The Green Ambassador Eco Green Real Estate

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Eco Green Real Estate The Green Ambassador, an award-winning environmentalist, has industry-i side s k o ledge of thousands of Green Dollars that are available to help you Green-UP your home purchase. Let the Green Ambassador show you how to take advantage of eco-funding, tax credits, grants, rebates and special incentives to help create ecological balance when buying a home, while still maintaining financial stability. Cathy Allen, The Green Ambassador, is certified internationally with Eco Broker to address, encourage and promote energy-efficiency in homes, buildings and land. Cathy is a Certified License Realto ® ith Ma la d Real Estate Co issio a d is a Bu e s Age t at Ta lo P ope ties.

Home Buying the Green Way - Energy-efficient Mortgages, Rebates & More Home Buyers Can Get Up to $30,000.00 to Purchase Their Homes. Focus: Home Buying the Green Way The G ee A assado is a Realto Bu e s Age t ho a ot o l help ou fi d the pe fe t ho e, but also offers a variety of real estate consulting services to help you make your dream a reality. Realto Bu e s Age t a d Real Estate Co sulti g i lude:  Energy Efficient Mortgage Funding  Energy Audits of the home

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Energy Efficient Rebates Environmental State and Local Tax Credits & Waivers Plant life selection and eco-home practices incentives Realto ® Bu e s Age t

Home Buying the Green Way - Make Your Green Dream a Reality Ho e Bu e s i toda s eal estate a ket a e i a e t e el u i ue positio . Cli ate ha ge a d its impact on the environment is driving a move to greener alternative sources of energy and energyefficient appliance. By opting for renewable energy, home buyers can save up to $15,000 during the lifespan of their mortgage, just in energy costs alone.

It is possible for home buyers to gain access to $7,500 available in local and state grant funds to help cover the costs of energy-efficiency improvements, along with bonuses totaling over $10,000 in tax credits, rebates and state waivers. Additional environmental tax credits and local/state e i o e tal g a ts a o t i ute a additio al $5, o th of g ee dolla s o o e.

Why Should You Believe Me? Read How I Helped Victoria Buy A Home The Green Way CASE STUDY: Walki g The G ee Ca pet of G ee Cash – Learn how Cathy assisted her client Victoria, a first-time home buyer, who received $15,000 in closing costs, a new energy-efficient fu a e at selle s ost p i e, a d a additio al $ 5, of sa i gs o e the life of he o tgage — saving her a total of $37,000. Afte Cath e plai ed ho e e g -efficient mortgage would work, I was able to view homes with an energy efficient mind. Whether or not I could make a home energy-efficient was just as i po ta t as all of spe ifi atio s I desi ed. – Victoria Hi i g Cathy Allen as my Realtor was the best thing I did. – Victoria

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