Green Barn Orchid Supplies
Orchid Mixes 01
Green Barn Orchid Supplies are located in Delray Beach, Florida in a charming 68 year old green barn. Our orchid supplies and products are varied and we try to appeal to all of the growing needs of our customers. The vanda baskets are in both mahogany wood and teak wood and plastic. The mounting plaques are in mahogany also and we carry a large supply of cork. Since 2004, the owner of Green Barn is Hyla Levine who has been growing orchids for over 25 years. Green Barn is located on the premises of Elegant Orchids, a full service orchid nursery. Whether you have five orchids or 5,000 orchids, you will find the supplies you need.
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Orchid Roots love to climb and expand; this textured mix allows them to stretch to their full potential. Mix does not compact or suffocate orchid roots.
ingredients: Charcoal Sponge Rock Pine Bark Coconut Chips
Buy Orchid Mixes At times during the year we offer FREE orchid care classes. 04
5185 Conklin Drive Delray Beach, FL 33484
(561) 499-2810 Email: Website: 05
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Our Goal To provide a complete line of orchid supplies for the orchid hobbyist and novice alike in a friendly atmosphere.