ABOUT US We are located in Delray Beach, Florida in a charming 60 year old green barn. Our products are varied and we try to appeal to all of the growing needs of our customers. We have every shape and size in wire products including pot hangers, ring stakes, rhizome clips, pot clips, S hooks, and basket wire hangers.
SERVICES We are always available to our customers either in person or on the phone to answer questions about orchid care.If you would like to have your plants repotted by one of our staff, feel free to come in with your plant and we will either help you or do the job for you.
PRICE: $0.35 PRICE :$0.35
PRICE: $0.30
PRICE: $18.00
5185 Conklin Dr, Delray Beach, FL 33484, USA CALL US: (561) 499-2810 EMAIL: sales@greenbarnorchid.com WEBSITE: www.greenbarnorchid.com