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throwback vibes
PICTURED: Take on the competition at Pinball Garage, with modern and classic arcade games. INSETS, TOP TO BOTTOM: Catch an open-air flick at Holiday Auto Theatre. Cruise in to see classic cars on display at The Salty Dog Museum. 40 40
vibes Vintage pinball, drive-in movies, and classic candy. Explore old school favorites at these retro stops.

Holiday Auto Theatre: Movies under the stars. Grab your popcorn and snowcaps and enjoy a double-feature at one of the last drive-in movie theaters in Ohio. holidayautotheatre.com
Pinball Garage: Classic pinball games and new favorites mix at this cool barcade. Grab a beverage and try to set a new high score. facebook.com/ pinballgarage
Henry’s Candy, Grandpa Joe’s Candy Shop, Pudgy Penguin Ice Cream & Candy: Glorious gummy bears, tempting taffy, and an explosion of all things sweet, stop by a candy emporium to find your childhood favorites. facebook.com/henryscandyco, grandpajoescandyshop.com, facebook.com/pudgypenguin icecream

The Salty Dog Museum: Lovingly restored and expertly displayed, this true hidden gem features classic cars and vintage firetrucks. Call ahead to Ron’s Machine Shop next door to confirm hours. saltydogmuseum.com
The Jug, Jolly’s Drive-In, J&E Rootbeer Stand: A root beer float in a frosty mug is a summer time treat. Grab one (or two, or three) and a delicious hot dog or hamburger at these classic drive-ins. facebook.com/ thejugburger, facebook.com/ jollysbrookwood, bit.ly/jollyserie, bit.ly/jerootbeermiddletown