2 minute read






• 4 avocados, halved with the seed removed

• 8 large eggs

• Salt and pepper to taste

• Freshly chopped chives


Lightly coat a baking sheet with nonstick spray.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Slice avocados in half and remove the pits.

Scoop out the flesh of the avocados, creating a dip in each one, place on a baking sheet.

Keeping the yolk intact, slide into each center of each avocado.

Season to taste.

Bake until eggs have set but are still slightly runny, about 15 minutes.

Garnish with chives, or see our options for extras.

EGGstraordinary Options:

You can try all sorts of garnishes, from bacon bits to tiny chopped peppers, herbs, tomatoes or even your favorite cheese.

By Deidre Davis, MSU Federal Credit Union’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications

Helping children establish positive money management habits early will start them on the path to becoming financially savvy adults. Whether you have children of your own or children in your life you want to support, you can play a role in teaching the next generation how to make sound financial decisions. Here are some ways to start.

If the child in your life doesn’t already have a savings account, it’s a great idea to open one. From there, you can teach them the fundamentals of saving money through the practice of creating savings goals.

You can encourage them to set a goal of saving a certain amount of money each week. For instance, they could save $2 each week, reaching more than $100 in a year. Plus, by putting these funds into a dividend earning savings accounts, they will earn more throughout the year. Make money managemen t an early prac tice.

Allow children to make deposits, withdraw money, and purchase items using funds in their accounts to put their new saving skills into practice. This will not only teach basic money management skills but will also give them a sense of ownership and control over their earnings.

C hoose an accoun t t ha t can grow wit h your child.

The Credit Union offers youth accounts that provide the tools and resources to start the savings process and make learning financial basics fun and interactive. There are five youth account levels:

• Sweet Pea (0-2 years)

• Dollar Dog (3-6 years)

• Cyber Saver (7-10 years)

• Money Club (11-13 years)

• CU Succeed (14-17 years)

After opening an account, youth account members receive a free gift and can participate in contests, special events, and enjoy access to free gaming apps. In addition, all youth account members have access to an online Youth Store, and receive one virtual coin for every $10 deposited into their accounts. They can then redeem these coins for a variety of gifts and prizes in the MSUFCU Youth Store. For more information, visit msufcu.org or stop by a branch today.

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