Our Digital Programme - 23/24

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Our Digital Programme


Improving the lives of staff and service users through improved digital developments and high quality data.

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 2
Continuous engagement and getting involved What does this mean for me: Service users Clinicians Non-clinical teams Programme oversight and resourcing Contents 07 10 12 14 16 Foreward Introduction and vision National direction of travel and what this means for us Our Digital Programme 2023/24 (on a page) Our approachHow we will deliver Our approachWhat we will deliver Getting the basics right Transforming how we work Identifying and implementing innovative solutions to how we work 18 20 22 04 26 24 28 30 32 Our Digital Programme 2023/24 3


“It is absolutely clear to me, that whilst we aspire to greatness in our approach to digital, unless we invest in our staff and getting the digital basics right, we will never be able to reap the rewards and fullfill our organisational potential from our investment in digital.”

“We are on a journey to being an organisation where digital tools and innovations enable and empower our staff and improve the lives of our service users, and the use of data helps us understand, reflect on and improve the service we deliver every day.“

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 4
“We can’t underestimate the benefits of this programme; we want to put digital, data and tech at the heart of transforming our services.
The NHS faces unprecedented challenges, and we need new ways of working to support our staff, service users, their carers and communities we serve – embracing this agenda will give us the best chance of doing so”
Our Digital Programme 2023/24 5
Suzanne Robinson, Chief Finance Officer

Introduction and vision

Our last Digital Strategy ran until March 2022 – we achieved so much throughout this three years period, some of which we didn’t plan for!

The disruption that COVID-19 brought meant we pushed at much greater pace with the introduction of technology – we wouldn’t ever have believed the extent to which we are now reliant on providing care or conducting business over video. But we must take this great learning and use it as a platform from which to grow further.

The are so many opportunities that can be unlocked with technology and data, and we want to use this Digital Programme to springboard us into the publication of a new Strategy in 2024/25 that will sit alongside our new Trust Strategy.

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 7

Our key achievements include:

Organisation wide adoption of Microsoft Teams and video consultations

Migration of Wigan services onto a new clinical system (Rio to Paris)

Electronic Prescribing roll out commenced

Greater Manchester Care Record embedded within our clinical system Paris

Introduction of a new printer solution

Series of pilots including digital dictation, electronic observations

Exciting Digital package for the New North View Development

Implementation of Tableau and PowerBI which brings real time data to the fingertips of our clinicians

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 8

Improving lives means enabling everyone to reach their full potential through the use of the best technological solutions and high-quality data.

We will achieve this through our Digital Programme by: Getting the basics right

Transforming how we work

Identifying and implementing innovative solutions

Building on this, our vision is to improve the lives of staff and service users through improved digital developments.
Our Digital Programme 2023/24 9

National direction of digital travel and what this means for us

There have been a number of national documents published that set the clear direction of travel for NHS Digital services. All highlight the need to tackle inequalities, shift towards prevention and utilize innovation to change models of care and optimize the finite resources of the NHS.

The recent plan for Digital Health and Social Care pledged to:

• Equip the system digitally for better care

• Support independent healthy lives

• Accelerate adoption of proven tech

• Develop Digital Maturity to support the What Good Looks Like (WGLL) framework

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 10

In response to this, by the end of this Digital Programme we intend to:

• Set the firm foundations for growth of our digital maturity

• Make improvements to our clinical system Paris

• Maintain our accreditations that demonstrate our services are digitally sound (cyber essentials+, ISO27001, DSP Toolkit, Secure Email Accreditation)

• Have a Mental Health Digital Innovation Hub in place that explores solutions for the operational and clinical problems we face

• Have a clear approach to data quality and improvements in data reporting


Our vision is to improve the lives of staff and service users through improved digital developments. the use of the best technological solutions and high quality data. We will achieve this through


Our Key Strategic

1 Improving our Clinical Systems

2 Growing our digital workforce

3 Becoming Health Digital

Our Design

For our

• Digital solutions to improve my outcomes

• Digital by choice not by instruction

• Improving my experience – quick, efficient, organized and person-centred

• Helping me take charge of my recovery

• Protect my data, make it accessible and let me control its use

• Having a reliable and stable

• Have the equipment to

• Release time to care / engage

• Have high quality and accurate better decisions

• Provide training and support technology and systems

our service users Our Vision Getting the basics right
Our Digital Programme 2023/24 12


Transforming how we work

Strategic Themes

Identifying and implementing innovative solutions

Becoming a Mental Digital Innovator

4 Optimising Our Digital Systems

5 Partnership Working and Data Integration

Design Principles

our staff

For our stakeholders

• Bring best practise to GMMH and work with others to share our successes

• Integrate our systems around the patient

• Use shared data to drive reductions in Health Inequalities

developments. Improving lives means enabling everyone to reach their full potential through through our Improvement Plan by: stable network   do my job engage with people accurate data to make support to help me use systems

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 13

Our approachHow we will deliver

The ‘how’ is just as important as the ‘what’. We will use tools from Agile Methodology to underpin our approach to getting the basics right, transformation and innovation. We will ensure that work led or undertaken by digital teams is firmly embedded with clinical and operational partners.

Core Agile Principles (GDS, 2016)

• Focus on user needs

• Deliver iteratively

• Keep improving how our team works

• Fail fast and learn quickly

• Keep planning

Our framework for delivery covers three pillars

Getting the basics right

Transforming how we work

Identifying and implementing innovative solutions

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 14

Our approachWhat we will deliver

We have five Key Strategic Themes within the Digital Programme

Improving our Clinical Systems

This means continuing to develop our clinical system PARIS through the introduction of new functionalities with a modernised look and more user friendly and intuitive feel.

Growing our Digital Workforce

Digital technology is integrated into our everyday lives. As technology is evolving rapidly, we want our workforce to be fully competent, confident and capable in its use in the workplace to make their lives easier.

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 16
1 2

Become a Mental Health Digital Innovator

We believe that meaningful change also depends on innovations that increase engagement, facilitate integration, and focus on quality and safety. And if they are to make a substantial impact on our service users care, innovations will need to address the needs of people with serious mental illness, a population largely neglected by many entrepreneurs.


Optimising Our Digital Systems

We want to use digital technology and applications to improve our existing business processes, workforce efficiency, enhance service user experience, and launch new products.


Partnership Working and Data Integration

Focusing on how a partnership approach to the development and delivery of digital solutions using the power of integrated high-quality data to drive our decision making and understanding. Our Digital Programme 2023/24 17

“It would be great to get the basics right, ie Paris loading within two minutes of turning your computer on...it would be great...it would make such a difference...”

Getting the basics right

What will we deliver?

Strong digital foundations are a platform for long-term transformation, and they need investment. We need to ensure our foundations are sound, from which we can build...

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 18

Outcome measure

Improvement in feedback on clinical system from Q1 to Q4.

Develop a Digital Literacy Framework by July 2023.

All new starters to be trained in Digital Literacy Level 1 by March 2024.

Ensure all staff have access to devices to do their job – Policy, audit and compliance by December 2023.

Stable and secure Wi-Fi and investment to NHS Connectivity Standards – December 2023

Effective Risk Management System Implemented by March 2024.

Reduction of 10% of incidents relating to paperbased practice by March 2024.

Agree a standardised Data Operating Model/ Naming Convention for the Trust by June 2023.

Improve the Data Capture and Data Quality for EDI by December 2023

Develop a Data Quality Assurance Rating for the Trust Performance Report by March 2024.

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 19

Transforming how we work

What will we deliver?

The world of care provision is constantly changing, we want to make sure we are maximising the benefits of digital technology in enabling change for the better.

“Would be good to streamline data on Paris so patient information is easy to find, rather than in multiple care documents.”
Our Digital Programme 2023/24 20
Consultant, GMMH

Outcome measure

Complete the roll out of Electronic Prescribing to 50% of inpatient wards by March 2024.

Develop the Business Case for CITO (document management) by September 2023.

Implement the new seclusion module by August 2023

Agree approach for use of Hive by GMMH staff with MFT by end November 2023.

Implement order comms Salford Trust by January 2024

Develop a Directory of Digital Training Resources by March 2024

50 service users supported with the provision of devices for their care and treatment by March 2024

Increase usage of MAST by 10% by March 2024.

Increase the scope and coverage of the GMCR by March 2024.

Agree a Digital Partnership Agreement with GMMH (Service and R&I) and the University of Manchester by March 2024.

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Identifying and implementing innovative solutions to how we work

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 22

Outcome measure

Establish a Mental Health Digital Innovation Hub by September 2023.

Roll out Digital Dictation to an additional 200 users across the Trust by March 2024.

Roll out physical health e-Observations to inpatient settings by March 2024

Assess the feasibility of Digital Therapeutic Observations Tool for the Trust Improvement Plan by February 2024

Introduce RPA solution to support the staff onboarding process by March 2024.

Develop a state of the art Digital Specification for the North View Project by March 2024

Develop an approach to patient portals in collaboration with PCFT by March 2024

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 23

Continuous engagement and getting involved

We have engaged across the organisation and with partners as we have developed this programme, this has included:

• Feedback from the Trust Improvement Plan

• Organisation wide surveys – we received over 140 responses. Over 70% of respondents said network connectivity was the most important thing

• Clinical Forums

The success of the programmes will be reliant on continued engagement and co-production. If you’d like to get involved please contact GMMHDigital@gmmh.nhs.uk

Good network connectivity (WiFi)

Having a device to do my job

Systems that talk to each other


100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
that are easy to use Data in an easy to understand format Improvements to Paris Other 97 45 82 30 61 46 18 49 Our Digital Programme 2023/24 24
Training to use my
“…Need to ensure digital innovation/delivering the Digital Strategy is woven into the actions within the Improvement Plan so that staff are able see the alignment between the two.”
Staff member, GMMH

What does this mean for me?

Service users

It means by using digital solutions, I get to receive my care in a way that is convenient and works for me.

The Trust keeps my data safe.

I can access new and better ways of receiving my care because I know the Trust is adopting new innovations and technologies.

The Trust supports me so that I can access care in the way that suits me best.

Making all the different systems talk to one another, means I don’t have to repeat my story over and over again.

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 26

“From a care perspective, it is important for the Trust to keep their digital offerings up to date with the wider world.

Currently, people are using digital platforms for everything from banking to their weekly shopping and social interactions. It just makes sense to offer the option to the same with our care.

It is also important to understand that not one option fits all, some people will take comfort in remaining with face to face interactions with their care professionals, but others will embrace the new ways of digitally managing their care needs” Dan,

service user representative


I have the tools to do my work easily and efficiently.

I can access training and support to use digital tools and equipment when I need it.

We are starting to focus on data driven decision making – we need to look forward to what our population needs.

I can be confident we have a way to respond to our ideas for improvement and innovation in this field.

By being involved in this agenda I know that digital innovations are safe, effective and right for my patients.

I am part of a forward looking organisation that adopts new technologies and treatments in a safe and agile way.

What does this mean for me?
Our Digital Programme 2023/24

“Improved digital systems seems to be the only way to offer patient centred care that is better while also allowing staff to work in a collaborative and more efficient manner.”


What does this mean for me?

Non-clinical teams

I have the right device to do my job.

I can connect to my systems whether I am working from home or an office base.

The systems I use are fit for purpose and easy for me to use; if I have a disability, I will be provided with the right equipment to support me to do my job.

I know how to give feedback or suggestions on how to improve things and my comments are welcomed and considered.

I am supported to develop my digital literacy skills.

Our Digital Programme 2023/24 30

“Joining up all systems used within GMMH, so the data is accurate/correct in all systems, to minimise errors and removes manual processes to update one or more systems at a time.”

team staff member, GMMH


Programme oversight and resourcing

• We have committed £1.5m capital to deliver the programme

• We have committed to the resourcing of a new Mental Health Digital Innovation Hub

• We have established five Programme Groups to oversee delivery of the work

• The Digital Strategy for 2024/27 will be developed alongside the new Trust Strategy

Trust Executive Management Board Digital Transformation Board Paris Group People and Culture Group Innovation Group Digital Optimisation Group Partnership and Data Group
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Programme Group Structure
Our Digital Programme 2023/24 33


us achieve our goal of continued engagement and co-production.
Our Digital Programme 2023/24 34
Please contact GMMHDigital@gmmh.nhs.uk

0161 773 9121


Please contact us if you require support with this information, including other languages, audiotape, Braille or larger print.

Reference: GMMH453

Date: 11/07/2023

Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Contact us Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, Bury New Road, Prestwich, M25 3BL
To get involved with GMMH and/or share your views, please scan the QR code or visit www.gmmh.nhs. uk/get-involved

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