HELLO THERE Heyy’ al l ,mynamei sDayl i nn.Iam awi f e.Amot her .Adr eamer .A cr eat i ve.Andachi l dofGod.Ihaveal wayshadades i r eandpas s i ont ocr eat e.Twoyear sagoIt ookt hel eapoff ai t ht opur s uemy phot ogr aphy.Andher eIam.Iam s ohonor edandbl es s edt hat youar econs i der i ngmeasyourweddi ngphot ogr apher .Thi syearI am cel ebr at i ng3year sofmar r i agewi t hmyi ncr edi bl ys eles s hus band.Ir ememberbei ngi nt hes ames potyouar ei nnow.Fi ndi ngaphot ogr apher .Tome,i twast heut mos ti mpor t antpar tof myweddi ng( bes i dest hehubbyandGod,ofcour s e) .Ir emember count l es ss l eepl es sni ght sj us ts ear chi ngands ear chi ngf ort he per f ectphot ogr apherf orourbi gday.Andwhatal oadofpr es s ur e,am Ir i ght ?Letmej us ts ay,t akeadeepbr eat he,andr emembert hatal t hought hi sdayi sl ar gel yi mpor t ant … i t ’ snott heweddi ngt hatmakest hemar r i age,i t ’ st het woofyou.I fIgett hepl ea s ur eofcapt ur i ngyourpr eci ousday,t henIwantyout or es tas s ur edt hatyourweddi ngi si ngr eathands ,becaus et ome,i t ’ s gr eat ert han>phot ogr aph I W ANT TO GIVE YOU SOM ETHING GREATER THAN > PHOTOS, I W ANT TO GIVE YOU M EM ORIES THAT LAST A LIFETIME.