3 minute read
Play Money
Learn the names of coins/ notes . Learn the value of coins/notes. Learn the value of sets of coins/notes. Determine the kind and number of coins/notes for a given value. Our South African Madiba play money consists of Rands. - Age: 5 years + - Item Size: (L)15 x (W)9 x (H)2 cm
Play Money Madiba
GBL-GB001 GBL-GB002(Double Pack) Demo Magnetic


Playing Cards
GBL-GB24520 (54pcs)
Playing cards are a great resource for teaching number recognition, sequencing, chance and probability as well as an assortment of games. One pack includes 54 cards. - Age: 5 years + - Item Size: (L)9.7 x (H)14.8 cm

Lesson Plan CD
GBL-GB-LP001 (Base Ten) GBL-GB-LP002 (Grade 3) GBL-GB-LP003 (Grade 4-6)
A comprehensive mathematics lesson plan for teachers.

Laminated Demo Fraction
GBL-GB3763 (Chart to 5th) GBL-GB3764 (Chart to 12th)
A set of 51 proportionally-sized pieces representing a whole, halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and twelfths. - Age: 5 years + - Item Size: (L)30 x (W)21 x (H)0.1 cm 292

GBL-GB3740 (1-100 - 10 pc) GBL-GB3741 (1-200 - 10pc) GBL-GB3766 (1-120 - 1 pc)
- Age: 5 years + - Item Size: (L)19.2 x (W)15 x (H)7.2 cm

Numberboard Multiplication
GBL-GB3737 (10pc)

Number Line
GBL-GB3760 (Neg 20) GBL-GB3761 (1-100) GBL-GB3762 (1-200) GBL-GB3773 (500) GBL-GB3780 (Decimal 0-5))
Our Laminated Number lines are an asset to any maths classroom. - Age: 8 years +

Fraction Circles Double-Sided Magnetic
Demonstrate fractions, percentages and equivalencies on your whiteboard. Clearly labeled with fractions on one side and percentages on reverse to help students understand the relationship between the concepts. Colour-coded to match other Rainbow Fraction manipulatives for extended learning. Set includes: 9 circles - Age: 4 years + - Item Size: (L)20 x (W)20 x (H)20 cm

Fraction Circles
GBL-GB3765 (Laminated) GBL-GB3765M (Single Side Magnetic)
A DEMO set of 51 proportionally-sized pieces representing a whole, halves, thirds, quarters, fifths, sixths, eighths, tenths and twelfths. Laminated in 9 distinct colours. - Age: 4 years + - Item Size: (L)20 x (W)20 x (H)20 cm

Flard Cards
These laminated cards are perfect for children to explore the concept of number building and place value. - Age: 5 years + - Item Size: (L)30 x (W)21 x (H)0.3 cm
Number Dot Cards
Our demo set of Number Dot cards range from 1 to 20. Each set consists of 20 dot cards, 20 number cards and 20 number word cards. Dot and digit cards measure 10,5 x 12 cm each and the number word cards measure 6 x 12 cm each. - Age: 5 years + - Item Size: (L)12x (W)50 x (H)12 cm

The Standard Kit contains more than 200 shapes (polygons)- enough to build each of the Platonic solids, each of the Archimedean solids and much more, there are however not enough pieces to build all of these polyhedra at once.The kit includes a instruction booklet with instructions on how to build the shapes (polyhedra) and a number of ideas/suggestions on how the kits can be used in the study of geometry - Age: 8 years + - Item size: (L)45 x (H)26 cm

Frieze Cards
These fun and colourful wall cards assist in explaining basic number concepts from 1-20. Laminated boards make these cards durable and reusable. - Age: 5 years + - Item Size: (L)45.5 x (H)22 cm
Kitchen Scale Analogue
Sturdy plastic kitchen scale with loose fitted pan for weights. A standard metric system, weights are marked from 0 - 5kgs. - Age: 8 years + - Item size: (L)16 x (W)14 x (H)18 cm