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OABA Past Presidents & Chairpersons
Golf for Scholarships Committee Chair Committee Members
Andrew Gladden
Luckey Farmers Inc. 1200 W. Main St. Woodville, OH 43469 Tel: 419-849-2711 agladden@ luckeyfarmers.com
Ed Burtch
Burtch Seed Company 4742 Tama Rd. Celina, OH 45822 Tel: 419-363-3713 ejb@burtchseed.com
Dave Case
Case Ag Consulting LLC 6682 River Rd. Springfield, OH 45502 Tel: 937-896-1824 davecaseag@gmail.com
Larry Davis
Ag Resource Management 3368 St. Rte. 752 Ste. C Ashville, OH 43103 Tel: 614-271-9504 ldavis@armlend.com
Grant Gates
Morral Companies, LLC 132 Postle St. P.O. Box 26 Morral, OH 43337 Tel: 740-465-3251 ggates@ morralcompanies.com
Chris Janes
CHS Inc. 10406 E. 900 N. Markleville, IN 46056 Tel: 317-508-1834 christopher.janes@ chsinc.com
Brad Johnson
Kalmbach Feeds 7148 St. Hwy. 199 Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 Tel: 419-294-3838 brad.johnson@ kalmbachfeeds.com
Kyle McCalla
Sunrise Cooperative kylemccalla@ sunriseco-op.com
Thad Moore
Tri-Ag Products, Inc. 3520 Old Springfield Rd. London, OH 43140 Tel: 740-852-1149 thad@triagproducts.com
Aaron Oesch
Nutrien Ag Solutions, Inc. 668 St. Rte. 55 Urbana, OH 43078 Tel: 740-505-0617 aaron.oesch@nutrien.com
Jim Pullins II, CCA
John Richardson
BASF 5658 Wexler Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 Tel: 614-204-7922 john.richardson@basf.com
Elliott Ward
AssuredPartners — ABIS/JH Ward P.O. Box 98 Unionville Center, OH 43077 Tel: 614-873-3333 elliott.ward@abisonline.com
Mike Zawisza
Elevator Services & Storage, Inc. 312 W. Main St. Beaverdam, OH 45808 Tel: 419-643-5111 mike@essicompanies.com
Get AMP’T!
Emerging leader? Aspiring executive? Prepare yourself to take that next step!
The Ohio AgriBusiness Association is pleased to offer its members a wide variety of leadership opportunities through the Advancing Modern Professionals for Tomorrow Program. The program offers leadership opportunities at all levels to prepare leaders to take the next step in their professional careers. The AMP’T Program consists of the following programs: LAUNCH
Tomorrow’s agribusiness leader will need to be nimble and lead change in addressing workforce pressures, consumer demands, and governmental challenges, all while fostering networks and collaborative work styles. Emerging agribusiness leaders can build their skills through LAUNCH – Leaders Achieving Unexpected New Career Heights – to rise to the challenges and opportunities facing agribusinesses today and tomorrow.
Women Leading in Ohio Agribusiness
Even though women have been working in agribusiness for decades, there are particular challenges that face women in professional agribusiness roles. Through small group discussions and input from members, OABA is pleased to offer a forum for women who are looking for resources from experts and peers alike to face these challenges - the Women Leading in Ohio Agribusiness program.
OSU Leadership Center Crestcom International
OABA is pleased to partner with The Ohio State University Leadership Center, granting members access to outstanding professional development workshops. Beyond being able to register and attend online and inperson classes, OABA members also have special access to bring course selections to their locations or work with OABA to host an event in their area, open to the general membership. With members in mind, OABA has partnered with Crestcom International, a globally recognized leadership development organization, to offer Crestcom’s results-oriented, live facilitated leadership development program in a virtual environment. The 12-month Crestcom Leadership Development program includes two live 2-hour courses each month for a total of 48 hours of interactive leadership development experiences.
Learn more and get involved at www.oaba.net/ampt
Section 1. The name of this association will be the Ohio AgriBusiness Association. Section 2. The principal office of the Association will be located in Ohio as may be determined and approved by not less than two-thirds of the Board of Directors as a whole.
The Association may have such other offices as may from time to time be designated by the Board of Directors.
The purposes of this Association will be: 1. To promote and encourage the common goals, needs and interests of the agribusiness industry and those engaged in the agribusiness industry through education, legislative activities, public relations and research. 2. To consider and deal by all lawful means with common problems of management, such as those involved in the production, distribution, employment and financial functions of the agribusiness industry; to foster cooperative action in advancing by all lawful means the common purposes of its members and promote activities designed to enable the agribusiness industry to be conducted with the greatest economy and efficiency. 3. To afford due consideration to and expression of opinion upon questions affecting the agribusiness industry and the financial, commercial and industrial interests of the state and nation, and to promote the common business interests of the agribusiness industry. 4. To cooperate with other industries and organizations, including educational institutions and governmental agencies. 5. To conduct or engage in all lawful activities in the furtherance of the foregoing purposes or incidental thereto.
Section 1. Member. Any person, firm or corporation engaged in, or providing products or services to, agribusiness in the state of Ohio is eligible to become a member of this Association. The Board of Directors may create such classes or subclasses of membership as they deem appropriate from time to time. Section 2. Honorary. An individual because of eminent service to the agribusiness industry or to this Association may be extended an honorary designation in this Association by approval of not less than two-thirds of the Board of Directors as a whole; however, each Chair of the Board of this Association shall at the end of the fulfilled term of office become an honorary designee without Board action. An honorary designee of this Association shall be so for life. Section 3. Voting. Each member shall have one (1) vote in matters coming before the Association. An entity may designate for voting purposes an official representative or alternate who shall be an officer, partner or employee of that member, but proxy voting is not permitted. Section 4. Application for Membership. Any person, firm or corporation eligible for membership under these bylaws shall submit written application. Membership acceptance is subject to approval of the Board of Directors as a whole.