistent and there is lavender because it scares away mosquitos and it smells good. And I have a basketball court for the many people who like to play basketball.

Student (Primary) Mario - Artwork

The park is made out of tree houses because tree houses have trees and the tree houses that I made are real trees. The houses are made out of recycled wood and the ladder too. The river is made out of rain water but the park you swim in not rain water. There are boats on the river are made out of recycled wood. The bushes have berries for the animal's to eat. The grass on the ground is real grass.

Student (Primary) Wayne, Younghoon, Danyon, Orlando and Raffele - Artwork

Our ECO friendly park is made durable, recycable and maintainable for a long time. We have a wide range of playground equipment and activities suitable for children, the elderly, the disabled and also even animals and pets. Our park is very colourful and has lots of sporting areas including soccer pitches, AFL pitches, netball hoops, ping pong tables and a skate park. Our ECO friendly park also has lots of plants - one of the most important things that must be included in parks. Our plant range has many bushes like jasmijne plants and Nandina plants and many trees like spruce and maple which give lots of oxygen and ponytail palm trees which don't need any maintenace. We also have recycled recycling bins and seating for anyone who needs a seat. We have clean toilets making sure we use a small amount of water for the ECO system. We also have taps for people to drink and the water could be reused on the toilets. Please choose our ECO friendly park!

Student (Primary) Aishah - Artwork

Hello my name is Aishah and this is my sustainable and eco friendly park. First, I have a maze of trees and the trees have fruits and vegetables so you can go pick some fresh fruit and vegetables. Then I have a place for dogs and all pets. Where the pets can have some exercise and the materials I used are recycable plastic for the pole to run around. Now let's move on to the trees - the trees are gumtrees because gumtrees are rain resistent. Now let's move on to the swing - the seat of the swing is recycled leather and the chain that's holding the seat is reused chains. The bins are to keep our enviornment clean. Also a bench for all ages to watch their children and out of recyable bags. A ball pit for all ages, the outside of the ball pit is made out of wood from trees that had fallen down. Lots of flowers like sunflowers and daisy's - those flowers because they don't need much weeding and water that's why I picked those plants. That's my playground.

Student (Primary) Ryan - Artwork

Hello my name is Ryan and this is my sustainable playground and it's open to the public. So firstly, I've got a basketball court and it's made out of recycled poles and the ring is made out of recycled plastic and there is also a bench so parents can sit and watch their kids play basketball and there is also oak trees behind the bench so there is shade. Now on to the bbq. The bbq is made out of recycled plastic so it's smooth. Now on to the skatepark. It has a mega ramp and and half pipe and it's made out of concrete so it's smooth and there is also an oak tree too. Finally on to the giant octopus, the ninja course. The tentacles of the octopus is the slide and it's made out of recycled plastic so it's smooth and so you can slide down and 8 thought of stairs rather than a ladder because ladders kids can fall off and stairs is more sustainable for young kids. There is also one tentacle slide that goes to the look out so you can see the view and the look out is on top of the ninja course and there is also stairs going down too. Now to the ninja course. The ninja course is made out of recycled plastic and any age group can do it. There is also a water tap so you can drink if your thirsty. The floor of the playground is made out of rubber. That's my playground. I hope you like it!

Student (Primary) Martin, Han, Jackson and Josh - Artwork

My tree park has monkey bars that are made out of recycled metal and a compost bin the out is side made from fallen down trees we have a fountain that's made from steel and it waters the grass are park also has a hop cross station Where you can paly there we have a swing made from Reycable plastic and benche's made from recycled Metal we have palm trees becuase they don't need lots of water my park has fake grass Because there's a lot of thing u need to do with real grass and a pond surrounded by Rocks.

Student (Primary) Maria - Artwork

My playground model is great for many reasons. It has equipment for all ages. With a small slide, roundabout, sandpit and little kids swings for younger kids aged 1-7. It has climbing web, birds nest, older kids swings, monkey bars, 2 slides (one 4 metres and one 5 metres) and 2 different sized rock climbing walls (one 3 metres and one 4 metres for the older kids. It also has a sheltered area for adults.) My playground is sustainable because it has lots of trees, grass and bushes surrounding it. It also has lots of bins, both recycling and rubbish. The ground is made out of recycled old tyres which don't decompose in the environment so are damaging, so it's sustainable and soft if kids fall down. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is a safe, affordable and environmentally friendly type of metal, so most of my equipment is going to be made out of it. The slides, monkey bars, ladder, roundabout and the frames of the birds nests, swings can be made out of it. The outer frame of the the shelter, sand pit and rock climbing wall is going to be made out of reused wood which is going to be painted with special paint, called oil stain so no one gets splinters. The actual rocks on the climbing wall and the swings are going to be made out of recycled plastic. The climbing web and birds nest are going to be made out of reused rope. The sitting area on the swings are going to be made out of recycled plastic. Connecting the frames to the swing and birds nests are used chains.

Student (Primary) Mary - Artwork

My playground will be sustainable for the environment because my playground will be made for everyone up to 1-18. My playground will be made out of recycled materials such as: recycled wood from trees, recycled car tyres, recycled metals from broken cars or broken heaters, recycled mattresses from ripped beds, reusable rope, recycled sand and more. The rubbish bin will be wood. The swing will be made out of car tyres and rope. The slide will be made out of old mattress. The sandpit will be made out of recycled sand. My playground can also be sustainable because it has 2 rubbish bins so people won't be lazy to put their rubbish in the bin. My playground might be small but it is really fun (in my opinion)and it's safe because it has a mattress so if people fall they will land on the mattress and land safely. There's also a bench so parents can sit and relax when their kids are playing on the playground.

Student (Primary) Hayden - Artwork

My park will be sustainable and good for the environment. It will be made from recycled materials. My playground will be from ages 1 - 5 but the park will be for all ages. The playground will be made of recycled wood for the monkey bars, recycled plastic for the slide and ladder, sand and plants that can survive for a long period of time without needing a lot of attention including Aloe Vera. My soccer field will be made from recycled tyres for the ground and recycled pipes for the goals. My garden will be made out of recycled wood for the boxes and Plants that can survive for a long period of time without needing a lot of attention including Aloe Vera, Yarrow and Sage. My basketball court will be made out of Recycled rubber on the ground for a soft landing and recycled metal for the rings. It will be sustainable because it does not need a lot of attention and will last for a long time not need the council to play to get things redone. Everything will be recycled material so it can be sustainable as long as possible. By Hayden

Student (Primary) Neha - Artwork

This playground clearly is sustainable playground for everyone. It is designed for 2-14 olds. This playground has everything that a community needs includes good enviornment, equipments and it's sustainable. My playground is sustainable by the equipments, place and plants. In this playground the equipments and resources are recycled. Big kids playground Big kids slide is made out of recycling big tube. The climbing part is recycled wood. Floor trampoline made out of tyre tar rubber. Bird nest is made out of recycled rubber and poles to help it stand. Flying fox poles are usedd as recycled plastic, the flying part is rubber and it needs rope. Balance beam made out of 100% recycled plastic. Monkey bars made out of recycled plastic and metal. Bars made out of recycled metal and steel. Benches/recycled wood/one seat chairs. Floor made out of reycled rubber tar Little kids - Lighthouse made with recycled plastic. Seesaw made out of recycled metal and steel. Swings out of rubber for the seat and chain to connect, poles are made out of recycled steel. Small/medium slides made out of recycled metal and steel. Monkey bars made from recycled metal. Trampoline made with recycled rubber My playground has a garden. we need to make sure we have plants to absorb Co2 which detroys our atmospher, and release oxygen for us to breathe. This garden has native plants and succulents. Anyone can come to enjoy in this play.

Student (Primary) Kelvin, Kyle and Rorendo - Artwork

Hello our names are Kyle, Kelvin and Rorendo. We are going to give you a summary of our playground. Our playground has a garden with lots of succulents. The materials for the plant beds are made with fresh compost and wood. I have an oval with grass that is real and has no race track. The oval only has a soccer field and no football pitch and cricket pitch. It also has a big basketball court with nets made out of recycled straws and a ring that has wood and wood poles to hold it but it does not have any netball courts. My playground also has a zipline near the garden that is attached to two big trees and has woodplanks to land on. The woodlplanks are very strong so don't be afraid of breaking it and it has two string ladders for you to get up. There is a vollyball court which is an indoor one with one net. The poles are iron and the net is string. The floor and walls are wood. There is no tennis court. The final part of my playground is the main playground. It has monkeybars made from aluminium. There are two slides made from comfortable soft iron. It's comfortable because you sit on a cushion. There is a see-saw made from wood. There are two swings. The seats are made from woodlplanks and the poles are made from iron. There are sails over the playground so it can protect the plants and kids. There are plants surrounding the garden and zip line. There are also shelters made from pure wood to eat with 4 benches that can hold 8 people depending on size and two bins one for recycling and one for rubbish.

Student (Primary) Avneet - Artwork

I have created an advert about what should not happen in Dandenong if we took waste seriously. I have made an advert to try and educate people about booking hard rubbish collections before placing items on the nature strip and to use the correct bins for waste.

Student (Primary) Priyam - Artwork

My artwork shows how it currently is and how it can look in the future if everyone does their part. You will be able to see the sun, there will be solar panels on every building. People will use electric cars, the trees will thrive and their will be recycling in every building and house.

Student (Primary) Ava - Artwork

In my meditation park there is lots of trees that are made to keep shade on a hot day or if you want to meditate. They are also a small place for people that want to run and have some exercise that is made out of recycled concrete. And for the little kids that want to play there are some things they can play with like a monkey bar that's made out of recycled steel and a big slide made ouf of recycled steel and recycled plastic.

Student (Primary) Rakash - Artwork

Wonder park includes a sandpit made from real sand, the outside is made from recycled timber. The playground also has a slide made from hardwood and platinum. My park is sustainable because the equipment is made out of rubber and dirt is made out of compost. The playground can be used for many reasons and for many different people including kids with disabilities, families, adults, pets as well.

Student (Primary) Dhel - Artwork

My sustainable playground has a basketball court for sporting activities, a playground for people to play on and a nature strip for picnics. All the materials are either recycled or biodegradable. The ground of the basketball court will be made out of recycled rubber and hoops will be made out of reused metal. The open area can be used for families for picnics and is accessible for people with disabilities as well. The playground structure is all made from recycled materials and has benches nearby for parents to watch their children.

Student (Primary) Thomas - Artwork

This my park it has a slide monkey bars that is made out of recycled metal recycled wood thank you.

Student (Primary) Jonathan - Artwork

My park has public toilets for visitors, families and disabled toilets too. This park has reused concrete that is flat and level for people to walk on and easy access for wheelchairs. It includes lots of trees for natural shade and the many gardens make the park look attractive to visitors. The plants don't need much water to look after them. There is a space for films and outdoor concerts and the park includes bins for people to throw away their rubbish safely. There are also recycling bins too. There is a man made water pond for people to enjoy and to attract birds. People can also fish here. There is plenty of grass for people to sit on for picnics.

Student (Primary) Alex - Artwork

My playground is sustainable because it uses recycled plastic for the slide and I used recycled metal for the platform. I used solid metal for the monkey bars. My park has red plants, orange plants and also yellow plants to make the playground look inviting for visitors. I have two dark oak trees on my play ground to provide oxygen and shade from the sun.

Student (Primary) Victoria, Grace, Emily, Lominded, Bhullar and Vu Artwork

Hi This is Emily, Victoria, Grace, and Shervin, this is our sustainable park. We have made this park altogether and tried our best to make it sustainable as possible, using recycled materials and easy to maintain plants. This park is suitable for all ages, but it would be more popular around children 7-13 years old.

Student (Primary) Wrian - Video

We recently moved house to Keysborough. So I went to bunnings to buy plants for our new backyard with my dad.There I found bunnings use huge lights in their warehouse, so I thought that all big shops should use solar energy. All the shopping malls do need lots of lights so they should use solar power in sunny days. I think it will also be good that all schools should use solar energy and we get a carbondioxide free envrionment. I wrote a play and also acted and my mum recorded it.

Student (Primary) Serena - Video

My video is an informative video about what climate change is and how it is being made worse by various factors. I also talk briefly about how we could improve by using better transport, being consious of waste and other factors.

Student (Primary) Murray - Video

I have made a video to show the pollution has in Dandenong. The impact is bad and it needs to be removed. The community can do many things to make a great sustainable Dandenong. I have listed various items of what can and should be done to improve the sustainability of Dandenong. The first part of my video I used my Ipad to film the scenes, I then put them together using iMovie. I made the second part using lego an animation by using the camera function. I joined the videos together and did a voice over so that the audience could understand how to be sustainable. I'd like to thank my sister for being a participant in my video.

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