Picture This on Campus... GTN College Speakers 2011/2012
s i e r u t c i p g i b e h t , s For u
. t n e v E l u f s s e c c u Your S
A line that wraps around the auditorium.
Standing room only. Buzz around campus, from the student newspaper to national publications. An energized student body engaged in dialogue. A faculty of impressed administrators and professors. For over 30 years, we’ve helped colleges and universities around the globe meet and exceed their campus activity goals. Year after year, we proudly unveil the hottest new programs and trends in the industry, so your college is on the cutting edge of programming. Our college agents have their fingers on the pulse of campus trends in a wide variety of student groups, from campus activities boards to diversity month celebrations. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but words have the power to change lives. Our speakers are proven crowd pleasers that command standing ovations, bring audiences to the edge of their seats and inspire you to change the world. We are honored to be a part of your speaker process this year and look forward to working with you.
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(212) 645-4200
Meghan McCa
Page 9
Collins Tuohy Page 3
Page 4
Apolo Ohno Page 3 Choz Bono Page 8
Lara Logan Page 7
Exclusively Represented by GTN
Sebastian Junger Page 7
(212) 645-4200
Picture Inspiration
Dewey Bozella
Arthur Ashe Courage Award Winner & Boxer
www.greatertalent.com/DeweyBozella There are times in life when it is easier, or even more sensible, to just give up. This isn’t a belief held by 2011 Arthur Ashe Courage Award winner Dewey Bozella. The 2011 ESPY Awards celebrated the courage and conviction that led Bozella to the ultimate path of freedom after 26 years of wrongful imprisonment. At the podium, Bozella candidly discusses his tragic story of injustice and the perseverance, courage and faith that led to his long overdue exoneration. His inspiring story takes audiences on an emotional rollercoaster as they struggle with the flawed US justice system that sent an innocent man to prison for most of his life, while warming their hearts with Bozella’s unyielding determination and forgiveness.
Never Giving up on Truth
NACA’s 2011 National Convention Keynote Speaker!
Proving Anything is Po Free Ice Cream for the Entire Audience!
hno Apolo O st & e Olympic Medali
Eight-Tim r ated U.S. Winte The Most Decor y or ist H Olympian in o t.com/ApoloOhn www.greatertalen
The Godfathers of Going Green
A Role Model For the Next Generation
Ben Cohen & Jerry Greenfield
Co-Founders of Ben & Jerry’s Hom emade, Inc. www.greatertalent.com/BenAndJerry
Exclusively Represented by GTN
Collins Tuohy
Subject of The Blind Side www.greatertalent.com/CollinsTuohy
(212) 645-4200
Byron Pitts
Picture Unity
CBS News Chief National Correspondent, Contributing Correspondent, 60 Minutes & Author, Step Out On Nothing
Known for his thought-provoking coverage and his commitment to exceptional storytelling, Byron Pitts is a multiple Emmy award winning journalist. Pitts’ many achievements are all the more extraordinary when he tells of the many obstacles he faced as a child. Pitts was illiterate until the age of twelve and had a persistent stutter. Capitalizing on his desire to play football, his mother mandated he receive Bs or above in school in order to play. With that focus, Pitts learned to read and went on to attend Ohio Wesleyan University. With the help of his roommate and a college professor, Pitts found the support and encouragement necessary to pursue a career in broadcast journalism–a field that demands excellence in writing and speaking. By staying focused, setting simple and achievable goals and finding strength in faith, Pitts overcame his powerful odds and his disability.
Conquering Challenges
How We Are All “Out
n St. John & Author Warre ufleh Coach LuemFuageM es Soccer Team The Story of Th hn t.com/WarrenStJo www.greatertalen eh ufl aM t.com/Lum www.greatertalen
Icon for Immigration Reform
One Song, 700 Million Voices
Jose Antonio Vargas
Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Founder of Define American.com & Undocumented Immigrant www.greatertalent.com/JoseAntonioV argas Exclusively Represented by GTN
Poet, Rapper, Singer and Songwriter www.greatertalent.com/Knaan
(212) 645-4200
Picture Creativity
Nicholas Sparks
Bestselling Author of The Notebook www.greatertalent.com/NicholasSparks With almost 80 million copies of his books in print, literary sensation Nicholas Sparks is the author of 16 New York Times #1 bestselling books and a cultural phenomenon in his own right. Coupled with the undeniable success of his many books, the movie adaptations of Sparks’s books have become the most iconic romantic feature films for a whole new generation. At the podium, Sparks takes audiences deeper into the sleepy towns and poignant relationships that ignite the pages of his romantic page turners. Drawing large and appreciative crowds of fans, Sparks in person displays the traits that make his books so beloved: great storytelling, a unique voice, and a charm that connects through the power of words. His relatable talks weave his own personal story of hard work, rejection, anxiety, and triumph for inspiring authors — and romantics — everywhere.
Legendary Storyteller
Hollywood’s Boldest Film
trepreneur Brett RDatirencter or, Producer & En Renowned r t.com/BrettRatne www.greatertalen
The Man Behind Batman
The World’s Pre-eminent Zombie|Expert
Michael Uslan
Batman Executive Producer & Com ic Book Historian www.greatertalent.com/MichaelUsla n
Exclusively Represented by GTN
Max Brooks
Pre-eminent Zombie Expert & Best- Selling Author www.greatertalent.com/MaxBrooks
(212) 645-4200
Mike Henry
Picture Laughter
Writer, Producer of Family Guy & Co-Creator of The Cleveland Show www.greatertalent.com/MikeHenry After several years of doing stand-up, improv and commercials, Mike Henry met Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy, in 1995 while acting in his brother’s student films at the Rhode Island School of Design. Henry went on to become a writer on Family Guy for the series’ first six seasons. His next venture began in fall 2009, when Henry created his own Family Guy spin-off, The Cleveland Show, where he stars as the voice of Cleveland, Rallo, Wally and others. At the podium, Henry takes audiences behind the scenes of Family Guy and The Cleveland Show with never-before-seen clips and hilarious outtakes. He also shares in how he developed some of the programs’ funniest characters.
The Vision Behind “The Cleveland Show”
The King of Sketch Comedy
Hysterical & Relatable
Alan Zweibel
Renowned Writer of Saturday Night Live & Curb Your Enthusiasm www.greatertalent.com/AlanZweibel
Jennifer Weiner
“Fake” News vs. “Real” New
Best-Selling Author of In Her Shoes & Then Came You www.greatertalent.com/JenniferWeiner
Mo Rocca
CBS News Correspo nden www.greatertalent.com t & Television Personality /MoRocca
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(212) 645-4200
Picture Courage
Lara Logan
60 Minutes Correspondent & CBS News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent www.greatertalent.com/LaraLogan Lara Logan’s bold reporting from war zones for more than two decades has earned her a prominent spot among the world’s best foreign correspondents. Her reporting has brought her face to face with the day’s most diverse, relevant and intriguing issues, from gripping 60 Minutes interviews to her coverage of the war on terror.
An Unrelenting Pursuit of the Trut
ont Lines of Reporting from the Fr
Never scripted, at the podium, Logan offers a comprehensive behind-the-scenes look at foreign affairs in the media and her experiences reporting from the front lines, both as a journalist and as a citizen. With compelling insight, refreshing honesty, and deep conviction in the institution of journalism, Logan imparts audiences with a message of truth, courage and integrity that will change the way you view the world, and perhaps even your own life.
Junger & Best-Selling Author of Sebastian ng ni Journalist Award-Win m & WAR The Perfect Stor unger t.com/SebastianJ len www.greaterta
The Spy Who Inspired “Fair Game”
Rapping for Freedom
Valerie Plame Wilson
Emmanuel Jalld Soldier &
“Outed” CIA Operations Offi cer & Best-Selling Author of Fai r Game www.greatertalent.com/Valeri ePlameWilson
Former Sudanese Chi Hip-Hop Artist uelJal www.greatertalent.com/Emman
Exclusively Represented by GTN
(212) 645-4200
Chaz Bono
Picture Acceptance
LGBTQ Rights Advocate & Author www.greatertalent.com/ChazBono
Chaz Bono is an LGBTQ rights advocate, author, speaker, and the only child of famed entertainers Sonny and Cher. An acclaimed author, Chaz has written three books including Transition: The Story of How I Became a Man, released in May, 2011 – a ground-breaking and candid account of a 40 year struggle to match his gender identity with his physical body and his transformation from female to male. At the podium, Chaz candidly shares his personal journey of attaining sobriety, gaining acceptance from his family and proceeding with his transition in the public eye. He touches on a range of LGBTQ issues including marriage equality, portrayals of gays and lesbians in the media, issues related to the coming out process, gays and lesbians in the workplace, gay and lesbian politics, transgender equality, issues facing transgender youth, and the physical and emotional process of hormonal and surgical transition.
Advocate for Equality & Understanding
w Your Dreams
Live Generously and Follo
atlin Marlee M ss & Activist ard-Winning Actre Academy Aw om/MarleeMatlin www.greatertalent.c
Staying True to Yourself
Love, Loss and the Musical
Esera Tuaolo
Anthony Rapp
NFL Veteran & LGBT Role Model www.greatertalent.com/EseraTuaolo
Exclusively Represented by GTN
Star of Rent & Author of Without You www.greatertalent.com/An thonyRapp (212) 645-4200
Picture Tomorrow
Harold Ford, Jr.
Former U.S. Representative & NBC News Analyst www.greatertalent.com/HaroldFord Harold Ford, Jr. served Tennessee in the United States Congress for 10 years. During his five terms in the Congress, Ford’s focus was results. He served on both the Financial Services and Budget Committees and was an active member of the House Blue Dog coalition, where he worked passionately to balance the budget and promote free enterprise.
of where America ought to “The walking, living embodiment nt Bill Clinton go in the 21st century” - Preside
At the podium, Ford’s charisma and razorsharp wit takes audiences right into the heart of Washington’s inner sanctum, shedding a light on the complexities of the government. His direct link to the White House combined with his nonpartisan conjecture provide a bona-fide finger on the pulse of Washington DC and actionable solutions to the challenges we face as a nation.
A New Vision for the GOP
Nation Changing a City, Inspiring a
ain Meghan McC , Author
Booker Mayor Cory , New Jersey
Political Columnist & AwardWinning Blogger nMcCain www.greatertalent.com/Megha
Mayor of Newark ooker www.greatertalent.com/CoryB
Evolving the Media Landscape
Tina Brown
Founder of TheDail yBeast.com, Renowned Editor & Best-Selling Au thor www.greatertalent.c om/TinaBrown 9
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(212) 645-4200
Picture Perspective
Barbara Ehrenreich
Political Activist & Author, Nickel and Dimed www.greatertalent.com/BarbaraEhrenreich Barbara Ehrenreich is the author of 21 books, including the New York Times best sellers, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America (2001) and Bright-Sided: How Positive Thinking Is Undermining America (2010). Today, her work life exists on three tracks: journalism, book-length projects, and activism on such issues as health care, peace, women’s rights, and economic justice. At the podium, she reflects with biting humor on her journey as a writer and activist, taking audiences inside her Nickel and Dimed experience and sharing anecdotes and lessons learned from each of her powerful books. Audiences will be brought to their feet by Ehrenreich’s deep rooted passion, profound ability to spur discussion, and her signature sense of humor that audiences have come to expect.
Investigating Every Side of the Story
Inviting Curiosity With the Power of Memory Joshua Foer
Science Journalist & Author, Moonwalking with Einstein www.greatertalent.com/JoshuaFoer
The Voice of “60 Minutes
Behind-the-Scenes of US Politics
Lesley Stahlt Journalist
Jonathan Alter
Legendary Broadcas & Co-Editor of 60 Minutes www.greatertalent.com/LesleyStahl
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Award-Winning Colum nist, Television Analyst & Author www.greatertalent.com /JonathanAlter (212) 645-4200
Founded with the belief that words have the ability to change people’s lives, Greater Talent Network is devoted to bringing the most interesting and inspiring stories to audiences worldwide.
GLOBAL AND NATIONAL PERSPECTIVES: Spencer Abraham • Cory Booker • Wesley Clark • Richard Clarke • Roger Cressey • Monica Crowley & Alan Colmes • Adrian Fenty • Harold Ford, Jr. • Louis Freeh • Brigitte Gabriel • Richard Gephardt • Alberto Gonzales • Zachary Karabell • Bernard Kouchner • Meghan McCain • Judge Andrew Napolitano • Vali Nasr • Ehud Olmert • Reza Pahlavi • George Pataki • Janet Reno • Dan Senor • Valerie Plame Wilson • Joseph Wilson
PRINT AND BROADCAST JOURNALISM: Jonathan Alter • Tiki Barber • Campbell Brown • Tina Brown • Babara Ehrenreich • Sir Harold Evans • Joshua Foer • Susie Gharib • Christopher Hitchens • Sebastian Junger • Steve Kroft • Lara Logan • Kati Marton • Peggy Noonan • Byron Pitts • Lesley Stahl • Jeffrey Toobin • Ali Velshi • Gideon Yago
ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT: Neal Baer • Bob Balaban • Elizabeth Berkeley • John Forté • Danny Glover • Carson Kressley • Seth MacFarlane • Leonard Nimoy • Anthony Rapp • Brett Ratner • Mo Rocca • Peter Sagal • David Steinberg • Ben Vereen • Max Weinberg • Vanessa Williams • Henry Winkler • Anthony Zuiker • Alan Zweibel
MOTIVATION, INSPIRATION, ADVENTURE: Chaz Bono • Kris Carr • Mia Farrow • George Foreman • Emmanuel Jal • Rory Kennedy • Marcus Luttrell • Marlee Matlin • T.K. Mattingly • Luma Mufleh • Petra Nemcova • Michael Oher • Apolo Anton Ohno • Nell Irvin-Painter • Capt. Winston Scott • Caroll Spinney • Esera Tuaolo • The Tuohy Family
BUSINESS, ECONOMY, MANAGEMENT: Ben & Jerry • Jared Bernstein • Billy Beane • Mark Burnett • Paul DePodesta • Donald Fehr • Susie Gharib • Seth Godin • Peter Greenberg • Peter Guber • Mitch Joel • Liz Lange • Steven Rattner • Cynthia Rowley • Michael Silverstein • Howard Stringer • James Taylor • Jonathan Tisch • Omar Wasow • Meredith Whitney
BEST SELLING AUTHORS: Po Bronson • Max Brooks • Christopher Buckley • Candace Bushnell • Neil Gaiman • Emily Giffin • David Grossman • Pete Hamill • Homer Hickam • Oscar Hijuelos • Michael Lewis • Wendy Mogel • Michael Moore • PJ O’Rourke • Richard Preston • Nicholas Sparks • Jennifer Weiner • Tom Wolfe
437 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10016 Phone: 212.645.4200 Fax: 212.627.1471 Toll Free: 800.326.4211 email: info@greatertalent.com
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