Green Careers Journal - July/August 2010 Vol. V Num. 3

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July-August 2010 Vol. V, Num. 3

Sustainable Construction Careers

Work in Green IT

Tips to Find a Green Job

It’s a jungle out there.

It can be tough navigating through the tangled network of sites designed to find you a job. Why not cut right through the mess to a site that has exactly the type of green career you are looking for? Visit, post your resume, and start earning green while being green.

The First and Only Guide to Green Design Education This carefully researched directory of ecological design and building schools in North America features an annotated listing of schools and educational centers offering top programs in ecological building design and construction. The guide also offers a comprehensive 20-year review of sustainable design education and discussion of current educational offerings, plus extensive tables comparing school programs, listings of curricular resources, related organizations, and individual instructors. Author Sandra Leibowitz Earley is an architect who focuses on greener solutions for the built environment. She founded Sustainable Design Consulting and has authored and co-authored pioneering articles and guidance documents on a variety of ecological building subjects, including the 1998 edition of the HOK Sustainable Design Guide, the 1999 edition of GreenSpec and the US Green Building Council Toolkit for State and Local Governments. Ecological Design and Building Schools substantially updates and expands upon her 1996 publication – Eco-Building Schools. “valuable to all design and building professionals, not just students.” – David Arkin, AIA, Arkin Tilt Architects “A comprehensive resource covering the scope of offerings in sustainable design education today. This book also traces the evolution of practical training in sustainable design, serving the student, practitioner, and educator.”– Margot McDonald, AIA, Professor of Architecture. Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo New Village Press is public-benefit publishing venture of Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility. Purchase this book directly from New Village Press or bookstores across the United States and Canada.

$19.95 paperback. 168 pages, 60 photos. Printed on acid-free, 100% post-consumer recycled paper. ISBN 0-9766054-1-4

PO Box 3049 Oakland, CA 94609 • 510.420.1361 • •

July-August 2010

Volume V, Number 3

The journal of the environmental careers world. Dedicated to bringing those in the environmental careers field the information they need to succeed.

Green Careers Journal Staff: John Esson, Publisher Jeremy Esson, Editor-in-Chief Karen Fitzgerald, Contributing Editor Scott Francis, Associate Editor

On the cover: In this issue we take a look at the growing field of green information technology


Sabine Rogers, Senior Staff Writer Lauren Grochmal, Editorial Assistant Contributing Authors: Paul Copcutt Meg Guiseppi Denise Felder Please help our environment. Reuse it, by sharing it with a friend. Then, Recycle this issue after use, thank-you.

The Green Careers Journal is published 6 times annually by Environmental Career Center, 2 Eaton Street, Suite 711, Hampton, Virginia 23669 Phone: 757-727-7895; Fax: 757-727-7904 E-mail: Subscription rates are: Individuals/Students: $24.95 - 6 issues $49.95 - 12 issues Colleges/Organizations: $49.95 - 6 issues $89.95 - 12 issues Add US$1.50 per issue for delivery outside the USA Single issue price: $5.95 US Postmaster: Address correction requested. We do our very best in providing subscribers with comprehensive and accurate job information and assisting employers with cost-effective recruitment. Environmental Career Center and it’s owners, employees, contractors and volunteers assume no liability for errors or omissions. Liability is limited to the cost of the subscription or paid advertisement. Money back guarantee: If you are not satisfied with the Green Careers Journal, you may cancel your subscription at any time and receive a refund for all un-mailed copies. Copyright 2010  Environmental Career Center. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the publisher. ISSN: 1559-0844 Cover photo: © Amanda Rohde

FEATURES: Job Advice


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July-August 2010

Green Job Advice

You Don’t Have to Leave to Get a Want to Transition to a Green Green Job – Become the Internal Job? Research and Network Environmental Champion! Your Way In by Paul Copcutt

The environment could be one of your passions, even a core value, the challenge is that you don’t see your current company doing anything about it – in fact the majority of respondents to a Monster survey said that, given the choice, they would leave their current employer for a ‘greener’ one - BUT the great news is that you do not have to leave. In a similar survey, also for Monster, only 18% of respondents felt that their employer was being extremely green - the reason that most employers are not taking the first steps are lack of information and the upfront cost of doing something. This is where YOU come in. Identify who in your organization would have a say in making greener policies and decisions and understand what their current opinions are, let them know that you are passionate about this cause and you would like to spearhead an initiative to establish the benefits of taking a greener approach. After all green programs have been shown to not just save costs, but engage and retain employees. Be sure that your profile internally then becomes one associated with the green initiative, including adding a byline to your e-mail signature, having something in your work area that reflects green and even getting an internal announcement out there. First do an assessment of what is being done now either formally or informally. Spend some time with the person in your organization who is responsible and understand their motivations and the companies for bring green so that you can align. Also find out also what has been done in the past, you might have a great idea or initiative but it has been tried before. Better to know why it might not have worked before using that as a launch and seeing it flop. Secondly seek some input from others in the company. Again a survey may have already been done so do not duplicate the work. If not use one of the no charge online surveys to ask a few questions about peoples level of interest and what they are already doing. Also see if there is anyone interested in helping you. Third develop a strategy to launch the initiative and a plan for implementing some ongoing action, look to recommend some quick changes that will have an impact both by being noticed and saving the organization money. After that think about enrolling some like minded colleagues to the cause and establish some longer term goals and programs. Very soon you will have the unofficial job title of IGO – Internal Green Officer! One of Paul Copcutt’s core values is environment and as a Personal Brand Strategist he works with professionals and executives and their teams, in larger corporations to understand their leadership brand, appreciate it’s impact and hopefully incorporate a green aspect to that. You can subscribe to his weekly 57 second personal brand tips “Just My Toonies Worth” at www. and he can be contacted at 1-905-628-1100.

By Meg Guiseppi

Competition is growing exponentially for jobs in this hot industry. The key to success is investing time in targeted research, compiling a list of companies to focus on, identifying hiring decision makers or leads within those companies, and penetrating their networks. Practice “give to get” networking. Gently get to know them, what their needs are, and how you can solve their problems. Build evangelism for your brand and stay top of mind with them. When they hear of jobs that may be a good fit, they’ll think of you. • Familiarize yourself with industry trends, culture, and the lingo, so you’ll converse intelligently. • Identify companies through Google search and at Hoovers Online, Forbes, libraries, etc., then dig deeper at websites of each company on your list. • Create career marketing communications that align your niche expertise and brand value proposition with the needs of your target companies. • Connect with leads through online social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and professional associations. See’s list of 175+ Green Industry Groups. The payoff for targeting and networking in? • You’ll have first-response to unadvertised positions. Or your target companies may decide to chisel out an opportunity for you. You probably won’t have any competition! • You’ll circumvent HR departments and tap into the hidden job market, because you’re not moving through the traditional HR-driven search process. • Your research will also serve as due diligence work to pre-qualify whether companies are a sound choice. • You’ll become a known commodity and valuable asset, because you’ve taken the time to extend your brand value to the companies’ inner decision making circle. Meg Guiseppi is a 20-year careers industry professional and one of only a handful of people worldwide to hold the Reach Certified Personal Branding Strategist, Reach Certified Online Identity Strategist and Master Resume Writer credentials – all gold standards. She helps c-level executives define their brand, create career marketing materials that differentiate their unique promise of value, and strategically position their brand communications to land their next great gig. Connect with Meg at her blogsite Executive Career Brand (www.executivecareerbrand. com), on LinkedIn (, and on Twitter (http://

Articles reprinted with permission. Originally published by Reach Communications Consulting, Inc.


Job Seeker Advice

The Who’s and How’s of Personal References by Denise Felder

There are two types of references used in the hiring process. The first is employment verifications from your past employers. This is usually a simple check a prospective employer does to make sure you worked the dates and positions that you claimed on your application and resume. During employment verifications, your past employers are not allowed to talk about how good (or bad) of an employee you were. This is why your list of personal references is so important. Personal references are people whom you have chosen to speak to prospective employers about your skills and personality. It is a good idea to include former supervisors and coworkers in your personal references. Who to use as a reference Only list people who you know will say good things about your work or education. By asking someone to be a reference for you, you are giving him or her permission to say what they want about you. So make sure you pick trustworthy people who will speak positively and accurately about your skills and work ethic.

List your references’ name, job title and company, phone number, and e-mail address. You can also include the length of time they have known you and your relationship to them (former supervisor, fellow committee member, etc.). The number of references you give employers depends on the number of people who can speak positively and accurately about you. List at least three people but not more than 10.

Other people to use as references:

How to ask for a reference

Make a list of all the people you know who might be good references. Ask if they would give you a reference BEFORE you give their name to employers. Most people who know your work will be honored to be a reference for you.

• Volunteer supervisors • Former coworkers • Members of committees you served on • Teachers and professors • Classmates • Teammates

Remember, not all of your friends make good references. They might not know details of your work or education and won’t be able to give employers details of why they should hire you. Also, listing family members and clergy is not a good idea because it is assumed that they will give you a positive reference no matter what. The exception to this is if you worked at the family business, or did a specific job or volunteer project at your place of worship.

Next, send each of your references an updated copy of your resume. Your former teammate, for example, will know about your skills on the playing field, but might not know about your other experiences that qualify you for the job. At the beginning of each job search, call or e-mail all of your references to let them know that you are actively searching and that companies might be calling to discuss your skills. By alerting your references and sending them an updated resume, you are allowing them time to recall your skills and work experience, and to prepare what they might tell employers about you.

How to present your references Do not list your references on your resume and do not write “references available upon request.” All employers know to ask for your references if they want them. Create a separate sheet that lists your references in a format similar to your resume. Only give this to employers who ask for it. This way only select employers get your references’ contact information, and you are more likely to know which employers called to find out more about you.


Denise Felder is the editor of the annual career exploration publication MnCareers. Her background is in career coaching for young adults, and low-income job seekers. She is also a writer, editor and producer for print, online and television media outlets. Her current projects include developing job search and goal-setting content for parents, ex-offenders, and underrepresented populations. www.iseek. org/mncareers/index.html. This article originally appeared on ISPEAK, the official blog, and has been reprinted with permission. July-August 2010

Career Profile

Green Building

A Look at the Construction Sector Green Construction: Building to Protect the Environment and Jobs In previous issues of the Green Careers Journal we have taken a look at careers in the design and manufacturing sectors of Green Building. In this issue we take a look at the opportunities that can be found in the construction sector. Although some of the construction sector careers overlap with design and manufacturing careers, construction provides the most hands-on opportunities for the green collar worker. The Driving Force A green building, or sustainable building, is a structure that is designed, built, renovated, operated, or reused with an ecological and resource friendly approach. These buildings are designed and constructed, or retrofitted to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment by using energy, water and other resources efficiently; protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity; and reducing waste and pollution. The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) have set the standards for Green Building in the United States. USGBC created Leadership in Energy and Environment (LEED), a rating system for all types of green building. Promoting a whole-building approach, LEED provides an outline for “identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions” (USGBC). This outline allots points for the implementation of various sustainability measures. The more points accrued the higher the rating the building receives. The National Green Building Standard, developed by the NAHB and the International Code Council, defines green building specifically for residential buildings, both new and remodeled. This standard requires that a minimum number of features related to sustainability be incorporated into the residential structure. As with LEED, the more points accrued, the higher the rating. Creating a Need The development of standards within the green building industry has created a desire by many to construct the most environmentally friendly buildings possible. That desire is in turn feeding the need for individuals capable of doing the work.

by Sabine Rogers

efficient has opened up an entirely new field for building trades in the last several years. This work, which was previously not done, has begun to thrive with the passing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009. This act allocated $74 billion to the Energy and Housing sectors, a portion of which is going to training green collar workers and paying for the retrofitting of existing buildings. What it all means Whether you’re a construction manager, a carpenter, a plumber, or a cement finisher there is nothing but opportunity here. People are needed to install solar panels on the top of homes and buildings. People are needed to install the latest energy efficient technologies in heating and air conditioning. People are needed to install pervious concrete. People are needed to weatherize and retrofit structures to make businesses and homes more efficient. Fortunately, a lot of training programs, apprenticeship programs, and community college programs are out there to help individuals develop the skill sets that will help them to work in these fields (see sidebar). So if you have a background as a construction trade and are looking to get an edge on the competition, check out your local community college or the internet for classes in green or sustainable building. As we look towards the future, designers and architects are developing new techniques and strategies to go beyond the standards set by the USGBC and NAHB. The technology involved in green construction and retrofitting is changing, and the trades are learning to change with it. This evolution in the industry will continue to drive the need for individuals willing to learn new technologies and capable of doing the work. For more information on Green Construction – check out the sidebar below! If your interest lies in the Design of green structures or Manufacturing green products used in green construction, take a look at our Nov/Dec 2009 and March/April 2010 issues at for information to get you headed in the right direction! Check Out These Sites for More Information on Green Construction!

New construction provides some of the best, most immediate opportunities for individuals looking for a career in Green Building. Some jobs, like solar panel installers and wind energy technicians, are modern additions to the field. But for the most part, the labor involved in green construction does not differ significantly from traditional construction. The same individuals employed in traditional building; framers, electricians, roofers, and plumbers to name a few, can be employed to build green with little additional training. - Part of the National Association of Home Builders website, this link provides education information including a quick link to finding a local green building program near you.

Many trades are actually beginning to train and specialize in green construction. They are enrolling in local community colleges (check out html) and learning and applying the newest green building technologies to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. - The Green Labor Journal provides up to date information on new developments in green policy, technology and work processes.

Retrofitting old structures (commercial and residential) to make them more energy – The US Green Building Council website has a wealth of information on green building as well as a link to sign up for courses and workshops. – The Green Building Initiative offers personal certifications through training and web based seminars. – The Vocational Information Center provides users with a wealth of information on vocational and technical careers. To find schools and training specifically related to construction trades go to


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July-August 2010

Career Insider

A peek inside the career world of Green IT by Sabine Rogers

to find IT training in your local area. Simply select computer as your career field and enter your zip code! As computers and computer technologies advance to minimize energy use and companies continue to move towards energy-efficiency, lower carbon emissions, and reducing their costs – the outlook for green IT professionals continues to be bright. So, if you haven’t already started to prepare yourself for the ongoing green-tech revolution, now is a great time to start! GREEN IT CERTIFICATIONS AND TRAINING: The Data Center University by American Power Conversion (APC) certifies individuals in Network-critical Physical Infrastructure (NCPI), including power, cooling, racks/physical structure, security/fire protection, cabling and the management and service of these elements. CompTIA ( has a number of certifications for a variety of IT professionals. Strata Green IT, one of CompTIA’s newest certifications, educates IT professionals on incorporating emerging technologies effectively.

by Sabine Rogers

Are you familiar with Energy Star? Introduced in 1992 by the EPA, the Energy Star program ensures that a variety of technologies, including computer equipment, meet energy-efficiency standards set by the government. These standards were recently extended to include computer hardware such as routers, servers and networks. What about EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool)? This tool and environmental criteria for computers was developed by The Green Electronics Council under a grant by the US EPA. It is designed to “help purchasers evaluate, compare and select electronic products based on their environmental attributes.” Energy Star, EPEAT, as well as government regulations on the IT divisions of business are leading organizations to improve the energy efficiency of their data centers, reduce the power used for their business operations, and limit waste by reusing or recycling. To make these changes, businesses are seeking out green IT professionals to help them comply with government regulations, implement company energy initiatives, procure energy efficient equipment, dispose of electronic waste (e-waste) properly, as well as design, develop and install hardware, programs and software. The career field of Green Information Technology (IT) or Green Computing is defined by San Murugesan, author of Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices, as “the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems—such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications systems—efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment.” Green IT careers include green analyst, technical consultant, technical architect and software engineer to name a few. Individuals with a background in IT will make the easiest transition to green IT with a little bit of additional training. The sidebar will guide you to training programs and certifications that focus on network-critical infrastructure planning; green data center design, implementation, and management; green regulations, legislation and policies; carbon energy accounting; green IT strategy; and implementing green IT.

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT ( offers the ISEB Foundation Certificate in Green IT. This provides certificate holders with a broad understanding of the regulations, legislation and policies of green IT, carbon energy accounting and how to create a green IT strategy. Metropolitan Community College in Omaha, Nebraska together with IBM, offer a Green IT associates degree. Undergraduates learn the technical and business skills to design and manage energy efficient data centers. The Uptime Institute ( offers a certification course on data center design. The Accredited Tier Designer course embeds green principles into the curriculum.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ON GREEN IT - CHECK OUT THESE SITES: GreenerComputing - Browse information, read up on the latest news and events, and find organizations dedicated to Green IT. GreenIT - The website for sustainable information technology includes information on seminars and resources to help you better understand Green IT. International Green Computing Conference - August 15 - 18, 2010, Chicago, IL. The First International Green Computing Conference. (IGCC) addresses key issues and topics related to energy efficiency in computing and promoting environmentally friendly computer technologies and systems.

For those who are thinking about entering this field, but do not have the IT background, go to and click on the downloads tab. Type in Top 10 U.S college programs for IT in the search bar. This free downloadable PDF file will not only provide you with the top 10 schools, but also lists over 100 other schools with IT undergraduate programs. Or you can go to 9

Green News

ENTRIX Merges with Cardno, an International Leader in Physical and Social Infrastructure Merger with Cardno Limited expands global reach

Houston, TX – ENTRIX has joined forces with international firm and Australian based Cardno Limited in a merger that took effect June 9th. The merger with Cardno, a professional services firm founded in 1945 in Brisbane, Australia, means that ENTRIX, a 615-person environmental and natural resource management consulting firm becomes a key part of an international industry leader with a combined resource base of 3,650 staff working on projects in more than 70 countries. Todd Williams, President of ENTRIX, said the merger marks an important step in the next chapter of growth for ENTRIX. “Our motivation to seek a partnership with an international firm like Cardno was three-fold. First to provide our clients with a wider range of services and locations; second to provide our talented staff with additional opportunities for career development; and third to accelerate the growth of ENTRIX across the US and overseas.” Mr Williams said. “ENTRIX is a growth-oriented, profitable business and by combining with Cardno we will be able to expand organically and look to complement our existing discipline offering with targeted acquisitions”, said Mr. Williams. ENTRIX brings to Cardno a core competency in water resources management, environmental risk management, natural resources management, natural resource economics, and facility permitting and compliance. The ENTRIX professional staff comprises biologists, chemists, geologists, oceanographers, toxicologists, meteorologists, economists, and environmental, chemical, and civil engineers. ENTRIX is also regarded as a leader in the assessment of the environmental and economic impacts of oil spills and the associated restoration, rehabilitation and monitoring of impacted sites. It has standing response management contracts with the world’s leading oil producers. Mr Williams said that ENTRIX is substantively engaged on the current oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. “However under contract terms the scope and nature of the work remains confidential.” Mr Williams said. Major clients of ENTRIX include: Chevron, BP, ConocoPhillips, Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, TransCanada, Placer County Water Agency, Pepco Holdings, Dow Chemical Company Mosaic, CF Industries, Cleveland Cliffs Mining and various federal and state government natural resource management agencies. Cardno brings to ENTRIX a broader range of civil and structural engineering, international development assistance, transportation, marine, project management and planning services across many countries including Australia, New Zealand, United States, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Kenya, Sri Lanka, China and United Arab Emirates. Additionally, Cardno’s leadership in social infrastructure work was a compelling reason for ENTRIX to consider this relationship. Cardno provides opportunities for ENTRIX staff to become part of a committed, global focus to help developing nations and countries adversely affected by natural disasters and conflict to build and implement social and physical infrastructure programs. 10

“The potential synergistic benefits from our combined firms are enormous for our staff, our clients and our financial performance,” commented Williams. Managing Director and CEO of Cardno, Mr Andrew Buckley, said that the Cardno and ENTRIX union followed the successful business model Cardno has implemented in other countries. “ENTRIX will now be a platform for the expansion of both Cardno and ENTRIX throughout North and South America”, said Mr Buckley. With the addition of ENTRIX and Environmental Resolutions Inc (ERI) (who also announced a merger with Cardno today) staff reporting to Cardno’s American operations now comprise 1,420 staff across 75 offices and a further four branch offices in the Canada, Ecuador, Peru, United Kingdom and Belgium. Cardno’s other U.S. businesses include Cardno WRG, Cardno TBE, Cardno Emerging Markets, ERI and XP Software. President of Cardno USA, Michael Renshaw, said ENTRIX offers tremendous potential to cross-sell capabilities with Cardno’s existing US based businesses and also with its operations in other countries and continues Cardno’s strategy of diversifying its skills base and markets. “This merger will provide Cardno with significant access to the US environmental and natural resources management market, particularly in the resources, oil and gas, energy, water supply and site development sectors. “ENTRIX’s business culture and growth potential make it an ideal platform for further expansion of our combined businesses across North and South America in providing a wide range of environmental consulting services,” “With the addition of ENTRIX around 60 percent of Cardno’s 3,650 staff are currently deployed or reside outside Australia.” Mr Renshaw said. Following Cardno’s normal strategy, ENTRIX’s key management will become Cardno shareholders and remain active in the company. Dan Taylor and Dick Firth both founders of ENTRIX will continue in key roles within ENTRIX with Dan Taylor also assisting Cardno to pursue additional mergers in North America. About ENTRIX: ENTRIX is a professional consulting firm that provides environmental and natural resource management consulting services across North and South America. Founded in 1984 by the firm’s Executive Chairman, Dan Taylor and Dick Firth, Director (Strategic Development), ENTRIX now employs 615 staff and has 30 offices across 17 states in the US (with an office in each of Canada, Ecuador and Peru). ENTRIX’s primary areas of specialization include water resources management, environmental risk management, natural resource management and economics, and facility permitting and compliance. The company’s corporate office is located in Houston, Texas. About Cardno: Cardno is an integrated professional services provider, locally delivering the specialist advice necessary to create or improve the physical and social infrastructure that underpins communities around the world. Cardno’s team comprises leading advisers who plan, design, manage and deliver sustainable projects or community programs. Cardno is an international company, listed on the Australian Stock Exchange [ASX: CDD]. www.

July-August 2010

Job Announcements About These Announcements Employers: Please send your vacancy announcements to: Environmental Career Center 2 Eaton Street, Ste. 711 Hampton, VA 23669 or e-mail to: or fax to 757-727-7904

Job Seekers: Employers’ job application procedures vary, and some have very short application deadlines. Have your resume and any special government or company application forms ready before you receive the Green Careers Journal. Many application forms are available via the web and can be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Environmental Sustainability Internship - Intern with FSD to promote environmental sustainability and empower impoverished communities. Our interns partner with over 50 community-based organizations that work at the local level to integrate environmental solutions. FSD supports a diverse group of topics related to environmental development. Examples include organic agriculture, sustainable water management, forest regeneration, biodiversity, renewable technology, and advocacy. Essential to our work is empowering local communities to understand the environmental threats that affect them and to place prominent values on sustainable resource management. Our partner organizations work in nine regions throughout Argentina, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Kenya, Uganda and India. Fill out an application here: application. Close Date: September 3, 2010. Green Blogger – Arizona. We are looking for bloggers with excellent, English writing skills to create blog posts for our website. This is a long-term/ on-going assignment that will involve writing several blog posts a week. Articles will be on a variety of topics relating to plastic pollution, plastic recycling, sustainability, and green living. Payment is per article. All articles should be approximately 500-900 words. All articles need to be original pieces of work exclusively written for our website. All articles must be submitted via our WordPress blog according to set formatting/content guidelines. write blog posts that appeal to a broad audience; need to follow our content/formatting guidelines submit 2-3 blog posts a week (depending on your availability); there’s no specific timeline for submissions, postings can be done any time during the week. Qualifications: be an extraordinary communicator; have excellent English writing skills; come up with own topics and/ or work with ENSO Bottles to create topic; SEO skills required; starting date: as soon as possible; ending date: ongoing. Payment will be at the beginning of every month for the work submitted the previous month. We are looking for long-term engagements. We refer the right to reject articles that don’t fulfill our requirements and will only pay for articles that are in line with our expectations and ready to be published. To apply, please send several work samples – thanks: Close Date: Until Filled.

Director of Environmental Affairs – California. Responsible for all matters of environmental affairs at Xanterra Parks and Resorts’® operations in Death Valley National Park. Refine, implement, and maintain the environmental management system (EMS) and oversee all environmental programs. Implement, refine, and maintain the written environmental management system consistent with the ISO 14001 international EMS standard, as well as National Park Service (NPS) standards, working in conjunction with the Xanterra Corporate Vice President of Environmental Affairs, the Death Valley Regional General Manager, all Death Valley employees, and pertinent government agencies. Directly oversee operation of the wastewater treatment plants at Furnace Creek. This includes direct management of wastewater personnel, regular reporting to pertinent agencies, regular inspections of the plants, and ensuring operation of the plants within regulatory requirements. Develop, implement and maintain Xanterra’s Ecometrix (resource-tracking) systems at the Death Valley operations. Provide oversight and ongoing performance evaluations of the environmental management system and the NPS Concessions Environmental Audit Protocol in coordination with the General Manager, the Xanterra Vice President of Environmental Affairs, and the NPS. Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Management, Environmental Health, or related field. Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with experience in technical writing and public speaking. Experience with EMS development, ISO 14001 certification, and environmental auditing. Well-developed information systems management skills. At least 3 years of environmental management experience. Experience in developing environmental initiatives and implementing all phases of a companywide environmental program. Proven analytical skills in assessing cost effectiveness, cost savings, program effectiveness and program compliance. Well-developed management information systems skills. Possess or able to obtain a valid Driver’s License. Must be able to lift and carry up to 50 lbs. Must be able to work in extreme temperatures. Please fill out an online application on our website: Also email a cover letter and resume to Chris Lane or call if you have questions:; 303-600-3409. Close Date: Until Filled. Residential Energy Auditor - Washington, DC. Now accepting applications for energy auditors to staff BGE’s Quick Home Energy Check Up program. Both full and part time positions are available with flexible hours, which may include some evenings and weekends. Service areas may include some or all of the following areas: Montgomery, Prince George’s, Howard, Carroll, and Baltimore Counties as well as Baltimore City. This ‘boots on the ground’ position offers the opportunity to engage directly with homeowners and to communicate best practices in residential energy efficiency. Every visit you make is an opportunity to create a measurable difference in a homeowner’s bills and their carbon footprint. Qualifications: BPI or RESNET certification; Bachelor’s or technical degree; Strong written and verbal communication skills; Familiarity with residential construction and/or building science; Ability to absorb, process, utilize and communicate technical concepts; Must have valid driver’s license with clean driving record and reliable access to an insured vehicle; Must be able to lift 40 pounds. The ideal candidate is energetic, personable and self-motivated with a demonstrated passion for contributing to the sustainability movement. Salary is commensurate with experience. Benefits included after a 90 day probationary period. Please send resume and statement of interest to: careers@ Close Date: Until Filled. Project Officer - London,United Kingdom. Seize this great opportunity to join a forward thinking and rapidly growing organisation and make a positive impact on global fisheries conservation. Lend your expertise to MSC’s mission of helping transform global fisheries through its leading international certification and eco-labelling programme for well-managed and sustainable fisheries - a programme distinguished by high scientific standards, independence, transparency, stakeholder engagement and comprehensive consistency with FAO guidelines. Reporting to the Senior Fisheries certification Manager, the Policy Officer will be assisting with implements the MSC’s policies and procedures for the assessment of fisheries against

the MSC’s Principles and Criteria for Sustainable Fishing (the MSC Standard). In particular the Project Officer is responsible for supporting the Fisheries team with delivery of some specific projects related to the MSC scheme. £24,000 - £26,000 dependent on experience. Please visit for more details, requirements and application instructions. Close Date: Until Filled. Material Technician – Oregon. We are currently looking to fill a position within our shipping department. The position will be apart of our SWING SHIFT, working the hours of 3:30pm - 12:00am. Please reference the following Duties, Responsibilities, & Requirements to determine if you are a possible fit for the position. Qualifications: Requires a High School Degree or equivalent. Basic reading, writing and math skills required. Demonstrated 2 to 4 years of practical experience in logistics, shipping and receiving. Computer literate, basic spreadsheet knowledge. Import and export shipping knowledge required. APICS education a plus. Material handling in the electronics-manufacturing environment and some knowledge of ESD packaging and handling desired. Current drivers license required. For consideration, please submit the following items via email: Resume; Salary requirements: eclark@ Close Date: Until Filled. Project Systems Analyst – New York. Environmental Defense Fund seeks a Prospect Systems Analyst for its Donor Records Department to be based at New York City. The department processes over 19,000 gifts annually, maintains the database of approximately 1 million records, coordinates all projects associated with the donor’s profile, creates all table file values, generates standard and on-demand custom reports, performs trouble-shooting techniques, and tests and implements software enhancements. We are seeking an individual who has a strong work ethic, flexible and a team player. The successful candidate must have significant database systems management experience, with fundraising software and query reporting expertise. Qualifications: College degree or equivalent work experience; Minimum 3 years experience in systems database management; At least 5 years fundraising processing - PledgeMaker a plus; Proficient in query reporting using Business Objects or Crystal; Good communication and writing skills; Meet deadlines and work under pressure. Contact or visit Close Date: Until Filled. Climate Corps Bay Area Supervisor – California. The primary responsibilities of the CCBA Supervisor are to 1) support implementation of our first year’s AmeriCorps Cohort by working with BACR and SEI staff to recruit, train, supervise, and support a team of approximately 30 AmeriCorps Members working throughout several counties, 2) to support longterm CCBA program development by building and maintaining relationships with our partner agencies, and 3) to implement CBBA administration and evaluation activities. Qualifications:BA degree and/or 2+ years of experience working directly in areas such as Environmental policy, Environmental science, Environmental education, Community based programs, or Volunteer coordination; Understanding of program related topics such as Energy systems (conventional and clean), Climate change science, California environmental policies, Green Buildings, Alternative transportation, Waste reduction, and Water conservation; Exceptional organizational and leadership skills; and Other relevant Prior knowledge and/or experience. Candidate must show a commitment to and strong belief in the mission of the agency, its values and Best Practices, leadership capacity and the ability to inspire others, and the ability to maintain goals and priorities in dealing with challenges. Flexibility, integrity and creativity a must. This is a 12-month full time position, including benefits. Salary is commensurate with experience and ranges from $35,000 to $42,000 DOE. If interested, please submit a cover letter & resume to: Heather Hart at Please make sure to indicate you are applying for the CCBA Supervisor Position. Renewable Energy Market & Financial Analyst Massachusetts. Small, entrepreneurial consulting/ advisory firm seeks an enthusiastic, dedicated and organized individual to perform quantitative market, financial, and economic analysis, as well as related research and writing, pertaining to the renewable energy industry. The individual must be capable of

helping the principal and staff of a thriving consulting practice in supporting the needs of a diverse set of clients and tasks. This position represents an opportunity for exposure to a wide range of topics and stakeholders active in shaping and growing the renewable energy industry. Advancement will be limited only by the candidate’s capabilities and ambitions. This is a full-time position, with responsibilities commencing promptly upon selection of the most qualified candidate. Qualifications: Experience in the electricity industry, either public-, private- or non-profit sector, is required. Familiarity with renewable energy issues is a must. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 3 years experience in energy analysis, policy, marketing, trading, finance, or power plant development. The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate comfort with performing analyses and discussing concepts related to one or more of the following: economics, finance, accounting, engineering and environmental sciences. A masters’ degree in a related discipline is a plus. Please apply by email: Close Date: Until Filled. Vice President (Policy & Incentives) – California. The Vice President, Policy and Incentives will provide key leadership to PFT’s growing national and state policy programs. This position will oversee staff collaboration with forestland owners, public agencies, and nonprofit organizations to develop incentives for conservation and stewardship. The Vice President will also promote the inclusion of working forests in climate policy at the federal, state, and regional levels. Management responsibilities include organizing and supervising strategic measures, coalition building, ensuring delivery of well-crafted messages, and contributing to coordinated communications campaigns. This role requires excellent leadership, communication, and management capabilities, and the ability to engage the staff, board, and other key stakeholders. Based in PFT’s main office in San Francisco, the Vice President will manage a five-person, geographically dispersed policy team. The Vice President reports to the president of the organization. Qualifications: 10+ years in senior policy positions in comparable organizations; Advanced degree in law, public policy (emphasis on natural resource policy or related preferred), or similar discipline; Demonstrated success and expertise in the development, management, and implementation of sophisticated policy initiatives; Superb team management skills; demonstrated ability to guide, empower, and supervise highly skilled policy staff; Thorough knowledge of existing forest policies, regulations, and programs at the federal and state levels; Demonstrated success in leading campaigns to achieve policy objectives through adoption of legislation, regulation, and programs; Expertise and success in obtaining funds from public and private sources for policy-related programs and projects; Demonstrated success in development and implementation of political strategies; Deep understanding of forests, natural systems, and forestry; Deep understanding of forest ecosystem services, and emerging ecosystem service policies, programs and markets, with an emphasis on the role of forests in climate policy; Excellent facilitation skills; ability to interact with a wide variety of constituencies at different levels of authority and from differing cultural backgrounds; Outstanding oral and written communication abilities; demonstrated skill in communicating information-from the technical to the general-to a variety of audiences; Willingness to travel regularly. This position will be based at PFT’s main office in the Presidio of San Francisco. This is a full-time position with a competitive salary and a comprehensive package of employee benefits. Interested candidates should email resumes@ to submit a resume, cover letter, and salary requirements. Close Date: Until Filled. Builder Outreach Intern – Oregon. The Builder Outreach Intern shall be a temporary, part-time, unpaid position responsible for support and projectbased assignments in the new homes sales department. In this capacity, the intern will: Track builder enrollments into Northwest ENERGY STAR New Homes and the Earth Advantage sustainable certification programs. Research content, data and trends in residential home building. Conduct competitive market analysis of existing energy efficiency and sustainable building certification programs. Process and analyze new home building permit data. The Builder Outreach Intern should possess the following skills and attributes: Excellent



Green Buildings & Energy

Career Events “Networking or not working”

August 1-6, 2010 – 95th ESA Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America, The David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA August 15 - 18, 2010 - International Green Computing Conference, Chicago, IL. The First International Green Computing Conference. (IGCC) addresses key issues and topics related to energy efficiency in computing and promoting environmentally friendly computer technologies and systems. September 8-10, 2010 – ESTC 2010, Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Conference, International Ecotourism Society, Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, Portland, OR September 11-16, 2010 – 86th AZA Annual Conference, Association of Zoos & Aquariums, Houston Zoo, Houston, TX September 12-16, 2010 – 140th Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Westin Hotel and David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA September 29-October 2, 2010 – Building Connections ~ Bridging Gaps, 39th Annual Conference, NAAEE, Buffalo Niagara Convention Center, Buffalo, NY October 2-6, 2010 - The Wildlife Society’s 17th Annual Conference, Snowbird Conference Center and Cliff Lodge, Snowbird, Utah; October 10-12, 2010 - AASHE 2010: Campus Initiatives to Catalyze a Just and Sustainable World, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado; October 13-17, 2010 – SEJ’s 20th Annual Conference, Society of Environmental Journalists, Missoula, MT October 23-24 - Greenfestival Washington, Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place, NW, Washington, D.C. 20001. http:// November 16-19, 2010 - Greenbuild, McCormick Place, West Building, Chicago, IL. December 6-10, 2010 – EcoBuild 2010, National Institute of Building Sciences, Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C. Please e-mail announcements on upcoming conferences, symposia, career seminars and training workshops to: CORRECTIONS. Please note the following corrections for the previous July/Aug issue: 1. Lauren Grochmal should have been listed as the author of Environmental Professionals Give Insight from the Inside. 2. At the end of page 5, the NAEP career seminar article should state “(continued on page 9)” not 10. 3. In the NAEP career seminar article on page 9, “(see article page_)” should read “(see adjacent article on this page).”


interpersonal communication skills (verbal, written, and on the phone). Driven to succeed and a desire to work in a sales environment. Knowledge of residential construction, energy efficient building practices, the building sciences, and new or existing home sales. High motivation and energy levels with the demonstrated ability to take initiative. Proficient with Word, Excel and Outlook. Salesforce customer relationship management software experience a plus. This is an opportunity that could turn into a paid, full time position for the right individual. Please send resume, cover letter, and references to Peter Brown, Builder Outreach Program Manager, pbrown@ Close Date: Until Filled. GBCI Data Analysis Internship – Washington, DC. GBCI has an opportunity for a practical learning experience for a Statistics or Economics graduate student with experience in institutional research and statistical data analyses through an un-paid Data Analysis Internship, which will provide experience with a comprehensive data analysis of its current credential holders as part of its strategic planning efforts. Data Analysis Intern will have the opportunity to undertake a project involving the development of insights from data and translating those insights into business initiative, conducting a series of regression and longitudinal studies to assist in forecasting exam demand, and working with our software company to create automated reports for continuous analysis. Candidates must be able to work in GBCI’s Washington, DC office. Graduate students pursuing a degree in statistics or economics are particularly encouraged. Qualifications: Current enrollment in Masters program for Economics, Statistics; Prior relevant professional experience strongly preferred; Strong computer skills required; Understanding of relational databases (e.g. Access); Experience with SAP preferred; Experience with statistical analysis software (e.g. SPSS); Statistical expertise including multiple regression analysis and logistic regression; Excellent qualitative and quantitative skills; Excellent verbal and written communication skills; Detail oriented, highly organized; Supportive of GBCI’s mission and standards for quality service. Please submit resume and letter of interest via email, Attn: Human Resources. Please indicate where you saw the posting for this opportunity. No phone calls please: Close Date: Until Filled. GBCI Test Development Internship – Washington, DC. GBCI has an un-paid internship opportunity for a highly organized and detail-oriented communications or industrial-organizational psychology graduate student with experience in process mapping for a customized examination system. The Test Development Intern will be responsible for working with senior staff and Board of Director committee members for all policy and procedural development in support of GBCI’s launch of a high level recognition program for LEED Professionals. The intern must be able to work in GBCI’s Washington, DC office. Graduate students pursuing a degree in communications/marketing or political science are particularly encouraged. Internship requires current enrollment in Master’s program with at least 1 year’s worth of graduate-level coursework in communications, industrial-organizational psychology, or other related program for test development; Ability to receive school credit for this internship required; Prior relevant professional experience strongly preferred; Excellent verbal and written communication skills; Excellent judgment and decision-making skills; Strong computer skills; including competency with MS Office Suite (including power point, excel, access, word and outlook) required; Supportive and able to carry out GBCI’s mission and standards for quality service. Please submit resume and letter of interest via email or fax, attn: Human Resources. Please indicate where you saw the posting for this opportunity. No phone calls please: Close Date: Until Filled. Solar Sales Consultant – California. The position will focus on residential photovoltaic solar system sales and activities directly supporting sales. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions: High School diploma, college degree preferred. Proven sales experience, minimum of 2 years outside sales experience in the photovoltaic solar industry - No exceptions considered. 5 years experience with direct consumer/in-home sales a requirement. Proven track record with exceeding sales goals/ quota noted. Ability to work in a dynamic, high-energy

environment, meet goals and deadlines consistently. Prioritize and multi-tasking abilities are critical, along with an ability to provide routine reporting and followthrough. Proficiency with Microsoft Office suite (Excel must be at least intermediate level), strong oral and written communication skills are a must. A Valid CA Drivers License and appropriate vehicle insurance is required - both will be validated. Individual will frequently be required to stand, walk, sit, talk and hear. Occasionally may have to lift boxes of materials for purposes of presentations. Compensation: Standard office plus in-home sales, regular automobile travel during workdays. Salary: $36, 000 + Commission. Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled. Senior Managing Engineer – California. Responsible for the management and overall design and fabrication of Magenn’s technology. The incumbent will play a lead role in the integration and direction of key contractors and suppliers, manage Magenn’s technical team, and will be accountable for overall engineering deliverables. Qualifications: Degree in Mechanical, Electrical, Aeronautical or Chemical Engineering. Professional engineering designation preferred. The successful candidate will likely have proven him/herself in all of the following: Prototyping and commercializing new technologies; Management and integration of work from multiple major contractors and suppliers; Extensive experience managing engineering personnel; Open, “can-do” attitude; capable of motivating and encouraging staff, leading collective “brainstorming,” and, Strong communication and interpersonal skills. Compensation: Commensurate with experience. Please send inquiries by email: careers@magenn. com. Close Date: Until Filled. Wind Energy Instructor – Minnesota. Minnesota West Community & Technical College provides dynamic, responsive, creative, and quality education to a diverse population in an ever-changing educational, business and cultural environment. Qualifications: 4 full-time years (or equivalent) of verified related paid work experience in assembly, installation and maintenance of wind generating equipment with an emphasis on mechanical systems and subsystems (turbine components, gearboxes, lubricants, preventative maintenance). This experience must also include responsibility for monitoring and compilation of data for determination of accuracy and function of mechanical and electrical equipment and 4 of the following: wind turbine generators, hydraulic systems, electrical systems, wind turbine models and blades, wind resource assessment/performance based modeling, utility power purchase contracts, wind turbine siting and construction, commercial wind farms, failure analysis, resource assessment and mechanical systems. One year of this work experience shall be within the 5 years immediately preceding the date of application for the credential field. The recency requirement shall be waived if the individual has 2 years of successful full-time (or equivalent) post secondary teaching experience in the credential field within the last 5 years. Bachelor’s degree; Experience in training and teaching, curriculum design and development. Please submit cover letter, resume, a list of 3 Professional references and a copy of college transcripts to Karen. Close Date: Until Filled. Solar Thermal Engineer – New York. Seeking Solar thermal Engineer or Systems designer that can and will be capable of designing residential and commercial Solar thermal systems as well as provide support services for a growing dealer network. Qualifications: Must have a strong technical background in hydronics, heat exchange, thermodynamics and/or a willingness and ability to undergo steep learning curve in all areas related to Solar thermal systems design, engineering, performance and installation. Preference will be given to applicants that exhibit self-motivation, pride and a strong desire to play an important role in a rapidly expanding Solar company. Experience with computer based tools for sizing and drawing systems. Bachelor’s degree in Science, Technology or Engineering. Flexible schedule, ability to travel internationally / domestically. Dedicated full time position. Proficient in Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Autocad and/or in-design. 2-3 years experience HVAC design or technical support. Strong technical background (Mechanical or System Engineering). Please email your resume and cover letter to Close Date: Until Filled.

July-August 2010

Biology & Ecology Manager (LEED Implementation) – Washington, DC. The LEED Implementation Manager is an integral member of the LEED Implementation team, under the LEED Resource Development Division, directly reporting to the Director of LEED Implementation. Primary responsibilities shall include managing rollout support for new LEED programs, rating systems and associated certification processes, while ensuring all technical aspects are rigorous, complete, robust, and clearly defined for LEED customers. Activities may include, but are not limited to overseeing the development of targeted materials, information, workshops and trainings, publications, certification and accreditation adjustments, and volume program impacts. Qualifications: Bachelor or Master of Architecture or Engineering or Environmental Science with minimum of 4 years of professional practice experience in the building industry; Technical understanding of and experience achieving compliance with at least one of the following LEED Rating Systems: New Construction and Major Renovations, Schools, Core and Shell, Commercial Interiors and Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance; with a breadth of experience across all LEED Rating Systems; In addition to having key technical knowledge and/ or documentation experience for one or more LEED credit categories, must have experience with the LEED Online submittal process and/or taking at least 2 LEED projects through completion of certification as a key project team member; LEED Accredited Professional; General understanding of high performance green building design, construction, or operations, specifically regarding energy analysis, indoor air quality, and material selection; Passion for and commitment to USGBC’s mission; Excellent written and verbal communication skills; Ability to manage multiple projects and be an effective team participant; Detail-oriented, able to prioritize Compensation includes an excellent benefits package, including 100% employer-paid premiums on healthcare and employer-matching 401(k) program. Please submit resume and letter of interest, with salary requirements and title of position applying for, via email or fax, attn: Human Resources. Please indicate where you saw the posting for this opportunity. No phone calls please. Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled. Energy Model Reviewer (LEED Certification) – Washington, DC. The LEED Certification Energy Model Reviewer serves as a primary technical subject matter expert for the evaluation of projects pursuing LEED Certification. This individual draws on crosscutting knowledge of, and direct experience with, the suite of LEED Rating Systems to serve as a resource and problem-solver for technical issues pertaining to LEED. This position can be performed in Washington, DC or remotely. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree (Master’s degree preferred) in mechanical or energy engineering or equivalent. Minimum 2 years direct professional experience in mechanical system design, energy modeling, commissioning and/or energy auditing; Direct experience with at least 10 energy models for commercial projects by consulting on, creating or reviewing compliance with ASHRAE Std. 90.1, California’s Title-24 or equivalent local code; Experience with a variety of high-performance building projects, including LEED projects; Direct experience using energy modeling programs for commercial buildings (eQuest, EnergyPro, Trace, HAP, Visual DOE, etc.) and understanding of their input and output summary documentation; Ability to read, understand and interpret building floor plans, sections, site plans, construction specifications and operational policies; Detailed technical understanding of and experience with common environmental building codes and standards (e.g., ASHRAE 90.1, ASHRAE 62, ASHRAE 55, Title 24, IPMVP Vol. III, IESNA RP-33, ASHRAE 189, IECC). Compensation includes an excellent benefits package, including 100% employer-paid premiums on healthcare and employer-matching 401(k) programs.Please submit resume and letter of interest, with salary requirements and title of position applying for, via email or fax, attn: Human Resources. Please indicate where you saw the posting for this opportunity. No phone calls please: Close Date: Until Filled. Eucalyptus Bioenergy Project Leader – Florida. The person in this position will plan and coordinate the conventional eucalyptus breeding and testing program for ArborGen including: germplasm acquisition, test establishment, tree breeding and intraspecific hybridization, data collection and

summarization. This person will plan and coordinate the field testing program for biotech eucalyptus lines developed by the ArborGen Science Team. The Project Leader will also provide a leadership role in the development of short-rotation woody crop systems applicable to ArborGen pine and hardwood germplasm including loblolly pine, slash pine, eucalyptus, poplar and sweetgum. Qualifications: Master of Science degree or higher, with at least 1 degree in forestry with an emphasis in tree breeding and genetics and a minimum of 2 years forest research experience are required. Experience with eucalyptus forest management and tree improvement desired but not required. Experience with short rotation woody crop production systems and general knowledge of bioenergy crop management is also desired. Strong analytical skills. Proven communication skills (written and verbal). Balance between strong experimental design and exceptional execution. Demonstrated ability to carryout different roles in a team environment (leader or team member). Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled.

in central Florida on Sherman’s fox squirrel starting in the fall semester of 2010. Sherman’s fox squirrel is considered a species of concern in Florida. This research project will consider, but is not limited to, species distribution, habitat associations, response to forest management practices, competition with gray squirrels, and response to urbanization and fragmentation. Additionally, the student will be expected to expand this study to accommodate their interests. A stipend, ($16,000) insurance, and a tuition waiver will be provided for 4 years. I am looking for a self-motivated, independent student with a previous record of academic achievement and field experience. Applicants should have a masters degree, a minimum 3.5 grade point average, greater than 1200 on the GRE, and considerable field experience. In addition to research efforts, responsibilities might include a teaching assistantship assignment. To apply, send a resume, including GRE scores, and GPA, a brief explanation how you are prepared for PhD program and rigorous field research, and a list of 3 references to Dr. Robert McCleery at Close Date: Until Filled.

Green Roof Energy Modeler – Canada. Funding is available for an 18-month post-doctoral position on green roof energy modeling. The post-doctoral fellow would work on at least the following projects: 1. Use an open-source building energy modeling platform (ESP-r) to predict winter (heating season) benefits from green roof installation. 2. Improve green roof building energy models using data on performance of different plant species/vegetation types. 3. Determine relationships between plant functional traits and green roof performance. Other research is possible, according to the background and interests of the successful candidate. The fellow would have full access to a fully instrumented (weather station, heat flux plates, flowmeters, soil moisture etc., dataloggers) replicated green roof research facility, including data collected in the past four years. This is the only facility in the world currently set up for biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research on green roofs. The successful applicant will have completed a PhD in one of the following areas: energy modelling; building energy performance; soil physics; ecological engineering). Experience with building energy modeling is essential (ESP-r experience would be ideal). For more information, please contact Dr. Jeremy Lundholm, Department of Biology/Environmental Studies program, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax NS Canada. jlundholm@ To apply, please forward via email attachment your CV and list of three people who can serve as references. The position would ideally begin in September 2010. Close Date: Until Filled.

Children’s Zoo Keeper – Alabama. The Birmingham Zoo is currently seeking a full time keeper for a position within the Children’s Zoo Department. Responsibilities include the daily inspection, feeding, cleaning, training, enrichment, and maintenance of the animals, both in the Children’s Zoo and those used in education programs, and their exhibits in the assigned area. Children’s Zoo Keepers will rotate shifts through the CZ Barn, Animal Room and Wilds Alabama areas during visitor hours. They will also help coordinate with the Programs Supervisor to provide animals for education programs and animal shows: as well as other duties as assigned by the Zoological Manager. Candidates must possess good communication, observational, and organization skills and the ability to work well with others in a team environment. Must be able to lift 50 pounds and perform duties in extreme weather. Horticulture knowledge is not a requirement but is desired. To apply please go to our website www.birminghamzoo. com and download our employment application. Send the completed application with a cover letter and resume to: Melissa Wright, Zoological Manager of Children’s Zoo, Birmingham Zoo, 2630 Cahaba Road, Birmingham AL 35223 or email to mwright@ Close Date: Until Filled.

Karst/Rivers Technician – Arkansas. The Karst/ Rivers Technician is responsible for assisting the Ozark Karst Program and Ozark Rivers Legacy Program with the planning, implementation, and monitoring of karst and aquatic projects in the Ozarks. Specifically, the technician will work closely with conservation and science staff and partners to identify habitat requirements and stressors of karst and riverine systems, monitor environmental quality at priority sites, bioinventory karst and aquatic ecosystems, prioritize habitats for conservation actions, help write and implement site conservation plans, develop species monitoring, and implement karst and riverine habitat restoration projects. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in biology-related field and 1 year related experience or equivalent combination of education and experience. Experience working with Microsoft Office Suite software. Experience coordinating multiple projects and managing timeframes. To apply to position number 12151, submit resume and cover letter as one document. Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled. Assistantship – Florida. I have an opening for one PhD student or an exceptional MS student at the University of Florida (Gainesville) to conduct research

Raptor & Waterfowl Care Intern – Michigan. One Raptor and Waterfowl Care Internship position is currently available at the the W.K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary in Augusta, Michigan, situated near Michigan State University’s Kellogg Biological Station on scenic Gull Lake. This internship provides experiences with waterfowl, upland gamebird and raptor care. Duties may include but are not limited to: Sanctuary flock care; Feed and monitor flock health and welfare; Maintain/clean rearing, holding and display enclosures; Preparation and maintenance of nesting structures (SPRING-SUMMER); Proper capture and handling techniques; Bird surveys; Waterfowl banding (SUMMER). Raptor enclosure maintenance & renovation. Raptor husbandry/ Raptor training & Glove handling, and; Completion of an internship project. The pay for this position is $150/week and includes an on site apartment. Intern works approximately 40 hours/week including weekends and occasional evenings. This position is available three times a year. Contact Kara Hass at Close Date: August 1, 2010. Avian & Small Mammal Technician – Wyoming. One biological technician needed immediately for a project assessing the impact of the mountain pine beetle epidemic on songbirds, woodpeckers and small mammals. Early morning point counts, small mammal trapping and PIT tagging will be conducted. Qualifications: Ability to hike in strenuous conditions at high elevation (10,000 feet) and carry a heavy pack in snow mandatory. Desired but not mandatory: ability to identify western songbirds and woodpeckers by sight and sound, and ability to PIT tag small mammals. To apply, please send cover letter, resume and 3 references in one file to:: Close Date: August 21, 2010.

initiatives to develop management changes. Specific duties will include preparation of economic, statistical, and policy analyses of fishery management actions. Qualifications: Masters degree or higher in resource economics or a related discipline, and demonstrated work experience, is required. Web Link: http://www. . Close Date: Until Filled. Post Doctoral Associate – Maine. The Gulf of Maine Research Institute GMRI and the University of Maine are seeking applicants for a two year post-doc position to develop spatially-explicit models of Atlantic salmon post-smolt migration in estuarine and marine environments. The successful candidate will develop models to test hypotheses about how changes in the timing of salmon migration relative to prey, predators, competitors, and hydrography affect salmon growth and survival in the Gulf of Maine. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in ecology, biology, marine sciences, or other related field, modeling experience, and strong quantitative skills. Experiences in one or more of the following areas are desirable: spatial modeling, individual-based modeling, fish migration/larval transport modeling, bioenergetics modeling, and/or GIS. Applicants should submit letter of interest, CV, and names of three references to researchpostdoc@ Position will be located at GMRI in Portland, Maine. Close Date: Until Filled. MS Graduate Research Assistant – Pennsylvania. A MS research assistantship is available at the Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. The successful applicant will work on a collaborative project with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to quantify habitat use, movement and genetic composition of lake trout in the Niagara River and Niagara Bar of Lake Ontario. Qualification: Include a BS degree in Fisheries, Biology, Ecology, or a related field, a GPA of 3.0 or greater, and competitive GRE scores. Additional information can be found at below link. Applicants must be highly motivated and capable of working independently. Prior experience with DNA extraction, PCR and genotyping using molecular markers is a plus. To apply, email a cover letter describing research experience and interests, CV, transcripts, GRE scores, and contact information of three references to Drs. Tyler Wagner at below email and Meredith Bartron Meredith_Bartron@fws. gov . Close Date: Until Filled. Aquatic Biologist – California. $4,591 - $8,297 per month. Conduct, manage and oversee ongoing fish study and monitoring program. This is a technical, hands-on position which includes a combination of field and office work. It requires refined analytical and management skills. Coordinate the work of various consultants and contract biologists. Qualifications: Must possess a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university in Aquatic Biology or a closely related field. A minimum of five years of professional experience and familiarity with anadromous species found within the streams of the Central Valley of CA. Preferred applicants must also be, and remain, conversant with the latest research, issues, and findings related to matters pertaining to aquatic life in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and its tributaries. Physical exam, drug screen, criminal background check, valid California Class C driver s license prerequisites for employment. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Completed applications accepted online only until position is filled. Resumes required and may be uploaded with applications. Visit our website at below link to apply online: Close Date: Until Filled. Faculty Research Assistant – Maryland. Faculty Research Assistant-Coastal Fish Ecology, Univ of MD Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory Assist in diverse field and laboratory investigations on the ecology of estuarine and marine fishes in Mid-Atlantic data analysis,

When applying for a position, please reference the

Staff Economist – Alaska. The Council is seeking a Staff Economist/Analyst to analyze economic issues pertaining to management of groundfish and crab fisheries off Alaska. Primary responsibilities will be to participate in an analytical team in support of Council


Biology & Ecology reporting, laboratory maintenance. Qualifications: Masters Degree in fisheries science or related field is preferred, experience in acoustic telemetry and/or otolith microstructure analysis. Applicants should be familiar with Excel and statistical software packages. Send or e-mail letter, C.V. and contact information for three references to Dr. David Secor, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, P.O. Box 38, Solomons, MD 20688. Close Date: Until Filled. Fisheries Biologist I - IAP World Services is seeking an individual to fill a Fisheries Biologist I position at our NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Services location in Panama City, FL. Responsibilities include but are not limited to, data entry, data proofing, field support aboard small vessels, small boat operation, processing and archiving of biological samples, coordination with co-investigators across Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama to facilitate Gulf sturgeon research, and recruiting and training of field volunteers. Proficient operation of small boats and trailers, laboratory and field experience, computer literate and experienced with common word processing, database, statistical, and graphics programs, knowledge of basic biological statistics, experience making oral presentations, and scientific writing skills. Position requires a BS Degree in Biology or related science or 3 Years Experience in related field. Candidates must be a natural U.S. Citizen or a non-U.S. Citizen with at least 5 years of continuous residency in the U.S. Ideal candidates meet these minimum requirements and are flexible and easy to get along with. Please apply through the IAP World Services Website at below link for the Fisheries Biologist I Position at the Panama City, FL Lab Location of NOAA Fisheries: http:// www.iapws. com. Close Date: Until Filled. Intern – Maryland. The nutritional ecology program at SERC is collaborating with the US Geological Survey and the National Zoological Park in a study of the nutrient composition of the invertebrate prey eaten by sea otters on the Pacific coast of North America. Sea otters consume a wide variety of prey, but individual otters have specialized diets, consuming, for example, predominantly crabs and abalone, or clams and worms, or kelp bed snails. This internship is designed to determine some of the nutritional correlates of foraging choices by sea otters. This is part of a much larger study of sea otter foraging and conservation at multiple sites on the Pacific coast, from California to Alaska.The intern will be based at the SERC campus in Edgewater, MD. The intern will be expected to undertake the following responsibilities: 1. Inventory, weigh and process invertebrate samples shipped to SERC from our collaborators. Processing will include homogenization and sub-sampling. 2. Conduct nutritional analyses as directed by the principal investigator, Dr. Olav Oftedal. In particular it is anticipated that prey samples will be dried and assayed for gross energy (by bomb calorimeter), nitrogen (by CHN gas analysis) and fatty acids (by gas chromatography). 3. Prepare a summary report of the work in relationship to prior data on sea otter prey and prior data on the foraging behavior of sea otters. 4. Prepare and deliver a presentation to SERC staff and students of the results of the internship. At the present time there is no plan that field work will be associated with this internship.The internship will be conducted in the fall of 2010, but the exact start date is negotiable. Please go to the following link for electronic submission of application materials: Close Date: Until Filled. Ph.D. Assistantships (Wetlands) – Nebraska. Nebraska is initiating an intensification of the EPA National Wetland Monitoring program. A Ph.D. Assistantship is available for a Ph.D. student who will oversee and coordinate this monitoring program in Nebraska; the successful candidate will develop research relevant to the project, and which may focus on wetland quality, vegetation, invasion, fauna(esp. herpetofauna), etc., dependent upon candidates specific interests. Qualifications: Ability to coordinate a large monitoring effort, including supervising teams of biologists and technicians. Interest in, and knowledge of, wetland ecology. Candidates should submit GREs, transcripts, letters of reference and a letter of interest. If interested, contact CR Allen. Salary: $18,000.00. Website: necoopunit/. Contact: Craig R. Allen, E-mail: allencr@ Close Date: August 1, 2010. Bat Research Technician – Kentucky. One field


technician sought to assist with research focused on the roosting, social, and foraging behaviors of Rafinesque’s big-eared bat at two field sites in Kentucky (one in Mammoth Cave N.P., another in western KY). Technicians will begin work in early May and must be available through the end of August. Additional work may be available during September. Housing will be provided throughout the course of the study. Technicians’ primary job duties will be daytime and nighttime radio-telemetry. Applicants will be expected to track radio-tagged bats to dayroosts, conduct nighttime emerge counts, and radiotrack bats during nighttime activities. Technicians will not be required to assist with mist-netting, but training on mist-netting, handling (handling of bats will be limited to applicants who have pre-exposure rabies vaccinations), and identification techniques will be available to those interested. Applicant must be willing to work long hours in a warm, humid environment. Applicant must be willing to work alone during the day as well as during the night, and be able to navigate in the woods with a map and compass. Enthusiastic, hard-working individuals interested in wildlife are encouraged to apply. Previous experience with telemetry is a plus, but not essential, as training will be provided. Previous experience with bats is not essential. To apply, please contact me at joseph. with a resume and cover letter. Close Date: September 1, 2010. Ranch Fall Internship – Texas. Assist in daily operations of a 11,500 acre recreational wildlife ranch in north Texas. Various tasks to include: wildlife, habitat, and fisheries management; painting; clearing roads; maintenance/repair of hunting blinds; checking and filling feeders; facilities maintenance; water, irrigation, and pipeline maintenance; trapping; construction; field cultivation; brush work; assisting and guiding hunters for dove, deer, and waterfowl; game cleaning; and other general ranch / wildlife work as needed. Interns will gain practical experience in the operations of a ranch focused on wildlife as the top priority. Individuals will have an opportunity to learn about habitat and population management for all species in north Texas. College students enrolled in Wildlife/Range Management or related degree plan. Ideal candidate will be a self-motivated person with a strong work ethic and a ranch background. Applicants should have good people skills. This position may require working long hours in adverse weather conditions. Candidates must maintain a valid drivers license and Texas hunting license. Applicants are subject to background checks. $1,000 a month; housing provided. Contact: Ty Bartoskewitz, Ranch Manager at Close Date: August 1, 2010. Marine Baitfish Aquaculture – Delaware. The focus of this of this project will be on developing production techniques for marine baitfish. The successful applicant will assist the Principle Investigator with a number of research and extension related activities and develop an independent thesis project related to marine baitfish production. Research will largely be conducted at the DSU Aquaculture Research and Demonstration Facility in Dover, DE, however opportunities exist to collaborate with State, Federal, private and University partners from around the region. Qualifications: B. S. in aquaculture, fisheries, biology or a related field; cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher and GRE scores. Students with strong quantitative and writing skills are encouraged to apply. U.S. Citizenship is required. Position is open until filled. To be considered, applicants must submit a letter of interest that includes a description of their research interests and experience, a CV, an unofficial copy of their transcripts, GRE scores, and three letters of recommendation to Dennis McIntosh. $18,000/yr + $3,000/yr tuition assistance. Contact: Dennis McIntosh, Close Date: August 23, 2010. Coyote Mentor Naturalist – Washington. The Vashon Wilderness Program is seeking dedicated instructors who are interested in long-term mentoring of youth in nature. Vashon is an island off the Washington coast near Seattle. Currently we are seeking instructors to work with our school year programs beginning in mid September and ending in early June. Our programs are run on a diverse 400 acre nature preserve including forest and tidal waterfront, with on island field trips. We need instructors for our weekly Friday programs for ages 4 - 6 and 7 - 12. This position is for 6 - 8 hours a week and does not include room or board.

The Vashon Wilderness Program was started by Wilderness Awareness School and applicants must have experience: With the Coyote Mentoring and 8 Shields model. Mentoring youth. Knowledge and skills with native technologies, survival techniques, group dynamics and ethnobotany. Please send your cover letter and resume to Cyndi O’Brien at Cyndi@ or via snail mail to: Vashon Wilderness Program Instructor Opportunity, PO Box 712, Vashon WA 98070; for questions call (206) 438-3525. Close Date: Until Filled. Ecological Coordinator – Colorado. The Ecological Coordinator is responsible for site and project development, oversight of the restoration process on multiple projects, oversight of habitat management on existing restoration sites, communication with contractors and project reports. The Ecological Coordinator is responsible for budgeting and developing restoration plans for future and existing sites. The Ecological Coordinator will manage crews and work with interns to coordinate and complete field work and monitor site progress. Qualifications: A bachelor’s degree in environmental science, land/natural resource management or related field with at least 2-3 years experience working in the environmental field and project planning/management. Excellent written and oral communication skills; experience writing donor and progress reports is essential. Grant writing and implementation skills. Must possess attention to detail, self-motivation, a willingness to work outside especially in a desert area, and with a team. Comfort working in a remote location is essential. Operational knowledge of tools and machinery is a plus. Must be flexible and have excellent time and task management skills. Must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license and pass a drug test. Spanish speaking a plus.For Employment Application visit: Close Date: Until Filled.

Bio Monitor Position California. The biological monitor reports directly to Biological Project Manager on inquiries relating to biological resources. The biological monitor prepares daily logs, weekly summaries, and prepares monthly compliance reports. During initial project construction, the biological monitor will be in the field approximately 95% of the time. As required, the biological monitor must meet the following minimum qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in biological sciences, zoology, botany, ecology, or a closely related field; Three years experience in field biology or current certification of a nationally recognized biological society, such as The Ecological Society of America or The Wildlife Society; At least one year of field experience with biological resources found in or near San Diego and Imperial Counties. At least one year of construction monitoring experience. Employees will be required to work at least 60 hrs a week, 10 hr. work days. For more information, please contact Mina Rouhi at mrouhi@ Close Date: Until Filled. Wetland Ecologist/Specialist – Florida. LPG Environmental & Permitting Services, Inc. (LPGEPS) an established environmental consulting firm has an immediate need for three (3) wetland ecologists in our Lakeland, Florida office. These positions are seasonal positions that have the opportunity to expand to full-time permanent positions. Work consists of field wetland vegetation assessments, wetland monitoring, plant species surveys, and hydrological data collection. Must be able to work outdoors in extreme weather conditions common in Florida. Out of town travel is required. Basic Qualifications: B.S. or B.A. degree in biology, field biology, or closely related field is required. M.S. or M.A. preferred; Three or more years of relevant experience in Florida conducting wetland vegetation assessments and wetlands monitoring and data

collection. WPIT or PWS a plus. Must have strong botanical identification skills; Strong field assessment skills; Must have field biology skills and ability to conduct field work, at times for long hours or under strenuous circumstances; Excellent oral and written communication skills; Strong proficiency in Microsoft Office Word and Excel; Familiarity with GPS equipment and field data collection equipment; Familiarity with ATV and small boats, and; Valid drivers license and clean driving record. Salary commensurate with experience. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, resume, three (3) references, and salary requirements to: Steve Adams at or fax to 352-383-3877. For information call 352-383-1444. Close Date: Until Filled. Raptor Observers - Montana (2 positions) needed to staff the Bridger Mountains Raptor Migration Project near Bozeman, MT. Project will run between 28 Aug and 31 Oct. Applicants will be recruited as volunteers that receive a daily per diem of $40 ($1200/month). Dispensation occurs every two weeks and per diem is non-taxable (i.e., crew members receive $560 biweekly). All applicants must have good eyesight, be in good physical condition for daily hiking commute (2200-ft. vertical elevation gain), be able to endure long hours in the field with variable weather, have demonstrated excellent birding and raptor-in-flight I.D. skills, and must be able to work well in a team environment. Observers will work in teams of two to conduct daily, standardized counts of the migration. Weather permitting, crew members will work 5-6 days per week, with additional project support provided by qualified, local volunteers. Basic housing (shared cabin) will be provided free of charge. Send cover letter, detailed resume, 3 current references with phone numbers and email addresses, and dates of availability by email to: (EM: shoffman@mtaudubon. org). Visit (URL: for project descriptions and past technical reports. Close Date: Until Filled. Interpretive Naturalists (4) – Needed for fall migration monitoring projects at Cape May Bird Observatory, Cape May, NJ.1 Sep - 31 Oct. Cape May is renowned as one of the world’s great hot spots for bird migration. Successful applicants will work either at the Cape May Hawkwatch, Avalon Seawatch, and/or on the Passerine Morning Flight Project. Duties include teaching visitors bird identification and natural history and offering general assistance, conducting workshops, and assisting counters when needed. Applicants should have experience interacting with the public and excellent interpersonal skills. Familiarity with bird migration and experience identifying birds is preferred. All applicants must have their own vehicles. Salary for all positions $800/month; housing and reimbursement for gas is provided. Send cover letter indicating position of interest, resume outlining relevant experience, and three references (including email addresses and phone numbers) to Don Freiday, Cape May Bird Observatory, 600 Route 47 North, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 (EM: Close Date: Until Filled. Field Naturalist – New Jersey. Needed for a variety of education, research and conservation projects at New Jersey Audubon Society’s Cape May Bird Observatory, Cape May, NJ. 1 Sep - 31 Oct Cape May is renowned as one of the world’s great hot spots for bird migration. This position is named in honor of the late George Myers, a talented CMBO Associate Naturalist, and is funded by an endowment established in his honor. Will work at a variety of field sites with office at the CMBO Center for Research and education in Goshen. Will work as an interpretive naturalist associated with a variety of the Observatory’s projects, including migration counts, interpretive walks, birding workshops, publications, exhibits and web site. Applicants should have

When applying for a position listed, please tell them you saw it in the

July-August 2010

Biology & Ecology experience interacting with the public and excellent interpersonal skills. Familiarity with bird migration and experience identifying birds as well as some knowledge of other natural history is preferred, but much learning on the job is possible. Bachelor’s degree in wildlife biology, ecology, environmental science or similar field preferred. All applicants must have their own vehicles unless other arrangements are made prior to employment. Salary: $1000/month; housing and reimbursement for gas provided. Send cover letter indicating position of interest, resume outlining relevant experience, and three references (including email addresses and phone numbers) to Don Freiday, Cape May Bird Observatory, 600 Route 47 North, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 (EM: Close Date: Until Filled. Intern – New Jersey. Needed to assist with ongoing Monarch butterfly migration project, 1 Sep - 31 Oct. Duties include daily road censuses of migrating Monarchs, tagging, data entry, and educating the public about the project and Monarch biology. Successful applicant will be expected to work long hours during peak Monarch flights, shorter hours during lulls. Careful data collecting and entry skills, and excellent interpersonal skills a must; familiarity with insect ecology and migration a plus but not required. Must have own vehicle. Salary $800/mo.; housing and reimbursement for gas provided. Send cover letter indicating position of interest, resume outlining relevant experience, and three references (including email addresses and phone numbers) to Don Frieday, Cape May Bird Observatory, 600 Route 47 North, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 (EM: Close Date: Until Filled. Marine Baitfish Aquaculture - The focus of this of this project will be on developing production techniques for marine baitfish. The successful applicant will assist the Principle Investigator with a number of research and extension related activities and develop an independent thesis project related to marine baitfish production. Research will largely be conducted at the DSU Aquaculture Research and Demonstration Facility in Dover, DE, however opportunities exist to collaborate with State, Federal, private and University partners from around the region. Qualifications: B. S. in aquaculture, fisheries, biology or a related field; cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher and GRE scores. Students with strong quantitative and writing skills are encouraged to apply. U.S. Citizenship is required. Contact: Dennis McIntosh E-mail: Phone: 302-857-6456. To be considered, applicants must submit a letter of interest that includes a description of their research interests and experience, a CV, an unofficial copy of their transcripts, GRE scores, and three letters of recommendation to Dennis McIntosh. Close Date: Until Filled. Wildlife Specialist – Missouri. The incumbent serves as a Wildlife Specialist (Biological Science Technician, AD-404-5) managing urban wildlife conflicts in St. Louis, Missouri and surrounding areas. This is an excellent opportunity for an individual beginning a career in wildlife damage management as experience will be gained in urban wildlife damage management, airport wildlife management, interagency cooperation, and stakeholder relations. Starting date is negotiable, but prefer the incumbent to start as soon as possible. This position is an intermittent, not-to-exceed 12 month appointment with no benefits. The term may be renewed after completion of a 12 month probationary period, contingent upon performance and available funds. Work schedule and total available hours will vary weekly and will include some nights and evenings. Relocation costs will not be paid for this position. This is a part-time position of approximately 25 hours per week. Qualifications: A Bachelor of Science in wildlife management or closely related field is desired. Candidate should have knowledge of wildlife biology and management principles. Ability to work independently or as part of a team, bird ID skills, trapping techniques (avian and mammal), ability to work with the public, and firearms familiarity, are a plus. Must be able to obtain a Missouri driver’s license. $15.15 / hour. To apply: Email resume and references. Website: wildlife_damage/ Contact: Robert C. Alexander E-mail: (Preferred) Phone: 314-731-4769. Close Date: Until Filled.

Field Technician – Missouri. Individual needed to assist with investigation of resource use, demography, and movement of black-backed woodpeckers in the Black Hills region of South Dakota. We are seeking a highly motivated individual to assist with a radio telemetry study. Work includes radio tracking, nest monitoring, and re-sighting marked individuals. Proficiency working with birds, knowledge of radiotelemetry techniques, and a demonstrated ability to work alone and under difficult field conditions is essential. Work will be full-time. Housing and an hourly wage of $10.00/hr is provided. Please send a letter of interest, CV, and contact information for 2 references (name, phone, and email) to Chris Rota at Close Date: Until Filled. Butterfly internship – Oregon. Exploring the movement dynamics of a local butterfly community including the endangered Oregon Silverspot butterfly. Main site located on the Oregon coast. Accommodation provided. Gain valuable experience with butterfly identification, capture and handling, marking individuals, habitat assessment, finescale movement surveys and behavioral studies. Qualifications: Applicant needed with enthusiasm and experience working with wildlife, as well as a good eye for working with relatively small study subjects. To be able to work in team of two from 5th July until 30th September. Undergraduate level upwards preferred, so that work may contribute towards their career in wildlife ecology. Contact for more information: Contact: Dr. Tory Bennett E-mail: Close Date: Until Filled. Research Ecologist – California. The Institute for Wildlife Studies is a non-profit, wildlife research and conservation organization conducting programs around the world. We are seeking a motivated and talented wildlife ecologist to assist in developing and directing new programs and providing support for existing projects. This is a full-time position and the successful applicant will work out of our Arcata, CA office. Responsibilities include assisting in experimental design for research projects, directing field personnel, developing funding proposals, data analysis, and report and manuscript preparation. Experience with GIS is preferred as well as some experience in grant/proposal writing. Job will include some travel for field visits, project design and to attend conferences. Applicants should have good computer skills and excellent writing skills. Qualifications include a Ph.D. in wildlife ecology or a related field. Applicants must be citizens of the United States or be covered under a TN NAFTA work visa. $50,000-$60,000 DOE + Benefits Applicants should send: (1) Letter of interest, (2) Curriculum vitae, (3) List of a minimum of 5 references including email contact information. Submission materials should be sent by email to: David Garcelon ( or by regular mail to Institute for Wildlife Studies, P.O. Box 1104, Arcata, California 95518. Website: www. Contact: David Garcelon E-mail: iwsjobs@ Phone: 707-822-4258. Close Date: Until Filled. Botanist – California. Sequence is seeking an experienced Botanist / Environmental Biologist Permitting Group Leader to work on projects throughout the Northern California region on a few of California’s most dynamic projects. The ideal individual will have at least 8+ years of experience conducting biological assessments, plant surveys, wetland delineations, rare and endangered species surveys, environmental monitoring and preparing CEQA/NEPA documentation. Must possess collection permits for California’s endangered, threatened and rare plants and be familiar with California’s flora. Strong section 404, 401 knowledge required. The Permitting Group leader will be expected to maintain client relationships, manage a portfolio of ongoing biological projects, and mentor entry to management level biological professionals on a daily basis. Requires a Bachelors degree in Botany, Biology, Ecology or related discipline. Master’s degree is preferred. Must possess excellent written and verbal communication abilities required. For consideration please forward resume or contact directly: Sequence Systems, Attn: Michael DeSafey, 2008 Opportunity Drive #150, Roseville, Ca 95678. Phone: 916-7826900 x202. Fax: 916-782-6307. Email: mdesafey@ Close Date: Until Filled. M.S. Research Assistantship – Montana. M.S. Graduate Research Assistantship is available

beginning late August 2010 within the Ecology Department, Montana State University (MSU) to work on nesting ecology of ducks in North and South Dakota. The research will investigate the role of winter wheat in nesting success at multiple spatial scales. Preliminary data suggest that nests in winter wheat fields may have high survival rates, and funding is now in place to conduct an intensive investigation of factors influencing nest survival in landscapes where a winter cereals program is in place. The student’s research advisor will be Jay Rotella. The work will be done in close conjunction with biologists and GIS specialists at the Great Plains Regional Office of Ducks Unlimited. Qualifications: B.S. in wildlife biology, conservation biology, ecology, natural resource management, or related field. Background in basics of applied statistics. Strong work ethic and demonstrated ability to conduct field research. The successful applicant must have a GRE of over 1100 (verbal and quantitative). Demonstrated ability to lead field crews and organize data. Experience with multiple regression models and mark-recapture models. Knowledge of vertebrate population ecology and management. $18,000 per year ($1,500 per month). Prospective candidates should mail (1) a cover letter; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) copy of transcripts & GRE scores (official copies not necessary at this time); and (4) the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of at least three individuals who have first-hand knowledge of your research experience and professional abilities to Jay Rotella Dr. Jay Rotella Ecology Department Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717. Close Date: Until Filled. Raptor Banding Assistant – Minnesota. Raptor banding assistant needed 14 August to 28 November for studies of raptor migration at the Hawk Ridge Research Station. Assistants will participate in observation, trapping, and banding of diurnal raptors (ca. 2000) and owls (up to 1000). Experience with mist nets necessary and raptor experience preferred. Crude, cramped, but dry and functional housing provided on-site. Stipend of $600 / month. Applicants should be at least 5’8” in height, necessitated by dimensions of trapping blind. Mist netting Ornithological interest $600 / mo. Send brief resume and names of references to David L. Evans, 2928 Greysolon Rd., Duluth, MN 55812; PH: 218-7240261 ; Close Date: Until Filled. Furbearer Program Assistant – Missouri. I am looking for an intelligent, detail oriented, independent, fit, individual with common sense and a sincere interest in furbearers and black bears. Job duties will be to assist furbearer biologist with field research projects, data collection and entry, summary, and management; participate in report writing and outreach programs. Selected individual will be responsible for multiple databases, mapping using ArcGIS, and summary report writing. Other duties include collecting biological samples for research projects and interacting with the public including private landowners and sometimes difficult ones. Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a BS or MS degree in Wildlife or Biology. Applicants must be responsible, possess outstanding communication and organizational skills, and have a valid driver s license. The ability to work both independently and with others is essential. Applicants must have strong computer skills including competencies in ArcMap, Access, Excel, and Powerpoint programs. Candidates should have no problems with physical work and be able to walk long distances over rough terrain in all weather, drive 4x4s, ATVs and operate a canoe. Familiarity with hunting, fishing, and trapping is desirable. Start date is somewhat flexible. Position is funded through June 2011 with extension based on funding. For more information or to apply, please contact Jeff Beringer at Close Date: Until Filled. Wetland Specialist – Texas. Benchmark is currently soliciting candidates for employment for an Environmental Scientist with Wetlands Experience. Candidate should be familiar with the USACOE wetland delineation methodologies and have experience with the Regulatory Branch of the USACOE. Candidate should have a strong working knowledge of: Plant identification. Hydric soil indicators. Wetland hydrology. Wetland permitting. Mitigation plans. ESRI GIS software. GPS operation. Typical Position Tasks: Conduct wetland delineations. Manage labor, logistics, and


Forestry & Natural Resources budgets on field projects. Write wetland delineation and threatened and endangered species reports. Develop/implement mitigation plans. Work directly with clients and regulatory agencies. Various levels of participation in environmental contaminant and other environmental studies. Qualifications: Strong communication and writing skills. Bachelor level or higher degree in environmental or related sciences. 3+ yrs experience in (or related to) the environmental consulting industry. Comfortable operating small boats and ATVs. Available to work away from the office 5-10 days per month. GIS software experience. Existing client relationships a plus. Contact: www. to apply. Close Date: August 31, 2010. Fish Biologist – Hawaii. MFS is dedicated to stewardship of our nation’s living marine resources, and the habitat on which they depend, through scientific research, management and enforcement. NMFS provides effective stewardship of these resources to benefit the nation, through domestic and international programs supporting coastal communities that depend upon them, while providing safe and healthy seafood to consumers and recreational opportunities for the public. The Pacific Islands Regional Office (PIRO) Fishery Biologist (Management), in Honolulu, HI will be responsible for the coordination of Fisheries Local Action Strategy for Hawaii’s coral reef initiative. For more information see: aspx?JobID=88678215. Close Date: Until Filled. Fishery Biologists – California. Under the direction of the California Department of Fish and Game’s (CDFG) Coastal Restoration Monitoring and Evaluation Project (CRMEP), this position will plan, prepare, and conduct effectiveness monitoring of habitat restoration projects implemented under the CDFG Fisheries Restoration Grants Program (FRGP) throughout the North, North Central, and San Francisco Bay coastal areas. Monitoring primarily employs rapid field assessment techniques utilizing treatment specific qualitative/quantitative checklists, photo monitoring, and geographic project location documentation. For more information see: PublicJobs/controller.cfm?jbaction=JobProfile&Job_ Id=10701&esid=az. Close Date: Until Filled. Marine Biologist – California. ManTech is seeking a Marine Biologist with a strong background in marine science and demonstrated experience supporting or leading projects involving assessment of effects to marine species. The successful candidate will provide critical environmental planning support to Department of Defense (DoD) testing and training long-range planning and sustainability efforts. For more information see: https://sjobs.brassring. com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_jobdetail.asp?jobId=812984 &PartnerId=10696&SiteId=45&type=search&JobRe qLang=1&recordstart=1&codes=INDD. Close Date: Until Filled. Marine Biologist – Texas. Golder Associated Inc. (Golder) is seeking a junior level biologist to work on a part-time hourly basis in Texas. The successful candidate will work with a team of Golder fisheries biologists in conducting baseline aquatic studies and impact assessments for resource development projects in Texas. Responsibilities will include: habitat surveys, water chemistry, backpack electrofishing surveys, minnow trapping surveys, and fish identification. The successful applicant may also be involved in terrestrial surveys, environmental reporting, development of workplans, entering, managing and analyzing data. For more information see: n=indeed&iis=indeed&iisn=indeed. Close Date: Until Filled. Banding Assistant – Virginia. The Center for Conservation Biology in partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking an assistant bander to help operate a mist net station on Virginia’s Delmarva Peninsula. This is an incredible opportunity to contribute to a study on the use of shrub-scrub habitat by migrant passerines in one of the largest migrant traps in North America. Responsibilities include: willingness to learn accurate sexing and ageing of up to 100 species of fall migrants, accurate record keeping, and accurate data entry. The successful applicant should have experience extracting and banding passerines. This is a full time temporary position; dates of employment are from 1


September to 30 November 2010. Expected work schedule will be 5 days on and two days off (weather days will be days off). Housing will be provided on the Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge. Previous experience extracting and banding passerines. Experience working at a high volume fall banding station a plus. $1200/month housing provided. Contact: Fletcher Smith, Close Date: November 30, 2010. On-Call Environmental Compliance Biologists – Various Locations. EPG, Inc. is seeking OnCall Environmental Compliance Biologists for various project locations. Primary duties include environmental compliance monitoring for linear construction projects, habitat assessments and biological resource evaluations, avian nest searches and monitoring, and preparation of monitoring logs and reports. The ideal candidate will possess a Bachelors Degree or higher in Biology, Ecology, Wildlife Management or related field; 1 to 5 years of biological field experience including construction and environmental compliance monitoring; and, knowledge of Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Endangered Species Act, and Clean Water Act compliance. Excellent written and verbal communication skills are essential. Salary is negotiable based on experience. EPG offers a competitive pay package and we are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Please visit our website at: Applicants should send a cover letter, current CV and three references to jobs@ or fax them to (602) 956-4374. Close Date: Until Filled. Research Botanist – Virginia. NatureServe, an international nonprofit conservation organization, seeks a Research Botanist to join its team of scientists. This is a full-time position located in Arlington, Virginia just outside Washington, D.C. The Research Botanist assesses and reviews the conservation status of rare North American plants and contributes to diverse projects and analyses that use this information to influence conservation decisions. Frequent clients/partners include U.S. and Canadian Federal land management agencies, as well as more local conservation groups and university-based conservation researchers. The ideal candidate will have a M.S. in botany or in biology/ecology with a botanical emphasis, at least one year of experience working in a botanical field, a working knowledge of some portion of the North American flora, knowledge of systematic concepts, and excellent research and communication skills. If you would like to pursue a career in plant conservation that makes a tangible difference, please go to aboutUs/jobs/researchBotanist.jsp for detailed information about this job, the organization, and how to apply. Close Date: Until Filled. Post Doctoral Position – Virginia. Needed to model landscape change in fire dependent communities and link habitat model with existing model for Redcockaded Woodpecker populations. 21-month position starting January 1, 2011. The position involves building a forest dynamics modeling tool which can simulate the response of endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker populations to landscape-scale habitat changes through time. Forest dynamics software (e.g. Telsa) will be adapted to the longleaf pine ecosystem based on data collected at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida and linked to an existing spatially-explicit, individual-based model of woodpecker population dynamics. This work is part of a larger project examining ecosystem change and restoration in a dynamic environment that includes an avian ecology group at Virginia Tech, a forest ecology group at the Jones Ecological Research Center in Georgia, and a modeling group at North Carolina State University, as well as the field research group at Eglin. The position is through Virginia Tech, but will involve extensive travel to work with the other research groups. Home location is negotiable. The position provides opportunities for work in longleaf forest ecology, Red-cockaded Woodpecker ecology and conservation, and landscape, forest and population modeling. We seek an individual with interest and expertise in modeling, forest/plant ecology, conservation, and/or avian population biology. Interested candidates should submit a curriculum vitae and statement of interest upon applying online at (posting #0100361). Three letters of recommendation should be sent via email to Dr. Jeff Walters at Close Date: September 1, 2010.

Burn Crew Member – Texas. The Burn Crew Member participates in wildland fire operations which include ignition, control, mop-up, suppression, monitoring, etc. The Burn Crew Member will participate in preparing fire lines, maintaining equipment, pre-burn monitoring, post-burn monitoring and other tasks. All TNC staff actively participating on a prescribed burn must be qualified as a FFT2. If not already qualified, training will be provided to meet qualifications for FFT2. The Burn Crew Member will also collect vegetation data related to fuel loads and grassland vegetation monitoring. Will perform a variety of other duties (data entry, trail maintenance, woody vegetation removal using chainsaws and hand tools, etc.) when conditions are not conducive to prescribed fire. Qualifications: High school diploma and 6 months -1 year of related experience. Qualified as or able to meet qualifications for FFT2, including Introduction to ICS (I-100), Human Factors on the Fireline (L-180), Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior (S-190), Firefighting Training (S-130), and one training burn serving under the supervision of a qualified FFT2.. Ability to operate various types of equipment in a safe and efficient manner. Ability to follow instructions from colleagues. Ability to perform physical work, sometimes under adverse conditions or in inclement weather. Ability to achieve physical fitness standard as determined by local Fire Program Manager. Contact Carla Picinich, job #12127. Close Date: September 1, 2010. Assistantships – Virginia. Two PhD graduate research assistantships are available beginning January 2011 (or sooner) for projects supported by the NSF at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest ( in New Hampshire. The study focuses on feedbacks between hydrology, soil characteristics, and catchment biogeochemistry and is aimed at explaining the spatial and temporal variation in stream water chemistry at the headwater catchment scale. The project will have an intensive field component that will require extensive travel. Students will work with faculty at Virginia Tech, as well as with federal and other university scientists involved in the project. A strong background in hydrology, forest soils, and/or geospatial analyses is highly desired. An M.S. degree in Hydrology, Soil Science, Ecology or related field is required. The student may enroll in the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation or in the interdisciplinary Geospatial and Environmental Analysis program in the College of Natural Resources and Environment at Virginia Tech. Additional support will be provided by the Virginia Water Resources Research Center. Virginia Tech has a strong program in Forest Soils and Hydrology with excellent analytical facilities and laboratory space. Six faculty and over 15 graduate students are actively involved in the Forest Soils and Hydrology programs. Strong supporting programs in Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Biological Systems Engineering exist at Virginia Tech. PhD assistantships will start at approximately $20,000 per year. For students on assistantship, tuition is covered and health services and student health insurance plans are available. Graduate research assistants are actively involved in the departmental teaching program. Interested students should contact: Dr. Kevin McGuire, Research Assistant Professor of Forest Hydrology, Virginia Water Resources Research Center & Dept. of Forest Resources & Environmental Conservation, 210B Cheatham Hall (0444), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Tel: 540231-6017; Fax: 540-231-6673. mcguire. Close Date: Until Filled. Assistant Steward – Illinois. Under the supervision of the Nachusa Grasslands Project Director and Restoration Ecologist, Assistant Stewards are needed for prairie and savanna management and restoration at Nachusa Grasslands, a 3,000 acre preserve near Dixon, IL. Stewards will work with a crew to remove invasive species and hand-collect native seeds. We

hand harvest seed to restore degraded agricultural lands to high diversity prairie, wetlands, and savanna on site. These are great opportunities to learn about plants and animals, and natural areas management with an emphasis on ecological restoration. There are many other tasks such as fence building, fence removal, maintaining and cleaning buildings, setting up for events for visitors and members, running errands, and repairing equipment. Applicants should be able to work well with groups of people in the field. Course work in ecology or experience with natural area restoration is a plus. A bachelor degree is preferred. Interesting, educational, and challenging outside work at a dynamic restoration project. This is a great way to learn what it really takes to do natural areas management and restoration. Qualifications: High school diploma and 6 months of related experience. Experience operating various types of equipment. Experience performing physical work. $8.00 an hour. To apply to position number 12166, submit resume and cover letter as one document. Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled. Prairie Forest Border Stewardship Assistant – Minnesota. The Prairie Forest Border Stewardship Assistant will assist with preserve restoration and management activities including prairie restoration work, tree removal, prescribed burning, and weed control (including herbicide application). The position will also require field data collection and data entry related to on-going research and monitoring projects being conducted by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) staff and cooperators. The technician will need to work closely with Conservancy staff, cooperating scientists, contractors, and volunteers. This short-term (full-time) position will require irregular hours and will include extensive outdoor physical labor under adverse conditions. The technician is supervised by the Prairie Forest Border Ecoregion Land Steward, does not supervise other staff. This is an approximately 2 month (July 12 – Sep 3, 2010) position. Housing is provided (optional). Qualifications: One or more years of study towards a bachelor’s Degree in a biological science or natural resource management curriculum. Experience recognizing Minnesota plant species and communities. Experience doing outdoor physical labor. Experience living and working in a rural environment. $9 per hour (housing is also provided). Interested candidates should visit careers/, click View Positions and search for job ID # 12163. All resumes and cover letters must be submitted through The Nature Conservancy’s online application. Please attach them to your application as one document. All sections of the online application must be completed (e.g. work experience and education, even if information is included in resume), to be considered for a position. Close Date: Until Filled. Park Coordinator – Georgia. This 782 acre park surrounds Lake Chapman and offers picnic sites, hiking and horse trails, swimming playgrounds, fishing, camping, dog parks, boating, disc golf, sports areas, camping and more. Athens-Clarke County takes pride in providing our community with facilities like those of many state parks. Seeks Park Coordinator to assist with and manage all aspects of daily operations of Sandy Creek Park. The purpose of this job is to assist with and manage all aspects of daily operations of Sandy Creek Park. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in course of study related to occupational field; 2 years of related experience in park administration, park/natural resource management or related field; Or any equivalent combination of education, training, and experience which provides the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities for this job; First Aid/CPR Certification or have ability to attain within 60 days of employment; A valid driver’s license; Supervision of staff and/ or volunteers and planning and implementing programs experience in a natural resources setting is preferred. See job description for further details; This merit system position requires that the employee satisfactorily complete a probationary period. Contact: Satula Governmental Building, 375 Satula Avenue, Human Resources Department, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The application and questionnaire may also be downloaded from Close Date: Until Filled. Ph.D. Assistantship (Wetlands) – Nebraska. Nebraska is initiating an intensification of the EPA National Wetland Monitoring program. A Ph.D.

July-August 2010

Forestry & Natural Resources Assistantship is available for a Ph.D. student who will oversee and coordinate this monitoring program in Nebraska; the successful candidate will develop research relevant to the project, and which may focus on wetland quality, vegetation, invasion, fauna(esp. herpetofauna), etc., dependent upon candidates specific interests. Qualifications: Ability to coordinate a large monitoring effort, including supervising teams of biologists and technicians. Interest in, and knowledge of, wetland ecology. Candidates should submit GREs, transcripts, letters of reference and a letter of interest. If interested, contact CR Allen. Contact Craig Allen at Close Date: August 1, 2010. Fiber Procurement Forester – Georgia. The Fiber Procurement Forester is responsible for implementing the plant’s fiber procurement plan under the direction of the Fiber Procurement Manager. This responsibility includes negotiating and implementing contracts for stumpage acquisition, harvesting and delivery. This field role requires building strong relationships with fiber suppliers and physical presence at fiber harvesting sites. Qualifications: The individual hired for this role must have: Working knowledge of standard fiber practices including Sustainable Forestry Georgia Master Initiative (SFI) standards and Best Management Practices (BMP). An employment history of making a strong Harvester Certification is preferred. contribution within a formal business plan. This position prefers a Bachelors Degree in Forestry or a related field and a minimum of 10 years of DIRECTLY RELATED experience. Strong leadership and interpersonal skills are essential. Working knowledge of Wood Yards and pelletizing operations is a definite plus. For consideration, send cover letter with resume to: paul. or mail to Attention: Paul McMillan, 3131 Brown Drive, Waycross, GA 31503. Close Date: Until Filled. Training & Research Manager – South Africa. The successful candidate will primarily coordinate and implement an organic agriculture education program to train a network of African farmers and ag professionals in appropriate regenerative organic farming technologies. These programs, funded by H.G. Buffett Foundation and Africare, will focus on increasing farmers’ adoption of cover crops and cover crop-based rotational no-till practices to increase the sustainability of farmers’ cropping systems in Mali and South Africa over a 5 year period. All supported practices will be certifiably organic, although targeted farmer participants are primarily small-holder producers. In addition to implementing all training activities, this position will also direct and manage a field trial coordinator in South Africa. The position is based in South Africa. Qualifications: Fiveplus years of experience designing, developing, and implementing environmental education programs for farmers, experience with small holder farmers preferred. Experience running scientific research projects with on-farm components that provided experience in farmer-participatory research and education as well as with standard plant and soil sample organization, data collection, analysis, summary and reporting. Hands-on international sustainable agricultural experience (research or production) required. Working experience with ArcGIS. Starting in summer 2010, the compensation includes on-site housing at the research station on South Africa, and a competitive salary and benefits package. Interested applicants send letter of inquiry and resume to Close Date: Until Filled.

Vegetation Measurement Intern - I am looking for interns to survey forest vegetation in Stehekin, WA. Stehekin is a remote town located at the north end of Lake Chelan. Limited internet access and satellite phone available. Interns will park at Field’s Point Landing and ride the passenger ferry: the Lady of the Lake. Housing, transportation, and food costs will be covered through a $500 stipend; some camping will be required. Interns will navigate to survey plots using GPS and survey vegetation using specified tools and protocols (eg: height, dbh of trees etc...) Surveys will provide habitat data for a study of western gray squirrel resource selection and response to forest management activities including prescribed burning and thinning. This project is a cooperative study between the University of Washington, USGS, National Park Service, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Internships will begin in early July and continue through early-late August or until all ~300 plots are completed. Research credit is available to current students if interested. Some wildlife research experience can also be provided to interested interns. Applicants familiar with common trees and shrubs of western Washington, as well as basic navigation and forest measurement techniques will be preferred. $500 stipend. Please send a resume, cover letter, and list of references to: Katy Stuart E-mail: Phone: 206-953-2716 (Preferred). Close Date: Until Filled. Postdoctoral Scientist in Agroecology – Pennsylvania. $40,000/year. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Agroecology: Join an interdisciplinary team conducting research on organic production systems. The successful candidate will direct an ongoing study to quantify the dynamics of weed populations, arthropod community, soil quality indicators, and agronomic properties in organic feed and forage production systems. The candidate will also collaborate with other investigators on the project to publish research findings in peer-reviewed journals and participate in outreach and grant-writing activities. Requirements: A Ph.D. in weed ecology, arthropod ecology, or agroecology is required. Experience working with systems studies and application of multivariate statistical tools to complex datasets is desired but not required. The postdoctoral scientist will work directly in collaboration with Mary Barbercheck (arthropod ecology), David Mortensen (weed ecology) and a farmer advisory panel in guiding the research and outreach education associated with the project. Send a cover letter explaining your interest and experience in agroecology, a current CV, and contact information for three references. Contact: Dr. David Mortensen, dmortensen@psu. edu. Close Date: Until Filled. Cropping Systems Specialist – Nebraska. The educational focus of this position will be on crop and soil management tactics that increase water use efficiency while optimizing yield and profit. Ph.D. degree, or Ph.D. in place by date of hire, in agronomy, crop or soil science, or related discipline is required. A demonstrated ability to publish original research in peer-reviewed journals, and research experience and expertise in an integrated systems approach that combines field research with simulation modeling and validation is required. Ability to work effectively as a member of an interdisciplinary team, and strong written and verbal communication skills are also requirements. Knowledge and expertise in the use of advanced information technologies such as dynamic computer simulation models, decision-support systems, and GIS are preferred. Demonstrated extension programming through leading workshops and outreach publications is

preferred. The successful candidate will develop a competitive grant-funded research program with the goal of increasing water use efficiency of corn/ soybean cropping systems through integrated crop and soil management practices. Qualifications: Ph.D. degree, or Ph.D. in place by date of hire, in agronomy, crop or soil science, or related discipline is required. A demonstrated ability to publish original research in peer-reviewed journals, and research experience and expertise in an integrated systems approach that combines field research with simulation modeling and validation is required. To apply: Go to and search for requisition # 100168 and complete the Faculty Academic Administrative Information Form. Attach a letter of application and curriculum vitae, and arrange for 3 letters of reference to be emailed to: cwendt1@ Close Date: Until Filled.

Project Coordinator Colorado. The coordinator will work closely with water users, private land owners and agency staff. Primary responsibilities are to develop relationships with the agricultural community and agency staff; plan and oversee projects; raise funds as necessary to construct projects; manage grant application and reporting requirements; identify opportunities and make recommendations for acquisition or appropriation of instream flow water rights; and monitor project results, including fish usage of improved habitat. Ideal candidate will have an advanced degree in biology, ecology, hydrology, engineering or related field; work experience and skills in aquatic ecology/biology; strong interpersonal and communication skills; knowledge of irrigation systems and experience working with irrigators; ability to manage project budgets; and above all, practical skills and a proven track record in accomplishing goals. Contact Drew Peternell at dpeternell@ Close Date: August 9, 2010. GIS Resource Analyst – Minnesota. Svoboda Ecological Resources, Minnesota’s oldest wetland and natural resources consulting firm has a position opening for an individual with 2 or more years of experience in the use of GIS for report production, photographic and digital aerial image mapping, interpretation and analysis. Minimum requirements are a Bachelor’s degree (Master’s degree is preferred) in GIS, Geography, Computer Science or related field, and PC proficiency with Microsoft Office including Publisher and PowerPoint. Knowledge of ArcGIS 9 is essential. Experience with IDRISI Andes edition and other natural resource modeling software is beneficial. Expertise with other visualization software would also be a plus. A background working with natural resources modeling and natural resources field expertise should be addressed in the application. The successful applicant will be able to utilize the analytical capabilities of GIS software to analyze data pertaining to wildlife habitat, land use and land cover, land cover change, urban

infrastructure, and urban growth. Understanding of web page design, brochure layouts, intra-internet and Windows OS maintenance would be desirable. Familiarity with AutoCAD would also be beneficial. Other beneficial skills would include a background in image interpretation of true color and color infrared imaging in forest and agricultural environments including remote sensing software. We are looking for an individual with solid communication, problem solving and interpersonal skills along with the ability to work in a team environment. A dedicated commitment to a strong work ethic is important. The position salary will be based on the individual’s technical skills. Resumes should specifically address the above position requirements. Resumes should reference the position title and number. Resumes may be submitted via email to: franks@gpsinnovations. com. Written resumes will be accepted at: Svoboda Ecological Resources, 25580 Nelsine Drive, Shorewood, MN 55331. Close Date: July 31, 2010. Field Technician – California. Lassen Land and Trails Trust, a non-profit conservation organization based in Susanville, CA is looking for a field technician to perform field inventory work along a 85 mile former railroad corridor in Lassen and Modoc counties, California. Duties will include mapping and recording of surface conditions, structural elements (culverts, bridges, etc), erosion and other ecological issues (weeds, habitat types, land use) along the corridor. Applicants should have a background in natural resources, road construction or civil engineering. Essential skills: familiarity with GPS (Trimble) and basic GIS functions, basic field inventory and data recording skills (including digital photography), identification of wetland habitats, basic map reading and orienteering skills. Must have a reliable, insured vehicle with sufficient clearance. Work will be performed in remote areas under sometimes adverse weather conditions typical of the desert environment. Applicants must be dependable, self-motivated and require minimal supervision. This is a temporary, fulltime position (at will) based out of Susanville with no benefits. Hourly wage $11.00-$14.00, DOE. Expected duration of employment is 2 months (July/August 2010). Submit resume and cover letter, explaining relevant experiences and skills to: director@llttweb. org. Close Date: Until Filled. Field Assistants - Audubon California’s Starr Ranch Sanctuary in Trabuco Canyon, CA solicits applicants for positions as field assistants with our artichoke thistle control and needlegrass grassland/coastal sage scrub restoration project. This is a researchbased program to control Cynara cardunculus (artichoke thistle) and other invasive species without chemicals and restore to rare native habitat. Must work well with people as part of a field crew (5) who work on mechanical and physical removal of artichoke thistle and all aspects of invasive species control and restoration including non-chemical control of other invasive species, native seed collection and planting, experimental tests of weed removal and restoration techniques, and quantitative monitoring. During fire season in the fall, field assistants will spend limited time helping with a fire watch on the Ranch. Experience in plant sampling in the field desirable. Enthusiasm for working outdoors. Opportunity to live on our 4000-acre Sanctuary. Positions start in either October or November 2010 or January 2011 and run six months from start dates. Salary: $350/ week plus housing (private rooms). Qualifications: College graduates with ecological, biological, or conservation background who seek weed control, restoration and research experience. Send cover letter stating career goals, résumé, and two letters

When applying for a position listed, tell them you saw it in the


Environmental Science & Engineering of recommendation (letters can arrive separately) to: Dr. Sandy DeSimone, Director of Research and Education; Starr Ranch Sanctuary, 100 Bell Canyon Road, Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679; sdesimone@; (949) 858-0309; fax (949) 858-1013. For more information:; Close Date: Until Filled. Restoration Field Assistant – California. Primarily this person assists in eradication of invasive plant species from several ecologically sensitive locations in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, as well as assisting with the planting of native species. This is an introductory position that offers opportunities for growth and experience in native plant restoration work on the Channel Islands and various mainland locations. Work as part of a team to eradicate invasive plant species in sensitive habitat ranging from Chaparral to Dunes. Install and help maintain nursery grown native plants. Using various hand tools and site appropriate techniques to accomplish the goal. Arriving to the job site on time and ready to work at a predetermined time. Having reliable transportation is a must. Candidates must: Be physically fit, driven and able withstand physical exertion in a fast moving work environment. Have the ability to work outdoors in all weather conditions, ability to work long hours, and ability to lift and/or move up to 30 pounds. Possess good balance and be able to walk on uneven terrain through heavy vegetation and work on steep hillsides. Be willing to be trained in proper and safe techniques of handling/ applying herbicides. Be willing to work around poison oak and stinging nettle. Be willing to wear appropriate safety gear such as coveralls, hiking boots, gloves, and goggles. Be careful, conscientious and pay attention to detail, have a great work ethic, work efficiently, enthusiastic, and be willing to follow direction. Experience: an ideal candidate will have environmental restoration experience or experience with horticultural/landscaping or gardening. Technical skills: Knowledge of the basic use of hand tools needed. Familiarity with native and invasive plant species desired. Salary level: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. To apply: Kevin Thompson, . (805) 6607399. P.O. Box 91414. Santa Barbara, CA 93190. Ideally, submit a cover letter of intent to apply (limit one page), and a résumé (limit two pages) via email. The most qualified candidates may be invited to interview. Close Date: Until Filled. Senior Natural Resources Management - In this position, the successful candidate will combine project management and field biology experience to respond to client needs in renewable energy, utility, land management, military and other industries. The successful candidate will manage projects from proposal preparation through project closeout, including scope, schedule, and budget, while contributing technical expertise to the project team. The successful candidate can expect to design scientific and environmental compliance programs, collect and analyze data, write reports, interact with clients, coordinate with agencies, and develop new business opportunities as part of the required duties. To qualify for this position the successful candidate must have prior success managing multiple projects of at least $50k, as well as experience in Endangered Species Act (ESA) compliance or preparation of NEPA documentation, including Environmental Impact Statements. Minimum requirements also include a BS, MS or PhD degree and substantial experience in field biology. Effective written and oral communication skills are mandatory for success and must be clearly demonstrated in the interview process. Travel will be required. Prior work with a consulting firm is strongly preferred. Expertise in utility-scale renewable power generation, electric transmission, wetland and stream mitigation, statistics, Army environmental regulations, or botany would complement current staff skills. Project Management certification (e.g., PMP) would be a plus. For immediate consideration visit www. select Careers and complete a profile. Close Date: Until Filled. Nursery Director – Arizona. The Nursery Director will oversee and participate in the germination process, seedling care, pole cuttings and greenhouse/nursery maintenance of desert, mesquite and riparian woodlands plants. The Director will supervise interns and work crews as needed. S/he should be comfortable seeking additional means of financial support for projects, including grants and income. Applicants are encouraged to be familiar with of


Arizona desert climate as the position mainly works outdoors. Qualifications: A bachelor’s degree in horticulture or a related field. Minimum of one year of experience working in a greenhouse or propagating plants, especially woody species. Experience managing a work crew preferred, as well as knowledge of repairing and/or using small equipment and irrigation systems. The applicant must have excellent oral communication skills and the ability to work independently and as part of a small team. A flexible personality and good sense of humor are key, as well as a willingness to work outside in hot weather, often doing repetitive physical tasks. Spanish speaking is a plus. Applications should also be comfortable working in a rural environment. Must possess a valid US driver’s license and pass a drug test. For Employment Application visit http:// Close Date: Until Filled. Budget Manager (Forestry) – Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources – Division of Forestry is currently seeking a Budget Manager to provide leadership and management of all budget and fiscal-related issues for the Division. This position is primarily responsible for all aspects of the budget development process, providing sound counsel, analysis and implementation for appropriate resources allocation, guidance regarding fiscal challenges, policy analysis, and maximizing the use of forestry funds. The Budget Manager also administers the Division’s federal grant program. This position is the lead worker for a small team of fiscal specialists responsible for all fiscal activities within the Forestry Division. The Budget Manager serves as a trusted advisor to the Forestry Division Leadership Team, the Chief State Forester, the Deputy Administrator, and individual program managers. This position develops responses for audits from the Legislative Audit and Fiscal Bureaus and other outside entities to ensure fiscal integrity. Successful candidates will be financial savvy professionals with the ability to manage, deploy, and leverage capital (both internally and externally). A well qualified candidate should have experience in budget/fiscal management and/ or accounting in the public, private, or non-profit sectors. Applicants with skills in improving processes to maintain high levels of performance are highly desired. The ideal candidate will possess excellent verbal/written communication skills, exceptional organizational skills, keen attention to detail, superior customer service, and refined interpersonal skills. Starting salary is between $45,088 and $74,397 (depending on experience), and includes an excellent comprehensive benefits package. For application materials, please go to fte/. If you have any questions or problems with the application process, please contact HR Specialist Jacquelyn Koeller by email Printed on Recycled Paper Quality Natura Jacquelyn.Koeller@ or by phone 608.266.1407. Close Date: Until Filled. Fiber Procurement Forester – Georgia. The Fiber Procurement Forester is responsible for implementing the plant’s fiber procurement plan under the direction of the Fiber Procurement Manager. This responsibility includes negotiating and implementing contracts for stumpage acquisition, harvesting and delivery. This field role requires building strong relationships with fiber suppliers and physical presence at fiber harvesting sites. The individual hired for this role must have: Working knowledge of standard fiber practices including Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) standards and Best Management Practices (BMP). Georgia Master Harvester Certification is preferred. An employment history of making a strong contribution within a formal business plan. This position prefers a Bachelors Degree in Forestry or a related field and a minimum of 10 years of directly related experience. Strong leadership and interpersonal skills are essential. Working knowledge of Wood Yards and pelletizing operations is a definite plus. For consideration, send cover letter with resume to: paul.mcmillan@ or mail to Attention: Paul McMillan, 3131 Brown Drive, Waycross, GA 31503. Close Date: Until Filled. Area Forester – Washington. Green Diamond Resource Company has an immediate opening in Shelton, WA for an Area Forester. Position shares responsibilities with other area foresters for planning, budgeting, implementation/supervision of IFM activities (vegetation control, reforestation, plantation surveys, pre-commercial thinning, forest fertilization,

mechanical site preparation, animal damage control and pile burning) on 320,000 acres on western Washington timberland ownership. Required: Five to eight years in forest management activities, including vegetation control and site preparation and a B.S. degree in Forest Management or equivalent work experience. Desired: MS in Forest Management. Qualified individuals can request an application packet by calling (360) 427-4749, or e-mail bdunbar Close Date: Until Filled. Restoration Field Assistant – California. Primarily this person assists in eradication of invasive plant species from several ecologically sensitive locations in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. As well as assisting with the planting of native species. This is an introductory position that offers opportunities for growth and experience in native plant restoration work on the Channel Islands and various mainland locations. Candidates must: Be physically fit, driven and able withstand physical exertion in a fast moving work environment. Have the ability to work outdoors in all weather conditions, ability to work long hours, and ability to lift and/or move up to 30 pounds. Possess good balance and be able to walk on uneven terrain through heavy vegetation and work on steep hillsides. Be willing to be trained in proper and safe techniques of handling/applying herbicides. Be willing to work around poison oak and stinging nettle. Be willing to wear appropriate safety gear such as coveralls, hiking boots, gloves, and goggles. Be careful, conscientious and pay attention to detail, have a great work ethic, work efficiently, enthusiastic, and be willing to follow direction. Experience: an ideal candidate will have environmental restoration experience or experience with horticultural/landscaping or gardening. Technical skills: Knowledge of the basic use of hand tools needed. Familiarity with native and invasive plant species desired. Contact: Kevin Thompson, . (805) 660-7399. Ideally, submit a cover letter of intent to apply (limit one page), and a résumé (limit two pages) via email. The most qualified candidates may be invited to interview. Close Date: August 10, 2010.

Watershed Modeler – Virginia. Watershed Modeling Position (Reston, VA) North Carolina State University has an immediate opening for a research associate with advanced watershed modeling skills. Be part of a team assessing the affects of climate and landuse change on freshwater mussels in the eastern United States. The associate will be responsible for modifying and applying existing watershed and instream flow and temperature models. Models will be applied using historic and downscaled GCM data and will be used to develop response models for mussels using newly developed mussel vulnerability and risk threshold data. The associate also will participate in a national investigation of the response of small stream metabolism to changing nutrient concentrations. Qualifications: An M.S. degree with two years experience or a Ph.D. (preferred) in engineering or natural sciences with skills in the modification and application of watershed models, including the use of a variety of programming languages, is required. Proficiency in GIS and understanding of instream thermal and nutrient processes is a plus. The candidate will be expected to work as a contributing member of two large inter-agency teams, and must demonstrate the ability to write and speak effectively. This position is for a two-year appointment, and is an ideal post-doctoral opportunity. The associate will be an employee of North Carolina State University, and will be located at U.S. Geological Survey Headquarters in Reston, VA. Please send letters of interest, the names of 3 references, resume, and a copy of one publication to Dr. Jerad Bales, U.S. Geological Survey ( Close Date: Until Filled. Senior Water/Wastewater Engineer – Nebraska. The primary duties of the Senior Water/Wastewater Project Manager / Engineer is to independently create

detailed designs, plans, specifications and estimates for pipelines, pump stations, tanks and other water and wastewater storage and conveyance systems. More specific responsibilities include engineering/ process design, project coordination, determining and writing engineering specifications, planning work, establish appropriate design methods, report preparation and coordination, and working directly with the owner. Establishes new quality standards and value engineering solutions. Conducts quality control reviews of completed designs. Will be viewed as a technical expert with recognized authority in area of pipeline conveyance and pump stations. Requirements: MS Civil Engineering. PE required. 15+ Years Experience with Municipal Water and Wastewater Systems Planning and Design. Strong Technical Background and Experience in Water Distribution Systems /Wastewater Collection systems. Proven leadership and mentoring skills. Software knowledge: Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, Microstation and Hydraulic modeling software. Project Engineering and Project Management experience is necessary. If the link above does not work please copy and paste the following link into your browser: https:// aspx?__JobID=13325&SourceID=1167. Otherwise please visit the careers section and browse for job number 100835. Close Date: Until Filled. Assistant Watershed Scientist – Missouri. MyRWA seeks an Assistant Watershed Scientist. MyRWA is looking for a dynamic, full-time employee to assist the Water Quality Monitoring Director and take over day to day management of the Mystic Monitoring Network (MMN), a volunteer water quality monitoring program. This is a three year grant funded position.Responsibilities: Recruit, train, and evaluate volunteers for water quality monitoring. Assist in developing sampling plans to assess water quality conditions in the Mystic River watershed. Plan and coordinate water quality sampling events. Perform water quality sampling as needed. Input, process, and analyze water quality monitoring data. Meet with municipal, state, and federal officials to review sampling plans and results; facilitate working partnerships with these stakeholders to address problems and develop action plans. Assist with leading workshops and formal presentations for audiences of diverse backgrounds. Represent MyRWA at conferences, trainings, and member organization events. Participate in meetings with partner organizations relating to MyRWA’s monitoring program. Required Qualities: Familiarity with water quality sampling procedures. Knowledge of water chemistry and microbiology. Strong analytical skills., Strong organizational skills, with ability to manage multiple projects with overlapping deadlines. Ability to work independently; self-starter. Knowledge of watershed science and associated environmental concerns. Strong ability to communicate effectively in writing, particularly technical data reports. Strong public speaking skills. Proficiency in PC-based computing, including Microsoft Office, database and mapping software a plus. Applicants must be able to occasionally work evenings, early mornings, and weekends. Reliable automobile transportation required. Salary: Range of $30,000 - $34,000 commensurate with experience.Send a thoughtful cover letter and resume to Close Date: Until Filled. Chief Water Operator – Kansas. Responsible for all activities involving the operations and maintenance of the water treatment system and water distribution system (pumps, storage tanks, fire hydrants, etc.) Supervisory responsibilities for water plant operators, technicians, and laborers, and works under the general direction of the Utilities Manager. Key Accountabilities Prepares, Reviews, evaluates, revises, establishes and implements policies and procedures used in distribution and treatment of water and the collection of wastewater, that result in Safe, Compliant, Reliable, and Profitable operations. Directs day-to-day activities and schedules of assigned staff and participates in review and evaluation of staff performance related to water and wastewater systems and water treatment. Follows company discipline policy when needed. Follows and implements Company’s Environmental, Health, and Safety Policies. Participates in the preparation of Capital and Operations and Maintenance Budgets. Reviews and approves expenditures. Qualifications: General knowledge of MS Office products, MS Word and Excel, and be able to learn the use of new

July-August 2010

Environmental Science & Engineering software with training assistance. Ability to plan and present safety training to employees.. Employee may be required to work shift work and maintain on-call assignments. There will be some weekend, holiday and overtime work as needed. Knowledge Extensive knowledge of the objectives, equipment, and operations of water distribution and groundwater supply systems, and wastewater collection systems. Extensive knowledge of methods and materials of water system construction and maintenance.. Thorough knowledge of the layout, location and equipment characteristics of water systems. Knowledge of state and federal environmental regulations for areas of responsibility. Must possess a high school diploma or GED, plus at least five (5) years progressively responsible experience in supervision of operations, maintenance and administration of water and/or wastewater systems and treatment. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be substituted for experience. Possession of Class V License. To be considered for this exciting employment opportunity please apply online at www. or fax your resume to (856) 359-2762. Close Date: Until Filled. Senior Project Manager Maine. Stantec’s Environmental Management practice seeks a Senior Project Manager who will provide leadership for a number of large-scale energy projects in the northeastern US. The Senior Project Manager will aggressively manage projects and budgets, design and lead inspired project teams, and actively participate in business development efforts. The Senior Project Manager will also write and review technical reports, and write and manage the development of major State and Federal permit application materials. The Senior Project Manager position is also expected to act as a role model who actively mentors colleagues with less leadership and management experience. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in biology, wildlife, or a related natural science. Five or more years of progressively responsible experience related to natural resources management, consulting, and/or environmental planning. Experience with NEPA. Experience leading project teams to successful completion. FERC licensing experience. Experience in developing new business. Strong technical writing and speaking skills. Willingness to travel. Strong work ethic, sense of humor, and desire for team success. To apply for this position, please visit the website and click on the Careers link and then on Openings in the United States. This job posting number is 20108907. Close Date: Until Filled. Wetlands/Environmental Group Leader – Virginia. Christopher Consultants, ltd., a leading engineering, surveying, planning, and environmental firm, is looking for an Environmental Group Leader for our Virginia offices. The Group Leader is responsible for management of client needs and expectation across a range of products. They will act as the primary liaison between the company and the client and manage the project schedule and budget. The Group Leader position is a leadership/supervisory position, which is directly responsible for the group’s efficiency and productivity. The successful candidate will have a college background in Biology, Ecology, Botany or Environmental Science, well developed communication and cognitive skills and a desire to work in a team-oriented environment. The position will entail a mixture of field and office work. Four to Six years of experience is preferred. To apply, please send resume to: Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Scientist – New Jersey. Prepares various written materials, such as permit applications for various regulatory agencies, sections of reports, letters or memoranda. Participates in various field assignments, including natural resources (e.g., wetland delineations and ecological community assessments); water quality investigations and Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessments. Qualifications: BS related field - Environmental Science, Biology, or Natural Resources degree. 0-3 years related experience. Experience with environmental licensing and permitting under federal, state and local regulations. Experience with Environmental Impact Assessment under SEQRA and/or CEQR. Experience with natural resource investigations including, but not limited to, tidal and freshwater wetland assessment and mitigation, ecological community assessment, aquatic resource evaluations and Essential Fish Habitat studies.

Exceptional problem-solving and analytical skills. Excellent computer skills, with efficiency in MS Excel, Word. Access preferred. Superior written and oral communication skills.Please submit resumes with salary requirements to: Close Date: Until Filled. Senior Wildlife Biologist/Environmental Scientist– Washington. Environmental firm seeking candidate to fill position as a Senior Wildlife Biologist/ Environmental Scientist on Yakima Training Center, WA. Desired candidate should have a minimum of 2 years experience with the following job responsibilities (or equivalent combination of relevant education and experience). Job responsibilities include NEPA analyses for proposed land-use projects, implementation of sensitive plant species management plans, planning and implementation of habitat restoration projects (specifically sagebrush, riparian and spring habitats) to include statements of work, contract management, and oversight of field crews. Tasks also require design/implementation of wildlife species and habitat investigations. Must have strong written and oral communication skills. GIS experience preferred. Knowledge of sagebrush, riparian and springs environments such as that found in eastern Washington preferred. Degree in environmental science, biology, or natural resource management required. Duties require extensive fieldwork in varying weather conditions at remote locations. Work schedule may vary seasonally. Must be able to pass a security check and hold a valid driver’s license. Please include salary history with resume. We are an EOE. Crystal Shifflett, Engineering & Environment, Inc., 2860 S Circle Drive, Suite 331, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 (EM: cshifflett AT, PH: 719-955-4940, FX: 719-955-4943). Close Date: Until Filled. Climate Change Associate – Washington, DC. The Climate Change Associate plays a key role in implementing Defenders of Wildlife’s programs to safeguard wildlife from the impacts of global warming. The Associate will work closely with Defenders’ climate change science and policy team to develop on-the-ground land and wildlife management strategies to address the impacts of climate change. The Associate will play a key role in working with land managers to implement these strategies. In support of this objective, the Associate conducts research and analysis associated with climate change and wildlife conservation; develops effective education, communication and outreach materials; engages in federal land management agency administrative actions; meets and fosters relationships with agency and Congressional staff in order to further Defenders’ policy goals; and coordinates with staff in Defenders’ program areas (e.g., Conservation Policy, Field Conservation, Communications, Legal, and Government Relations). Education: Masters degree or equivalent in environmental/public policy, natural resources, natural resources law, conservation biology, or related discipline with experience in successful advocacy for climate change policy and/or natural resource protection. 3+ years of experience (which may include graduate study) is required in at least one of the following areas: climate change science and policy; developing and implementing programs to conserve biodiversity; policy research and analysis; land management planning; working with land management agencies; organizing campaigns for non-profit organizations. Experience with federal land management agencies, and knowledge of the laws, regulations and policies for federal land management, is important for this position. The position requires interdisciplinary skills and practical experience working across sciencepolicy boundaries. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be accepted as a satisfactory substitute for the specific education and experience listed above. Interested applicants please reference Climate Change Associate in your subject line and submit a letter of interest, along with your resume and salary history (must be included to be considered) to us via e-mail at: Close Date: Until Filled. Senior Coastal Engineer – Louisiana. The chosen candidate will be involved in helping the Louisiana Office of Coastal Protection and Restoration to implement the State’s Coastal programs. Specific activities may include the following: project schedule/budget tracking and reporting, database development, engineering analyses, support development of NEPA EISs, technical report and grant

writing, development of public outreach materials, project management support, and attendance/ facilitation of project stakeholder meetings. Ideal candidates will have a diverse background in coastal restoration and/or flood protection, with experience in designing or managing projects related to barrier islands, shoreline stabilizations, marsh creation areas, riverine diversions, or flood protection (structural or nonstructural). Extensive opportunity for growth, mentorship, and leadership! Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree (MS preferred) in coastal, civil, or environmental, engineering, or closely related area, with at least 10 years of experience; USACE experience desired. Substantial experience with flood protection projects in Louisiana a must. This challenging position requires strong verbal communication skills and a highly organized, resourceful, and responsive candidate, capable of working in a diverse team environment and handling multiple tasks with competing priorities. Our successful candidate will have a positive attitude; will be flexible and self-motivated, capable of multitasking, and quality-oriented with attention to detail. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package. Please visit our Web site at www.brownandcaldwell. com to apply online and for additional career opportunities. Close Date: Until Filled. Postdoctoral Fellow – Nevada. The Division of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) of the Desert Research Institute (DRI) is seeking a post-doctoral fellow to conduct research in its Environmental Analysis Facility (EAF). The EAF is a chemical analysis laboratory equipped to quantify atmospheric contaminants in minute quantities. Salaries are competitive and commensurate with qualifications, with continued appointment (for up to a maximum of three years) being dependent upon performance and availability of funding. DRI offers an excellent benefits package that includes medical, health, dental, vision, life and long-term disability insurance, 6.2% matching retirement by DRI, retirement options through TIAACREF and/or Fidelity, paid annual and sick leave, 11 paid holidays, tuition reduction at NSHE institutions for employee and dependents. Additionally, there is no state income tax and no social security deduction. Interested applicants are directed to the DRI website ( to find additional information about DRI’s research programs in air quality. Close Date: Until Filled. Hydrologist I or II – Idaho. The Engineer/Hydrologist provides services related to the management of Idaho Power Company’s (IPC) water resources within a team environment. Produces streamflow forecasts for the Snake River basin upstream of the Hells Canyon Complex using models and other tools. Participates in the development of a streamflow forecast model to be used to evaluate operations for IPC hydroelectric projects. Collects, processes, and performs various analysis on hydrologic data, including frequency analysis, economic analysis, and statistical analysis. Develops flow scenarios, using statistical and frequency analysis, to evaluate various hydrologic and operations scenarios. Determines economic and hydro generation impacts for reservoir and streamflow operational requests. Identifies opportunities to increase power supply through knowledge of present and future hydrologic conditions. Uses sound technical and hydrologic judgment as required to appraise changing streamflow conditions. Employer will assist with relocation costs. Competitive total rewards package including benefits and company paid pension plan. Opportunity for merit salary increases. For more information or to apply: Close Date: Until Filled. Program Associate – Massachusetts. The MassCEC serves as a clearinghouse and support center for the clean energy sector. The MassCEC: Supports the development of renewable energy resources in Massachusetts. Makes direct investments in new and existing companies. Promotes training programs to build a strong clean energy workforce that capitalizes on the job opportunities created by a vital new industry. Seeks Program Associate to assist project managers and project administrators with routine activities associated with the initiatives of the On-Site Renewable Energy Program (OREP). The OREP Program Associate will assist project managers and project administrators with routine activities associated with the initiatives of the OREP Program. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree; Excellent communication and organizational skills are required

along with previous experience demonstrating superior customer service and administrative skills. Qualified candidates are encouraged to forward a resume via email to Please include OREP in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled. Research Fellow – Massachusetts. We seek a research associate to assist with the design of a partially closed-loop, ecologically sustainable aquaculture (and/or aquaponic) facility in rural northeast Uganda. The general activities of the candidate will be to 1) conduct initial assessments of the environmental, social, and economic boundaries that will influence the design of the facility and 2) design and model the aquaculture facility prior to the build out of the system. This project has been developed in partnership with the newly formed Teso University in Soroti, Uganda. Teso University will inaugurate a School of Sustainable Rural Technology in 2011, as a means to build regional capacity for agriculture, aquaculture, green building design, and alternative energy. Besides aquaculture, other project foci at the school include biofuels, village-scale power stations, multi-function energy platforms, hydroponics, and water conservation. The school will have a strong focus on economic as well as ecological sustainability. The successful candidate will be a practical and creative thinker interested in the challenges of planning and engineering in a highly applied, developing world context and willing to incorporate novel/progressive elements into the design of the aquaculture facility. The successful candidate will make several extended trips to Soroti and must be comfortable with international travel, living in remote locations, potential cultural differences, and collaboration with Ugandan


Environmental Policy & Law colleagues. When not in Uganda, the candidate will be involved in building-integrated aquaculture projects on the University of Massachusetts Amherst campus. The candidate will be asked to give presentations, guest lecture, and participate in writing peer-reviewed manuscripts as well as grant writing to support efforts to secure funding for year 2 of the project. Applicants should send a cover letter, CV, copies of publications, and the names and contact information of three references to: Dr. Andy Danylchuk, Department of Natural Resources Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst 160 Holdsworth Way Amherst, MA 01003 or Close Date: Until Filled. Lake Science Program Coordinator – Florida. The successful candidate will assume the lead role in coordinating inter-agency research and monitoring to ensure that ongoing and future work aligns with SFWMD priorities and long-term strategic plan. The primary responsibility will be the evaluation and synthesis of scientific work in the Kissimmee Chain of Lake Long-Term Management Plan, including: align ongoing and future data collection and monitoring work with the agency priorities; coordination, streamlining, and enhancement of monitoring and assessment activities; development of annual assessment protocols and reports; and documentation of ecosystem and management uncertainties. Salary is based upon experience, ranging from $57,000 - $63,000 annually. For a more detailed description visit jobs_details.php?sec=4EW&AID=69522. To Apply: Applicants must complete the FAU online application at (980260). Close Date: Until Filled. NEPA/Regulatory Permitting Coordinator – Texas. DESCO has an immediate opening for a NEPA/Regulatory Permitting Coordinator. Job responsibilities include preparation of NEPA documents (EAs, EISs), biological evaluations/ assessments, and regulatory permit applications (USACE, BLM, NPS, USFS, USFWS, and others), as well as coordination with clients and regulatory agency representatives. Qualifications: NEPA/ regulatory permitting experience, life science background, good technical writing skills, and good communication skills are necessities. Oil and gas permitting experience a plus. Starting Pay $65K-$95K commensurate w/ experience. Website: Contact: Gary Kowalski E-mail: Phone: 281.252.9799. Close Date: Until Filled. Researcher – Minnesota. The University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment (IonE) is searching for a world-class postdoctoral candidate to fill a Global Landscapes Initiative Post-Doctoral Fellows position at the University of Minnesota. IonE is discovering solutions to Earth’s biggest problems through cuttingedge research, partnerships and leadership development. The Fellow will be conducting research on recent trends in global food production and food security, specifically focused on what determines crop yields in different regions of the world. The successful candidate will work with an interdisciplinary team of UMN faculty and staff to examine how patterns of climate, soil conditions, agricultural management and crop genetics determine the performance of crops across regional and global scales. Specific questions will consider the role of different agricultural practices (e.g., organic versus conventional cropping systems, GMOs versus traditional genetics, changing fertilizer and irrigation regimes), crop breeding and genetic engineering, and environmental conditions on yield. Furthermore, research will examine how yields may change in the future, and how we will ultimately meet the needs of our growing population. Qualifications: Advanced degree (Ph.D.) in appropriate discipline related to environmental science, engineering, policy, management or design. Successful candidates will have a strong track record of accomplishment and experience in an environmental field. Demonstrated capacity for leadership is a major plus. Depending on previous experience, the postdoctoral Fellow will be offered an annual stipend of $50-55k plus benefits. The Fellow will be appointed for 2 years. Please send a resume, cover letter, and the names of three references. Please visit and enter requisition number 166633 to apply today. For more information, please contact Jonathan Foley (Director, Institute on the Environment) at jfoley@ Close Date: Until Filled.


Director of Conservation – Maryland. The National Aquarium in Baltimore’s National Aquarium Conservation Center(NACC) is looking for a Director of Conservation to provide oversight to NACC conservation initiatives. This position will assist in the development, implementation and evaluation of science and community-based local, regional and global conservation initiatives. This position will also oversee all NACC staff, assist with fund raising and assist in the communications and the coordination of activities with other National Aquarium affiliates and departments, partner institutions and key stakeholders. Responsibilities of this position include participating in strategic program planning to support the National Aquarium’s overall mission and vision, coordinating the submission of grant requests, directing the day to day activities associated with NACC programs and working with other Aquarium departments as a technical resource for exhibit and educational programs. A Master’s degree in conservation biology or related field and 7 years previous related experience required. A PhD in conservation biology or related field and 4 years previous related experience preferred. Must have field research experience and experience with aspects of small cetacean research is desirable. Please apply online at Be sure to include your resume, a cover letter and a list of your publications. Close Date: Until Filled. Major Gifts Manager – Mississippi. Conducts prospect and donor research on individuals, corporations and foundations for Director of Philanthropy and State Director. Tracks donor account moves for claimed accounts, prospects and suspects; organizes and conducts monthly meetings with DOP to ensure donor account activity is managed effectively. Handles donor relations activities through telephone, e-mail and written correspondence as assigned. Communicates clearly in writing and verbally the chapter’s work and needs for proposals, solicitation letters, and marketing updates as needed. Prepares revenue reports and other database queries for director. Assist in donor event plans as needed. Successfully completes computer software training for donor/member database, PeopleSoft and Concur. Provides other light administrative support as needed. The Major Gifts Manager is responsible for coordinating the major gift prospect tracking process for Philanthropy Directors. Manages, researches and prioritizes ‘suspect’ pool and brings to the attention of the Philanthropy team. Organizes and leads prospect meetings to assure timely cultivation, solicitation, follow-up, data entry and tracking of new and current prospects. Keeps philanthropy staff informed of all major gifts activities in the state. Track’s pledges and funds raised against “One Conservancy” and state fundraising goals. Works with philanthropy and program staff to implement defined major gifts program objectives. Interacts and coordinates with Worldwide Office on donor coordination of all prospects in the state. Stays abreast of and involved in the claims process. Organizes and maintains development files. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications or related field and 1 year related work experience or equivalent combination. Experience, coursework, or other training in fundraising principles & practices. Experience using word-processing, database management and spreadsheet software, and navigating the Internet. Experience with donor research. To apply to position number 11984, submit resume and cover letter as one document. Visit www. to apply. Close Date: Until Filled. Associate Field Organizer – Pennsylvania. Builds grassroots power, by leading the implementation of the Federal and International Climate Campaign in Pennsylvania that will increase the number of people involved, leaders trained, and engagement of people with influence to achieve Sierra Club conservation goals. Carries out organizing strategies and activities for the Federal and International Climate Campaign.

Participates in the development of strategies and priorities. The Associate Field Organizer is responsible for recruiting, engaging, and motivating large numbers of new people to take repeated action which will further Sierra Club’s Federal and International Climate Campaign goals. Identifies and develops volunteers to take on the role of team leaders and build grassroots power and networks. Identifies and builds alliances with other organizations which can influence decision-makers. The Associate Field Organizer coordinates a broad, volunteerbased citizen education effort on conservation issues throughout the region. Collaborates in development of FICC organizing campaign and strategy and implementation, including developing strong grassroots networks. Works closely with relevant FICC team leads or Program leadership to assure organizing plans carries out campaign priorities. Heavier seasonal workloads may occur as a result of project deadlines, staff absences and vacancies, and during peak activity periods. Frequent weekend and/ or evening work required. Qualifications: B.A./B.S. degree in Environmental Studies, Political Science or a closely related field. 1 plus years’ experience in the environmental field that includes research and organizing campaigns, press relations and public speaking. Good written and oral communication skills Prior experience and ability writing training and information materials. Prior experience and knowledge of either the legislative or administrative process. Demonstrated ability and effectiveness working with volunteers. Requires extensive travel. Valid driver’s license, satisfactory driving record, and proof of auto insurance required. Please send cover letter and resume to To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Associate Field Organizer (FICC) -SCPA47-10 in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled. Campaign Representative (Coal Free Campus) - Plans, organizes and coordinates the activities of staff and volunteers in carrying out the activities for Beyond Coal Campaign Coal Free Campuses initiative. Participates in the development of strategies and priorities. The Beyond Coal Campaign Representative is responsible for the coordination of the Coal Free Campuses initiative. Participates in the strategies and helps to carry out, organizational and issue visibility. Participates in activities and services provided by the Beyond Coal campaign. Works in close cooperation with volunteer leaders, national, state and local conservation staff on conservation campaigns. Qualifications: B.A./B.S. degree in Environmental Studies, Political Science or a closely related field. At least 3 years experience in grassroots organizing, training, and motivating volunteers, coalition building and lobbying. Valid driver’s license, satisfactory driving record, and proof of auto insurance required. Strong demonstrated written and oral communication skills. Demonstrated public speaking ability. Excellent knowledge and background in a specific issue area of the environmental field related to assigned programs and campaigns. Prior experience and knowledge of the legislative process. Demonstrated ability and effectiveness working with volunteers. Please send cover letter and resume to To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Campaign Representative -Coal Free Campus- SCTBD in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled. Habitat & Highways Program Coordinator – Washington, DC. The Habitat and Highways Program seeks to reduce the impact of roads and highways on wildlife and habitat, and to incorporate wildlife conservation into transportation planning. In addition to working on core projects, the Habitat and Highways Program Coordinator will be exposed to a variety of programmatic experience on conservation issues of national significance. The Coordinator will attend hearings, seminars, conferences, and working meetings to develop and implement strategies. Occasionally, s/he will be expected to provide administrative and outreach support for related projects. We seek a talented individual dedicated to the conservation of our nation’s wildlife and natural resources for this full-time, permanent position. This position may require some occasional, domestic travel. Education: Bachelor’s (B.A./B.S.) degree or equivalent preferred. Experience: 1+ years of administrative, organizational, and/or writing

experience; some experience in environmental policy preferred. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be accepted as a satisfactory substitute for the specific education and experience listed above.Interested applicants please reference Habitat and Highways Program Coordinator in your subject line and submit a letter of interest, along with your resume and salary history (must be included to be considered) to us via e-mail at: HR@defenders. org. Close Date: Until Filled. Conservation Associate – Washington, DC. This professional-level position is responsible for implementing assigned workplans for the Field Conservation Programs division of Defenders of Wildlife. Responsibilities include developing and implementing programs, regional strategies, campaigns, projects, workplans, publications, educational materials, and reports to conserve targeted species and their habitat and increase the public’s awareness of the problems associated with at-risk, endangered, and threatened species. Current program focus areas include promoting wolf conservation campaigns and addressing concerns related to predator control campaigns in Alaska. Current priority projects include: developing, implementing and fundraising for Great Lakes gray wolf and Southeast red wolf recovery programs; managing the Endangered Species Reward Fund; serving as the DC liaison for the Alaska aerial gunning and predator control programs; and, serving as a strategic advisor for the field offices on wolf issues by informing them of D.C. activities as well as field interests in meetings in DC. Programmatic and technical assistance will be provided to Vice President for Field Conservation Programs and other staff members of the division, with priorities assigned by the Vice President for Field Conservation Programs. Position serves as the division’s liaison to establish and maintain effective working relationships on wolf and other carnivore issues with other staff, Defenders’ members, the general public, state and federal agencies, elected officials and their staff, and leading NGOs. Education: Bachelor’s degree (B.A./B.S.) and preferably advanced degree in Biology, Natural Resources, Public Policy, Education, or related discipline. 3+ years of experience working on wildlife conservation issues. Other relevant experience with education, public policy, legislative procedures, grassroots organizing, communications, editing and/or development. Interested applicants please reference Conservation Associate in your subject line and submit a letter of interest, along with your resume and salary history (must be included to be considered) to us via e-mail at: HR@defenders. org. Close Date: Until Filled. Apprentice (Coal & Passenger Rail Programs) – Wisconsin. Under general supervision of the Chapter Director, conducts research, participates in project assignments and programs; assists in carrying out campaign strategies, and interacts with volunteers, citizens, other organizations, the media and other club staff. This is an apprentice position in the environmental field for an individual who within the last 12 months (from appointment date) has graduated from a four year degree (BA, B.S.) or a graduate level program. The incumbent may only hold this apprenticeship, or any combination of apprenticeships, for up to 1 year (12 months). Qualifications: A four year degree or a graduate degree in Environmental Science, Political Science or a related field within the last 12 months. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Ability to work well with diverse group, staff, volunteers and the public. Research and analytical skills. Proficient computer skills: word processing, spreadsheet, Internet. Requires extensive travel. Valid driver’s license, satisfactory driving record, and proof of auto insurance required. To apply, please send cover letter, resume, and 3 references to shahla.werner@ Close Date: Until Filled. Assistant Director for Legislation and Development – Virginia. The Assistant Director plans, organizes and implements the chapter’s approved state and local legislative priorities and government interactions under the direction of the Chapter Director and the Chapter Legislative Committee. The Assistant Director develops and implements the Chapter’s fundraising programs under the direction of the Chapter Director and the Chapter Fundraising Committee. Recruits and organizes volunteer efforts, evaluates legislation, maintains government and political contacts, and makes strategic

July-August 2010

Environmental Policy & Law recommendations. Works closely with chapter staff and leadership to develop and implement effective fundraising strategies and programs though grant proposals, individual solicitation, telemarketing, events and direct response solicitation techniques. Manages the tracking of data and contributions. Qualifications: B.A./B.S. degree in Environmental Studies, Political Science or a closely related field. 3 years experience in the environmental field that includes working within the political process, press relations and public speaking. 1-2 years fundraising experience. Prior experience and effectiveness in lobbying. Clear understanding and knowledge of the legislative process. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Skill in developing a positive rapport with the media. Ability to work effectively with a diverse group of organizations and volunteers. Skill in making presentations to a diverse audience Strong analytical skills. Proficient computer skills. Please send cover letter and resume to glen.besa@ Salary: $40K+. Close Date: Until Filled. Conservation Program Coordinator – Flagstaff, AZ. Organizes and implements a major conservation program for the Restoration of Grand Canyon and the Greater Grand Canyon Ecoregion; Plans, develops and implements campaign strategies for the Grand Canyon project, in cooperation with the Chapter Director and Chapter Executive Committee; Recruits, coordinates and facilitates grassroots involvement in the Grand Canyon project; Monitors, analyzes, and evaluates laws, initiatives and new developments affecting the Grand Canyon at the community, state, regional and national levels; Makes presentations to community, political, and governmental bodies regarding the project; Writes news releases newsletters, flyers, etc. to keep the Sierra Club membership and the general public informed; Assists with fundraising to support the Grand Canyon project; and Performs miscellaneous duties as assigned. Qualifications: BA/BS degree in Environmental Studies, Political Science or a closely related field. 1-2 years experience in the environmental field that includes research and organizing campaigns, press relations, fundraising and public speaking. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Proficient computer skills. Demonstrated ability and effectiveness working with volunteers. Please send resume, cover letter, writing sample and two references to Sandy Bahr, Sierra Club-Grand Canyon Chapter, 202 E. McDowell Rd., Suite 277, Phoenix, AZ 85004; or email to; or fax to 602-258-6533. Close Date: Until Filled. Chapter Conservation Program Manager – California. Organizes and implements conservation programs, campaigns, and initiatives according to priorities set by the Executive Committee, such as land use management, air/water quality, wilderness management, transportation planning, wetlands, urban planning, etc. Qualifications: BA/BS degree in Environmental Studies, Political Science or a closely related field. 2-3 years experience in the environmental field that includes research and organizing grassroots campaigns, press relations and public speaking. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Proficient computer skills. Experience with employee supervision. Demonstrated ability and effectiveness working with volunteers. Please send cover letter and resume to Close Date: Until Filled. Associate Vice President/Development – Virginia. We seek a qualified individual who would become responsible for direct major gift fundraising, managing and mentoring staff, strategic planning, managing high level department operations, working closely with senior program staff, and interacting with the Board and President’s Advisory Council. In collaboration with Vice President/Development, the Associate Vice President will develop the overall annual, strategic and campaign plans for Development to align with the mission and Strategic Plan for National Wildlife Federation. This position serves as a role model to the organization for “living the brand” with special emphasis on advancing the organization’s shared responsibility culture. Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree. Minimum 10 years of diversified fund raising experience, at least 4 of which have been in management positions. Ability to think strategically and inform programming planning to maximize potential for philanthropic support. Strong management skills, including the abilities to gain and hold the respect of the staff, to fully and faithfully

delegate responsibilities to staff and to lead, mentor and fairly evaluate staff. Commitment to diversity. Strong skills for building team infrastructure to support philanthropic mission. Ability to manage higher level operations while guiding staff to handle detail work. Knowledge of and proven ability to develop strategy for and manage a diversified fundraising program of identification, cultivation, solicitation and stewardship of individual, foundation, corporate, government, and organization prospects and donors. To apply, please visit Close Date: Until Filled. Grassroots Outreach Intern – Washington, DC. The Grassroots Outreach Intern will assist field and online outreach efforts with a number of tasks that could include: helping organize travel, meeting spaces, logistics and materials for lobby days; communicating with activists via email or phone; inputting constituent information into Raiser’s Edge and/or Convio; writing content for online or print; organizing phonebanks; and communicating campaign information via social media websites and updating NWF’s profile pages. The intern will also have the opportunity to develop special outreach projects based on his/her specific skills and interests. These projects will in some form broaden NWF’s outreach to sportsmen and/or develop NWF activists to build community around global warming solutions. Qualifications: A fouryear degree in a natural resources, communications or policy-related field. Excellent oral and written communications skills required. Experience working on a campaign, grassroots organizing or advocating for an issue. Experience working on their own and as part of a team. Excellent organization skills and some project coordination experience necessary. Proficiency with PC software including Microsoft Office required. Experience with writing and creating web content (incl. basic HTML and photo editing programs). Experience with data analysis a plus. To apply, please visit Close Date: Until Filled. Chapter Director – Georgia. The Chapter Director implements policies and programs adopted by the Chapter Executive Committee and manages the staff budget and operations of more than one of the following operational areas: fundraising, conservation and legislative programs, volunteer development and member services, budgeting and financial management, and media relations. Carries out the policies, priorities and objectives of the Executive Committee for the assigned areas of chapter programs and operations. Responsible for managing staff and financial resources for the assigned areas. Qualifications: Experience with fundraising or marketing for a nonprofit organization on a wholesale scale including grant-writing and developing major donors or comparable selling and marketing experience in business. Knowledge of and experience with environmental issues and how they pertain to the state of Georgia. Knowledge of legislative efforts and the legislative process. Knowledge of program management. Strong demonstrated written and oral communication skills and demonstrated public speaking ability. Proficient computer skills in word processing, spreadsheets, and familiar with current networking and social trends (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Able to work evenings and weekends. B.A./B.S. degree in Environmental Studies, Political Science or a closely related field. Please send cover letter, resume and three references to Close Date: Until Filled. Outreach Coordinator – Massachusetts. The Sustainable Seafood Programs Outreach Coordinator coordinates all aspects of our sustainable seafood programs outreach programs to the public and industry partners. Coordinate and develop outreach projects for the sustainable seafood programs in efforts to communicate publicly about sustainable seafood through programs, exhibits, and new ventures. Work with sustainable seafood industry partners to identify ways to message sustainable seafood effectively. Manage existing and initiate new outreach efforts to the general public, chefs, and other interested parties in the Boston area through exhibits, the website, and other avenues. Create materials, in collaboration with the Aquarium’s Marketing and Communications department, for use by the Sustainable Seafood Programs team to share the message of seafood sustainability. Collaborate with scientific research and management teams to share a consistent message. Participate in meetings with conservation and industry partners to provide

Employment Opportunities Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) is a global leader in independent certification and verification of environmental, sustainability, stewardship, food quality, food safety and food purity claims. If you are looking for rewarding work in the environmental field, please visit us on the web to view our current job listings ( If you do not see the position you're looking for, please feel free to send us your résumé for future consideration. As Scientific Certification Systems grows, we are very interested in reviewing environmentally literate candidates’ credentials. If you feel SCS is the right fit for you, especially if you are a highly trained environmental scientist, please submit your résumé using our on-line application form. SCS is an equal opportunity employer and as such, considers individuals for employment or promotion according to their skills, abilities and experience.

professional expertise. Coordinate trainings for retail staff, chefs and others. Serve as the main point of contact for information about our sustainable seafood programs at tradeshows and other public events. Develop messaging for use by industry partners to spread the word on seafood sustainability to key parties (e.g., customers, vendors, employees). Requires a Bachelor’s degree or higher in business, communications and marketing, education, or policy preferably related to environmental conservation, or equivalent. Minimum of 3 years experience in communications and marketing including proven experience developing and executing educational or marketing initiatives. Proven ability to interpret and translate complex technical information for multiple audiences. Excellent communication and organizational skills. Ability to work independently and as part of a cross-functional team in a fast-paced environment and meet multiple deadlines. Knowledge of seafood conservation issues and experience with media preferred. A working knowledge of PCbased systems is required, including familiarity with Microsoft Office Suite and the internet. A commitment to the New England Aquarium and Sustainable Seafood Programs’ missions! Apply online at http:// Close Date: Until Filled. Policy Analyst – Washington, DC. The endangered species policy analyst position provides key analysis and policy development in endangered species and wildlife conservation. As a key member of Defenders’ Endangered Species Act policy team, the policy analyst will be primarily responsible for analyzing proposed legislative or administrative changes to the Endangered Species Act, drafting materials or comments reflecting Defenders’ views on those proposals, developing policies and proposals for maintaining and strengthening the Endangered Species Act, educating policymakers, the public, and the media on such policies and proposals, and cultivating support for those policies and proposals among policymakers and other conservation organizations. Education: Advanced degree or equivalent in wildlife biology, conservation biology, law, environmental policy, or related discipline.

Experience: 5+ years of experience in wildlife conservation, environmental law, public policy, or a related field, with emphasis on the Endangered Species Act. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be accepted as a satisfactory substitute for the specific education and experience listed above. The position requires a substantial knowledge of the Endangered Species Act and related regulations and policies under that law, strong research and writing ability, ability to work effectively in a team and independently, and strong coordination, interpersonal, and organization skills. Excellent research and writing skills with a proven ability to quickly and accurately analyze legislative and administrative proposals and critique them in a way that is readily understood by others. Interested applicants please reference Policy Analyst, Endangered Species Conservation in your subject line and submit a letter of interest, along with your resume and salary history (must be included to be considered) to us via e-mail at: Close Date: Until Filled. Chapter Associate Organizer – North Carolina. Builds grassroots power, by leading the implementation of organizing campaigns that will increase the number of people involved, leaders trained, and engagement of people with influence to achieve Sierra Club conservation goals. Plans and carries out organizing strategies and activities for assigned campaign or programs. Participates in the development of strategies and priorities. The Associate Field Organizer is responsible for recruiting, engaging, and motivating large numbers of new people to take repeated action which will further Sierra Club’s targeted campaign or program goals. Identifies and develops volunteers to take on the role of team leaders and build grassroots power and networks. Identifies and builds alliances with other organizations which can influence decisionmakers. The Associate Field Organizer coordinates a broad, volunteer based citizen education effort on conservation issues throughout the region. Working with state director, has primary responsibility in development of organizing campaign or program


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July-August 2010

Environmental Policy & Law strategy and implementation, including developing strong grassroots networks. Works closely with relevant Club staff and volunteer leadership to assure organizing plans carries out campaign priorities. Qualifications: B.A./B.S. degree in Environmental Studies, Political Science or a closely related field. 1 plus years’ experience in the environmental field that includes research and organizing campaigns, press relations and public speaking. 1 year organizing experience Good written and oral communication skills Prior experience and ability writing training and information materials. Prior experience and knowledge of either the legislative or administrative process. Demonstrated ability and effectiveness working with volunteers. Requires extensive travel. Valid driver’s license, satisfactory driving record, and proof of auto insurance required. Please send cover letter and resume to Close Date: Until Filled. Grassroots Media Coordinator – California. As part of the Sierra Club’s media team, the Grassroots Media Coordinator bridges communications and grassroots organizing work by coordinating media campaigns related to our national conservation priorities, developing communications materials and training curricula, and enhancing local media outreach of volunteers, field and chapter staff. The Grassroots Media Coordinator trains, motivates, and advises local volunteers, field and chapter staff on messaging and media outreach for national campaigns and priorities. Provides best media practices support and training for local campaigns, including writing and editing press materials, message development, training, and pitching. Localizes national messages and develops written materials for use in the field. Researches, maintains and distributes a file of national and local profiles and stories. Qualifications: 1-2 years experience in grassroots organizing and/ or grassroots communications work with strong emphasis on successful field-based work. Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, Communications, English or Environmental Issues or equivalent combination of education and experience. Excellent writing and verbal skills, including public speaking. Ability to train, motivate, and work cooperatively with staff and volunteers. Demonstrated familiarity with conservation and environmental topics, issues and grassroots organizations. Familiarity with various computer systems and word processing packages. Ability to meet strict deadlines and work under pressure . Periodic travel to up to 15%. Please send cover letter and resume to To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Grassroots Media Coordinator, San Francisco CA - SCHQ in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled. Associate Press Secretary – Illinois. Responsible for writing long-term and rapid-response media outreach tools to position the Sierra Club and promote its national and regional conservation campaigns. Oversees editorial production process for media communications, ensuring timely and accurate materials with a consistent tone and message. Develops relationships with regional and national reporters and producers, pitching stories, providing Sierra Club’s viewpoints and serving as a Club spokesperson. Provides strategic media planning and oversight for Sierra Club local, regional and national campaigns including major Climate Recovery Partnership campaigns (Beyond Coal) and all other programs. The Associate Press Secretary acts as a liaison between the media team and issue team staff to plan and carry out media strategies. Also serves as a liaison between the Sierra Club and key media contacts, to develop relationships that advance the Sierra Club’s media coverage, serving regularly as a spokesperson. Serves as Sierra Club representatives to key partners. Researches and prepares reports for release to media, writes media messages, op-eds, press releases, talking points and other materials, and coordinates media events as necessary. Qualifications: B.A. degree in communications, journalism, or a closely related field, or the equivalent combination of education and experience. 3 years prior experience as a journalist, media liaison or other position involving media/press relations. Excellent writing and verbal communications skills Demonstrated knowledge of environmental issues and national politics Ability to interact cooperatively effectively with staff, volunteers and the public Ability to meet strict deadlines and work under pressure. Please send cover letter and

resume to To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Associate Press Secretary, Communications Media - SCIL in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled. Development Manager – Texas. The Development Manager reports directly to the Deputy Director of Development. He/She will work with the Deputy Director of Development and other development/ program staff to design, manage and implement the entire range of development activities for state programs, including major gifts, capital gifts, planned gifts, annual fund, membership, and special events. Responsibilities include: researching prospective donors; devising effective strategies to secure private support for established priorities from individuals, foundations, and corporations; and cultivating and soliciting prospects. The position will support the Deputy Director of Development in donor outreach and solicitation, and work closely with program staff and volunteers to plan and execute fundraising strategies for Centers and programs. The position will be full-time; occasional evening and/or weekend work may be required (mostly related to special events and programs). Qualifications: Five years experience preferred. Excellent written and oral communication skills; excellent organizational skills; ability to handle simultaneous projects and meet deadlines; good knowledge of computer software including word processing, spreadsheet and database programs; resourceful and creative team player; ability to handle confidential information with discretion and integrity; comfortable with cold calling; willing to take initiative. Please send cover letter and resume to: Audubon Texas (Deputy Director of Development, 427 Sterzing, #105-B, Austin, TX 78704 (No phone calls please) or EMAIL For more information on Audubon Texas, please visit our website at Close Date: Until Filled. Executive Director – Washington. The Executive Director’s primary function is to serve Association members through serving the Board of Directors. The Executive Director is responsible for the ongoing development and implementation of the strategic plan of the organization, in a cost-effective and time efficient manner. The Executive Director is responsible for the leadership and management of the Association; for supervising staff; and assuring Board-approved policies, directives and work plans are carried out. He or she is encouraged to acquire a thorough understanding of the shellfish aquaculture industry. The Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association fosters development of the shellfish industry on the West Coast of the United States. Advancing the image of the growers within the association and the products which they provide is paramount to elevating and maintaining the perspective of the association members as good stewards of the tidelands which sustain them. This is accomplished by striving to protect and restore shellfish growing area water quality; representing concerns, problems and successes to federal, state and local agencies and elected officials; developing new and improved methods of propagating, growing and marketing molluscan shellfish; and, securing scientific information, statistics and data that may assist in accomplishing these goals. Compensation: salary range $50,000-75,000 plus benefits. Interested persons should send resume and cover letter to Close Date: Until Filled. Agricultural and Rural Development Specialist – Washington DC/North Carolina. This position requires a background in agricultural production, domestic and export market development, rural livelihoods, and related areas of value-added small and medium enterprise development, business management and public policy. Because the position will be part of a new technical team within RTI, strong interpersonal skills and the ability to be a successful, collaborative team member are important as is the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with coworkers, implementing partners, and clients. Finally, the position requires strong written and oral communication skills. For a full description including qualifications and application details, please see:,DanaInfo=. agfov6Ex0qIy2s,SSL,SSO=U+index. htm?JobOpeningId=12282. Close Date: Until Filled. Region Online Organizer – Minnesota. Supports

local field staff in the Central Region by infusing online organizing campaign tactics (email, action alerts etc.) into on-the-ground campaigns. Produces all online emails and action alerts for field staff in the region. The Regional Online Organizer is responsible for supporting and training field staff in the local use of online tools to achieve greater scale and depth of organizing activities. This includes helping field staff develop online organizing strategies, producing online materials for local campaigns and training field staff in the region on best practices for online organizing. Qualifications: 1-2 years experience working in an online organizing capacity. Thorough understanding and demonstrated skill at grassroots organizing. Thorough understanding of online organizing technology and the Organizing Department’s organizing models and strategies. Proficient with new technology, including the ability to use internal systems such as a constituent relationship management system (Convio) as well as the ability to identify new, external technologies that are relevant and useful to our goals (social networks, websites, widgets etc.) Great team player. Works effectively with stakeholders across multiple departments to get the job done. Please send cover letter and resume to To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Region Online Organizer, Central - SCMN in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Assistant Director New York. WCS seeks to appoint an appropriately qualified individual with the potential to be a superb conservation manager to act as one of the Africa Program’s three Assistant Directors. The headquarters position provides broad exposure and experience in African conservation, management experience, as well as the opportunity to contribute substantially to an extraordinarily effective field conservation program.Qualifications: An advanced degree in wildlife biology, conservation, or another field relevant to Assistant Director responsibilities; At least several years African field experience at the level of project director or above; Substantial experience in project or program management, personnel management, administration, and fundraising; Knowledge of conservation biology, practical conservation, and African conservation issues; Passionate commitment to African conservation and enthusiasm about a career in conservation management and administration; Excellent, fluent spoken and written English, and, preferably, fluent French, with knowledge of other languages widely spoken in Africa beneficial. For more information or to apply, please visit Close Date: Until Filled. Carbon Project Program Officer – New York. WCS, a leading international conservation organization headquartered at the Bronx Zoo, seeks candidates interested in working to establish incentives systems for forest and biodiversity conservation, in particular focusing on REDD (reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation. The successful candidate will provide support for programs related to climate mitigation (REDD) and other PES (payments for ecosystem services) credits. Requirements include a a masters degree or commensurate work experience in forestry, PES, economics, business, or a related field. Experience on climate change or forestry projects generally and REDD in particular, and other conservation finance mechanisms (trust funds, biodiversity offsets, etc.) would be an advantage. An important part of the job will be organizing work programs, providing administrative support for grants and work plans, researching and

keeping up with reports and papers, writing materials for print and web. Candidates with fluency in Spanish or French are encouraged. Field experience a plus. For more information about Wildlife Conservation Society and Conservation Finance visit our website at: Close Date: Until Filled. Wildlife Policy Internship – Maryland. The Wildlife Society has an opening for a Wildlife Policy Intern with an interest in wildlife resource and policy issues. This 6-month internship will run from July to December 2010 at the TWS Headquarters in Bethesda, MD. DUTIES: The Wildlife Policy Interns will research conservation issues, prepare background information for use in testimony or comments, assist with developing content for Society publications, and attend legislative hearings. Interns will also assist in the routine activities of The Wildlife Society, with specific duties tailored according to the interests of the individuals. POSITION: This internship is a six-month, unpaid position. Interns are responsible for their own housing and insurance. While a full-time intern is desired, other arrangements will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicants should provide evidence of their ability to conduct research and carry out projects independently, must have excellent writing skills, and should have a track record of work displaying initiative, maturity, and responsibility. Knowledge of how the federal government functions is helpful, but not essential. Although student status is not required, applicants with academic training in wildlife biology/management or another natural resource field are preferred. To apply for the unpaid internship, please send a cover letter, a one-page résumé, contact information for three references, a college transcript (unofficial or official), two writing samples (one general and one technical; 5-8 pages each), and your dates of availability. Finalists will be interviewed in person or by telephone. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Website: Contact: Laura Bies E-mail: Phone: 301897-9770. Close Date: Until Filled. Annual Fund Manager – Connecticut. The Annual Fund Manager is someone used to multi-tasking. The ideal candidate will be able to solicit gifts in the four to five figure range but also willing to coordinate logistics of those making high five through seven figure gifts. S/he is capable of getting out correspondence and cultivation materials, and handling the logistics of our smaller donor cultivation events. This person will be responsible for their own portfolio but also will need to be able to call through donor lists for events and other broad based solicitations. S/he helps set and achieve annual campaign goals for Audubon Centers in Connecticut. Initiates, organizes, and follows up on educational and fundraising events. Qualifications: Bachelors degree required; Familiarity with standard modern office equipment; Three or more years of professional solicitation experience preferred. Be comfortable and productive in a fast-paced, collegial, team, results oriented environment while being responsible for attaining own annual performance goals; Superior interpersonal, creative, organizational skills. Attention to detail; Self-starter. Will represent Audubon’s mission, goals, and philosophies with the highest professional standards. Computer literate; knowledge of Word, Excel, Power Point, and development database systems. Send résumé and references to: John Hannan, Development Director, Audubon Connecticut, 613 Riversville Road, Greenwich CT. 06831. Email: Jhannan@audubon. org. Close Date: Until Filled. Coastal Louisiana Restoration Campaign Manager – Washington, DC. We seek a qualified individual to oversee campaign implementation on a day to day basis, drive national strategy, coordination of multiple working groups, juggling multiple projects, setting priorities. Collaborating with diverse group partners, communicating with regional and national staff. The Campaign Manager’s primary responsibility is to implement a multi-organizational campaign plan that integrates policy, field, coalition outreach, paid media, internet and activist outreach to build support for the restoration of coastal Louisiana and ensure the resiliency of its coastal communities. The campaign manager will execute a national campaign plan, coordinating up to six working groups, and responsible for making adjustments to the plan and implementation to leverage available resources to make the most progress possible towards the overarching goals. Candidates for this position should


Environmental Education & Eco Tourism have at least eight years of professional post-college experience, including at least five years managing advocacy campaigns, preferably at the national level. B.A. or B.S. in Political Science, Natural Resources or other related field. Post-graduate degrees or work preferred. Qualified applicants must have a strong commitment to environmental issues, excellent verbal, writing and analytical skills and an ability (and desire) to navigate and constructively engage a number of stakeholders charged with oversight and implementation of the campaign. Do you hear the call of the wild? Apply at Close Date: August 1, 2010.

Environmental Education Interns – Pennsylvania. Environmental Education Interns at Shaver’s Creek have a strong desire to share their knowledge and enthusiasm for the natural world with school students, program participants, and families who visit the nature center. As Penn State University’s outdoor learning laboratory, Shaver’s Creek offers environmental education programs; natural history exhibits; a raptor center; and hiking trails. Interns become an integral part of the staff and participate in all aspects of the center’s operation. Areas of opportunity include: Day and residential school programs for grades K to 12; Visitor center operations; Live animal care and handling; Volunteer training and supervision; Weekend festivals and events; Team building and adventure programs; Curriculum and program development. A background in education or the natural sciences is helpful but not necessary. Benefits include on-site housing with private rooms, a weekly stipend of $175.00, opportunities for professional development, and a work space with a computer and internet access. Application deadlines for each season: summer (March 1), fall (July 1) and winter/spring (November 1), however applications are accepted until all positions are filled. Phone interviews are conducted with top candidates. For questions call 814-863-2000. Visit our website for more information: Complete the on-line application at: http://www. Send resume and three professional references to Temporary Naturalist/Environmental Educator – Texas. The successful candidate will be experienced in facilitating environmental education programs with school children. Candidates must enjoy teaching children both indoors and outdoors and have a clear understanding of and dedication to experiential, hands-on education. Must also be able to care for and handle a variety of vertebrates and invertebrates. Contact River Legacy Living Science Center, Carolyn Krentz, Close Date: September 1, 2010. Outdoor Education Program Specialist – Missouri. As one of the outdoor education program specialists, you will be trained in and expected to lead the following activities: group initiatives, low ropes, high ropes, archery, riflery, cave ecology, stream/water ecology, survival simulation, night hike, campfire, and so much more! You will be responsible for planning and implementing many of these activities, as well as given the opportunity to add new programs to our ever-growing curriculum. The outdoor education program not only works with schools, but with a variety of other groups, such as Girl Scouts, Adventure Guides/Princesses, and various college groups. You will get the opportunity to work with many different ages and backgrounds. As a program staff member, you will be given the chance to both work and live with an amazing team. The outdoor education season runs from mid-August to the end of November and the end of February to the end of May. We are currently looking to fill positions for our Fall 2010 season. Staff training will start on Monday, August 16th. If you are interested in the OE Program Specialist position, please submit your resume with three references to Kim Wentland at kwentland@ Close Date: August 1, 2010.


Environmental Educator – Minnesota. Deep Portage Learning Center (Hackensack, MN) seeks applicants for the position of full-time environmental educator for the coming school year (SeptemberMay) 20010/11. Applicants should have a 4-year college degree and experience working with young people. DPLC provides residential environmental and conservation education to visiting school groups from throughout Minnesota. Classes that an educator could expect to teach include Northern Bog Ecology, Forestry, Winter Pond Ecology, Aquatics, Canoeing, Low Ropes, Indoor Climbing Wall, XC Skiing, Snowshoeing, Orienteering and many more. DPLC is situated on over 6,000 acres of forested glacial hills, lakes, and wetlands. Salary is $300/week plus quality room and board. If interested please call Deep Portage at 218-682-2325 and speak with Molly Malecek. Email (with resume attached) can be sent to Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Educator – Washington. This is an environmental educator position who coordinates the OSPREY After-School Environmental Club. The mission of the Tahoma Audubon Society OSPREY Club is “to protect every creature on Earth by working to preserve the environment and sharing with others our excitement of the natural world.” Help connect youth to nature in three different school districts and at Fort Lewis! Lead a high-quality, active, after-school program with an environmental theme that engages youth to learn more about nature and to improve their quality of life through environmental stewardship projects in their neighborhoods. The club meets once each week at each site and meetings include inschool activities and off-site field trips. There are two components to the club: education and community service. Each club site chooses activities to complete throughout the year that restore and protect the natural habitats in their neighborhoods. Education topics include but are not limited to ecosystems and habitats, endangered species, waste reduction, water quality, native plants, and wildlife biology. The 20102011 school-year marks the fifth year of the program in local schools. This is a well-respected program that continues to grow each year. It needs a dedicated leader to foster the momentum we have achieved. It is highly recommended that candidates have reliable transportation as lessons and field trips often require equipment that would be prohibitive on public transportation. Mileage is reimbursed at current federal rates. $1,050/ month living stipend. Contact the Tahoma Audubon Society, StephSwaim@ Close Date: August 1, 2010. WRI Climate & Energy Associate – Washington, DC. WRI’s Climate and Energy Program seeks an Associate for a lead position with its recently established “China Climate and Energy Information Network”, also known as ChinaFAQs (www. The Associate will work with a group of academic and other experts engaged with Chinese energy and climate programs and activities to disseminate data, analysis, and expert opinions on Chinese climate and energy actions. The goal of the Network is to track and communicate progress and pitfalls of China’s climate and energy actions to Congress, federal agencies, and U.S. opinion leaders. In addition, the Network develops comparative data, information, and analysis on the two countries to support mutual understanding on common actions. The Associate will work with Network partners and other WRI ChinaFAQs staff on content and project management, and consult with senior staff on key decisions and overall strategy. Apply online at http:// Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Education Intern – Connecticut. This is a 3 month position running mid-August through mid-November. Primary responsibilities of the Environmental Education Interns include assisting with the teaching of environmental education programs to school groups both on and off-site. During the month of October, this person(s) will also be heavily involved with the planning, setup and implementation of Enchanted Forest and Audubon Kids’ Day, the Center’s two fall special events for families. Environmental Education Interns are expected to help with other aspects of a nature center, such as helping with special events, wildlife rehabilitation, public education programs, answering requests for information from the public, running the Nature Store, and helping with many other facets of a Nature Center’s day to day operation. Qualifications include completion of at least two years of college

coursework in the environmental or life sciences. Some teaching experience and/or curriculum development is necessary. The most important assets are a strong work ethic, natural history background, enthusiasm, commitment, flexibility, a desire to learn, confidence in yourself and the ability to work well with others and with children. To be considered for an internship, send or email a cover letter, resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to Wendy Miller, Education Program Manager, Audubon Environmental Education Intern (Sunship Earth Instructor) - Stratford Ecological Center is a private, nonprofit State Nature Preserve and organic farm. There are 236 acres of land, both woods and farmland, in which lies a pond, a creek, two buttonbush swamps, an historic cemetery, and a maple-sugaring house. We are multifaceted with environmental education at the forefront of our mission. Sunship Earth is a highly experiential 5-day program for 5th graders. Children participate during their school day and return home each night. While addressing 80% of the Ohio 5th grade Academic Content Standards for Science, students learn how this very special planet, our “sunship,” operates, and how we can both enjoy the ride and help keep the ship going on behalf of all the other passengers. Interns will work as instructors, or “crew leaders” for Sunship Earth, learning and teaching the 23 activities that comprise the program. Intern applicants should have experience working with children, either informally or formally, be self-motivated, dedicated workers, and conscientious learners. “Sunship Earth,” by Steve Van Matre, is required reading. The internship runs September 27 through November 19 (8 weeks). Interns work 7:30a.m. to 2:30p.m, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays, interns work 7:30a.m. to 8:30p.m. Interns are compensated $1200 for the term. The application can be found at Please send your resume, application and letter of intent to Stratford Ecological Center, 3083 Liberty Rd., Delaware, Ohio, 43015 or to Christa Hein at Close Date: August 13, 2010. Environmental Education Intern – Ohio. Stratford is a private, nonprofit State Nature Preserve and working farm located just south of Delaware and 30 minutes north of Columbus. There are 236 acres of land, both woods and farmland, in which lies a pond, a creek, two buttonbush swamps, a historic cemetery, and a maple-sugaring house. We are multifaceted with environmental education at the forefront of our mission. In the spring and fall, schools come to join us in our excitement for the land. On Mondays and Tuesdays, the schools are visited in their classroom, preparing and exciting them for their upcoming field trip. Volunteers come Wednesday through Friday and join us in guiding student “Farm and Field Trips” around the land. In the summer, youth aged 3-17 join us for week-long Farm Camps where they participate in farm chores, tend the gardens, and learn about the Earth through fun activities and lessons. Interns act as teaching staff, sharing the lessons of the farm with campers. A love of children, a deep relationship with the land, and a willingness to learn are necessary. We invite you to call or visit to experience the magic of Stratford first hand. We are open Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm. For more information, please contact Christa Hein at (740) 363-2548 or, or send a resume, application and letter of intent to Stratford Ecological Center, 3083 Liberty Rd., Delaware, Ohio, 43015. For more information and a copy of the application visit us online at Close Date: August 13, 2010. AmeriCorps Program Leader – Wisconsin. The Program Leader will assist with the execution of all Environmental and Adventure Education crucial to the success of Camp’s programs for schools, youth, and adult participants. Through enhancements to the natural environment of Camp Minikani the Program Leader will provide service that will affect the local and regional community of Southeastern Wisconsin. Responsibilities: 1. Lead activities for the wide variety of community participants, including but not limited to: teaching environmental education, facilitating high ropes, climbing wall and teambuilding, life guarding, or leading pony rides. 2. Assist with the development and implementation of a wide variety of Camp programs and activities. 3. Lead Camp Minikani’s seasonal programming, such as Maple Syruping, Holiday Cookie House, and more. 4. Plant trees and

July-August 2010

Academic assist with environmental enhancement projects. 5. Other work projects throughout Camp and Greater Milwaukee. 6. Have fun! Contact: Eli Fyksen 262251-9080 ext. 6507 or email him at efyksen@ Close Date: August 11, 2010. Education Intern – Colorado. The RMBO Environmental Education Intern will work with the Colorado Education Coordinator provide high quality bird conservation field trips to the Denver Metro area by (1) providing education and outreach programming at the Barr Lake Banding Station (75%), (2) disseminating the Barr Lake Banding Station field trip materials to field trip participants (15%), and (3) scheduling and informing volunteers about each field trip (10%). The Environmental Education Intern will also assist with other education and outreach related tasks as assigned. Duties of the Bird Banding Intern include: Implementation of educational programs including classroom presentations for all ages, field trips, and outreach activities at RMBO’s birdbanding stations and partner events. Dissemination of RMBO’s conservation messages to publics of all ages. Assist the Education Coordinator with scheduling of Barr Lake Banding Station Field trips. Assist with development of educational programs and materials. Assist with advertising and Barr Lake Banding Station. Assistance with general Education Division operations. Qualifications: Undergraduate degree in environmental education, with an emphasis in environmental science, ornithology, wildlife/ecosystem conservation, or related fields. Preference will be given to an applicant with a sound working knowledge of shortgrass prairie ecosystems and shortgrass prairie wildlife ecology. The successful candidate will have: Public speaking skills and the ability to work with the public of all ages, delivering interpretive programs. Excellent written and verbal communication skills including the ability to communicate through multiple media (print, TV, radio, Internet, public events, etc.) Experience and demonstrated proficiency using Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Publisher, and Internet Explorer computer programs. The ability to multi-task and prioritize. The ability to carry out duties and directives under limited supervision. A valid Nebraska Driver’s License and personal transportation; incumbent must be willing to travel to program sites in western NE. $3000 stipend. Please send CV, cover letter explaining your interest and qualifications for this position, and names, phone numbers and email addresses of at least 3 references to: Cassy Bohnet, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, P.O Box 1232 Brighton, CO 80601 or cassy.bohnet@ Close Date: Until Filled. Environmental Education Assistant – Nebraska. Duties: Assisting with implementation of educational programs including classroom presentations for all ages, field trips, and outreach activities at RMBO’s/NGPC bird-banding stations at Scottsbluff and Chadron, Panhandle Eco-Extravaganza about Prairies (PEEP), teacher trainings, Family Nature Nights, After School Nature Clubs and partner events. Dissemination of RMBO’s/NGPC’s conservation messages to publics of all ages. Help coordination of volunteers. Assist with development of educational programs and materials. Assist with development of reports for various projects and grants Assist with general Nebraska Prairie Partners operations. Qualifications: Undergraduate degree in environmental education, with an emphasis in environmental science, ornithology, wildlife/ecosystem conservation, or related fields. Preference will be given to an applicant with a sound working knowledge of shortgrass prairie ecosystems and shortgrass prairie wildlife ecology. The successful candidate will have: Public speaking skills and the ability to work with the public of all ages, delivering interpretive programs. Excellent written and verbal communication skills including the ability to communicate through multiple media (print, TV, radio, Internet, public events, etc.) Experience and demonstrated proficiency using Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Publisher, and Internet Explorer computer programs. The ability to multi-task and prioritize. The ability to carry out duties and directives under limited supervision. A valid Driver’s License and personal transportation; incumbent must be willing to travel to program sites in western NE. Please send resume, cover letter explaining your interest and qualifications for this position, and names, phone numbers and email addresses of at least 3 references to: Nebraska Prairie Partners, Attn: Amanda Filipi, PO Box 489,

Scottsbluff, NE 69363 or Close Date: July 30, 2010.

Assistant Professor – Arkansas. Arkansas has over 100,000 private-owned impoundments that are managed for fisheries, wildlife, and aesthetic purposes, as well as one of the highest angler participation rate in the U.S. The Aquaculture/ Fisheries Center has statewide responsibility to provide research-based extension recommendations in the state of Arkansas for aquaculture, fisheries, small impoundments and reservoir management. The incumbent will develop a productive research program in these same areas and will be expected to produce science-based management recommendations. The incumbent will teach graduate and undergraduate courses in management of small impoundments and other fisheries subject areas. Qualifications: Ph.D. in Aquaculture, Fisheries or closely related field. Demonstrated ability to develop a productive research program related to managing small impoundments and reservoirs, to publish peer-reviewed publications, and to develop effective and innovative teaching techniques is required. A commitment to developing a dynamic research and extension program that has a strong impact on the state of Arkansas is required. Salary: Commensurate with and depending upon qualifications and experience. To Apply: A letter of application, resume, official transcripts, and three letters of reference should be sent to: Dr. Carole R. Engle, Chairperson, Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, 1200 N. University Drive, Mail Slot 4912, Pine Bluff, AR 71601. Tel: (870) 575-8523; Fax: (870) 575-4637. Close Date: Until Filled.

research program and to contributing sciencebased management recommendations for farm pond and reservoir owners in Arkansas. Must be committed to effective teaching. Must have the ability to communicate effectively with stakeholder groups. The individual must be willing and capable of developing effective working relationships across various fisheries and aquaculture disciplines with in the department. Qualifications: Ph.D. in Aquaculture, Fisheries or closely related field. Demonstrated ability to develop a productive research program related to managing small impoundments and reservoirs, to publish peer-reviewed publications, and to develop effective and innovative teaching techniques is required. A commitment to developing a dynamic research and extension program that has a strong impact on the state of Arkansas is required. To Apply: A letter of application, resume, official transcripts, and three letters of reference should be sent to: Dr. Carole R. Engle, Chairperson, Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Mail Slot 4912, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, 1200 N. University Drive, Pine Bluff, AR 71601. TEL: (870) 575-8523. Fax: (870) 575-4637. E-mail: Close Date: Until Filled.

Assistant Professor (Natural Resource Economist) – Ohio. The Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE) is searching for a tenure-track assistant professor. The position is funded jointly with the university initiative in Climate, Water, and Carbon (CWC), and is one of several such positions in various departments. We seek outstanding applicants with high potential for achieving scholarly excellence in natural resource economics and modeling, with primary interests in regional and/or global water resource issues. Complementary interests in climate change, land use, and energy issues would be helpful. Expectations include teaching and research to serve AEDE?s mission, and collaboration with colleagues in the CWC initiative. Faculty members are expected to achieve national scholarly recognition, and to contribute to outreach and public engagement. The appointee will have an academic year (9 month) appointment with competitive salary and benefits package. Qualifications: PhD in applied economics, economics, or related field. We encourage applications from candidates with established records of post-PhD research productivity. Applicants should send a statement of interest and qualifications, a current resume, and the names of three references to: Mark Partridge, Chair of Faculty Search Committee, Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics The Ohio State University, 2120 Fyffe Road Columbus, OH 43210-1067 Phone: 614.688.4907 Fax: 614.292.4749 partridge.27@osu. edu. Close Date: August 15, 2010.

Natural Resource Associate Professor – Wisconsin. Position: #10-59-F53RC. This is a joint appointment with the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources (CNR) and the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Service in the Community, Natural Resources, and Economic Development Program (CNRED). As a faculty member of the CNR, Center for Land Use Education (CLUE), and the Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technologies (WIST), the appointee has responsibilities for undergraduate teaching (75%) and for Extension outreach education (25%). The appointee will be responsible for a 9 credit teaching load that will include new sustainable energy courses and existing courses including an introductory course on natural resources issues, integrated resource management and public relations. The appointee, in collaboration with other faculty, will also prepare a new minor focused on sustainable energy. The appointee will provide outreach to organizations and Wisconsin public 25% of the time. The appointee will be a part of CLUE and WIST, operating in a team atmosphere to provide sustainability science education, including sustainable energy policies and practices to Wisconsin’s local governments, businesses, and the public. It is critical that the person in this position is visible and accessible to various client audiences as described above, including County extension faculty. UWEX CNRED, the natural resources arm of the cooperative extension program in Wisconsin, extends university resources to the citizens and communities of the state working principally through county based Extension faculty. CNR faculty members report directly to the Dean of the College and are expected to demonstrate scholarly activity and provide service to the College and community. Qualifications: A Ph.D. at or near completion, J.D. or other terminal degree is required Fields include, but are not limited to, natural resources, environmental policy, energy, landscape ecology, forestry, engineering, biology and planning. Experience or education related to energy issues is required. Experience teaching undergraduates is desirable. Concise and engaging writing and presentation skills are essential. Appointment Date: January 3, 2011, or as soon as a suitable candidate is identified. Send hard copies (no e-mail) of an application letter, resume, transcripts, two letters of reference and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three other references to: Kristin Floress, Center for Land Use Education, College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI 54481. Phone: 715 346-2386. Close Date: August 25, 2010.

Professor – Arkansas. Arkansas has over 100,000 private-owned impoundments that are managed for fisheries, wildlife, and aesthetic purposes, as well as one of the highest angler participation rate in the U.S. The Aquaculture/Fisheries Center has statewide responsibility to provide research-based extension recommendations in the state of Arkansas for aquaculture, fisheries, small impoundments and reservoir management. The incumbent will develop a productive research program in these same areas and will be expected to produce science-based management recommendations. The incumbent will teach graduate and undergraduate courses in management of small impoundments and other fisheries subject areas. The person selected for this position must be committed to a productive

Visiting Professor of Animal Behavior Washington & Lee University seeks a full-time Visiting Assistant Professor of Animal Behavior for the 20102011 academic year. Candidates would be expected to teach Animal Behavior, Biostatistics, a field course in our 4-week spring term, and other courses in the candidate’s area of interest. Mentorship of research students may also be possible. Applicants should have a PhD by fall 2010 and some prior teaching experience. Curriculum vitae, statement of teaching and research interests, and contact information for three references should be submitted through the University’s online system: Questions about the position may be addressed to David Marsh, Department of Biology: marshd@wlu. edu. Close Date: Until Filled.

Biology Teaching Jobs – Virginia. We currently have 16 science/biology vacancies listed by schools for the 2010-11 school year. We expect schools to post additional openings with STA this spring and summer. STA is the oldest teacher-placement service in America. We receive job listings from hundreds of PK-12 private schools around the South. Schools come to STA because they recognize the value of STA’s help in recruiting & screening talented candidates. Certification is not required by private schools for many science jobs. We presently have jobs listed in the following states: Alabama, Florida, Indiana, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Washington DC. These jobs range from elementary-grade science through AP Biology. It is common for science teachers to teach more than one science, especially at the middle-school level. Requirements: For most middle- and high-school biology or life-science positions, a bachelor’s degree with a major in biology (or closely related field) is essential, but teacher certification is not. Of course, a degree in science education is highly desirable, as is a master’s degree in biology. Candidates should have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Application process: Interested candidates should apply to Southern Teachers Agency. The process consists of completing an STA application (available online), sending a credentials file, and having a telephone interview. Please visit our website or contact: Southern Teachers Agency, 7 Elliewood Avenue, Suite 2A, Charlottesville, VA 22903, Tel (434) 2959122. Close Date: Until Filled. Faculty Position (Biogeoscience) The Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University seek applicants for a faculty position in biogeoscience, at the tenure track or tenured level. We seek applicants engaged in process-oriented research who will bring crucial new skills, such as use of molecular-level tools, innovative remote sensing techniques, new insight or methodology for understanding biogeochemical cycles, specialist knowledge of ecosystem energetics, and/or application of nano-scale techniques. Our ongoing research in fields related to biogeoscience includes study of biogeochemistry and geochemistry, paleoecology, ecophysiology, climate and paleoclimate, oceanography and paleoceanography, geologic carbon capture and storage, fluidrock interaction, and the human dimensions of environmental change. Preference will be given to strong applicants who can integrate their work within this spectrum. Minimum requirements for the position are demonstrated scientific creativity, specialist knowledge in both biology and geoscience, a Ph.D. in a biogeoscience-related field, and capability to teach at the undergraduate and graduate level. Application review will commence immediately and continue until the position is filled. Questions can be addressed to Peter Kelemen (, Chair of the Search Committee. Close Date: Until Filled.

Database Reporting Manager – Washington, DC. Primary responsibilities are to provide fundraising support to Membership, Development, Online, and the field offices, through timely and accurate lists/ reports from the PIDI donor database. This position is required to have both technical knowledge related to report and file generation, as well as proficiency in use of reporting tools such as Direct Select Web, QSM (PIDI query tool), and GiftWise. The Manager will act as liaison to the fund raising team, capture the essence of the fund raising needs and ensure the needs are met in a timely manner, as well as maintain up to date documentation on business decisions/processes surrounding the main lists/ reports. The Manager will work closely with the cross-departmental team to ensure familiarity with the key coding structure and new processes pertaining to their role. Manager will oversee the Reporting Associate’s position. Education: Bachelor’s


Career Changers & Support (B.A./B.S.) degree or equivalent in related discipline. Experience: 2+ years of relational database experience with an understanding of both off-line and on-line fundraising. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be accepted as a satisfactory substitute for the specific education and experience listed above. Interested applicants please reference Database Reporting Manager in your subject line and submit a letter of interest, along with your resume and salary history (must be included to be considered) to us via e-mail at: HR@defenders. org. Close Date: Until Filled. Online Campaign Associate – Washington, DC. With approximately 750,000 e-subscribers, Defenders is an industry leader online. Defenders is focused on further expanding our e-advocacy, e-fundraising, and e-education activities through testing and innovation. The Online Campaigns Associate plays a key role in configuring, writing, editing, and tracking outbound campaign emails and e-newsletters. S/he also assists with writing, editing, configuring, and management for some of our Websites, particularly during Defenders’ Website re-design and launch. S/he assists in identifying and implementing new online technologies.. Education: Bachelor’s degree (B.A./B.S.) or equivalent in related discipline. Experience: 2+ years of online campaign or related experience. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be accepted as a satisfactory substitute for the specific education and experience listed above. Interested applicants please reference Online Campaigns Associate in your subject line and submit a letter of interest, along with your resume and salary history (must be included to be considered) to us via e-mail at: HR@defenders. org. Close Date: Until Filled. HR Manager – California. The Living Desert seeks qualified HR Manager. BA+5 yrs HR experience required. PHRA-CA Certification preferred. Knowledge of Fed//State employment law and all aspects of HR dept. ops. Excellent analytical, problem solving and decision making skills. Must be able to plan, organize and lead both personnel and projects. Excellent communication (written and verbal) and interprersonal skills. Submit resume and salary requirements to: The Living Desert, Attn: Steve Lake, 47-900 Portola Avenue, Palm Desert, CA 92260. Email: No phone calls. Close Date: Until Filled. Program Analyst – Colorado. Established and manages a Reclamation-wide Power O&M Program which provides policies and procedures to ensure Reclamation is compliant with its O&M directives and standards. Primary technical contact for Power O&M training for Reclamation and develops compliance training programs and classes. Proposes and implements policy evaluation procedures and monitors schedules for development and resolution of policy issues and leads teams for the analysis of policy and development of guidance. Develops new methods and analytical approached for resolving conflict between current practice and proposed changes in the power program. Performs other related duties as directed including special assignments made on the basis of the personal capabilities of the incumbent which utilizes his/her ability to perform in multiple areas related to power. All applicants must possess one year of specialized experience equivalent to the GS-13 grade level in the Federal Service. Examples of specialized experience include extensive experience in management or oversight of hydroelectric power facilities operation and maintenance including staff interaction and labor relation. Experience working with FERC, NERC and WECC reliability compliance standards and requirements. For more information or to apply, please email or viist Close Date: Until Filled. Front Desk Coordinator – California. Scientific Certification Systems is seeking a professional, reliable, and highly-organized individual for the position of Front Desk Coordinator. The Front Desk Coordinator will be the initial contact for all phone calls and visitors to the Company. It will be the primary responsibly of the Front Desk Coordinator to ensure that all phone calls and visitors are routed to the appropriate person. In addition, the Front Desk Coordinator will perform other duties to ensure the efficient day to day running of the Company. This is a full time position reporting to the Human Resource Manager. Qualifications: Bachelors degree preferred


but not required; Strong communicator, able to communicate well in person and over the phone; Attention to detail and able to multi-task; Customer service oriented; Highly reliable, able to report to work on a daily basis; Knowledgeable with all Microsoft Office programs, especially Outlook, Word, powerpoint, and Excel. Compensation DOE. SCS offers a competitive benefits package including vacation, health, dental, profit sharing, performance bonuses, and 401(k). Please submit a resume and cover letter, including salary requirements, a description of how your skills and experience fit the needs and mission of our company on our website: Close Date: Until Filled.

Communications Associate New York. Now in its second century of conservation, Audubon is seeking a motivated individual in its New York City headquarters to fill the full-time role of Communications Associate. The candidate’s role is to work closely with the Senior Communications Manager to build awareness of the Audubon and Toyota TogetherGreen initiative. We are seeking a motivated self-starter to provide media, public relations and e-communication support; write drafts and disseminate media and marketing materials; and promote TogetherGreen’s vision, activities and accomplishments to key Audubon and partner audiences. The Communications Associate will become an integral part of a communications/ education team divided between New York, Washington D.C., California, and Vermont and will have the opportunity to assume significant responsibility to work independently and manage projects from concept to production. Qualifications: Two to three years professional experience working in communications or journalism; BA degree required, preferably in communications, marketing or journalism; Commitment to environmental protection; Proficiency with Microsoft Office; Familiarity with Cision or Vocus; Ability to work well under pressure and handle multiple tasks and deadlines; Excellent communication skills (written & verbal); Knowledge of web technologies and applications, including content management and web traffic a plus, and; Knowledge of digital video filming and editing a plus. We offer a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefits package. Please send résumé and cover letter to: Human Resources at humanresources@ Close Date: Until Filled. Executive Assistant - The Mission of SOEEA is to encourage educators and people who participate in outdoor recreation to practice and teach environmental responsibility. The successful applicant will possess most or all of the following criteria: budgeting and financial experience, grant writing experience, superior customer service skills, excellent time management and organizational skills, experience in working with non-government organization, and must have specific knowledge of Simply Accounting and Microsoft Access. Duties include: taking minutes at monthly meetings (weekday evenings either in person or on Skype), general administrative and office support, management of a variety of grants and grant writing, management of the SOEEA membership, facilitating a yearly audit management of aspects of SOEEA’s finances including running monthly spending spreadsheets supporting communication initiatives, working with Board members including coordination of many smaller projects and events, developing and utilising networks in outdoor and environmental education, and reporting directly to the SOEEA president. $20/ hour. Contact Jolene Siemens at memyselfandjo@ Close Date: Until Filled. Senior Grants Financial Analyst -

campaign-specific financial analysis and financial reporting support for assigned Conservation campaigns. Administers and coordinates the budgeting, forecasting, financial reporting and processing of restricted grants for campaigns within the Conservation Department. The Senior Financial Analyst is responsible for a variety of campaignspecific financial analysis functions as it relates to fundraising, recurring monthly and quarterly operations, financial, budgeting, forecasting, and reporting activities for both internal and donor-related purposes. Prepares and maintains fundraising and operating budgets and quarterly forecasts for campaign business plans, including planned but unannounced staffing changes to grant funded programs throughout the year. Documents and reviews current business processes and recommends enhancements and efficiencies. Conducts special projects and resolves complex operating and financial issues. Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration or related field, or the equivalent of education and experience. Three years’ experience as a financial analyst or accountant with exposure to budgeting and forecasting, cost/benefit analysis, and financial systems, preferably in a 501c(3) or government fund accounting environment. Good working knowledge of IRS and tax regulations related to 501c(3) funds administration and reporting and accounting procedures for grants administration. Ability to interact cooperatively and work as a team toward a common goal. Strong analytical and problem solving skills. General knowledge of accounting, financial, and operational principles and theory. Must have demonstrated superior proficiency with spreadsheets and accounting software. Ability to multi-task effectively and work in a fast-paced environment. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Please send cover letter and resume to resumes@ To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Senior Financial Analyst, SCCA in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled. Admissions Associate – New York. Guest Services Admissions Associates ensure that our guests enjoy a fun-filled and safe experience at Wildlife Conservation Society parks. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Collecting cash payment and tickets, adhering to all WCS cash handling policies; Providing excellent service to guests, including maintaining general knowledge of park attractions and amenities, answering questions and finding ways to create a great guest experience, in accordance with WCS standards of guest service; Actively recruiting new members to the Wildlife Conservation Society by explaining the benefits, following the selling strategies outlined by the Guest Services Department; Maintaining order among guests waiting to enter park and safely admitting the appropriate number of guests in a timely manner; Monitoring area and communicating with guests to ensure their safety; Maintaining cleanliness and organization of assigned work areas, as instructed; Directing guests where to park their strollers and assisting in the cleaning and distribution of rental strollers and wheelchairs, and; Completing other assignments as required and helping others on the team Experience: Customer service orientation; Basic verbal and written communication skills; Minimum age of 16 years or older; Proactive and outgoing nature; Ability to frequently lift, push, and carry objectives of moderate to heavy weight; Dependability and reliability; Ability to stand or walk for long periods of time in a variety of weather conditions; Basic math

skills; Basic computer skills; Ability to work effectively in a fast paced environment and multitask, and; Ability to work outdoors in a variety of weather conditions. For more information or to apply, please visit Close Date: Until Filled. Graphics Manager – Texas. The Dallas Zoo is seeking a qualified individual to join our organization as Graphics Manager. This individual will be responsible for overseeing a multitude of graphics projects for both the Dallas Zoo and Children’s Aquarium at Fair Park. The Graphics Manager will be able to bring a consistent, attractive look to interpretive graphics while delivering an engaging, educational message for our patrons. This individual will report to the Director of Children’s Zoo and Interpretives and supervise 2 direct reports. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in art, design, marketing, education, or zoology preferred; Strong design skills required; Knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator and Photoshop) essential; Excellent written and verbal communication skills; Excellent proofreading and editing skills; Energetic, team-oriented, and self-motivated; excellent time management skills; Knowledge of installation techniques and materials a plus; Portfolio required. Join the Dallas Zoo Management, Inc. community to experience a unique, challenging and rewarding career. If you are interested, please email your resume and cover letter to All applicants MUST place job code GRMGR in the subject line to be considered. Close Date: Until Filled. Children’s Zoo Associate – New York. Children’s Zoo Associates provide excellent guest experience while maintaining the safety and security of the animals and cleanliness of the exhibit. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Must be able to work outside all day in various weather conditions. Stands at assigned posts to interpret exhibit for guests and enforce rules. Responsible for basic observation of animals and some mechanical systems and reporting any problems to a supervisor. Responsible for light trash pick up and changing public garbage pails. Responsible for cleaning public restrooms. Assist in cleaning common areas such as office and bathroom. Assist with laundry. Assist with projects when needed. Experience: Customer service orientation; Strong verbal and written communication skills; Proactive and outgoing nature; Ability to provide outstanding guest service in a demanding environment; Ability to work in a team environment; Availability to work weekends and holidays; Dependability and reliability. For more information or to apply, please visit Close Date: Until Filled. Graphics Intern – Massachusetts. The Intern works with the Teacher Naturalist of School, Family & Youth Programs. Responsibilities may include: Flyer design for special events and existing programs; Brochure design and/or redesign; Develop program materials such as posters, promotional flyers & signage for an enhanced visitor experience; Assistance to the Teacher Naturalist in organization and planning of special events, and; Some web and email design possible. Qualifications: Ability to work independently. Strong Microsoft Office 2007 skills. Strong oral and written communication skill. Creative Suite experience recommended but not necessary. CONVIO and web design experience a plus. This is an unpaid position. Please contact Lisa Hutchings at the Massachusetts Audubon Society, lhutchings@ Close Date: August 1, 2010.

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July-August 2010

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