As spring draws its new breath and the season begins to show its signs of bloom and rebirth, this edition of Capital Area Women’s LifeStyle Magazine is dedicated to all things home and garden.
safe by checking to see what elderly family members, friends and neighbors need and doing our best to help them when possible.
It’s been heartwarming to We can get through this by staying With the cancellation watch the social informed, following protocols and or postponement of so response to this many events in the region crisis on Facebook. keeping our community in mind. due to COVID-19, you’ll I’ve seen offers be spending more time to take care of in your home. Take this children due to the time to de-stress and do a little dreaming closing of schools, the sharing of essential about the changes you would make if you supplies and more. We can learn a lot could. Read the inspiring story of our cover from this. A friend group of mine gathered woman, Cheryl Underwood, on how she together to get Meijer gift cards for families rebuilt after a house fire to bring the home and students who may have trouble finding of her dreams to life. the necessary resources while school is out. They raised over $800 in a very short time. As for the coronavirus, it’s important at this This is just one of many situations where time that we remember to treat each other wonderful people are doing what they can to well. While we certainly should not panic, help others. Be kind always. it is vital that we take into consideration Finally, keep small businesses, event recommendations from the CDC to keep organizers, hospitality enterprises, healthcare ourselves and others healthy. Also crucial workers and others in your hearts. With is keeping our high-risk, elderly population
events canceled, businesses feeling the effects of lost business and lost income for others; times are most certainly tough. There are still ways to support your local businesses and finding them is critical to keep our local economy going. Here’s to spring being a time of hope in our region. We can get through this by staying informed, following protocols and keeping our community in mind. ■
In good health,
Tiffany Dowling
APRIL 2020