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milk-Substitutes—a consensus document that recommends regulation of formula marketing. Eighty-four countries have implemented all or part of the provisions of the Code. The US has done nothing to implement the Code and in 2007, 72.6% of US hospitals offered free formula gift bags to all new mothers. A CDC epidemiological review of studies on these gift bags found that 7 out of 11 who received them, showed lower exclusive breastfeeding rates. Martha Walker, nurse and lactation consultant, reversed this trend in just eight years with her Ban the Bags Campaign. By 2015, 78.7% of US hospitals reported banning free formula samples. The best way a new mother can ensure that she will not be given free formula samples is to give birth at a Baby-Friendly Hospital, where these samples are not given out. In 1991, WHO and UNICEF launched the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, a global program to encourage broad-scale implementation of the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and the Code. Since then, more than 15,000 facilities in 134 countries have been awarded baby-friendly status, including 604 in the US. To extend the idea of baby-friendly beyond Breastfeeding is an important human rights and feminist issue. A woman’s breastfeeding success can be undermined by inadequate support from health care professionals and family members, workplace obstacles, and misinformation from the formula food industry. It is only because of activism—mostly volunteer— that breastfeeding initiation is where it is in the US today. When I attended my first La Leche League meeting in 1973, I didn’t know that I would become one of only 22% of US women who were initiating breastfeeding and one of just 8% still nursing at three months. In 1970, breastfeeding rates were the lowest they had ever been. All this changed largely because of the activism of La Leche League International. By 1975, breastfeeding initiation had jumped to 33.4% and was at 61.9% by 1982— it had nearly doubled in just a decade. Surprisingly, initiation rates in the US declined for the next 15 years. The World Health Organization (WHO) attributed the general worldwide decline in breastfeeding to “sociocultural and other factors including the promotion of manufactured breast-milk substitutes” and responded in 1981 with the International Code of the Marketing of BreastBY PEGGY O’MARA peggyomara.com
the hospital, breastfeeding women must be undeterred from breastfeeding in public and in the workplace. Today, all 50 US states have laws that specifically allow women to breastfeed in any public or private location. However, lack of breastfeeding support in the workplace continues to be a significant obstacle to breastfeeding duration. While 83.2% of women initiate breastfeeding, only 46.9% are still exclusively breastfeeding at three months.
Full-time employment of mothers outside the home has a negative influence on the duration of breastfeeding and research shows that supportive state laws correlate with higher breastfeeding rates. While 39 states, DC and Puerto Rico have laws related to breastfeeding in the workplace; few of these laws have enforcement clauses, and therefore
no legal recourse for violation of the law.
On an international level, the World Alliance of Breastfeeding (WABA), a global network of individuals and organizations, works to help protect, promote and support breastfeeding worldwide. One of WABA’s signature efforts has been the launch of World Breastfeeding Week, first celebrated in 1992. World Breastfeeding Week is now observed in over 120 countries by UNICEF, WHO and their partners, including individuals, organizations and governments.
The good news is that breastfeeding initiation rates have been steadily growing since 1997 and today are at 83.2%. There are many opportunities for activism, including with the organizations and efforts listed above. Here are some ideas...
• Strengthen government and citizen action that ensures adequate maternal nutrition and food security for all. • Lobby national commissions on women and status of women’s groups to include breastfeeding in their action plans.
• Encourage citizen and government action that helps to create social support systems for mothers, including maternity legislation.
• Help women to receive accurate information about infant and young child feeding.
• W ork to create or improve breastfeeding in the workplace legislation in your state.
• Support media that refuse formula adv ertising.
• Bo ycott media that accept formula advertising.
• Encour age hospitals and birth centers in your area not to give out free formula samples. Use the Ban the Bags Toolkit.
• Encourage hospitals in your area to become baby-friendly.
• Expand the baby-friendly concept to antenatal clinics, primary health care services, workplaces and communities.
• Push for legislation and regulation that protects consumers and health workers from misleading commercial promotion about breast-milk substitutes. • Ask key women in public office to endorse World Breastfeeding Week and to include breastfeeding messages in their speeches.
• Boycott products that use women’s breasts as promotional tools in their media advertising.
• Encour age art, media and public imagery to show the normalcy of breastfeeding.
• W elcome breastfeeding mothers at coffee shops, restaurants, conferences and seminars.
• Run for office.
Peggy O’Mara is an independent journalist best known for editing and publishing Mothering magazine for over 30 years. She is now the editor and publisher of peggyomara.com. Her books include Having a Baby Naturally, Natural Family Living, and New Mexico Mountains. She has presented at Omega Institute, Esalen, La Leche League and Bioneers. Peggy is the mother of four and the grandmother of three. She has lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico for 35 years.