1 minute read
ghost story
The Moonville Tunnel appears out of a hillside in Vinton County. The abandoned train tunnel has a haunted history, one that is celebrated each Halloween season during the family-friendly Midnight at Moonville (set for Oct. 8 this year). According to one of the tales handed down over the generations, a railroad brakeman was killed here during the mid-19th century and his ghost — lantern in hand — still haunts this stretch of the line. Oct. 8, 3 p.m.–midnight; 71945 Shea Rd., McArthur 45651, vintoncountytravel.com
Pumpkin King: Artist Jack Pine crafts beautiful glass pieces in the form of one of the most recognizable symbols of the harvest season. Final Rest: An ongoing restoration of the James A. Garfield Memorial at Cleveland’s Lake View Cemetery is bringing the towering tribute back to its original 1890 splendor.