BUSINESS CARD DIRECTORY JULY 2022 Residential •Commercial •Industrial (423) 823-8926 Available 24 hours aday,7days aweek. 204 Gregory Ave, Greeneville, TN 37745 Haney Electric LLC TN State License #CE73436 and Insured •
Heavy,tir ed,achy, restless le gs?® Knoxville |Crossville |Morristown It could be our veins. For appointments call 23.616.0316
Accounting AD u L t SERV ic ES 129 W. Depot Street, Suite 1 Greeneville, TN 37743 423.638.8144| hickmanbookkeep ing .com HICKMAN BOOKKEEPING PLAN YOUR FUTURE TODAY • PAYROLL • BOOKKEEPING • QUICKBOOKS • TRAINING David M. Ellis Cer tified Public Accountant 423-787-0855 Phone 423-787-0770 Fax 4130 Fort Henr yDrive Kingsport, TN 37663 132 Depot Street West Greeneville, TN 37743 Business &Individual TaxServices Small Business Accounting Services 423-639-0151 119South Main Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 Adams &Plucker, CPA’s PLLP Certified Public Accountants Freta K. Knight, CPA Certified Public Accountant “Over 25 years experience” •Tax Preparation/E-Filing (All Individual &Business Returns) •Accounting &Payroll Services (Weekly,Monthly,Quarterly &Annually) Member of Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Phone: 423-639-0010415 Banks St., Suite #1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Fax423-639-0411 A ccounting PROUD MEMBER OF: -Greeneville Center Now Enrolling -Waived Registration Fee With This Ad 431 E. BernardAvenue, Greeneville (423) 525-5773 600 N. Daisy Street, Morristown (423) 587-9149 147 MasonStreet (423) 639-5557
Davis &Keith Harrison -Owners ddddNFIB Member RELIABLE •COMFORTABLE •CLEANER AIR brought to your home, office or daycarelocally by DENNIS BIRD Universal Technician RSES and ARI Certified (423) 639-5979 Cellular 552-4327 3010 Fairlawn Drive Greeneville,TN37743 BIRD’S ELECTRIC HEATING &COOLING Installatio n& Repair of AllMajor Bran ds Over 47 Years of Expe rience A i R con D itioning & HEA ting
Lamb’s Heat and Air 5999 Erwin Hwy (423) 798-9559 Cell: (423) 823-2271 Service Tech (423) 823-2273 Turn to the Experts™ We Encourage Professionalism Through Technician Certification by NATE Gun Cleaning Services •Insurance Appraisals HOURS: MONDAY-SATURDAY,9am –5pm Glock •Smith &Wesson •Ruger •Colt •Henry •Cooper &Others PISTOLS •RIFLES •SHOTGUNS •AMMUNITION RELOADING •SHOOTING ACCESSORIES •SAFES LAYAWAY•GIFT CARDS BUY t SELL t TRADE t TRANSFER (423) 235-1022 7272 St. Clair Road •Whitesburg, TN www.precisionfirear Now Selling… Glock Law Enforcement Guns (BLUE LABEL) FFL Dealer Now Offering The “Sig Armed Professional ” Program NOLICHUCKEY HEAT& AIR Electrical &Sheetmetal Work Sales &Service All Brands of Units Michael Roberts Licensed&Insured Shop: 423-639-0033 • Cell: 423-329-5620 ADynamic Auto & Tr uck Service, Inc. 1946 Highway 11-E Jonesborough, TN (423) 753-8761 GREENE VILLE SENIOR LI VI NG SOL UTI ONS Jami Rich mond Sales Mana ge r 155 Serr al Driv e|G re ene vill e, TN 37745 Main (423) 798-0404 Dir ect (423 )2 62-6144 Fa x( 423) 798-2072 jarndt@br ook dal e.c om 448 Fairgrounds Road Greeneville,TN37745 Owners/Operators: Bobby& Rebecca Sentelle ASE Cer tified Technician -Computerized Diagnostics Domestic &Foreign -ACRepair &Service -Brakes &Tune Ups -Major &Minor Repairs 2020 People’s CHOICE Awards 2022 Edith M. Kitzweger Independent Avon Representative Sales & Recruiting (423) 620-0419 3720 Asheville Hwy., Greeneville, TN 37743 e-mail: website: Contact Me to Buy Products or Become a Representative Avon Get on board, TODAY! Business Card Directory Coming January 2023 We will print and deliver your business card throughout our market area with The Greeneville Sun’s Business Card Directory. For more information call 423.638.4185 A i R con D itioning & HEA ting Auto R E p A i R / S ERV ic E / c o LL i S ion AMM unition & F i REARMS A SS i S t ED Li V ing Auto S ALES AV on
Andrew Johnson Hwy. 3015 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. (423) 636-1555 Baileyton 560 Van Hill Rd. (423) 234-5811 Bulls Gap 105 N. Main St. (423) 393-2323 Mosheim 17 N. Spring St. (423) 657-0404 Rogersville 4020 TN-66 S. (423) 564-5880 Tusculum 841 Tusculum Blvd. (423) 787-1280 West Main 1118 West Main St. (423) 278-9527 South Knoxville 7570 Mountain Grove Dr (865) 500-4127 800.999.2328 8 ur friendlyhometown bank since 1960. MEMBER FDIC TIME FOR A NEW BANK? (423) 638-4154 114West Church Street 423-636-5000 3626 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. 423-636-5030 1435 Highway 70 423-636-5050 The destination for your church and school group: lodging, foodservice, activities, team building, recreation, relaxation, renewal. Lear n more at | 423-636-0032 CAMPS & RETREATS TENNESSEE CLEANING ò Carpet &U pholstery Cleaning ò We Spe cialize in Air Duct Cleaning ò Fire &W ater Restorations ò FREE Estimat es ò 10% Discount for Seniors or Churche s ò 24 Hou rE merge ncy Service 2017 2017 62 0-923 0 or 798- 01 00 B A nk S & cRED it u nion S B A nk S & cRED it u nion S c AM p S cAR p E t cLEA ning NEED TO HIRE? Let us help you find the right candidate. Call 423.638.4185 Email
Early Learning Serv ices Offeringdevelopmental screeningand evaluation of 3and 4yearold children. Formoreinformation, call Dr.Melinda Pruitt,GreeneCountySchools SpecialEducation Supervisor •639-4194 JeffTownsley,Greeneville City Schools SpecialEducation Supervisor •787-8009 1308 Tusculum Blvd #2 ,Greeneville, TN (423) 639-6120 • Amy Ar mstrong Voted Best Dentist AP P A L A C H I AN ch ir o p r ac ti c ce n t e r p c Dr Cindy J Kricko 510 Justis Dr.Greeneville, TN 37745 (423)639-4440 Tu to ri ng avai l ab le up to 1st Gra de in Rea di ng,Writing and Math Bea See Head Mist ress, Dir ectre ss 1016JohnBird Road, Afton,TN37616 (Ph) 423 787-1999 •(C) 305-725-8359 Middle Creek MON TE SSO RI Pre-school &Pre-K SCHWARTZ CONSTRUCTION SOLUTIONS Trusted Service. ProvenQuality (423) 329-4398 Walter Schwartz Licensed andInsured Towering Oaks ChristianS chool 1985 Buck ingham Road 423-639-0791 ClassesFor TwoYears Old-TwelfthGrade Nur tured in Academic Excellence Rooted in God’sWord Specializing in Pole Buildings, and Standing Seam Metal oofi eb as ewou o se : 2 Mar vin Smucker 3755 Chuckey Pike, Chuckey,TN37641 Cell: (42 3) 306-4930 TN Lic #00053604 Wo od en DreamHomes Find Your DreamHome! ( 423 ) 823 -0 086 www Lucas Wiggin Wooden Dream Homes Dealer General Contractor 610 JudNeal Loop Afton TN 37616 ABC Family Dentistry, PLLC Aaron C. Knop, DMD NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! WE ACCEPT MOST INSURANCE . WE OFFER CARE CREDIT & SUNBIT 1018 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 423-639-2176 • 423-639-2177 • 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday-Thursday We offer preventative, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry for all ages & we now offer a Dental Savings Plan for the uninsured.Aaron C. Knop, DMD Patrick Stewart, DDScH i LD cARE / E D uc A tion / E ARL y L EAR ning DE nt AL cH i R op RA ctic c on S t R uction c on S t R uction
423-638-7491 1741 OldTusculum Road Located behind Laughlin Hospital Ben Haws,DDS 151 Mason Street, Greeneville, TN 37745 423-639-3196 www.greenevilleor Brad S. Johnson, D.M.D.acceptsall major insurance includingBlueCross Blue Shield medical anddental and TennCare. Services Include: Extractions, TMJ, Implants, 703KS treet Greene vil le,T N37745 Phone: (423) 639-6769 Fa x: (423) 638-3635 1551 East Mor risBlvd Mor risto wn, TN 37813 Phone: (423) 587-8383 Fa x: (423) 587-8382 TwoLocations to ServeYou! DE nt AL E LE ct R ic AL EX c AVA ting F ARMER ’ S M AR k E t C ommerC ial ,i ndu str ial , and r esid enti al s it e s peCi alis ts Mar tin Malone,Owner 423-823-0898 831 Fairview Road Afton, TN 37616 Office 423-416-4709 FREE ESTIMATES •Large Building Pads •Commercial Site Prep •Demolition •Land Cleaning •Laser Level Grading •Road Building •Soil Stabilization •Trenching •Paving •Ponds •Concrete Flatwork •GPS Grading Call us,wetreat what’s bugging you! Roaches• Rodents• Ants •Termites• Wasps...& more NowOffering Mosquito Serv ice Tony Jones Termite &PestC ontrol 423-422-1624 •423-823-0355 Askabout aFREE TERMITE INSPECTION Gre eneC ountyPestC ontrol TimJones Licensed,Insured &Bonded 1565 Marvin Road Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) Ch329-0034 arter# 3816 This Guy Just Kills Me! KeithD yerPestC ontrol Office:423-235-0621 Cell:423-327-4996 Char ter#4019 Saturdays 9AM to 1PM -May through October Greene County Par tnership Parking Lot Over 30 Market Members Selling Goods Produced Within 50 Miles Of Greeneville E X t ERM in A ting / pES t c ont R o L
MKT-5894M-A > Worried about market volatility? Let's talk. Billy Endean Financial Advisor 125 W Summer St Greeneville, TN 37743 423-609-7080 G reen P asture F arm and H at cHery 423-823-4599 Chicks •Hatching Eggs •Non GMO Feed ChickSupplies•Hydroponic Tomatoes Hydroponic Lettuce •Seasonal Produce Pesticide &Insecticide Free Open 10 to 5•Closed Monday and Sunday 5985 Chuckey Pike, Chuckey,TN37641 Owner: Merle Stolzfus 423 -3850 . t encing. om Greene Farmers 1414 W. Main Street |Greeneville, TN 638-8101 Mon -Fri 8am-5pm•Sat by Appointment RESIDENTIAL &C OMMERCIAL u FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED INSTALLATION Terr y’sFlooring •Hardwood •Ceramic Tile •Waterproof(LVP) •Carpet &Vinyl •Custom Tile Showers 1699 Kiser Blvd. •Greeneville 423-639-9013 •423-329-3539 Kiser-Rose Hill Funeral Home 125 Idletime Drive, Greeneville, TN 423-636-8007 Michelle,Dilks, D.O. 1606 Hannah St. Greeneville,TN 423-823-9629| Heavy,tir ed,achy, restless le gs?® Knoxville |Crossville |Morristown For appointments call 423.616.0316 It could be your veins. Preferred Internal Medicine 1021 Coolidge Street, Suite 4, Greeneville (423) 237-6900 •M-F 8am to 5pm 1021 Coolidge Street, Suite 4, Greeneville (423) 237-6900 •M-F 8am to 5pm F ARM Supp L i ES F E ncing Fun ERAL Ho MES Fin A nci AL F L oo R ing H EAL t H cARE
TENNESSEE CANCER SPECIALISTS Fighting Cancer... Ever ypatient,Every day. Cancer/Blood Disease Specialists Specializing in thetreatment of cancerand blooddisorders. Certified infusioncenterfor chemotherapy andbiologictherapy forcancerand non-cancerrelated diseases Dharmen Patel M.D Anil Tumkur M.D MyraBlankenship,FNP-BC Joshua Buck,FNP-C AshleyCarr,FNP-BC NikkiGreer-Collier,FNP-C Abbie Harris,FNP-BC Kimberly Hoyle,FNP-BC Christine Leslie, FNP-BC Lorraine Rebuck,AGACNP-BC Jeffrey Taylor,FNP-C 1410 Tusculum Blvd Suite2200 Greeneville,TN37745 423-639-0243 1301 Sunset Drive Suite#3 Johnson City, TN 37604 423-588-7130 www.tnc Unity Urology PC 189 LIBERTY WAY, GREENEVILLE, TN Phone 423-638-4046 Fax 423-638-4295 Bill Rupert -Owner Tn Lic #2061 423-823-8568 2630 107 Cutoff Greeneville, TN 37743 In egrity Inspections “Professional, Timely,Thorough”-Inspections Commercial |Medicare|Retirement| Life|Auto|Home 423.638.1422 1104 Tusculum Boulevard, Suite316, Greeneville,TN37745 CorporateOfficeand Tri-State Claims Branch Office 237 W. Summer Street Towne SquareShopping Center Phone (423)639-5171 |Fax: (423)639-7129 PEAKE INSURANCEAGENCY DAVID B. PEAKE, Auto •Home •Business •Life 913 TUSCULUM BLVD. GREENEVILLE, TN 37745 423-639-0288 •Fax 423-639-3806 • Owner /Agent H EAL t H cARE i n S p E ction S i n S u RA nc E Great Rates All Credit Cards Accepted. Call Classifieds at or email Do you Home or Service? Service 4 lines Only Pa inting Yard Work H ome Repairs F ixtures Installed Let us help you reach potential clients by advertising in The Greeneville Sun Business & Service Directory. Do you have a Home or Business Service? Painting Yard Work Home Repairs Fixtures Installed Fencing Deck Staining Flooring & Tile Appliances Installed Let us help you reach potential clients by advertising in The Greeneville Sun Business & Service Directory. All Credit Cards Accepted. Call Classifieds at 423-638-4185 or email Service Guide Special 16 words 24 days minimum Only $75!
10 Business Card Directory JULY 2022 Areyou turning 65 or newto Medicare? Ican help you getMedicare ready. Call alicensed Medicareagent. Chuck Call 423-367-9572 (TTY:711) Monday- Friday, 8am -5pm HAS THE PANDEMIC MADE YOU WANT TO LIVE WITH YOUR KIDS WHEN YOU NEED EXTENDED CHRONIC CARE? •Doyou know how to be in the 85% of people who never go to an ursing home when they need extended chronic health care? •Doyou understand that Medicare and health insurance do NOT pay for long-term care? •Doyou know there are ways to leaveyour premium dollars to aloved one if you never need care? If you answered anyof these questions "No", go to ww to watch a17-minute ed ucational video and sign up for afree, no-obligation virtual (ZOOM) consultation. (Your kids will thankyo for it!) Phyllis Shelton, CLTC Got LTCI, LLC Greeneville TN 800-582-842 LaurannPierce Licensed Sales Agent 8Sheridan Square Suite #150 Kingspor t, TN 37660 m: 423.470.1318 United Healthcare® i n S u RA nc E SUBSCRIBE TO THE GREENEVILLE SUN TODAY! Call 423-638-4182 or go to and Click on Subscribe Today Place Your Ad 24/7 @ Click on Classifieds in S u RA nc E
Trey Youngblood -LUTCF Agency Manager Greene-Greeneville Agency 1431 W. Main Street Greeneville,TN37743-4523 Phone: 639-7212 Fax: 639-7215 i n S u RA nc E Lo D ging M AS on R y M EA t pR oc ESS ing Monu ME nt S n u RS ing Ho MES J E w ELERS L A un DR o MA t S Lig H t & p ow ER L A wn cA R E & L A n DS c A pin g 2315 East A.J. Highway, Greeneville Fairgrounds Plaza —Next to Publix 423.638.8157 Voted Best Jewelry Store 1045 W. Summer Street Greeneville,TN (423) 823-2079 DESIGN •B UILD •M AINTAIN •I n-ground Pool Installation •O utdoor Lighting •H ardscapes •L andscaping •I rrigation •O ut do o rE nt er tainment Areas Logical LAWN CARE &LANDSCAPE DESIGN 423-571-6839 James Scheffler Owner Greeneville Light &Power System 110 N. College St., Greeneville 636-6200 Justice Stone worksllc Granite Counter Tops &More 248C liffordPrice Loop Mooresburg,TN37811 423-272-7026 /440-742-8226 justicestoneworksllc@g PatorRhonda Justice SnappsFerry Packing FRESH DAILY • CUT TO ORDER 5900 E. AndrewJohnson Hwy 638-7001 Mon -Fri 8-5•Sat 9-5 Fresh, local meat from our family owned market 2019 2019 We Will Continue To OfferThe BESTBuy On Quality StonesAnd Markers BRONZE •GRANITE •MARBLE 111 Tusculum Boulevard (423) 638-5546 Tusculum Monument Company Ser ving The Greeneville/Greene County Area Since 1969 and Rehabilitation Center Ce lebr at ing7 0Years 55 NursingHomeRoad, Chuckey, TN 37641 Office423.257.6761 •Fax 423.257.2486 Durham-HensleyIsAVA-Contracted Facility
Come here to heal. Letour skilled, compassionatetherapy team help youget back to thelifeyou love PH YSIC AL, OC CU PA TI ON AL &S PEE CH TH ER API ES Call 423.639.8131 to schedule atour. 725 Crum St.•Greeneville, TN 37743 148221 1101 Persimmon Ridge Road Jonesborough, TN 37659 (423) 753-8711 QUICK . LUBE OF GREENEVILLE 635 Ea st An drew Jo hnson Hw y. ,G re eneville,Tenn essee 37745 (423) 636-1244 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSAR Y Fa st Se rv ic eA nd Most Major Brands Of Motor Oil Monda yt hr ou gh Fr ida y8 :00am -5 :3 0p m&S at ur da y8 :00am -2 :0 0p m n u RS ing Ho MES o i L & Lu BE o pto ME t R i S t S BULLS GAP DRUGS 412 Hwy.11-E Bulls Gap, TN 37711 (next to post office) Phone: (423) 235-4600 Fax: (423) 235-5755 Jama Burkhart Bos, Pharm. D pharmacist/ownerOldHometownFashioned Pharmacy 272 Highway 11E, Bulls Gap, TN (423) 235-6263 Great Values With Fast &Friendly Service -Free Local Delivery Pharmacist/Owner: Bradford S. Campbell, PharmD 1004SnappsFerry Road Greeneville, TN 37745 (423)638-7552 www.corleyspharmacy.comPHARMA CY Alan Corley and JeffWard Answers Advice Solutions Quick &Easy Online Prescription Refills Available! FREECountywideDelivery! We Do Compounding! JEFF MOORE P. O. Box 235 Mosheim, TN 37818 Office: 423.422.1601 Fax: 423.588.5643 (423) 636-ROTO (423-636-7686) (423) 639-1221 Michael Har rell, Owner Sewer-Dr ain Ser vice •Residential •Commer cial Voted People’s Choice 2021 Best Septic Tank Service pHARMA ci ES pL u MB ing
Br ian McAmis Affiliate Broker Find me on: 93 N. Rufe Taylor Roa Greeneville,TN Cell: 423-747-6833 Office: 423-639-6781 Fax: 1-866-271-9084 Email: EachOffice is IndependentlyOwned and Operated REGIE JONES REALTOR ® JODY JONES REALTOR ® 423.470.3131 423.470.2959 #TheGreenevilleBroker 600 Tusculum Boulevard, Suite #2 Greeneville, TN 37743 423.845.5800 REGIE &JODY JONES William Brown (423) 972-2246 Broker/Owner/Auctioneer Cheryl Fillers (423) 620-1564 Shane Carter (423) 552-4528 Steve Harbison (423) 620-1528 Brad Tullock (423) 823-0048 Patricia Quarles (423) 552-3882 Buddy Yonz (423) 329-3677 Caine Ballard (423) 620-9780 Jill Whitaker (423) 329-8292 Whether you’re BUYING or SELLING, the GREAT team provides aone -stop experiencefor all of your real estate needs: HOME •LAND •AUCTION Licensed Appraiser Professional Staging PropertyRentals Debbie Shelton (423) 972-2323 “On-Site” and “On-Line” Auctions 210 West SummerStreet, Greeneville, TN (423) 525-5341 93 N Rufe Taylor Greeneville TN 37745 423.639.6781 h ffi d p d tly d d p t d MakeMikeand LauraMcNeese Your Real EstateAgents! Call 423.552.5330 search the MLS at Jessica Lutz Serving all of the Tri-Cities Area Legacy “I’m acertified relocation specialist and would appreciate your referral to your family and friends worldwide!” Selling Since 2007 93 NRule Taylor Road Greeneville, TN 37745 Cell: 423-470-4007 Office: 423-639-6781 Fax: 423-639-0851QUALITY SERVICE AWARDS REC P ENT EUGENE JEFFERS Realtor® 423.639.6781 (O) 423.552.4100 (C) 93 N. Rufe Taylor Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 E-mail: Monday-Friday 8:00 to 5:00 423-787-5679 Let Us Make Your Idea A Reality! BIG ENOUGH TO MEET YOURNEEDS •SMALL ENOUGHTOCARE UNLIMITED UNLIMITED COPIES Let Us Make Your Idea AR eality! BE CK YR IDE OUT ,G RI ,G RIM PRINCIPAL BR OKER 104 Sa mD oa kS tr eet Gr een ev il le ,T N3 7745 O C F beck y @ pr ope rtyex per ts tn .c om thepr operty ex perts. co m 423 .7 87.0 04 0 423 .6 31. 61 96 423 .6 31. 0404 pR inting R EAL E S t A t E R EAL E S t A t E
BM Septic Tank Company,LLC Pump Septic Tanks 9640 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy Limestone, TN 37681 Brad &Maria McPeck (423) 426-6255 Get on board, TODAY! Business Card Directory Coming January 2023 We will print and deliver your business card throughout our market area with The Greeneville Sun’s Business Card Directory. For more information call 423.638.4185 275 E. AndrewJohnson Hwy. (423) 638-2000 245 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville 639-6311 (423) 638-0469 Great Careers Start Here! 1202 Tusculum Boulevard Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 638-0469 Providingexcellence in staffing for 25 years. 1535 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 423-787-0621 • Metal Roofing & Accessories • Vinyl Siding • Soffit & Accessories • Windows • Garage Doors • Shutters • Post Frame Buildings • Carports • Kitchen Cabinets 2055 East A.J. Highway -Suite 2A Greeneville, TN 37745 Call or Text: (423) 639-0900 NOW HIRING 613 Asheville Highway (423) 638-1016 SE ptic R ES t A u RA nt S Roo F ing St AFF ing
423-639-6671 Local &LongDistance Ser vice Available Lock Out Ser vice Available “We Doze-But Never Close!” 24 HOUR SE VICE 2 0 7 S e a t o n Av e . , G r e e n e v i l l e , T N h o p e t o w i n g @ h o t m a i l . c o m Your Tir eSer vice Center Alignments -Brakes -Mechanic Work Open Monday-Friday 7:30 AM-5:00 PM 423-639-7447 Rusty’s TIRE &ALIGNMENT Serving Tennessee, Kentucky, NorthCarolina and Florida Daniel Hopson PLS, CFS daniel@h5sur Professional Land Sur veyor,Certified Floodplain Sur veyor H5 Land Sur veying &Mapping, PLLC 144 WBernard Ave., Greeneville, TN 37743 Office: 423-638-1589 Jeff Wilder,RLS jeff@h5sur H5sur Su RVE ying t i RES V A ping wA t ER t owing / wRE ck ERS FromBeginner to Advanced, We Have Everything aVaperNeeds! 402 Selling Only To Customers 21 Years Of Age &Older People’s Choice Winner Seven Years In ARow! We Have The LargestSelection of Vaping Products In The Area •Ultrasound •Digital X-Ray•EndoscopyServices •CardioPet Expanded Dental Services •Day/Overnight Boarding Small Animal Medicine &Surgery •Orthopedic Surgery •Surgical &Therapeutic Laser Office:423-639-6777 fAX: 423-639-0743 370 Morgan Road, Greeneville,TN37745 Ed Claibor ne, DVM Juliette Brown, DVM OFFICE: 423-639-6777 FAX: 423-639-0743 Al Claibor ne, DVM Kagney Hutson, DVM 2020 Peop es CHO CE Small &Exotic Animal Medicine Surgery •Dentistry •Boarding •Grooming Digital Imaging •Laser Therapy Emergency Services •InHouse Lab&Pharmacy 2017 2017 2018 2018 2020 2020 V E t ER in AR i A n S & Ani MAL Ho S pit ALS
Professional BartendingServices THE WELL STOCKED BAR 423.552.3745 Fully Insured Wine • Spirits Beer TOWNE SQUARE PACKAGESTORE 200 W. Summer St Downtown Greeneville 423-639-6521 Nickle Ridge Winery 144 WDepot St, Greeneville, TN 37743 423-588-8260 Facebook: nrwinetastings4u White’sWindow & Siding Co. 403 W. Summer Street (423) 639-3100 Specializing In Atrium Windows&Doors Celebrating42Years In Business People’sChoiceWinner 20 times w in D ow S & Viny L Si D ing w in E & Spi R it S w in ER i ES NOTES
January 2023 Holidays 1st - New Year’s Day 16th - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Greeneville Town Hall (Mayor W.T. Daniels) 639-7105
Greene County (Mayor Kevin Morrison) 798-1766
Baileyton Town Hall (Mayor Kenny Kerr)
..................................... 234-6911
Bulls Gap (Betsy Shipley) 235-5216
Mosheim Town Hall (Mayor David Myers) ..................................422-4051
Tusculum City Hall (Mayor Alan Corley) 638-6211
Greeneville Police Department 639-7111
Greene County Sheriff’s Department 798-1800
Baileyton Police ................................................................................ 234-6911
Tusculum Police 588-5546
Tennessee Highway Patrol ........................................................... 348-6144
Federal Bureau of Investigation (Knoxville) 865-544-0751
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation 615-744-4000
Office of Homeland Security (Nashville) ........................... 615-532-7825
Building Inspections & Permits
..................................................... 639-7105
Business License 639-7105
City School Office (Steve Starnes)
.............................................. 787-8000
Environmentalist 639-7105 Library 638-5034
Parks & Recreation ........................................................................... 638-3143
Planning & Zoning 639-7105
Streets & Sanitation ....................................................................... 638-6152 Landfill 639-4416
T. Elmer Cox Genealogical & Historical Library 638-9866
Animal Control 798-1777
Assessor of Property (Chuck Jeffers) 798-1738
Building & Zoning Official (Tim Tweed) 798-1724
Circuit Court Clerk (Chris Shepard)
............................................. 798-1760
Clerk & Master/Chancery Court (Kay Solomon Armstrong) 798-1742
County Clerk (Lori Bryant) 798-1775
County School Office (David McLain)
......................................... 639-4194
Detention Center 798-1802
Drug Enforcement Center .............................................................. 798-1785
Election Commission 798-1715
Emergency Management 798-1729
Cross Anchor Utility District
.......................................................... 639-5125
Glenn Hills Utility District 639-8622
Mosheim Water Department 422-4051 North Greene Utility 234-3145
Old Knox Utility District 422-1660
Greeneville Fire Department - Chief Alan Shipley 638-4243
Greene County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments 639-1889 Town of Mosheim Fire Department 422-7401
Greeneville Community Hospital East 787-5000
Greene County/ Greeneville
Emergency Medical Services
........................................................ 798-1720
Greeneville Emergency & Rescue Squad 638-3431
Greeneville/Greene County Office of Emergency Management & Homeland Security
............................................ 798-1729
911 Office 638-8663
Poison Control Center
......................................................... 800-222-1222
Greeneville Public Works
............................................................. 638-6152
Children’s Services
.........................................................................639-4465 District Attorney General 787-1450
Driver’s License 638-3285
Employment Security Department 636-0006 Human Services Department 639-6181
Post Office ........................................................................................... 787-2177
Social Security 638-5652
Tennessee Department of Agriculture/Division of Forestry 638-7841
Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation 888-891-8332
Tennessee Department of Transportation ................................. 638-4213
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 800-332-0900
UT Agricultural Extension Office 798-1710
UT Research & Education Center 638-6532
U.S. Forest Service 638-8731
Emergency Medical Service
798-1720 Health Department 798-1749
Highway Department (Kevin Swatsell)
Juvenile Court 798-1736
Register of Deeds (Joy Rader Nunnally) 798-1726
Sessions/Juvenile Court Judge (Ken Bailey)
Solid Waste Department 798-1794
Trustee (Nathan Holt)
Veteran’s Service Office 798-1707
Atmos Energy (Natural Gas) 888-286-6700
CenturyLink 800-366-8201
Comcast (Cable)
Greeneville Light & Power System 636-6200
Greeneville Water Department 638-3148
Chuckey Utility District 639-6362
Governor Bill Lee
U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty (D.C.)
........................................... 202-224-4944 (Knoxville) 865-545-4253 (Tri-Cities) 325-6240
U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (D.C.) 202-224-3344 (Knoxville) 865-637-4180 (Tri-Cities)
..................................................................................... 753-2263
U.S. Representative Diana Harshbarger 202-225-6356 (Kingsport) 247-8161 (Morristown) 254-1400
State Senator Steve Southerland (Nashville) 615-741-3851 (Morristown).................................................................................. 587-6167
State Representative David Hawk (Nashville) 615-741-7482 (Greeneville) 639-8146
State Representative Jeremy Faison (Nashville) 615-741-6871 (Cosby) 487-5566
Area Code is 423 throughout, unless otherwise noted.
56 © 2022 The Greeneville Sun
MOSHEIM, TENNESSEE 423-636-0032 |LONGVIEWRANCH.COM Retreats and Camps for Youth Groups, School and Church Groups Day and Over night Summer Camps for ages 6-17. Activities include paintball, river tubing, horseback riding, archery,swimming, sports and more! CAMPS AND RETREATS Register Today! Join the adventure. Located at 190 Bledsoe Hollow Ln. Mosheim, TN 37818
Towne Square Package Store Inc. Wine, Beer& Spirits Store Thank YouFor Your Business Professional Bartending Services THE WELL STOCKED BAR 423.552.3745 Fully Insured 200 WSummer St, Greeneville, TN 37743 • (423) 639-6521