GreenClean 2012 Australia

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Join us in Pt Douglas QLD GreenClean 2012 31 Aug - 2 Sep

The Sea Temple Resort GreenClean 2012 will be held on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef with a full day available to snorkel, dive or just view one of the seven wonders of the natural world. This peak professional conference, hosted by GreenEarth Cleaning, is for the benefit of all dry cleaners to bring technical and business education to dry cleaners to assist in their growth and profitability. We have a remarkable brain trust in the extended GreenEarth family and beyond to the broader industry and outside of it as well. Whether it's your first Conference or your 4th, you will return home energised and motivated. A day and a half of business sessions covering everything from customer service to the newest technology available to the industry. GreenClean 2012 Conference Schedule 30th August - Welcome Cocktails 31st Aug - Great Barrier Reef snorkel, dive BBQ for all delegates 1st Sep - All day sessions 2nd Sep - 1/2 day sessions

Touching Every Aspect of Your Business With a View Towards the Future Drive Your Business Faster What drives your business? How do you take control of your challenges? We'll take a look at operations, marketing, leadership, time management and customer service in an interactive and engaging session directed by Dale Coutts, independent consultant with FKM Global.

An Environmental History - and Future: A USA Perspective Bill Fisher, recently retired Chief Executive Officer of the International Fabricare Institute USA (DLI) will discuss the history, status and future of perc in America, what it might mean for Australia and what you'll need to know going forward.

Solving Customers' Problems Rosemary Wright of Cullachange will explain how dyeing customer garments can be a win-win-win scheme. Can she fix an employee's spotting error? Can she hide a customer's bleaching mistake? Can she return a happy and loyal customer back to you? Learn how.

The Latest in Cleaning Technology Jim Douglas, GreenEarth International Technical Director, looks at where we've come with research and development and where we're going with equipment design, utilisation of Tonsil, the how and why it works, and improved cleaning with new and improved processes. and more interactive sessions . . . Building the Business Online A hands on session with computers and internet access available to each breakout group working towards cost effective marketing opportunities. Supplier Updates Hear the latest updates on point of sale systems, cleaning equipment, and detergents from your industry suppliers.

Energy Savings Ideas to save you money with specific discussions on the Carbon Tax and its impact on you and your business

Before beginning a few days of hard work, join your peers diving into the Great Barrier Reef. Space is limited. Reserve your seat early. Tick it on your delegate reservation form.

For all programme details and updates, Conference & Great Barrier Reef registration form, and accommodation form, visit

DELEGATE REGISTRATION FORM GreenClean 31 Aug - 2 Sep 2012 Sea Temple Resort, Port Douglas QLD COMPANY NAME









______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Qty X Dry Cleaners @ $350.00 - All Sat & Sun sessions, Thurs. Welcome Party,

Fri. Dinner, airport transfers to & from the Cairns airport

X Industry Suppliers @ $700.00 - All Sat & Sun sessions, Thurs. Welcome Party, Fri.

Dinner, airport transfers to & from the Cairns airport

X Friday Dinner only @ $75.00 X Great Barrier Reef @ $178.50 for full day snorkel, lunch & transport (diving equipment is available at an additional cost) TOTAL COST = _________________________________ (inclusive of gst) PAYMENT DETAILS - You can pay by three easy methods: 1. Direct debit to our account

BSB 063-151 Account # 1027 3399 (Please use your company name as the reference)

2. By cheque to GreenEarth PO Box 149 Manly 1655 3. By credit card Please circle



CARD NUMBER _________________________________ NAME ON CARD ________________________________ AMOUNT TO CHARGE _______________

FAX or Email REGISTRATION TO GREENEARTH (02) 9979 5674 or

Book your room direct with the Sea Temple Resort Email or Phone 07 4084 3500 Just mention GreenClean Conference to receive your discount This document will act as your TAX INVOICE ABN 98 828 090 465

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