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Float down the Great Miami River with BAABs Kayaking (baabsent.com) and enjoy a cone … or two … or three from one of the legendary, seasonal soft-serve stands. Open during warm months, you can find the full list at travelbutler county.com/soft-serve.
No boat? No problem! Cool down at Wake Nation(LEFT), the Midwest’s only cable wake park (wakenation.com). Bounce and slide at Aqua Adventures(landofillusion.com/aqua). Take the leap from 14,000 feet at Start Skydiving (startskydiving.com), pick organic blackberries at Indian Springs Berry Farm (facebook.com/organicupick), or catch a double-feature under the stars at Holiday Auto Theatre (holidayautotheatre.com).

From beautiful spring days to cool fall nights, Butler County’s changing seasons bring new adventures and things to explore.

Farm sweet farm! Corn mazes, u-pick pumpkins, sunflower fields, hayrides, apple cider donuts, and more. Explore one of Butler County’s fall festivals at Niederman Family Farm, Jackson Family Farm, Burwinkel Farms, Barn-N-Bunk Farm Market(ABOVE), and Garver Family Farm. See the giant pumpkins at Hamilton’s Operation Pumpkin Festival (operation-pumpkin.org) and get ready for spooky season with a trip to Land of Illusion (landofillusion.com).
Celebrate the season by driving through twinkling lights at Light Up Middletown(LEFT) (lightupmiddletown.org) and explore Journey Borealis, the arts-inspired lights at Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park (journeyborealis.com). Find the perfect tree at one of Butler County’s local Christmas tree farms (travelbutlercounty.com/trees).