9 minute read
Convening and building businesses together.
By the numbers:
Member business employees: (In 2022 fiscal year.)
Others | 17.7% Professional/Scientific/Technical Services | 14.9% Health Care & Social Assistance | 9.6% Finance/Accounting/Insurance | 9.1% Retail/Retail Trade | 7.7% Accommodation & Food Service | 6.6% Arts/Entertainment/Recreation | 6.2% Manufacturing | 6.0% Non-Profit | 5.5% Advertising/Marketing/PR | 4.3% Education Services | 1.4%
0 20 40 60 80
17.7 %
14.9 %
9.6 % 9.1 % 7.7 % 6.6 % 6.2 % 6.0 % 5.5 %
1.4% 4.3%
Number of employees
0 1-5 6-20 51-50 51-100 100+
133 members
65 members
122 members
280 members
133 members
352 members
The Chamber’s consultative approach to government affairs work focuses on convening key players to work on solving problems and improving opportunities in our community. Staff expertise includes real world public service at all levels of government and is uniquely qualified to help members with their concerns and issues when interacting with their elected representatives. This past year legislative and grassroots efforts focused on the need for housing, talent sourcing, improved trade, the protection of the environment, and passenger rail service being extended across Wisconsin.
From left to right: Joe Shacter, Amtrak’s Senior Manager-State Corridors, and Derrick James, Amtrak’s Senior Manager of Government Affairs meet with Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich.
Wisconsin Representatives Kristina Shelton and Joel Kitchens discuss an issue at a Greater Green Bay Chamber (BYO) Lunch With Legislators event.
This annual online-only publication provides an analytic look at Greater Green Bay, that includes data on top employers, education, demographics, and more. Both businesses and community members alike can utilize this resource to assist in business and talent attraction efforts.
The 2022 edition of Community Snapshot included a refreshed design and page layout. The revamped Table of Contents breaks the publication into identifiable ‘Live’, ‘Work’, and ‘Play’ sections. Additionally, each ad and website is linked allowing the reader a more interactive experience.
Who/what can it be used for?
• HR recruiters/Talent Development Managers • Realtors • Businesses looking to expand in Brown County
To help us assess our programs, events, and benefits, we invited our members to participate in a survey in April.
Survey responses will be used to assist in organizational planning, guiding us to a successful future while also delivering members the value they expect.
What brings you the most value as a Chamber member?
How do you find out about Chamber events, programs, and initiatives?
0.22% 15%
7% 54%
Networking/relationship building | 54% Business development | 7% Professional development | 13% Marketing | 7% Cost-saving programs | 0.22% Community support | 15% Talent development | 4%
15% 9%
28% 46%
Social media | 46% Member2Member e-newsletter | 34% Membership Matters e-newsletter | 32% Word of mouth | 28% The Business News | 15% Chamber website | 29% Collective Impact magazine | 15% Other | 9%
Collective Impact
New changes made:
• New paper stock • Members telling their story through editorials • Immersive digital experience with click throughs on ads and website links • You can now pick up a copy at Bosse’s Newstand in downtown Green Bay
Success found in collaboration of print and digital
An enhanced promotion plan encourages readers to read the magazine in whatever format suits them. The digital experience now includes all websites, QR codes, and advertisements linked to benefit both readers and advertisers.
VIEW ALL ISSUES HERE: Community Conversations premiered its first episode on January 25, 2022. The series, which releases a new episode every month, was created to build awareness about the people, purpose, and activities of our region. Each episode is hosted Chamber President & CEO, Laurie Radke, and features an impactful community leader who shares stories about their life, their business, and their professional journey.
Total views: 1,057
(from 9/1/21 – 8/31/22)
The Chamber has a total of seven episodes that premiered during the fiscal year. Guests have included:
• Brown County Executive Troy Streckenbach • Steve Van Remortel, Founder/CEO of MyTalentPlanner, Inc. and Stop The Vanilla, LLC. • Bobbi Webster, Director of Public Relations for Oneida
Nation • Susan Finco, President of Leonard & Finco Public Relations • Mark Skogen, President of Festival Foods • Mark Murphy, President and CEO of the Green Bay Packers
To further our efforts of building prosperous businesses and a thriving community, we were excited to launch our newly designed website in November 2021.
What you’ll find
As a convener in the community, the digital presence of the Chamber needs to clearly communicate the role our organization plays and to enable our members to better understand our purpose.
The redesigned site includes a more seamless and aesthetically pleasing user experience, plus improved functionality and navigation.
Other website improvements
and community residents alike, the refreshed website allows viewers the opportunity to gain knowledge on the many events, programming, initiatives, and committee offerings the Chamber has available.
Revamped website imagery showcases our thriving community including its historic downtowns, waterfront, nature trails, and iconic Green Bay Area landmarks. Guided by engaging written content, the enhanced images capture the energy and prosperity of our community and its residents.
Our website is the vehicle for telling our story and the website refresh provides the framework for communicating that to the public, thus enhancing the value and experience of our members. We believe the site is an excellent resource for employers in Greater Green Bay and will complement their existing efforts to benefit the community as a whole.
We encourage you to visit the site, peruse upcoming events, read our blog, and learn more about enhancing your membership with the Greater Green Bay Chamber.
Talent Day
Sept. 7-8, 2021
Annual Dinner
Sept. 28, 2021
Driving Growth Greater Green Bay Economic Development Strategic Plan Update
Nov. 11, 2021
Virtual Workshop: Focus on Control
Dec. 2, 2021
Future 15 & Young Professional Awards
Feb. 24, 2022
Find Your Inspiration- Spring
March 8, 2022
Greater Green Bay Made
March 30, 2022
Golden Apple Awards
Program April 20, 2022
Job Fair
April 28, 2022
Business Recognition Luncheon
June 7, 2022
41st Annual Golf Classic
Aug. 15, 2022
Welcome Back Packers Luncheon
Aug. 24, 2022
Celebrating Manufacturing Month
Significant research has shown that manufacturing is the driver of a healthy and vibrant economy. For every dollar of manufacturing value created in the United States, $3.60 in additional economic activity is generated.
Additionally, every manufacturing job created in our country leads to approximately 3.4 non-manufacturing jobs to take a product from start to finish. In Greater Green Bay we are fortunate so many great manufacturers have chosen to build, develop, and make many of the products we use and rely on every day. Manufacturing impacts our lives directly and indirectly in so many ways.
Each October, the Greater Green Bay Chamber celebrates Manufacturing Month. It is the chance for us to highlight the many contributions that manufacturing makes to Greater Green Bay, our state, and our nation. As our region has seen the expansion and growth of its manufacturing sector, it is good to be reminded of what we often take for granted.
The October 2021 celebration event consisted of:
• 8 videos posted to YouTube featuring event sponsors and manufacturers. A video from Chamber President and CEO was also shared, where she highlights the importance and impact that manufacturing has on Greater Green Bay. • Multiple editorials from Chamber members in the Chamber’s Fall 2021 Collective Impact magazine • Multiple social posts across Chamber social channels promoting the month and featured videos.
Greater Green Bay Made - March 30, 2022
This event is an opportunity to learn from a recognized industry leader about innovative manufacturing products and ideas being developed throughout Greater Green Bay and allows attendees to view a demonstration, interact with a product, or sample a product made in our community!
Talent Day - Sept. 8, 2021
In response to the challenges facing Greater Green Bay, and other communities across the country, to meet the talent needs of business and industry, the Chamber launched a new multi-day event called Talent Day. Special guest speaker and recognized author, Chris Czarnik, served as the highlight of the event, along with an update to the community on new initiatives and the unveiling of a community brand and talent attraction website, Your Move Green Bay.
Ceremonial big scissors in hand, Chamber staff, alongside ambassadors and other invited guests, celebrated as the ribbon was cut for more than 30 businesses in Greater Green Bay. These groundbreakings and ribbon cuttings are an opportunity to help Chamber members commemorate their success, growth, and helps bring awareness to their business.
The Chamber’s Annual Dinner is a special event each year where we gather together to honor Chamber members and the many volunteers who make the Chamber successful. Recipients of the Daniel Whitney, Chamber Ambassador of the Year, and nationally recognized ATHENA Leadership Award are also honored.
ATHENA Leadership Award: Bobbi Webster
Daniel Whitney Award: Jim Knopf
Ambassador of the Year: Kasha Huntowski
The 2022 Business Recognition Luncheon recognized Greater Green Bay individuals’ and companies’ achievements, growth, innovation, and exceptional business practices.
Business Person of the Year: Garritt Bader
Cornerstone Award: GLC Minerals
Entrepreneurial Award: ChemDirect
Growth Award: Pilotsmith Inc.
Special Accomplishment Award Pandemic Response: Healthcare Collaboration