New Jersey Metro Chapter: MSConnection Newsletter, Summer 2016

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I just celebrated my six month anniversary with the National MS Society! Since I started in non-profit over 20 years ago I have admired, respected and followed the MS Society - because of the way they do their fundraising with Walks and Bikes - and other events, like Muckfest MS - but mainly because of the impact the MS Society makes with the fundraising dollars - research, services, advocacy - making a difference for those living with MS. In the past six months I have had the opportunity to experience it all! Our fundraising runs the gamut – Walk MS in April – Bike MS in May. On June 16 we had a sell-out crowd at Musical Moments at NJPAC with Aretha Franklin – raising over $1.4 million! On June 26 – I, along with 5,600 other participants – got dirty for MS – participating in MUCKFEST! Our fundraising efforts run the gamut and that’s appropriate because so does MS. At Muckfest I was in the mud side by side with individuals living with MS - but that’s not everyone’s MS experience. The week before I spent a Friday afternoon with 30 residents of north Jersey nursing homes who live with MS at our annual Nursing Home Luncheon. For some of these individuals it is their only day out of their facility for the entire year. MS affects everyone differently – and that’s why our research and services need to be broad, global and impactful. The last six months have proven to me that I was admiring and respecting the MS Society for all the right reasons and I look forward to continuing to work with all of you. Together we are stronger,

Lisa Gallipoli President, New Jersey Metro Chapter email: phone: 732-660-1005 ext. 44322





New Jersey Metro Chapter Aspen Corporate Park I 1480 US Highway 9 North, Suite 301 Woodbridge, NJ 07095

The New Jersey Chapter and the MS Centers in NJ have collaborative relationships that enhance the services provided to those living with and affected by MS. The MS Centers provide clinical care and medical expertise while the chapter complements that care by offering a variety of educational and support services. The five MS Centers in our service area are listed below:

Board Leadership:

Staff Leadership:

Chair Bonnie Higgins

Chapter President Lisa Gallipoli

Immediate Past Chair Michael D. Gibney

Executive Vice President of Development Karen Drzik

First Vice Chair/ Chair Elect Jeffrey S. Hurwitz, Esq. Vice Chair Meryl Ravitz

Vice President of Programs & Services Nancy Chazen

Treasurer Joe Welter Secretary Mike Pawelczak Information provided by the Society is based upon professional advice, published experience and expert opinion. Information provided in response to questions does not constitute therapeutic recommendations or prescriptions. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society recommends that all questions and information be discussed with a personal physician.

Bergen County The MS Comprehensive Care Center at Holy Name Hospital 718 Teaneck Rd., Teaneck, NJ 201-837-0727 Essex County MS Comprehensive Care Center at Barnabas Ambulatory Care Center 200 South Orange Ave., Livingston, NJ 973-322-7484 Rutgers-NJMS Multiple Sclerosis Center 90 Bergen St., Suite 8100, Newark, NJ 973-972-2550 Middlesex County Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Center for MS 125 Paterson St., New Brunswick, NJ 732-235-7733 Monmouth County The Linda E Cardinale MS Center at CentraState Hospital Star and Barry Tobias Ambulatory Campus 901 Main St., Freehold, NJ 732-294-2505

The Society does not endorse products, services or manufacturers. Such names appear here solely because they are considered valuable information. The Society assumes no liability for the use or contents of any product or service mentioned. Š2016 National MS Society, New Jersey Metro Chapter

4 ARTS UNBOUND IS RECRUITING ARTISTS! Arts Unbound, a program for people living with disabilities who are interested in or currently pursuing a career as professional artists, is actively recruiting emerging artists with disabilities for their Artist Development Program. All the participants will be expected to commit to developing a career plan, participate in workshops and master classes, and learn how to approach galleries and retailers. Staff will conduct portfolio reviews, promote the participants’ work to galleries, boutiques, and other retailers; license works for reproduction; help artists build online portfolios; and host group art exhibits. If you are an artist interested in participating, contact Celene Ryan, Director of Artist Development at Arts Unbound at 973-675-2787 or You may send up to three examples of your best work, and please also share a little about yourself and your professional goals for the next year.


(CSA), made possible with a grant from the Kessler Foundation. Ten artists with disabilities receive a stipend and are asked to create 25 pieces of art for the program. Individuals and organizations purchase shares (25 are available) of the Art garden and receive 10 pieces of original art made by the disabled artists. You can find more information about Art Garden CSA on the web site

MEET MARIA: PARTICIPATING ARTIST LIVING WITH MS Maria Mineo is one of the ten artists participating in the Art Garden CSA. Maria first learned about Arts Unbound last year when she read a quarterly issue of MS Connection and was inspired to revive and redeploy the skills that the burdens of MS had suppressed. “Pain and fatigue didn’t stand in the way—instead, it became the inspiration for my work. Instead of pushing away the chronic disease, I embraced it as a vehicle to visually

Additionally, any artists wishing to submit fine or decorative artwork to Arts Unbound for gallery exhibits and/or sale are invited to contact Celene Ryan or view Calls for Art on their website: submit-artwork. Arts Unbound has another unique program, Art Garden Community Supported Art

Pictured above: Maria Mineo, Artist



express my unique experience. I found out that I could transform my experience—something so personal—into a universal message. I use photographs, scanned images and my actual MRI’s to create photo etchings. I visually examine how the brain is a physical, tangible organ that is the home of the mind—a powerful intangible limitless entity. In the series Mind Over Matter, I question the many ways life can alter the mind—and how the mind has the ability to transcend limits to find a deeper, darker and even richer place to create.”

Painful Progression, a photo etching by Maria Mineo The National MS Society helps people like Maria Mineo learn about resources and opportunities in the community. Maria is grateful that through MS Connection she discovered Arts Unbound and was motivated once again to express herself in her art and share it with the world! n

For information on adaptive exercise classes in your community, be sure to view the Chapter website often for class updates:

HOME MODIFICATION STORY COLLECTION SURVEY Have you recently considered or taken steps to make your home more accessible? Were costs of the modification a hindrance or burden? Some states offer tax credits to help people with disabilities make their homes more accessible. In New Jersey and across the country, the National MS Society and MS activists are working to pass home modification tax credit legislation and your story can help with these efforts. Please complete a short anonymous survey about your experiences with home modifications, from this website: If you have any questions or concerns on the legislation or our efforts, please contact Mara Brough, Senior Advocacy Manager for New Jersey, at or 267-765-5104. n

NURSING HOME LUNCHEON Jeanette and her husband, Johnny, attended the Annual Nursing Home Luncheon on June 17. They especially enjoyed the ‘Red, White and Blue’ theme and even wore matching colors! n

6 8 WAYS TO MANAGE AFTER LOSING YOUR JOB ADAPTED FROM STEVEN VISCUSI’S BOOK “HOW TO BULLET PROOF YOUR JOB.” Our last article focused on steps to take if you are afraid you might lose your job; but what can you do if you did actually lose your job? Whether you were laid off, fired, or even decided to leave a position on your own, the loss of a job can be overwhelming. To help ease you through the process we offer the following tips to assist you in moving forward. 1. Before you go, offer to your employer to work part time or per-diem as a consultant for needed projects. 2. Find out about your benefits and compensation options. Are you entitled to severance? Try to negotiate a package including paid medical costs for several months. 3. Don’t burn bridges! Be sure to take with you written references from supervisors, copies of past performance evaluations, any letters and/or e-mails from clients expressing positive feedback and a copy of your job description. 4. Once you have left, register with unemployment and your local OneStop office. Also, register with your local Vocational Rehabilitation office for possible training in another field or assistance with placement. 5. Enroll at temporary agencies to get work


on an as-needed basis. There may be jobs available that are not your ideal but they can get you through tough financial times. Also, it’s important to remember, you are always more marketable when you have a job than when you are unemployed. Keep your resume up to date! 6. Seek help if you are feeling down. Work is a large part of our identity. When someone has just been through a layoff, loss of this identity along with loss of income can cause some people to lose hope. The MS Society can connect you with counselors that you can talk to and help you through this difficult time. 7. Join a work support group. There is strength in numbers. Sometimes knowing you’re not alone and talking to others experiencing the same frustrations you are facing can give you the necessary support to help get you through this difficult time. There are groups out there that meet who are actively seeking employment. The group can provide support and job leads to members who have recently become unemployed. You can also check with your local MS chapter for a listing of MS support groups in your area. 8. Remember, whether or not you lose your job, being able to deal with any challenges that you encounter now will increase your self-confidence and help you face the next challenge, whatever it may be. If you have an employment question you would like answered, such as workplace disclosure, social security benefits, reasonable accommodations, or if you are thinking about returning to work and not sure where to start, we can help. Feel free to pose your questions directly to this email address:


NATIONALMSSOCIETY.ORG | 1-800-344-4867 and an Employment Specialist will respond within 48 hours. You can also call 1-800344-4867 for more assistance or visit www. Employment. n

OPPORTUNITIES TO PARTICIPATE IN RESEARCH STUDIES LOCALLY OR ONLINE You may be able to contribute to the understanding and treatment of MS by participating in a research study at a medical center or clinic. Some studies offer stipends or transportation; some are conducted entirely online. Eligibility requirements vary. For a list of research studies that may welcome your participation, see the Chapters website at NJM/Services-and-Support/Resources/LocalResearch-Studies. n

2016 WEBINAR & TELELEARNING SERIES BUILDING YOUR WELLNESS STRATEGIES The 2016 MS Webinar & Telelearning Series brings together a group of MS experts to help you build strategies for living your best life with MS. Each free webinar and telelearning program features two presenters with time for Q&A. Join us online or by phone on the second Tuesday of each month from 8:00 to 9:15 pm EDT. Topics and dates, subject to change, are: • August 9 – Mood in MS

• September 13 – Health Insurance • October 11 – Support Partners and Families • November 8 – Diet and Nutrition • December 13 – Importance of Sleep Registration for each webinar is required. For more information visit www.nationalmssociety. org/telelearning or call 1-800- 344-4867. If you are not able to view/listen to Can Do MS webinars live, visit Can Do MS’s webinar archives any time: n

SQUEAKY WHEELS SELF-HELP GROUP RECEIVES AWARD Members of the Chapter self-help group, Squeaky Wheels, received the “Passaic County Champions of Disability Award” on May 3. The group was selected by the Passaic County’s Board of Chosen Freeholders and the Advisory Council on Disability for providing encouragement and inspiration to individuals with disabilities and special needs, as well as for being role models of perseverance and determination for our peers. In the photo below, Janice Sangle is seated; she is joined by group members Janet Laycox, Nancy Meramo and Margie Catania. n

8 2016 PUBLIC POLICY CONFERENCE At this year’s annual meeting of the National MS Society’s Public Policy Conference (PPC) in Washington, DC, two dedicated NJ Metro volunteer activists (Tammy Quasius and her son Jacob, pictured below) joined the advocacy staff of the PPC for two days of educational programming and one day on Capitol Hill.

Activists learned from experts about our federal advocacy priorities and how to effectively share their stories with lawmakers. On Wednesday, March 16, 340 MS activists went to Capitol Hill and met with staff in nearly 400 congressional offices. MS activists asked for additional funding for MS research. We, the National MS Society advocacy staff and volunteer activists, asked Congress to provide $34.5 million for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the country’s premier medical research institution, in fiscal year 2017. We asked Congress for $10 million for FY 2017 for MS Congressional Directed Medical Research Programs (CDRMP), a program that funds


important and innovative research, different from and complementary to that of NIH. The last national study of incidence and prevalence of MS was done in 1975. Outdated data has made it difficult for scientists to determine if there are environmental triggers that influence the onset of MS. We asked our members of Congress to cosponsor and pass the Advancing Research for Neurological Conditions Act (H.R. 292/S. 849). This bill would create a centralized data collection system at the Centers for Disease Control to track prevalence and incidence data for people diagnosed with neurological conditions, including MS. The bill currently has broad bipartisan support, with around 35% of both the House and Senate signed on as cosponsors. The House included H.R. 292 in its 21st Century Cures Act, which passed the House in July 2015. The Senate Health Education Labor ad Pensions Committee unanimously approved S. 849 in February 2016. We will continue to advocate for this bill until its passage. Between 2004 and 2015, the average price of MS disease-modifying therapies increased 300%. We asked our members of Congress to request a hearing that focuses on the accessibility and affordability of medication from the perspective of the MS patient, emphasizing that it is important to listen to the voices of patients, so that together we can provide people with MS with the treatment they need. If you are interested in learning more about our legislative priorities or becoming an MS Activist, please visit http://www.nationalmssociety. org/Get-Involved/Advocate-for-Change or contact Mara Brough at (267) 765-5104 or n




PARTNERS IN MS CARE The National MS Society recognizes and supports quality MS care through a program called Partners in MS Care. This program involves healthcare professionals in the areas of neurology, mental health and rehabilitation. Healthcare professionals recognized as Partners in MS Care:

Ann Annarumma (pictured above with her husband Scott), was recently acknowledged at a reception by Novartis, as a dynamic and dedicated caregiver.


• demonstrate knowledge and experience in MS care, • have a special interest in treating people living with MS, and • work closely with the Society The most recent healthcare professional to achieve this status is Janet Browner, a licensed clinical social worker; in photo below, Janet (on the right) displays her Partner certificate with Chapter President Lisa Gallipoli.

When: Sunday, November 13, 2016 Where: The Renaissance Woodbridge Hotel 515 US-1 Iselin, NJ 08830 Registration required: registration will be open after Labor Day; visit the website often at n

WELLNESS DISCUSSION GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH MS AND THEIR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER This guide is designed to ensure that people with MS and their healthcare providers have the information and materials they need to engage in effective conversations and decision-making around wellness and lifestyle interventions. You can view and download the Guide from this link: wellnessguide. n

To learn more about the Partners in MS Care program, view the national MS Society website at: Treating-MS/Find-an-MS-Care-Provider/ Partners-in-MS-Care. n


A common effect of MS is impaired mobility including difficulty walking. Because of mobility challenges and other symptoms, people with MS may be at significant risk for falls and the potentially life-changing consequences of fall-related injuries. Studies have shown that approximately half of middle-aged and older individuals with MS experience at least one fall over a six-month period. Various physical symptoms place people with MS at risk of falling, but there are psychological risks as well. As MS changes over time and walking becomes more difficult, you may find that you resist accepting help. Being able to walk confidently and independently is important, so the idea of losing that independence may be frightening. Tools and tips that can prevent future falls will help to keep you more independent rather than take your independence away‌ being receptive to them is half the battle. The National MS Society (NMSS) addresses the issue of falls through a publication titled, Minimizing Your Risk of Falls, A Guide for People with MS. This publication can be downloaded from the NMSS website at: http://www. m e d i a / M S Na t i o n a l F i l e s / B r o c h u re s / Brochure-Minimizing-Your-Risk-of-Falls. pdf. In addition, The NJ Metro Chapter has compiled a list of programs throughout NJ that address falls prevention - most of these programs are associated with hospitals. To


receive this list and a copy of the above titled publication, contact an MS navigator at 1-800244-4867 and ask for the NJ Falls prevention program list and the NMSS publication; or send an email to n


MS Activists received MS Awareness proclamations from their county freeholders during MS Awareness Week in March. Janice Sangle is featured with the Passaic County Freeholders above; Roseanne and Ira Dawer are featured in the photo below with the Morris County Freeholders. n



A LETTER TO SCHOLARSHIP DONORS It is with eyes full of tears and a heart full of gratitude that I write this letter. I am a 35-year-old mom of two children, Jason and Jocelyn. When they were born, I was working while pursuing a degree in business administration. However, when my youngest was about six months old, I was taking her for a walk when my legs began to feel heavy and I fell. I began a two-year journey of testing and seeing specialists, with no answers until I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2012. I knew my children were growing up. They were so full of life and I felt like my life was being sucked from me one nerve cell at a time.

from home that might possibly be a charity for people with disabilities due to autoimmune disease. So when I opened the letter yesterday saying I had been awarded a scholarship from the National MS Society, I nearly fell to the floor (and not because of a relapse!). If paper could talk, you would hear my screams of happiness. I want to share with my children that there are still amazing people in this world and that their mom just encountered some of that greatness. I have such joy and hope in my heart right now because getting my degree was something I didn’t think was possible and now, because of you, it is possible. With the biggest heart, I thank you.

- Sydonnie McMillian 2016 Scholarship Recipient n


I continued with school, but I could not work anymore. Then, even with Social Security Disability Insurance, I could no longer afford school. My financial aid and loans had run out and, as I wasn’t working, my credit was not good enough to secure a private loan. My school could only offer a payment plan. I convinced myself that I didn’t need a degree because my life was now going to be centered around MS. But I knew in my heart that I wanted that degree, and that I wanted to start a business

The Chapter’s Annual Scholarship reception was held on June 4. Scholars and family members are joined by the Chapter President, Lisa Gallipoli and several Board Trustees. n



Celebrating 70 Years of the National MS Society

September 21, 2016 ~ Maritime Parc, Jersey City

SAVE THE DATE! Join us on September 21, 2016 at Maritime Parc, Jersey City to celebrate 70 years of the National MS Society and to honor and recognize those who are leaders in both their corporate citizenship and community contributions.

MUSICAL MOMENTS FOR MS Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, performed at the 12th Musical Moments event at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center on June 16 for a sold-out crowd. The event, chaired by Lee and Murray Kushner, raised over $1,400,000 for the National MS Society. Honorees included Peter Dowling, MD; Steve Kalafer and Kevin Cummings.

This year’s Honorees include Bayer, Rosemarie Collopy and Bonnie Higgins. For more information please contact:

Alexis Stone 201.977.2459


Pictured Above: (From left to right) Stuart Cook, MD, Steve Kalafur, Lee Kushner, Amanda Gruber, Peter Dowling, MD, Murray Kushner, and Kevin Cummings

Pictured Above: (From left to right) Lee & Murray Kushner



BIKE MS: COAST THE COAST On May 21 and 22, more than 1,200 cyclists, volunteers and sponsors joined us in celebrating the 25th Anniversary ride of Bike MS: Coast the Coast! Beginning at Monmouth University, cyclists of all ages and riding abilities pedaled their way on flat terrain along the New Jersey shore, passing through seaside towns and enjoying beautiful coastal views. The funds raised by Bike MS support programs available to the more than 11,000 people with MS and fund cutting-edge research. The Bike MS team would like to thank The Vitamin Shoppe, team captains, cyclists, volunteers and sponsors who this made this more than just a ride. We are in awe of your passion, your camaraderie and your rugged determination as you slogged through the rain. Save the Date: Bike MS: Coast the Coast on May 20th and 21st, 2017!

A special thank you to Anne Matthews, Bike MS Ambassador, 2016. Your enthusiasm and generosity is infectious!

BIKE MS: COUNTRY CHALLENGE September 17 & 18, 2016 25- 50- 62- and 100 - mile route options Morristown, NJ This ride offers a one or two-day cycling adventure on some of NJ’s prettiest back roads, past historic towns and around The Great Swamp. There are routes for riders of all cycling. Whether you aim to test your limits or just enjoy a pleasant ride with friends, Bike MS: Country Challenge is for you!



Congratulations to our 2016 Top Team and Individual Fundraisers!

NEARLY 10,000 WALKERS & VOLUNTEERS PARTICIPATED IN WALK MS 2016! On Saturday, April 16 and Sunday, April 17, walkers and volunteers joined the movement at eleven scenic locations in northern and central New Jersey for Walk MS. They came together to show their support for friends, family and coworkers with MS, strolling through picturesque parks and enjoying beautiful views of the ocean or the incomparable New York City skyline. The Walk MS team thanks all of our team captains, team members, individual and virtual walkers, volunteers, sponsors and staff for making the walk such a stunning success. The funds raised by Walk MS support medical research and the many programs offered to more than 11,000 people living with MS in northern and central New Jersey. Last year, your fundraising efforts contributed to the $1,171,051 the New Jersey Metro Chapter donated to research studies being conducted right here in New Jersey!

TOP INDIVIDUALS: Nicole Eiszner $64,368 Laura Cohen $46,685 Theodore Bargstadt $24,425 Michael Weiss $16,465 Kristin Decker $15,001 Hillary Kindman $13,989 Robert Zirlin $11,021 $10,280 Kimberly Davis Nicole Pica $9,256 Michele Cordasco $9,220 TOP TEAMS: Team Name Captain $ Total Nicole Eiszner $70,187 Motley Crew Mitzvah Squad Laura Cohen $52,539 Ted’s Team Theodore Bargstadt $24,600 All Hands on Deck Kristin Decker $23,311 Team Greengrass Carla Greengrass $22,648 Michele Cordasco $20,490 Team Fitz Falk’s Walkers Rich Falk $18,350 For the Love of Zide Kimberly Davis $17,991 Team Weiss Michael Weiss $17,657 Attitude is Everything Nicole Pica $17,646 An additional thank you is due to our Premier National Sponsor, Novartis Pharmaceuticals; our National Sponsor Genentech; and our local sponsors Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Foodtown, Walgreens, and Toufayan Bakeries. Walk MS 2016 was a great success because of support and contributions like theirs.




ABefore MUCKY GREAT TIME! the event, New Jersey was voted Best Mud in America. On June 25th-26th at MuckFest® MS

New Jersey, we proved it! With the best mucking weather imaginable, over 5,600 muckers and their teams from across the Northeast region converged on West Orange and made the 2016 event the BIGGEST MuckFest MS New Jersey EVER! To date, $536,000 has been raised. There was love at the finish line with a muddy marriage proposal. There were epic spills and acrobatic thrills. We saw fantastic teams and “Mermicorns” and other mythical mud creatures, who emerged from the new orange changing pods transformed and ready to hoist their Traveler Beers at McCloone’s Boathouse. Well done, muckers, and thank you! Sincere thanks for the enthusiastic support (and awesome dance moves) from the dedicated crew of over 250 volunteers. Big thanks to our Local Presenting Sponsor, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, who again this year made a muscular showing with over 200 muckers. Special thanks to our additional local sponsors including: Nomura, Genzyme, TEVA, FED EX, Jake’s Candy, Biogen, JAG Physical Therapy, and ACE RX Specialty & Compounding. Thanks also to Essex County South Mountain Reservation for being such an awesome event host. And thanks to AbbVie for providing the space for people affected by MS to show that MS WILL KNOT DEFEAT US, especially when we come together like we did at Muckfest 2016!

Pictured above: Michael Rentner, 2016 Muckfest MS Ambassador

Pictured above: 2016 Top Fundraising Team, Hermann Mudsters

Pictured above: Tobias Shraven 2016 Top Fundraiser,

Pictured above: Presenting Sponsor, Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield of NJ


New Jersey Metro Chapter 1480 U.S. Highway 9 N Suite 301 Woodbridge, NJ 07095


challengewalkMS or 800.344.4867

Once in a while, a challenge calls that you simply must answer. Challenge Walk MS is the perfect way to embrace a personal challenge of spirit and strength, while making an important difference in the lives of people living with MS. Call 800.344.4867 or go to to learn more about this extraordinary event.

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