HESI Med Surg Exam An ER nurse is completing an assessment on a patient that is alert but struggles to answer questions. When she attempts to talk, she slurs her speech and appears very frightened. W hat additional clinical manifestation does the nurse expect to find if nacy's sysmptoms have been caused by a brain attack (stroke)? A. A carotid bruit B. A hypotensive blood pressure C. hyperreflexic deep tendon relexes. D. Decreased bowel sounds Which clinical manifestation further supports an assessment of a left-sided brain attack? A) Visual field deficit on the left side. B) Spatial-perceptual deficits. C) Paresthesia of the left side. D) Global aphasia. When preparing a patient for a noncontrast computed tomography (CT) scan STAT, what nursing intervention should the nurse implement? A) Determine if the client has any allergies to iodine B) Explain that the client will not be able to move her head throughout the CT scan. C) Premedicate the client to decrease pain prior to having the procedure. D) Provide an