2 minute read
Welcome to the 2019/2020 Annual Report for Greater Shepparton City Council.
This report provides a comprehensive account of Council’s achievements, challenges and aspirations for the future. The Victorian Local Government Act (1989) requires all Councils to present an Annual Report to the Minister by 30 September each year. This year with the impact of COVID-19 all Victorian councils were granted an extension of time until 30 November 2020.
The report details our performance against our commitments as set out in the Council Plan 2017–2021 and provides an analysis of our financial performance. This report also demonstrates the breadth of our operations and the diversity of services delivered on a daily basis to the Greater Shepparton communities.
The Annual Report is also an opportunity to acknowledge all of the great things that have been happening across the municipality and note the challenges that have marked the year. We hope you enjoy reading about the 2019/2020 year and we thank our community for their continued support and direction.
How the Annual Report integrates with our planning, reviewing and reporting
The diagram below details how planning, measurement and reporting are undertaken at Council.
Annual Report How have we gone
Council Plan Vision, Goals & Strategies
Strategic Resource Plan Resource allocations
Business Plans What, how, who and why
Annual Budget How services and projects will be funded
The Council Plan, developed in consultation with our community, details the vision, goals and strategies to guide Council’s actions and work over a four-year period. The Strategic Resource Plan describes how key actions and strategies will be resourced over the four years, while the Annual Budget sets out funding for projects and services to be undertaken over 12 months.
Departmental Business Plans provide the road map as to how services and projects will be delivered and sets out key performance indicators to be achieved.
The Annual Report describes progress in achieving the overall goals of the Council Plan and reports the results at the end of each financial year.
How to Read this Report
This Report is designed to serve both the needs of our community in informing them of what we’ve been doing, how we’ve followed through on the Council Plan and how we performed over the past 12 months, as well as to meet legislative requirements. The Report presents the information that our community might find most interesting at the start of the report, with information that is more detailed and specific such as the financial report, contained towards the back of the document.
The Report is divided into:
Part One - Overview
Find out all about Greater Shepparton and your Council.
Part Two - Performance Report
Details how we have set about achieving the goals of the Council Plan. Includes what we have undertaken to achieve leadership, economic, social, and environmental outcomes, and the capital works we have completed over the last financial year as well as our Sustainability Report.
Part Three - Governance Report
Presents the corporate governance and statutory information.
Part Four - Financial Report
Presents the audited performance and financial statements detailing our financial performance over the last financial year. A quick and easy-toread summary of the finances is provided to make the finances easy to understand and transparent.
Giving Feedback
We are really eager to hear any thoughts or ideas regarding the Annual Report. If there is information that you think needs to be included or any ideas of how we can improve the report please let us know -