Detailed Answer Key Pharmacology Proctored Exam_Cloned_Assessment 1 1. The nurse answers a patient's call light and finds the patient sitting up in bed and requesting pain medication. What will the nurse do first? A. Check the orders and give the patient the requested pain medication B. Provide comfort measures to the patient C. Assess the patient's pain and pain level D. Evaluate the effectiveness of previous pain medications 2. The nurse is preparing to administer a transdermal patch to a patient and finds that the patient already has a medication patch on his right upper chest. What will the nurse do? A. Remove the old medication patch and notify the health care provider B. Apply the new patch without removing the old one C. Remove the old patch and apply the new one in the same spot D. Remove the old patch and apply the new patch to a different clean area 3. A patient is complaining of severe pain and has orders for morphine sulfate. The nurse knows that the route that would give the slowest pain relief i