1 minute read
A health plan that works for your budget and your employees?
Now, we’re talking.
In untraditional times like these, a traditional health plan may not be the best fit for your business — so consider taking a closer look at All Savers® Alternate Funding from UnitedHealthcare. Designed with small businesses in mind, this level-funded plan offers exemption from most Affordable Care Act regulations, wellness programs to help employees get healthier and the potential for a refund if your claims are lower than expected.* All Savers from UnitedHealthcare. Now, we’re talking.
Get a no-obligation quote before you renew. To learn more, visit uhc.com/Wisconsin or talk to your broker or UnitedHealthcare representative.
*Please consult a tax and/or legal advisor to determine if, by receiving this surplus refund, there are any restrictions or obligations, or whether the surplus refund is taxable. Administrative services provided by United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates. Stop-loss insurance is underwritten by All Savers Insurance Company (except MA, MN, and NJ), UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company in MA and MN and UnitedHealthcare Life Insurance Company in NJ. 3100 AMS Blvd., Green Bay, WI 54313 (800) 291-2634. B2B EI20326432.0 9/20 © 2020 United HealthCare Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 20-326433