1 minute read
A RAISE PICTURED:Toast to good times at Fretboard Brewing & Public House.BELOW, LEFT TO RIGHT:Try the spirits at White Dog Distilling Company. Fill your growler at Rolling Mill Brewing Company. Grab a pint at Rivertown Brewery & Barrel House. GLASS

Here’s to finding a new favorite sip during your next trip! We’ve curated a list of our locals’ top picks featuring creative and award-winning selections from local breweries, wineries, and a distillery. Cheers!
DogBerry Brewing, West Chester SIP: Bray’s Brown STYLE:Brown Ale dogberrybrewing.com
FigLeaf Brewing Company, Middletown SIP:Black Solstice STYLE:Imperial Stout figleafbrewing.com
Fretboard Brewing & Public House, Hamilton SIP:REBA STYLE:Strawberry Blonde Ale fbpublichouse.com Grainworks Brewing Company, West Chester SIP:Sunrise STYLE:India Pale Ale grainworks.beer
Hanover Winery, Hanover Township SIP:Mason’s Red STYLE:Sweet Cabernet Sauvignon hanoverwinery.com
Municipal Brew Works, Hamilton SIP:Orange Agave Blonde STYLE:Fruited Blonde municipal.beer N.E.W. Ales Brewing, Middletown SIP:Post Mow Lawn STYLE:Kӧlsch newalesbrewing.com
Rivertown Brewery & Barrel House, Monroe SIP:Roebling Nitro Porter STYLE:American Porter rivertownbrewery.com
Rolling Mill Brewing Company, Middletown SIP:Two Goldens STYLE:Gluten-Free American Lager rollingmillbc.com Seven Mile Winery, Wayne Township SIP:Bella Notte STYLE:Blackberry Wine sevenmilewinery.com
Swine City Brewing, Fairfield SIP:If You Threw a Party STYLE:Sour swinecitybrewing.com
White Dog Distilling Company, Middletown SIP:White Dog Ice Tea STYLE:Cocktail whitedogdistilling company.com