Kitchissippi Times November 2018

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Perfect Gift thoughtful age Quire for Shop The Vill e and more! fers, chocolat stocking stuf

iTime s kitchi ssippi


Who Lives Here & Homes for the Holidays Page 7 November

2018 • 14

Merci Kitchissippi! Thank you Kitchissippi!

November 2018

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2018-10-05 2:08 PM



HOODIE TRICERATOPS to be cozy and stylish ver who likes classic For dinosaur-lo morning. This timeless locally, on Christmas screenprinted Fletch actually!) is s. Made by (prehistoric, draw compliment a. and is sure to Ottaw in Robbins

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100% LOCAL

With a lot of hard work and local support, this young musical group is gearing up for a shot at stardom. PHOTO BY TED SIMPSON


NEWSWEST It’s a paper within a paper! PAGE 31

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November 2018 • 2




I didn’t expect to make new friends.

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2018-08-23 10:04 AM


Kitchissippi, we’re still better together.

Five+None = a new spin on the music scene STORY AND PHOTO BY TED SIMPSON

Kitchissippi: Toujours mieux ensemble!

Thank you Kitchissippi! Merci Kitchissippi!

3 • November 2018

Jeff Leiper.

Better. Together. Meilleur. Ensemble. @jleiper

Continued on page 11 JeffLeiper_Kitchissippi Ad_Oct.indd 1


put them together in the same room. Everything clicked. “The school is very diverse, the program we’re in is a half year. We come in every Saturday and we get coaching with one of the teachers here for a few hours,” says lead singer Maryn Pegan. “At the end of the year you get to play Bluesfest.” They’ve played the school’s Bluesfest showcase three times now. A connection through guitarist Lee Jessen led the band to record their selftitled album at Audio Valley Recording studio with producer Steve Foley, a professional with nearly 20 years of experience who has worked with artists that include Flo Rida, J.Cole and Kellylee Evans. The result is a polished and professional-sounding album, written by the band over the past year, that covers a lot of musical ground over four songs.



rom the basement of the Bluesfest School of Music and Art, to the radio airwaves of LiVE 88.5 to the stage at RBC Ottawa Bluesfest, the young musicians of Five+None are knocking down career milestones at a steady pace and they haven’t even finished high school yet. The rock band has been playing together for a few years but really hit their stride over the last couple months, releasing an EP of original material in September and getting an endorsement from DJ Noah on the LiVE 88.5 Big Money Shot Spotlight in October. Five+None came together at the Bluesfest School of Music and Art, an enterprise founded by Dovercourt Recreation Centre and RBC Ottawa Bluesfest back in 2014 that operates out of Festival House on Churchill Avenue. The school faculty saw exceptional talent in each of the five teenagers and


Turn up the volume

Five+None band members Kenny Hammond, Lee Jessen, William Gonthier (on drums), Maryn Pegan, and Nico Paré. 2018-10-05 2:09 PM

November 2018 • 4






We want to hear from you On October 24 I had the pleasure of attending Celebrate the Dream, a special cocktail party-slash-fundraiser for Cornerstone Housing for Women that took place at their new residence at 373 Princeton Ave. This sold-out event began outside, under a canopy, where visitors browsed silent auction items, sampled some food and drink, and listened to short speeches by Cornerstone board chair Wilda Phillips and Cornerstone executive director Sue Garvey, among others. It was chilly that evening, to be sure, but I know I’m not alone when I say that our hearts were warm. Cornerstone is making a huge difference in our community; making it a better place to live, for everyone. What’s more, Cornerstone has been welcomed with open arms ever since they announced their move into Westboro and the renovation of the former Institut Jeanne d’Arc, the mother house of Les Soeurs de l’Institut Jeanne d’Arc (Sisters of the Joan of Arc Institute). The Sisters were a quiet presence in Westboro when they first arrived in the 1930s, right up until the moment they

The Faraday kids: Isla Pulsifer, Lucy Von Herff, Alice de Vlieger Parker Johnson, Jackie Paris, Tess Roberge (not pictured: Henry de Vlieger) and Deborah Marshall, Clinical Manager at the Ottawa Hospital Ages Cancer Assessment Clinic, Breast Health Centre and Wellness Beyond Cancer Program. PHOTO COURTESY OF ROLAND PARIS moved away in the autumn of 2016. The Sisters devoted their days to both children and young women. In fact, for many years, the institute provided safe, inexpensive accommodation for women who moved to Ottawa in search of employment. Sister Yvette Papillon, Superior General of the Order, spoke with Alyson Queen for an article we published in the October 13, 2016 issue of KT. “Our dream and wish is that l’Institut Jeanne d’Arc be converted into a space that will benefit the community, for years to come,” said Sister Yvette. It looks like they got their wish. I thought about this continued legacy, and how important it is, not just for the 42 new residents of 373 Princeton Ave., but to all of us. Sue Garvey has shared many stories of how welcoming the community has been – even before the renovation began. For example, a neighbour offered to dig up some perennials before construction began and keep them in her own garden until they could be replanted back in in their original flowerbeds after the work was done. And during a seemingly random conversation with a passerby who was out for a walk with

his dog, he revealed that his friendly canine companion was actually a service dog. The kind stranger offered to bring the dog for a special visit to Cornerstone after it opened. It’s funny how the smallest things are sometimes the biggest and most meaningful things. Speaking of which, we’re already looking ahead to the last issue of 2018 and are very excited to be doing something a little different this year. Our working title for the December edition of KT is “The GOOD Issue.” We frequently share news about volunteers and charitable initiatives in our pages but this time we are devoting a whole issue to GOOD, so we can recognize some of the people – and the programs – that are making our community better. This is where you come in. We want to hear your stories about non-profit groups, friends, and neighbours who are doing GOOD in Kitchissippi ward. Maybe someone you know spends a lot of time shoveling walkways for area seniors and performing random acts of kindness, or is part of a fleet of dedicated volunteers working hard to raise funds and awareness for a local charity. Send your suggestions to editor@ and let us know where we should shine our spotlight and say a collective thank you. I’ve got a great example of a GOOD story to share that will help kick things off. KT reader, Roland Paris, sent us an email about some GOOD work the “Faraday kids” have been doing. His 11-year-old daughter Jackie and a number of her friends on their street spent over two years raising money for breast cancer research. “They did this entirely of their own accord, with no prompting from their parents, although they were probably responding in part to the fact that one of our former neighbours was undergoing treatment for breast cancer,” he wrote. They raised over $200 from lemonade sales and from shovelling and raking. On October 24 they delivered this money, mostly in small change and loaded into a plastic bread bag, to the Breast Health Centre at The Ottawa Hospital. Thank you Faraday kids, for the your hard work and your good hearts.

News from Nepean HS

Building a healthy, active and engaged community through recreation


Students speak out What do grade 12 students at Nepean think about the legalization of cannabis? STORY AND PHOTOS BY BELLA CRYSLER





GIVE THE GIFT OF MUSIC! BSOMA’s private lesson Gift Pack includes 4 half-hour private lessons and a drum stick/ practice pad. $122 per package.


5 • November 2018


Continued on page 15

Bella Crysler is a grade 12 student at Nepean High School.

Kinder Youth Art Sports


The Cannabis Act aims to regulate and restrict the use of cannabis in order to keep it out of the hands of youth and keep users out of the justice system. According to the Government of Canada, more than half of all drug offences reported by police are cannabis-related. In 2016, a staggering 23,000 cannabis-



the second country in the world to legalize cannabis and many have concerns about how this change will affect youth and their community.”

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”Canada is only

related charges were laid. During the year leading up to it becoming legal, more than one in seven Canadians used weed at least once, according to Statistics Canada, roughly on-par with the number of Canadians who smoke cigarettes. Experts say that legalizing cannabis will take a large burden off the courts and keep many non-violent offenders out of jail. Other positive impacts of this act include keeping users away from buying cannabis that has been contaminated with other harmful substances. It also represents substantial economic opportunities for Canada. The cannabis industry has been valued at around $23 billion by research and accounting firm, Deloitte Canada. Canada is only the second country in the world to legalize cannabis and many have concerns about how this change will affect youth and their community. The Government of Canada has committed around $47 million to be applied to cannabis public education and awareness activities over the next five years with a special focus on making sure youth understand the health and safety risks or cannais use and drug-imparied driving. Grade 12 students from Nepean High School, who will each be turning 19 within the next two years, shared their thoughts on the legalization of cannabis in Canada.


ctober 17 marked the legalization of cannabis in Canada, a campaign pledge by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that was initially proposed on April 13, 2017. Today, people over the age of 19 in Ontario are allowed to possess up to 30 grams of legal cannabis in public and grow up to four plants in private residences.

HUMANS OF KITCHISSIPPI Humans of Kitchissippi is a special street photography project designed to introduce readers to some of the people who live, work, and play in Kitchissippi. Each instalment of HOK contains three elements: a photo, a name, and a quote from the subject that reveals a little bit about who they are. Go to to view our ongoing collection of humans.




Meet Adam Coombs “The best advice I’ve ever been given is there is always more to do, so know when to set your limit. “I was born in the old Grace Hospital in Ottawa and I grew up in Kanata. I moved to the Kitchissippi area in September 2014. This area reminds me of Commercial Drive in Vancouver, where I spent four years going to University of British Columbia. I like that this area is friendly, and there are lots of walkable areas with lots of great coffee places and good parks for my daughter to play at. This winter I look forward to cross-country skiing on the SJAM Winter Trail.”

November 2018 • 6



250 City Centre Ave., Suite 500 Ottawa ON K1R 6K7 Kitchissippi, meaning “the Grand River,” is the former Algonquin name for the Ottawa River. The name now identifies the urban community to the west of downtown Ottawa. Newswest is a notfor-profit community-owned publication that is distributed 12 times per year inside the Kitchissippi Times. EDITOR/ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Andrea Tomkins CONTRIBUTORS Dave Allston, Judith van Berkom, Ellen Bond, Bella Crysler, Jacob Hoytema, Hollie Grace James, Tara Tosh Kennedy, Shaun Markey, Ted Simpson PROOFREADER Tara Tosh Kennedy ADVERTISING SALES Eric Dupuis 613-238-1818 x273 CREATIVE DIRECTOR Tanya Connolly-Holmes GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Regan Van Dusen Celine Paquette FINANCE Jackie Whalen 613-238-1818 x250 All other enquiries 613-238-1818 Distribution A minimum of 15,000 copies are distributed from the Ottawa River to Carling Avenue between the O-Train tracks and Sherbourne Road. Most residents in this area will receive the Kitchissippi Times directly to their door. If you did not receive your copy, or would like additional copies, please contact us. Bulk copies are delivered to multi-unit dwellings and retail locations. Copies are available at Dovercourt Recreation Centre and Hintonburg Community Centre. 613-238-1818 The Kitchissippi Times is published by

PUBLISHER Mark Sutcliffe PRESIDENT Michael Curran The next issue of your Kitchissippi Times: December 1 Advertising deadline: Reserve by November 20


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Who lives here: “Impeccable” townhome with a classic touch A sneak peek at one of stops on the Homes for the Holidays tour BY SHAUN MARKEY


@Kitchissippi kitchissippitimes

and the other is situated off the hall that connects the two bedrooms. Recently, Pauline had both bathrooms completely refurbished. The end result speaks volumes about her knack for design. The choice of colours, tile and fixtures in both bathrooms is exquisite. Since the master

bath had a large tub as part of its plan, she had the bathtub removed from the hall bathroom and changed it into a walk-in shower. Again, the halls and bedrooms on this level are decorated beautifully with several works of art. Continued on page 8

7 • November 2018

201 Clearview Dr. is one of eight homes on this year’s Homes for the Holidays tour, which takes place November 16-18. Homes for the Holidays is a three-day tour of eight homes that are decorated for the season, a holiday pop-up shop, holiday bake-off, handmade bazaar, and more, all in support of Hospice Care Ottawa. For more information about the tour and to purchase tickets, go to Photo by Andrea Tomkins


ometimes when you find a home you want badly, a quick decision is needed. Such was the case ten years ago for Pauline Bogue and her partner Murray Ball when they decided to buy 201 Clearview Ave., a townhouse built in 1998 as part of The Oaks of Island Park development. The Oaks is a cluster of 19 townhomes, designed by Hobin Architecture Incorporated, built at the west end of Clearview Avenue. Apparently, it was Uniform Urban Developments’ first foray into residential building on this scale. In 1999 it won the Greater Ottawa Home Builders’ Association (GOHBA) Housing Project of the Tear. Pauline and Murray’s home will be part of the popular 2018 Homes for the Holidays organized by volunteers of Hospice Care Ottawa and their sustaining benefactor, the May Court Club of Ottawa. The event takes place November 16 through November 18 and features eight homes, three of which are in Kitchissippi: 201 Clearview Ave., 27 Oakvale Ave., and 269 Royal Ave. (Look for a peek inside the Royal Avenue home in the December issue of KT.) At the time of their purchase, Pauline and Murray were living in a condominium in New Edinburgh and had been contemplating a move for some time. “We thought if we could find a townhome with a double car garage, we’d move,” recalls Pauline as we sit in her comfortable

living room. The gas fireplace flickers in the background and I admire Pauline’s choice of beautiful upholstered couches, antique mahogany occasional tables, and impressive art collection. Pauline shares the details on the day of their snap decision. “I saw the house and called Murray right away,” describes Pauline. “He said, ‘let’s buy it!’” Since she worked in real estate at the time, Pauline wrote up an offer and submitted it. The offer was accepted. When Pauline moved to Ottawa from Kitchener in the 1970s, her first residence was in the Island Park Towers. The wellknown apartment buildings are situated just to the east of her home. 201 Clearview Ave. is the secondlargest of four models that were available when The Oaks was built. It comes in at about 2,100 square feet. The largest model was 2,600 square feet and two smaller units were available at 1,900 and 1,500 square feet. One enters the home from the side, essentially behind the double garage. The tiled entryway leads to a staircase up to the main living area. To the right, however, on the entry level and down two stairs, is a cozy den. There is a powder room on the right, adjacent to the den. Oak stairs lead up a living area comprised of a spacious sitting area enclosed by a half-height wall that separates a generously large dining room. From the dining room, one enters a beautiful kitchen that features sophisticated grey cabinetry. On the left side of the kitchen is a cozy sitting area. Large cabinet doors in the kitchen conceal the washer and dryer. Off the living room is a deck that runs the width of the house. Up another short flight of stairs are two large bedrooms and two bathrooms. One bath is dedicated to the master bedroom


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November 2018 • 8




Homes for the Holidays

Pauline Bogue in her beautifully appointed townhome at 201 Clearview Dr. For more photos, see the web version of this story at Photo by Andrea Tomkins SPONSORED CONTENT

Realtors Helping Realtors: Teamwork in the Real Estate Industry By Dean Caillier, Sales Representative, Engel & Völkers Ottawa

I recently visited a client in the Kitchissippi area to discuss listing their property, and of course the big question was, “What price should the property list for?” As part of every Realtor’s process when providing a home evaluation, I researched comparable properties in the area, both currently listed and recently sold. I also compared size of lot, type of lot, size of home, how many bedrooms and so on. After my research for this particular property, I had a number in mind of what it should be listed at based on my findings as well as my own instincts. However, with so many price determining factors in play—such as location, time of year, and current market trends—I wanted to get a second and even a third opinion from others in the industry whom I trust.

So I spoke with other real estate advisors at my brokerage and asked them to visit the property with me. They gladly dropped by, did a walk through and gave me their thoughts on what they felt the property should be listed at. It was comforting to know that these advisors had my best interest at heart and wanted to support me and ultimately my client. While I can only speak from my experience with my team, whether one is looking to sell or purchase a property you can feel some comfort in knowing that behind that Realtor is a team of professionals and a regulated industry that will support them all the way. 613-422-8688

Continued from page 7 The Oaks development proved to be popular and the original owners enjoyed their homes for many years. It has only been in the last five years that there has been turnover. “It is a very tight group,” Pauline says. “Everyone loves living here because you are ten minutes from the beach, five minutes from the river and so close to Westboro.” Pauline knows from friends in the development, that Uniform added a number of quality finishes to the homes, well beyond what was standard at the time. The designs included 10.5-foot ceilings on the main floor, oak hardwood floors throughout, and upgraded baseboards. A well-known designer, the late Patrick McCarron, helped her choose all the paint colours for the house. “Because of the open concept, I wanted the colours to flow from room to room,” explains Pauline. Pauline freely admits that her design tastes are predominantly traditional. She mentions “English country, French country” as influences in her design choices and does not care for the stark and cold lines of minimalist design, which are so much in fashion these days. While she prefers rich and colourful fabrics, she is not shy about using single primary colours. Responding to my question as to how she approaches interior design, she says: “If I see a piece of fabric that I like, that’s what I start with.” And while the results of her designs are beautifully impressive, she wants her home to be welcoming and informal. “I don’t worry about people putting their feet up,” she adds convincingly. As far as future plans are concerned,

201 Clearview Ave. will be decorated by Flowers Talk Tivoli during the Homes for the Holidays tour. Read a Q&A with Elizabeth Young of Flowers Talk Tivoli online at

Pauline says that she and Murray plan on living at 201 Clearview as long as they can. They also divide their time between Ottawa and a second recreational home in Mont Tremblant, Quebec. Her townhouse facilitates the two-home scenario. “It’s not expensive to live here. Maintenance is low. Actually, there is no outside maintenance.” Asked recently by a friend, a volunteer for the Ottawa hospice, to put forward her home for the Homes for the Holidays tour, Pauline says she was pleased to do so. “I am happy to support the Ottawa Hospice. It’s a great fundraiser. We’ve had two homeowners here who have benefitted from it.” Twenty years ago, the site of the 19 homes that make up The Oaks of Island Park was an unused piece of land on a culde-sac. It was transformed into a compact, urban oasis of beautifully designed red brick townhouses that are as popular now as they were when the first owners bought them. On November 16 through the 18, Kitchissippi Times readers can have their own tour of at least one of them: the impeccable 201 Clearview Dr. For more information about Homes for the Holidays and to purchase tickets, go to

WHO LIVES HERE? Which Kitchissippi-area homes are you most curious about? It could be an old home, a new one, a big one, or a small one. Send an email to and we’ll make some inquiries.


A Selection of Kitchissippi’s Premiere Homes for Sale


Born and raised in Ottawa, Sarah Grand holds a deep understanding of the city and its neighbourhoods. As a second generation Realtor, Sarah has been immersed in real estate her entire life and has a long history as a community volunteer in the Kitchissippi area and beyond. Sarah’s exceptional communication skills, warm and friendly style, and vast network provides her clients with an unparalleled real estate experience. Having joined Engel & Völkers Ottawa, Sarah is now using unmatched customer service tools and international marketing reach to take her clients’ experience to the next level. . .

Only the best in the business join our brand.


9 • November 2018

©2018 Engel & Völkers Ottawa Central, Brokerage. All rights reserved. Each brokerage is independently owned and operated. John King, Deb Cherry, Julia Hay, & Dominique Milne, Brokers. Sarah Grand, Dale Lockhart, & Lyne Burton, Sales Representatives.

GIVING Trip of a lifetime

17-year-old student approaches fundraising goal STORY AND PHOTOS BY TARA TOSH KENNEDY

November 2018 • 10





Nepean High School student with a passion for social justice and LGBTQ issues is hoping to celebrate the likely end of his brain cancer treatment with what he calls the “trip of a lifetime.” Raffi Meyer-Wertman knew something was wrong when he developed an insatiable thirst last winter. He was drinking up to 20 litres of water a day, often a sign of having diabetes insipidus (DI). But when the other usual traits for DI didn’t show up (there was no hormone deficiency, nor kidney problems), the 17-year-old’s doctor sent him for an MRI at CHEO. After the scan, Raffi and his parents had only made it to the parking lot before they got a call to go back inside. He had two brain tumors, one of which was pressing on his optic nerve and making his vision blurry when he stood up (an issue the teen hadn’t given a second thought). The second, smaller tumor was giving him diabetic traits. “It was pretty shocking,” says Raffi, who is on-track to graduate with his friends despite his illness. “Part of me thinks I never digested it fully.”

Two weeks after the MRI, he had a biopsy, confirming the diagnosis of germinoma – a germ-cell tumor that isn’t always cancerous. In Raffi’s case, it was. “You’re kind of in an altered state,” says Paul Wertman, Raffi’s father, about getting the news. “But Raffi’s first question was ‘Can I still go to camp?’”

Raffi Meyer-Wertman is optimistic the results of his next MRI will show his treatment for two brain cancer tumours was completely successful. His new tattoo celebrates the likely end of his treatment.

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Member of Parliament, Ottawa Centre

”This program... will also be a

personal celebration of my battle and the overall winning of my life’s biggest challenge.”

11 • November 2018

parents are musicians themselves, they have all been profoundly supportive of the band. “They’re the ones who pushed us to record stuff and pushed us to keep going.” A nudge from Lee’s parents got their EP into the hands of DJ Noah at LiVE 88.5, and Noah liked the music so much he featured the group’s song, 3d, on the station’s Big Money Shot Spotlight, a radio segment dedicated to up-andcoming Ottawa musicians. The band get out to play live often, recently performing at a fundraiser for victims of the Dunrobin tornado, hosted at the Brass Monkey. They’ll be back at the same venue for another performance on November 29. Five+None’s music is available for download on iTunes or streamed from Apple Music and Spotify.


Continued from page 3 “It’s sort of a mixed bag, I’m not sure how we decide on any of the riffs we use for our songs because we’re all super different in our music tastes,” says Maryn. “I listen to a lot of old-people stuff, like ‘70s and ‘80s,” says bassist Kenny Hammond. Influences ranging from funk to Elvis Presley to hip hop to alternative indie music are thrown around the room by band members. “Maryn likes old, cheesy ‘80s music,” says Lee. The talent and songwriting of Five+None comes from the band’s members, while their success on the business side of things has come with a little help from their folks. “Honestly, a lot of it was push from our parents,” says Maryn. While none of the members’


Turn up the volume

celebration of my battle and the overall winning of my life’s biggest challenge,” Raffi writes on his GoFundMe page. Raffi only told his parents he was raising money online for his trip after his GoFundMe page was in place. “He won’t let me donate – not even anonymously,” says Paul, who acknowledges that the family’s finances have become stretched


Raffi’s sense of spirituality increased during his cancer treatment, and it’s a path he would like to investigate more. He’s hoping to go to Israel in September for nine months to attend a program simply called “Workshop” and run by Habonim Dror, the same movement that oversees his beloved summer camp. He will spend some of the time living on a Kibbutz and is excited to experience living in a modern example of socialism. “This program not only will give me the tools that I need to explore myself on a deeper level, but will also be a personal

because of expenses incurred during Raffi’s treatment. As of the end of October, Raffi’s page has raised close to two-thirds of his $15,000 goal. The teen’s neurosurgeon is optimistic the next MRI will be a reason to celebrate. Raffi has already marked the likely end of his cancer treatment with a lion tattoo on the inside of his right arm. The edgy, geometric design was created by one of his cherished camp friends and represents his middle name – Ari – and his fighting spirit. “The larger tumor was just a dot on his last MRI when his treatment finished,” says Paul. “We’re hopeful. And Raffi’s been amazing through all of it.” To contribute to Raffi’s trip, go to and search for Raffi Meyer-Wertman.

For a decade, Raffi has attended Camp Gesher, a small summer camp near Bon Echo that he loves deeply for its connection to his Jewish faith and its focus on social justice and youth empowerment. He returned this year between the end of chemotherapy and the beginning of radiation treatments. It’s difficult to picture the sociable, well-spoken teen hooked up to an IV bag or feeling exhausted and nauseous. He is unusually clear about his life’s purpose: making a difference in the world. “It’s how I was raised,” he says with a shrug. Raffi’s father works with the Cree Nation in northern Quebec. His mother, Michelle, has been involved for decades in the women’s movement and has worked to have naturopathic medicine covered by OHIP. Raffi himself is already making change: during his co-op placement in Grade 11, he spent three months at the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity and presented workshops on gender diversity and rights.

LOCAL NEWS Two careers, several leagues apart Meet the new commander of Canada’s Naval Reserves BY JACOB HOYTEMA

November 2018 • 12





Mike Hopper, a special education teacher at Elmdale Public School, has been appointed Commodore of the Naval Reserves of the Royal Canadian Navy. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES

local elementary school teacher can now put the rank of “Commodore” before his name, after recently being appointed the new commander of Canada’s Naval Reserves. Mike Hopper is perhaps best known in this community as a teacher. He’s also made an impact in Kitchissippi through his work as a special education teacher at Elmdale Public School, where he has worked for thirteen years. But for the next year, he’ll be on the road — and at sea — to serve the much larger community of Canada’s naval reservists. “I’m very excited,” says Mike. “This is the culmination of a long service, and I’m just very proud to have been appointed as commander of the naval reserves… it’s just an honour to be able to do this.” Mike has been in the naval reserves thirty-two years, after joining at the age of seventeen. “I joined when I was in high school, not thinking I would go past my first summer, but I was always engaged by the challenge of the jobs that were presented to me, [as well as] working with some fantastic people, being able to travel,” he says. He’s appreciated the flexibility of being able to take part in the reserves while engaging in other walks of life. During his part-time or short-term work with the reserves, Mike also worked towards his career in teaching. He earned his bachelor of education from the University of Ottawa in the late nineties, and started working with the OttawaCarleton District School Board (OCDSB)

soon after. The two jobs rarely converged, except on Remembrance Day, when Mike wore his naval uniform to the school’s ceremony. For most of his career, Mike has been able to do both jobs concurrently. But this new position will require him to take a year-long leave from teaching. “I just consider myself really fortunate that I have two jobs that I love,” he says, praising OCDSB’s willingness to allow him some time away. “I love teaching, I love working with the kids in the school board, but I also love the navy.” While the two careers might seem several leagues apart from each other, Mike says they share some skills, such as organization, leadership and planning. These values that are reinforced in the navy “cross over into everyday life,” he says. Indeed, he has also had some teaching opportunities within the navy itself on subjects such as minesweeping and navigation. Mike officially took over the role on July 20 at CFB Esquimalt on Vancouver Island, in a ceremony at which Cmdr. Marta Mulkins, his predecessor as naval reserves commander, was also present. Mike himself had just been promoted to the rank of Commodore earlier that month. He has taken a navy-related leave of absence from the OCDSB once before, during the whole calendar year of 2002. In that time, he was the commanding officer of HMCS Summerside, a 55-metre coastal defence ship that had only been in service for a few years. Under his

command, the vessel took part in a visit to the Arctic Circle, meant to reinforce Canadian sovereignty in the North. Mike says he’s also been to Europe a few times, traveled Canada’s east coast eight times and has travelled across the Atlantic on a destroyer. 7. be October 2 8. October 9 His new position will equally travel-heavy. He and his family will remain in Ottawa, but he will have to travel across the country multiple times a month over the next year to visit forces bases and have meetings, and visit the naval reserve HQ in Quebec City. Indeed, when the Kitchissippi Times spoke with the Commodore, he was already busy at work in BC. Nonetheless, Mike says he’s excited by the work ahead: “The fact that I have two challenging jobs that I lovecan makes me You really taste the people Owner JeffNaval Frost doesn’t need to brag Commodore Mike Hopper (left) is the new commander of Canada’s Reserves. feel very fortunate.” BY LEADING SEAMAN VALERIE LECLAIR CFB ESQUIMALT IMAGING SERVICES ARMED FORCES hero (metaphorically) inPHOTO everything they serve about that time a local sports




from Wellington Wellington Diner West 1385 Wellington St. West

from Wellington Hintonburg and Wellington Village are full of surprising people, quirky places, unique West FINDS we’ll9be featuring in our giving season. 7. October 2 gifts and hidden treasures. Here are four 8. October Les Moulins La Fayette 1000 Wellington St. West

7. October 2

10. October 23

8. October 9


9. October 16


came to eat; they’re in this memorabiliacovered eatery all the time.

at Hintonburg’s Les Moulins La Fayette (LMLF)

from Wellington West


13 • November 2018

You can really taste the people Owner Jeff Frost doesn’t need to brag (metaphorically) in everything they serve about that time a local sports hero at Hintonburg’s Les Moulins La Fayette came to eat; they’re in this memorabiliaFIND the thrift store they FIND the place to meet Hintonburg’s FIND but a modern That in anday era (LMLF) coveredFIND eatery allshouldn’t the time. be surprising, No store-bought naan bread will do for Gourav line up for... your makers... funkiest closet... treasure cave... of food stores that sell everything but Sharma. He Maker makes it fresh Moulins La Fayette Diner St. Vincent Les de“Guru” Paul House Co. for everyWellington Trove Fashion Flamingo Boutique Mike doesn’t mind being 1000 Wellington West St. West 1273 Wellington St. West AndSt. 987 Wellington St. West customer. Frankeis? Read about them1385 laterWellington 1000food, Wellington St.Steinberg West 233A Armstrong St. Insiders knowthis that “St. Vinny’s” Every Item has a story at Maker Walking into Trove Fashion feels Immediately North of Parkdale Marthe anomaly. month. is the local patron saint of cool, House, and a real person who just like walking into your dream ket and down a small set of stairs, Herb & Spice 9.Guru’s October 16 23 Inspired Bar each treasure you10. October which explains the frequent line- Food hand crafted closet, one that also serves up you’ll find a gift shop the owner You can really taste the people Owner Frost doesn’t need 1310 Wellington St. West ups outside…1123 Wellington St. select… honest fashion advice… Jeff compares to Aladdin’s cave… to brag West

(metaphorically) in everything they serve about that time a local sports hero at Hintonburg’s Lesevery Moulins La Fayette came to eat; they’re in this memorabiliaA new FIND week at: WELLINGTONWEST.CA/FINDS (LMLF) covered eatery all the time. Les Moulins La Fayette

Wellington Diner

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November 2018 • 14




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NEWS FROM NEPEAN HS Continued from page 5

LUCA NICASTRO: “I worry that kids are going to think that it’s ok to do it just because it’s legal and start doing it more thinking that it’s fine for you, but there are some effects on your health especially at a young age.”

MOLLY GOODMAN: “I agree with the decriminalization of cannabis because I think that it’s wrong that there are a lot of people who are being arrested and going to jail for smoking weed or the possession of it. They are being incarcerated with people who are in there [jail] for much worse crimes, but I think the legalization of it might just promote the use of it to a different extent.”

CALIKIA MERHI: “A lot of people are going to be using it [more safely] than before since it’s coming out of a dispensary, so there is less chance of it being laced.”


JED MULCAHY: “I feel that this will help regulate the distribution of something that would otherwise be given out by criminals and I think it’s better that now it will be distributed by the government.”



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15 • November 2018

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November 2018 • 16





ARTS & CULTURE A portrait of an author

Q: From a pharmacist’s perspective, what do you think of the growing interest and use of cannabis for medical purposes? A: I think that cannabis has many useful therapeutic properties. The body’s endocannabinoid system is involved in regulation of pain, mood, memory, appetite, stress, hormone balance, fertility, and energy metabolism. We are in the midst of an opioid crisis, and we need new treatment options for the various forms of chronic pain we are commonly seeing, such as fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain. Cannabis, and in particular cannabidiol (CBD), has huge medical potential in these areas. And cannabidiol does not get you “high” like whole cannabis. It is primarily the THC component in cannabis that produces the psychoactive effects, and this is avoided when we use CBD. CBD provides the anti-inflammatory effects without the “high”. It is a very useful medical compound.

Kitchissippi author Barbara Fradkin releases her latest crime thriller BY JUDITH VAN BERKOM

Q: Do you think that there will be unforeseen public health consequences from widespread cannabis use? A: Yes. With recreational cannabis about to be legalized, I think we need to be very cautious around impaired driving and the effects of cannabis on the developing teenage brain. There is a ton of hype around cannabis right now with Canada being the first industrialized nation to legalize it for recreational usage, and I think a lot of people are hailing it as a panacea. Many drugs have gone through “panacea periods” where people falsely believe they will be cure-alls for many of our common diseases and ailments. Cannabis has some very useful medical properties, and I think that adults should be allowed to use it responsibly for recreational purposes. It gives us another powerful tool in the pharmacological toolbox, but it won’t fix all of our health problems. It is a much safer option for symptom management than opioids, for example, but to truly treat these health problems, we have to dig deeper into people’s root causes, such as the microbiome, hormone balance, and nutrient status.


Adam Livingston, PharmD Pharmacist NutriChem Compounding Pharmacy & Clinic NutriChem Pharmacist 613-721-3669 |

Barbara Fradkin’s latest novel was launched on October 16. Prisoners of Hope is the latest in the Amanda Doucette mystery series. PHOTO BY ANDREA TOMKINS

arbara Fradkin’s Amanda Doucette series of mystery thrillers feature a character she describes as “an adventurous, passionate, thirty-something international aid worker who has returned to her home in Canada to recover her health and to chart a new path after a traumatic ordeal in Africa.” There are three books in this series, all written after she retired as a child psychologist in the school system. Global issues build the background in each book. “I didn’t need books to be a catharsis for things I was dealing with in my job,” she says, adding that “what was starting to bother me more were global human rights.” The first in the series, Fire in the Stars, deals with the human smuggling of Syrian refugees; The Trickster’s Lullaby with the home-grown radicalization of youth; Prisoners of Hope with foreign workers, in particular Filipino nannies who are promised permanent residency in Canada. It speaks to the hope they have of being able to sponsor their

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”I didn’t need books to be a catharsis for things I was dealing with in my job, what was starting to bother me more were global human rights.”

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17 • November 2018








reports on a computer. The creative process of writing mystery thrillers, however, is intrinsically linked for her to writing longhand. She dictates ideas into her phone and writes at night, recording her thoughts on paper. Barbara has been a published author for 20 years. The Inspector Green series of thrillers – a total of 10 books – examines problems ordinary people face: PTSD in our soldiers, war crimes, sexual abuse, and is linked to her years practicing psychology and helping many struggling families. The Amanda Doucette series was written on her couch with her two dogs in her home in Champlain Park and on the dock of her cottage in Sharbot Lake. Barbara launched the third book in this series on October 16 at the Clocktower bew Pub in Westboro. Amanda, the protagonist, is half Barbara’s age, younger than her daughters. She can imagine some of the issues Amanda has to face and the language she uses. “There’s a lot of interesting, challenging things you don’t think about until you start writing the series.” Barbara Fradkin’s latest novel is available from Dundurn Press in Toronto. For an excerpt from Prisoners of Hope, see the web version of this article at

families to come over and join them. In reality, it doesn’t quite work out that way – hence the title. Iconic, physical settings in Canada take the reader on a cross-country tour, starting with Fire in the Stars, set in Newfoundland, The Trickster’s Lullaby, set in Quebec, and her recent release, Prisoners of Hope, which takes place in Georgian Bay. The fourth in the series will be set in the Alberta Badlands. Writing while travelling across Canada offers Barbara the opportunity to explore this great country. She likes to take people to real places with her novels and takes photos while researching settings, looking for where the story could take place. Barbara’s writing was first published back in 1995-96. The first short story in a series of seven short-story anthologies published in Burnside ON – written by women crime writers across Canada – has since led to the publication of 17 books in addition to her short stories. Barbara started writing at age six, as soon as she was able to write – putting into words her imaginary friends and their many adventures. Writing and reading was part of family life growing up with a father who was a university professor and a mother who was a teacher – both with extensive collections of books. As a child psychologist, Barbara wrote

EARLY DAYS Meet one of the people who helped build Hintonburg

November 2018 • 18




Francis Holmes Gilchrist: Farmer, police officer, shopkeeper, real estate investor BY DAVE ALLSTON


n the final quarter of the 19th century, Hintonburg began to take shape as a small village. It owed its existence both to the Richmond Road, which brought farmers and travellers to and from Ottawa, and to the railroad, which created employment and opportunity. However the true heart of early Hintonburg was its merchants, enterprising men and women who took a chance on a small hamlet and invested all they had into growing the little community. One such man was Francis Holmes Gilchrist. Francis was born in June 1854 just outside Carp, on a 100-acre family farm his parents George and Elizabeth purchased in 1847, not long after arriving in Canada by way of County Tyrone, Ireland. At the age of 18, Francis was gifted his own 10-acre farm (on what is now Huntmar Drive). When he turned 30 in 1884, he gave up farming life,

sold the farm to his brother James, and moved to Ottawa where he became a city policeman. He rented accommodations in downtown Ottawa and married his girlfriend (who was actually his cousin), a school teacher named Hannah Jane Brown in December 1886. In March 1889, Francis acquired a large parcel of land fronting Richmond Road at the northwest corner of Stirling, next to Magee House (which was still occupied by the Magees). He built a square two-storey, six-room brick house, with part of the main floor reserved for commercial space. His father, George, moved in to the new building. Though farming was all he knew his entire life, he had recently lost his wife and had a stroke, so he began a new phase in Hintonburg as an egg dealer. A year later, on July 1, 1890, George was appointed

By the turn of the century, with the arrival of the streetcar, Hintonburg was changing from a rural hamlet to a thriving village. Gilchrist & Son changed with the times and shifted their focus from animal feed to groceries. Francis Holmes Gilchrist is pictured on the right. PHOTO COURTESY OF DONALD GILCHRIST tollgate keeper for the Richmond Road toll, at a rate of $1 per day. The previous tollhouse had burned in a fire in 1888, and it was while George was keeper that the new tollhouse at 1121 Wellington (now the Oresta apothecary) was built in late 1890. George remained tollkeeper until October 1892, though for the final few months he fell ill and his son Francis, taking leave from the police, filled in for him. Francis applied to take over the job officially, but was passed over. He never returned to the police force. Instead, he and his father started a flour and

feed shop called Gilchrist & Son. In the 1890s, most families in Hintonburg kept cows, hens or pigs (or all three), and the shop catered to these residents. By the turn of the century, with the arrival of the streetcar, Hintonburg was changing from a rural hamlet to a thriving village. Gilchrist & Son changed with the times and shifted their focus from animal feed to groceries. George retired from the business in mid-1894, perhaps due to ill health, and moved in with his daughter Jane and her family on Pinhey Street. He passed away in 1904.

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”His grocery store was always considered the largest and most modern in Hintonburg and Francis himself was considered one of the most kind and generous men in the village.”

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Armstrong Street in Hintonburg (the name changed in 1901), and Gilchrist Avenue in Wellington Village. He helped bring streetcars to Hintonburg, and also argued against their running on Sundays. He campaigned for water and sewer services, and was also involved in the temperance movement. He was heavily involved with the Rosemount Methodist Church and played a key role when it transitioned to Parkdale United. He contributed significantly to the building fund and was an elder of the church as “one of its most highly regarded members.” When Wellington Street West was widened, both in 1896 and then again in 1911, Francis was forced to cut off portions of the front of his building at 1111 Wellington St. W. In 1896, he found himself in a pointed battle against the Reeve of Hintonburg. (A Reeve is an elected chief executive in counties and some district municipalities.) The Reeve, using aggressive tactics, sent a gang of workers to physically remove a portion of the house. In response, Francis defended his property with threats of violence. What followed was a year of legal battles. In 1911, when another 11 feet. were expropriated, he used the proceeds to renovate. His grocery store was always considered the largest and most modern in Hintonburg and Francis himself was considered one of the most kind and generous men in the village. Francis reputedly was Hintonburg’s first automobile owner, proudly operating a 1915 Dodge Touring Sedan, which sported fender damage early on. “Apparently grandpa didn’t convert from horse to car readily,” wrote a grandchild on the back of an old family photo. Continued on page 20

Francis ran the store and his wife Hannah handled the accounting. They lived in the apartment above the shop and raised three sons: Thomas Ernest, George Hagar and James Wilmott. Over time, Francis added to the property and built coops and stables to house the horses, wagons, sleighs, carriages, and chickens they raised to sell both meat and eggs. A family biography noted: “In the operation of the store, horses were kept for the delivery to customers. F.H. kept extremely good horses for this. He needed good horses as much for visiting their families (in Carp) at Christmas, New Year’s and Easter as for delivery purposes. When their own children were young they would visit their parents in the country on holidays. The night before they would load the kitchen oven with bricks. The following day they would rise early, hitch at team to the cutter, have a team running free behind, set out well before daybreak with the heated bricks lining the floorboards, bundled up in buffalo robes and blankets to keep warm, and proceed at a trot west on Wellington Street. At the midway point in their trip, they would stop and exchange the horses running free for those hitched and then continue on at a trot. Late at night they would return by repeating the process in the opposite direction.” In 1890, Francis built 126 Stirling Ave. (which was behind the shop), and a year later he acquired the next lot to the north and built 124 Stirling. Both houses still stand today. Francis was extensively involved in Hintonburg’s local affairs. He was elected as one of the inaugural village councillors in 1894. This accomplishment netted him the honour of actually having two streets named for him: what is now

Gilchrist & Son eventually became an A&P and it remained so until 1973. The building was sold by the Gilchrist family in 1974. PHOTO COURTESY OF DONALD GILCHRIST

Continued from page 19 All three sons fought overseas during WWI and all returned home. The grocery store business was so successful that the two oldest sons attended McGill University and graduated as engineers, while the youngest, Wilmott, took over the business in 1922. At this point the store was renamed Francis H. Gilchrist & Son. Francis wisely invested in real estate and built several properties in Kitchissippi: a cottage in Westboro, a house on Sherbrooke Avenue, a semi at 41-43 Fairmont Ave., and a home at 39 Fairmont Ave. where he lived until his death in September 1932. By the late 1920s, the grocery business was changing. Chains formed, which helped them take advantage of largescale purchase pricing. Independents could not compete, so in 1928 Wilmott

rented the shop to A&P (The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company) and managed it for them. It remained an A&P until 1973, and in 1974 the building was sold by the Gilchrist family after 75 years. It is now National Access Cannabis, but over the past 44 years it has also been The Fishing Hole, Four Aces Billiards, B&B Appliances, and Heavens to Betsy, among others. Today, Gilchrist Avenue, and the 129-year-old building at 1111 Wellington St. W. still stand as a lasting symbol of the legacy of community builders like Francis Gilchrist, from Hintonburg’s early days. Dave Allston is a local historian and the author of The Kitchissippi Museum ( His family has lived in Kitchissippi for six generations. Do you have early memories or photos to share? Send your email to






November 2018 • 20

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Heather Davey is the host of Welly Wine Tours. PHOTO COURTESY OF HEATHER DAVEY

Sip the scene



As a fresh transplant to the Hintonburg/ Wellington West area after moving to Ottawa in January, Heather is certainly thrilled with her new home. “I love the small-town vibe of the neighborhood – there are so many unique and local businesses who all support each other,” she says. Continued on page 22

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21 • November 2018


Contact us for a

BY HOLLIE GRACE JAMES he newest business buzz in the neighborhood is all about the vino. Whether you’re looking for a fine dining experience or a casual-but-eclectic night out, Heather Davey and Welly Wine Tours is now officially taking patrons on culinary explorations around Kitchissippi.

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Welly Wine Tours is helping food and wine enthusiasts savour Kitchissippi in a whole new way

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November 2018 • 22




Sip the scene Continued from page 21 Heather was hard at work completing the Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET) Level 3 Award in Wine and couldn’t help but notice all the hottest and hippest spots, including the independent coffee joints, innovative restaurants, and local shops and businesses. “I found it to be a very happy atmosphere, and something I wanted to celebrate and showcase.” What better way to do so than through a culinary tour? With a day job as a geologist consultant, part of what drew Heather to wine in the first place is the influence that soil and climate has on the resulting product. “As a geologist I love when wine tells a story about the rocks it was grown in,” reads the caption of one of her Instagram posts about a Sicilian wine from the Etna region.

Although there are different options when obtaining a certification in wine, the WSET program, from which Heather has graduated, puts a greater focus on product knowledge and tasting skills as opposed to the Sommelier course, which is more about acting as such in a restaurant setting. A surefire way to develop and hone a skill is through experience and Heather has taken this to heart. Having lived in four different countries (Argentina, Germany, the U.S., and Canada) and travelled to over forty, she has been privy to many different ways of life and vastly different cultures, believing whole-heartedly that “travel is the best way to educate yourself and get to know the world on an authentic level.” And, of course, this world experience has also broadened her perspective on wine. “I have a soft spot in my heart for Mosel Valley rieslings and malbecs from Mendoza, both in Argentina,” says Heather.

”I love the small-town vibe of the neighborhood.” Partnered with hip local restaurants such as Ward 14 Consignment Bar, The Hintonburg Public House, and Bar Laurel, Welly Wine is currently offering four tours to the public. The Pizza and Wine tour features the top three gems of Ottawa’s ‘za scene and each pie is, of course, paired with a delicious wine. The Ottawa Eclectic takes participants along Preston Street where the borders of Hintonburg, Little Italy, and Chinatown meet and promises “a truly unique fusion of flavours and cultures.”

This tour includes wine with a food pairing at three stops and dessert with a cocktail/ digestif at the final stop. The Welly Tapas Tour hits up three of Heather’s favourite places along Wellington West, and The Welly Contemporary Tour goes to three spots “known for their unique approach to food and wine.” Offering easy drinking and the opportunity to learn more about wine while experiencing the style and specialities of participating restaurants, all tours are two hours and 30 minutes and range in price from $80 to $110 per person. Heather also customizes tours for bachelorette parties, birthday bashes, and retirement soirées. One thing is certain, Heather promises a great night out to experience Kitchissippi’s diverse, exciting, and trendy wine and culinary scene in a way you’ve never experienced before. For more information about Welly Wine Tours go to

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November 2018 • 24





Learn more about our fall promotion!

hank you for your support sending me back to city hall. It’s no secret that I love Kitchissippi, and I’m proud of the work I’ve done over the past four years serving as your city councillor, but I’m even more excited about what’s coming next. In this term of council, we will be refreshing the city’s official plan and the transportation master plan. Council will also create a new waste management plan and a new plan to tackle the growing need for affordable housing. I will also work with staff to create a new secondary plan for Westboro with the intention of setting out clearer mandates and policies for intensification. We have a few key issues facing the ward that I’m committed to working on over the next four years. I will

Call 613-728-9274 to book a visit. Let us treat you to lunch.

Amica at Westboro Park 491 Richmond Road 613-728-9274

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2018-08-23 12:03 PM

collaborate with staff and other councillors to strategize how we can increase our affordable housing stock, especially around rapid transit hubs. Diverse neighbourhoods are the strongest and most vibrant neighbourhoods, and we need to ensure that housing in the urban core of the city remains affordable to a wide variety of residents. I want to prioritize a form of growth for Kitchissippi that is sustainable. I will be a vocal, independent champion for better planning policies city-wide as we review the official plan and other development-related policies. I will continue to work towards intensification that is mitigated by necessary infrastructure, both soft and hard, and respects our urban forest. I will also work diligently to

ensure that our transportation policy under the new transportation master plan is created with a view towards sustainability. Phase two of LRT is a crucial piece of this puzzle, and I look forward to its implementation, but so are safer streets that are walkable and bikeable. The congestion and aggressive driving or cut-through traffic that accompanies intensification are an ongoing issue that I have worked to address with traffic calming measures throughout the ward. I have also worked to make our streets safer for all road users by advocating for new pedestrian measures, such as pedestrian crossovers and advance lights, throughout the ward. In the next term of council, I will continue to advocate for the resources and approaches necessary to protect all road users. Thank you for this opportunity, Kitchissippi. Let’s get to work.

”I want to prioritize a form of growth for Kitchissippi that is sustainable. I will be a vocal, independent champion for better planning policies city-wide as we review the official plan and other development-related policies.” — Jeff Leiper


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Your water bill is changing. Choose your preferred language The City of Ottawa will soon have a re-designed water utility bill. You will receive your bill in your preferred language: English or French. If you have not already indicated a preference, you can do so quickly and easily: • Online – visit and sign up with our water and sewer bill service • By phone – call Revenue Services at 613-580-2444 (TTY 613-580-2401)

If you already have a My ServiceOttawa account: • Your bill will be sent in the language selected on your account • You can view your bill in both English and French online at any time If you have questions or feedback, contact Revenue Services at 613-580-2444 (TTY: 613-580-2401).

25 • November 2018

For account holders who have not indicated a preference, the City will use the property owner’s school support information to determine language.


The IPCC’s report is a wake-up call for decision makers to treat the climate crisis with the seriousness it deserves. We need bold leadership and a real plan. Unfortunately, the Ford government is offering neither. They’re scrapping cap-and-trade, which although flawed, put a price on carbon and generated revenue that could be used to mitigate climate change. They have no

Monthly Town Halls Canvasses Community Organizing Help Accessing Government Services


— Joel Harden

Our office is here for you with:


”At the legislature, you can count on me and our NDP caucus to stand up for carbon pricing, stronger environmental protections”

plan of their own to reduce emissions and are ruling out any form of carbon pricing. To make matters worse, Doug Ford has appointed himself the leader of an anti-carbon-tax crusade, making alliances with Jason Kenney and other right-wing politicians who are determined to end even piecemeal attempts to address climate change. / Député provincial, We hear from theMPP Fords and Kenneys of Ottawa Centre the world that a price on carbon is elitist, but nothing could be further from the truth. The people who will suffer most if we fail to take our climate responsibilities seriously are the poor and vulnerable. While the richest can afford a proverbial lifeboat, isolating themselves from the worst effects of climate catastrophe, the rest of us won’t be so lucky. Moreover, who benefits from failing to tackle climate change? Astonishingly, just 100 big companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions. Opposing carbon pricing has nothing to do with “standing up for the little guy” and everything to do with giving massive corporations a free pass to pollute. At the legislature, you can count on me and our NDP caucus to stand up for carbon pricing, stronger environmental protections, science-based emission reduction targets, and legislation allowing citizens to sue fossil fuel companies for climate-related damages. Ottawa Centre is full of environmental leaders. Let’s get organized to win the environmental justice we deserve. Contact our office if you want to receive updates, volunteer or have ideas to share. Call 613722-6414 or send an email to Jharden-co@ Our constituency office is located at 109 Catherine St.

t’s not often that something truly shocks me, but the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) recent report warning that we have twelve years to stop climate catastrophe hit me like a suckerpunch. The picture the IPCC’s report paints is grim one: if we fail to limit warming at 1.5°C, we can expect more frequent and severe drought, flooding, wildfires and a mass die-off of coral reefs by 2040.



November 2018 • 26

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Join classes any time!

Meditation in Action 613 806-9642 — SPONSORED CONTENT —

WESTBORO VILLAGER A NOVEMBER TO REMEMBER November is cold, wet, and quite frankly not the most visually appealing outdoorsy month. While the streetscape may be momentarily lacking in beauty and splendor, there are many places to experience it both indoors and outdoors.

On any evening, you can grab a hot coffee or tea (I believe Westboro is famous for the vast selection of options!) and stroll to Winston Square to take in the warmly lit chandelier that features flora and fauna indigenous to Westboro; custom and permanent public artwork by artists Joanna Swim and Adrian Göllner. You can also take in (and

and stores at

maybe even take home!) beautiful artwork that is displayed indoors at Wall Space Gallery (358 Richmond Road). On November 11, please join us at the cenotaph at Byron Linear Park near Golden Avenue in honouring those who fought bravely for Canadians (and beyond) on Remembrance Day. ‘Tis the season to plan your festivities for the very busy December ahead. Whether you are hosting parties, dinner, family, friends – you can find what you need in Westboro. Or if you are not in the mood for hosting, there are several restaurants who can accommodate groups of up to even 50 people – great for office parties. Check out our directory of restaurants

Photo of Winston Square Chandelier by Adrian Göllner

Wet Kisses! Food • Toys • Grooming For CATS & DOGS

Bring this ad in and receive $5 off any purchase over $25

(excludes grooming). Expires November 30, 2018

Westboro Village (between MEC & Lululemon)

354 Richmond rd • 613.792.3711





WESTBORO VILLAGE • November 2018 • 28


Get ready to light up the village on December 1, in what promises to be a joyous kick-off to the holiday season. We’re bringing back some of favourite traditions and starting a brand new one this year!


Modern-cut Super 100's wool, 1/2 lined with patch pockets in light navy blue. Available in Short, Regular and Tall sizes. E.R. FISHER MENSWEAR 199 Richmond Road (at Kirkwood Ave.), Ottawa, K1Z 6W4 613.829.8313 F R E E PA R K I N G O N - S I T E


The Renaissance Carollers will be back this year from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Look for them (although you’re more likely to hear them coming) as they stroll through Westboro Village singing everyone’s favourite carols. The annual Westboro tree lighting ceremony will once again be taking place in front of All Saints Westboro. Drop by at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to help count down to the big light up. It’s going to be a large tree; a sight to behold! Bundle up and bring the family, then stick around to catch up with friends and neighbours and enjoy some hot cocoa, cider, and good cheer. New this year, the Westboro Village Christmas Market will showcase some amazing local handmade goods and gifts between noon and 7 p.m. on December 1 and 2. It’s a fun and easy way to find that perfect gift and get a jump start on holiday shopping. And don’t miss the raffle! It’s a special fundraiser for WaterAid. The market will be located outdoors at Winston Square, but it may extend even further. Additional details will be posted at



There is also an informal gathering at 11:00 a.m. at the Westboro cenotaph on November 11.

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29 • November 2018 • WESTBORO VILLAGE

11:00 a.m. – Remembrance service, indoors at Carlingwood Mall. 2:00 p.m. – Westboro cenotaph parade and service. The parade marches from the Westboro Legion at 1:45 p.m.

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Everyone is invited to attend these services on November 11.




Donations raised through the sale of poppies go to the Ottawa Poppy Trust Fund, and they make a big difference in our community. According to the Westboro Legion, poppy funds are held in trust in a bank account separate from the branch general funds and cannot be used for any purpose other than those stipulated. These uses include but are not limited to: • Assisting veterans and their families with the such necessities of life as food and shelter; • Providing comforts to veterans and their widows/widowers when they are hospitalized, in long-term care facilities, and in nursing homes; • Setting up educational bursaries for veterans’ children and/or grandchildren; • Funding medical research and training; • Operating legion service bureau offices that help veterans deal with various bureaucracies. Legion Branches Westboro 480 and Strathcona 595 are members of the Ottawa Poppy Fund. During the past year (2017-2018) the Ottawa Poppy Fund donated over $67,000 to veterans, cadet corps, youth programs, and community groups. Some of the organizations that have received funding include the Perley and Rideau Veteran’s Health Centre, Canadian Adaptive SnowSports, Carefor

Health & Community Services, Meals on Wheels, and The Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League (veterans in the Caribbean). At Christmas, gifts were provided to veterans, widows and widowers in the local manors and care facilities. Both branches hosted a dinner for the veterans in their area during the year. Poppy funds were also used for the Royal Canadian Legion Poster and Literacy contest in November, which promotes remembrance and is open to all youth. There were six bursaries awarded last year to students pursuing postsecondary educations. “Thank you to everyone who supported us during last year’s poppy campaign,” says Doug Cody of the Westboro Legion. “We look forward to your continued support as we strive to assist our veterans, youth and community.” The next time you see a tray of poppies at a local shop, make a donation, and wear that poppy over your heart. You will feel good knowing you are making a difference. For more information about the Westboro Legion, please go to

Did you know that the poppy was first adopted as a symbol of remembrance in 1921? Today, it’s an instantly recognizable symbol. It’s such a small thing, but there’s so much meaning behind it. Wearing a poppy on our lapel is a way to show our respect and gratitude to those who sacrificed so much for their country.

THE WESTBORO VILLAGE BIA IS LOOKING FOR YOUR DECEMBER EVENT LISTINGS! Send the name of the event, a short description, and information about the date, time and place to





This feature is a paid advertisement sponsored in part by the Westboro Village Business Improvement Area. For more information, please see


Great River Media CONTRIBUTORS:

Andrea Tomkins Would you like to stay informed about local

WESTBORO VILLAGE • November 2018 • 30

events, sales, contests, and fun happenings in Westboro? Sign up for our e-newsletter at We


Eric Dupuis 613-266-5598

promise to respect your time and your inbox.

Start the celebration season right with cupcakes, cake, gourmet treats and so much more 6 Byward Market • 613.862.0926 | 324 Richmond Rd (Westboro) • 613.862.0926 |

Volunteer Driven Since 1978

Lumbering Days Legacy

Poetry felt like the way to draw out the sounds, smells, and textures of his childhood on an eastern townships homestead and his life in roughneck Bytown

Kitchissippi poet celebrates J. R. Booth by Barbara Clubb The Ottawa street leading to the Chaudière Bridge, a hill in Kingsmere, a road in North Bay, an Algonquin Park lake, and a red brick mansion on Metcalfe Street –– all are named after John Rudolphus Booth, pre-eminent among the Ottawa Valley lumber kings but today forgotten by many. A new book, Building on River, by longtime Kitchissippi resident Jean Van Loon, brings him back to life. Curiously, Van Loon chose to explore Booth’s life and times through poetry. “Poetry felt like the way to draw out the sounds, smells, and textures of his childhood on an eastern townships homestead and his life in roughneck Bytown. Plus, I could present the perspectives of different voices in different poems.” In fact, the first poem in the book assumes the voice of the Ottawa River. Upon his death in 1925, Booth had his papers burned. No diaries or journals or personal letters admit a reader of today into his thinking. “Poems have the advantage that nobody expects them to be literally factual,” says Van Loon, “so I felt the Original

1310 Wellington Street Open 7 days • 8am to 7pm

November, 2018

Kitchissippi writer Jean Van Loon celebrates the life and times of Ottawa Valley lumber baron J. R. Booth in her new book Building on River. Photo courtesy of B. Clubb

freer to imagine his thoughts and feelings and those of his family and business associates.” Booth lived to 98 and worked to the very end. He built a business empire on the forests of the Ottawa Valley and the power of the Chaudière. In the 1880s, with his Chaudière sawmill becoming the largest in the



world, he built a railroad from Vermont to Georgian Bay, a steamship line to link the railroad to the Canadian prairies and the U.S. Midwest, and grain elevators on Parry Island to accommodate shipments moving east. Van Loon notes, “the Queensway through Kitchissippi follows the path of that railway. And the original Experimental Farm consisted largely of land bought from Booth’s farm holdings.” This was a man recognized not just in Canada but around the world for his business achievements. Van Loon shows Booth as a driven man, passionate about his work. He was also an eccentric, loved by thousands of employees. He dressed in tradesman’s clothing, worked at manual labour alongside his men, and offered his own home remedies if they were sick. The poor state of public health and medical treatment in the 1800s affected his family – three children of the eight born to him and his wife Rosalinda died in early childhood, and one of tuberculosis at 23. “In those days,” says Van Loon, “one in five people in this area caught TB, and the average life span after

diagnosis was five years.” Building on River brings to life a fascinating figure who shaped Kitchissippi and much of Ottawa. “More Canadian history needs to be re-imagined as poetry,” poet Catherine Owen wrote, reviewing the book in her blog Marrow Reviews. Van Loon’s Building on River made the bestseller list of Books on Beechwood for two months running and is available at the Ottawa Public Library and in Books on Beechwood, Perfect Books, Octopus Books, branches of Chapters and Coles and online from Amazon and Indigo.

INSIDE NEWSWEST Active 2 Library 3 H.E.D.C. Good 3 The deadline for the December Newswest is November 16, 2018 Please note our new address: Newswest c/o 132 Bayview Road, Ottawa, K1Y 2C6 Visit us online at for more photos and Web-extra content.

NewswestNewspaper @NewswestOttawa

NEWSWEST • November 2018 • 2

Colleen Murray, of Wellington West, coordinates the GRAND Market’s Children’s Toys and Books section. Photo by Bill Van Iterson

Unitarian Grannies in Action Holiday Market fights AIDS pandemic by Shari McGuigan Colleen Murray, a long-time resident of West Wellington is a mother, a grandmother, and a member of the Unitarian GoGos. The GoGos are part of the One World Grannies, a group which, through their annual GRAND Market, raises funds for the Stephen Lewis Foundation’s Grandmothers Campaign. And why are these grandmothers fundraising? The “Grandmothers to Grandmothers” program has shown itself, over a period of twelve years, to be a unique and effective way of combatting the AIDS pandemic in Africa. The program involves grandmothers, originally in Canada, and now also in Australia, the U.K. and the U.S., raising funds (over $30

million, since 2006!) to help grandmothers in Africa who are supporting grandchildren affected, or orphaned, by AIDS. This program takes action to strengthen families, and to build confidence, skills and a route to success for grandchildren whose parents can no longer support them. African grandmothers are feeding, housing, and clothing their grandchildren, putting them through school, creating support groups to manage grief, and delivering comfort and hope. Important progress has been achieved on HIV/AIDS. Globally, new HIV infections among young children were reduced by half between 2010 and 2016. On the other hand,

infections among teens between the ages of 15 and 19 are rising. Twothirds of those newly infected persons are girls. The Grandmothers to Grandmothers initiative has put in place programs which speak strongly to African teens about how they can prevent infection, or, if necessary, obtain treatment. Colleen coordinates the GRAND Market’s children’s toys and books section. Gently used treasures are donated by Grannies and their friends. Colleen ensures that donated items are complete and in nearly new condition. Thus, the GRAND Market is able to offer, at remarkably low prices, a wonderful collection of good quality toys, games and books for babies, toddlers and school-age children.

The Grannies want everyone to know that their 4th annual GRAND Market, which started in the Churchill Seniors’ Centre and has outgrown its origins, will take place on Sunday November 25 at Lansdowne Park’s Horticulture Building from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The GRAND Market will feature a wide variety of homemade and holiday items including baking, crafts, and gifts. Also featured will be many “gentlyused” offerings, including excellent quality women’s clothing and accessories, children’s toys, books, board games, and art, silver, glassware and other treasures. Visitors can enjoy a coffee, treats or lunch at the Sweet and Savoury Café and perhaps chance a visit to Grandmother Moon, our popular Tarot card reader. For more information contact One World Grannies’ Val Swinton or Peggy Edwards

Rosemount Library Revitalization

Thanks go out to the Hintonburg Economic Development Committee whose generous donation funded the repainting of faded pavement games at Connaught Public School. Old games were repainted and new ones added. This painting couldn’t be done over the summer because other infrastructure work was taking up space on the pavement. But it’s now done and the kids are enjoying the outdoor games while the weather is still nice. Photo by S. Wong

Ensuring Community Voices are Heard

Revamped outdoor areas at the OPL Rosemount Branch will not guarantee yearround comfortable reading spaces to rectify current crowded conditions. READ members stress the importance of additional indoor space. Photo courtesy of READ.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES : Submitted articles are welcome at a maximum length of 500 words, letters at 300 words, and calendar items at 50 words. High resolution photos should be at least 300 dpi.

Opinions and information published in Newswest do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper. All queries can be directed to

3 • November 2018 • NEWSWEST

EDITOR Tim Thibeault •



NEWSWEST Newswest c/o 132 Bayview Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 2C6 613-710-3553 •

John Ferguson, owner of GT Express, joins Hintonburg Economic Development Committee (HEDC) co-chair Cheryl Parrott (r), to present a cheque for $2,000 to the Recreation Association of Hintonburg’s chair, Lorrie Marlow (l), and some of the Friday night basketball players. The $2,000 represents the proceeds from sale of Hintonburg t-shirts which was a joint effort by GT Express and the HEDC to raise funds for youth programming. The recreation association will use the money to pay for team jerseys, a spring basketball tournament, basketball coaching and a referee training course. Through the generosity of GT Express and the HEDC, the RAH provides free drop-in basketball and soccer programs on Friday nights at the Connaught Public School gyms. The basketball program for youth ages 13+ usually has approximately 20+ participants and the soccer program, for kids 8 to 12 years of age has around the same number. These free drop-in programs run at Connaught Public School every Friday from 6 to 9 p.m. through the winter. For information on these programs, message the Recreation Association of Hintonburg Facebook page. Photo courtesy of RAH


The library should be redesigned so it becomes an innovative, interactive, and integrated community hub. READ also encourages people to consider what design features would allow Rosemount to serve the high-needs and vulnerable groups and individuals in the community. The Ottawa Public Library is still seeking feedback through an online survey. As well as the survey, the display boards and photos used at the Open House are also on the OPL website at A second consultation will present a preliminary design based on the input received from the community. READ will ask that the format for this December consultation feature a presentation by the architects, followed by a question and answer session. It is important that there be a dialogue so all attendees can hear each other’s viewpoints. For more information: visit the READ website

by Josh Nutt, Chair of READ Rosemount On October 3, the Ottawa Public Library hosted a very well-attended open house regarding the revitalization of the Rosemount library. The small lowerlevel meeting/program space at Rosemount was packed as members of the community circulated to examine design ideas for the future Rosemount. Attendees shared their own ideas and feedback by writing on Post-it notes and attaching them to various poster-boards created by +VG Architects. The open house was busy and shows that our community is keenly interested on the future of our local library. I heard great ideas for how to make Rosemount better and a bit bigger. The OPL and +VG Architects must take the time to reflect on what the community said and incorporate the feedback into the preliminary design. READ will continue to hold the OPL accountable and will push for a presentation from the architects when the preliminary design is released in December 2018. One particular design element that invoked criticism was the OPL’s focus on outdoor space. Many attendees expressed concerns that outdoor space would have limited use given Ottawa’s climate. In READ’s view, the focus should be on expanding and improving the indoor space. The ongoing community consultations allow residents to give feedback on all aspects of the proposed renovation. READ believes that Rosemount must meet the demands of the diverse and growing Kitchissippi neighbourhood.

Halloween Party 1962

NEWSWEST • November 2018 • 4



Melting mummies and a graveyard smash by Anna Borris Every fall, on a late October weekend, our neighbourhood had a Halloween party in the community building at the park. For days before, we planned our costumes carefully, knowing we would wear the same one again on the actual night. I borrowed an old housedress from my mom, added a long fringed shawl, and tied a kerchief around my head. In the basement I found some old brass curtain rings and sewed them to the scarf for earrings. The end result was a perfect cartoon gypsy. My ten year old brother wasn’t having any luck finding a costume and was getting discouraged. Our mom made some suggestions, but nothing was appealing. It was almost time to leave when I had an idea. “Hey Marty, how would you like to be a mummy?” “Sure,” he said looking more

cheerful. I found some rolls of toilet paper and wrapped him from his legs up to his head, with a little slit for him to peer out. We added an old hat, and some fake glasses, nose and mustache. He was delighted with his image in the mirror, so we headed to the park.

“Hey Marty, how would you like to be a mummy?” Tables of candy, donated cupcakes, cookies and fruit punch lined the back wall which was decorated with orange and black balloons and grotesque jack o’lanterns. After everyone had had something to eat and drink, the costume judging took place. We all stood in a line around

the room and three of the parents conducted an inspection. To my astonishment Marty the mummy won first prize, an orange flashlight to use on his Halloween rounds. I found Karen and Dave in the crowd and Marty met his gang of buddies. The party naturally included a dance. Everyone did the twist along with Chubby Checker. Elvis sang “Good Luck Charm”, the Four Seasons sang “Sherry” followed by Gene Pitney, Bobby Rydell, Brenda Lee and Sue Thompson. Bobby Boris Picket finished off the dancing with our favourite new song “Monster Mash”. We loved it so much, nobody danced to that one; we just sang along. It was a graveyard smash. When we got tired of dancing, it was time to tell horror stories. We sat in a huge circle, and a few people had scary tales to share. Our friend Dave told one we had heard since we were little kids. He embellished the story, adding creepy details and changing his voice to suit each character. It was about a girl who always wore a kerchief and refused to tell anyone why. After being bullied about it, she yanked it off and her head fell off. Even though we had heard it a thousand times, we were still horrified but at the same time we all launched into hysterical laughter. Some of the other stories were about the killer with the hook that came off on the handle of the lovers’ car door, and the monster in the basement coming up the stairs one at a time, suspense building with every step. On that note, the party ended. As Marty and I headed into the spooky dark night, I noticed he was wearing his plain clothes again. “What happened to your costume?” I asked. “I spilled some juice on it, and it just disintegrated,” he laughed. “Good thing the judging happened at the beginning of the party. Never mind, we’ll do it again for Halloween night.” “OK,” he grinned and shining his new orange flashlight on the sidewalk ahead, he got us safely home before any monsters could catch us.

Newswest AGM Celebrating 40 Years of Communty Service by Pat O’Brien, Newswest Chair All are invited to attend Newswest’s 40th annual general meeting on Tuesday, November 13 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Hintonburg Community Centre. The AGM will be a celebration of our 40 years of providing community news to the residents of Ottawa West. Light refreshments will be served. This will be a full AGM with the election of board members in accordance with Newswest’s by-laws. If you live within the distribution area* and wish to run for the board of directors you must be a paid-up member ($5.00) by October 14, 2018. For information contact us at

I hope to see you there! Note: *: the area bordered by the O-train tracks and Woodroffe Avenue, between the Ottawa River and Carling Avenue. This area includes the neighbourhoods of Mechanicsville, Hintonburg, Champlain Park, West Wellington, Wellington Village, Hampton Park, Westboro Beach, Westboro, Highland Park, McKellar Park, Carlingwood and Civic Hospital.

HINTONBURG COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: CRAFT FAIR Saturday 24th November 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. KRINGLE Santa comes to Hintonburg! Friday 7th December, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

COMMUNITY CALENDAR NOVEMBER 3 - YULETIDE BAZAAR The Parkdale United Church Yuletide Bazaar is taking place Saturday November 3 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (429 Parkdale Ave.) Lots of Christmas gift ideas, café, home baking, jams and jellies, soups, vintage linens, kitchen and bath, attic treasures, fashion boutique, silent auction, books, antiques and collectibles and much more! For information call 613-728-8656 or go to NOVEMBER 3 – GETTING STARTED IN GENEALOGY Do you want to research your family tree but are not sure how to start? Learn about first steps, organizing information, the records you need and where to find them, and tips for effective searching. Happening at the Carlingwood Library on Saturday November 3 at 2 p.m. Registration is required. For more information go to

NOVEMBER 24 - HINTONBURG ARTISAN CRAFT FAIR Come join your neighbours for a day of holiday shopping with local craftspeople and makers! Handcrafted items, bake sale, music, hot chilli lunch and lots of familiar faces! Saturday November 24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hintonburg Community Centre. NOVEMBER 28 - CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Join us at Amica at Westboro Park for our Christmas Bazaar! A variety of Westboro vendors will be there selling everything from baked goods to clothing to jewelry. Complimentary hot chocolate will be served. The event runs in our Duke of Richmond Pub from noon to 5 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For more information please call Julia at 613-728-9274.


TOASTMASTERS Learn confidence and hone your leadership skills. Above and Beyond Toastmasters will help you get there. We meet every Monday at 7 p.m. except holidays at the Civic campus of The Ottawa Hospital in the Bickell Room on the main floor (across from Tim Hortons). Everyone is welcome. For more information, please see or contact CHURCHILL SENIORS CENTRE Folk Song Circle is meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. Join our knitting, crochet or quilting circles on Fridays between 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Open Lounge, Tuesday and Thursday, 1-3 p.m., meet others and play chess, Scrabble or cribbage. Play Pickleball on Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. or Fridays at 11:15 a.m. Social Painting Club is Thursdays from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., open room with lots of light and like-minded artists. Come play ukulele on Wednesdays at 11:30 a.m. and/or Friday at 9:15 a.m. Weight & Cardio Agility on Mon/Wed/Fri 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and there’s open use of the fitness centre. Fees are nominal. For more information call 613-798-8872 or email

Hampton-Iona Community Group Island Park Community Association McKellar Park Community Association Mechanicsville Community Association Wellington Village Community Association Westboro Beach Community Association Westboro Community Association

Deadline for submissions:

NOV. 22 Please include “Community Calendar” in the subject line of your email.


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35 • November 2018

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Sans Souci Home Improvement Decks, Painting, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Basements, Flooring All work guaranteed

Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association


DECEMBER 2 - SONGS OF HOPE: A WINTER CHORAL CONCERT What gives you hope during these turbulent times? Come listen to the three choirs at First Unitarian as they explore the concept of hope through songs by Craig Hella Johnson, Eleanor Daley, Gordon Lightfoot, Sam Cooke and many more. Sunday, December 2 at 2 p.m, 30 Cleary Ave. Freewill donation accepted at the door.

WESTBORO LEGION’S SATURDAY AND SUNDAY POOL Free pool from noon to closing upstairs at the Westboro Legion on Saturdays and Sundays. Everyone is welcome. For more information visit our website at or call 613725-2778.

Champlain Park Community Association


NOVEMBER 17 - FIRST UNITARIAN FALL FAIR Biggest church bazaar in town and it’s right here in Kitchissippi! Great deals on gently used clothing, books, jewellery, electronics and other treasures. Fabulous silent auction; two food venues; knitted items; baking, and jams. From 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. All at First Unitarian (30 Cleary Ave.)! For information, email or call 613-725-1066.

NOVEMBER 23 - NIGHT OF WORSHIP AND MINISTRY Join St. Mary’s Parish for an evening of praise, prophecy, teaching, healing and fellowship on November 23, 7-9 pm. The theme is “Worship: Encountering Heaven.” Michael Sarich, the speaker, is a gifted leader of various ministries at St. Mary’s Parish and he serves the Body of Christ through his charisms in teaching, prophecy and leading worship. The Night of Worship and Ministry is held every fourth Friday of the month. For more information, please contact Natalia Lacar at 613-728-9811 x720 or email

WESTBORO LEGION’S BINGO AND LEAGUES Bingo every Wednesday night at the Westboro Legion. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. for Ric’s@480 food service. Bingo games begin at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Join us with your friends, or come and meet new friends. Funds raised are donated back to community organizations. We also have Bid euchre, darts, pool and sandbag leagues on a weekly basis starting in the Fall. For more information visit our website at or call 613-725-2778.

YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS For up-to-date news on your neighbourhood, stay in touch with your community association. Information about events, traffic changes, development, neighbourhood clubs, volunteer opportunities and board meetings is available from the following Community Association websites:


NOVEMBER 5 – COMPUTER BASICS Understanding some of the basics of your computer’s file structure, files, folders and file management is one of the most fundamental things every computer user should know. Jeff Dubois, Publicity Chair, Ottawa PC Users’ Group, will provide a simple, easy-to-understand overview of how things are organized on your computer, and provide some meaningful tips on how you can develop more effective file management strategies to improve your computer skills. The Windows file manager (Windows Explorer), file names, directories, copying, moving, and sharing of files will all be covered as a first-step towards your becoming a more efficient computer user. Happening at the Carlingwood Library on Monday November 5 at 6 p.m. Registration is required. For more information go to

NOVEMBER 17 - ST. MARTIN’S CHURCH BAZAAR The ever-popular eagerly awaited annual St. Martin’s church bazaar at 2120 Prince Charles Rd. offers a vast array of baked goods, jams, jelly, jewellery, knit goods, craft and decor items along with a silent auction and on-site bistro lunch. Doors open at 9 a.m. Be there early!

DECEMBER 12 - FRIENDSHIP LUNCHEON Come and join us at the Churchill Seniors Recreation Center (345 Richmond Rd.) from noon to 2 p.m. for a Christmas themed lunch to celebrate the holiday season. Enjoy a home-made meal, including coffee, tea and fresh-baked dessert. We look forward to being entertained by ballroom dancers. Cost $12.50.

NOVEMBER 4 - BIG SING OTTAWA Experience the joy of singing together in harmony with Evemarie Brunelle, the founder of Allez Chante! in Montreal, as she brings her dynamic workshop to Ottawa for the first time. Happening 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Westboro Masonic Hall (430 Churchill Ave. N.). No experience necessary. All ages and voices welcome. Information & tickets ($20) at

NOVEMBER 17 - ALL SAINTS’ WESTBORO VILLAGE FAIR/BAZAAR The All Saints’ Westboro Village Fair/Bazaar is taking place Saturday, November 17, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 347 Richmond Rd. Noted for crafts; knitting; used books; vintage linens; silver, china and collectibles; jams, preserves and baking; a children’s store, a silent auction and a delicious lunch. The New-to-You shop will be open. For information contact the church office at 613 725-9487 or

November 2018 • 36




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