Greene County Partnership Directory 2013

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1993 –2013

Chamber C hamber of Commerce | Economic Development | Tourism Education & Workforce Development | Keep Greene Beautiful

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Photo Courtesy of National Park Service

Chamber of Commerce | Economic Development Education & Workforce Development Tourism | Keep Greene Beautiful Phone: 423-638-4111 | Fax: 423-638-5345 115 Academy Street • Greeneville, Tennessee 37743

Published by: Greeneville Publishing Company 121 W. Summer St., Greeneville, TN 37743 Phone: 423-638-4181 Advertising Sales: Sharon Hughes, Joni Blake Parker, JoAnne Smith, Brenda Weems, Wendy Wilder Composing/Graphic Design: Taunya Blazer, Marie Cox, Melanie Hilliard, Jenna Mays Layout: Jenna Mays Project Coordinators: Vickie Andrew, Steve Harbison, Joni Blake Parker, Artie Wehenkel Printing: Interstate Graphics of Morristown

The information in this directory is carefully gathered and complied to ensure maximum accuracy. The Greene County Partnership and Greeneville Publishing Company cannot, however, guarantee either the correctness of all information furnished nor the complete absence of errors and omissions. Hence, responsibility for same neither can be nor is assumed in order to meet publishing and printing deadlines, the cut-off date for inclusion was November 30, 2012.


Reflections .......................................................... 4 Chairman’s Message ........................................... 8 Partnership Staff ................................................. 9 Executive Committee ....................................... 10 Board of Directors ............................................ 11 Welcome........................................................... 12 Growth & Development .................................. 18 New Business & Members ............................... 30 Housing ............................................................ 32 Health ............................................................. 38 Education ......................................................... 46 Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

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Recreation, Shopping & Entertainment ........... 52 2012 Calendar of Events .................................. 56 Map .................................................................. 57 Information & Demographics .......................... 58 Area Information & Phone Numbers .............. 61 Alphabetical Membership Listing .................... 62 Membership Invitation..................................... 84 2013 Calendar .................................................. 85 Categorical Membership Listing ...................... 86 Advertisers Index ............................................ 123

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 3

It seems like it was only yesterday that a forward-thinking group of Greeneville and Greene County leaders dared to step outside the traditional way of thinking to combine four long-standing community organizations into what has become one of the most results-oriented economic and community development organizations in the country.

Back To The Beginning When the Partnership was formed in 1993, the main focus for the plan of work was undeniable with the unemployment rate standing at a record-breaking 17%. In 1998, less than five years later, local unemployment figures dropped to 4%, the lowest in Greene County in 25 years.

In forming the Greene County Partnership, they combined the Greene County Chamber of Commerce which was operating out of a small three-room office building with four employees and a budget of $142,000, the former Economic Development Department, headquartered in two small offices at the Greeneville Light and Power Building, the former Tourism Department directed by a part-time volunteer managing a $38,000 budget, and Keep Greene Clean with a full-time director and a budget of $27,000.

To achieve that record in less than five years, the Partnership and its highly acclaimed team of community leaders joined forces with the State of Tennessee and Tennessee Valley Authority to recruit more than a dozen new industries to Greene County – including DTR with 630 employees, Huf with 200 employees, Wal-Mart Distribution with 916 employees and Bundy (now TI Automotive) with 250 employees.

Today—20 years later—the Greene County Partnership owns and occupies one of the most prestigious office complexes in the community and manages an over-all budget of more than one million dollars.

From 1993 to current, the Partnership has been involved in the recruitment of more than 20 industries to the local

By eliminating duplication of human and financial resources, that visionary group of Greene Countians formed an all-inclusive, consensus building organization that helped to rebuild the local economy by creating positive change that made Greeneville/Greene County a more attractive place for business and industry, as well as expand funding through public and private sources to assure that a professional staff, facilities and resources were maintained. One of the organization’s initial efforts was to host a Goals Conference to gain input from every interested individual in the community. Over the course of four years, the Partnership hosted a conference each year, using the community input to determine the direction of the community and the organization. Many of the ideas from those long-ago conferences are becoming realities today, not the least of which is the creation of the city administrator form of government.

4 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

The Chamber of Commerce, once operating on a budget of $142,000, now generates revenues of close to $375,000 each year, which is reflected in increased revenues of all of its major fundraising events and membership investments.

community, as well as assisting approximately 40 existing industries with expansions, all resulting in more than $400 million in capital investment and more than 5,000 jobs. As a result, Greeneville has received national recognition as the “Twelfth Best Small Town in the Nation for Corporate Facilities” by Site Selection magazine, the number two small market in the south for completed new or expanded facilities from 1993 to 2002 by Southern Business & Development magazine, and was ranked 11th best micropolitan in the U.S. for new and expanded industry by Site Selection magazine. Realizing the importance of making local information accessible across the world, the Partnership has this year endeavored to redesign its website, making three linked sites for Economic Development (www.GrowInGreene. com), Tourism (, and the Chamber. The first two websites have been completed, and the Chamber’s site is expected to be complete within the next few months. In addition, www.GreeneCountyProspector. com is available, designed to meet the needs of Site Selection representatives who work directly with companies looking to relocate. While the Economic Development Department was deeply ensconced in recruitment and expansions, each of the other four Partnership departments was setting its own aspirations for high achievement.

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

The most dramatic increase is evidenced in the membership investments of the Partnership. The Chamber’s financials for 1992 revealed total membership investments of approximately $75,000 while the expected revenues for membership this year reflect close to $235,000. Major membership campaigns over the course of the past 20 years have generated untold revenues for Partnership endeavors, increasing membership totals to close to 700 members and earning national recognition for the organization and its volunteer recruiters. The golf tournament, once run on a budget of $6,900, now generates $30,000, and the award-winning Iris Festival, which was a Fall Festival with revenues of $13,754 in the earlier days of the Chamber, now adds more than $32,000 to the budget. The Chamber’s two Leadership programs have provided local leadership training for more than 400 adults and approximately 490 youth over the years. Its Youth Council, involving thousands of teenagers from all local high schools, has provided community service opportunities and other activities which have assisted them in obtaining scholarships and recognition across the region. While maintaining many of its long-promoted programs like the Legislative Luncheon, Farm-City Banquet and other agriculture-related events, Christmas Parade, and Landair Ladies’ Classic, the Chamber has expanded its programs to embrace entrepreneurship, housing an office where individuals aspiring to start new businesses can meet with a Small Business Development representative and receive free consultations and guidance for their future businesses. Partnership endeavors have not only been focused on local efforts, but have reached out to involve all of its departments and the community in regional efforts. One such major

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 5

project was the inclusion of Greeneville and Greene County in the designation of “All-America City” by the National Civic League in 1999. The community was included in the Tri-Cities, Tennessee/Virginia region award in recognition of “achievement through citizen action.” Tourism, now maintaining a full-time director and a budget of more than $150,000 annually, has placed its focus in more recent years on drawing visitors to Greeneville, particularly in sporting and athletic events, realizing millions of dollars in revenues that have enhanced the local economy. Events have included the three-year South Athletic Conference Championships, as well as the two-year National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Women’s Golf National Championships. Numerous publications, electronic promotional videos and hard-copy advertisements have been created by the local department, spreading the “good news” about Greeneville and Greene County. Keep Greene Beautiful has received local, state and national awards for its programs, and continues to maintain a focus on recycling and beautifying the community. This program has involved thousands of volunteers over the years through its Great American Cleanup, Phone Book Recycling, Adopt-A-Greene County Road Program and Conservation Camp designed for local fifth graders. Although the Keep Greene Beautiful budget has not increased dramatically, the placement of the organization under the Partnership umbrella enables KGB to continue expanding its programs designed to teach young people and adults alike about recycling and beautification. The Education & Workforce Development Program, which works to build bridges between our education system and local industries/businesses, began as the Partners In Education effort. Although determining the direction and future programs for this department is an ongoing effort, Education & Workforce Development stands on a very firm base of the accomplishments of the Partners In Education Program. Since the program began in 1995, it has connected

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more than 400 businesses/industries and civic organizations with local school systems through Master Partnerships, the Tennessee Scholar Program, Job Shadowing, Industry Tour In-Services and the Community Resource Bureau. Its Teacher Supply Depot, which opened in January of 2003, has provided free supplies for more than 1,400 teachers with an estimated benefit of more than $110,000. Moving Forward… It has been a tremendously active 20 years, and we raise our cup to salute the individuals and businesses who have volunteered their time, money and efforts to Partnership endeavors. There have been untold benefits to the community from 20 years of effort on behalf of the Partnership, from participation in the drive to renovate a deteriorating downtown to what is now a showplace in the General Morgan Inn & Conference Center, to its drive to recruit more than 20 new industries, assist more than 40 existing industries in expansions, bring visitors to our extraordinary community and improve the overall quality of life for all Greene Countians. We owe a debt of gratitude to those community leaders who “stepped out of the box” 20 years ago to form an organization that only stood to strengthen each of its entities, and we thank the Town of Greeneville, Greene County government, our volunteers and members for joining us in this partnership to make things happen in Greeneville and Greene County. Now… we look to the next 20 years…

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 7

115 Academy Street, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743 Phone: (423) 638-4111 | Fax: (423) 638-5345

Chamber of Commerce | Economic Development | Keep Greene Beautiful Tourism | Education & Workforce Development

As the Greene County Partnership enters its 20th year of operation, we are pleased to offer our 2013 Annual Membership Directory as an excellent introduction to our great community for those who don’t know us yet, and as a valuable source of local information for both new and long-time residents.

The directory also showcases the many active members of the Partnership who have proven through their long-time memberships that when a community works together it can be successful.

The Greene County Partnership was created by the consolidation of four formerly separate community entities and one newly-formed entity – the Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development, Tourism, Keep Greene Beautiful, and Education and Workforce Development. Combining these programs under one leadership structure has allowed each to utilize the resources of the others and to remain viable, contributing, and essential components of our community. Twenty years of Partnership efforts have not only drawn national, state, and regional recognition, but our efforts have established us as a trend-setter in organizational management and design. Numerous communities have visited and continue to contact the Partnership for direction and advice as they seek to create similar organizations in their communities. Designed with a team-approach in all of its efforts, the Partnership joined forces with Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia communities to receive the “All America City” designation in 1999, and our community has received special designations in numerous publications and listings such “The 100 Best Small Towns in America” and economic developmentrelated publications like Site Selection magazine and Southern Business & Development magazine.

For 27 consecutive years, our community received the prestigious Governor’s Three-Star Award. Our community’s growth and development is further evidenced in the numerous awards and designations earned by our city and county school systems and by Tusculum College and Walters State Community College as they prepare for the future with major expansions to their local campuses. We begin the 2013 year watching a major new industry, US Nitrogen, go thought its construction phase with a projected start-up date in the first quarter of 2014. Several existing industries have just completed or announced expansions in the near future. Our prospects for recruitment have been greatly increased with the redesign of the Partnership website into separate sites for Economic Development, for Tourism, and for the Chamber of Commerce, along with the addition of the Greene County Prospector site. Reflecting on the last 20 years, we would be remiss not to recognize the steadfast support provided by the Town of Greeneville, by Greene County, and by hundreds of members and volunteers. And certainly no organization is successful without the efforts of good people; therefore we sincerely thank the staff of the Partnership for their untiring efforts in plotting the course and keeping us moving in the right direction. Now, looking to the next 20 years of the Partnership, we humbly ask for the continued support of all who have made us successful thus far.

We extend a sincere “thank you” to the members and sponsors of this year’s directory. Without your support, this valuable resource tool would not be available. Sincerely, Bill Carroll 2013 Chairman of the Board Greene County Partnership

8 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Left to Right, Standing: Jennifer Reynolds, Keep Greene Beautiful Director/Leadership Director Lori Collins, Accounting/Member Services Vickie Andrew, Vice President of Chamber Operations Ashley Shelton, Economic Development Assistant Tammy Kinser, Tourism Director Seated: Tom Ferguson, President/CEO Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 9

Bill Carroll Chuck Whitfield 2013 Chairman of the Board 2012 Chairman Greeneville Light & Power Laughlin Memorial Hospital

Dr. Nancy Moody Chair-Elect Tusculum College

Brian Click Secretary/Treasurer Andrew Johnson Investment Services

Randy Rumbley Past Chairman DTR Tennessee

Tom Ferguson Greene County Partnership President/CEO

W.T. Daniels Greeneville Mayor

Bob Leonard LMR Plastics Corporation

Bob Cantler General Morgan Inn & Conference Center

Alan Broyles Greene County Mayor

10 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Jerry Ayers

Greene Technology Center

Ken Bailey

Joey Ballard

Greene County General Sessions & Juvenile Court Judge


Brian Bragdon Wal-Mart Transportation

Ben Brooks

McInturff, Milligan & Brooks Insurance

Mike Burns

Greeneville Federal Bank

Tommy Casteel Baileyton Mayor

No Photo Available

Gary Compton

Heritage Community Bank

Daniel Hawk

Consumer Credit Union

Scott Crawford

David Hawk

Hampton Inn

Janet Malone

Summers-Taylor, Inc.

Greeneville Airport Authority

Susan Reid

David Rivers

First Tennessee Development District

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

State Farm Insurance

Satish Hira

State Representative

John Loven

Lisa Crum

American Greetings


Andy Daniels

Main Street: Greeneville Board President

Bobby Holt

Andrew Johnson Bank

Chris Marsh

Marsh Petroleum Oil Co., Inc.

Dr. Hilton Seay

Greene County Commission

John Foster Tusculum Mayor

Genia Johnston

Hometown Realty of Greeneville

Al Giles

Jake Haun


Dr. Vicki Kirk Greene County Board of Education

Farm Service Agency

Robert Kricko Century Link

Barbara Lawson Youth CAT Chair

Ron Metcalfe

Drucilla Miller

Billy Myers

Vera Ann Myers

Dr. Linda Stroud

Artie Wehenkel

Debbie Cornelius Wilson

Daniel Wolcott

Radio of Greeneville

Greeneville City School System

Walters State Community College

The Greeneville Sun

Mosheim Mayor

Parrish Property Management

Myers Pumpkin Patch

Takoma Regional Hospital

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 11

“Greeneville is a community that takes great pride in expanding its cutting-edge technology while carefully preserving its priceless and unique history.”

Welcome to Greene County, Tennessee, a progressive, diversified community nestled in the Appalachian foothills of East Tennessee that abounds with natural scenic beauty, warm friendly people, fascinating history and an unlimited variety of outdoor activities. Greene County is a community that takes great pride in expanding its cutting-edge technology while carefully preserving its priceless and unique history. The graceful blending of the future and past make it a truly extraordinary community. This fact has been recognized in several publications, including the “The 50 Best Small Southern Towns” in 2001 12 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

and 2008, “The 100 Best Small Towns in America,” in which Greeneville was ranked first in the state and 39th in the nation; “Top Mountain Towns Guidebook” in 2005; “Boomtown USA” in which Greeneville was one of only three Tennessee towns to be recognized and named to the top 100 small communities in the U.S. in 2004; “America’s Most Charming Towns & Villages,” 2001; and the “Twelfth Best Small Town in the Nation for Corporate Facilities” by Site Selection magazine in 2001. Southern Business & Development magazine ranked Greeneville and Greene County the number two small market in the south in 2002 for completed new or expanded facilities from 1993 to 2002. In 2005, Greeneville was ranked 11th best micropolitan in the United States for new and expanded © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

industry by Site Selection magazine. In 2012 Greeneville was listed among the 213 “Playful City USA” Communities by non-profit organization KaBOOM! for efforts to increase play opportunities for children. Established in 1783, Greeneville is the second oldest town in the state and has a rich history that draws thousands of tourists each year. Visitors may revel in viewing the actual homes and personal items of Andrew Johnson, a Greeneville tailor who rose up through the political ranks to become the 17th President of the U.S., or tour Davy Crockett Birthplace State Park for an insight to the wilderness trailblazer who later served as a congressman for the state of Tennessee. Visitors find Greene County’s diversity very evident from its well-placed and immaculate manufacturing areas to its renovated downtown historic areas and its rural settings of rolling landscapes with manicured crops in season against majestic mountain backgrounds. More than 90 manufacturers are located in Greene County, many of which sit side by side to farming operations. More than 229,204 acres are farmed by Greene County farm families and annually provide approximately $76,725,000 in income, and more than $460 million in economic benefit to the local economy. Greene County is ranked number one in the state in its number of beef and dairy cattle and in all hay other than alfalfa (75,000 acres harvested), number two in alfalfa hay with more than 2,600 acres harvested, number three in burley pounds produced and number six in burley tobacco acreage. A trip through the downtown area reveals churches that have continued to serve congregations since their construction in the 1700s and 1800s, as well as gracious antebellum homes carefully restored and surrounded by historically significant landmarks. On the courthouse lawn, both Confederate and Union soldiers are memorialized, and the façade of one downtown church is marked with a cannonball, evidence of a Civil War skirmish there.

Marguerite (Margarette) Falls is only one example of Greene County’s scenic beauty. Located in the Nolichuckey/Unaka Ranger District in southern Greene County, the waterfall is fan-shaped and drops about 50 feet, cascading over stair-step rocks. The Marguerite Falls Trail rises about 500 feet through hardwoods and a gorge with sandstone cliffs, and just before reaching the falls, it offers a good view of Cathedral Rock – an impressive projection from the cliffs.

One of the community’s most significant historic sites is the Andrew Johnson Historic Site, which includes the tailor shop where he earned a living before entering politics, two of his homes, a replica of his birthplace and the cemetery where he and his family are buried. During 2008, the community observed the bicentennial of Andrew Johnson’s birth with numerous events and celebrations.

“Showplace of the South.” The 1821 home, built by William Dickson as a wedding gift to his daughter, was host to such visitors as President Andrew Jackson, President James K. Polk, Henry Clay and the Marquis de LaFayette. History records that John Hunt Morgan, a Confederate Civil War general, was surrounded by Union troops while an overnight guest there, and was killed while trying to hide at the nearby Episcopal Church. During the Civil War, both Union and Confederate armies used this house as headquarters.

In close proximity to the historic site is Greeneville’s General Morgan Inn and Conference Center, which was created through a $15 million renovation of four old railroad hotels in the heart of the historic district.

Davy Crockett is memorialized through the Davy Crockett Birthplace State Park in the Limestone area of the community. The replica of the cabin where Crockett was born is centrally located in the park.

Located in the same block as the General Morgan Inn is the historic Dickson-Williams Mansion, once known as the

In 2009, state and local tourism officials unveiled markers for six local historic sites, making Greene County the second

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 13

Doak House

community in the state to participate in this Civil War Trails Program. The sites are as follows: • Battle of Blue Springs — Mosheim area • Death of General John Hunt Morgan — downtown historic Greeneville • Dickson-Williams Mansion — downtown historic Greeneville • Hangings at the Depot — downtown historic Greeneville • Pottertown Bridge Burners — Mosheim area • President Andrew Johnson Museum & Library — Tusculum College campus For more information on these sites, contact the Partnership at 423-638-4111. Nestled in among the brick sidewalks of downtown Greeneville in close proximity to the community’s Nathanael Greene Museum is a unique attraction for history lovers. City Garage Car Museum was founded in 2008 by Kent Bewley, a Greeneville native whose family has been in the automobile business since 1937. The museum features a special section devoted to the Bewley Motor Company with original signs and dealer tags displayed, a NASCAR section with the Number 4 Kodak Chevrolet driven by Sterling Martin which was on display at Daytona in the NASCAR Headquarters for an entire year, and a diverse collection of cars from the 1914 Ford Brass T Model to a 1971 DeTomaso Pantera Sports Car.

Tusculum College

Dickson-Williams Mansion

Greene County Courthouse

14 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Other historical points of interest in the community include: • Bicentennial Park and Big Spring, which prompted pioneers to settle in Greeneville around 1780 and served as the major water supply of Greeneville for more than 150 years • Old Greene County Gaol, built in 1882 • Old Harmony Graveyard, Greeneville’s earliest cemetery, dating from the 1790s. Interred here are soldiers from four of America’s wars, the American Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican War and both Union and Confederate soldiers from the American Civil War • State of Franklin Capitol, a replica of the capitol of the State of Franklin when Greeneville was the seat of government, 1785-1788 • Greeneville Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which has a cannonball in the façade, bearing witness to the church being shelled on September 4, 1864, the day General John H. Morgan was killed across the street • St. James Episcopal Church, completed in 1850, noted for its walnut woodwork and pews, slave gallery and the oldest organ in the state of Tennessee • Nathanael Greene Museum, an interactive museum showcasing Greeneville’s and Greene County’s rich heritage, from John Sevier and Davy Crockett to Mordecai Lincoln and President Andrew Johnson • Tusculum College, the oldest college in Tennessee and the oldest college west of the Allegheny Mountains. The college houses the President Andrew Johnson Museum & Library, which contains the personal library and papers of the Johnson family © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

• Doak House Museum, home of Samuel Doak, frontier Presbyterian minister and educator who founded Tusculum College • New Hope Quaker Meeting House, built in 1795 and restored in 1866, the cemetery contains some of the oldest graves in the county • St. James Lutheran Church, which was reconstructed in 1811, has graves of Revolutionary War soldiers in its cemetery • Bible Covered Bridge, Warrensburg, built in 1921 and restored in 2004 through a grant from the Tennessee Department of Transportation With its central location in the eastern United States, the county is within a day’s drive of more than 70% of the country’s population. Greene County is accessible by Interstate 81, within 50 miles of I-40, I-75 and I-26, and is served by U.S. Highways 11E and 321 and TN 34, 70, 93 and 107. The Greeneville/Greene County Municipal Airport serves the community, and the Tri-Cities Regional Airport in Johnson City and McGhee Tyson Airport in Knoxville are within an hour’s drive. The county is populated by 70,120 residents, 15,342 of those residing within the city limits of Greeneville. With four distinct seasons, the average annual temperature is 57 degrees Fahrenheit. The county’s main industries are manufacturing, agriculture and tourism. Annual events in the community include the Antique Appraisal Fair & Show in February, the Tiny Day/Red Edmonds Memorial Softball Tournament for high school girls in April, the Iris Festival in May, the Downtown Cruise-In in June, the Greene County Fair in August, Halloween Happenings in October, the Greeneville Woman’s Club Holiday Bazaar in November, and the Landair Ladies’ Classic Basketball Tournament and Greeneville Christmas Parade in December. In 2010, the Tourism Department was awarded the 201112 National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Women’s Golf National Championships. The community hosted the event in May of 2012 with 144 players, their coaches, staff, parents and fans. The event provided an increase in lodging tax for the month of May, as well as an increase in sales tax revenue. Tourism also hosted the NAIA Fall Preview in October of 2011 with 14 teams from eight states. In February of 2012, the Tourism Department Sports Council was awarded the 2012-2014 AAU Golf National Championships. Held in July, the event hosted 52 players from five states in 2012 and offered seven different age categories, as well as a long drive and putting contest, a players’ banquet and awards. © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Information on events is available through the Greene County Partnership and its Tourism Department. The Tourism Department also promotes conventions and assists with coordination of the events, as well as lodging for groups up to 300 at the local convention center and at other meeting sites. In addition, the Tourism Department has two videos, one an eight-minute promotional DVD on the community that is available at the Partnership offices, 115 Academy St., and a three-minute “Tales & Trails” video that is available on, as well as the Partnership’s website, www. An “Antiques Trail” brochure featuring local antique stores and local museums is also available, as well as the 2012-13 Visitor Guide and locator map. In September of 2012, Tourism launched its new website, www. which provides compelling, engaging website graphics and videos that showcase the community’s extensive beauty and historical aspects. The new site also offers mapping integration that didn’t exist on the previous site such as an interactive Google map associated with each lodging facility’s listing. Site maps of local sporting venues have also been added to assist in Tourism marketing efforts. Several promotional brochures have been created, including the “Civil War Trails in Greene County,” the “Civil War Bike Trail,” a 14-mile trail that features the historic Bridge Burners, the “Top 40 Daytrips,” and the “Sunnyside Trail” which highlights Highway 321 and the unique businesses and establishment along that route. For information on Greeneville and Greene County events and activities, a Calendar of Events is maintained on the Partnership website where visitors and residents can find out about community events, as well as all Partnership events. Keep Greene Beautiful (KGB), a Keep America Beautiful affiliate, was formed in April of 1986 to improve the appearance of Greeneville and Greene County. Keep Greene Beautiful works to achieve its goal of a cleaner and more beautiful community through educating children and adults on the importance of litter control and solid-waste practices. The organization is dedicated to maintaining a continuing litter control program, to promoting public interest in maintenance of a clean and beautiful environment, and to instilling environmental and solid waste management ethics. Led by an advisory board that includes 24 members, Keep Greene Beautiful’s numerous programs involve thousands of volunteers each year. Local students are presented educational programs, such as “The Talking Tree,” and are also provided environmental camps, conservation camp, water and air education and waste reduction practice programs. The organization also gives community outreach presentations and assists with the Regional Environmental Conference. 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 15

Recreational opportunities in the community are numerous, including golf, hiking, fishing, camping, boating, white water rafting and programs through the local Parks and Recreation Department, the Boys & Girls Club of Greeneville and the YMCA. Indoor pursuits include movies, theater performances, bowling, shopping and more. A key element in the success of the community’s growth and development is the fact that both city and county governments join forces with the Greene County Partnership to procure new industries and businesses. The Industrial Park Agency oversees two industrial parks, which are owned by Greeneville and Greene County. Greene County is governed by a 21-member elected county commission and a county mayor, who meet monthly. All are elected to four-year terms, and the county mayor serves full time on a salaried basis as the senior administrator and chief financial officer for the county. The Greene County Planning Commission administers land-use planning, including making recommendations to the full county commission on zoning matters, and has approval authority over subdivisions that are outside the jurisdictions of the various municipal governments. Within Greene County are the four municipalities of Greeneville, Baileyton, Mosheim and Tusculum, each operating with its own governmental body. Greeneville, the county seat, operates under a city administrator and is governed by an elected board of mayor and four aldermen, who serve on a part-time basis, usually meeting twice a month. The members also serve on various municipal boards and commissions. The mayor is the chief executive officer of the town.

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Subdivision matters for Greeneville and for Greeneville’s Urban Growth Area, which extends beyond the city limits, are administered by the Greeneville Regional Planning Commission, whose members are appointed by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. Mosheim and Baileyton are governed by their own boards who meet once a month. Mosheim has a mayor and four aldermen, and Baileyton has a mayor, a vice mayor and three aldermen, all of whom serve four-year terms. Both towns have appointed planning commissions. The city of Tusculum elects three commissioners, each to a fouryear term. The commissioners choose one of their number to serve as mayor for a two-year term, and the commission meets monthly. Tusculum also has an appointed planning commission. Now in its eighteenth year of operation, Greene County 911 dispatches calls for the Greeneville Fire Department, 15 rural volunteer fire departments, the Emergency Medical Services and Greeneville Emergency & Rescue Squad. Lawenforcement-related calls are dispatched to the appropriate agencies through the 911 office. All new residents and business owners are urged to contact 911 to obtain verified addresses, which become their mailing addresses and their emergency 911 locators. These addresses assure the fastest possible response to emergencies. Local residents are also urged to prominently display their house numbers on their mailboxes, residences or places of business to assist in locating emergency sites. For more information on the different aspects of the community, please continue reading our directory. Greene County welcomes you!

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

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2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 17

“Despite the economic recession of the past few years, efforts continue to bring new industry into the area, as well as assist companies with expansions.”

During the 1990s, growth and development in the Greene County area were extraordinary, surpassing all expectations and drawing both regional and national media recognition for the community.

New industry locations and expansions during that period resulted in thousands of new jobs, and hundreds of millions in capital investments, providing a major economic boost to the local economy.

With the formation of the Greene County Partnership in 1993, numerous manufacturing firms located or expanded existing facilities in the community, resulting in the opening of new lodging facilities, retail businesses and restaurants.

The effect of this phenomenal growth is reflected in all aspects of the community – from industrial facilities to educational institutions, and there is a pro-active focus on business retention and existing industry expansion.

The community’s diverse industrial base of more than 90 industries manufactures a variety of products – from skyscraper trusses and rollover cabs for heavy construction equipment to various automotive components.

Local industries are among the largest employers in the community, including Wal-Mart Logistics, American Greetings, DTR Tennessee and Angus-Palm Industries. DTR is a manufacturer of automotive parts, American Greetings

18 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

specializes in printed and packaged gift wrap, and Angus-Palm produces cabs and roll-over protective systems. Despite the economic recession of the past few years, efforts continue to bring new industry into the area, as well as assist companies with expansions. During the past year, Angus-Palm, Bossard, The Donaldson Company, DTR Tennessee, Huf North America, J&J Warehousing, Parker Hannifin, Premium Waters, Jarden Zinc Products, Jost, Miller Industries and Packaging Services have been among the local companies that have announced expansions that will impact the local economy in both capital investments and job creation. Angus-Palm has had two expansions involving $4 million in capital investment and a total of 160 new jobs. Bossard completed a 48,000 square-foot expansion of their facility on Industrial Road and added 10 new jobs, while The Donaldson Company added 80 jobs. DTR Tennessee is now working on a 90,000 square-foot expansion which will result in 15 new jobs and a capital investment of $12 million. One hundred new jobs will result from the Huf North America expansion involving a $20 million capital investment. J&J Warehousing announced an expansion last year involving $1.5 million in capital investment and 37 new jobs. They have now added 13 additional new jobs. Parker Hannifin’s expansion will create 80 to 100 jobs over the next three years.

The Partnership has also initiated programs that could pay long-term benefits to the local economy. One is opening and operating the Greene County Partnership Small Business Resource Center which provides area residents the opportunity to gain access to information on starting their own businesses. Classes and seminars have served more than 33 area individuals in 2012, and more than 37 hours in one-on-one counseling sessions were provided last year at the Partnership offices. The Small Business Development Center from East Tennessee State University provides training and counseling. In late 2011, the Partnership’s completed the redesign of its economic development website, www.GrowInGreene. com. The new website helps to promote Greene County to businesses and companies that are looking for location options. Because location searches typically start online, a modern, feature-rich website is needed to meet the needs of businesses and location consultants. The website now features up-to-date information on labor and workforce, incentives and operating costs, as well as information on transportation, infrastructure and more. This was the first of a three-part redesign of the Partnership website, which, when completed, will provide three linked websites, one for economic development, one for

In 2012, approval of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) was granted by both the city and county to Steve Johnson for his retail development plan for the former Wal-Mart Store building area off the East Andrew Johnson Highway. Original plans for the property called for a grocery chain and a national home furnishing/apparel store in the existing building. The development is projected to create 100 jobs and generate $26 million in annual retail sales. Work is progressing on the existing building and a commitment has been made by Food City to locate in that area. Construction of the US Nitrogen plant continues, but the projected capital investment of $190 million has increased to $220 million. When completed the plant will provide 80 high-paying jobs, and initial figures on jobs available in the construction phase of the project have increased to 200. Plans call for the plant to open in the first quarter of 2014. In 2009, the Greeneville Regional Planning Commission adopted a 20-year comprehensive plan for future development of land and transportation facilities. Its objective is to “serve as a guide for ‘accomplishing a coordinated adjusted and harmonious development of the municipality which will, in accordance with existing and future needs, best promote public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare as well as efficiency and economy in the process of development.’” © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

y in western Greene Construction continues on the US Nitrogen facilit er of 2014. quart first the in p County with a projected startu

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 19

The Greene County Partnership received an “Award of Superior” for its website,, at the Communication Awards Ceremony during the 2012 Southern Economic Development Council (SEDC) Annual Conference in August 2011 in Myrtle Beach, SC.

The Donaldson Company announced an expansion in 2011 that created a capital investment of a couple million dollars and resulted in the addition of 80 new positions with the company.

tourism ( and a site for the Chamber of Commerce. The tourism site was completed in mid-2012, and the Chamber site is expected to be completed in early 2013. Earlier in the year, economic development launched its innovative GIS website,, providing immediate access through Geographic Information System Software to in-depth information that previously took weeks to research. Information includes dynamic real estate, demographic and industry breakdowns and a database of available properties with images. Local business leader and philanthropist Scott Niswonger announced in 2007 a redevelopment concept for a dramatic revitalization of downtown Greeneville, which is being referred to as “Rediscover Greeneville.” In August of 2011, Walters State Community College unveiled a $20 million expansion plan for its Greeneville Campus, with a large portion of the funding derived from a $9 million capital outlay grant from the Tennessee Board of Regents. The grant represents the largest single state-supported capital outlay appropriation to Walters State in the college’s 41-year history. Architectural renderings for this project show 20 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

an expansive building with facilities for extra classrooms, an auditorium, laboratory spaces and police and fire academies to host trainees from across the state. Local philanthropist Scott Niswonger has agreed to supply approximately $2 million to the project, which will cover the required 15% “match.” In the retail area, the new Wal-Mart Super Center on the Andrew Johnson Highway opened its 223,000 square-foot facility a few years ago, employing more than 480 people. In 2008, Gateway Ford Lincoln Mercury opened its new facility on the Andrew Johnson Highway. Located on a 5.5 acre site, the 30,000 square-foot facility was referred to as the “nicest facility we have in the entire region” by a Ford regional sales manager. The construction of the 155,000 square-foot James H. Quillen U.S. Courthouse in Greeneville a few years ago has added a major uplift to the historic downtown area, and the 2005 opening of the new state-of-the-art 35,000 square-foot Towne Crossings 8 movie facility on the Andrew Johnson Highway with its eight theatre auditoriums was a major addition to the west end of the local bypass. In 2009, Holston United Methodist Home for Children, a 112-year-old Christian organization that provides residential © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

treatment programs for youth, as well as adoption services and foster care, completed a $5 million building and renovation project at the agency’s main campus in Greeneville. The project included major renovations across the campus and the construction of two 10,000 square-foot residence halls. The past few years have seen start-up businesses mushroom across the community – from hair salons and medical-related offices to a wide variety of service-related businesses. Three local businessmen developed an empty building on the Andrew Johnson Highway into a convenience store/gas station, Greeneville Express Mart, and Greeneville’s first Dunkin’ Donuts was completed on the front of the 4-plus acre property in mid-summer of 2010. In preparation for the continued growth and development of the community, the Partnership’s Workforce Development Program is working to face the challenges of addressing both current and future needs for additional well-trained employees for the community and area. The program creates links between schools, businesses, organizations and institutions. A joint project of the Greeneville and Greene County School Systems and the Greene County Partnership, Education & Workforce Development hosted a summit in late 2011, bringing together educators and industry leaders for a planning session to focus on workforce readiness. Through this program, every school in the community has at least one master partner. Other programs include Job and Career Fairs, Job Shadowing, Teacher Supply Depot and Educator Internships.

l-Mart Store area is plan for the former Wa nt me lop eve red n’s et. Plans also call for Steve Johnso from Food City supermark ent tm mi com a h wit y under wa restaurants. additional retailers and

Tusculum College, the oldest college west of the Alleghenies, continues its rapid growth and is recognized as one of the best private liberal arts colleges in the three-state area. In September of 2012, the college received a facilities loan of $39 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the Ronald H. and Verna Meen Center for Science and Math. The loan is for the renovation of current space and construction of the $15.5 million facility. During 2012, Tusculum College began offering a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program with clinical affiliation agreements from both local hospitals to serve as educational sites for their students. In the past decade, the college has raised several million dollars to help build the Niswonger Commons, remodel school dormitories, construct new resident halls and expand all of its major sporting facilities. In addition, the college completed an expansion to its library, which was originally built in 1910, almost tripling the space of the previous facility to more than 34,000 square feet. The expanded library includes six full-size classrooms, eight faculty offices, a conference room and study rooms and a special classroom dedicated to library instruction and information literacy. Local residents are welcome to make © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

To be the best in the business... At Angus-Palm, we are all on the same team, with the same be the best in the business.

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2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 21

During the 2011-2012 school year, 3,164 students were served by the system’s seven schools. Approximately 253 teachers and administrators (five with doctoral degrees, 116 with master’s degrees and 29 with specialist degrees) are among the system’s total of 416 employees.

to host Lodge is now available Clyde Austin 4-H Camp ot vide -fo pro are can squ d 0 an ,00 s, 13 ing w The ne ference and wedd con ts, rea ret ing lud inc a variety of events, s for housing. 16 motel-style bedroom

in-house use of the wealth of knowledge housed in Tusculum’s library, and arrangements may be made to check out books. One of the recent sporting additions at the college is Pioneer Park, a 2,400-seat state-of-the-art stadium on the campus of Tusculum College which is shared by the Tusculum Pioneer baseball team, and serves as the home field for the Greeneville Astros rookie league professional baseball team, part of the Houston Astros’ farm system. A major expansion of the Clyde Austin 4-H Camp was opened in the spring of 2012 with the unveiling of the new $1 million lodge, a 13,000 square-foot facility that can host retreats, conferences, weddings and meetings, as well as provide 16 motel-style bedrooms for housing. The center serves the entire region including surrounding states. As a youth camp, it serves the 33 counties that compose East Tennessee. The project required a $2.2 million investment, more than half of which was provided by the University of Tennessee Extension Service and the rest from private local donors. Both the Greeneville and Greene County school systems have initiated and completed facility expansions and erections during the past few years to address present needs, as well as prepare for the future. Greeneville High School completed its multi-million dollar expansion and renovation project, which includes the 1,150-seat state-of-the-art Niswonger Performing Arts Center that officially opened in December of 2004. Through the school system’s capital improvement plan, all school buildings in the system have been improved and upgraded. 22 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

During the past few years, the city school system has accumulated numerous accolades for its education programs, its faculty and its technology. Awards have included: • The Sylvia Charp Award, the International Society for Technology in Education’s top school system in the nation for technology innovation; • Greeneville High School named the 2008 No Child Left Behind Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education as the only school in the state and one of 320 in the nation; • EastView Elementary School named a Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education; • Hal Henard Elementary School awarded a 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant; • Greeneville Middle School named a 21st Century School of Distinction in the “Technology Excellence” category, a national honor presented by Intel Corporation and Scholastic Administrator magazine; also, named a “Lighthouse School” by Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc., in 2011 • Tusculum View School named a Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence “Lighthouse School”; • The school system recognized as a Sprint Showcase School System for technology; • Achieved the Level II Quality Commitment Award from the Tennessee Center for Performance Excellence. • In 2007, Greeneville High School was recognized by ACT, the college testing organization, as one of only 15 high schools in the state that have demonstrated that high school core courses can be made rigorous and that content can be effectively taught and learned. • With 48 years of continuous accreditation by the Southern Association of College and Schools (SACS), the system was one of 11 school systems in the state in 2007-08 to achieve District Accreditation with the SACS. • The system has achieved Level Two of the Tennessee Center for Performance Excellence Quality Program, based on the Malcolm Baldrige criteria. The Greene County School System employs approximately 535 teachers and administrators in its 11 elementary schools, two middle schools and four high schools, all of which are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Seventy percent of the certified staff members hold advanced degrees. In 2002, the county school system entered into a four-year, $1.155 million partnership with the Niswonger Foundation to begin instrumental music (band) programs. Band has been implemented at Mosheim Middle School, Chuckey-Doak Middle School, West Greene High School and Chuckey-Doak © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

High School. The Niswonger Foundation/Greene County Schools “Spotlight on Learning” partnership provided $1.26 million for the construction of band rooms at North Greene and South Greene High Schools. In the Greene County School System, the new ChuckeyDoak High School opened during the 2003-04 school year with the former high school building operating as Chuckey-Doak Middle School. In addition, a middle school facility at Mosheim is providing more classrooms and a gymnasium for upper grade students. New construction has also added a new football field house/wellness center and an agriculture shop at South Greene High School, a new cafeteria and kitchen and a new wing providing additional classrooms at Ottway Elementary School, a library addition at West Pines Elementary, an agriculture shop and new field house at North Greene High School, a field house at West Greene High School built by the West Greene Booster Club, and a soccer field house at Chuckey-Doak High School. Upgrades at Chuckey-Doak include classroom additions, cafeteria renovation and expansion and renovations to the school gym dressing rooms and restrooms, as well as new dressing rooms and a wellness classroom at the gym. A $1.03 million construction project at West Greene High School in 2011 expanded the school’s cafeteria, added five classrooms and upgraded restrooms. The Greene Technology Center is a joint city and county school systems operation. The center’s presence here has often been cited as influential in helping to recruit industries to the area. The center offers trade programs in welding, machine tool technology, auto mechanics, auto body repair, cosmetology and carpentry. Courses are also offered in computer repair technology and networking, criminal justice, health science, administrative management systems, early childhood education careers and computer-aided drafting (CAD).

Development Board, Tourism and Keep Greene Beautiful, has served as a driving force in the community’s growth and development for the past 20 years. With a strong volunteer base, the Partnership initiates and supports community endeavors aimed at improving the quality of life for residents. Education & Workforce Development is now an essential component of the organization’s programs and the Partnership staff remains committed to the efforts of organizing a strong program for both the state and local community. One of the essential needs of every growing community is capable leadership. With that fact in mind, the Partnership has developed two very strong leadership programs, one for adults and one for youth. Since 1995, more than 407 graduates of the adult leadership program, Leadership Greene County, have completed a year-long series of classes designed to educate and inform future leaders about the community. The Greene County Youth Leadership classes, begun in 1999, have graduated more than 484 local teenagers from all five of the local high schools, with a focus on educating local youth about the numerous aspects of the community. The Partnership also coordinates the Youth Council, which, this year, involves approximately 90 local teenagers in projects that heavily emphasize community service. The Youth Council has been awarded The Greeneville Sun/ Volunteer Center of Greeneville Spirit Award for eight consecutive years. Members performed 27 projects in 201112, resulting in more than 3,231 hours of volunteer service and a return value of $70,398 for the community.

Laughlin Memorial Hospital completed a $26 million expansion in 2004, adding a medical office building for new physicians. Since then, the hospital has built a $19.8 million new five-story addition that houses the first cardiac catheterization laboratory and an outpatient diagnostic center. With an additional 11,000 square-foot renovation project, more than 90,000 square feet have been added to the hospital. Takoma Adventist Hospital was involved in a multimillion dollar expansion and renovation project for several years, adding a new surgical center and new parking area, and work was completed in 2005 on the new $6 million medical office building and the $1.5 million emergency room renovation and expansion. The Greene County Partnership, created in 1993 by consolidating the Chamber of Commerce, Economic © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

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2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 23

A growing number of support services join the Partnership in providing assistance to the industrial and business communities, including utilities, construction, trucking, staffing and communications. Bachman-Bernard Auto Mall is a family owned and operated automobile and truck dealership that provides the automotive needs for Greene, Hawkins, Hamblen, Jefferson, Grainger, Unicoi, Cocke, Washington, Sullivan and Carter counties in Tennessee. They also service Mitchell, Yancey, Madison and Haywood counties in North Carolina. Bachman Bernard is owned by Phil Bachman and Myron Bernard, and has been for more than 40 years.

trial Park has announced an expansion HUF North America in Mount Pleasant Indus will result in 100 new jobs. involving a $20 million capital investment which

Thank You Greene County

Bachman-Bernard has two locations in Greeneville so they can service automotive needs quickly while ensuring that customers receive the best experience that this region has to offer. Bachman-Bernard’s original location is next to Laughlin Memorial Hospital on Bachman Drive. At this location they offer the area’s largest selection of Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Ram trucks. And if it’s an import a customer desires BachmanBernard also offers Nissans at their original location. BachmanBernard is also Tennessee’s oldest Nissan dealer. At Bachman-Bernard’s new location on the Andrew Johnson Highway, they offer a full line of GM vehicles. Choose from Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac and GMC vehicles all at one location. This state-of-the-art dealership not only is a full line GM dealership, but also houses a state-of-the-art body shop to serve customers. Both locations also carry the area’s largest selection of pre-owned cars and trucks for their customer’s choosing. Certified pre-owned vehicles, program vehicles, demonstrators and auction vehicles are stocked to ensure that the customer is able to select the vehicle of their dreams immediately.



The Parker Greeneville facility is not only a world-class manufacturing and assembly site, but it also houses an extensive engineering design group that works to refine existing products and develop new ones. Greene County is a great place to grow. Aerospace • Automation • Climate & Industrial Controls • Filtration • Fluid Connectors • Instrumentation • Seal • Hydraulics

24 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory


Bachman-Bernard has been voted The Greeneville Sun’s “People’s Choice” winner year after year after year by the readers and voters of the local communities. The Best Car, Best Truck, Best Used Cars, Best Used Trucks, Best Oil Changes, Best Transmission Service, Best Auto Body Shop, Best Mechanic and many more awards have been bestowed upon this dealership. Bachman-Bernard’s two locations are only minutes from everywhere, but miles from the pressure. Stop in and see why year after year people say “Bachman-Bernard always goes the extra mile to see their customers smile.” Visit them Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. for sales, or for service Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. To find out more about Bachman-Bernard’s inventory, selection or service visit them from the comfort of home or work © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

24/7 at or and see why they are the dealership that sells, services and stands behind their customer’s automotive needs both today and tomorrow and for many years to come. Parker Hannifin acquired the former TRW manufacturing facility here in 1993 for its Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division, which produces customer-designed components for the turf, agriculture and construction markets. The Hydraulic Pump/ Motor Division is a world leader in the manufacture of orbittype low-speed, high-torque hydraulic motors. The legendary Torqmotor™ has been delivering on its promise of smooth low speed operation and rugged dependability since 1964. Their LSHT motor offering is rounded out by the unique Nichols line of compact, straight shaft motors. Features include stainless steel shafts and thru-shafts for brake or encoder mounting. When used in concert with their hydraulic motors, their axial piston, closed center transmission pumps form highly efficient, cost-effective propulsion systems for vehicles up to 2,000 pounds or more. Off-highway steering systems and high-speed gerotor motors are offered as well. Administration, engineering, marketing and manufacturing are in their 250,000 square-foot facility in Greeneville, TN. Their vertically integrated plant contains its own heat treat furnaces and a fully-equipped metallurgical to ensure the highest quality. Rodefer Moss & Co., PLLC, located at 185 Serral Drive in Greeneville, is a diversified accounting and consulting firm. Rodefer Moss was co-founded by Bob Rodefer and Bill Moss in 1990. Today, the firm has 14 partners, including local partner Curtis Morrison, and Chief Executive Officer Jimmy Rodefer. What began as a 10-employee company back in 1990 has grown in many ways. It began in a small office on Church Street in downtown Greeneville and has now grown to the spacious and quietly elegant 6,500 square-foot building on Serral Drive, located just off the U.S. 11-E Bypass. Since that time, Rodefer Moss has grown to include seven offices throughout Tennessee, Kentucky and Indiana. Rodefer Moss has become a major accounting firm – doing work all over the country – by living its philosophy of “listening better, trying harder, and caring more.” Their client base consists of individuals, public and private companies, non-profit organizations and government entities. Their clients are not concentrated in any one industry; they have numerous financial services, construction, manufacturing, governmental/non-profit, public utilities, and Securities Exchange Commission reporting clients with revenues ranging from $1 million to more than $1 billion. Rodefer Moss serves clients conducting business throughout the United States and around the globe. The Rodefer Moss team of professionals provides their clients with © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Certified Public Accountants · Business Advisors

Your Business Dream Team.

Curtis Morrison

Joyce Whittenburg

Katherine McCormick

Barry Wright

Kenny Benson

• Individual and Business Tax Services • Bookkeeping • Payroll Processing & Return Filings • Tax Planning • Compilations, Reviews & Audits 185 Serral Drive | Greeneville | 423.638.8144 |

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 25

a unique blend of the old and the new, the traditional and the original. Drawing upon a rich heritage, but daring to be better, Rodefer Moss delivers multiple services integrated under one umbrella. The Rodefer Moss family of companies includes several distinctly different, yet carefully blended organizations. The CPA firm formed a solid foundation upon which to build an additional service group: RM Wolff, LLC, offering business valuations, litigation support and investigative accounting services; Epayroll Resource Group, LLC, offering payroll services for companies with one to 1000+ employees; and ASAP, LLC, offering marketing, staffing and bookkeeping services to small business owners.

ment of $12 require a capital invest l wil n sio an exp ot DTR’s 90,000 square -fo new jobs. million and provide 15

“Close Enough Is Not Good Enough”

Quality & Service in the Powder Coating Market 310 T. Elmer Cox Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743

423-787-0057 or 0156 email:

26 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Rodefer Moss & Co, PLLC, is an independent member of the BDO Seidman Alliance of Accounting and Consulting Firms. Through this alliance, Rodefer Moss has direct access to the same technical resources, audit tools and methodology, industry specialists, and world-wide knowledge base utilized by BDO USA, LLP, a top 10 national accounting firm. RPC Specialty Coatings, Inc., a powder coating company originally located in Kingsport, moved to Greeneville in 1994. RPC Specialty Coatings, Inc., provides custom powder coating services to manufacturers locally and nationwide. Ron Jones, owner of RPC, expanded his business in June 2011 moving it to the Mount Pleasant Industrial Park from Hal Henard Road. Operations are now located in a 150,000 square-foot facility at 310 T. Elmer Cox Rd. Jones said he is proud of his business expansion and is excited about future opportunities in Greeneville/Greene County. Even for a company as highly respected as Summers Taylor, Inc., the past year has been a time of extraordinary professional recognition. The widely-known East Tennessee paving and construction company, which is one of Tennessee’s most honored firms, received both state awards and a national award for the quality of its work during 2012. Summers Taylor is in its fourth generation as a familyled enterprise. Founded in 1932 by Lines R. Taylor, who was joined after World War II by son-in-law Robert W. Summers, the Elizabethton-based company has one of its two offices located at 1190 Lonesome Pine Trail just north of Greeneville. Directed for decades by Chairman R.T. “Rab” Summers of Johnson City, the son of the late Robert W. Summers, the family-owned company is currently headed by President Billy Chandler. Mr. Chandler has been a driving force for the company for more than 20 years and plans to retire in April. Rab’s son, Grant, serves as executive vice president and will succeed Chandler as president. © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

The Best... Just Keeps Getting


inner w e m i t 9 essee of Tenn aving P Smoothard Aw

onal A Nati ards P A N n Aw r of 9 Winne Constructio n i Quality

More than 75 years Award Winning Excellence in the Road Building Industry!

SUMMERS TAYLOR INC. Greeneville Office: 423-639-7240

1190 Lonesome Pine Trail • Greeneville, TN 37745

Asphalt Plant Sales: 423-638-3252 Rogersville Highway



Concrete Sales: 423-638-1093 Snapps Ferry Road

The company’s family-oriented influence was reinforced in 1990 when Summers-Taylor, Inc., acquired another widely-known, family-owned business, Greeneville-based Malone Brothers Construction Company, according to Ted Lane Bryant, who serves as Summers-Taylor’s Vice President of Operations. Over the years, Summers-Taylor, Inc., which celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2012, has continued to grow, according to Bryant. “We now have up to 350 employees in peak season,” he said. “We also operate about 100 dump trucks and have diversified heavily into pipe utility and bridge construction in addition to our staples of paving and grading.”

eet at the corner of Moser Str Gas ‘N’ Go gasoline station new a lt bui City d Foo 2, et. In 201 d supermark , near its Snapps Ferry Roa and Tusculum Boulevard

Industrial, Commercial, Construction, Demolition Roll-off Container Services

10-40 Cubic Yard Roll-off Containers Rental: Daily, Monthly, Yearly Industrial Compaction Systems Sales and Rental

Quality & Dependable Service Economical Pricing

Transport Technologies, LLC. P.O. Box 1864 • Greeneville, TN 37744-1864 Phone 423-638-3485 • Fax 423-639-4808 Dispatch 423-638-7949

28 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

The company web site notes that Summers-Taylor is the largest heavy and highway construction contractor in Northeast Tennessee, and is licensed in Virginia and North Carolina as well as Tennessee. Bryant noted that in Greene County, SummersTaylor, Inc., operates an asphalt plant off Lonesome Pine Trail and a concrete plant off Snapps Ferry Road. The company also operates asphalt and concrete plants in Morristown, Blountville, Kingsport and Watauga, Bryant noted. Transport Technologies, LLC, established in 1997, is a transportation division specializing in hauling metal waste, demolition, and construction materials by utilizing roll-off, dump trucks, and tractor-trailers. Mountain Laurel Environmental Corporation was established in 2001 as a waste disposal and recycling division. The company utilizes 110 acres for waste recycling, waste transfer, and a Class IV landfill. Greeneville Iron & Metals, Inc., established in 1946, is a recycling division specializing in recycling scrap iron, metals, and cardboard. They utilize balers, cranes, flatteners, and hydraulic shears to prepare metals for the steel mills and smelters. The three individual companies are family owned and operated; together they have 40 employees. These companies are able to provide a turn-key package to industries for safe environmental recycling and waste disposal. A complete turn-key building tear down/demolition service is offered. This provides multiple services in one economical company. It’s mobile division is called “Scrap Guy.” It is a full service mobile recycling unit that was patented and trademarked, and the concept is believed to be the beginning of a new wave in recycling. There are currently two mobile units up and running with plans of future units. It is fun, clean, credible, and convenient to the customer. Angus-Palm Industries, a division of Worthington Industries, is located at 115 Terry Leonard Drive and manufacturers OEM cabs for a variety of customers including CAT, JCB, Deere, Hitachi, JLG, Nacco, Crown, Kalmar, ETI, Mantis, and Gradall. Angus-Palm has been in Greeneville/ Greene County since 1999 and currently employs 370. © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

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Event Rentals & Towne & Country

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30 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

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Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

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Consumer Credit Union Groundbreaking

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 31

“Whether one’s taste trends toward well-planned subdivisions in closer proximity to the business areas or to secluded serene locations amid mountain surroundings, the choices are there.”

Greene County’s diverse topography offers a wide variety of settings for homeowners – from its downtown bustling streets and avenues to its peaceful rural rolling hills and meadows framed by the surrounding mountains. Prospective homeowners facing one of the most important decisions in their lives have a vast selection of settings and styles from which to choose. Whether one’s taste trends toward wellplanned subdivisions in closer proximity to the business areas or to secluded serene locations amid mountain surroundings, the choices are there. Location is usually a first consideration in the decisionmaking process and Greene County has numerous and varied 32 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

subdivisions to entice prospective buyers. One of Greene County’s newest developments is “The Pointe,” a 115-acre upscale residential project offering approximately 100 scenic lots overlooking the Nolichuckey River. For those with more acreage in mind, the county is rich in property that is available through private owners and land developers. In addition to Greeneville, three municipalities are located within Greene County, Baileyton, Mosheim and Tusculum. Located at the foot of the mountains adjacent to Interstate 81, Baileyton is a small town with a population of 439 residents. Settled in the late 1700s under the name of Laurel Gap, the community is known for its quiet, peaceful community life. © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Most of the local activities are focused on family participation, from church league softball to scouting. The annual horse show is sponsored each July by the Ruritan Club and the United Volunteer Fire Department. The town has two full-time and two part-time policemen, as well as three auxiliary officers. It also has a United Volunteer Fire Department housed in the center of town, and an Emergency Medical Service substation that is staffed 24 hours a day. The town has a medical clinic, bank, campground, restaurants and many other small businesses, as well as a golf course. Baileyton Elementary School is located in the heart of the town and serves as the center of many town activities. Built in the 1930s by the community, it has undergone many renovations and updates throughout the years. The Baileyton Community Chest, chartered in 1952, is a community organization that includes representatives from Baileyton and many small communities surrounding Baileyton. The Community Chest is supported through donations from area churches and individuals and assists families and individuals in time of need. Mosheim was settled in the late 1700s under the name of Blue Springs. The name Mosheim is derived from the Lutheran theologian Von Mosheim, namesake of an early educational facility in the community. With a population of 2,407, Mosheim is a family-oriented town with three banks, several restaurants, motels and small businesses. The town has a fire department and a volunteer fire department that responds to calls outside the town. Mosheim is home to West Greene High School, Mosheim Middle School and Mosheim Elementary School, as well as an Emergency Medical Services substation and a large grocery store. The town has two public parks. The Anna Sue Ward Memorial Children’s Park, owned by Mosheim Central Church, provides a playground complete with equipment for children and a picnic area, and the Mosheim Municipal Park has a walking track, tennis and basketball courts and picnic facilities. The town also has the Mosheim Public Library, which is housed in a 3,300-square-foot facility at 730 Main Street in Mosheim.

Photo provided by Century 21 Legac y Homes available with the charm and character of Greeneville.

Greene Valley Developmental Center, Chuckey-Doak High School, Chuckey-Doak Middle School and Doak Elementary School. The town has two full-time police officers and four auxiliary officers that patrol all streets regularly, as well as a volunteer fire department of 30 firefighters with seven fire vehicles. With a population of 2,708, the city has a mayor, commissioner-city manager form of government. Many cultural and athletic activities are sponsored by Tusculum College, Chuckey-Doak High School, Chuckey-Doak Middle School and Doak Elementary School, most of which are open to the public.

Events held each year in Mosheim include the annual Mosheim Fun Fest in June.

Tusculum Family Park is available for walking, picnics, horseshoe pitching and there is a playground equipped for the handicapped. A relatively new Tusculum Walking and Biking Trail, beginning at the family park, provides more than 3.75 miles of eight-foot wide walking and biking opportunities. Residents are provided free weekly curbside garbage and leaf pickup and free curbside recycling pickup. All streets are paved and lighted.

Tusculum is a picturesque small town with small retail-type businesses and restaurants. It is the home of Tusculum College,

Records show that the town has one of the lowest crime rates in the state. All city-owned properties and rights-

Additional subdivisions are planned in the future to add to the already existing four subdivisions.

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 33

of-way, as well as the family park, are mowed regularly and maintained. Greene County’s team of professional real estate agents is just one of the many community resources available to assist homebuyers in making important decisions. CENTURY 21 LEGACY is still the “Gold Standard of Real Estate” and now, SMARTER, BOLDER, FASTER. Billy Williams started CENTURY 21 LEGACY more than 30 years ago with the highest standards in the industry. Legacy works everyday to instill, maintain and advance these standards throughout the company to ensure that each customer is given the greatest selling or buying experience possible.

Photo provided by Hometown Rea lty of Greeneville Greene County is blessed with amazing mountain views. Hom etown Realty is blessed to have numerous hom es like this one to capture the m!

As a locally owned and operated company, their agents know East Tennessee. They have in-depth knowledge of the market conditions, the neighborhoods, and the people of the community. This, paired with the CENTURY 21 LLC system’s gold standards and superior technological support, provides a dynamic cohesion with success as the only outcome. In addition to being the local choice, CENTURY 21 LEGACY is affiliated with Cartus Referral Group, one of the most recognized names in relocation services. Those moving across cities and states should let Century 21 connect them with friendly, well-trained, and experience referral agents to guide them through the process and help make their moving experiences a little less stressful. Call or visit today – CENTURY 21 LEGACY – 2040 E Andrew Johnson Hwy., Greeneville, TN, 37745 – 423.639.6781 – Greeneville Light and Power System (GL&PS) buys electricity at wholesale from the Tennessee Valley Authority and sells it to 38,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers in Greeneville and Greene County. Call 636-6200 and ask for Customer Service to obtain electric service from GL&PS. Rates can be obtained by visiting Greeneville Light and Power Service offices or by calling Customer Service.





34 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Hometown Realty of Greeneville is celebrating 10 very successful years as Greeneville’s and Greene County’s top pick for all things Real Estate! They attribute their incredible growth and development to their satisfied clients and their continued business. These economic times have been difficult for everyone, but with God’s blessing and their loyal client base, they are proud to say Hometown Realty of Greeneville has grown to take on Hometown Realty Rentals and Hometown Realty Auction. Diversification is the name of the game, regardless of what business one is in, and in order © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

to compete a business must be willing to compensate for the economic changes that will always come. On the long-term side, many of their homeowners needed to cover multiple mortgages, as well as have available a local expert to take care of their homes. Buying investment properties in a down market is a great money maker for investors, and Hometown Realty is happy to extend its services to well beyond the closing. Their clients shared with them the need for quality property management, both from the renter and owner status; thus Hometown Realty Rentals has answered a need. Their business is client and need-driven, with an emphasis on helping clients, regardless of what that need may be. With this in mind, Brad Johnston has added Hometown Realty and Auction to the forefront of the local auction scene, just another way to satisfy their clients. If the private market is not working for a client, then they can open up the auction side and take care of business. With more than 20 years experience in the auction business, Brad brings experience and his hallmark of professionalism to clients. Auctions are an exciting opportunity for sellers to get an immediate result, either in estate sales, court-ordered sales, or perhaps just taking advantage of a great pool of buyers with excellent interest rates. Hometown Realty and Auction has the best possible resources to help their clients get amazing results, Brad Johnston and his 20 years experience in Auctions and Real Estate. Brad has been and continues to be a local leader in this community, as well as a local leader in the real estate business. During the past 10 years, they have had the joy of serving clients like Sheri Bannach who decided to list with Hometown Realty of Greeneville. “I have worked with some good real estate companies in Greeneville, but I have had no experience that has been as positive as the working relationship I had with them,” said Sheri. The commitment to exceed expectations in all matters concerning property and homes is the hallmark of Hometown Realty. They realize when hiring a company to represent clients in the highly competitive real estate market, all the good intentions don’t add up to a satisfied consumer. They are proud of their sales ratio of 52% of their own listings being sold within the company! John and Denise Taylor stated, “Hometown Realty is our real estate agency of choice. We had been searching for property in Tennessee and were fortunate to find Hometown Realty. Ginia and Brad Johnston are both superb and professional realtors.”

A beautiful home

Photo provided by Hometown Realty of with lots of charac Greeneville ter.

Here’s how electricity works in eight words: It’s more comfortable and costs less than gas. Forget the amps and volts and alternating currents. That’s our problem. Your problem is keeping your home comfortable and your costs down. And here, thanks to one of the nation’s lowest electric rates, the obvious solution is a new all-electric home in the energy right® program. It features extra caulking, extra insulation, and high-efficiency heating and cooling. So, compared to gas, not only does it keep your temperatures more consistently comfortable, all year long, it keeps your energy bills at a more comfortable level, too. Just call us for more information about the advantages of new homes in the energy right program. We promise not to give you a science lesson. Just an economics lesson.

Greeneville Light & Power System

Sheri Bannach was also impressed by the professionalism and helpfulness of the staff at Hometown Realty. Hometown Realty agents are not there just to open up houses for viewing or to simply

423-636-6210 • TTD Equipped

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 35

Neighbors you can count on...


Hometown Realty of Greeneville, we treat you like a neighbor, not a number. Come experience the Hometown difference for yourself, we are the small company with BIG results!


514 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville

36 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

put a for-sale sign on the front lawn. “I appreciate how they rolled their sleeves up and got to work. They came in and took fresh new pictures, gave me suggestions on simple improvements, created a virtual tour for their website, and they were always accessible when I needed to communicate,” explained Sheri. Hometown Realty’s advertising budget rivals their largest competitors, and surpasses many. Proof positive that when you’re searching for the “right fit” for your realtor, give Hometown Realty of Greeneville an opportunity. They were voted The Greeneville Sun’s “People’s Choice” Award Winner for Best Real Estate Company. Record-low interest rates and record-low housing prices are renewing interest in the housing market for many people. Now could be the time to sell and buy a new home and earn an even bigger slice of the real estate pie. Whether an individual is a buyer or a seller, or doing both, his or her goal is to get the best financial deal on the home — and often that means having a qualified real estate agent working in his or her corner from Hometown Realty of Greeneville. Hometown Realty agents guide the seller or buyer through a complicated process of legalities and emotional hurdles. God has richly blessed them through their clients, not only at the closing table, but just by having the pleasure to know them. Selective hiring of quality, top-producing, self-motivated realtors makes a total package of complete client satisfaction time and again. Hometown Realty of Greeneville is at the top in sales, remaining in the top two for 10 years; they believe in quality, not quantity of agents to meet their clients’ real estate needs. Their agents are top-producing, multi-million-dollar-sales-achieving agents at the very top in their field, with a combined experience to exceed their clients’ expectations. Owners Brad and Ginia Johnston along with Hilda Pickering, Patricia Quarles, Dianna Holditch, Miranda Myers, Cheryl Fillers, Paul Nellessen, Nellie Metcalfe, and Angie Bailey all work as a team for their clients, making sure they continue to meet all their needs. They offer services in the private residential market to both buyers and sellers, commercial property, vacant land and acreage, and property management; all to better serve their clients! Located in the heart of Greeneville at 514 Tusculum Blvd., Brad and Ginia Johnston chose to be different by design, not by default, and locate Hometown Realty of Greeneville in an historic home just steps from Ye Olde Towne Gate. “I will go out of my way to recommend Hometown Realty in the future,” said Sheri Bannach. Hometown is all about this town, not just the homes, thus the name Hometown Realty of Greeneville. Visit Hometown Realty on the web at or call 423-639-2345. “Come see for yourself why no matter where you’re going, no matter where you roam, you come to realize, there’s just no place like home, Hometown Realty of Greeneville.” © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

One of many hom

Photo provided by Hometown Realty of es listed with Hom Greeneville etown Realty of Gr eeneville.

Keep Greene Beautiful invites you to be a

Partner for a Clean Community! Jennifer Reynolds

Candy Adams Greene County Partnership Greene County Partnership 115 Academy Street 115 Academy Street Greeneville, TN 37743 Greeneville,TN 37743 423-638-4111 423-638-4111

You can make a difference in your community!

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 37

“Health services are enhanced by Greene County’s close proximity to major medical centers in Knoxville and the Tri-Cities area.”

Healthcare needs for the community are met by two hospitals staffed by more than 100 physicians in a variety of specialties, a state-operated residential facility for individuals with developmental disabilities, several nursing homes, assisted living facilities and numerous other healthrelated businesses. In 2007, Laughlin Memorial Hospital became a home base for a medical-evacuation helicopter, enabling the hospital, Mountain States Health Alliance and Wings Air Rescue work to cover points within 125 miles of Greeneville. Health services are enhanced by Greene County’s close proximity to major medical centers in Knoxville and the Tri38 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Cities area. Veterans in the area have close access to the James H. Quillen Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Johnson City, which provides tertiary medical care, surgery and psychiatric services for veterans in surrounding states. Nolachuckey-Holston Area Mental Health Center, a division of Frontier Health, is the area’s leading provider of mental health, substance abuse, and co-occurring services for adults, children and youth, and recovery and vocational rehabilitation services for adults. Outpatient counseling and case management was provided for 9,938 adults, children and youth during fiscal 2012 at Nolachuckey and satellites in Greeneville, Rogersville, and Sneedville.

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Frontier Health provided reduced-fee-scale services totaling $173,640 for 608 residents of Greene, Hawkins and Hancock counties, utilizing diversified funding sources, foundations, grants, fees and support from area United Way agencies and local governments for individuals.

Health, who has served the region since 1957. Services include a residential program for addiction and/or co-occurring disorders, services for the individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, domestic violence victims, youth in crisis, runaways, adolescent group care, foster care and adoption services.

Project BASIC and other children and youth staff have been working with Hancock, Hawkins and Greene County school systems to develop improved communication, referral processes and access to services. During fiscal 2012, 1,394 students received Project BASIC services including Like Skills/Conflict Resolution and early intervention services.

Laughlin Memorial Hospital’s roots can be traced back to November 1939, when Dr. C. B. Laughlin purchased a large house on North Main Street. Dr. Laughlin then converted the building into a small hospital named Laughlin Clinic. Dr. Laughlin welcomed all physicians who wanted to practice there. Seventy years later, Laughlin Memorial Hospital is committed to providing the highest quality medical services and diagnostic medical equipment for its patients.

Frontier Health’s three Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act and SAMHSA grants provided 16 months of door-to-door services offering coping advice for adults and children, information on normal reactions to disaster, and linkage for clean up and counseling. There were 866 families helped with 244 attending group counseling. Other team efforts include educational programs in schools affected and recovery support groups for 2,823 individuals. During fiscal 2012, the psychosocial program in Greeneville provided 2,742 services for 62 individuals and 18 in the employment program. Psychosocial helps individuals achieve their greatest independence as they fully integrate into society, improve quality of life and assist in recovery from effects of psychiatric symptoms and addiction. The program is for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness and co-occurring substance addiction. The rehabilitation program also provides community employment services including vocational planning, job readiness training, placement services, and job coaching. Employment services are provided through funding sources including the Tennessee Department of Vocational Rehabilitation and Ticket to Work. Frontier Health has the region’s only psychiatric Crisis Stabilization Unit. The CSU served 1,537 individuals during fiscal 2012. The agency’s Mobile Crisis Response Services provide 24/7 help for individuals and families experiencing acute emotional and/ or substance abuse problems and provide community response for crises like the April 2011 tornado. Frontier Health regionally serves nearly 60,000 people every year. The Sharing Together to Achieve Resiliency and Success or STARS program for pre-k students is in its second year in Greene County. The program is in cooperation with the Third Judicial District Children’s Advocacy Center and was expanded to Hawkins County. The STARS program addresses aggression, disruptive behavior, concentration and social skills and emotional competence in pre-k youth. Nolachuckey is a division of Frontier Health and has satellites in Greeneville, Rogersville, and Sneedville. Greene County residents have access to all other specialty services provided by Frontier Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Laughlin Memorial Hospital is proud to be among the first 10 percent of hospitals nationwide to achieve the government’s goals for year one of the electronic health records incentive program. This program doesn’t just require that patients have electronic medical records and get doctors to order services electronically, but requires that the system be used in a meaningful manner to potentially improve care outcomes and prevent medication errors. Laughlin is also the first hospital in the East Tennessee region to offer the Vein Viewer. The dreaded vein puncture is made less painful by the latest imaging technology which enables medical


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2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 39

The women’s center is also home to the hospital’s Health Information Library, a free health information resource that provides health and wellness materials to the entire community. The library features nearly 400 books on various subjects including diet and exercise, heart health, cancer, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, neurological conditions, men’s health issues, menopause, pregnancy, parenting, and much more. A large collection of references, current magazines, newsletters, and videos is also maintained. More than 120 revised or new books were recently added to the library.

The dreaded vein puncture is mad

e less painful by Laughlin’s new

Vein Finder.

professionals to see vasculature below the surface of the skin, thus giving them a visual roadmap to the patient’s vessels. The Laughlin Center for Women’s Health, Greeneville’s only comprehensive women’s center, has earned accreditation as a Breast Cancer Center of Excellence. Only 7.6 percent of all breast centers in the nation have been awarded this designation, placing the center among the top in the country. To earn this award, the women’s center participated in rigorous inspections by the American College of Radiology to earn accreditations in digital mammography, breast ultrasound, and stereotactic breast biopsy, leading to the additional Center of Excellence accreditation. The center utilizes Greeneville’s only “direct digital” mammography equipment. Known as the latest and most advanced mammogram technology, direct digital produces superior image quality and is by far the fastest method available, greatly reducing the exam time for the patient. The center boasts two of these units, which further ensures quick and easy patient access. The Center for Women’s Health also utilizes state-of-theart ultrasound equipment to assist in the diagnosis of breast cancer and to perform obstetric and pelvic studies. In addition to mammography accreditation, the center holds accreditations in breast, obstetric, and general ultrasound. The sonographers who perform ultrasound exams have advanced credentials in these areas. The center also performs stereotactic breast biopsies and ultrasound-guided breast biopsies, and offers bone densitometry exams for osteoporosis screening. The accredited women’s center staff works as a team of specialists from a number of medical disciplines to provide timely, effective care, and works in conjunction with the hospital’s nationally-accredited cancer program. Dedicated parking, entrance, and registration, as well as a comfortable and private setting are provided. 40 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

The Laughlin Center for Outpatient Care continues to be a leader in diagnostic imaging technology. Outstanding image quality and diagnostic capabilities are accomplished with a wide array of advanced equipment: Greeneville’s only 3T High Field MRI; 1T High Field Open MRI (advantageous for claustrophobic and large patients); 64-slice CT scanner with “Ambient” audio and video system to aid in patient relaxation during scans; dual-head nuclear medicine cameras; ultrasound imaging (general, vascular, and cardiac studies); and digital x-ray machines. Outpatient laboratory and cardiopulmonary services are also offered at the convenient Center for Outpatient Care. Cardiac CT Calcium Scoring tests are performed in the outpatient center. This a quick and easy test that evaluates the amount of calcium in coronary arteries, commonly known as “hardening of the arteries” - a key indicator of coronary disease and one’s risk of sudden heart attack. No fasting or contrast (xray dye) is required. The Radiation Oncology Center offers the latest treatment technologies including therapies which deliver required doses of radiation with decreased risk of side effects. These therapies include intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) to optimize daily patient positioning, HDR (High Dose Rate) brachytherapy system for qualified lung and gynecological cases and the AcQSim Big Bore CT scanner. “Our CT system offers a great combination of diagnostic precision and patient comfort. It is a powerful cancer-fighting tool that we at Laughlin are pleased to be able to offer our patients and patients from other cancer care centers in the area,” says Dr. John Boys, LMH radiation oncologist. Radiopharmaceuticals for benign and malignant conditions are offered through the Radiation Oncology Center as well as access to clinical research trials. Certain malignancies including thyroid hyperactivity, thyroid cancer, metastatic bone cancer, and refractory non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer, can be treated with radiopharmaceuticals. The Clinac 21iX installed in February 2010 enables the LMH Radiation Oncology Department to surpass technical services available for the foreseeable future. The Clinac 21iX is equipped for Cone Beam CT (CBCT), Rapid Arc technology and has multiple energy capabilities. © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Laughlin’s Cancer Care Program continues to grow. Cancer treatment involves specialists working as a team to carry out the designed course of therapy. The hospital is a member of the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) and maintains a collaboration agreement with the American Cancer Society (ACS). The cancer program received the Accreditation Award with Commendation by the American College of Surgeon’s Commission on Cancer (CoC). The Accreditation Program sets quality-of-care standards for cancer programs and reviews the programs to ensure all standards are met. Only those facilities that voluntarily commit to providing the highest level of quality cancer care and undergo a rigorous evaluation process with review of their performance can earn this accreditation. To maintain the accreditation as a CoC-accredited cancer program, an on-site review must be performed every three years. There are currently more than 1,400 CoC-accredited cancer programs in the U.S. and Puerto Rico that represent close to 25 percent of all hospitals. These selected hospitals diagnose and/or treat 80 percent of newlydiagnosed cancer patients each year. The following areas of service are included in the cancer program: diagnostic, surgical, radiation, and medical oncology treatment, cancer support meetings, patient education and prevention programs, and community resources. Receiving care at a CoC-accredited cancer program ensures that a patient will have access to: • Comprehensive care, including a range of state-of-the-art services and equipment • A multi-specialty team approach to coordinate the best treatment options • Information about ongoing clinical trials and new treatment options • Access to cancer-related information, education, and support • A cancer registry that collects data on type and stage of cancers and treatment results and offers lifelong patient follow-up • Ongoing monitoring and improvement of care • Quality care close to home Laughlin is proud to have been one of four host sites in Greene County for the landmark, historic American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3). The ACS Epidemiology Department recognized Laughlin Cancer Care Program for its efforts and lead champion role in CPS3 for Greene County. Previous cancer prevention studies by the ACS resulted in discovering the link between smoking and lung cancer and certain lifestyle factors associated with increased cancer risks. CPS3 participants assist researchers to better understand the genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that cause or prevent cancer and ultimately save lives. A total of 250 people were enrolled in Greene County for CPS3 August 14-17, 2012. Caring for those in our community continues with the Laughlin Memorial Hospital Wellness Program. This outreach program currently offers classes in Tobacco Cessation, Living with Chronic Conditions, Bariatric Post-Operative Exercise © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Proposed Walking Trail Route Potential Additional Trail Sections

walking trail ntly completed a .9 mile public Laughlin Memorial Hospital rece hospital. that traverses the perimeter of the

Programs, walking incentives, and exercise classes including ZUMBA. The hospital is currently in the third round of the “Biggest Loser” competition with more than 1,900 pounds lost in the first two rounds. A 0.9 mile walking trail is open daily from dawn to dusk for the community to enjoy. Tracy Green, RN, Wellness Director, said, “Hospitals and other medical and healthcare professionals must create comprehensive solutions to meet the needs for wellness, prevention, fitness and ambulatory care in their communities. Promoting healthy lifestyles through hospital-based wellness programs is no longer an option; it has become a necessity of health care delivery. Laughlin Memorial Hospital is proactive in the pursuit of wellness for the residents of Greeneville and Greene County.” “Benny Fitz” is the mascot for the Laughlin Memorial Hospital Wellness Program. He has rock hard abs and a contagious smile! He dances around the room with excitement and puts a smile on the faces of everyone he meets. Benny’s motto is “Bee Fit” and he goes out in the community to teach the “benefits” of good nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. “We wanted to create a mascot that would give a face to our wellness program in Greeneville and Greene County,” said Green. The mascot was made possible through the generosity of Laughlin Memorial Hospital Volunteers. “Benny” made one of his first appearances at a volunteer luncheon at the hospital. He danced into the room to the music of “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” and was enthusiastically received. “Benny” will be attending health screenings, health fairs, schools, and other events that feature Laughlin Memorial Hospital. He is available to appear at local school events and recently participated in an employee Health Fair at John Deere Power Products. Find him on Facebook! 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 41

Get back to

living. You don’t have to stop doing the things you love because of pain, illness or injury. Our state-of-theart rehabilitation services will get you back to the life you love — sooner. • Short-term, outpatient and post-surgical rehabilitation • Physical, occupational and speech therapy • Rehab-to-home program, Ready...Set...Go!

, ith her therapists Shannon Boyd w eII, LPTA ow H d Lisa an /L R T O n, so hn Letitia Clowers-Jo

Success y M d a e R e Pleas next page. e h t n o y r o t S oyd ~ Shannon B

423.639.8131 • 423.639.0803 Fax 725 Crum St., Greeneville, TN 37743

Laughlin Memorial Hospital currently has a physical therapy program operating at one of the local industries to assist employees with proper ergonomics. Ergonomics is the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of the working population. Effective and successful “fits” assure high productivity, avoidance of illness and injury risks, and increased satisfaction among the workforce. The Physical Therapy Department assesses those work-related factors that may pose a risk of musculoskeletal disorders and makes recommendations to alleviate them. Common examples of ergonomic risk factors are found in jobs requiring repetitive, forceful, or prolonged exertions of the hands; frequent or heavy lifting, pushing, pulling, or carrying of heavy objects; and prolonged awkward postures. Vibration and cold may add risk to these work conditions. This is one of the many services that Laughlin Memorial Hospital offers to local industries. The Laughlin Health Care Foundation is a philanthropic and fund development organization serving Laughlin Memorial Hospital and its affiliates, Laughlin Home Health and Laughlin Healthcare Center. Laughlin Health Care Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization, providing a variety of giving programs to meet the individual desires of a donor. The foundation engages donors and volunteers in the support of community-benefit programs. One of the premier programs of the foundation is the Free Visual and Dental Clinic. This program was developed through the Blanche W. Grady Community Service Award. The yearly award honors an individual(s) who worked tirelessly without a lot of recognition. The Grady Award is supported by the Scott Niswonger Family. The clinics are in partnership with the Greene County Health Department and the dental and visual medical professionals in the community. Its mission: Laughlin Memorial Hospital, Inc. and its affiliated agencies have been recognized for commitment to enhancing the health of the community by: • Providing superior services to its patients; • Delivering outstanding value; • Embracing clinical innovations; • Providing exceptional medical and health education; and • Supporting a knowledgeable, skilled and caring medical and employee staff. For more information on all the services offered at Laughlin, visit or see them on Facebook. At Life Care Center of Greeneville, they understand that individual injuries and illnesses need unique treatment. They design customized programs for patients while keeping their current health considerations in mind, and work towards returning them to their maximum or previous level of functioning. Just ask one of their rehab graduates, Shannon Boyd (pictured in our ad on the previous page.) Shannon came to Life Care Center of Greeneville after an automobile accident, and was unable to put any weight on her legs due to the extent of her injuries. She needed intense physical and occupational therapy to regain her independence. Shannon said, © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

eville Sun’s “People’s For the fifth year in a row, Takoma won The Green Work.” and “Most to Place Choice Award” for “Best Hospital,” “Best ess.” Community-Involved Busin

“I knew I had a long, hard road ahead, but thanks to the expertise and encouragement of my rehab team at Life Care, I am now able to walk and I am back home! I was very impressed with what Life Care was able to do for me in their rehab department and I am very thankful for the great care I received!” The services of the rehab department include short-term, outpatient and post-surgical rehabilitation, using physical, occupational and speech therapy. They also offer a rehab-to-home program (Ready, Set, Go!). Upon discharge from the hospital, it is the patient’s choice where they continue their rehabilitation. Their post-acute care services can also include medical rehabilitation, infusion therapy and wound care. A professional interdisciplinary medical staff provides comprehensive programs designed to help each patient reach his or her maximum functioning ability. In many cases, patients are able to return home in less than 30 days and resume their lives as active members of the community. Along with their short-term rehab and post-acute care, Life Care offers long-term, respite and outpatient care. A licensed nursing staff offers 24-hour skilled nursing care. The staff provides close medical supervision, which may include assistance with dressing, bathing, walking, eating and the administration of medication. Laboratory, x-ray, dental care, podiatry and mental health services are available using on-site mobile units and qualified agencies. Inside the facility, spacious private and semi-private resident rooms are tastefully decorated and include telephone and cable hookups. Residents enjoy numerous amenities including transportation to appointments in their wheelchair-accessible van, daily and specialized activities, dietician services, an on-site beauty/barber salon, and pet therapy visits. It is their mission at Life Care Center of Greeneville to be the premier provider of the services they deliver in their community. To learn more about their services, please contact their admissions department at (423) 639-8131, or feel free to drop by anytime for a tour and 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 43

Summit has been serving the Greene County area since 1983 as an independently-owned clinic by Dr. Robert Diez d’Aux, who was joined in 2004 by Dr. Jaime Oakley. After the retirement of Dr. Diez d’Aux, Dr. Craig Schmalzried, was welcomed into the practice. Family Medicine is devoted to comprehensive health care for people of all ages. They deliver a range of acute, chronic and preventive medical care services. In addition to diagnosing and treating illness, they also provide preventive care, including routine checkups, health-risk assessments, immunization and screening tests, and personalized counseling on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Lennie Gillespie (left) and Can di Overholt (right) were hon ored with Takoma’s Crystal Dove Award for outstan ding service by Daniel Wolcott , President & CEO Takoma Regional Hospital.

to see their rehab team in action! They are located at 725 Crum Street in Greeneville. Summit Family Medicine And Occupational Health Services focuses on superior customer service and the highest quality healthcare. Their physicians are there to serve all medical needs.

Jamie G. Oakley, MD, MRO

Craig Schmaizried, MD, MRO

Meeting East Tennessee Primary and preventative care needs!

Greene County’s First Occupational Medicine Clinic • • • • • • •

Certified Medical Review Officer (MRO) Respirator surveillance and OSHA etc. Pre-Placement medical evaluations Work injury care and management Independent, confidential service Drug & Breath Alcohol testing DOT Drug Testing program

1404 Tusculum Boulevard, Laughlin Medical Bldg #3, Suite 2300 Greeneville, TN 37745

639-2161 or 639-6436

44 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Occupational Health Service serves as Greene County’s first occupational medicine clinic. They specialize in: • Work injury care and management • Drug and breath alcohol testing • DOT drug testing program • Certified Medical Review Officer (MRO) • Pre-placement medical evaluations • Respirator surveillance and OSHA, etc. • Independent, confidential service • Onsite industrial visits for random drug and alcohol testing Lost time injuries are very rare in their practice. Billing flexibility and accuracy are extremely important and litigation prevention is by far Occupational Health Services’ most valuable contribution to the employer’s peace of mind. Summit Family Medicine and Occupational Health Services are located at 1404 Tusculum Blvd. in the Laughlin Memorial Hospital Medical Building #3, Suite 2300. 2012 was a year marked with recognition and growth at Takoma Regional Hospital. During the past year, the hospital won several important awards recognizing patient safety initiatives, as well as added several new providers and installed the area’s only breast MRI with biopsy capabilities. The hospital, located on the Asheville Highway, earned an “A” for its hospital safety score, according to the national Leapfrog Group. Takoma was one of only three hospitals in the Tri-Cities to receive the highest mark. Takoma scored an “A” based on survey information provided on 26 patient safety measures that focus on medical errors, medication errors, patient injuries and infections. Takoma joined other well-known centers of excellence, including the prestigious Mayo Clinic, in receiving an “A.” Most United States hospitals – 1,243 – earned a “C” or below. Takoma achieved an elite “Stage 6” designation for excellence in implementing electronic medical record technology that has been proven to increase patient safety. Takoma was one of only © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

three hospitals in Tennessee to achieve this important status. Achieving Stage 6 means that Takoma is almost fully paperless with electronic physician documentation, full clinical decision support and full picture archiving and communications systems available. The hospital has been a regional leader in adopting health information technology, implementing a fully integrated electronic medical record in 2007. Takoma also was the first private hospital in East Tennessee to launch Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) in 2009. The hospital was the first hospital in the area to receive partial federal reimbursement for achieving “Meaningful Use.” A check for $1.3 million was presented to Takoma during a special recognition ceremony with U.S. Congressman Phil Roe in January 2012. Takoma also was named the top performer in safety culture by Adventist Health System, which provides care for four million patients each year at its 43 campuses. Takoma earned the highest percentile of any other hospital in AHS. The hospital won the Premier Supply Chain Excellence Award, recognizing superior supply expense performance, for the third year. Dr. James McKinney, a family practice physician for an amazing 52 years, won the prestigious “Meritorious Service Award” from the Tennessee Hospital Association. He was honored for his dedication to healthcare in Greeneville and Greene County. Takoma also won People’s Choice Awards for “Best Hospital” and “Best Place to Work” for five years in a row, as part of a contest sponsored by The Greeneville Sun. New providers include: • Dr. Leslie Leicht – Dr. Leicht has been named Takoma’s new director of the Center for Inpatient Physical Rehabilitation. She graduated from medical school at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, N.Y. She completed her internship in internal medicine at the University of Connecticut, and performed her residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Dr. Leicht is board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation. • Dr. Brooks Morelock – Dr. Morelock, who was born at Takoma and raised in Greeneville, has joined Takoma as a hospitalist. He received his medical degree from the James Quillen College of Medicine at East Tennessee State University. He performed his internal medicine internship and residency at Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Center in Fort Gordon, Ga. • Dr. Terry Howard – Dr. Howard joined TMA’s family practice group. He received his medical degree from the Kansas City University of Medicine and Bioscience, College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed residencies at Florida Hospital East, the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Worth, and Nova Southeastern University of Health Sciences, Health Profession Division, I Fort Lauderdale-Davie, Fla. His passion is weight loss and smoking cessation. • Dr. Diana Constanza Kooper – Dr. Kooper joined the hospitalists group at Takoma. She is a graduate of the University of South Florida’s College of Medicine. She performed her residency in internal medicine at Tampa General Hospital, James A. Haley Veteran’s Administration Hospital and the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center. Dr. Kooper is board certified in internal medicine. • Jessi Smith – Smith of Afton joined TMA’s family practice as a physician assistant. She graduated from Tusculum College with a biology degree and earned her master’s degree in the physician assistant program from Lincoln Memorial University, DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine in Harrogate. • Heather Olson – Olson, a family nurse practitioner, joined the family medicine practice at TMA. She received her bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Central Florida in Orlando, and her master’s degree in nursing from the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nurse Practitioner program in Hyden, Ky. • Lori Grabner – Grabner is a certified adult and geriatric nurse practitioner, working with the internal medicine practice at TMA. She graduated from Vanderbilt University with a master’s degree in nursing in the dual program of adult and geriatric nursing practitioner. She currently is finishing a doctorate’s degree in the nursing practice program at Vanderbilt. • Dr. Crystal Dyer – Dr. Dyer transitioned from a split practice in family medicine and sports medicine to a fulltime sports medicine practice. Dr. Dyer is board certified in family medicine. She was the first MD graduate of the Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine/Virginia Tech Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship Program in Blacksburg, Va. She is one of the few physicians in the area to utilize manual medicine, a combination of chiropractic medicine, physical therapy and massage therapy, which she combines with traditional medicine. Manual manipulations help restore balance to the entire body, she says, noting that two-thirds of body mass is comprised of bones and muscles. In other important news in 2012, the hospital installed a powerful, new magnetic resonance imaging machine that provides significantly improved images and cuts study times in half for patients. The new MRI also provides patients with the areas only breast MRI with biopsy capabilities. For more information, please visit Takoma’s website at www. or call 423-639-3151. For more information on their physicians or to schedule an appointment, visit www. Also, please visit their Facebook page at 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 45

“Both the Greeneville and Greene County school systems have initiated and completed facility expansions and erections during the past few years to address present needs as well as prepare for the future.”

Through the past century of dramatic growth and development, Greene County and its educational facilities have continued to initiate innovative programs that go beyond traditional classroom standards. A prime example of these forward-thinking initiatives is the Education & Workforce Development Program (formerly Partners In Education Program), a joint venture between the Greeneville City and Greene County school systems and the Greene County Partnership, designed to create linkages between the school systems and area businesses, organizations and institutions to expand and enhance educational opportunities for all students. 46 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Since it was initiated in 1995, this program has connected more than 415 businesses, industries and civic organizations with local school systems through Master Partnerships, the Tennessee Scholar Program, Job Shadowing Day, Industry Tour In-Services and the Community Resource Bureau. All local public schools and two private schools are now reaping major benefits from the 200-plus Master Partnerships that have been formed through the program. One initiative of the Education & Workforce Development Program is the creation of a Teacher Supply Depot. Designed to assist local teachers who frequently purchase items for their classrooms with their own money, the depot accepts donations © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

of supplies from businesses, and, in turn, is open twice a year, allowing local teachers to select free items to be used in their classrooms. Since the depot opened in January of 2003, more than 1,240 teachers have visited the depot, receiving more than $110,000 in free supplies for their classrooms. Greene County is home to Tusculum College, the 28th oldest institution of higher learning in the nation and the oldest in Tennessee. In addition, Walters State Community College, a regional college, has a branch in Greeneville. The Greene County School System provides quality educational experiences and extra-curricular activities to approximately 7,100 students enrolled in pre-kindergarten through grade 12. The basic education and majority of the special education services are delivered through 11 elementary schools, one middle school, and four high schools. All of the elementary schools with the exception of two, Doak Elementary and Chuckey Elementary, enroll students in kindergarten through grade eight. Doak and Chuckey enroll students in kindergarten through grade five. All elementary schools, with the exception of Glenwood, have at least one pre-K classroom, and Mosheim, the largest school in the system, houses both an elementary and middle school. Additional programs located at the Thomas Howard McNeese Education Center include an alternative school, JAF-ROTC, the Early Learning Program (ELP), Bridges to Success, and B.E.S.T. The success of these programs is a direct result of the hard work and dedication of the 561 certified and 326 classified personnel employed by the system. Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities in the areas of sports, academics, and fine arts. Parent volunteers coordinate a booster ball league during the basketball season for students in grades two through five. School teams for football, girls’ volleyball, boys’ and girls’ basketball, softball, and baseball are established for students in grades six through 12. In addition to these sports, high school teams participate in soccer, golf, tennis, and wrestling. Each year, students in the eighth grade are selected to represent each school in a year-long Round Robin academic contest with the culminating final round occurring at the end of April. Teams from each of the four high schools participate in Mock Trial and various content specific academic and vocational contests. Starting in kindergarten, all students receive regular instruction in the subjects of art, music, and physical education. Each spring students in grades K-12 demonstrate their talents at the systemwide art show. Elementary school students perform together in a system-wide choral concert in the spring, and each high school chorus and band performs several times a year for various seasonal events. Students have the opportunity to participate in band beginning in grade six. Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Tusculum College received a facilities loan of $39 million U.S. Department of in 2012 from the Agriculture for the Ronald H. and Vern Science and Math a Meen Center for . The loan is for renovation of curre construction of th nt space, as well e $15.5 million fac as ility.





2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 47

tratS weN a reeraC

Technology is an integral component of all system-wide initiatives for success in the classroom. Students have access to interactive whiteboards, document cameras, interactive response systems, and many other tools that teachers use in an engaging learning environment. High school students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of classes and dual credit options via distance learning on online courses. Students travel to the Greeneville campus of Walters State Community College, as well, to participate in dual credit courses.

status in 2011, and three county schools, North Greene High School, South Greene High School, and Chuckey-Doak Middle School were designated as “reward schools” by the State of Tennessee based on 2011 TCAP and End of Course scores. In 2012 South Greene High School was recognized by the Tennessee Department of Education as a “reward school” in both achievement and growth. The Character Counts program is implemented in all schools to instruct and recognize ethical values and behavior. This program is based on the core values called the “Six Pillars of Character.” The values include trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

Greene County Schools have made great strides in meeting the state requirements of the Tennessee Diploma Project and the First to the Top school reform plan. All students enrolled in the high schools as sophomores understand that they must meet the more rigorous graduation requirements and master the collegeGreene County Schools stay focused on their mission and career-ready standards. The system proposes to strengthen and continue to “build the future one child at a time” by literacy, STEM, and leadership through use of First to the Top providing the individual support needed and maintaining high funds. Their plan is to invest in their teachers and leaders by expectations for all students. The end results for the students are building capacity in reading instruction; STEM instruction, K-12; a joy for learning and the preparedness to enter the workforce or and by building leadership capacity with current leaders, aspiring an institution of higher learning. leaders and academic coaches. Their literacy and STEM focuses sretlTCAP aWand fo tnscores. ecrep 29Walters revO reeraCollege’s c weprimary n a rmission of yind aeR are supported by data, including ACT State? Community Greene and serves offer ĚůĞĮ ƌŝĞŚƚ Ŷŝ ďŽũ Ă Ě Ŷthe Ăůother ƐĞcounties ƚĂƵĚit Ă ƌŐ is ůto ĂĐ ŝŶaffordable ŚĐĞƚ university ĞƚĂƚ^ The system’s high schools have recently received national transfer and workforce-training programs that meet the specific ƐŽschool D year, ďŽNorth ĐĂ:Greene ͘ŶŽ ƟĂƵ ĚĂƌŐand Ĩeconomic Ž ƐŚ ƚŶŽŵneeds džofŝƐthe community. ŶŝŚƚŝǁ attention. During the Ɛ 2009 High educational development ƌasĞaŌBlue Ă ŵ ĂƌSchool. ŐŽƌƉIn Ğ ĐŶĞŝĐ Ɛ ĞƌĮ Ɛ͛Ğ ŐĞůůAssociation ŽĐ ĞŚof ƚ Colleges Ŷŝ Ěand ĞůůSchools, ŽƌŶĞ School was recognized Ribbon addition, Accredited by the Southern North Greene, South Greene, and Chuckey-Doak High sites ͘Schools ƐĞŶŝƌWalters ĂD ͘State ^͘hhas Ğcampus Śƚ ŵ ŽƌinĨ Greeneville, ĞŐƌĂŚĐMorristown, ƐŝĚ ƐŝŚ were recognized by US News and World Reports for excellence Sevierville and Tazewell. The WSCC Greeneville/Greene County and/or improvement in student performance. Campus more Ğ Đŝǀƌ ĞƐ ĞŚƚNorth Ŷŝ Greene ůůƟƐand ƐĂǁ / Ğserves ůŝŚǁ Ğthan ƚĂ1,100 ƚ^ students ƐƌĞƚůenrolled Ăt inĞcredit ƐŽcourses ŚĐ /͞ South Greene were recognized as Title I distinguished schools and more than 2,000 students taking non-credit courses. ŵĂ ƌŐŽrecognized ƌƉ ĞĐinŶTennessee. ĞŝĐƐ ĞƌĮ ĚĞƚŝĚĞƌĐĐĂ ĞŚƚ ĨŽ ĞƐƵĂĐĞď in 2011, two of four ͘high schools seswas sa lc eNational ht dBlue naRibbon emanWalters ybState em on k 100 srprograms osseof fo rpleading ehT offersw more than study South Greene High School awarded to Associate of Ś Science, Arts ͘and ĞǀƌĞƐĞƌ Ă ĞŵŽĐĞď Ğŵ ĚĞƉůĞ ƌŽƐAssociate ŝǀĚĂ of LJD ůůĂAssociate ŵƐ ĞofƌĂ Applied Science degrees and technical certificates.

ŐŶŝŶŝĂŐ ŵĂ / ŽƐ ƌĞƚƐĞŵĞƐ ĚŶŽĐĞƐ LJŵ Ŷŝ ƌĞƚŚŐĮ ĞƌĮ ͘͟ĞŐĞůůŽĐ Ŷŝ ůůThe ƟƐcollege ĞůŝŚ ǁ Ğuniversity ĐŶĞŝƌparallel ĞƉdžprograms Ğ Ğůďthat ĂƵ ůĂǀ provides allow students to complete their first two years of college and then transfer to four-year institutions to complete bachelor degrees. Through the Tennessee Transfer Pathway program, students who complete an associate’s degree from Walters State can transfer seamlessly as juniors to a Tennessee public university. Walters State has also established transfer agreements with four-year private colleges and universities, such as Tusculum College.


!flesr uoY ni tsevnI s County Youth Council wa t for the 2012-13 Greene jec r pro yea vice ool ser sch nity the mu ing The kick-off com s projects dur Kids Program. Numerou for s m. Gift gra al loc pro this the h h wit oug assisting community thr rs of volunteer service to the provide thousands of hou

In addition to university parallel programs, Walters State offers technical education degree and certificate programs that prepare individuals for immediate employment after graduation. The college’s overall job placement rate for technical education graduates is 92 percent in programs such as nursing, respiratory care, law enforcement, fire science, engineering technology and management. The WSCC Greeneville/Greene County Campus is home to two of the college’s premier programs, respiratory care and the


48 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

t r a t S a New r e e r Ca

Ready for a new career? Over 92 percent of Walters ^ƚĂƚĞ ƚĞĐŚŶŝĐĂů ŐƌĂĚƵĂƚĞƐ ůĂŶĚ Ă ũŽď ŝŶ ƚŚĞŝƌ ĮĞůĚ ǁŝƚŚŝŶ Ɛŝdž ŵŽŶƚŚƐ ŽĨ ŐƌĂĚƵĂƟŽŶ͘ :ĂĐŽď DŽƐƐ ĞŶƌŽůůĞĚ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĐŽůůĞŐĞ͛Ɛ ĮƌĞ ƐĐŝĞŶĐĞ ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵ ĂŌĞƌ ŚŝƐ ĚŝƐĐŚĂƌŐĞ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ h͘^͘ DĂƌŝŶĞƐ͘

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Invest in Yourself!

798-7940 798-7940

798-7940 798-7940

East Tennessee Basic Law Enforcement Academy. The college expanded its nursing program to this campus in the fall of 2007 and enrolls 60 nursing students a semester. The campus offers dual enrollment classes for high school juniors and seniors who want to get a head start on their college education. Students can earn both high school and college credit in areas such as English, history, biology, and many other subject areas. Walters State, in partnership with the Greene Technology Center, develops and coordinates adult education programs in Greene County. Courses and programs offered include welding, HVAC, robotic assemblies, forklift, computer technology, lean manufacturing, conversational/business Spanish and industrial electricity. Customized training programs for employees of area businesses and industries are also offered through the WSCC/Greene Technology Center. In addition to providing technical job-training services, the WSCC/ Greene Technology Center offers courses and programs that emphasize important workplace skills such as problemsolving and communication.

training programs and services, Walters State is in the process of enhancing the Greeneville/Greene County Campus. The college will build new space so that it can grow existing programs and services and add new ones. Programs that will be added or expanded as a result of the college’s campus enhancement plan in Greeneville are occupational therapist assistant; physical therapist assistant; pre-allied health embedded certificate; fire science; regional law enforcement academy; and art. The Greeneville City School System consists of four elementary schools, one middle school and one high school serving approximately 2,747 students. The system serves as the fiscal agent for the Greene Technology Center, which provides academic and technical learning opportunities for high school students in Greeneville City and Greene County School Systems. Academic Achievement The long history of academic excellence in Greeneville City Schools continued during the 2011-2012 school year.

To meet the request of Greeneville and Greene County to develop new healthcare, public safety and other workforce

• Greeneville City School System – All A’s in achievement • Hal Henard Elementary – All A’s in both achievement and growth • EastView Elementary – All A’s in achievement

Greeneville/Greene County Area School Information

Greeneville City Schools EastView Elementary Dale Landers, Principal 454 East Bernard Avenue Greeneville, TN 37745 638-6351 Fax: 638-3136 Tusculum View Elementary Pat Donaldson, Principal 1725 Lafayette Street Greeneville, TN 37745 639-2751 Fax: 638-9017 Highland Elementary Brenda Ottinger, Principal 208 North Highland Greeneville, TN 37745 638-3341 Fax: 638-1780

Greeneville High School Patrick Fraley, Principal 210 Tusculum Boulevard Greeneville, TN 37745 787-8030 or 787-8031 Fax: 787-8028

Greene Technology Center Jerry Ayers, Director 1121 Hal Henard Road Greeneville, TN 37743 639-0171 Fax: 639-0176 Director of Schools Greeneville City Schools Dr. Linda Stroud 312 Floral St. P.O. Box 1420 Greeneville, TN 37744-1420 787-8000 Fax: 638-2540

Camp Creek Bill Ripley, Principal 2491 Camp Creek Road Greeneville, TN 37743 798-2644 Fax: 798-0446

Chuckey Catherine McCoy, Principal 1605 Chuckey Highway Chuckey, TN 37641 257-2108 Fax: 257-3938 Chuckey-Doak Michael Garland, Principal 365 Ripley Island Road Afton, TN 37616 798-2636 Fax: 639-5761

Hal Henard Elementary Janet Ricker, Principal 425 East Vann Road Greeneville, TN 37743 638-3511 Fax: 638-2900

Early Learning Program 993 Hal Henard Road Greeneville, TN 37743 639-9812 Greene County Schools

Chuckey-Doak Middle School Amy Brooks, Principal 120 Chuckey Doak Road Afton, TN 37616 787-2038

Greeneville Middle School Heather Boegemann, Principal 433 East Vann Road Greeneville, TN 37743-5499 639-7841 Fax: 639-4112

Baileyton George Frye, Principal 6536 Horton Highway Greeneville, TN 37743 234-6411 Fax: 234-3100

DeBusk Diann Musgrove, Principal 740 DeBusk Road Greeneville, TN 37743 638-7233 Fax: 638-8364

50 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Doak Jennifer Teague, Principal 70 West Street Greeneville, TN 37745 638-3197 Fax: 638-5276

Ottway Tim Shelton, Principal 2705 Ottway Road Greeneville, TN 37743 234-8511 Fax: 234-3281

Glenwood Dr. Gerald Miller, Principal 3860 Warrensburg Road Greeneville, TN 37743 638-7120 Fax: 638-8688

South Greene Cindy Bowman, Principal 7469 Asheville Highway Greeneville, TN 37743 636-3790 Fax: 636-3791

McDonald LeAnn Myers, Principal 8120 McDonald Road Mohawk, TN 37810 235-5406 Fax: 235-7778

West Greene Julia Lamons, Principal 275 West Greene Drive Mosheim, TN 37818 422-4061 Fax: 422-4430

Mosheim Dr. Kristi Wallin, Principal 297 West Street Mosheim, TN 37818 422-4123 Fax: 422-7547 Nolachuckey Chris Malone, Principal 565 Nolachuckey Road Greeneville TN 37743 639-7731 Fax: 639-2659 North Greene David McLain, Principal 4675 Old Baileyton Road Greeneville, TN 37743 234-1752 Fax: 234-3103

West Pines Dr. Tim Harrison, Principal 3500 West Pines Road Greeneville, TN 37743 234-8022 Fax: 234-3109 Greene County Educational Center Angelo Botta, Director 993 Hal Henard Road Greeneville, TN 37743 798-2646 Fax: 787-0715 Director of Schools Greene County Schools Dr. Vicki Kirk 910 West Summer Street Greeneville, TN 37743 639-4194 Fax: 639-1615

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

2011-2012 Academic Awards Greeneville High School - Greeneville City Schools placed on the College Board’s Second Annual AP® District Honor Roll for Significant Gains in Advanced Placement® Access and Student Performance. Greeneville City Schools is one of fewer than 400 public school districts in the nation to be honored by the College Board with a place on the Second Annual AP® Honor Roll, for simultaneously increasing access to Advanced Placement coursework while maintaining or increasing the percentage of students earning scores of three or higher on AP exams. This places GHS in the top three percent of public school districts in the nation to have earned a place on the AP Honor Roll. Tusculum View Elementary was named a “reward school” by the State Department of Education for academic achievement and growth. Reward schools are the top 10 percent of schools in the state based on student performance and progress. Additionally, Tusculum View was named a National Blue Ribbon Reward School for the second year. Additional 2011-2012 Achievements • GHS Class 4A Football State Champion • GHS Boys Cross Country A/AA State Champion • GHS Boys 4 x 800M State Champion • GHS Girls Cross Country A/AA State Runner-up • GCS System was featured in the January 2012 edition of EDTECH Magazine recognizing the fact that GCS was the first K-12 entity in Tennessee to deploy the virtual desktop solution, Citrix. • GHS teacher Crystal Duggar received the Tennessee Academy of Science Outstanding Science Teacher Award. • GHS Band received the Sweepstakes Award from the Tennessee Bandmasters Association for its accomplishments in concert and solo and ensemble. Only six bands across the state received this award. • GHS Vocal Department – All seven choirs received Superior ratings at the J.B. Lyle Regional Choral Festival and at the Tennessee Senior High Choral Festival. Professional Learning In partnership with the Department of Education, Tusculum College, the Niswonger Foundation and the © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Chinese Language Program Through a partnership between Greeneville City Schools and The Confucius Institute at the University of Memphis for three years, local students have benefited from a Chinese Language Program. The partnership offers unique opportunities for the students. Students in grades K-8 experience Mandarin Chinese language and culture. Greeneville High School students have the opportunity to take both Chinese I and II. The Greeneville City Schools administrative offices are located in the Kathryn W. Leonard Office on Depot Street. The building was donated to the school system by the family of Mrs. Leonard, a member of the Greeneville Board of Education for 16 years, in her memory and honor in 2007.

GREENEVILLE CITY SCHOOLS “Cultivate the Mind…Impact the Heart”

VISION To provide a world-class education for all students RECENT ACADEMIC AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACCOMPLISHMENTS Advanced Placement Awards: Greeneville High School (GHS)—Greeneville City Schools placed on the College Board’s Second Annual AP® District Honor Roll for Significant Gains in Advanced Placement® Access and Student Performance which places GHS in the top three percent of public school districts in the nation to have earned a place on the AP Honor Roll. Reward School: Tusculum View Elementary named a Reward School by the State Department of Education for academic achievement and growth (Reward Schools are the top 10% of schools in the state based on student performance and progress.) Blue Ribbon Lighthouse Schools: Tusculum View Elementary named a National Blue Ribbon Reward School for the second year. System and School Achievement: Greeneville City School System —All A’s in achievement Hal Henard Elementary —All A’s in both achievement and growth EastView Elementary —All A’s in achievement Tusculum View Elementary —All A’s in achievement Greeneville Middle School —All A’s in achievement Greeneville High School —97% graduation rate ACT — 2012 composite ACT score for Greeneville High School students was 21.4 with 97% of graduating seniors tested. Greeneville City School System’s composite ACT score is consistently ranked in the top 10 in the state and above the state and nation average. Chinese Language Program: Partnership formed with The Confucius Institute at the University of Memphis - now in its third year. GHS athletic teams participated in and/or won State Championships. District featured in January 2012 edition of EDTECH Magazine for its use of mobile technology in the classroom. GHS Band and Vocal Department received numerous regional and state awards. GREENEVILLE BOARD OF EDUCATION Craig Ogle, Chairman Cindy Luttrell, Vice Chairman Mike Hollowell, Treasurer Jerry Anderson, Member Mark Patterson, Member Parker Mitchell, Student Representative Dr. Linda B. Stroud, Director

Greeneville Greene County Center for Technology Greeneville High School Greeneville Middle School

High School Measures of Achievement and Accountability Greeneville High School (GHS) students scored higher than the state average in all areas of academic achievement. The ACT composite score of 21.4 was higher than the state composite score of 19.2. The system’s composite ACT score is consistently ranked in the top 10 in the state and above the state and national average.

Greeneville City Schools Foundation, Greeneville City Schools operates the Northeast Professional Development Center in Greeneville. In its eighth year of operation, the center continues to be recognized regionally as a provider of high quality learning opportunities. Seventeen school districts in upper East Tennessee are served. Implementation of the Common Core Curriculum has been the unifying focus of professional development during the past year.

EastView Elementary Hal-Henard Elementary Highland Elementary Tusculum View Elementary

• Tusculum View Elementary – All A’s in achievement • Greeneville Middle School: All A’s in achievement • Greeneville High School – 97.4% graduation rate

129 West Depot Street Greeneville, TN 37743 423-787-8000

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 51

As Greeneville and Greene County continue to move forward as a thriving, progressive community, its leaders focus on maintaining its natural surroundings of rolling hills, mountains and rivers while continuing to lead the community into the future with a broad range of creative outlets for cultural pursuits. In addition, a strong emphasis is placed on the economic importance of developing its retail growth to help attract tourism dollars. Recreationally, the community’s wealth knows no bounds with six golf courses and four county, city and state parks. Within Greene County, 25 miles of the Appalachian Trail in the Cherokee National Forest provide opportunities for hiking, biking and horseback riding, as well as camping, fishing, swimming, white water rafting and picnicking. 52 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Located within an hour’s drive, numerous lakes also provide a variety of activities like boating, fishing, swimming and skiing. In 2007, ground was broken for a 10-acre soccer park off the Baileyton Road to provide three regulation soccer fields and one for younger players, 100 parking spaces, concession stands and restrooms. After being awarded a $425,000 grant from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation work continues on the Greeneville/Greene County Sports Complex on Hal Henard Road which will include two ball fields, 177 parking spaces, a concession area and restrooms. A new tennis complex on the Hal Henard Road opened in April of 2007, featuring six hard-surface courts, two clay-surface Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

courts, an office, tennis shop and restrooms. The complex is unique in that it is the only one in eastern Tennessee that has hard surface and clay courts. In addition, Greeneville opened its new 10,000 squarefoot skate park in Hardin Park in 2008. The shopping and dining opportunities in the community are varied – from antiques to clothing on the retail side, to foods such as Mexican, Italian, Japanese and Chinese. Over the course of the past several years, new restaurants, including Fatz, Applebee’s, Zaxby’s and the Gondolier Italian Restaurant have added variety to the local menu. The community’s close proximity to numerous larger towns makes it possible for residents to enjoy an even wider selection of merchandise and menus, as well as cultural pursuits like the International Storytelling Festival, educational trips to such locations as the fivemillion-year-old Gray Fossil Site, and sporting events such as University of Tennessee football and basketball and Bristol Motor Speedway races, which are all accessible within an hour. Greene County also has its own race track in the Volunteer Speedway, which is advertised as the “World’s Fastest Dirt Track.” The 1,150-seat state-of-the-art Niswonger Performing Arts Center at Greeneville High School presents nationallyknown artists in concert and theatre productions on a regular basis. For information on local recreational activities, community events, lodging, restaurants and shopping, including convention sites and arrangements, contact the Greene County Partnership and its Tourism Department. Major events in the community include: The Greene County Partnership’s annual Iris Festival is held each year in May. Having just completed its 18th year, the festival continues to set new attendance records with several thousand in attendance. The event was recognized regionally in 2000 when it received the Northeast Tennessee Tourism Association’s Pinnacle Award for “peak performers.” Also, in 2001 and 2005, the festival was named one of the top 20 May events in the southeast by the Southeast Tourism Society. During the two-day show, guests enjoy all types of quality arts and crafts, a food court, continuing entertainment on two stages, a woodcarver competition and show, a Kids’ Korner and the Miss Iris Festival Pageant. Held each year in August, the Greene County Fair features agriculture and arts and crafts exhibits, as well as well-known entertainers, drawing thousands of visitors. © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

The Cherokee Natio nal Forest offers nu merous opportunit including fishing, sw ies for outdoor activ imming, hiking and ities, camping. This scenic popular site for outd area of Old Forge is oor pursuits. a

The Landair Ladies’ Classic has been recognized by USA Today as one of the top high school girls’ basketball tournaments in the nation. Held the week after Christmas each year, the tournament attracts teams from across the nation for four days of intense competition. These and other events, along with the county’s numerous historic sites, have helped to draw hundreds of thousands of visitors from across the United States and from numerous foreign countries to Greene County. Visitors to Greene County, and its residents, can fill their leisure time with an unlimited number of recreational activities. Camping, swimming, tennis, fishing and golfing are among the many activities that can be enjoyed at the four local parks. Kinser Park, owned by the county, has more than 157 campsites and several tent sites and bathroom facilities. The park also features a miniature golf course, tennis courts, a badminton court, softball diamonds, basketball court, volleyball net, horseshoe pits, swimming pool and a water slide. In addition, a boat ramp is available for fishing in the Nolichuckey River. Hardin Park and Forest Park are both city parks. Hardin, a 55-acre area, features ball fields, picnic areas, playgrounds, tennis courts and an Olympic-size swimming pool, as well as a pond for fishing and feeding the ducks. A second cityoperated swimming pool is located beside the Greeneville Parks and Recreation Offices near Eastview School on Bernard Avenue. 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 53

Forest Park, a five-acre park, is located on Forest Street and designed to attract senior citizens with a picnic area, pavilions, a memorial garden, a walkway and a Wells Fargo-sponsored “Gamefield” exercise system for seniors. Greene County’s state park is the Davy Crockett Birthplace State Park, which claims the site of frontiersman Davy Crockett’s birth. With 105 acres in the Limestone area, the park features a Crockett museum and a monument in his memory and hosts a Crockett Day Celebration each year. In addition, there is a modern campground with pull-through RV/campsites, tent sites, bathhouses, a swimming pool, playground and fishing areas. The Cherokee National Forest area provides opportunities for hiking, camping, fishing, rafting and other outdoor pursuits. Paint Creek, Horse Creek, Old Forge, Houston Valley, Round Mountain and Round Knob are a few of the most popular areas in the county. Recreational facilities in the community include a center beside Eastview Pool, which has a gymnasium, meeting rooms and offices for the Greeneville Parks and Recreation Department; a playground at the Greeneville School System Central Office on Floral Street, and a playground and

gymnasium at the Boys & Girls Club on West Church Street. Legion Field on Summer Street is a baseball park also used for local recreational programs. Both Mosheim and Tusculum maintain their own parks, which offer a variety of activities such as a walking track, pavilions, soccer field and playgrounds. The Greeneville Astros, an Appalachian League affiliate of the Houston Astros, brought professional baseball back to Greeneville in the summer of 2004. Since that time, the Astros have won an Appalachian League Championship and led the league in attendance for nine consecutive years. The Astros play their home games at beautiful Pioneer Park, located on the campus of Tusculum College. A 34game home schedule is played from the middle of June until early September. Fans in attendance will see some of the top prospects drafted and signed by the Houston Astros getting their first experience in professional baseball, but the Astros offer more than just the game. The fun, family-oriented environment offers entertainment to both adults and children through a variety of in-game promotions, fan giveaways and performances by entertainment acts and bands.

• Robert Trent Jones Designed Golf Course • Tennis Facilities • Swimming Pool • Event Planning

• Dining & Banquet Facilities • Open to Non-Members • Enjoy the Exclusive Setting with Majestic Mountain Views

For Membership Information, Please Call Link Hills Country Club (423) 638-3114 or visit

Link Hills Country Club 54 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

In addition, each day of the week has its own nightly promotion including the always popular Friday Night Fireworks. For season tickets or corporate sponsorship opportunities, call 423-638-0411 or visit for more information. Link Hills Country Club is a full-service, family-oriented, and membership-owned country club located just minutes from downtown Greeneville. The club has been proudly serving the needs of its members for more than 50 years. Those looking for a place to entertain, enjoy the outdoors, host a corporate event, meet new friends, or simply a nice place to have dinner, Link Hills Country Club is perfect. It offers the area’s premier Robert Trent Jones-designed golf course, a flourishing tennis program, summer swimming, year-round dining and banquet facilities and full time event planning services, as well as many social and family events. Link Hills Country Club truly has something for everyone. Link Hills invites those interested to contact them about membership opportunities or visit for more details. Link Hills Country Club, 1325 E. Allens Bridge Rd., Greeneville, TN 37743, Phone: 423-638-3114, Fax: 423-638-9036 Jones Media, Inc. ( JMI), is a fourth-generation, familyowned business that has always been headquartered in Greeneville. Its flagship newspaper has always been The Greeneville Sun, a combination of what had been three weekly newspapers: The Greeneville Sun, The Searchlight, and The Greeneville Democrat. The earliest of the three was The Greeneville Democrat, which dates to 1879. Mrs. Edith O’Keefe Susong acquired The Greeneville Democrat in 1916. By 1920 she was able, with the help of her parents, William Henry and Quincy Marshall O’Keefe, to buy the other two weeklies, consolidate them, and move to daily publication. Mrs. Susong served as publisher of The Greeneville Democrat from 1916 to 1920, as publisher of The Greeneville Democrat-Sun from 1920 to 1930, and as publisher of The Greeneville Sun from 1930 until her death in 1974, at the age of 84. She was always a very active force in the newspaper and in the community. Her mother, Quincy Marshall O’Keefe, became the editor (in effect, the editorial page editor) of The Greeneville Democrat-Sun/The Greeneville Sun in 1920, and continued in that role until the mid-1950s. Mrs. O’Keefe was widely admired for her editorials and her personal columns. In 1940, Mrs. Susong’s daughter, Arne, married John M. Jones, III, of Sweetwater, Tenn. After serving in World War II, Mr. Jones returned to Tennessee in late 1945 and agreed to help his mother-in-law with the Sun on a trial basis although © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

he had no previous newspaper background. He discovered that he loved newspapering, and he and Mrs. Susong soon became equal partners in the business. More than 65 years later, he still loves newspapering. For several decades, he led the company through a period of significant growth, including the acquisition of most of JMI’s current subsidiaries. He served as the company’s president until 2001, when he was succeeded in that position by one of his three sons, Gregg K. Jones. Today, Jones Media, Inc. is an integrated media company, which is led by the five children of John M. and Arne Susong Jones. All are active members of the JMI board of directors, and two of the five provide daily leadership to the company, as does a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The formation of Jones Media, Inc., as the corporate parent has enabled the company to strengthen its strategic planning on both an overall, consolidated level, and for each subsidiary. With approximately 400 employees, JMI publishes more than a dozen community newspapers in East Tennessee and western North Carolina, while simultaneously developing new products and services to meet the needs of readers and advertisers in the digital age.

We are Lions

Lions are hands-on individuals with more volunteers in more places than any other service organization in the world. We meet the needs of those in our own communities as well as around the world, and we have fun doing it.

We Serve

Though Lions are well known for successful initiatives in vision health, Lions service is as diverse as our members. Lions participate in many projects ranging from building a park to beautify a community to providing victims of natural disasters with relief supplies.

The Greeneville Lions Club needs you. Call 823-0552 for membership information or join us at one of our weekly meetings at Ryan’s every Thursday at noon.

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 55

Greene County Partnership Annual Meeting Education & Workforce Development Teacher Supply Depot Opening

Education & Workforce Development Job Shadowing Antique Appraisal Fair & Show

Greene County Partnership Legislative Luncheon Great American Cleanup Kickoff Arbor Day Celebration Regional Environmental Conference

Keep Greene Beautiful “Swing Into Spring” Golf Tournament Tiny Day/Red Edmonds Memorial Softball Tournament Education & Workforce Development Appreciation Breakfast

Kids’ Day on the Farm Greene County Youth Leadership Graduation Iris Festival National Tourism Week Industry Appreciation Event Youth Council Awards Banquet

June Dairy Day Celebration Keep Greene Beautiful/CenturyLink Telephone Book Recycling Contest

56 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

National Clean Boating Event Education & Workforce Development Summer Educator In-Service Teacher Supply Depot Opening AAU Golf National Championships

Greene County Fair Greene County Partnership Golf Shootout Leadership Greene County Retreat Greene County Youth Leadership Retreat Leadership Greene County Graduation

Greene County Youth Council Retreat Keep Greene Beautiful Fifth Grade Conservation Camp International Housekeeping Week World Tourism Day Beef Day Celebration Buggin’ for a Cure VW Car Show

Keep Greene Beautiful 3-Mile Walk

America Recycles Month Agribusiness Committee Farm-City Banquet

Greeneville Christmas Parade Greene County Partnership Christmas Luncheon Landair Ladies’ Classic Basketball Tournament Keep Greene Beautiful/Greeneville Light & Power System Holiday Lighting Contest Keep Greene Beautiful Sanitation Appreciation Breakfast

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun


To Morristown & Knoxville












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Andrew Johnson National Cemetery Andrew Johnson Visitors Center Bewley’s City Garage Car Museum Bible Covered Bridge Broyles General Store Davy Crockett Birthplace State Park Dickson-Williams Mansion Doak House Greene County Court House Greeneville Astros Homestead (Andrew Johnson)v I-81 MotorSports Park Kinser Park Lost State of Franklin Margarette Falls Nathanael Greene Museum Niswonger Performing Arts Center Old Harmony Cemetery Olde Gaol (Jail) President Andrew Johnson Museum & Library T. Elmer Cox History & Genealogy Library Volunteer Speedway


Greeneville Astros

Battle of Blue Springs Bridge Burners/Harmon Cemetery Tusculum College-EL Dickson-Williams Mansion 6 Gen. Morgan Inn 8 Hangings @ the Depot

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2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 57



Greene County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70,120 Greeneville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15,342 Tusculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,708 Mosheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,407 Baileyton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439

White ................................................ 65,727 ........................93.7% Multirace .............................................2,185 ..........................3.1% Hispanic ..............................................1,791 ..........................2.6% Black .....................................................1,578 ..........................2.3% Asian, Pacific Islander ........................ 304 ..........................0.4% American Indian.................................. 219 ..........................0.3%


58 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory


Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

HARDIN INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Hardin Industrial Complex is located on State Highway 172, only 12 miles from Interstate 81. Additionally, an airport connector road is planned adjacent to the park and will increase highway access to the park. Zoned for industrial use, the Hardin Complex currently has one tenant, Angus-Palm. There are 160 acres available, several sites are rough-graded, and utilities are on-site.

GREENE COUNTY WEATHER ANNUAL AVERAGES Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55.5 degrees Average High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69.4 degrees Average Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43.6 degrees Snowfall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 inches Rainfall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 inches


January. . . . . . . . . . . . April. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October . . . . . . . . . . .

High Low 47 degrees . . . . . . . .24 degrees 69 degrees . . . . . . . .41 degrees 88 degrees . . . . . . . 64 degrees 72 degrees . . . . . . . 43 degrees

*CLRsearch. All other weather data from


Tennessee has no personal income tax. Property Taxes (per $100 assessed value)

County (outside City Limits) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.7069 Greeneville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.859

(Combined City/County rate is $3.1727, as the county rate is reduced to $1.3727 for Greeneville residents.)

Assessed Value (% of appraised value) Residential Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25% Commercial Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40% Personal Property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30% Sales Tax State . . . . . . . . . . .7% (5.5% on food/food ingredients) County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.75%

TRANSPORTATION Interstate Access to Greeneville and Greene County is provided by four interchanges to Interstate 81. Additionally, Interstates 26 and 40 are located within approximately 35 miles and Interstate 75 is within 72 miles. U.S. Highways 11-E, 321, 34, 70, 93 and 107 serve the county. Greeneville/Greene County Municipal Airport is open 24 hours a day and offers chartered flights and cargo shipping. Taxi and Detroit car rental services, hangar and tie-down storage, major repair and Avgas/Jet A fuel are all available. The airport boasts a 545 mi 6,300-foot asphalt runway, which is the state’s sixth longest. The fixed base operator is Greeneville Aviation Services. Website: Chicago 558 mi Indianapolis Tri-Cities Regional Airport is located just off I-81 in Blountville, 42 miles from Greeneville, and serves 450,000 421 mi passengers annually. The airport offers non-stop flights to six hubs (Atlanta, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Detroit, Chicago and St. Louis 544 mi Tampa/Clearwater-St. Petersburg) with connections to all other cities. Website: McGhee Tyson Airport serves metropolitan Knoxville and is located 70 miles from Greeneville, serving approximately 1.43 Nashville 251 mi million passengers annually. Seven major airlines offer non-stop service to 19 major hubs which provide connections to all Memphis 451 mi other cities. Website: Birmingham 325 mi Asheville Regional Airport is located just south of Asheville, NC, at exit 40 off I-26 and serves all of Western North Carolina. Amenities include free Wi-Fi, a Business Center, Blue Ridge Trading & Tavern featuring locally-inspired dishes, a Guest Services Center, Art Gallery, and more. The airport offers non-stop flights on seven commercial airlines to 12 cities: Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Detroit, Ft. Walton Beach/Destin, Houston, Newark, New York City, Orlando, Philadelphia and New Orleans 659 mi Tampa. Website: Norfolk-Southern Corporation provides rail service for Greene County and has 986 miles of track in Tennessee. Two boxcar loading stations are located within 30 miles. 19 major hubs provide connections to all other cities. Website:

Boston 853 mi New York City Cleveland 653 mi 497 mi Philadelphia 574 mi Cincinnati 318 mi


Washington D.C. 420 mi

Charlotte 183 mi

Atlanta 237 mi

Jacksonville 489 mi Orlando 637 mi

Greene County is within one day’s drive of 75% of the U.S. population and is located virtually at the geographic center of the Eastern United States, creating a competitive cost advantage when moving products and people.

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Greene County Employer Greene County School System Laughlin Memorial Hospital DTR Tennessee, Inc. Wal-Mart Logistics Greene Valley Developmental Center American Greetings Takoma Regional Hospital Greeneville City Schools Parker Hannifin Angus-Palm Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. TI Automotive

Source: Labor Market Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Program.

State of Tennessee


Product/Service Employees School System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1140 Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796 Automotive Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780 General/Hardlines Distribution . . . . . . . 720 Mentally Disabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661 Cards & Gift Wrap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517 School System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 Hydraulic Motor Division . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 Cabs/Rollover Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Automotive Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

Employer OldCastleBuildingEnvelope Holston United Methodist Home Jarden Zinc Products Crown Tonka Walk-Ins Donaldson Company Huf North America LMR Plastics Premium Waters Packaging Services, Inc. MINCO, Inc. MECO C&C Millwright Maintenance

Product/Service Employees Wall Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Home for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Zinc Casting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Walk-In Coolers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Air Filtration Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Automotive Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Injection Molding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Bottled Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Corrugated Packaging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Fused Silica Sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Metal Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 General Contractors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103


Source: TN Dept of Labor and Workforce Development, Employment Security Division, Research & Statistics

60 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Governments Greeneville Town Hall (Mayor W.T. Daniels)..................................639-7105 Greene County (Mayor Alan Broyles) ............................................798-1766 Baileyton Town Hall (Mayor Tommy Casteel) ...............................234-6911 Bulls Gap (Mayor William Grubb)..................................................235-5216 Mosheim Town Hall (Mayor Billy Myers) ......................................422-4051 Tusculum City Hall (Mayor John Foster)........................................638-6211

Law Enforcement

Repair Service ................................................................................639-6711 Comcast (Cable) ..................................................................1-800-COMCAST Greeneville Light & Power System................................................636-6200 Repair Service ................................................................................636-6202 Greeneville Water Department .....................................................638-3148 After Hours ................................................................639-1022 or 798-2035 Greene County Water Office ..........................................................639-6362 Chuckey Utility District ..................................................................639-6362 Cross Anchor Utility District ...........................................................639-6362 Glenn Hills Utility District...............................................................639-8622 Mosheim Water Works ..................................................................422-4051 North Greene Utility ......................................................................234-3145 Old Knox Utility District .................................................................422-1660

Greeneville Police Department .....................................................639-7111 Greene County Sheriff’s Department ............................................798-1800 Baileyton Police .............................................................................234-6911 Tusculum Police .............................................................................638-6211 Tennessee Highway Patrol.............................................................348-6144 Federal Bureau of Investigation (Knoxville)..........................865-544-0751 Fire Departments – 911 for Emergencies Tennessee Bureau of Investigation .......................................615-744-4000 Greeneville Fire Department – Chief Mark Foulks .......................638-4243 Office of Homeland Security (Nashville) ...............................615-532-7825 Bulls Gap – Charles Johnson .........................................................235-2122 Camp Creek – Chief Jeff Wilburn...................................................636-1702 City Offices Caney Branch – Chief Ryan Holt ...................................................798-9313 Building Inspections & Permits .....................................................639-7105 Cedar Creek – Chief Michael Bowers ............................................639-7537 Business License ............................................................................639-7105 DeBusk – Chief Reggie Jones ........................................................470-3131 City School Office (Dr. Lyle Ailshie) ................................................787-8000 Fall Branch – Chief Roger Phillips – (Washington County) .........348-7171 Environmentalist (Debbie Smith) .................................................639-7105 Limestone – Chief Steve Archer – (Washington County) ............257-2571 Library ............................................................................................638-5034 McDonald – Chief Jimmy Killion...................................................235-7099 Parks & Recreation.........................................................................638-3143 Midway – Chief Anthony Ball .......................................................329-8726 Planning & Zoning.........................................................................639-7105 Mosheim – Chief Josh Kesterson ..................................................972-3286 Streets & Sanitation.......................................................................638-6152 Town of Mosheim – Chief Jessie Lowery......................................620-8951 Landfill ...........................................................................................639-4416 Newmansville – Chief Cameron Waters .......................................278-4619 T. Elmer Cox History & Genealogical Library .................................638-9877 Nolichuckey Valley – Chief Charles Baines – (Washington County) .257-2803 County Offices Orebank – Chief Kenny Backberg .................................................972-5513 Animal Control ...............................................................................798-1777 St. James – Chief Robert Bowers ..................................................639-7121 Assessor of Property (Ralph Bowers) ............................................798-1738 South Greene – Chief Johnny Powers...........................................639-2609 Building & Zoning Inspector (Leon Bird) ......................................798-1724 Sunnyside – Chief Steven Huff......................................................620-1965 Circuit Court Clerk (Gail Jeffers) .....................................................798-1760 Tusculum – Chief Steve Harris.......................................................638-6211 Clerk & Master/Chancery Court (Kay Solomon Armstrong).........798-1742 United – Chief Brad Ball ................................................................234-0307 County Clerk (David Thompson)....................................................798-1708 Greene County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments – Chief Wesley Holt County School Office (Dr. Vicki Kirk) ..............................................639-4194 ....................................................................................................................639-1889 Detention Center............................................................................798-1802 Hospitals Drug Enforcement Center ..............................................................798-1785 Laughlin Memorial Hospital..........................................................787-5000 Election Commission .....................................................................798-1715 Takoma Regional Hospital.............................................................639-3151 Emergency Management..............................................................798-1729 Emergency Medical Service ..........................................................798-1720 Emergency Services Health Department .......................................................................798-1749 Greene County/Greeneville Emergency Medical Services............798-1720 Highway Department....................................................................798-1747 Greeneville Emergency & Rescue Squad ......................................638-3431 Juvenile Court ................................................................................798-1736 Greeneville/Greene County Office of Emergency Register of Deeds ...........................................................................798-1727 Management & Homeland Security .............................................798-1729 Sessions/Juvenile Court Judge ......................................................798-1730 911 Office .......................................................................................638-8663 Solid Waste Department ...............................................................798-1794 Poison Control Center .........................................................1-800-222-1222 Trustee............................................................................................798-1705 Greene County Community Ministries (Food Bank) .....................638-1667 Veteran’s Service Office ..................................................................798-1707

Baileyton....................................................................................234-9292 Clear Springs..............................................................................257-6960 Cross Anchor ..............................................................................234-0644 DeBusk .......................................................................................798-1792 Greystone...................................................................................798-1723 Hal Henard.................................................................................798-1796 Horse Creek................................................................................257-4197 McDonald ..................................................................................235-0452 Orebank .....................................................................................798-1798 Romeo .......................................................................................422-7067 South Greene.............................................................................798-1799 St. James....................................................................................798-1790 Sunnyside ..................................................................................798-1797 Walkertown ...............................................................................798-1789 West Greene ..............................................................................422-6583 West Pines .................................................................................234-8232

Miscellaneous State/Federal Offices Children’s Services..........................................................................639-4465 Circuit Court Judge (Tom Wright)..................................................639-5204 District Attorney General ...............................................................787-1458 Driver’s License...............................................................................638-3285 Employment Security Department...............................................636-0006 Human Services Department........................................................639-6181 Post Office ......................................................................................787-2177 Social Security................................................................................638-5652 Tennessee Department of Agriculture/Division of Forestry .........638-7841 Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation ..1-888-891-8332 Tennessee Department of Transportation ....................................639-3135 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency................................1-800-332-0900 UT Agricultural Extension Office....................................................798-1710 UT Research & Education Center ...................................................638-6532 U.S. Forest Service..........................................................................638-4109

Federal & State Officials

Gov. Bill Haslam .....................................................................615-741-2001 U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (D.C.).....................................202-224-4944 (Knoxville)..............................................................................865-545-4253 (Tri-Cities).......................................................................................325-6240 U.S. Senator Bob Corker (D.C.) ...............................................202-224-3344 (Knoxville)..............................................................................865-637-4180 (Tri-Cities).......................................................................................323-1252 U.S. Representative Phil Roe .................................................202-225-6356 (Kingsport).....................................................................................247-8161 (Morristown)..................................................................................254-1400 State Senator Steve Southerland (Nashville)........................615-741-3851 (Morristown)..................................................................................581-6206 State Representative David Hawk (Nashville) ......................615-741-7482 Environmental (Garbage Collection) Greeneville Public Works ...............................................................638-6152 (Greeneville) ..................................................................................639-8146 Utilities State Representative Jeremy Faison (Nashville) ...................615-741-6871 Atmos Energy (Natural Gas) ................................................(888) 286-6700 Greene County Convenience Centers CenturyLink.........................................................................1-800-366-8201 Afton ..........................................................................................798-1791 (Cosby) ...................................................................................423-487-5566

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@Work Personnel Services Lisa Henard 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 309 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7614 Fax: 638-3233 Employment Services 1st Franklin Financial Phil Neas 2317 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. P.O. Box 273 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-0060 Fax: 798-0065 Email: Web Site: Financial Institutions, Services 411 Industries Rita Malone 1301 Old Newport Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-1777 Email: Web Site: Outsourcing, Rework & Assembly

A Services Group, LLC Walter A. Glenn 1021 Coolidge St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1016 Email: Security/Janitorial/Staffing Solutions

A-1 Appliance & Heat/Air Danny Tweed 130 Wooded Heights Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-5325 Appliance Repair

Accurate Realty, Inc. Wayne Ailshie, Sam Riley 132 W. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-0001 Fax: 787-0770 Email: Real Estate Sales, Rentals

ABC Daycare Lynnette Malone 208 Majestic Circle Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2223 Email: Child Care Services

Ace Hardware Joe Morris 1023 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-6223 Hardware

ABC Family Dentistry, PLLC Cynthia Knop, DDS 1018 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2176 Fax: 639-2177 Dentists & Dental Services

Action Coach of Greeneville Curtis Henry 1113 Tusculum Blvd., PMB 254 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-8802 Fax: 636-8804 Email: Web Site: Business Coaching

Absolute Communications Carolyn Pierson Cook 1880 N. Eastman Rd., Ste. 130 Kingsport, TN 37664 Tel: 246-0336 Fax: 246-2188 Email: Web Site: Advertising/Marketing AccuForce Staffing Services Crystal Hunley 1202 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. B Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-0467 Fax: 638-0470 Email: Web Site: Employment Services

62 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Admiral Propane Melody Maphis 1145 Forest St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7945 Fax: 639-5968 Utilities, Related Services Advance Home Care Larry Roberts 1012 Coolidge St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 783-6501 Fax: 798-1269 Email: Home Health Care/Hospice Advantage Sign Co. Stacy Lee 415 Banks St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-9727 Fax: 787-9705 Email: Signs

Adams & Plucker, CPAs Ray Adams, Loren Plucker, Whitney A. Ball, Kevin L. Ewers 119 S. Main St. P.O. Box 1117 Greeneville, TN 37744-1117 Tel: 639-0151 Fax: 639-0942 Accountants

Aflac District Office Brian Broyles 111 Village Drive, Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 546-4382 Fax: 207-4840 Email: Insurance & Related Services

Adkins Family Dentistry, PLLC Donnie Adkins 600 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5141 Fax: 638-5131 Email: Web Site: Dentists & Dental Services

Air Pro Heating & Cooling, Inc. Keith A. Harrison 147 Mason St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5557 Fax: 639-3989 Email: Web Site: Air Conditioning & Heating Contractors

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Airgas Alan Foulks 1120 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1281 Fax: 638-4636 Email: Web Site: Utilities & Related Services

Alpine Apartments Mary Ann Broyles 816 Carolina Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-1553 Fax: 639-1553 Apartment Rentals

Dot Alexander 2007 Holley Creek Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5904 Individuals

Amedisys – Adventa Hospice Services Mitzi Jones 127 Serral Drive, Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2707 Fax: 638-4732 Web Site: Health Care Facilities & Services

All Creatures Country Club Dwight and Katherine Rollins 345 Kitchen Branch Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-2920 Fax: 800-887-6592 Email: Web Site: Kennels, Boarding, Grooming & Training

Amedisys Home Health Tessa Woods 1350 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel 638-7389 Fax: 639-9386 Email: Health Care Facilities & Services

All Volunteer Storage Donnie E. Christian 60 Pruitt Road North Greeneville, TN 37743 Mailing: P.O. Box 16083 Bristol, VA 24209 Tel: 638-1411 Email: Storage Services Allen Petroleum Company Carol Allen 1014 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2173 Fax: 636-1842 Email: Oil Companies Allergy, Asthma & Sinus Center Ashley Leonard 1410 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2300 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 823-5190 Fax: 823-5193 Web Site: Physicians & Surgeons

American Greetings Corporation Scott Crawford 101 American Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 639-7878 Fax: 636-2065 Industrial & Manufacturing American Patriot Bank Gary Shelton 3095 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1555 Fax: 636-1563 Financial Institutions/Services Amis Mill Eatery & Catering Jake Jacobs 127 W. Bear Hollow Rd. Rogersville, TN 37857 Tel: 272-7040 Email: Web Site: Restaurants, Food Services

Allied Waste Services Scott Barrett 2825 Carters Valley Rd. Church Hill, TN 37642-6186 Tel: 345-3000 Fax: 357-3680 Recycling/Waste Services

Anderson Poured Walls Cary Anderson 250 Rockwell Drive Morristown, TN 37813 Tel: 423-307-1267 Fax: 423-586-8207 Email: Web Site: Construction & Contractors

Allstate/The Call Agency Lori Call 1141 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-1069 Fax: 787-0784 Email: Insurance & Related Services

Andrew Johnson Bank Bill Hickerson 124 N. Main St. P.O. Box 907 Greeneville, TN 37744-0907 Tel: 636-3510 Fax: 636-3517 Financial Institutions/Services

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Andrew Johnson Inn Jay Patel 2145 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-8124 Fax: 638-8125 Lodging Andrew Johnson Insurance & Investment Services Brian Click 913 Tusculum Blvd. P. O. Box 1480 Greeneville, TN 37744-1480 Tel: 638-3161 Fax: 638-9527 Email: Web Site: Insurance & Related Services Andrew Johnson National Historic Site Lizzie Watts 121 Monument Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743-5552 Tel: 639-3711 Fax: 798-0754 Email: Web Site: Historic Sites Angeez Sweet Shop Angie Lawson 1154 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 972-7354 Email: Restaurants, Food Services Angus-Palm Industries Brad Ranly 115 Terry Leonard Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-2420 Fax: 798-2425 Email: Industrial & Manufacturing Antiques Etc. Sharon O’Neal 766 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1119 Email: Antiques/Home Décor Appalachian Surveying Consultants Brian T. Bartlett 160 Deerchase Lane Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 525-7044 Email: Web Site: Land Surveyors Artistic Printers Lisa & Terry Webb 2475 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4316 Fax: 639-4162 Printing, Graphics & Business Forms

AT&T Alan L. Hill 410 N. Cedar Bluff Rd., Ste. 300 Knoxville, TN 37923 Tel: 865-694-2115 Fax: 865-694-2133 Email: Web Site: Cellular/Wireless Communications Atchley Drug Center Will Giddings 511 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-5155 Fax: 639-2476 Pharmacies Atmos Energy Tony Hughes 1221 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-1388 Fax: 787-1387 Utilities, Related Services Azimuth Engineering, Inc. Daniel Coffey 115 Monroe St. P.O. Box 1466 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-9191 Fax: 638-3899 Email: Web Site: Engineers, Surveyors

B&H Insurance Paul Tamer 470 W. Hanes Mill Rd., Ste. 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Tel: 336-817-8647 Fax: 336-896-0888 Email: Web Site: Insurance & Related Services B.T.L. Industries Mike Letts 1607 Industrial Rd. P.O. Box 1752 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 638-6171 Fax: 638-2065 Industrial & Manufacturing Bachman-Bernard Motors Phil Bachman 300 Bachman Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4141 Fax: 639-0193 Automobile Sales Bailey’s Heat & Air Robert/Carla Bailey 501 E. McKee St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-8409 Fax: 636-8409 Air Conditioning & Heating Contractors

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 63

Town of Baileyton Mayor Tommy Casteel 6530 Horton Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 234-6911 Fax: 234-5442 Government/Local Baileyton RV Park & Driving Range Patricia Linn 7485 Horton Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 234-4992 Fax: 234-4992 Email: Web Site: RV Parks Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz Ronald S. Range Jr. 100 Med Tech Pkwy., Ste. 200 P.O. Box 3038 Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 928-0181 Fax: 928-5694 Email: Attorneys, Legal Firms Baker’s Construction Services, Inc. Chad Baker 4533 Highway 11E Bluff City, TN 37618 Tel: 538-4400 Fax: 538-1165 Construction & Contractors Bank of America Brian Moynihan 1545 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. P.O. Box 1390 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 636-6340 Fax: 636-6343 Financial Institutions/Services

Jackie Behymer/Century 21 Legacy 2040 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 552-3586 Fax: 888-829-7485 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales

Big Time Beverage Rick Lilly 1285 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5100 Email: Beverage Stores

Blue Springs Roofing Nathan Carter 1105 Old Newport Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-3901 Fax: 798-7146 Email: Roofing

Belk’s Amye Hamilton 1367 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4165 Fax: 639-2186 Web Site: Clothing

Big Time Entertainment Benjamin Dean 129 Hermitage St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 329-8978 Email: Web Site: DeeJays

Blue Springs Tire Ricky Moore 8005 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-6685 Tire Sales

Benchmark Physical Therapy Diane L. Coffey 223 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-1111 Fax: 638-1112 Email: Health Care Facilities & Services Best Answering Service, Inc. Ray Tankersley 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 400 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4884 Fax: 638-8291 Answering Services Best Western Executive Inn Tim Tallent 50 Speedway Lane Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-9111 Fax: 235-9111 Lodging

Best Western PLUS Morristown Conference Center Hotel Donna McPherson 5435 S. Davy Crockett Pkwy. Morristown, TN 37813 Barge Waggoner Sumner & Cannon, Inc. Tel: 587-2400 Fax: 581-7344 Email: Andrew Murr Web Site: 10133 Sherrill Blvd., Ste. 200 plusmorristownconferencecenterhotel Knoxville, TN 37932 Lodging Tel: 865-637-2810 Fax: 865-673-8554 Web Site: Bewley Properties, Inc. Engineers/Architects Kent Bewley 615 W. Main St. BB&T P.O. Box 459 Mike Estes Greeneville, TN 37744 1604 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Tel: 638-6971 Fax: 638-2969 Greeneville, TN 37745 Email: Tel: 639-2148 Fax: 639-4011 Real Estate Sales, Rentals Financial Institutions/Services Big Al’s Gun Shack & Pawn & Tobacco Outlet Beamer’s Home Improvement Wayne Shelton John Beamer 760 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. 4185 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-1818 Tel: 639-7160 Gun & Pawn Shops/Tobacco Outlets Home Improvement

64 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Billable Hours, Inc. Brandon Hammer 119 E. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-0091 Fax: 639-6969 Email: Web Site: Court-Appointed Billing Solutions Robert K. Bird 233 Briar Patch Lane Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7456 Individuals Bird, Isbell & Associates DeAnna B. Blair 911 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5121 Fax: 798-6856 Email: Web Site: Insurance & Related Services Bird’s Electric Heat & Cooling Dennis Bird 3010 Fairlawn Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-5979 or 552-4327 Email: Air Conditioning & Heating Contractors Blackburn, Childers & Steagall, PLC Dennis Rasnake 550 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-8516 Fax: 638-3726 Email: Web Site: Accountants Law Office of Dallas L. Blair III 911 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1846 Fax: 638-1913 Email: Attorneys, Legal Firms

Bob’s Factory Outlet Bob Weaver 515 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-9600 Fax: 787-9602 Furniture & Appliances Bossard North America Daniel Tyler 1550 Industrial Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6661 Fax: 639-6662 Email: Fastener Distributor The Bottle Shop Roy Mecke 2318 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3001 Beverage Stores Ralph & Brenda Bowers 540 Denver Bowers Lane Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 257-5387 Fax: 257-2605 Individuals Boys & Girls Club of Greeneville & Greene County Scott Bullington 740 W. Church St. P.O. Box 1977 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 787-9334 Fax: 787-0055 Email: Clubs, Organizations & Enterprises Brad Tweed Heating & Air Conditioning Brad Tweed 450 Cicero Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 620-0635 Email: Air Conditioning & Heating Contractors

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Bradshaw & Hathaway John Hathaway 128 Serral Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3132 Fax: 929-8111 Email: Web Site: Orthodontists Brandt and Beeson, PC D. R. Beeson III 206 Princeton Rd., Ste. 25 Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 282-1981 Fax: 610-6984 Email: Attorneys, Law Firms Bridges to Success Ken Fillers 993 Hal Henard Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-9363 Fax: 787-0715 Educational Institutions, Services Bristol Motor Speedway Mironda White 151 Speedway Blvd. Bristol, TN 37620 Tel: 989-6900 Fax: 764-0220 Web Site: Race Tracks Brooks & Malone Plumbing Contractors David Brooks 3260 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-9164 Fax: 798-9720 Email: Web Site: Plumbing Brooks Excavating & Construction Donnie Brooks 115 Garrett Hill Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-8828 Construction & Contractors The Brothers Real Estate & Auction Company Shane Carter 819 W. Church St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-9400 Fax: 787-0306 Web Site: Real Estate Sales, Auctions Brown & Brown Insurance Roger Aldridge 701 Market St., Ste. 500 Chattanooga, TN 37402 Tel: 423-308-2667 Fax: 423-756-3623 Email: Insurance & Related Services

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Broyles General Store David Broyles 730 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-8197 Fax: 525-4834 Email: Lawn & Garden Supplies

C & C Millwright Maintenance Company Jerry Fortner 311 Old Knoxville Hwy., Ste. 1 P.O. Box 970 Greeneville, TN 37744-0970 Tel: 639-0131 Fax: 639-8757 Construction & Contractors

Maria Wyche Bryan, DDS 128 Serral Drive, Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-1777 Web Site: Endodontists

C-E Minerals Jim Perry 1625 Snapps Ferry Rd. P.O. Box 1540 Greeneville, TN 37744-1540 Tel: 787-2512 Fax: 423-787-2517 Email: Web Site: Industrial & Manufacturing

Bryan’s Barber Shop Bryan Gray 110 Austin St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 552-3044 Barber Shops Burley Stabilization Corporation Connie Leatherwood P.O. Box 1915 1427 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4239 Email: Burley Suppliers Burriell’s Roofing Terry Burriell 876 Flag Branch Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 620-7341 Roofing Butler Electric Motor Service Bryan Root 806 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0404 Fax: 639-0404 Electric Motor Repair By Pass Lawn & Garden Jason Cobble 104 Village Drive., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-0888 Fax: 787-0889 Email: Lawn & Garden Supplies

C & C Custom Trailers Gina M. Tipton 7090 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 257-8888 Fax: 257-8889 Email: Web Site: Trailer Sales & Service

Capital Bank P.O. Box 1120 Greeneville, TN 37744-1120 Tel: 639-5111 Fax: 639-5467 Web Site: Financial Institutions/Services Captain D’s Seafood Kitchen Harold Moore 245 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6311 Restaurants, Food Services Career Center at Greeneville/Workforce Investment Services Debbie Johnson 215 N. College St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-0908 Fax: 638-3187 Educational Institutions, Services Caris Healthcare Melanie Stills 225 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2226 Fax: 638-2299 Email: Health Care Facilities & Services Carolyn’s Hallmark Shop Carolyn Bullington 1395 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-6111 Fax: 638-6111 Gift & Card Shops Carter Contractors, LLC John R. Carter Jr. 7310 Horton Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 234-0392 Fax: 234-2456 Email: Construction & Contractors

Carter Real Estate & Auction Company John Carter 444 E. Bernard Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7856 Fax: 639-8098 Real Estate Sales & Auctions Cartridge World Larry W. England 1735 W. State of Franklin Rd. Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 722-0333 Fax: 722-0335 Web Site: Print Cartridges The Cash Company of Greeneville Stephen W. Brumit 1333 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2274 Fax: 639-2255 Email: Financial Institutions/Services Casper’s Body Shop & Wrecker Service, LLC Jimmy Collins 402 W. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-0893 Fax: 638-3089 Email: Auto Body Shop/Wrecker Service The Cave Law Firm, LLC Robert Payne Cave 104 N. College St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-5892 Fax: 638-5786 Attorneys, Legal Firms Cedar Haven Log Homes Bruce F. Coakley Sr. 1980 Main St. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-4432 Fax: 422-0012 Email: Log Home Sales Central Drug Store Cindy Fisher 239 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4711 Fax: 638-3311 Pharmacies Century 21 Home Team Ted Hensley, Billie Guthrie, Karen Myers 502 E. Jackson Blvd. Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 788-0111 Fax: 788-0069 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales

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Century 21 Legacy Jamie Skeen, Gail Landers, Jackie Behymer, Mike McNeese, Mark Williams, Gordon Newman, Brian McAmis, Lois Smith, Donna Fillers, Susan Miller, Charles Skeen, Jeff Brooks, Mabel Agee, Jenny Yeip 2040 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6781 Fax: 639-0851 Web Site: Real Estate Sales CenturyLink Robert Kricko 210 N. College St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2424 Email: Utilities, Related Services Charles C. Parks Company Gary Pickett P.O. Box 119 Gallatin, TN 37066 Tel: 615-452-2406 Fax: 615-451-4212 Email: Wholesale Distributors Charray Inn Jay & Chetna Patel 121 Serral Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1331 Fax: 639-5289 Lodging Charter Media Barry Wilson 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 112 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-9783 Fax: 787-9793 Advertising Cheek Solutions, Inc. Trever C. Cheek 990 Wilcox Court, Ste. 105 Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 765-9979 Fax: 765-9980 Email: Web Site: Computers & Computer Services Cintas Tim Walker 125 Regional Park Drive Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 383-4241 Fax: 349-7190 Email: Web Site: Facility Services/Uniform Rental Citizen’s Bank Larry Estepp P.O. Box 687 Kingsport, TN 37662 Tel: 230-4308 Fax: 378-0415 Email: Web Site: Financial Institutions/Services

City Garage Car Museum Bettye Anne Bewley 210 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-6971 Fax: 638-2969 Email: Web Site: Museums Clayton Homes Eric Hall 395 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5101 Fax: 639-4341 Email: Web Site: Manufactured Homes Dr. John K. Clement, O.D. 15 Old Stage Rd., Suite A Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-8856 Fax: 639-8227 Email: Web Site: Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, Opticians Coca-Cola Enterprises Joel Thompson 2600 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Morristown, TN 37814 Tel: 586-6403 Fax: 587-0904 Beverage Distributors Coldwell Banker Associated Realty Group Sharon Lillie, Danny Rigsby 1134 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6116 Fax: 639-0376 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales

Comfort Inn Angie Dickenson 1790 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4185 Fax: 639-7280 Email: Web Site: Lodging Community Center of Hope Matthew McCloskey 5035 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 P.O. Box 665 Mosheim, TN 37818 Email: Web Site: Non-Profit Organizations Comprehensive Community Services Christine Hughes 128 S. Main St., Ste. 301 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7777 Fax: 639-1370 Email: Counseling Computer Pros Justin Hoilman 560 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1740 Fax: 639-8240 Email: Computers & Computer Services

Consumer Credit Union Sam Miller 311 CCU Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Color Tex Carpet Cleaning & Restoration Tel: 639-6131 Fax: 639-6296 T. J. Ferguson Financial Institutions/Services 1875 W. Allens Bridge Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Cor-Tenn Tel: 638-8170 Gary Reeves Carpet Cleaning 111 State St. Knoxville, TN 37902-1020 Comcare, Inc. Tel: 865-637-6929 Fax: 865-637-1457 Nancy Thiessen Email: 1703 W. Main St. P.O. Box 1885 Web Site: Greeneville, TN 37744-1885 Industrial Sales, Supplies & Services Tel: 638-3926 Fax: 638-1105 Homes & Institutions Corley’s Pharmacy A.B. Corley Comcast 1004 Snapps Ferry Rd. Russell Byrd P.O. Box 874 5720 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37744-0874 Knoxville, TN 37924 Tel: 638-7552 Fax: 638-2552 Tel: 639-0145 or 1-888-683-1000 Email: Web Site: Utilities, Related Services Pharmacies

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Corner Stone PCS Cathy Roberts 808 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-9995 Fax: 798-2820 Email: Web Site: Health Care Facilities & Services Country Side Kennel Judy Winckler 201 Church Hill Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-1102 Fax: 638-1102 Email: Web Site: Kennels, Boarding, Grooming & Training CrestPoint Health Sharon Dicorato 208 Sunset Drive, Ste. 101 Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 952-2116 Fax: 282-1216 Email: Insurance & Related Services Crossroads Hardware Angela Stine 4500 107 Cut-Off Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-9429 Fax: 798-9781 Hardware CrownTonka Walk-Ins Larry Gothard 140 T. Elmer Cox Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-8565 Fax: 638-2583 Industrial & Manufacturing Cruise Planners Kristin Small 765 Henard Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 525-7287 Fax: 855-278-9377 Email: Web Site: Travel David Crum 142 Maple Crest Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-7721 Email: Individuals Rebecca Cutshaw, Attorney P.O. Box 127 Greeneville, TN 37744-0127 Tel: 638-4336 Fax: 639-7337 Attorneys, Legal Firms Cutshaw Masonry Richard Cutshaw 895 Piney Grove Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-1374 Masonry

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Cuz’s Drive-Thru Wade McAmis 535 Van Hill Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 234-0021 Restaurants, Food Services CVN Vooner Paper Machinery Randy Broce 475 T. Elmer Cox Drive P.O. Box 129 Greeneville, TN 37744-0129 Tel: 638-2211 Fax: 638-8805 Email: Industrial & Manufacturing

D&D Vinyl Siding David Fillers 213 Wykle Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 823-1097 Email: Siding Dairy Queen of Greeneville Sandra Kesterson 3630 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 P.O. Box 10 Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 525-5109 Email: Restaurants, Food Services Dakota Packaging Solutions Steve Hartness 170 Heritage Rd., P.O. Box 97 Limestone, TN 37681 Tel: 257-7828 Fax: 257-7728 Packaging Solutions Dan’s Home Repair Dan Wirt 580 Dude Lane Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 470-2591 Email: Construction & Contractors Davis Elliot Company, Inc. Brian Sarrett 4211 Georgia Ave. Nashville, TN 37209 Tel: 615-460-7166 Email: Utilities, Related Services Davy Crockett Birthplace State Park Mark Halback 1245 Davy Crockett Park Rd. Limestone, TN 37681 Tel: 257-2167 Fax: 257-2430 Historic Sites

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Davy Crockett TA Travel Center Jason Brandon/Richard Brandon 195 Van Hill Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 234-4451 Fax: 234-6201 Email: Web Site: Restaurants, Food Services

Doughty-Stevens Funeral Home Jason A. Smith 1125 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4141 Fax: 638-2610 Email: Web Site: Funeral Homes

East Tennessee Manufacturing Services, Inc. Timothy Van Horn 2455 Snapps Ferry Rd. P.O. Box 967 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5759 Fax: 639-8791 Email: Industrial & Manufacturing

Delfasco, LLC Randy Shipley 1945 Scott Farm Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 639-6191 Fax: 639-1160 Web Site: Industrial & Manufacturing

DTR Tennessee, Inc. Randy Rumbley 199 Pottertown Rd. Midway, TN 37809 Tel: 422-4454 Fax: 422-4654 Industrial & Manufacturing

East Tennessee Promotions Scott Bullington 1149 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1234 Fax: 636-1234 Screen Printing

Design Innovations Architects Rik Norris 402 S. Gay St., Ste. 201 Knoxville, TN 37902 Tel: 865-243-8443 Fax: 865-544-3840 Email: Architects & Interior Designers Diamond Doors & Loading Dock Equipment Connie Williams 3101 Browns Mill Rd., Ste. 6, #318 Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 262-7578 Fax: 725-4201 Email: Web Site: Garage Doors Diamond House Henry Lam 650 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6440 Restaurants, Food Services Doctor’s Office Charles Montgomery, MD, Rufus Breckenridge, MD, Andy Roberts, MD 109 E. Church St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4131 Fax: 638-9237 Physicians & Surgeons Donaldson Company, Inc. Everett Haynie 115 Rockwell Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4154 Fax: 639-3909 Email: Web Site: Industrial & Manufacturing Double D Tire & Battery Flint Carter 403 Bernard Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1402 Fax: 525-4199 Email: Tire Sales

David J. Dykes, DDS 1015 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-6341 Fax: 638-6082 Dentists & Dental Services

Ken Earl 609 Oak Hills Pkwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2681 Individuals East Tennessee Forest Products Elliott E. Stott 945 Bob White Trail, Mosheim, TN 37818 P. O. Box 305 Greeneville, TN 37744-0305 Tel: 422-7134 Fax: 422-9306 Industrial & Manufacturing East Tennessee Hematology Oncology Patricia Posey 1406 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2000 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-7080 Fax: 787-7087 Email: Health Care Facilities & Services East Tennessee Iron & Metal, Inc. Jason Putnal Hwy. 66, Bulls Gap 37711 P. O. Box 460 Rogersville, TN 37857 Tel: 235-4119 Fax: 235-4149 Recycling/Waste Services East Tennessee Land & Home Teresa Uhls 500 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-5333 Fax: 525-5334 Email: Web Site: Manufactured Homes

East Tennessee Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine Mandeep Bakshi, MD 1404 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2200 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-8052 Fax: 798-8055 Email: Physicians & Surgeons East Tennessee Realty Services Ralph W. Roderick 1205 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-6395 Fax: 639-4013 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales East Tennessee State University Fred Sauceman P.O. Box 70717 Johnson City, TN 37614 Tel: 439-4317 Fax: 439-5710 Educational Institutions, Services East Tennessee State University/ Families First Connie Adams 311 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5147 Fax: 638-6258 Job Training East View Eye Care Bradford M. Emde, OD Shelly F. Shaw, OD 1000 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 4 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-8128 Fax: 798-9204 Email: Web Site: Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, Opticians Eastman Chemical Company CeeGee McCord P.O. Box 431 Kingsport, TN 37662 Tel: 229-6974 Fax: 229-8280 Industrial & Manufacturing

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Eastman Credit Union Olan O. Jones Jr. 2021 Meadowview Lane Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 229-8200 Fax: 578-7627 Web Site: Financial Institutions/Services

Evans Office Supply Todd Coffey 1600 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Morristown, TN 37814 Tel: 800-421-0797 Fax: 581-8243 Office Supplies, Furniture & Equipment

Edward Jones Investments Bob Gay 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 307 P.O. Box 817 Greeneville, TN 37744-0817 Tel: 639-7241 Fax: 888-440-5292 Stock Brokers & Financial Planners

Evergreen Life Services Dr. Wyndi Patterson 1017 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 620-3518 Fax: 218-1258 Email: Web Site: Non-Profit Organizations

Edward Jones Investments Greg Spain 627 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-9258 Fax: 817-697-9779 Email: Web Site: Stock Brokers & Financial Planners David M. Ellis, CPA 132 W. Depot St. P.O. Box 71 Greeneville, TN 37744-0071 Tel: 787-0855 Fax: 787-0770 Accountants Elwood Staffing Shelly Anderson 2055 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy., Ste. 2A Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0900 Fax: 639-0920 Email: Web Site: Employment Services Emmanuel’s Hair Studio Sandra Lindsley Location: 926 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Mailing: 635 Rader Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 552-2040 Email: Hair Salons Encore Lending Group Chad Harold 206 Wesley St. Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 262-8522 Fax: 262-8524 Email: Financial Institutions/Services Endot Industries, Inc. Larry Hicks 400 Bohannon Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-8241 Fax: 639-3722 Industrial & Manufacturing

Everhart Transportation, Inc. Cline Everhart 1622 Industrial Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 783-9900 Fax: 639-1633 Email: Trucking Express Wine & Spirits Jason Brandon 3100 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-0079 Web Site: Beverage Stores EZE Painting Ezequiel Cancelado 370 Old Newport Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 552-5810 Email: Painting/Residential & Commercial

Fairfield Estates Pat Hankins 423 Fairgrounds Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 335 Cimarron Trail Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 636-8767 Email: Web Site: Apartments Farm Bureau Insurance Pamela Renner 195 Tusculum Bypass Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2305 Fax 639-8303 Email: Insurance & Related Services

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Farm Credit Mid-America Ronnie Sartain 100 Nevada Ave. P. O. Box 1090 Greeneville, TN 37744-1090 Tel: 638-8151 Fax: 638-1731 Email: Web Site: Financial Institutions/Services Farmers Livestock Market Don McNeese 336 Bohannon Ave. P. O. Box 865 Greeneville, TN 37744-0865 Tel: 638-5201 Fax: 638-1360 Farm Supplies, Equipment, Livestock Fastenal William Martin 730 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-3622 Fax: 638-5913 Email: Web Site: Industrial Sales, Supplies & Services Fastener South Corporation Bruce Evans 748 Freeland Station Rd. Nashville, TN 37228 Tel: 615-742-3119 Fax: 615-742-1698 Email: Web Site: Industrial Sales, Supplies & Services Fat Boyz Anthony Carter 3124 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-0504 Email: Restaurants, Food Services Fatz Café Tammie Gass 3140 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-9090 Fax: 787-0843 Web Site: Restaurants, Food Services Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Ronald D. Weathers 50 Marley Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 783-0074 Fax: 783-0143 Email: Web Site: Plumbing, HVAC & Industrial Supplies

First Tennessee Tony Nix 2841 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-2200 Fax: 798-2230 Email: Web Site: Financial Institutions/Services The Fit Club Mark Freshour 40 Benbow Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-1933 Fax: 638-3203 Web Site: Health & Fitness Flipzone Herman Rary 1350 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-0158 Fax: 636-0159 Gymnastics & Tumbling Flowers by Tammy Tammy Burgner 515 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1000 Fax: 636-3000 Email: Web Site: Florists The Ford System, Inc. John Harrison/Lou McDonald 402 E. Sullivan St. Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 247-4107 Fax: 247-4108 Email: Web Site: Janitorial Supply Forward Air Bruce Campbell P. O. Box 1058 Greeneville, TN 37744-1058 Tel: 636-7000 Fax: 636-7274 Transport Foshie’s Tax & Accounting Services Harold Foshie, CPA 1227 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-4097 Fax: 525-4097 Email: Web Site: Accountants Four Seasons Heating & Air Don Coakley 3030 McDonald Rd. Midway, TN 37809 Tel: 422-7399 or 235-7738 Fax: 235-6566 Air Conditioning & Heating Contractors

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Free Will Baptist Family Ministries, Inc. Rev. Frank Woods 90 Stanley Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-9449 Fax: 639-5083 Email: Web Site: Homes & Institutions

Gilley’s Western Store Greg Gilley 7960 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-6800 Fax: 422-4689 Email: Retailers

Greene County 9-1-1 Jerry Bird 111 Union St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-8663 Email: Clubs, Organizations & Enterprises

Fresenius Medical Care/Dialysis Kim Bowlin, DO 180 Serral Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1201 Fax: 638-9397 Email: Web Site: Health Care Facilities & Services

Glen Hills Utility District Lloyd “Hoot” Bowers P.O. Box 399 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-8622 Fax: 639-3260 Utilities & Related Services

Greene County Board of Education Dr. Vicki Kirk 910 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-4194 Fax: 639-1615 Educational Institutions, Services

Goins Rash Cain, Inc. Luther D. Cain 130 Regional Park Drive Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 349-7760 Fax: 349-7413 Email: Construction & Contractors

Greene County Department of Health Rebecca English 810 W. Church St. P.O. Box 159 Greeneville, TN 37744-0159 Tel: 798-1749 Fax: 798-1755 Health Care Facilities & Services

Goodwill of Tenneva Bob Miller 3190 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7062 Email: Non-Profit/Retail

Greene County Drug Store Benji Cox 906 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7101 Fax: 638-9105 Email: Pharmacies

Grace’s Greeneville Auction Thomas Van Allan 104 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 525-4204 Auctions& Appraisals

Greene County Express Eddie Harmon P.O. Box 775 Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 639-4364 Transportation

Grand Rental Station Danny Venerable 2215 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6160 Fax: 636-8860 Rentals

Greene County Fair Association Bobby Holt P.O. Box 582 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 278-3282 Clubs, Organizations & Enterprises

GCS Partnership Jeff Monson 406 N. Irish St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0990 Fax: 639-0919 Email: Warehousing

Greene Coach Company, Inc. Russell W. & Sheila Ooten 126 Bohannon Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-8271 Fax: 638-5541 Email: Web Site: Transportation

Greene County Farm Bureau Tommy Hopson 1431 W. Main St. P. O. Box 38 Greeneville, TN 37744-0038 Tel: 639-7212 Fax: 639-7215 Insurance & Related Services

General Morgan Inn and Conference Center Bob Cantler 111 N. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-1000 Fax: 787-1001 Web Site: Lodging

Greene County Alan Broyles 204 N. Cutler St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-1766 Fax: 798-1771 Government/Local

Frost Chiropractic Center Stephanie Frost, D.C. 1128 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. C Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-9710 Fax: 798-9722 Physicians/Chiropractors

Gardner Paint Services, Inc. Rodney Conduff P.O. Box 5096 Johnson City, TN 37602 Tel: 928-8351 Fax: 928-0322 Email: Web Site: Painting/Residential & Commercial Gary’s Paint & Body Shop Gary Hoese 3496 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7151 Fax: 639-6375 Auto Body Shop Gateway Ford Lennie Lawson 1055 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5151 Fax: 639-7474 Automobile Sales

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Greene County Farmers Mutual Insurance Willie Good 110 S. Main St. P. O. Box 156 Greeneville, TN 37744-0156 Tel: 638-3652 Insurance & Related Services

Greene County Habitat for Humanity Vicki Culbertson P.O. Box 1824 Greeneville, TN 37744-1824 Tel: 638-3838 Non-Profit Organizations Greene County Monument Jennifer Roe 415 Banks St., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-4016 Fax: 525-4019 Email: Web Site: Monuments & Cemetery Refurbishing Greene County Partnership Foundation 115 Academy Street Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4111 Fax: 638-5345 Foundations/Community Development Greene County Skills, Inc. Jimmy Gillen 130 Bob Smith Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5351 Health Care Facilities & Services Greene County Title Company Judy Robinson 518 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0683 Fax: 639-9563 Email: Web Site: Title & Escrow Services Greene County Veterinary Medical Center Doug Woolsey 247 Baileyton Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1621 Veterinarians Greene County YMCA Mike Hollowell 404 Y Street Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6107 Fax: 639-7978 Health & Recreation Greene Mountain Cleaning Services Angela Dingus 155 Lake Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 823-0671 Email: Cleaning/Home Improvement Greene Mountain Maintenance Bradley Dingus 155 Lake Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 470-2800 Email: Building & Lawn Maintenance

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Greene Technology Center Jerry Ayers 1121 Hal Henard Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-0171 Fax: 639-0176 Web Site: Educational Institutions, Services Greene Valley Developmental Center Diane Brightwell P.O. Box 910 Greeneville, TN 37744-0910 Tel: 787-6800 Fax: 787-6975 Health Care Facilities & Services Town of Greeneville W. T. Daniels 200 N. College St., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7105 Fax: 639-0093 Government/Local Greeneville Antique Market Vickie Gregory & Rebecca Wolfe 117 W. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2773 Antiques Greeneville Astros David Lane P.O. Box 5192 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 638-0411 Fax: 638-9450 Web Site: Entertainment Greeneville Beverage Melinda Stewart Hickerson 812 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9431 Fax: 638-1423 Email: Beverage Stores Greeneville Builders Supply W.C. Adams Jr./Harold D. Hartman 208 Bohannon Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4101 Fax: 638-5447 Building Materials Greeneville City Schools Dr. Linda Stroud 129 W. Depot St. P. O. Box 1420 Greeneville, TN 37744-1420 Tel: 787-8000 Fax: 638-2540 Web Site: Educational Institutions, Services

Greeneville Collection Service Leon H. Bell 103 N. College St. P. O. Box 385 Greeneville, TN 37744-0385 Tel: 639-4191 Fax: 639-5965 Collection Services Greeneville Dental Associates Amy Armstrong, DDS, Melissa Armbrister, DDS 1308 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6120 Fax: 639-6128 Dentists & Dental Services Greeneville Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists, MPLLC Beth Graham 1410 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2500, MOB 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1291 Fax: 638-9398 Physicians & Surgeons Greeneville Eyecare Center Dr. Allen Yandell 204 Emory Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4151 Fax: 639-6861 Email: Web Site: Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, Opticians Greeneville Federal Bank Brandon Hull 101 W. Summer St. P. O. Box 460 Greeneville, TN 37744-0460 Tel: 638-4154 Fax: 638-6397 Financial Institutions/Services Greeneville Housing Authority Rebecca M. Adams P.O. Box 279 Greeneville, TN 37744-0279 Tel: 638-3111 Fax: 638-2489 Public Housing Rentals

Greeneville Light & Power Company Bill Carroll 110 N. College St. P. O. Box 1690 Greeneville, TN 37744-1690 Tel: 636-6200 Fax: 638-7611 Web Site: Utilities, Related Services

Greeneville Self Storage Michelle Loven P.O. Box 636 1418 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-1112 Fax: 636-3075 Web Site: Storage Services

Greeneville Mini Warehouses Mark Williams 2040 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6781 Fax: 639-0851 Email: Storage Services

The Greeneville Sun Steve Harbison 121 W. Summer St. P. O. Box 1630 Greeneville, TN 37744-1630 Tel: 638-4181 Fax: 638-3645 Newspapers & Publications

Greeneville Oil & Petroleum, Inc. Allen Johnson 860 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. P. O. Box 926 Greeneville, TN 37744-0926 Tel: 638-3145 Fax: 638-3203 Oil Companies Greeneville Orthodontics Ben Haws, DDS 151 Mason St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-3196 Orthodontists Greeneville Orthopaedic Clinic, PC Dr. Richard Pectol, Dr. John L. Freeman, Christopher Castle, NP, Alvin Murphy, PA 223 N. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2103 Fax: 639-1642 Physicians & Surgeons

Greeneville Outfitters Karen Peterson 6757 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-2003 Fax: 787-2005 Email: Web Site: Greeneville Internal Medicine Dr. Maynard Austin, Dr. Thomas Beckner, Hunting & Fishing Supplies Dr. Joe Austin, Dr. Joseph Scott, Dr. James Rodgers, Leah Rodgers Moore, PA Greeneville Pediatric Clinic Dr. Doug Cobble, Dr. Walter Ashe 1404 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 3100 221 N. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4114 Fax: 638-1605 Tel: 787-6050 Fax: 787-6054 Physicians & Surgeons Physicians & Surgeons Greeneville Iron & Metals, Inc. Jeff Collins Greeneville Real Estate & Auction Team 315 Old Stage Rd. Bill Brown P.O. Box 1718 431 E. Bernard Ave., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37744-1718 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1562 Fax: 798-8988 Tel: 525-5341 Fax: 525-5345 Web Site: Web Site: Recycling/Waste Services Real Estate Sales, Auctions

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Greeneville Terrace Apartments Jerry Thomas 406 Elk St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5291 Fax: 639-7648 Email: Apartment Rentals Greeneville Tire & Performance Center Tim Goins 2530 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-3011 Automobile Parts Greeneville Urgent Care Center Patti Roberts 1021 Coolidge St., Ste. 4 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-8891 Fax: 636-1732 Health Care Facilities & Services Greeneville Water Department Laura White 516 N. Main St. P. O. Box 368 Greeneville, TN 37744-0368 Tel: 638-3148 Fax: 638-3140 Utilities, Related Services Greeneville Woman’s Club Vivian Gibbons P.O. Box 1116 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 636-8674 Clubs, Organizations & Enterprises Brian Cutshall 123 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-0545 Fax: 638-6273 Email: Internet & Computer Services

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Greeneville/Greene County Youth Football Association Tim Marshall P.O. Box 1692 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 552-2151 Email: Football Associations (Youth)

H.T. Hackney Company Ross Tutterow P.O. Box 1398 Johnson City, TN 37605-1398 Tel: 926-6175 Fax: 926-9899 Wholesale Distributors H5 Land Surveying & Mapping Daniel Hopson 102 E. Savanna Ct. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-1589 or 620-1589 Fax: 638-1589 Email: Web Site: Engineers, Architects, Surveyors John Hamilton, DC 1119 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2233 Fax: 638-9972 Email: Physicians/Chiropractors Hampton Inn Satish Hira 3130 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3735 Fax: 638-4413 Web Site:\ hampton\grvtn\myhomepage\business Lodging Kevin G. Hartman, DDS, PLLC Lisa Covington 816 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1911 Fax: 798-9962 Email: Dentists & Dental Services Crystal Goan Hawk 128 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Mailing: 273 Hwy. 11E, Ste. F Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 638-4006 Attorneys, Legal Firms

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

David B. Hawk 407 Crockett Lane Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-8146 Email: Individuals

Nathan Holt, County Commissioner 236 Anderson Loop Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 823-2873 Email: Individuals

Rhonda Humbert 175 S. T. Wilhoit Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-3819 Email: Individuals

HCP Coaching & Consulting Hilary Cutshaw Porta 1008 Stanbery Circle Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 704-491-9161 Email: Life Coaching/Consulting

Home Improvement Warehouse Andy Broyles 1640 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3802 Fax: 639-6499 Email: Web Site: Building Supplies

Hungate Business Services Kyle Hungate 1841 Pheasant Crossing Drive Dandridge, TN 37725 Tel: 800-827-5424 Fax: 323-2796 Email: Web Site: Copier Sales & Service

Heritage Air Conditioning & Heating Freddy Tweed P.O. Box 153 205 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-1992 Fax: 638-1992 Email: Air Conditioning & Heating Contractors Heritage Community Bank Tommy Burns 114 W. Church St. P.O. Box 428 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-5000 Fax: 636-5001 Financial Institutions/Services Heritage Lawn Care Robin F. Schell 745 Park Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-9494 Fax: 798-9555 Email: Web Site: Landscaping, Nurseries & Lawn Care Hite Construction Tom Hite 210 Park St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 823-0604 Fax: 639-1028 Email: Construction & Contractors Holston Gases Randy Harville P.O. Box 127 Morristown, TN 37814 Tel: 586-8011 Fax: 587-6958 Industrial Sales, Supplies and Services Holston United Methodist Home for Children Art Masker 404 Holston Drive P. O. Box 188 Greeneville, TN 37744-0188 Tel: 638-4171 Fax: 638-7171 Web Site: Homes & Institutions

Home Instead Senior Care Tracey Kendall 136 Boones St., Ste. 2 Jonesborough, TN 37659 Email: Web Site: Senior Care Hometown Realty of Greeneville Brad A. Johnston 514 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2345 Fax: 639-2387 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales Hookers Excavation & Trucking Birdie E. Hooker 479 Oasis Rd. Mailing: 522 St. Clair Rd. Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-3165 Fax: 235-3165 Email: Trucking & Excavation HS Williams Company Jeff Ryans 248 Holston View Drive Rogersville, TN 37857 Tel: 276-783-3185 Fax: 276-783-4002 Email: Web Site: Construction & Contractors HUF North America Shane Patterson 395 T. Elmer Cox Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-8500 Fax: 787-8621 Email: Web Site: Industrial & Manufacturing

Hutchins & Associates Charlie & Eva Grey Hutchins P.O. Box 1883 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 638-9267 Email: Consultants

Idell Construction Company, Inc. Jeff Idell P.O. Box 308 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-5429 Fax: 638-4808 Construction & Contractors Industrial Supply Company, Inc. Van Brooks 925 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-1717 Fax: 787-9390 Email: Industrial Sales, Supplies & Services Innovative Millwright Service Patsy Terry 372 Sanford Circle Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-1900 Fax: 798-1903 Email: Construction & Contractors

J&J Tool & Die Company, Inc. James Joseph 120 Fairgrounds Circle Greeneville, TN 37745 Mailing: P.O. Box 640 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-1061 Fax: 639-8064 Email: Tool & Die & Precision Sawing

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J&J Warehousing Jerry Fortner 60 Bridge Burners Rd. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-4481 Warehousing J.A. Street & Associates J.A. Street 245 Birch St. P.O. Box 725 Blountville, TN 37617 Tel: 323-8017 Fax: 323-1065 Construction & Contractors J. L. Jacobs & Associates John L. Jacobs 511 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-7828 Fax: 787-9002 Engineers, Architects, Surveyors JAC Investments Michael Harrell P.O. Box 488 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 620-1788 Fax: 638-4962 Real Estate Rentals The Jameson Inn Lisa Douthat 3160 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7511 Fax: 638-8956 Lodging Jan’s Salon Jan K. Hebert 106 W. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-9495 Hair Salons Jarden Zinc Products Tom Wennogle 2500 Old Stage Rd. P.O. Box 1890 Greeneville, TN 37744-1890 Tel: 639-8111 Fax: 639-3125 Industrial & Manufacturing Jaynes Flooring Outlet Ronnie Jaynes 3245 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. P.O. Box 339 Greeneville, TN 37744-0339 Tel: 639-1901 Fax: 639-6719 Flooring, Home Improvement JD Metals Michele Horner 5994 Chuckey Pike Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 257-8310 Fax: 257-8442 Email: Roofing Materials, Metal Fabrication

Jeffers Funeral & Cremation Service Richard Jeffers 208 N. College St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2141 Fax: 787-0409 Email: Web Site: Funeral Homes The Jewelry Bench Thomas D. Paxton 3145D E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-4201 Email: Jewelry Repair Jimmi Jon’s Hillbilly Café Jamie Barrett 400 E. Bernard Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-0202 Fax: 525-5417 Email: Restaurants, Food Services Joe’s Service Center Joe Doud 426 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-8890 Fax: 639-8893 Email: Automobile Repair John Deere Power Products Jeff Hollett 1630 Hal Henard Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-6100 Fax: 636-1772 Industrial & Manufacturing John Rogers Law Group John T. Milburn Rogers 102 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-7000 Fax: 638-9999 Email: Web Site: Attorneys, Legal Firms

David B. Jones, DDS 1104 E. Church St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4176 Dentists & Dental Services James C. (J.C.) Jones 310 Pinecrest Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-5606 Individuals Betty C. Justis 1223 Robinhood Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5320 Fax: 638-4257 Individuals

K-Vat Food Stores/Food City Israel O’Quinn P.O. Box 1158 Abingdon, VA 24210 Grocery, Produce, Bakery Kar-Pro Service Center Vicki Harness 604 N. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-6727 Fax: 636-8580 Email: Web Site: Automobile Repair Keith Dyer Pest Control Keith Dyer P.O. Box 939 Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 327-4996 Exterminators Ken Ray E-Z-Deal Auto Sales Ken Ray 1147 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 552-3861 Automobile Sales

Brad S. Johnson, DMD, PLLC Janice Hurst 703 K St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6769 Fax: 638-3635 Web Site: Oral Surgeons

Kenny Pipe & Supply Paul Langston 2512 Wesley St. Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 915-1267 Fax: 915-1268 Email: Web Site: Plumbing

Johnson & Son Shawn Johnson 60 Timber Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Mailing: 2696 Lakemont Cr. Morristown, TN 37814 Tel: 329-5425 Fax: 783-8935 Concrete

KFC Charles W. Middleton 1701 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 P. O. Box 1210 Elizabethton, TN 37644-1210 Tel: 423-543-4626 Restaurants, Food Services

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Kids First Pediatrics R.S. McGill, DO, & Laurie Trosin, MD 5000 Monarch Pointe Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-6630 Fax: 798-6633 Physicians & Surgeons Kiker’s Tobacco Gautam Patel 926 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-8532 Fax: 638-8534 Email: Discount Tobacco Sales Kimberly Dykes Interiors Kimberly Dykes 212 Mayor Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 335-5825 Fax: 246-3698 Email: Interior Designs Kingsport Imaging Systems, Inc. Richard Lambert 200 E. Market St. Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 245-5171 Fax: 245-8150 Web Site: Copier Sales & Service Kinser Park Rex Oster 650 Kinser Park Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-5912 Email: Web Site: Parks Kiser-Rose Hill Funeral Home Kurt Saine 125 Idletime Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-8007 Funeral Homes Kitchen By Design LLC Davey Fellers 5955 Kingsport Hwy. Johnson City, TN 37615 Tel: 470-3226 Fax: 477-0010 Email: Web Site: Kitchen/Bath Designs Kiwanis Club of Greeneville Michele Horner P.O. Box 654 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 638-8096 Clubs, Organizations, Enterprises

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Komplexions Laser & Skin Care Medi Spa Kayla Cornwell 629 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 552-5188 Email: Laser Skin Care & Weight Loss Medi Spas

Laughlin Medical Group/General Surgery Dr. Mark Patterson, Dr. Stephen Flohr, Dr. Natalie Scott 1410 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 1700 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-7100 Fax: 787-7109 Physicians & Surgeons

Gwen Lilley/Century 21 Legacy 2040 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 329-6781 Fax: 639-0851 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales

Korner Pawn Jimmy Schofield 432 E. Bernard Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7531 Pawn Shops

Laughlin Memorial Hospital, Inc. Chuck Whitfield 1420 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-5000 Fax: 787-5083 Web Site: Health Care Facilities & Services

Limestone Construction Company, Inc. Raymond & Dereda Shelton 70 Afton Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 638-1092 Construction & Contractors

Krebs Venues LLC, dba Construction Art Art Krebs 790 Keller Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 888-930-2255 Fax: 638-8750 Email: Web Site: Consultants Kyker’s Extreme Automotive Dale Kyker 4765 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-5147 Fax: 525-5148 Email: Automobile Repair, Tires, Custom Accessories

Lamar Advertising Buddy Sheerer 1551 Shipley Ferry Rd. Blountville, TN 37617 Tel: 323-5219 Fax: 323-5542 Advertising/Billboards Landair John Tweed 1110 Myers St. P.O. Box 938 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 783-1300 Fax: 636-7274 Trucking Lowell Dean Landre 7540 Erwin Hwy. Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 737-2401 Email: Individuals Laughlin Hospital Foundation Betty Weemes 1420 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-5117 Email: Foundations/Health Care Development

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Laughlin, Nunnally, Hood & Crum, P.C. Jerry Laughlin, Bill Nunnally, Kenneth Hood, Grant Crum, Todd Shelton 100 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-5183 Fax: 639-6154 Attorneys, Legal Firms

Link Hills Country Club Bob Ward 1325 E. Allens Bridge Rd. P. O. Box 266 Greeneville, TN 37744-0266 Tel: 638-3114 Fax: 638-9036 Clubs, Organizations & Enterprises

Barbara & Max Lawson 110 Max Way Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-4933 Fax: 639-7137 Individuals

Lions Club Willie Anderson P.O. Box 776 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 416-3590 Email: Clubs, Organization &, Enterprises

Legacy Fine Jewelers Faye Barnes 1339 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-8157 Fax: 638-8157 Email: Jewelry

Little Top Drive-Thru Keith W. Paxton 507 N. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9800 Email: Restaurants, Food Services

Lenny’s Sub Shop Tess Villarta 1345 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-9009 Fax: 638-9019 Email: Restaurants, Food Services

Littlejohn Engineering Associates Calvin D. Clifton 208 Sunset Drive, Ste. 104 Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 928-3500 Fax: 926-3565 Email: Web Site: Engineers/Environmentalists

Leonard, Kershaw & Hensley, LLP Ed Kershaw, Lindsey Lane 131 S. Main St., Ste. 102 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2121 Fax: 638-2131 Email: Web Site: Attorneys, Legal Firms Life Care Center of Greeneville Misty Key 725 Crum St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-8131 Fax: 639-4742 Health Care Facilities & Services

Loomis Armored U.S. Eddie Henry 120 Metroplex Ct. Knoxville, TN 37917 Tel: 865-291-6755 Fax: 865-540-1619 Email: Web Site: Armored Courier Love Business Systems Harold Love 175 Johnson Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2999 Fax: 639-1936 Email: Business Forms/Advertising Specialties Love Graphics Shane Love 1107 Arnold Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-8172 Fax: 638-9579 Email: Web Site: Printing, Graphics & Business Forms Lowe’s Mike Stout 2375 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0012 Fax: 639-3812 Email: Web Site: Retailers Lube Express Jeff Stills 1370 Tusculum Blvd., Greeneville, TN 37745 565 Asheville Hwy., Greeneville, TN 37743 Mailing: P.O. Box 926 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 638-3145, 798-1912, 636-2669 Fax: 638-3203 Email: Web Site: Oil Changes

A. Keith Livingston 114 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-6824 Fax: 639-5012 Attorneys, Legal Firms

Lynn Hope Towing Lynn Hope 80 Clay Way Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 823-1070 Towing

LMR Plastics Bob Leonard P.O. Box 1448 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-9141 Fax: 639-3145 Email: Web Site: Industrial & Manufacturing

Lynn Pitt Construction, Inc. Debbie M. Pitt 8390 Snapps Ferry Rd. Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 638-9242 Fax: 638-9242 Email: Web Site: Construction & Contractors

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M.C. Septic Services Mark Collins P.O. Box 2666 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-0399 Fax: 525-4773 Email: Septic Services M. W. Benko & Associates Rhonda Clay 615 W. Main St., Ste. 108 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 525-4119 Fax: 525-4182 Email: Web Site: Consultants Ma & Pa’s Restaurant April Habberstad 6853 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2427 Email: Restaurants, Food Services Main Street Dance Company Missy Crouch/Lilly Crouch 129 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Mailing: 7120 Old Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 620-5329 Email: Dance Studios/Instruction MainStreet: Greeneville Jann Mirkov 310 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7102 Email: Web Site: Clubs, Organizations & Enterprises The Maintenance & Repair Doctor Randy Johnson 840 Hartman Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 620-1128 Home Improvement Malone Brothers Excavating Marvin/Martin Malone 5160 Kingsport Hwy. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 639-5486 Excavating

March of Dimes-Appalachian Division Bridget Chandley 2313 Browns Mill Rd., Ste. 3 Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 461-8840 Fax: 461-8841 Clubs, Organizations & Enterprises Marsh Petroleum Oil Company, Inc. Chris Marsh 253 Baileyton Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7226 Fax: 639-8811 Oil Companies Massage by Shari Shari Scott, LMT 1119 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 278-0100 Email: Web Site: Massage Therapy Maurices Kenya Glasscock 1359 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-6600 Clothing McDonald’s Brian Grubb 107 Austin St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-3277 Email: Restaurants, Food Services McDonald’s Brian Grubb 504 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 377435 Tel: 636-2673 Email: Restaurants, Food Services McDonald’s Brian Grubb 3755 Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-8976 Email: Restaurants, Food Services McDonald’s Brian Grubb 35 Speedway Lane Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-7000 Email: Restaurants, Food Services

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McDonald’s Brian Grubb 2760 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5561 Email: Restaurants, Food Services McInturff & McInturff PLLC Carl McInturff 801 Sunset Drive, E-2 Johnson City, TN 37604-3033 Tel: 282-6000 Fax: 282-6666 Email: Web Site: Attorneys, Legal Firms McInturff, Milligan & Brooks Insurance Agency Charles S. Brooks 237 W. Summer St. P. O. Box 1600 Greeneville, TN 37744-1600 Tel: 639-5171 Fax: 639-7129 Insurance & Related Services The McLaughlin Group/Merrill Lynch Mickey Johnson 800 S. Gay St., Ste. 2200 Knoxville, TN 37929 Tel: 865-521-8813 Fax: 865-686-6563 Email: Financial Institutions/Services Mike McNeese/Century 21 Legacy 2040 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 552-5330 Fax: 1-888-323-2805 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales

Mesa Associates, Inc. Jennifer Moore 1612 Industrial Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 765-9820 Fax: 865-218-5235 Email: Web Site: Engineeers, Architects, Surveyors Microcraft Handiware David G. Hartman 104 Glenn Circle Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2044 Fax: 639-2044 Computers & Computer Services Midway Construction Company, Inc. Jeff Moore P.O. Box 235 Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 588-5639 Fax: 588-5643 Plumbing Miller Davis Mike Miller 118 N. Main St., Ste. 200 Salisbury, NC 28144 Tel: 704-637-5363 Email: Web Site: Computers & Computer Services Miller/Greeneville, Inc. Rhonda Banks 711 Campbell Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-6160 Fax: 798-0822 Email: Web Site: Industrial & Manufacturing

MECO Mark Proffitt 1500 Industrial Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1171 Fax: 639-2570 Web Site: Industrial & Manufacturing

Miller Land Surveying, LLC Jeffery A. Miller 905 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-7878 Fax: 787-2018 Email: Web Site: Land Surveyors

Merkel Brothers Construction Rance Merkel 1113 Myers St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-3116 Construction & Contractors

Milligan & Coleman Ron Woods P.O. Box 1060 Greeneville, TN 37744-1060 Tel: 639-6811 Fax: 639-0278 Attorneys, Legal Firms

Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio Patsy Dority 819 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9612 Cosmetics

MINCO, Inc. Mike McCullough 510 Midway Circle Midway, TN 37809 Tel: 422-6051 Fax: 422-4802 Industrial & Manufacturing

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Mobile ico Wallace D. Morrison 103 Longview Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 561-350-6961 Email: Web Site: Web Development (Mobile & Standard) Modern Woodmen of America Teddy Clowers 111 Village Drive P.O. Box 1234 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-1469 Fax: 359-2120 Email: Web Site: Insurance & Related Services Mohawk Memories Photography Laura Anderson 285 Solomon Rd. Mohawk, TN 37810 Tel: 231-2898 Email: Web Site: Photography Moldesign Ryan Peterson 4720 Middlebrook Pk. Knoxville, TN 37921 Tel: 865-588-3774 Email: Web Site: Industrial Sales, Supplies & Services Monk Industries, Inc. Frances Monk 315 W. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7124 Email: Web Site: Industrial & Manufacturing

Mop Squad Sarah/Todd Lanius 1140 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TNH 37745 Tel: 525-5771 Fax: 525-5772 Cleaning/Home Improvement Morning Pointe Assisted Living Joyce Treadway 324 Mount Bethel Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-1711 Email: Web Site: Health Care Facilities & Services Mortgage Investors Group Joyce Keisling 3145 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 588-5341 Fax: 588-5269 Email: Web Site: Residential Morgages Town of Mosheim Mayor Billy Myers 1000 Main St. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-4051 Fax: 422-6554 Government/Local Mountain Empire Oil Company Ralph Fellers 3583 W. Market St. P.O. Box 5998 Johnson City, TN 37602 Tel: 928-7241 Fax: 928-8553 Oil Companies

Mountcastle Corporation John Marshall P.O. Box 4034 Johnson City, TN 37602 Tel: 282-6141 Fax: 282-6148 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales Mr. Golf Doug Bible 1103 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-3673 Golf Supplies Mulch Pit David Turner 2900 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-9344 Fax: 525-4777 Email: Lawn & Garden Supplies My 3D Fitness Amy D. Collins/Angie Hayes P.O. Box 337 Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 200-7600 Fax: 235-6804 Email: Web Site: Health & Fitness Myers Pumpkin Patch Vera Ann Myers Eldon Myers 3415 Gap Creek Rd. Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-4796 Fax: 235-3003 Web Site: Agritourism

Mountain States Health Alliance/ Business Development Shannon Ellis 1420 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-6355 Health Care Facilities & Services

Neas Welding Kim Neas 1133 Forest St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-9551 Fax: 638-9110 Welding

Moore’s Electronics Charles Moore 1357 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5462 Fax: 638-1427 Web Site: Electronics

Mountain Surgical Dr. George Vinsant 1406 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2001 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9993 Fax: 639-9973 Physicians & Surgeons

New Wave Bedrooms Joe Horvath 105 E. Hardin St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1419 Email: Mattress Sales

Moose Lodge #692 J. B. Johnson 728 Kiser Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4881 Fax: 638-4881 Email: Non-Profit Organizations

Mountain View Homes & Development, LLC E. Lyndon Gallimore P. O. Box 271 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-6506 Fax: 639-6806 Web Site: Construction & Contractors

Niswonger Performing Arts Center Darrell Bryan 212 Tusculum Blvd. P.O. Box 727 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1328 Fax: 638-1346 Box Office: 638-1679 Performing Arts

JoElla Moore 1304 Kevin Lane Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2249 Email: Individuals

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Nolachuckey Mental Health Center Dr. Terry Kidd 401 Holston Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-1104 Fax: 636-8365 Health Care Facilities & Services Nolichucky View Golf Club B. J. Gray 5605 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-7888 Fax: 639-1622 Email: Web Site: Golf Courses Norton’s Pest Control Paul Norton 1240 Fillers Mill Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-9190 Exterminators Joy Rader Nunnally 204 N. Cutler St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-1726 Individuals

Old Stage Restaurant Mike Helbert 2012 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5391 Restaurants, Food Services OldcastleBuildingEnvelope Brandon Darby 920 Pottertown Rd. Midway, TN 37809 Tel: 422-9901 Fax: 422-9926 Industrial & Manufacturing Outback Landscaping Floyd Collins 6985 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 620-8250 Landscaping, Nurseries & Lawn Care

Package Express Center, Inc. Russell Israel 302 CCU Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-8057 Fax: 800-570-0683 Shipping & Printing

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Packaging Services Inc. of Tennessee Scott Sallah P.O. Box 1388 Greeneville, TN 37744-1388 Tel: 787-7711 Fax: 787-7771 Industrial & Manufacturing

Peggy Ann Bakery John Arrowood 934 Snapp Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1924 Grocery, Produce, Bakery

Popcorn Video Richard Scull 1260 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1484 Video Stores

Paintin’ Place LLC Gary Dale Parman 809 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-3122 Fax: 639-8210 Email: Paint & Wall Coverings

Petro Services, Inc. Sid Lester 2205 W. Stone Drive Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 245-4755 Fax: 378-6524 Petroleum Equipment Distributor

Porter’s Tire Stores, Inc. Chasity Wolfe 914 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-9225 Fax: 586-1863 Email: Web Site: Tire Sales

Pal’s #06 Willis Shaffer 1335 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7555 Fax: 638-7555 Email: Web Site: Restaurants , Food Services Parker Hannifin Ryan Schroeder 2745 Snapps Ferry Rd. P.O. Box 1790 Greeneville, TN 37744-1790 Tel: 639-8151 Fax: 787-2406 Industrial & Manufacturing Parrish Properties Debbie Wilson 1105 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-0164 Fax: 638-2061 Email: Real Estate Sales, Property Management Parton’s Electric Heating & Air Conditioning Doris Parton 105 N. College St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-8538 Fax: 639-3166 Email: Air Conditioning & Heating Contractors PATMOS EmergiClinic Dr. Robert Berry 1231 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9970 Fax: 639-4281 Email: Web Site: Physicians & Surgeons Peake Insurance David B. Peake 2255 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0288 Fax: 639-3806 Email: Web Site: Insurance & Related Services

PFS Security Group, Inc. Scott Foshie 839 Meadowbrook Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 329-6422 Email: Security Pike Electric Stan Marion P.O. Box 868 Mount Airy, NC 27030 Tel: 336-719-2171 Construction & Contractors Pilot Corporation James Haslam II P.O. Box 10146 Knoxville, TN 37939-0146 Tel: 865-588-7487 Oil Companies Pinecrest Cleaners Gary Randles 1407 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1407 Fax: 639-5114 Dry Cleaners Pizza Inn of Greeneville Tim Landeck 275 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2000 Email: Restaurants, Food Services Plaza Towers Tammy Gallagher 224 Thornwood Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4044 Fax: 783-9924 Email: Apartment Rentals Plum Natural Health Food Store & Vegetarian Deli John Campbell 1720 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-7782 Fax: 787-7782 Email: Restaurants, Food Services

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Precision Machine & Welding Bob Cutshall 175 Holder Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 638-9000 Fax: 638-9033 Web Site: Industrial & Manufacturing Machining & Tooling Preferred Properties of East Tennessee, Inc. Joe & Lucia Fillers 1230 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 783-0051 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales Premier Media William Willison 7100B Kingston Pk. Knoxville, TN 37919 Tel: 865-237-3373 Fax: 865-584-4284 Email: Web Site: Advertising/Billboards Premium Waters, Inc. Don Myers 1616 Industrial Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-0236 Fax: 787-0790 Web Site: Industrial & Manufacturing

ProBuild East LLC Don Newland 691 Suncrest Drive Johnson City, TN 37615 Tel: 477-1433 Fax: 477-1430 Email: Web Site: Building Supplies Professional Vending Doug Fezell P.O. Box 2167 Greeneville, TN 37744-2167 Tel: 639-3188 Fax: 235-5836 Email: Vending Machines, Services Profile Products, LLC Gary L. Bowers 60 Davy Crockett Park Rd. Limestone, TN 37861 Tel: 257-2051 Fax: 257-4821 Email: Web Site: Insulation & Hydrospray Mulch Property Valuations David Harris P.O. Box 5605 Kingsport, TN 37663 Tel: 239-6464 Fax: 239-4224 Email: Property Valuations Pulmacare, Inc. Johnny M. Renner 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 316 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-0700 Fax: 798-0900 Email: Web Site: Health Care Facilities & Services

Price & Ramey Insurance of Greeneville Kathy Clemmer 615 W. Main St., Ste. 101 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-4355 Fax: 639-5013 Email: Insurance & Related Services

Quality Machine Products, Inc. Jeff Bullock 108 Mimosa Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9771 Fax: 639-1719 Industrial & Manufacturing Machining & Tooling

Print Distribution Service Jay Stafford P.O. Box 355 Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 753-8191 Fax: 753-6911 Web Site: Brochure Distribution

Quality Trophy & Engraving Mike Burleson Elaine Burleson 3300 W. Market St. Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 928-3307 Fax: 928-3323 Trophies & Engraving

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Quantum Environmental & Engineering Services, LLC Matt Teglas/Pat Mulligan 126 Dante Rd. Knoxville, TN 37918 Tel: 865-689-1395 Fax: 865-689-6844 Email: Web Site: Engineers, Surveyors, Environmentalists

Randstad Phillip Waddell 514 Justis Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-9946 Fax: 638-2024 Employment Services Rather & Kittrell Greg McMurry 11905 Kingston Pk. Knoxville, TN 37934 Tel: 865-218-8400 Fax: 865-218-8450 Email: Web Site: Stock Brokers & Financial Planners

Red Rocks Pizza & Eatery Howard Seymour 3990 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-5326 Restaurants, Food Services

Revstone/MPI LLC Scott Dinger 2460 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0051 Fax: 639-2154 Email: Industrial & Manufacturing

Road Show Mobile Stages Heather Boegemann 406 Hillcrest Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 329-5570 Email: Entertainment

Reformation Lutheran Church 400 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4627 Fax: 638-5431 Email: Web Site: Churches

Rexel David Byrd 420 Press St. P.O. Box 418 Kingsport, TN 37662 Tel: 246-2900 Fax: 378-5548 Web Site: Electrical Contractors, Suppliers

Roberts Furniture & Appliance, Inc. Betty Bird 221 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-8166 Email: Furniture & Appliances

Reitzer Group International, a division of Management Recruiters of Jonesborough, Inc. Lynn Reitzer 111 W. Main St., Ste. 205 Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 753-0059 Fax: 753-0734 Email: Web Site: Executive Recruiters

Judye Rhea 409 Oriole Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-3743 Individuals

Reliable Title & Escrow, LLC Melissa Neesen 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 301 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2100 Fax: 638-6100 Email: Web Site: Title & Escrow Services

Ray Christian & Sons Metal Roofing Ray Christian 110 Stockton Rd. Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 552-1097 Email: Web Site: Glenn D. Renner Metal Roof Installers 104 Reed Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 Ray “Tee Dee” Maupin Auction Company Tel: 639-2814 Tee Dee Maupin Email: 1185 Maupin Rd. Individuals Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 257-2176 Rentenbach Constructors, Inc. Email: Brent Blalock Auctions & Appraisals 2400 Sutherland Ave. Knoxville, TN 37919 Ready Mix USA P.O. Box 11087 Jimmy Hill Knoxville, TN 37939 1532 Industrial Rd. Tel: 865-546-2440 Fax: 865-546-3414 Greeneville, TN 37744-0534 Email: Tel: 639-2041 Fax: 638-8931 Web Site: Concrete Construction & Contractors Realty Executives Regie Jones 818 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-3465 Fax: 639-3484 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales

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ResCare HomeCare Erica Miller 603 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-7717 Fax: 787-7719 Email: Web Site: Health Care Facilities &Services

Ricker Construction Co. Donald & Sandy Ricker 130 Browns Circle P.O. Box 2441 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 571-2914 Fax: 787-1980 Construction & Contractors Right Angle Enterprises, Inc. Paul McAfee 111 Mimosa Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0790 Fax: 638-2153 Email: Tool & Die Lindy Riley 281 Grapevine Trail Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-9223 Email: Individuals Sue Ritter 1195 Pigeon Creek Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 552-3020 Email: Individuals David Rivers 315 N. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 602-708-1511 Individuals RMC Auto Ron Fillers 330 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-0272 Fax: 525-4147 Email: Web Site: Automobile Sales

Rocky’s Pizza Drew Thornburg 104 Village Drive, Ste. 3 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7597 Fax: 638-3260 Email: Restaurants, Food Services Rodefer Moss & Company Bill Moss 185 Serral Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-8144 Fax: 638-2979 Email: Accountants Roger’s Automotive, LLC Roger D. Hawk 529 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9096 Fax: 639-9098 Automobile Repair Michael J. Rogers, DDS 1741 Old Tusculum Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7491 Fax: 639-3281 Dentists & Dental Services Rogers Petroleum, Inc. John Yeager P.O. Box 1714 Morristown, TN 37816 Tel: 581-7460 Fax: 581-1153 Email: Web Site: Oil Companies Ron’s Millwright Service, Inc. Ronnie D. Cansler 1122 Forest St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-8663 Fax: 636-8629 Construction & Machinery Movers Rotary Club of Greeneville Wendy Peay P.O. Box 543 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-9361 Fax: 639-9340 Email: Clubs, Organizations & Enterprises

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Roto Rooter Mike Harrell P.O. Box 220 Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 639-1221 Fax: 638-4962 Email: Septic Services

Safe Harbour Real Estate & Builders Jeff Irvine 2230 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 552-7555 Fax: 588-5047 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales & Builders

Round Table Offices, LLC Linda Crum 1104 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2275 Fax: 638-1025 Email: Web Site: Lodging

The Salsa’s Restaurant Javier Olivares 625 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-0800 Fax: 787-0800 Email: Restaurants, Food Services

Royal Carriage Limousines R. Shannon Johnson 1013 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 329-6697 Email: Limousine Services RPC Specialty Coatings, Inc. Alma Calkin 310 T. Elmer Cox Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-0057 Fax: 787-0271 Email: Web Site: Industrial & Manufacturing Rusty’s Tire & Alignment Russell P. Ottinger P.O. Box 723 1044 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7447 Fax: 639-7322 Email: Automobile Repair

S&D Coffee Chris Golash 300 Concord Pkwy. South Concord, NC 28027 Tel: 384-2495 Fax: 639-8310 Email: Web Site: Coffee & Iced Tea Distributors/Manufacturers S&ME, Inc. Mark Surgenor 644 Eastern Star Rd. Kingsport, TN 37663 Tel: 349-2800 Fax: 349-2858 Engineers, Architects, Surveyors

Sam’s Club 8222 Andrew Weatherford 3060 Franklin Terrace Drive Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 282-3360 Fax: 282-4269 Email: Web Site: Wholesalers Saratoga Technologies Allan Walters 101 Med Tech Pkwy., Ste. 307 Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 282-4220 Fax: 282-4890 Email: Web Site: Computers & Computer Services Donell Scarboro 110 Dyer St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-6684 Individuals Scepter Greeneville, Inc. Nate Sutherlen 1230 Pottertown Road Midway, TN 37809 Tel: 422-4731 Fax: 422-7857 Industrial & Manufacturing Scrap Guy Jeff Collins P.O. Box 1718 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 798-8984 Web Site: Recycling Sculptz Salon & Spa Georgia Redmond 506 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1900 Email: Web Site: Spas/Salons

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Hilton & Betty Seay 2516 Old Kentucky Road West Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-4097 Fax: 422-7607 Individuals Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee Rhonda P. Chafin 127 Dillon Court Gray, TN 37615 Tel: 477-4053 Fax: 477-3467 Food Banks SEDA, Inc. Steve Farris 9816 W. Andrew Johnson hwy. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-2110 Fax: 422-2111 Email: Consulting Engineers Servicemaster/The Handyman Marlene Randolph P. O. Box 39 Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 639-9164 Fax: 638-6761 Email: Cleaning/Home Improvement Servicemaster Elite Services Dave Wright 6801 Tom Pat Way Knoxville, TN 37924 Tel: 865-323-7005 Fax: 865-523-5137 Email: Web Site: Cleaning/Commercial Servpro Shanel Loveless 65 Stone Dam Rd. Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 638-1104 Fax: 638-1626 Email: Web Site: Restoration Sesco Management Consultants Bill Ford 505 7th St. P.O. Box 1848 Bristol, TN 37620 Tel: 764-4127 Fax: 964-5869 Email: Web Site: Consultants Shaw Insurance Agency Deborah Shaw 1000 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1522 Fax: 639-4122 Email: Insurance & Related Services

Shaw LP Gas Johnny Wilson 205 W. Bernard Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7788 Fax: 636-8902 Utilities, Related Services Shipley’s Furniture & Bedding Tim L. Shipley 210 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-0129 Furniture & Bedding James S. Shore 1345 Shakerag Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6577 Email: Individuals Shred-It 14201 Hickory Creek Rd. Lenoir City, TN 37772 Tel: 800-697-4733 Fax: 865-671-0786 Shreders Sign Shack Paul B. Love 323 E. Bernard Ave. , Ste. 3 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7596 Email: Signs Signature Catering, Inc. Gene Pound 5074 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-8404 Fax: 636-8404 Email: Caterers Signature Health Care of Greeneville Karen Turner 106 Holt Court Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-0213 Fax: 638-4511 Health Care Facilities & Services Signs Plus Kritter Malone 708 E. Church St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-0087 Fax: 636-9877 Email: Signs Smile Solutions John W. Lamons 440 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-3371 Fax: 638-8649 Email: Web Site: Dentists & Dental Services

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

James F. Smith 155 Veldt Lane Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 639-5793 Individuals Smoky Mountain Home Health & Hospice Lisa Durham 1117 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-8006 Fax: 636-8193 Email: Web Site: Home Health Care/Hospice Jim Smythe 511 E. Main St. Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Tel: 615-896-0765 Fax: 615-904-9791 Email: Individuals Snapps Ferry Packing Jack Southerland 5900 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 638-7001 Slaughter Houses/Meat Markets Snelson Chiropractic Bryon K. Snelson 510 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1431 Fax: 639-0827 Email: Physicians/Chiropractors Sno-Biz of Greeneville Josephine Cutshaw 549 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2640 Fax: 638-2640 Restaurants, Food Services Snyder Signs Adam Miller 3918 Creekmore Drive Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 282-6221 Fax: 282-6222 Email: Web Site: Signs SoPakCo Wesley Keller 102 Coile St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1163 Fax: 639-7270 Email: Web Site: Warehousing, Distribution & Cartage

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

South State Contractors Robin Quillen 412 Scott Farm Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 638-1099 Fax: 638-1052 Email: Web Site: Construction & Contractors Southeastern Crate Service Center James Fender Hal Henard Rd. P.O. Box 416 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-0187 Fax: 639-2504 Industrial Sales, Supplies and Services Southern Belle Bridal, Inc. Michelle T. Richards 1323 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 783-9965 Fax: 783-9965 Email: Web Site: Formal Wear/Bridal Gowns/Tuxedoes Southern Finance & Thrift Corporation Walter Brumit 1200 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7811 Fax: 638-8340 Financial Institutions/Services Southern Pride Realty Teresa Jones 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 314 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1200 Fax: 877-795-7511 Email: Real Estate Sales Sparks School of Karate Benjamin Sparks 120 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 620-8859 Email: Web Site: Martial Arts Wolfgang U. Spendel 1608 W. Allens Bridge Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Email: Individuals Staff Pro Kathy Willis 2290 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7123 Fax: 639-2418 Email: Employment Services

Stafford Custom Graphics, LLC Jay Stafford P.O. Box 355 1903 Highway 11E Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 753-6911 Fax: 753-6900 Email: Web Site: Printing, Graphics & Business Forms Stan’s Bar-B-Q Stan Fortner Kim Fortner 2620 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-0017 Web Site: Restaurants, Food Services Stanley’s Pro Pavement Stanley Kite 126 Pelican Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 741-5433 Email: Asphalt Sealers State Farm Insurance Lisa Shepherd Crum 2195 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5150 Fax: 639-6288 Insurance & Related Services

Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Delores “Dee” Bardes 10368 Wallace Alley St., Ste. 5 Kingsport, TN 37663 Tel: 477-9363 Email: Web Site: Mortgage Advisors E. Brad Strange, MD 701 Professional Plaza Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7141 Fax: 639-5241 Physicians & Surgeons Strong Heritage Financial Group Steve Dick, CFP, ChFC 705 Professional Plaza Drive, Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1800 Fax: 636-1801 Email: Web Site: Financial Advisors Stuart C. Irby Company Jess Holland 501 W. Mountain View Rd. Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 929-7126 Fax: 929-3986 Electrical Contractors, Suppliers

State Farm Insurance Jaron Snoeyenbos 1319 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-0353 Insurance & Related Services

Studio Nine 22 Connie M. R. Black 922 Carson St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 329-3581 Email: Web Site: Dance Studios

State Farm Insurance Tommy Haun 1137 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5721 Fax: 639-3373 Insurance & Related Services

Summer Street Pawn Shop Michael Cansler 510 Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-4447 Pawn Shops

Jack Stewart 6652 Blue Springs Pkwy. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 329-4355 Email: Individuals Still Hollow Farm Jay & Ann Birdwell 3005 W. Allens Bridge Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-3967 Fax: 639-5950 Email: Web Site: Agritourism

Summers-Taylor, Inc. Ted Bryant 1190 Lonesome Pine Trail Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7240 Fax: 639-7268 Construction & Contractors Summit Family Medicine & Occupational Health Services Jaime Oakley, MD 1404 Tusculum Blvd., MOB # 3, Ste. 2300 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2161 Fax: 787-1904 Physicians & Surgeons

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Sunbridge Realty Cathy Hooper, David Hooper, Tom Gregory 3509 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9050 Fax: 639-9052 Toll Free: 1-866-832-3816 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales

Taylor Law Firm Jeffrey C. Taylor, Attorney At Law 365 W. Third North St. P.O. Box 2004 Morristown, TN 37816 Tel: 586-6812 Fax: 586-6920 Email: Attorneys, Legal Firms

Superior Business Associates Stan Ritter 800 W. Irish St. P.O. Box 400 Greeneville, TN 37744-0400 Tel: 787-6000 Fax: 787-6010 Printing, Graphics & Business Forms

TCI Group Andy Burke 119 Boone Ridge Drive, Ste. 203 Johnson City, TN 37615 Tel: 915-0911 Fax: 915-1043 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales

Swatzell’s Septic Charles Love 220 Pleasant Hill Rd. Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 257-2747 Email: Septic Services Sweet CeCe’s David Emmett 1337 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2323 Email: Web Site: Restaurants, Food Services Sysco Knoxville Adam Wagner 900 Tennessee Ave. Knoxville, TN 37921 Tel: 423-914-4597 Fax: 865-545-5690 Email: Web Site: Restaurants, Food Services

T.E.G. Lease Tracy E. Gass 107 Gass Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-2163 Fax: 787-0401 Storage Services Takoma Regional Hospital Daniel Wolcott 401 Takoma Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-3151 Fax: 636-2374 Health Care Facilities & Services The Tannery Downtown Donna McInturff 117 E. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2772 Restaurants, Food Services

Teague Printing Company Ned Sanders 210 W. Church St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4551 Fax: 638-3927 Printing, Graphics & Business Forms Team Bridal Benjamin Dean 129 Hermitage St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 329-8978 Email: Web Site: Wedding Planning, Products & Services Tennessee Adworks John Kilday IV P.O. Box 69 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 359-2020 Fax: 359-2010 Email: Web Site: Advertising/Promotional Products Tennessee Cancer Specialists, PLLC Melissa Knight 1410 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2200 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0243 Fax: 639-0628 Email: Web Site: Physicians & Surgeons Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development Eleanor E. Newman 1112 E. Main St. Rogersville, TN 37857 Tel: 272-2661 Employment Services

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Tennessee Electric Company Greg Boehling 1700 John B. Dennis Hwy. Kingsport, TN 37664 Tel: 247-4141 Fax: 247-4951 Email: Web Site: Construction & Contractors

Thomas Construction Co., Inc. Gerald D. Thomas # 9 Wesley Court P.O. Box 4806 Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 282-3251 Fax: 282-3976 Construction & Contractors

Tennessee Public Defender Greg W. Eichelman/Michael Walcher 217 S. College St., Ste. 4 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2456 Fax: 636-8223 Attorneys, Legal Firms

David Thompson 204 N. Cutler St., Ste. 200 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-1708 Fax: 798-1822 Individuals

Tennessee Rehabilitation Center Michele Keffer 241 Baileyton Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5148 Fax: 639-1084 Health Care Facilities & Services

Three Blind Mice Susan Loven P.O. Box 5662 Tusculum Station Greeneville, TN 37744-5662 Tel: 639-0180 Gift & Craft Shops

Terminix Michael Sparks 2516 Wesley St. Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 282-1331 Fax: 283-9228 Exterminators Terry, Terry & Stapleton Denise Stapleton/Margaret H. Kanipe 3465 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy., Ste. 4 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-0420 Fax: 638-0421 Email: Web Site: Terry’s Flooring Terry Thompson 1699 Kiser Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 329-3539 Fax: 639-9013 Email: Flooring, Home Improvement TEVET LLC Tracy Solomon 85 Spring Street South Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 678-905-1300 Email: Web Site: Defense Contractors Thirty-One Gifts Kelley Thornburg 5646 107 Cutoff Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 525-3863 Email: Web Site: kelleythornburg Personalized Gifts

Thrive Ministry Pastor Rick Becker 116 N. Rufe Taylor Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2799 Fax: 638-2799 Email: Web Site: Christian Ministries Dr. Philip Thwing 400 Y St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0707 639-0345 Email: Physicians & Surgeons TIS Insurance Raymond Oakes 1900 Winston Rd. Knoxville, TN 37919 Tel: 865-691-4847 Fax: 865-694-4847 Email: Web Site: Insurance & Related Services Tommy Bennett Window Tinting & Accessories Tommy Bennett 114 Austin St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 329-8468 Email: Window Tinting Total Insurance Planners Shawn Davis 3121 Bristol Hwy. Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 283-0094 Fax: 283-0547 Web Site: Insurance & Related Services

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Towne & Country Event Rentals & Venues Carol Brown 201 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4268 Fax: 638-5092 Email: Web Site: www.towneandcountryrentalsand Rentals/Retail Towne Square Package Store, Inc. Josh Hadjopoulos 200 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-6521 Email: Beverage Stores Town Square Station Teddy Lawing 253 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 588-5457 Email: Gas Stations (Full Service) Transport Technologies, LLC Jeff L. Collins P.O. Box 1864 185 Old Stage Rd. Greeneville, TN 37744-1864 Tel: 638-3485 Fax: 639-4808 Waste Services Tri-Am RV Center of East Tennessee Amy M. Perkins 1202 Idell Rd. Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-1167 Fax: 235-1176 Email: Web Site: RV Dealers Tri-Cities Regional Airport, TN/VA Patrick Wilson 2525 Hwy. 75, Ste. 301 Blountville, TN 37617 Tel: 325-6001 Fax: 325-6060 Email: Web Site: Airports Tri-Cities Rubber Steve Maddux 522 Princeton Rd. Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 434-9618 Fax: 434-0547 Email: Gaskets/Rubber Products Tri County Real Estate, LLC Renee Dunbar 90 McIntosh Lane Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-5550 Fax: 235-9755 Email: Web Site: Real Estate Sales

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

TriAngle Press Hal Wisecarver 4050 N. Mohawk Rd. Mohawk, TN 37810 Tel: 235-5587 Fax: 235-4210 Email: Printing, Graphics & Business Forms

TVA Tom Olterman 2425 Highway 75, Ste. 108 Blountville, TN 37615 Tel: 354-0514 Government

Trinity Benefit Advisors, Inc. Tony Stubbs 4823 Old Kingston Pike, Ste. 205 Knoxville, TN 37919 Tel: 865-531-9898 Fax: 865-531-2290 Email: Web Site: Insurance & Related Services

Twisted Scissors Jana Cooter 1127 Temple St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1388 Email: Hair Salons

Tupperware Michelle Steiner 910 Ottway Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 972-1263 Email: Web Site: Direct Sales City of Tusculum Mayor John Foster 145 Alexander St. P. O. Box 5014, Tusculum Station Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-6211 Fax: 638-6211 Government/Local Tusculum College Dr. Nancy Moody P.O. Box 5048, Tusculum Station Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-7300 Fax: 638-7166 Web Site: Educational Institutions, Services Tusculum Dental Care Craig Shepherd, DOS 22 Norton Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7575 Fax: 639-7572 Email: Web Site: Dentists & Dental Services Tusculum Family Physicians Carla Nickle, DO, Ken Nickle, DO 1404 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 3000 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 783-7965 Fax: 783-7970 Email: Physicians & Surgeons Tusculum Monument Company Richard Jeffers 111 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5546 Monuments

U.S. Forest Service Terry Bowerman 4900 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4109 Fax: 638-5599 Government/Local

Unaka Buddy Yonz 1500 Industrial Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 278-1443 Fax: 639-1663 Email: Web Site: Industrial & Manufacturing Unified Title & Escrow, Inc. Lynn Griffin 816 Tusculum Blvd., #2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-0002 Fax: 787-0012 Email: Web Site: Title & Escrow Services Unifirst Corporation Justin Lewis 10603 Lexington Drive Knoxville, TN 37932 Tel: 865-675-5453 Fax: 865-675-5473 Email: Web Site: Uniform Rental United Way of Greene County Wendy Peay 115 Academy St., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37744-0364 Tel: 639-9361 Fax: 639-9340 Email: Clubs, Organizations & Enterprises

U.S. Standard Gold Buyers Sheree Dickson 3165 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1060 Fax: 636-1060 Email: Web Site: Unity Urology M.O.B. # 3 Jason Carter, M.D. Precious Metal Buyers 1404 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. #2000 Greeneville, TN 37745 U-SAV Auto Center Tel: 638-4046 Fax: 638-4295 Email: Allan Arrington Web Site: 1108 Snapps Ferry Rd. Physicians & Surgeons Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5114 The UPS Store 5004 Automobile Repair Scotty Long 1113 Tusculum Blvd. UFP Mid-Atlantic, LLC, a Universal Forest Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-9992 Fax: 798-9909 Products Company Email: Ken Robinson Shipping/Documentation Services 120 Chickasaw Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 US Nitrogen Plant: 152 Industrial Park Rd. 471 Pottertown Rd. Pearisburg, VA 24134 Midway, TN 37809 Tel: 791-0244 Fax: 798-9974 Tel: 787-2022 Fax: 787-2024 Web Site: Email: Industrial & Manufacturing Web Site: Industrial & Manufacturing Ultimate Shine 3-Minute Express Car Wash David Wild 3350 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-9802 Fax: 636-9802 Email: Web Site: Cash Washes

Valley Pipe Philip Payne 2504 Quality Lane Knoxville, TN 37931 Tel: 865-769-9967 Fax: 865-769-4312 Email: Web Site: Pipe/Fittings

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Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers Robert Andrew 1649 W. Morris Blvd. Morristown, TN 37813 Tel: 587-8648 Fax: 587-8640 Email: Web Site: Engineers, Surveyors Pam Venerable 101 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-1760 Fax: 798-1763 Email: Individuals Verizon Wireless Sarah Shull 2815 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-8151 Fax: 639-8411 Web Site: Cellular/Wireless Communications William Vicory 2319 Ridge Rd. Augusta, GA 30906 Individuals Village Green Robert H. Bailey 45 Laurel Gap Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 620-2627 Real Estate Sales, Property Management

W & W Engineering, LLC Cathy S. Walden 800 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2770 Fax: 638-8615 Engineers, Architects, Surveyors

Warner Realty Company Wendy Carter Warner W.C. Forklift, Inc./Western Carolina Forklift 522 Justis Drive Larry Anders Greeneville, TN 37745 4099 U.S. Hwy. 11E Tel: 639-7653 Fax: 639-2344 Bluff City, TN 37618 Email: Tel: 538-3500 Fax: 538-5388 Web Site: Email: Real Estate Sales Web Site: Forklift & Material Handling WCYB, WEMT, CW Candy Crigger Wal-Mart Logistics 101 Lee St. Ted Rideout Bristol, VA 24201 1655 Pottertown Rd. Tel: 276-821-5250 Fax: 276-645-1553 Email: Midway, TN 37809 Web Site: Tel: 235-2300 Fax: 235-3304 Television Stations Distribution Centers Wal-Mart SuperCenter Buddy Kolb 3755 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-8181 Fax: 638-2142 Discount, Variety Stores

Vintage Décor & More Paul B. Love 323 E. Bernard Ave., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7087 Antiques

Walgreens #7049 Jason Fuller 1650 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4889 Email: Web Site: Pharmacies

Volunteer Center of Greeneville/Greene County Mary Fitzpatrick 100 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-9341 Fax: 639-2299 Email: Non-Profit Organizations

Walgreens #11907 William W. Ritchey 104 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-8335 Email: Web Site: Pharmacies

Volunteer Speedway Phyllis Loven 221 Shady View Rd. Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 378-5942 Fax: 378-3473 Web Site: www.volunteerspeedway Race Tracks

Walters State Community College Drucilla Miller 215 N. College St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-7940 Fax: 798-7944 Educational Institutions, Services

Vulcan Materials Company Ed Everett 400 Deneen Lane Kingsport, TN 37662 Tel: 245-4136 Fax: 246-2425 Industrial & Manufacturing

Ward Auction & Appraisals, Inc. Kim Ward 1775 Fodderstack Mountain Loop Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 528-4073 Fax: 528-4073 Email: Web Site: Auctions & Appraisals

Wampler Masonry Adam Wampler 1130 Henard Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 422-6750 Email: Masonry

82 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Sarah E.T. Webster 1241 Tanglewood Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-7006 Individuals Weems Excavating & Paving, Inc. Kenneth Weems 240 State St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4022 Excavating Wellington Place of Greeneville Shane Jones 155 Serral Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-0404 Fax: 798-2072 Health Care Facilities & Services Wellmont Health System Nick Adams 1905 American Way Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 230-8200 Web Site: Health Care Facilities & Services Hugh Wells 1807 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-7743 Fax: 636-7639 Individuals Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Tiffany Greer 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 310 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-8096 or 798-0143 Email: Financial Institutions/Services

Wells Repair Kenneth Wells 6858 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-9086 Fax: 638-8445 Email: Farm Equipment, ATVs Wendy’s Michael Forte 13350 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-4572 Restaurants, Food Services Wendy’s Michael Forte 601 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-1926 Restaurants, Food Services Wendy’s Michael Forte 1330 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3531 Restaurants, Food Services West Greene Insurance & Tax Service, Inc. David Niehoff 2815 Newport Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2925 Fax: 798-2095 Email: Web Site: Insurance & Related Services West Main Recycling Rocky Luster 1310 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Mailing: P.O. Box 574 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-2018 Email: Recycling Westmorland Electric, Heating & Cooling Stephanie Westmorland 1221 George Malone Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-9521 Fax: 638-9531 Email: Air Conditioning & Heating Contractors WGRV/WIKQ/WSMG Ronnie Metcalfe P.O. Box 278 Greeneville, TN 37744-0278 Tel: 638-4147 Fax: 638-1979 Email: Radio Stations

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Rick Whittington Consulting Rick Whittington 117 South 14th St., Ste. 310 Richmond, VA 23219 Tel: 804-335-1477 Email: Web Site: Web Site Consulting James R. Williams, DDS 711 K St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3571 Dentists & Dental Services Margie Douthat Williams 37 W. Ridgefield Ct. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3755 Individuals

Wimberly Lawson Seale Wright & Daves, PLLC Mary Moffatt Helms, Kelly A. Campbell, William R. Seale 929 W. First North St. P.O. Box 1066 Morristown, TN 37816-1066 Tel: 587-6870 Fax: 587-1479 Web Site: Attorneys, Legal Firms Bob Windham 1404 Upland Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-8702 Email: Individuals

Wolfe Development Kelly Wolfe 806 E. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 5&6 Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 913-2555 Fax: 913-2445 Email: Web Site: Construction & Contractors

A. Dave Wright P.O. Box 1104 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 329-2876 Email: Architects

Women’s Center of Greeneville, PC Harry C. Nelson, MD FACOG, Jo Lynn Hawthorne, MD FACOG, Karin Small, MD 1021 Coolidge St., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-2300 Fax: 636-0348 Email: Physicians & Surgeons

Yellowbook Kim Gray 4138 Bristol Hwy. Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 262-0006 Fax: 262-0009 Email: Web Site: Phone Directories

Frequently Called Numbers

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 83

Your Invitation For Membership RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI)$950.00

New Member Announcement in “Partnership Notes” $ section of The Greeneville Sun, *Daily Readership 39,000+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

300 Alphabetical and Categorical Listings in the $ “Greene County Guidebook,” Annual Readership 90,000+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Alphabetical and Categorical Listings in the Greene County Partnership $ Membership Directory and Web Site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES. . . PRICELESS ! **

* Daily Readership calculated at 14,500 copies times 2.7 readers per issue. **Annual Readership calculated at 16,500 copies times 5.5 readers per issue.

Firm:_________________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________________ Phone Number:_ _________________________________________ Fax Number:_ ___________________________________________ EMAIL Address:___________________________________________ Web address:____________________________________________ Business Type:_ __________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________________

MEMBERSHIP INVESTMENT SCHEDULE General Employees No. Employees Cost 1-5 $175 6-10 $235 11-15 $275 16-20 $330 21-25 $402 26-30 $468 31-40 $523 41-50 $605 51-70 $715 71-90 $825 91-110 $990 111-125 $1100 126 & over Negotiable Professionals – $175 plus an additional $60 per full time partner, associate or sales representative. Real Estate & Insurance Agents – $175 plus an additional $30 for every licensed agent or employee.

# Of Full Time Employees: _ ___________________________________

Hotel/Motel – $175 plus an additional $2 per room over 10; Hotel with dining facility an additional $3 per room over 10.

Authorized Representative: _ __________________________________

Franchised Fast Food Restaurants – $275 per store. Apartments – $175 plus an additional $1 per unit.

Membership Investments may be paid for with cash, check, Visa* or Master Card*

Individuals – Such as retirees and farmers - $50.

VISA OR M/C account number -

Out of County Businesses – $385. -

exp. date

* A 2% handling fee will be added to charges

84 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Negotiable – All businesses with 126 employees or more. All financial institutions, utilities, hospitals, locally based corporations, publicly held corporations and general contractors.

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun


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2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 85

Accountants Adams & Plucker, CPAs Ray Adams, Loren Plucker, Whitney A. Ball, Kevin L. Ewers 119 S. Main St. P.O. Box 1117 Greeneville, TN 37744-1117 Tel: 639-0151 Fax: 639-0942 Blackburn, Childers & Steagall, PLC Dennis Rasnake 550 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-8516 Fax: 638-3726 Email: Web Site:

David M. Ellis, CPA 132 W. Depot St. P.O. Box 71 Greeneville, TN 37744-0071 Tel: 787-0855 Fax: 787-0770

Rodefer Moss & Company Bill Moss 185 Serral Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-8144 Fax: 638-2979 Email:

Advertising Foshie’s Tax & Accounting Services Harold Foshie, CPA 1227 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-4097 Fax: 525-4097 Email: Web Site:

Charter Media Barry Wilson 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 112 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-9783 Fax: 787-9793

Advertising/Billboards Lamar Advertising Buddy Scheerer 1551 Shipley Ferry Rd. Blountville, TN 37617 Tel: 323-5219 Fax: 323-5542

Serving the region since 1961

Advertising/Marketing Absolute Communications Carolyn Pierson Cook 1880 N. Eastman Rd., Ste. 130 Kingsport, TN 37664 Tel: 246-0336 Fax: 246-2188 Email: Web Site:

Advertising/Promotional Products Tennessee Adworks John Kilday IV P.o. Box 69 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 359-2020 Fax: 359-2010 Email: Web Site:


Premier Media William Willison 7100B Kingston Pk. Knoxville, TN 37919 Tel: 865-237-3373 Fax: 865-584-4284 Email: Web Site:

Myers Pumpkin Patch Vera Ann Myers Eldon Myers 3415 Gap Creek Rd. Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-4796 Fax: 235-3003 Web Site:

Reliable • Comfortable • Cleaner Air Commercial - Residential

Air Pro Heating & Cooling

550 Tusculum Boulevard Greeneville, TN 37745 638-8516

Mike Davis

(423) 639-5557

Keith Harrison

Heating & Air Conditioning

86 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Still Hollow Farm Jay & Ann Birdwell 3005 W. Allens Bridge Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-3967 Fax: 639-5950 Email: Web Site:

Air Conditioning & Heating Contractors Air Pro Heating & Cooling, Inc. Keith A. Harrison 147 Mason St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5557 Fax: 639-3989 Email: Web Site: Bailey’s Heat & Air Robert/Carla Bailey 501 E. McKee St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-8409 Fax: 636-8409 Bird’s Electric Heat & Cooling Dennis Bird 3010 Fairlawn Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-5979 or 552-4327 Email: Brad Tweed Heating & Air Conditioning Brad Tweed 450 Cicero Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 620-0635 Email: Four Seasons Heating & Air Don Coakley 3030 McDonald Rd. Midway, TN 37809 Tel: 422-7399 or 235-7738 Fax: 235-6566

Heritage Air Conditioning & Heating Freddy Tweed 205 Asheville Hwy. P.O. Box 153 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-1992 Fax: 638-1992 Email: Parton’s Electric Heating & Air Conditioning Doris Parton 105 N. College St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-8538 Fax: 639-3166 Email: Westmorland Electric, Heating & Cooling Stephanie Westmorland 1221 George Malone Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-9521 Fax: 638-9531 Email:


Antiques Greeneville Antique Market Vickie Gregory & Rebecca Wolfe 117 W. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2773 Vintage Décor & More Paul B. Love 323 E. Bernard Ave., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7087

Fairfield Estates Pat Hankins 423 Fairgrounds Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 335 Cimarron Trail Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 636-8767 Email: Web Site: Greeneville Terrace Apartments Jerry Thomas 406 Elk St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5291 Fax: 639-7648 Email:

Antiques/Home Décor Antiques Etc. Sharon O’Neal 766 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1119 Email:

Plaza Towers Tammy Gallagher 224 Thornwood Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4044 Fax: 783-9924 Email:

Apartment Rentals

Appliance Repair

Alpine Apartments Mary Ann Broyles 816 Carolina Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-1553 Fax: 639-1553

A-1 Appliance & Heat/Air Danny Tweed 130 Wooded Heights Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-5325

Tri-Cities Regional Airport, TN/VA Patrick Wilson 2525 Hwy. 75, Ste. 301 Blountville, TN 37617 Tel: 325-6001 Fax: 325-6060 Email: Web Site:

Answering Services Best Answering Service, Inc. Ray Tankersley 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 400 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4884 Fax: 638-8291


Over 45 Years of Experience


Installation & Repair of All Major Brands


Universal Technician RSES and ARI Certified

Robert Bailey Owner

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

501 E. McKee St. Greeneville, TN 37743 HVAC License # 00038449

(423) 636-8409

(423) 639-5979 Cellular 552-4327

3010 Fairlawn Drive Greeneville, TN 37743

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 87


Asphalt Sealers

A. Dave Wright P.O. Box 1104 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 329-2876 Email:

Stanley’s Pro Pavement Stanley Kite 126 Pelican Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 741-5433 Email:

Architects & Interior Designers Design Innovations Architects Rik Norris 402 S. Gay St., Ste. 201 Knoxville, TN 37902 Tel: 865-243-8443 Fax: 865-544-3840 Email:

Armored Courier Loomis Armored U.S. Eddie Henry 120 Metroplex Ct. Knoxville, TN 37917 Tel: 865-291-6755 Fax: 865-540-1619 Email: Web Site:

Attorneys, Legal Firms Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz Ronald S. Range Jr. 100 Med Tech Pkwy., Ste. 200 P.O. Box 3038 Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 928-0181 Fax: 928-5694 Email: Law Office of Dallas L. Blair III 911 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1846 Fax: 638-1913 Email: Brandt and Beeson, PC D. R. Beeson III 206 Princeton Rd., Ste. 25 Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 282-1981 Fax: 610-6984 Email:

The Cave Law Firm, PLLC blished 1974 a t s E Robert Payne Cave, Sr. Robert Payne Cave, Jr. Jonathan Sevier Cave

PLLC Offices in Greeneville and Kingsport, TN. Hablamos Español 104 North College Street Greeneville,TN 37743 (423) 638-5892 FAX (423) 638-5786 509 East Center Street Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 245-0928

88 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

The Cave Law Firm, LLC Robert Payne Cave 104 N. College St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-5892 Fax: 638-5786 Rebecca Cutshaw, Attorney P.O. Box 127 Greeneville, TN 37744-0127 Tel: 638-4336 Fax: 639-7337 Crystal Goan Hawk 128 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Mailing: 273 Hwy. 11E, Ste. F Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 638-4006 Laughlin, Nunnally, Hood & Crum, P.C. Jerry Laughlin, Bill Nunnally, Kenneth Hood, Grant Crum, Todd Shelton 100 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-5183 Fax: 639-6154 Leonard, Kershaw & Hensley, LLP Ed Kershaw, Lindsey Lane 131 S. Main St., Ste. 102 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2121 Fax: 638-2131 Email: Web Site:

Taylor Law Firm Jeffrey C. Taylor, Attorney At Law 365 W. Third North St. P.O. Box 2004 Morristown, TN 37816 Tel: 586-6812 Fax: 586-6920 Email: Tennessee Public Defender Greg W. Eichelman/Michael Walcher 217 S. College St., Ste. 4 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2456 Fax: 636-8223 Terry, Terry & Stapleton Denise Stapleton/Margaret H. Kanipe 3465 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy., Ste. 4 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-0420 Fax: 638-0421 Email: Web Site: Wimberly Lawson Seale Wright & Daves, PLLC Mary Moffatt Helms, Kelly A. Campbell, William R. Seale 929 W. First North St. P.O. Box 1066 Morristown, TN 37816-1066 Tel: 587-6870 Fax: 587-1479 Web Site:

Auctions & Appraisals

A. Keith Livingston 114 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-6824 Fax: 639-5012

Grace’s Greeneville Auction Thomas Van Allan 104 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 525-4204

McInturff & McInturff PLLC Carl McInturff 801 Sunset Drive, E-2 Johnson City, TN 37604-3033 Tel: 282-6000 Fax: 282-6666 Email: Web Site:

Ray “Tee Dee” Maupin Auction Company Tee Dee Maupin 1185 Maupin Rd. Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 257-2176 Email:

Milligan & Coleman Ron Woods P.O. Box 1060 Greeneville, TN 37744-1060 Tel: 639-6811 Fax: 639-0278

Ward Auction & Appraisals, Inc. Kim Ward 1775 Fodderstack Mountain Loop Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 528-4073 Fax: 528-4073 Email: Web Site:

John Rogers Law Group John T. Milburn Rogers 102 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-7000 Fax: 638-9999 Email: Web Site:

Auto Body Shop Gary’s Paint & Body Shop Gary Hoese 3496 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7151 Fax: 639-6375

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Auto Body Shop/Wrecker Service

Automobile Sales

Casper’s Body Shop & Wrecker Service, LLC Jimmy Collins 402 W. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-0893 Fax: 638-3089 Email:

Bachman-Bernard Motors Phil Bachman 300 Bachman Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4141 Fax: 639-0193

Automobile Parts Greeneville Tire & Performance Center Tim Goins 2530 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-3011

Automobile Repair

Gateway Ford Lennie Lawson 1055 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5151 Fax: 639-7474 Ken Ray E-Z-Deal Auto Sales Ken Ray 1147 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 552-3861

Joe’s Service Center Joe Doud 426 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-8890 Fax: 639-8893 Email:

RMC Auto Ron Fillers 330 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-0272 Fax: 525-4147 Email: Web Site:

Kar-Pro Service Center Vicki Harness 604 N. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-6727 Fax: 636-8580 Email: Web Site:

Barber Shops

Roger’s Automotive, LLC Roger D. Hawk 529 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9096 Fax: 639-9098

Beverage Distributors

Rusty’s Tire & Alignment Russell P. Ottinger P.O. Box 723 1044 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7447 Fax: 639-7322 Email: U-SAV Auto Center Allan Arrington 1108 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5114

Bryan’s Barber Shop Bryan Gray 110 Austin St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 552-3044

Coca-Cola Enterprises Joel Thompson 2600 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Morristown, TN 37814 Tel: 586-6403 Fax: 587-0904

Beverage Stores Big Time Beverage Rick Lilly 1285 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5100 Email:

Automobile Repair, Tires Custom Accessories

The Bottle Shop Roy Mecke 2318 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3001

Kyker’s Extreme Automotive Dale Kyker 4765 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-5147 Fax: 525-5148 Email:

Express Wine & Spirits Jason Brandon 3100 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-0079 Web Site:

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Greeneville Beverage Melinda Stewart Hickerson 812 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9431 Fax: 638-1423 Email: Towne Square Package Store, Inc. Josh Hadjopoulos 200 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-6521 Email:

Brochure Distribution Print Distribution Service Jay Stafford P.O. Box 355 Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 753-8191 Fax: 753-6911 Web Site:

Building & Lawn Maintenance Greene Mountain Maintenance Bradley Dingus 155 Lake Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 470-2800 Email:

Building Supplies

Business Coaching Action Coach of Greeneville Curtis Henry 1113 Tusculum Blvd., PMB 254 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-8802 Fax: 636-8804 Email: Web Site:

Business Forms/Advertising Specialties Love Business Systems Harold Love 175 Johnson Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2999 Fax: 639-1936 Email:

Car Washes Ultimate Shine 3-Minute Express Car Wash David Wild 3350 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-9802 Fax: 636-9802 Email: Web Site:

Carpet Cleaning

Greeneville Builders Supply W.C. Adams Jr./Harold D. Hartman 208 Bohannon Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4101 Fax: 638-5447

Color Tex Carpet Cleaning & Restoration T. J. Ferguson 1875 W. Allens Bridge Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-8170

Home Improvement Warehouse Andy Broyles 1640 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3802 Fax: 639-6499 Email: Web Site:


ProBuild East LLC Don Newland 691 Suncrest Drive Johnson City, TN 37615 Tel: 477-1433 Fax: 477-1430 Email: Web Site:

Cellular/Wireless Communications

Burley Suppliers Burley Stabilization Corporation Connie Leatherwood P.O. Box 1915 1427 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4239 Email:

Signature Catering, Inc. Gene Pound 5074 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-8404 Fax: 636-8404 Email:

AT&T Alan L. Hill 410 N. Cedar Bluff Rd., Ste. 300 Knoxville, TN 37923 Tel: 865-694-2115 Fax: 865-694-2133 Email: Web Site: Verizon Wireless Sarah Shull 2815 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-8151 Fax: 639-8411 Web Site:

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 89

Child Care Services ABC Daycare Lynnette Malone 208 Majestic Circle Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2223 Email:

Christian Ministries Thrive Ministry Pastor Rick Becker 116 N. Rufe Taylor Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2799 Fax: 638-2799 Email: Web Site:

Churches Reformation Lutheran Church Rev. Rick Ohsiek 400 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4627 Fax: 638-5431 Email: Web Site:

Cleaning/Commercial Servicemaster Elite Services Dave Wright 6801 Tom Pat Way Knoxville, TN 37924 Tel: 865-323-7005 Fax: 865-523-5137 Email: Web Site:

Cleaning/Home Improvement Greene Mountain Cleaning Services Angela Dingus 155 Lake Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 823-0671 Email: greenemountaincleaningservices@ Mop Squad Sarah/Todd Lanius 1140 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-5771 Fax: 525-5772

What does the partnership do for your business?

We are committed to assisting your business through our quality membership services which include: Advertising Opportunities Showcase your business through ads in the Greene County Partnership's Member E-Mailing, or become a sponsor for one of many Partnership events.

Committee Participation The Partnership gives you the opportunity to influence business and community development through participation on a variety of Partnership committees and community action teams.

Referrals We only refer Partnership members when responding to inquiries about local products and services. Several thousand inquiries were answered by the Partnership during the past year.

Servicemaster/The Handyman Marlene Randolph P. O. Box 39 Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 639-9164 Fax: 638-6761 Email:

Clothing Belk’s Amye Hamilton 1367 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4165 Fax: 639-2186 Web Site: Maurices Kenya Glasscock 1359 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-6600

Clubs, Organizations & Enterprises Boys & Girls Club of Greeneville & Greene County Scott Bullington 740 W. Church St. P.O. Box 1977 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 787-9334 Fax: 787-0055 Email:

Greene County Fair Association Bobby Holt P.O. Box 582 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 278-3282 Greeneville Woman’s Club Vivian Gibbons P.O. Box 1116 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 636-8674 Kiwanis Club of Greeneville Michele Horner P.O. Box 654 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 638-8096 Lions Club Willie Anderson P.O. Box 776 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 416-3590 Email: Country Club Bob Ward 1325 E. Allens Bridge Rd. P. O. Box 266 Greeneville, TN 37744-0266 Tel: 638-3114 Fax: 638-9036

East Tennessee Civil War Campaigns Carlos Whaley 1465 Fodderstack Mountain Loop Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 620-7483 Email:

MainStreet: Greeneville Jann Mirkov 310 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7102 Email: Web Site:

Greene County 9-1-1 Jerry Bird 111 Union St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-8663 Email:

March of Dimes-Appalachian Division Bridget Chandley 2313 Browns Mill Rd., Ste. 3 Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 461-8840 Fax: 461-8841

Free Publicity Your business will be listed in many area reference publications including the Greene County Membership Directory, The Greene County Guidebook and Partnership Notes.

Web site Members receive a free reciprocal link from our on-line Membership Directory. Non-reciprocal links are available for $25.

Products, Services & ConsulƟng Specializing in Computer Repair, Data Recovery, Cabling Infrastructure, and Networking.

Industrial/Demographic Data We provide site location information, market data, demographics and cost of living information.

Maps We publish the most current map of the Greeneville/Greene County area.

90 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Rotary Club of Greeneville Wendy Peay P.O. Box 543 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-9361 Fax: 639-9340 Email: United Way of Greene County Wendy Peay 115 Academy St., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37744-0364 Tel: 639-9361 Fax: 639-9340 Email:

Coffee/Iced Tea Distributors/ Manufacturers S&D Coffee Chris Golash 300 Concord Pkwy. South Concord, NC 28027 Tel: 384-2495 Fax: 639-8310 Email: Web Site:

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Collection Services Greeneville Collection Service Leon H. Bell 103 N. College St. P. O. Box 385 Greeneville, TN 37744-0385 Tel: 639-4191 Fax: 639-5965

Computers & Computer Services Cheek Solutions, Inc. Trever C. Cheek 990 Wilcox Court, Ste. 105 Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 765-9979 Fax: 765-9980 Email: Web Site: Computer Pros Justin Hoilman 560 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1740 Fax: 639-8240 Email:

Microcraft Handiware David G. Hartman 104 Glenn Circle Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2044 Fax: 639-2044 Miller Davis Mike Miller 118 N. Main St., Ste. 200 Salisbury, NC 28144 Tel: 704-637-5363 Email: Web Site: Saratoga Technologies Allan Walters 101 Med Tech Pkwy., Ste. 307 Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 282-4220 Fax: 282-4890 Email: Web Site:

Concrete Johnson & Son Shawn Johnson 60 Timber Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Mailing: 2696 Lakemont Cr. Morristown, TN 37814 Tel: 329-5425 Fax: 783-8935

Ready Mix USA Jimmy Hill 1532 Industrial Rd. Greeneville, TN 37744-0534 Tel: 639-2041 Fax: 638-8931

Construction & Contractors Anderson Poured Walls Cary Anderson 250 Rockwell Drive Morristown, TN 37813 Tel: 423-307-1267 Fax: 423-586-8207 Email: Web Site: Baker’s Construction Services, Inc. Chad Baker 4533 Highway 11E Bluff City, TN 37618 Tel: 538-4400 Fax: 538-1165 Brooks Excavating & Construction Donnie Brooks 115 Garrett Hill Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-8828

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 91

C & C Millwright Maintenance Company Jerry Fortner 311 Old Knoxville Hwy., Ste. 1 P.O. Box 970 Greeneville, TN 37744-0970 Tel: 639-0131 Fax: 639-8757 Carter Contractors, LLC John R. Carter Jr. 7310 Horton Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 234-0392 Fax: 234-2456 Email: Dan’s Home Repair Dan Wirt 580 Dude Lane Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 470-2591 Email: Goins Rash Cain, Inc. Luther D. Cain 130 Regional Park Drive Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 349-7760 Fax: 349-7413 Email:

Hite Construction Tom Hite 210 Park St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 823-0604 Fax: 639-1028 Email:

J.A. Street & Associates J. A. Street 245 Birch St. P.O. Box 725 Blountville, TN 37617 Tel: 323-8017 Fax: 323-1065

Ricker Construction Co. Donald & Sandy Ricker 130 Browns Circle P.O. Box 2441 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 571-2914 Fax: 787-1980

HS Williams Company Jeff Ryans 248 Holston View Drive Rogersville, TN 37857 Tel: 276-783-3185 Fax: 276-783-4002 Email: Web Site:

Limestone Construction Company, Inc. Raymond & Dereda Shelton 70 Afton Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 638-1092

South State Contractors Robin Quillen 412 Scott Farm Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 638-1099 Fax: 638-1052 Email: Web Site:

Idell Construction Company, Inc. Jeff Idell P.O. Box 308 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-5429 Fax: 638-4808 Innovative Millwright Service Patsy Terry 372 Sanford Circle Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-1900 Fax: 798-1903 Email:

Built on a Heritage of Excellence

Merkel Brothers Construction Rance Merkel 1113 Myers St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-3116 Pike Electric Stan Marion P.O. Box 868 Mount Airy, NC 27030 Tel: 336-719-2171 Lynn Pitt Construction, Inc. Debbie M. Pitt 8390 Snapps Ferry Rd. Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 638-9242 Fax: 638-9242 Email: Web Site: Rentenbach Constructors, Inc. Brent Blalock 2400 Sutherland Ave. Knoxville, TN 37919 P.O. Box 11087 Knoxville, TN 37939 Tel: 865-546-2440 Fax: 865-546-3414 Email: Web Site:

C&C Millwright Maintenance Co. Offers cost-effective turnkey solutions to your engineering, construction, rigging and maintenance needs. We command a global presence, but it’s our small-town work ethic and commitment to excellence that sets us apart. C&C MILLWRIGHT MAINTENANCE CO.


311 Old Knoxville Hwy, Greeneville, TN • 1-800-851-8494 • 423-639-0131

Engineering • Construction • Rigging • Maintenance 92 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

• Mechanical Engineering • Civil Engineering • 2 Licensed Engineers

Summers-Taylor, Inc. Ted Bryant 1190 Lonesome Pine Trail Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7240 Fax: 639-7268 Tennessee Electric Company Greg Boehling 1700 John B. Dennis Hwy. Kingsport, TN 37664 Tel: 247-4141 Fax: 247-4951 Email: Web Site: Thomas Construction Co., Inc. Gerald D. Thomas # 9 Wesley Court P.O. Box 4806 Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 282-3251 Fax: 282-3976 Wolfe Development Kelly Wolfe 806 E. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 5&6 Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 913-2555 Fax: 913-2445 Email: Web Site:

SEDA, Inc.

• 6 Employees • Licensed in TN, VA, NC, and KY

Consulting Engineers For The Built Environment

Steven R. Farris, PE

President 9816 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy., Mosheim, TN 37818

Tel: (423) 422-2110 Fax: (423) 422-2111


© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Construction & Machinery Movers Ron’s Millwright Service, Inc. Ronnie D. Cansler 1122 Forest St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-8663 Fax: 636-8629

Consultants Hutchins & Associates Charlie & Eva Grey Hutchins P.O. Box 1883 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 638-9267 Email: Krebs Venues LLC, dba Construction Art Art Krebs 790 Keller Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 888-930-2255 Fax: 638-8750 Email: Web Site:

Copier Sales & Service

M. W. Benko & Associates Rhonda Clay 615 W. Main St., Ste. 108 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 525-4119 Fax: 525-4182 Email: Web Site: Sesco Management Consultants Bill Ford 505 7th St. P.O. Box 1848 Bristol, TN 37620 Tel: 764-4127 Fax: 964-5869 Email: Web Site:

Consulting Engineers SEDA, Inc. Steve Farris 9816 W. Andrew Johnson hwy. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-2110 Fax: 422-2111 Email:

Hungate Business Services Kyle Hungate 1841 Pheasant Crossing Drive Dandridge, TN 37725 Tel: 800-827-5424 Fax: 323-2796 Email: Web Site: Kingsport Imaging Systems, Inc. Richard Lambert 200 E. Market St. Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 245-5171 Fax: 245-8150 Web Site:

Counseling Comprehensive Community Services Christine Hughes 128 S. Main St., Ste. 301 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7777 Fax: 639-1370 Email:

Court-Appointed Billing Solutions Billable Hours, Inc. Brandon Hammer 119 E. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-0091 Fax: 639-6969 Email: Web Site:

Dance Studios/Instruction Cosmetics Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio Patsy Dority 819 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9612

Ronnie D. Cansler CEO Clyde Harless President

Main Street Dance Company Missy Crouch/Lilly Crouch 129 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Mailing: 7120 Old Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 620-5329 Email:

Phone: 423-636-8663 Fax: 423-636-8629

Inc. 1122 Forest Street • Greeneville, TN 37743

Your Single Source Contractor For: • • • • •

Turn-Key Machinery Installations Material Handling Systems General Maintenance Metal Fabrication Loading Dock Equipment

• • • • •

General Contracting • Piping Pre-Engineered Building Systems • Plant Relocation Carpentry • Heavy Rigging Concrete • Project Management Electrical • Equipment Relocation

“Partners for Your Success.”

L.P. Gas Standby Systems

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Complete Plant Relocations

We’re Here to Serve You

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 93

Studio Nine 22 Connie M. R. Black 922 Carson St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 329-3581 Email: Web Site:

DeeJays Big Time Entertainment Benjamin Dean 129 Hermitage St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 329-8978 Email: Web Site: www.bigtime-entertainment

Defense Contractors TEVET LLC Tracy Solomon 85 Spring Street South Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 678-905-1300 Email: Web Site:

Dentists & Dental Services ABC Family Dentistry, PLLC Cynthia Knop, DDS 1018 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2176 Fax: 639-2177 Adkins Family Dentistry, PLLC Donnie Adkins 600 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5141 Fax: 638-5131 Email: Web Site: David J. Dykes, DDS 1015 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-6341 Fax: 638-6082 Greeneville Dental Associates Amy Armstrong, DDS, Melissa Armbrister, DDS 1308 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6120 Fax: 639-6128

Kevin G. Hartman, DDS, PLLC Lisa Covington 816 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1911 Fax: 798-9962 Email: David B. Jones, DDS 1104 E. Church St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4176

Smile Solutions John W. Lamons 440 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-3371 Fax: 638-8649 Email: Web Site: Tusculum Dental Care Craig Shepherd, DOS 22 Norton Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7575 Fax: 639-7572 Email: Web Site:

• Office Financing thru Care Credit • All major credit cards accepted. • Most Insurance Accepted & TennCare 816 Tusculum Blvd, Suite 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 94 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

WalMart SuperCenter Buddy Kolb 3755 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-8181 Fax: 638-2142

Distribution Centers Wal-Mart Logistics Ted Rideout 1655 Pottertown Rd. Midway, TN 37809 Tel: 235-2300 Fax: 235-3304

Dry Cleaners Pinecrest Cleaners Gary Randles 1407 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1407 Fax: 639-5114

Direct Sales

D.D.S. PLLC Family Dentistry (423)636-1911

Kiker’s Tobacco Gautam Patel 926 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-8532 Fax: 638-8534 Email:

Discount, Variety Stores

Michael J. Rogers, DDS 1741 Old Tusculum Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7491 Fax: 639-3281

James R. Williams, DDS 711 K St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3571

Kevin G. Hartman

Discount Tobacco Sales

Tupperware Michelle Steiner 910 Ottway Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 972-1263 Email: Web Site:

Educational Institutions, Services Bridges to Success Ken Fillers 993 Hal Henard Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-9363 Fax: 787-0715

• Family Dentistry • Cosmetic Dentistry • Root Canals • Teeth Cleaning • Teeth Whitening

Accepting New Patients

Aaron C. Knop, DMD • Cynthia A. Knop, DDS


Family Dentistry, PLLC 1018 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, Tennessee

423.639.2176 © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Electric Motor Repair

Career Center at Greeneville/ Workforce Investment Services Debbie Johnson 215 N. College St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-0908 Fax: 638-3187

Butler Electric Motor Service Bryan Root 806 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0404 Fax: 639-0404

East Tennessee State University Fred Sauceman P.O. Box 70717 Johnson City, TN 37614 Tel: 439-4317 Fax: 439-5710

Electrical Contractors, Suppliers Stuart C. Irby Company Jess Holland 501 W. Mountain View Rd. Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 929-7126 Fax: 929-3986

Greene County Board of Education Dr. Vicki Kirk 910 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-4194 Fax: 639-1615

Rexel David Byrd 420 Press St. P.O. Box 418 Kingsport, TN 37662 Tel: 246-2900 Fax: 378-5548 Web Site:

Greene Technology Center Jerry Ayers 1121 Hal Henard Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-0171 Fax: 639-0176 Web Site: Greeneville City Schools Dr. Linda Stroud 129 W. Depot St. P. O. Box 1420 Greeneville, TN 37744-1420 Tel: 787-8000 Fax: 787-8028 Web Site:


AccuForce Staffing Services Crystal Hunley 1202 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. B Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-0467 Fax: 638-0470 Email: Web Site:

Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development Eleanor E. Newman 1112 E. Main St. Rogersville, TN 37857 Tel: 272-2661

Elwood Staffing Shelly Anderson 2055 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy., Ste. 2A Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0900 Fax: 639-0920 Email: Web Site:


Randstad Phillip Waddell 514 Justis Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-9946 Fax: 638-2024 Staff Pro Kathy Willis 2290 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7123 Fax: 639-2418 Email:

Maria Wyche Bryan, DDS 128 Serral Drive, Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-1777 Web Site:

Engineers, Architects Barge Waggoner Sumner & Cannon, Inc. Andrew Murr 10133 Sherrill Blvd., Ste. 200 Knoxville, TN 37932 Tel: 865-637-2810 Fax: 865-673-8554 Web Site:

Moore’s Electronics Charles Moore 1357 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5462 Fax: 638-1427 Web Site:

Tusculum College Dr. Nancy Moody P.O. Box 5048, Tusculum Station Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-7300 Fax: 638-7166 Web Site:

Employment Services @Work Personnel Services Lisa Henard 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 309 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7614 Fax: 638-3233

Walters State Community College Drucilla Miller 215 N. College St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-7940 Fax: 798-7944

3755 East Andrew Johnson Hwy., Greeneville, TN


Trusted Family Dental Care Welcoming New Patients Keeping your smile healthy & bright through the ages! • General Dentistry • Clear Braces • Cosmetic Dentistry • Teeth Whitening • Porcelain Veneers • Porcelain Crowns • Composite Fillings • Dental Implants

Interest-Free Payment Plans

David Dykes, DDS Family Dentistry

1015 Tusculum Boulevard, Greeneville, TN 37745

423-638-6341 or 423-638-2457

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun



2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 95

Engineers, Architects, Surveyors H5 Land Surveying & Mapping Daniel Hopson 102 E. Savanna Ct. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-1589 or 620-1589 Fax: 638-1589 Email: Web Site: J. L. Jacobs & Associates John L. Jacobs 511 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-7828 Fax: 787-9002 Mesa Associates, Inc. Jennifer Moore 1612 Industrial Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 765-9820 Fax: 865-218-5235 Email: Web Site: S&ME, Inc. Mark Surgenor 644 Eastern Star Rd. Kingsport, TN 37663 Tel: 349-2800 Fax: 349-2858 W & W Engineering, LLC Cathy S. Walden 800 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2770 Fax: 638-8615

Engineers, Environmentalists Littlejohn Engineering Associates Calvin D. Clifton 208 Sunset Drive, Ste. 104 Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 928-3500 Fax: 926-3565 Email: Web Site:

Engineers, Surveyors


Azimuth Engineering, Inc. Daniel Coffey 115 Monroe St. P.O. Box 1466 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-9191 Fax: 638-3899 Email: Web Site:

Malone Brothers Excavating Marvin/Martin Malone 5160 Kingsport Hwy. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 639-5486

Vaughn & Melton Robert Andrew 1649 W. Morris Blvd. Morristown, TN 37813 Tel: 587-8648 Fax: 587-8640 Email: Web Site:

Engineers, Surveyors, Environmentalists Quantum Environmental & Engineering Services, LLC Matt Teglas/Pat Mulligan 126 Dante Rd. Knoxville, TN 37918 Tel: 865-689-1395 Fax: 865-689-6844 Email: Web Site:

Entertainment Greeneville Astros David Lane P.O. Box 5192 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 638-0411 Fax: 638-9450 Web Site: Road Show Mobile Stages Heather Boegemann 406 Hillcrest Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 329-5570 Email:

Weems Excavating & Paving, Inc. Kenneth Weems 240 State St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4022

Executive Recruiters Reitzer Group International, a division of Management Recruiters of Jonesborough, Inc. Lynn Reitzer 111 W. Main St., Ste. 205 Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 753-0059 Fax: 753-0734 Email: Web Site:

Exterminators Keith Dyer Pest Control Keith Dyer P.O. Box 939 Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 327-4996 Norton’s Pest Control Paul Norton 1240 Fillers Mill Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-9190 Terminix Michael Sparks 2516 Wesley St. Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 282-1331 Fax: 283-9228

Facility Services/Uniform Rental Cintas Tim Walker 125 Regional Park Drive Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 383-4241 Fax: 349-7190 Email: Web Site:

Farm Equipment, ATVs Wells Repair Kenneth Wells 6858 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-9086 Fax: 638-8445 Email:

Farm Supplies, Equipment, Livestock Farmers Livestock Market Don McNeese 336 Bohannon Ave. P. O. Box 865 Greeneville, TN 37744-0865 Tel: 638-5201 Fax: 638-1360

Fastener Distributor Bossard North America Daniel Tyler 1550 Industrial Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6661 Fax: 639-6662 Email:

Financial Advisors Strong Heritage Financial Group Steve Dick, CFP, ChFC 705 Professional Plaza Drive, Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1800 Fax: 636-1801 Email: Web Site:

Your Neighborhood Wireless Center



The Commons Shopping Center

Monday–Friday 9 a - 6 p • Saturday 10 a - 6 p

(423) 638-1427

Stop by and let us add value to your shopping experience

96 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Financial Institutions/Services 1st Franklin Financial Phil Neas 2317 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. P.O. Box 273 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-0060 Fax: 798-0065 Email: Web Site: American Patriot Bank Gary Shelton 3095 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1555 Fax: 636-1563 Andrew Johnson Bank Bill Hickerson 124 N. Main St. P.O. Box 907 Greeneville, TN 37744-0907 Tel: 636-3510 Fax: 636-3517 Bank of America Brian Moynihan 1545 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. P.O. Box 1390 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 636-6340 Fax: 636-6343 BB&T Mike Estes 1604 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2148 Fax: 639-4011 Capital Bank P.O. Box 1120 Greeneville, TN 37744-1120 Tel: 639-5111 Fax: 639-5467 Web Site:

The Cash Company of Greeneville Stephen W. Brumit 1333 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2274 Fax: 639-2255 Email:

First Tennessee Tony Nix 2841 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-2200 Fax: 798-2230 Email: Web Site:

Southern Finance & Thrift Corporation Walter Brumit 1200 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7811 Fax: 638-8340 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Tiffany Greer 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 310 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-8096 or 798-0143 Email:

Citizen’s Bank Larry Estepp P.O. Box 687 Kingsport, TN 37662 Tel: 230-4308 Fax: 378-0415 Email: Web Site:

Greeneville Federal Bank Brandon Hull 101 W. Summer St. P. O. Box 460 Greeneville, TN 37744-0460 Tel: 638-4154 Fax: 638-6397

Consumer Credit Union Sam Miller 311 CCU Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6131 Fax: 639-6296

Heritage Community Bank Tommy Burns 114 W. Church St. P.O. Box 428 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-5000 Fax: 636-5001

Jaynes Carpet Outlet Ronnie Jaynes 3245 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. P.O. Box 339 Greeneville, TN 37744-0339 Tel: 639-1901 Fax: 639-6719

Eastman Credit Union Olan O. Jones Jr. 2021 Meadowview Lane Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 229-8200 Fax: 578-7627 Web Site:

The McLaughlin Group/Merrill Lynch Mickey Johnson 800 S. Gay St., Ste. 2200 Knoxville, TN 37929 Tel: 865-521-8813 Fax: 865-686-6563 Email:

Terry’s Flooring Terry Thompson 1699 Kiser Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 329-3539 Fax: 639-9013 Email:

Encore Lending Group Chad Harold 206 Wesley St. Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 262-8522 Fax: 262-8524 Email: Farm Credit Mid-America Ronnie Sartain 100 Nevada Ave. P. O. Box 1090 Greeneville, TN 37744-1090 Tel: 638-8151 Fax: 638-1731 Email: Web Site:

There’s No Place Like Home! For many years Consumer Credit Union has been a vital part of Greeneville, Greene County and surrounding counties. We’ve participated in area projects, worked side by side with business and industry to strengthen our community and we’ve helped families to grow and prosper.

Flooring, Home Improvement

Meeting your banking needs for half a century Safe... Sound... Secure... Since 1960 Stop by one of our convenient locations where good rates, diverse products, and great customer service are waiting for you.

Years ago we put down roots here just like so many of you have done.Time and time again we’ve been rewarded for our commitment to the families and businesses who live and work here because our growth is a result of your growth. In fact, the reason we’ve become so involved in the success of our community is because of people like you, who want a better life and a better place to live. It must really be true what they say... “there’s just no place like home” and we’re proud to call Greene County just that.

(423) 639-6131

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

101 W. Summer Street – 638-4154 903 Tusculum Blvd. – 638-1310 2305 E. A. J. Hwy. – 638-9990 130 W. Summer Street – Drive Thru


Banking made easy.

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 97


Forklift & Material Handling

Flowers by Tammy Tammy Burgner 515 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1000 Fax: 636-3000 Email: Web Site:

W.C. Forklift, Inc./ Western Carolina Forklift Larry Anders 4099 U.S. Hwy. 11E Bluff City, TN 37618 Tel: 538-3500 Fax: 538-5388 Email: Web Site:

Food Banks

Formal Wear/Bridal Gowns/ Tuxedoes

Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee Rhonda P. Chafin 127 Dillon Court Gray, TN 37615 Tel: 477-4053 Fax: 477-3467

Football Associations (Youth) Greeneville/Greene County Youth Football Association Tim Marshall P.O. Box 1692 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 552-2151 Email:

Southern Belle Bridal, Inc. Michelle T. Richards 1323 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 783-9965 Fax: 783-9965 Email: Web Site:

Foundations/Community Development Greene County Partnership Foundation 115 Academy Street Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4111 Fax: 638-5345


Foundations/Health Care Development Laughlin Hospital Foundation Betty Weemes 1420 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-5117 Email:

Funeral Homes Doughty-Stevens Funeral Home Jason A. Smith 1125 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4141 Fax: 638-2610 Email: Web Site: Jeffers Funeral & Cremation Service Richard Jeffers 208 N. College St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2141 Fax: 787-0409 Email: Web Site: Kiser-Rose Hill Funeral Home Kurt Saine 125 Idletime Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-8007

Furniture & Bedding

We help rural residents build, farms grow and businesses expand.

Shipley’s Furniture & Bedding Tim L. Shipley 210 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-0129

Furniture & Appliances Bob’s Factory Outlet Bob Weaver 515 Asheville Highway Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-9600 Fax: 787-9602

100 Nevada Avenue, Greeneville, TN 37745

(423) 638-8151

Farm Credit is an equal opportunity provider Farm Credit Services of Mid-America, ACA

98 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Roberts Furniture & Appliance, Inc. Betty Bird 221 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-8166 Email:

Garage Doors Diamond Doors & Loading Dock Equipment Connie Williams 3101 Browns Mill Rd., Ste. 6, #318 Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 262-7578 Fax: 725-4201 Email: Web Site:

Gas Stations (Full Service Town Square Station Teddy Lawing 253 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 588-5457 Email:

Gaskets/Rubber Products Tri-Cities Rubber Steve Maddux 522 Princeton Rd. Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 434-9618 Fax: 434-0547 Email:

Gift & Card Shops Carolyn’s Hallmark Shop Carolyn Bullington 1395 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-6111 Fax: 638-6111

Gift & Craft Shops Three Blind Mice Susan Loven P.O. Box 5662 Tusculum Station Greeneville, TN 37744-5662 Tel: 639-0180

Golf Courses Nolichucky View Golf Club B. J. Gray 5605 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-7888 Fax: 639-1622 Email: Web Site:

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Golf Supplies

Town of Mosheim Mayor Billy Myers 1000 Main St. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-4051 Fax: 422-6554

Mr. Golf Doug Bible 1103 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-3673

Town of Baileyton Mayor Tommy Casteel 6530 Horton Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 234-6911 Fax: 234-5442

U.S. Forest Service Terry Bowerman 4900 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4109 Fax: 638-5599

Town of Greeneville W. T. Daniels 200 N. College St., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7105 Fax: 639-0093

K-Vat Food Stores/Food City Israel O’Quinn P.O. Box 1158 Abingdon, VA 24210

Emmanuel’s Hair Studio Sandra Lindsley Location: 926 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Mailing: 635 Rader Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 552-2040 Email: Jan’s Salon Jan K. Hebert 106 W. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-9495

Gun & Pawn Shops/ Tobacco Outlets

TVA Tom Olterman 2425 Highway 75, Ste. 108 Blountville, TN 37615 Tel: 354-0514

Greene County Alan Broyles 204 N. Cutler St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-1766 Fax: 798-1771

Hair Salons

Peggy Ann Bakery John Arrowood 934 Snapp Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1924

City of Tusculum Mayor John Foster 145 Alexander St. P. O. Box 5014, Tusculum Station Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-6211 Fax: 638-6211


Grocery, Produce, Bakery

Big Al’s Gun Shack & Pawn & Tobacco Outlet Wayne Shelton 760 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1818

Twisted Scissors Jana Cooter 1127 Temple St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1388 Email:

Gymnastics & Tumbling


Flipzone Herman Rary 1350 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-0158 Fax: 636-0159

Ace Hardware Joe Morris 1023 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-6223

Mosheim Welcomes

Business & Industry In Mosheim we’re ready to assist, develop and grow with Greeneville, Greene County and our industrial prospects and their projects. Infrastructure is readily available and includes water, sewer, gas, and electrical. Mosheim is a progressive community that is growing and a desirable location for families and new industries to locate.

Billy Myers MAYOR

Come out! Look us over! Join us in our future growth and progress.

More and more people and businesses are choosing to locate in Mosheim. Tom Carpenter ALDERMAN

Town of

Mosheim © 2013 The Greeneville Sun


Thomas L. Gregg, Jr. ALDERMAN

Harold Smith ALDERMAN

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 99

Health & Recreation

Crossroads Hardware Angela Stine 4500 107 Cut-Off Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-9429 Fax: 798-9781

Greene County YMCA Mike Hollowell 404 Y Street Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6107 Fax: 639-7978

Health & Fitness

Health Care Facilities & Services

The Fit Club Mark Freshour 40 Benbow Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-1933 Fax: 638-3203 Web Site:

Amedisys – Adventa Hospice Services Mitzi Jones 127 Serral Drive, Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2707 Fax: 638-4732 Web Site:

My 3D Fitness Amy D. Collins/Angie Hayes P.O. Box 337 Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 200-7600 Fax: 235-6804 Email: Web Site:

Amedisys Home Health Tessa Woods 1350 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel 638-7389 Fax: 639-9386 Email:

What is Physical Therapy? Physical Therapists examine, evaluate, and treat individuals of all ages who have conditions such as the following: • • • • • • •

Back, Neck & Shoulder Pain Post Surgical Repairs Osteoporosis Sports Medicine Work Injury Work Conditioning Any Joint or Muscle Pain

• • • • •

Caris Healthcare Melanie Stills 225 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Email: Tel: 638-2226 Fax: 638-2299 Corner Stone PCS Cathy Roberts 808 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-9995 Fax: 798-2820 Email: Web Site:

Fresenius Medical Care/Dialysis Kim Bowlin, DO 180 Serral Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1201 Fax: 638-9397 Email: Web Site: Greene County Department of Health Rebecca English 810 W. Church St. P.O. Box 159 Greeneville, TN 37744-0159 Tel: 798-1749 Fax: 798-1755 Greene County Skills, Inc. Jimmy Gillen 130 Bob Smith Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5351

East Tennessee Hematology Oncology Patricia Posey 1406 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2000 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-7080 Fax: 787-7087 Email:

Greene Valley Developmental Center Diane Brightwell P.O. Box 910 Greeneville, TN 37744-0910 Tel: 787-6800 Fax: 787-6975

East Tennessee

Hematology & Oncology

Hand Therapy ASTYM Total Joint Replacement Lymphedema Therapy Other Conditions Affecting an Individual’s Mobility.

How Can a Physical Therapist Help? • Improving Mobility & Motion • Providing a Conservative Option to Surgery • Managing Pain Effectively Without Long-Term Use of Medication. 223 West Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Pictured: Diane Coffey, Leslie Wright, Anthony Tullock, Crystal Seal, Amanda Kirby

Benchmark Physical Therapy Diane L. Coffey 223 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-1111 Fax: 638-1112 Email:

423.638.1111 100 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

A. K. Sen


Eric Chlebisch PA-C

TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 1406 Tusculum Blvd. Suite 2000 Greeneville, TN

423-787-7080 110 Corporate Drive Suite 120 Johnson City, TN (423) 282-0534

“Proudly Serving North East Tennessee for over 18 Years” Specializing in the Treatment of Cancer and Blood Disorders. We also provide biologic therapy for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Psoriasis, and Osteoporosis. Dr. Sen Proudly Serves • Holston Valley Medical Center • Indian Path Medical Center • Johnson City Medical Center • Franklin Woods Hospital • Laughlin Memorial Hospital • Bristol Regional Medical Center • Sycamore Shoals Hospital • Takoma Regional Hospital • Unicoi County Memorial Hospital

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Greeneville Urgent Care Center Patti Roberts 1021 Coolidge St., Ste. 4 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-8891 Fax: 636-1732 Laughlin Memorial Hospital, Inc. Chuck Whitfield 1420 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-5000 Fax: 787-5083 Web Site: Life Care Center of Greeneville Misty Key 725 Crum St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-8131 Fax: 639-4742 Morning Pointe Assisted Living Joyce Treadway 324 Mount Bethel Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-1711 Email: Web Site: Mountain States Health Alliance/ Business Development Shannon Ellis 1420 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-6355

Nolachuckey Mental Health Center Dr. Terry Kidd 401 Holston Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-1104 Fax: 636-8365 Pulmacare, Inc. Johnny M. Renner 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 316 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-0700 Fax: 798-0900 Email: Web Site: ResCare HomeCare Erica Miller 603 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-7717 Fax: 787-7719 Email: Web Site: Signature Health Care of Greeneville Karen Turner 106 Holt Court Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-0213 Fax: 638-4511

What does the partnership do for your business?

We are committed to assisting your business through our quality membership services which include: Legislative Updates

The Partnership holds an annual legislative luncheon for direct contact with our elected officials.

Mailing Labels

The most up-to-date business labels of the business community are available at a reduced cost to our members.


Dialysis. Exactly where you want it.

Opportunities to meet and make valuable business contacts can be achieved through our Monthly Membership Breakfasts, Quarterly Business After-Hours, Industry Appreciation Reception, and other special events.

Fresenius Medical Care Eastern Tennessee 180 Serral Drive, Greeneville If you’re looking for quality dialysis care, find out more about the leading dialysis clinic network in the nation, Fresenius Medical Care. We offer the latest treatment options and our experienced, caring staff delivers UltraCare®: our commitment to provide excellent patient care with superior customer service. And, to make your in-center treatment comfortable, we provide heated massage chairs and individual entertainment systems, including cable television. Fresenius Medical Care. If you’re looking to experience excellence in dialysis care call Cindy Powell, Clinical Manager today at (423) 638-1201.

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 101

Our Classified Ads Deliver Results! Each day we feature more than 500 classified ads in print and online, that support our local economy by bringing together BUYERS and SELLERS. Whether you are looking for a new car, a challenging career or a house to call home, The Greeneville Sun is your source for information in print or online.


The Heart of the Community


121W. W.Summer Summer St. St. •• Greeneville, Greeneville, TN 638-4185 121 TN37743 37743 • • (423) (423)638-4181

Paving the Way for Active Aging and Recovery • Clinical Care • Rehabilitation Program • Quality of Life • Meals-on-wheels and Lifeline Services • Restaurant Style Dining

of Greeneville 102 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

106 Holt Court, Greeneville, TN 37743 Phone: 423-639-0213 © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Takoma Regional Hospital Daniel Wolcott 401 Takoma Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-3151 Fax: 636-2374 Tennessee Rehabilitation Center Michele Keffer 241 Baileyton Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5148 Fax: 639-1084 Wellington Place of Greeneville Shane Jones 155 Serral Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-0404 Fax: 798-2072 Wellmont Health System Nick Adams 1905 American Way Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 230-8200 Web Site:

Historic Sites Andrew Johnson National Historic Site Lizzie Watts 121 Monument Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743-5552 Tel: 639-3711 Fax: 798-0754 Email: Web Site: Davy Crockett Birthplace State Park Mark Halback 1245 Davy Crockett Park Rd. Limestone, TN 37681 Tel: 257-2167 Fax: 257-2430

Home Health Care/Hospice Advance Home Care Larry Roberts 1012 Coolidge St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 783-6501 Fax: 798-1269 Email:

Smoky Mountain Home Health & Hospice Lisa Durham 1117 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-8006 Fax: 636-8193 Email: Web Site:

Home Improvement Beamer’s Home Improvement John Beamer 4185 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7160 The Maintenance & Repair Doctor Randy Johnson 840 Hartman Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 620-1128

Homes & Institutions Comcare, Inc. Nancy Thiessen 1703 W. Main St. P.O. Box 1885 Greeneville, TN 37744-1885 Tel: 638-3926 Fax: 638-1105 Free Will Baptist Family Ministries, Inc. Rev. Frank Woods 90 Stanley Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-9449 Fax: 639-5083 Email: Web Site: Holston United Methodist Home for Children Art Masker 404 Holston Drive P. O. Box 188 Greeneville, TN 37744-0188 Tel: 638-4171 Fax: 638-7171 Web Site:

Early Childhood Learning

Make a Positive Difference For a Child become a foster parent

Foster parents open their hearts, as well as their homes, to children in need of love, support, stability and encouragement. Their are invaluable as a young the right path in life. For information about becoming a foster parent, please call 423.470.2300 or go to our website at

Need quality, affordable childcare? Please call the Children's Center, 423-638-5589 Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

A Division of Free Will Baptist Family Ministries.

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 103

Hunting & Fishing Supplies

Nathan Holt, County Commissioner 236 Anderson Loop Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 823-2873 Email:

Glenn D. Renner 104 Reed Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-2814 Email:


Rhonda Humbert 175 S. T. Wilhoit Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-3819 Email:

Judye Rhea 409 Oriole Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-3743

Dot Alexander 2007 Holley Creek Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5904

James C. (J.C.) Jones 310 Pinecrest Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-5606

Robert K. Bird 233 Briar Patch Lane Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7456

Betty C. Justis 1223 Robinhood Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5320 Fax: 638-4257

Ralph & Brenda Bowers 540 Denver Bowers Lane Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 257-5387 Fax: 257-2605

Lowell Dean Landre 7540 Erwin Hwy. Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 737-2401 Email:

David Rivers 315 N. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 602-708-1511

David Crum 142 Maple Crest Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-7721 Email:

Barbara & Max Lawson 110 Max Way Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-4933 Fax: 639-7137

Donell Scarboro 110 Dyer St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-6684

Ken Earl 609 Oak Hills Pkwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2681

JoElla Moore 1304 Kevin Lane Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2249 Email:

Hilton & Betty Seay 2516 Old Kentucky Road West Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-4097 Fax: 422-7607

David B. Hawk 407 Crockett Lane Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-8146 Email:

Joy Rader Nunnally 204 N. Cutler St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-1726

Greeneville Outfitters Karen Peterson 6757 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-2003 Fax: 787-2005 Email: Web Site:

American Greetings... Helping you connect, express and celebrate.

We create innovative products and services, with a commitment to safety, continuous improvement and performance.

104 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Lindy Riley 281 Grapevine Trail Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-9223 Email: Sue Ritter 1195 Pigeon Creek Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 552-3020 Email:

James F. Smith 155 Veldt Lane Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 639-5793 Jim Smythe 511 E. Main St. Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Tel: 615-896-0765 Fax: 615-904-9791 Email: Wolfgang U. Spendel 1608 W. Allens Bridge Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Email: Jack Stewart 6652 Blue Springs Pkwy. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 329-4355 Email: David Thompson 204 N. Cutler St., Ste. 200 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-1708 Fax: 798-1822 Pam Venerable 101 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-1760 Fax: 798-1763 Email:

James S. Shore 1345 Shakerag Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6577 Email:

William Vicory 2319 Ridge Rd. Augusta, GA 30906 Sarah E.T. Webster 1241 Tanglewood Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-7006 Hugh Wells 1807 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-7743 Fax: 636-7639


Precision Custom Injected Molded Products Meeting the Needs of our Customers by Partnering in their Manufacturing Processes

ISO 9000 Registered Greeneville, Tennessee • 423-639-9141

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Margie Douthat Williams 37 W. Ridgefield Ct. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3755 Bob Windham 1404 Upland Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-8702 Email:

Industrial & Manufacturing

B.T.L. Industries Mike Letts 1607 Industrial Rd. P.O. Box 1752 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 638-6171 Fax: 638-2065 C-E Minerals Jim Perry P.O. Box 1540 1625 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37744-1540 Tel: 787-2512 Fax: 423-787-2517 Email: Web Site:

American Greetings Corporation Scott Crawford 101 American Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 639-7878 Fax: 636-2065

CrownTonka Walk-Ins Larry Gothard 140 T. Elmer Cox Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-8565 Fax: 638-2583

Angus-Palm Industries Brad Ranly 115 Terry Leonard Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-2420 Fax: 798-2425 Email:

CVN Vooner Paper Machinery Randy Broce 475 T. Elmer Cox Drive P.O. Box 129 Greeneville, TN 37744-0129 Tel: 638-2211 Fax: 638-8805 Email:

Proud member of the Greeneville/Greene County business community for over 40 years.

Delfasco, LLC Randy Shipley 1945 Scott Farm Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 639-6191 Fax: 639-1160 Web Site:

DTR Tennessee, Inc. Randy Rumbley 199 Pottertown Rd. Midway, TN 37809 Tel: 422-4454 Fax: 422-4654

Donaldson Company, Inc. Everett Haynie 115 Rockwell Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4154 Fax: 639-3909 Email: Web Site:

East Tennessee Forest Products Elliott E. Stott 945 Bob White Trail, Mosheim, TN 37818 P. O. Box 305 Greeneville, TN 37744-0305 Tel: 422-7134 Fax: 422-9306

East Tennessee Manufacturing Services, Inc. • TOOLING • MACHINING • ULTRASONIC CLEANING • FABRICATION • TOOL & DIE • WELDING P.O. Box 967, Snapps Ferry Rd., Greeneville, TN 37745

• 423-639-5759 • FAX: 423-639-8791

TENNESSEE, INC. SAFETY 1st. QUALITY MUST. 199 Pottertown Rd. Midway, TN 37809 423-422-4454 150 Hester Lane Tazewell, TN 37879 422-626-8805

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 105

East Tennessee Manufacturing Services, Inc. Timothy Van Horn 2455 Snapps Ferry Rd. P.O. Box 967 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5759 Fax: 639-8791 Email: Eastman Chemical Company CeeGee McCord P.O. Box 431 Kingsport, TN 37662 Tel: 229-6974 Fax: 229-8280

Endot Industries, Inc. Larry Hicks 400 Bohannon Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-8241 Fax: 639-3722 HUF North America Shane Patterson 395 T. Elmer Cox Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-8500 Fax: 787-8621 Email: Web Site:

Precision Machine & Welding, Inc. is a family owned production machine shop. Established in 1986, Precision Machine & Welding, Inc. has distinguished itself by providing beyond the ordinary machining services for its customers in both production and prototype runs.

175 Holder Rd., Afton, TN 37616 (423) 638-9000 • Fax (423) 638-9033

Jarden Zinc Products Tom Wennogle 2500 Old Stage Rd. P.O. Box 1890 Greeneville, TN 37744-1890 Tel: 639-8111 Fax: 639-3125 John Deere Power Products Jeff Hollett 1630 Hal Henard Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-6100 Fax: 636-1772 LMR Plastics Bob Leonard P.O. Box 1448 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-9141 Fax: 639-3145 Email: Web Site: MECO Mark Proffitt 1500 Industrial Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1171 Fax: 639-2570 Web Site:

Miller/Greeneville, Inc. Rhonda Banks 711 Campbell Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-6160 Fax: 798-0822 Email: Web Site: MINCO, Inc. Mike McCullough 510 Midway Circle Midway, TN 37809 Tel: 422-6051 Fax: 422-4802 Monk Industries, Inc. Frances Monk 315 W. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7124 Email: Web Site: OldcastleBuildingEnvelope Brandon Darby 920 Pottertown Rd. Midway, TN 37809 Tel: 422-9901 Fax: 422-9926

Innovating. Sustainable. Success. At Eastman, we are proud to be creating new and innovative products at our sites around the globe. Our insights lead to sustainable solutions that meet the world’s ever changing needs. We’re the men and women of Eastman - creating a better tomorrow and paving the way for a successful future.

© Eastman Chemical Company 2012

106 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Packaging Services Inc. of Tennessee Scott Sallah P.O. Box 1388 Greeneville, TN 37744-1388 Tel: 787-7711 Fax: 787-7771

RPC Specialty Coatings, Inc. Alma Calkin 310 T. Elmer Cox Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-0057 Fax: 787-0271 Email: Web Site:

Parker Hannifin Ryan Schroeder 2745 Snapps Ferry Rd. P.O. Box 1790 Greeneville, TN 37744-1790 Tel: 639-8151 Fax: 787-2406

Unaka Buddy Yonz 1500 Industrial Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 278-1443 Fax: 639-1663 Email: Web Site:

Cor-Tenn Gary Reeves 111 State St. Knoxville, TN 37902-1020 Tel: 865-637-6929 Fax: 865-637-1457 Email: Web Site:

Vulcan Materials Company Ed Everett 400 Deneen Lane Kingsport, TN 37662-1639 Tel: 245-4136 Fax: 246-2425

UFP Mid-Atlantic, LLC, a Universal Forest Products Company Ken Robinson 120 Chickasaw Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Plant: 152 Industrial Park Rd. Pearisburg, VA 24134 Tel: 791-0244 Fax: 798-9974 Email: Web Site:

Revstone/MPI LLC Scott Dinger 2460 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0051 Fax: 639-2154 Email:

Industrial Sales, Supplies & Services

US Nitrogen 471 Pottertown Rd. Midway, TN 37809 Tel: 787-2022 Fax: 787-2024 Web Site:

Scepter Greeneville, Inc. Nate Sutherlen 1230 Pottertown Road Midway, TN 37809 Tel: 422-4731 Fax: 422-7857

Premium Waters, Inc. Don Myers 1616 Industrial Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-0236 Fax: 787-0790 Web Site:

Quality Machine Products, Inc. Jeff Bullock 108 Mimosa Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9771 Fax: 639-1719

Industrial & Manufacturing Machining & Tooling Precision Machine & Welding Bob Cutshall 175 Holder Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 638-9000 Fax: 638-9033 Web Site:

Fastenal William Martin 730 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-3622 Fax: 638-5913 Email: Web Site:

MECO Corporation

Contract Manufacturing • Metal Stamping • Metal Fabrication • CNC Machining • Deep-Draw Capability • Welding • Powder Coating • Assembly • Packaging • Design Support At MECO Corporation, there is no greater satisfaction than delivering a finished product that helps our clients reach their goals and objectives. It comes with our focus on personalized customer service, and product knowledge from start to finish. We constantly strive to deliver the highest quality products on time and at a fair price.



© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Phone: 800-251-7558 Fax: 423-639-2570 E-mail:

Contract Manufacturing MECO Corporation 1500 Industrial Road Greeneville, TN 37745

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 107

Reliable Coverage for all your insurance needs

• Auto • Home • Renters • Health • Life • Business

PEAKE INSURANCE 2255 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy.


Fastener South Corporation Bruce Evans 748 Freeland Station Rd. Nashville, TN 37228 Tel: 615-742-3119 Fax: 615-742-1698 Email: Web Site:

Insurance & Related Services

Holston Gases Randy Harville P.O. Box 127 Morristown, TN 37814 Tel: 586-8011 Fax: 587-6958

Allstate/The Call Agency Lori Call 1141 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-1069 Fax: 787-0784 Email:

Industrial Supply Company, Inc. Van Brooks 925 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-1717 Fax: 787-9390 Email: Moldesign Ryan Peterson 4720 Middlebrook Pk. Knoxville, TN 37921 Tel: 865-588-3774 Email: Web Site:

Call me today to see how much you could save with Allstate’s home & auto discounts.

(423) 787-1069

Southeastern Crate Service Center James Fender Hal Henard Rd. P.O. Box 416 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-0187 Fax: 639-2504

Insulation & Hydrospray Mulch

Lori Call

105 Village Dr. Ste. 2 Greeneville

Discount and insurance offered only with select companies and subject to availability and qualifications. Discount amount may be lower.Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company

Profile Products, LLC Gary L. Bowers 60 Davy Crockett Park Rd. Limestone, TN 37861 Tel: 257-2051 Fax: 257-4821 Email: Web Site:

Aflac District Office Brian Broyles 111 Village Drive, Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 546-4382 Fax: 207-4840 Email:

Andrew Johnson Insurance & Investment Services Brian Click 913 Tusculum Blvd. P. O. Box 1480 Greeneville, TN 37744-1480 Tel: 638-3161 Fax: 638-9527 Email: Web Site: B&H Insurance Paul Tamer 470 W. Hanes Mill Rd., Ste. 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Tel: 336-817-8647 Fax: 336-896-0888 Email: Web Site: Bird, Isbell & Associates DeAnna B. Blair 911 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5121 Fax: 798-6856 Email: Web Site: Brown & Brown Insurance Roger Aldridge 701 Market St., Ste. 500 Chattanooga, TN 37402 Tel: 423-308-2667 Fax: 423-756-3623 Email:

Andrew Johnson Insurance & Investment Services 913 Tusculum Blvd., Greeneville, TN 37745 •

“Your Local, Full Service Insurance & Investment Solution” Insurance Services

• Auto PHONE: 423-638-3161 FAX: 423-638-9527 • Home WE REPRESENT SEVERAL • Business DEPENDABLE COMPANIES to assure you the most competitive rates. • Life/Health • Group Benefits We serve you first

108 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Investment Services PHONE: 423-783-1033

• Stocks • Bonds • Mutual Funds Securities offered through LPL Financial, member FINRA/SIPC. Insurance products offered through • Annuities LPL Financial or its licensed affiliates. • IRA / 401K • Brian Click • Chuck Wagner

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

CrestPoint Health Sharon Dicorato 208 Sunset Drive, Ste. 101 Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 952-2116 Fax: 282-1216 Email: Farm Bureau Insurance Pamela Renner 195 Tusculum Bypass Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2305 Fax 639-8303 Email:

McInturff, Milligan & Brooks Insurance Agency Charles S. Brooks 237 W. Summer St. P. O. Box 1600 Greeneville, TN 37744-1600 Tel: 639-5171 Fax: 639-7129

Price & Ramey Insurance of Greeneville Kathy Clemmer 615 W. Main St., Ste. 101 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-4355 Fax: 639-5013 Email:

Modern Woodmen of America Teddy Clowers 111 Village Drive P.O. Box 1234 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-1469 Fax: 359-2120 Email: Web Site:

Greene County Farm Bureau Tommy Hopson 1431 W. Main St. P. O. Box 38 Greeneville, TN 37744-0038 Tel: 639-7212 Fax: 639-7215

Peake Insurance David B. Peake 2255 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0288 Fax: 639-3806 Email: Web Site:

Greene County Farmers Mutual Insurance Willie Good 110 S. Main St. P. O. Box 156 Greeneville, TN 37744-0156 Tel: 638-3652

State Farm Insurance Tommy Haun 1137 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5721 Fax: 639-3373 TIS Insurance Raymond Oakes 1900 Winston Rd. Knoxville, TN 37919 Tel: 865-691-4847 Fax: 865-694-4847 Email: Web Site:

Shaw Insurance Agency Deborah Shaw 1000 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1522 Fax: 639-4122 Email:

Total Insurance Planners Shawn Davis 3121 Bristol Hwy. Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 283-0094 Fax: 283-0547 Web Site:

State Farm Insurance Lisa Shepherd Crum 2195 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5150 Fax: 639-6288

Trinity Benefit Advisors, Inc. Tony Stubbs 4823 Old Kingston Pike, Ste. 205 Knoxville, TN 37919 Tel: 865-531-9898 Fax: 865-531-2290 Email: Web Site:

State Farm Insurance Jaron Snoeyenbos 1319 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-0353




SINCE 1910

Hello, neighbor!

McInturff, Milligan & Brooks, Inc.

INSURANCE • BONDS • RISK MANAGEMENT Towne Square Center • P.O. Box 1600 • Greeneville TN 37744 p. 423.639.5171 • f. 423.639.7129 •

Price & Ramey Insurance

Lisa LisaCrum, Crum,Agent Agent 2195 Johnson 2195 Andrew E Andrew JohnsonHighway Highway Greeneville,TN TN37745 37745 Greeneville, Bus:423-639-5150 423-639-1491 Bus:

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~Kathy Clemmer © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

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2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 109

West Greene Insurance & Tax Service, Inc. David Niehoff 2815 Newport Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2925 Fax: 798-2095 Email: Web Site:

Interior Designs Kimberly Dykes Interiors Kimberly Dykes 212 Mayor Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 335-5825 Fax: 246-3698 Email:

Internet & Computer Services Brian Cutshall 123 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-0545 Fax: 638-6273 Email:

Jewelry Repair The Jewelry Bench Thomas D. Paxton 3145D E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-4201 Email:

Job Training East Tennessee State University/ Families First Connie Adams 311 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5147 Fax: 638-6258

Kennels, Boarding, Grooming & Training

Janitorial Supply

All Creatures Country Club Dwight and Katherine Rollins 345 Kitchen Branch Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-2920 Fax: 800-887-6592 Email: Web Site:

The Ford System, Inc. John Harrison/Lou McDonald 402 E. Sullivan St. Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 247-4107 Fax: 247-4108 Email: Web Site:

Country Side Kennel Judy Winckler 201 Church Hill Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-1102 Fax: 638-1102 Email: Web Site:


Kitchen/Bath Designs

Legacy Fine Jewelers Faye Barnes 1339 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-8157 Fax: 638-8157 Email:

Kitchen By Design LLC Davey Fellers 5955 Kingsport Hwy. Johnson City, TN 37615 Tel: 470-3226 Fax: 477-0010 Email: Web Site:

Laser Skin Care & Weight Loss Medi Spas Komplexions Laser & Skin Care Medi Spa Kayla Cornwell 629 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 552-5188 Email:

Landscaping, Nurseries & Lawn Care

Broyles General Store David Broyles 730 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-8197 Fax: 525-4834 Email: By Pass Lawn & Garden Jason Cobble 104 Village Drive., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-0888 Fax: 787-0889 Email:

Heritage Lawn Care Robin F. Schell 745 Park Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-9494 Fax: 798-9555 Email: Web Site:

Mulch Pit David Turner 2900 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-9344 Fax: 525-4777 Email:

Outback Landscaping Floyd Collins 6985 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 620-8250

Life Coaching/Consulting

Land Surveyors Appalachian Surveying Consultants Brian T. Bartlett 160 Deerchase Lane Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 525-7044 Email: Web Site: Miller Land Surveying, LLC Jeffery A. Miller 905 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-7878 Fax: 787-2018 Email: Web Site:

Lawn & Garden Supplies

HCP Coaching & Consulting Hilary Cutshaw Porta 1008 Stanbery Circle Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 704-491-9161 Email:

Limousine Services Royal Carriage Limousines R. Shannon Johnson 1013 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 329-6697 Email:

of Morristown

Please contact us for your four-color brochure, rack card, and booklet printing. 423-317-0500 (office) 423-317-0092 (fax) 1616 Industrial Rd., Greeneville, TN 37745 | Phone: (423) 787-0236 | Fax: (423) 787-0790

110 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

P.O. Box 14244, Morristown, TN 37814

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Lodging Andrew Johnson Inn Jay Patel 2145 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-8124 Fax: 638-8125 Best Western Executive Inn Tim Tallent 50 Speedway Lane Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-9111 Fax: 235-9111 Best Western PLUS Morristown Conference Center Hotel Donna McPherson 5435 S. Davy Crockett Pkwy. Morristown, TN 37813 Tel: 587-2400 Fax: 581-7344 Email: Web Site: plusmorristownconferencecenterhotel Charray Inn Jay & Chetna Patel 121 Serral Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1331 Fax: 639-5289

Comfort Inn Angie Dickenson 1790 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4185 Fax: 639-7280 Email: Web Site: General Morgan Inn and Conference Center Bob Cantler 111 N. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-1000 Fax: 787-1001 Web Site: Hampton Inn Satish Hira 3130 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3735 Fax: 638-4413 Web Site:\ hampton\grvtn\myhomepage\business The Jameson Inn Lisa Douthat 3160 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7511 Fax: 638-8956

Round Table Offices, LLC Linda Crum 1104 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2275 Fax: 638-1025 Email: Web Site:

Log Home Sales Cedar Haven Log Homes Bruce F. Coakley Sr. 1980 Main St. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-4432 Fax: 422-0012 Email:

Manufactured Homes East Tennessee Land & Home Teresa Uhls 500 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-5333 Fax: 525-5334 Email: Web Site:

Clayton Homes Eric Hall 395 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5101 Fax: 639-4341 Email: Web Site: www.

Martial Arts Sparks School of Karate Benjamin Sparks 120 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 620-8859 Email: Web Site:

Masonry Cutshaw Masonry Richard Cutshaw 895 Piney Grove Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-1374


• Office Space • Executive Apartments • 1200 Sq. Ft. Conference Center 1104 Tusculum Blvd. • Greeneville, TN 37745

Phone: (423) 638-2275 Linda Crum, Operations Manager

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 111

Wampler Masonry Adam Wampler 1130 Henard Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 422-6750 Email:

Massage Therapy Massage by Shari Shari Scott, LMT 1119 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 278-0100 Email: Web Site:

Mattress Sales New Wave Bedrooms Joe Horvath 105 E. Hardin St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1419 Email:

Mortgage Advisors Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Delores “Dee” Bardes 10368 Wallace Alley St., Ste. 5 Kingsport, TN 37663 Tel: 477-9363 Email: Web Site:

Museums City Garage Car Museum Bettye Anne Bewley 210 S. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-6971 Fax: 638-2969 Email: Web Site:

Newspapers & Publications The Greeneville Sun Steve Harbison 121 W. Summer St. P. O. Box 1630 Greeneville, TN 37744-1630 Tel: 638-4181 Fax: 638-3645

Metal Roof Installers


Ray Christian & Sons Metal Roofing Ray Christian 110 Stockton Rd. Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 552-1097 Email: christianandsonsmetalroofing@ Web Site: www.

Goodwill of Tenneva Bob Miller 3190 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7062 Email:

Monuments Tusculum Monument Company Richard Jeffers 111 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-5546

Monuments & Cemetery Refurbishing Greene County Monument Jennifer Roe 415 Banks St., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-4016 Fax: 525-4019 Email: Web Site:

Non-Profit Organizations Community Center of Hope Matthew McCloskey 5035 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 P.O. Box 665 Mosheim, TN 37818 Email: Web Site:

Moose Lodge #692 J. B. Johnson 728 Kiser Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4881 Fax: 638-4881 Email:

Mountain Empire Oil Company Ralph Fellers 3583 W. Market St. P.O. Box 5998 Johnson City, TN 37602 Tel: 928-7241 Fax: 928-8553

Volunteer Center of Greeneville/ Greene County Mary Fitzpatrick 100 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-9341 Fax: 639-2299 Email:

Pilot Corporation James Haslam II P.O. Box 10146 Knoxville, TN 37939-0146 Tel: 865-588-7487

Office Supplies, Furniture & Equipment Evans Office Supply Todd Coffey 1600 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Morristown, TN 37814 Tel: 800-421-0797 Fax: 581-8243

Oil Changes Lube Express Jeff Stills 1370 Tusculum Blvd., Greeneville, TN 37745 565 Asheville Hwy., Greeneville, TN 37743 Mailing: P.O. Box 926 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 638-3145, 798-1912, 636-2669 Fax: 638-3203 Email: Web Site:

Oil Companies Allen Petroleum Company Carol Allen 1014 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2173 Fax: 636-1842 Email:

Evergreen Life Services Dr. Wyndi Patterson 1017 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 620-3518 Fax: 218-1258 Email: Web Site:

Greeneville Oil & Petroleum, Inc. Allen Johnson 860 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. P. O. Box 926 Greeneville, TN 37744-0926 Tel: 638-3145 Fax: 638-3203

Greene County Habitat for Humanity Vicki Culbertson P.O. Box 1824 Greeneville, TN 37744-1824 Tel: 638-3838

Marsh Petroleum Oil Company, Inc. Chris Marsh 253 Baileyton Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7226 Fax: 639-8811

112 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Rogers Petroleum, Inc. John Yeager P.O. Box 1714 Morristown, TN 37816 Tel: 581-7460 Fax: 581-1153 Email: Web Site:

Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, Opticians Dr. John K. Clement, O.D. 15 Old Stage Rd., Suite A Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-8856 Fax: 639-8227 Email: Web Site: East View Eye Care Bradford M. Emde, OD Shelly F. Shaw, OD 1000 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 4 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-8128 Fax: 798-9204 Email: Web Site: Greeneville Eyecare Center Dr. Allen Yandell 204 Emory Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4151 Fax: 639-6861 Email: Web Site:

Oral Surgeons Brad S. Johnson, DMD, PLLC Janice Hurst 703 K St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6769 Fax: 638-3635 Web Site:

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun



Bradshaw & Hathaway John Hathaway 128 Serral Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3132 Fax: 929-8111 Email: Web Site:

Kinser Park Rex Oster 650 Kinser Park Lane Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-5912 Email: Web Site:

Greeneville Orthodontics Ben Haws, DDS 151 Mason St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-3196

Pawn Shops

Outsourcing, Rework & Assembly

Korner Pawn Jimmy Schofield 432 E. Bernard Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7531

411 Industries Rita Malone 1301 Old Newport Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-1777 Email: Web Site:

Summer Street Pawn Shop Michael Cansler 510 Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-4447

Packaging Solutions

Niswonger Performing Arts Center Darrell Bryan P.O. Box 727 212 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1328 Fax: 638-1346 Box Office: 638-1679

Dakota Packaging Solutions Steve Hartness 170 Heritage Rd., P.O. Box 97 Limestone, TN 37681 Tel: 257-7828 Fax: 257-7728

Paint & Wall Coverings Paintin’ Place LLC Gary Dale Parman 809 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-3122 Fax: 639-8210 Email:

Painting/Residential & Commercial EZE Painting Ezequiel Cancelado 370 Old Newport Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 552-5810 Email: Gardner Paint Services, Inc. Rodney Conduff P.O. Box 5096 Johnson City, TN 37602 Tel: 928-8351 Fax: 928-0322 Email: Web Site:

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Performing Arts

Central Drug Store Cindy Fisher 239 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4711 Fax: 638-3311 Corley’s Pharmacy A.B. Corley 1004 Snapps Ferry Rd. P.O. Box 874 Greeneville, TN 37744-0874 Tel: 638-7552 Fax: 638-2552 Email: Greene County Drug Store Benji Cox 906 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7101 Fax: 638-9105 Email: Walgreens #7049 Jason Fuller 1650 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4889 Email: Web Site:

Walgreens #11907 William W. Ritchey 104 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-8335 Email: Web Site:

Phone Directories Yellowbook Kim Gray 4138 Bristol Hwy. Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 262-0006 Fax: 262-0009 Email: Web Site:

Photography Mohawk Memories Photography Laura Anderson 285 Solomon Rd. Mohawk, TN 37810 Tel: 231-2898 Email: laura@ Web Site: www.mohawkmemories

Personalized Gifts Thirty-One Gifts Kelley Thornburg 5646 107 Cutoff Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 525-3863 Email: Web Site: kelleythornburg

Petroleum Equipment Distributor Petro Services, Inc. Sid Lester 2205 W. Stone Drive Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 245-4755 Fax: 378-6524

Pharmacies Atchley Drug Center Will Giddings 511 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-5155 Fax: 639-2476

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 113

Physicians/Chiropractors Frost Chiropractic Center Stephanie Frost, D.C. 1128 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. C Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-9710 Fax: 798-9722 John Hamilton, DC 1119 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2233 Fax: 638-9972 Email:

Doctor’s Office Charles Montgomery, MD, Rufus Breckenridge, MD, Andy Roberts, MD 109 E. Church St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4131 Fax: 638-9237 East Tennessee Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine Mandeep Bakshi, MD 1404 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2200 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-8052 Fax: 798-8055 Email:

Snelson Chiropractic Bryon K. Snelson 510 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1431 Fax: 639-0827 Email:

Greeneville Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists, MPLLC Beth Graham 1410 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2500, MOB 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1291 Fax: 638-9398

Physicians & Surgeons

Greeneville Internal Medicine Dr. Maynard Austin, Dr. Thomas Beckner, Dr. Joe Austin, Dr. Joseph Scott, Dr. James Rodgers, Leah Rodgers Moore, PA 1404 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 3100 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4114 Fax: 638-1605

Allergy, Asthma & Sinus Center Ashley Leonard 1410 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2300 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 823-5190 Fax: 823-5193 Web Site:

Uniting the newest technology with dedication to patient care. Most Advanced in office treatments for: • Bladder Problems • Kidney Problems • Cancers • Male Infertility • Erectile Dysfunction • Prostate Problems • Incontinence • Kidney Stones

Greeneville Pediatric Clinic Dr. Doug Cobble, Dr. Walter Ashe 221 N. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-6050 Fax: 787-6054 Kids First Pediatrics R.S. McGill, DO, & Laurie Trosin, MD 5000 Monarch Pointe Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-6630 Fax: 798-6633 Laughlin Medical Group/General Surgery Dr. Mark Patterson, Dr. Stephen Flohr, Dr. Natalie Scott 1410 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 1700 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-7100 Fax: 787-7109 Mountain Surgical Dr. George Vinsant 1406 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2001 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9993 Fax: 639-9973 PATMOS EmergiClinic Dr. Robert Berry 1231 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9970 Fax: 639-4281 Email: Web Site: E. Brad Strange, MD 701 Professional Plaza Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7141 Fax: 639-5241

Summit Family Medicine & Occupational Health Services Jaime Oakley, MD 1404 Tusculum Blvd., MOB #3, Ste. 2300 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2161 Fax: 787-1904 Tennessee Cancer Specialists, PLLC Melissa Knight 1410 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 2200 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0243 Fax: 639-0628 Email: Web Site: Dr. Philip Thwing 400 Y St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0707 639-0345 Email: Tusculum Family Physicians Carla Nickle, DO, Ken Nickle, DO 1404 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 3000 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 783-7965 Fax: 783-7970 Email: Unity Urology M.O.B. # 3 Jason Carter, M.D. 1404 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. #2000 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4046 Fax: 638-4295 Email: Web Site: Women’s Center of Greeneville, PC Harry C. Nelson, MD FACOG, Jo Lynn Hawthorne, MD FACOG, Karin Small, MD 1021 Coolidge St., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-2300 Fax: 636-0348 Email:


• The Latest Techniques • Effective Pain Management • A New Level of Patient Care

Carla Nickle, D.O.

Haley Quillen, F.N.P.

Ken Nickle, D. O.

Saprina Fender, F.N.P.

• OB/GYN • Annual Exam/Physical • Well Child Check • School/Sports Physicals

Unity Urology Medical Ofce Building #3 1404 Tusculum Blvd. Suite 2000 Phone 423-638-4046

Greeneville Orthopaedic Clinic, PC Dr. Richard Pectol, Dr. John L. Freeman, Christopher Castle, NP, Alvin Murphy, PA 223 N. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2103 Fax: 639-1642

Jason B. Carter M.D., FACS

114 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Tusculum Family Physicians 1404 Tusculum Blvd., Ste 3000 Laughlin Medical Office Building 3 Telephone: 423-783-7965

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun


Print Cartridges

Race Tracks

Valley Pipe Philip Payne 2504 Quality Lane Knoxville, TN 37931 Tel: 865-769-9967 Fax: 865-769-4312 Email: Web Site:

Cartridge World Larry W. England 1735 W. State of Franklin Rd. Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 722-0333 Fax: 722-0335 Web Site:

Bristol Motor Speedway Mironda White 151 Speedway Blvd. Bristol, TN 37620 Tel: 989-6900 Fax: 764-0220 Web Site:

Plumbing Brooks & Malone Plumbing Contractors David Brooks 3260 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-9164 Fax: 798-9720 Email: Web Site: Kenny Pipe & Supply Paul Langston 2512 Wesley St. Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 915-1267 Fax: 915-1268 Email: Web Site: Midway Construction Company, Inc. Jeff Moore P.O. Box 235 Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 588-5639 Fax: 588-5643

Plumbing, HVAC & Industrial Supplies Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Ronald D. Weathers 50 Marley Drive Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 783-0074 Fax: 783-0143 Email: Web Site:

Precious Metal Buyers U.S. Standard Gold Buyers Sheree Dickson 3165 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1060 Fax: 636-1060 Email: sdickson.usstandardgoldbuyers@ Web Site:

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Printing, Graphics & Business Forms Artistic Printers Lisa & Terry Webb 2475 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-4316 Fax: 639-4162 Love Graphics Shane Love 1107 Arnold Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-8172 Fax: 638-9579 Email: Web Site: Stafford Custom Graphics, LLC Jay Stafford P.O. Box 355 1903 Highway 11E Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 753-6911 Fax: 753-6900 Email: Web Site: Superior Business Associates Stan Ritter 800 W. Irish St. P.O. Box 400 Greeneville, TN 37744-0400 Tel: 787-6000 Fax: 787-6010 Teague Printing Company Ned Sanders 210 W. Church St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-4551 Fax: 638-3927

Volunteer Speedway Phyllis Loven 221 Shady View Rd. Kingsport, TN 37660 Tel: 378-5942 Fax: 378-3473 Web Site: www.volunteerspeedway

Radio Stations WGRV/WIKQ/WSMG Ronnie Metcalfe P.O. Box 278 Greeneville, TN 37744-0278 Tel: 638-4147 Fax: 638-1979 Email:

Real Estate Rentals JAC Investments Michael Harrell P.O. Box 488 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 620-1788 Fax: 638-4962

Real Estate Sales Jackie Behymer/Century 21 Legacy 2040 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 552-3586 Fax: 888-829-7485 Email: Web Site:

Century 21 Home Team Ted Hensley, Billie Guthrie, Karen Myers 502 E. Jackson Blvd. Jonesborough, TN 37659 Tel: 788-0111 Fax: 788-0069 Email: Web Site: Century 21 Legacy Jamie Skeen, Gail Landers, Jackie Behymer, Mike McNeese, Mark Williams, Gordon Newman, Brian McAmis, Lois Smith, Donna Fillers, Susan Miller, Charles Skeen, Jeff Brooks, Mabel Agee, Jenny Yeip 2040 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6781 Fax: 639-0851 Web Site: Coldwell Banker Associated Realty Group Sharon Lillie, Danny Rigsby 11334 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6116 Fax: 639-0376 Email: Web Site: East Tennessee Realty Services Ralph W. Roderick 1205 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-6395 Fax: 639-4013 Email: Web Site: Hometown Realty of Greeneville Brad A. Johnston 514 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2345 Fax: 639-2387 Email: Web Site:

TriAngle Press Hal Wisecarver 4050 N. Mohawk Rd. Mohawk, TN 37810 Tel: 235-5587 Fax: 235-4210 Email:

Public Housing Rentals Greeneville Housing Authority Rebecca M. Adams P.O. Box 279 Greeneville, TN 37744-0279 Tel: 638-3111 Fax: 638-2489

24-Hour Emergency Service | Fast & Friendly Service Reasonable Rates | All Work Guaranteed P.O. Box 235 Mosheim, TN 37818 Telephone: (423) 588-5639 Fax: (423) 588-5643 Midway Construction Company


2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 115

Gwen Lilley/Century 21 Legacy 2040 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 329-6781 Fax: 639-0851 Email: Web Site:

Realty Executives Regie Jones 818 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-3465 Fax: 639-3484 Email: Web site: www.realtyexecutivesgreeneville. com

Mike McNeese/Century 21 Legacy 2040 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 552-5330 Fax: 1-888-323-2805 Email: Web Site:

Southern Pride Realty Teresa Jones 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 314 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1200 Fax: 877-795-7511 Email:

Mountcastle Corporation John Marshall P.O. Box 4034 Johnson City, TN 37602 Tel: 282-6141 Fax: 282-6148 Email: Web Site: Preferred Properties of East Tennessee, Inc. Joe & Lucia Fillers 1230 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 783-0051 Email: Web Site:

Sunbridge Realty Cathy Hooper, David Hooper, Tommy Gregory 3509 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9050 Fax: 639-9052 Toll Free: 1-866-832-3816 Email: Web Site:




2OG 6WDJH 5RDG *UHHQHYLOOH 71 ZZZ JUHHQHYLOOHLURQDQGPHWDOV FRP 116 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

TCI Group Andy Burke 119 Boone Ridge Drive, Ste. 203 Johnson City, TN 37615 Tel: 915-0911 Fax: 915-1043 Email: Web Site:

Tri County Real Estate, LLC Renee Dunbar 90 McIntosh Lane Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-5550 Fax: 235-9755 Email: Web Site:

Warner Realty Company Wendy Carter Warner 522 Justis Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7653 Fax: 639-2344 Email: Web Site:

Real Estate Sales, Auctions The Brothers Real Estate & Auction Company Shane Carter 819 W. Church St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-9400 Fax: 787-0306 Web Site: Carter Real Estate & Auction Company John Carter 444 E. Bernard Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7856 Fax: 639-8098 Greeneville Real Estate & Auction Team Bill Brown 431 E. Bernard Ave., Ste. 2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-5341 Fax: 525-5345 Web Site:

Real Estate Sales & Builders Safe Harbour Real Estate & Builders Jeff Irvine 2230 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 552-7555 Fax: 588-5047 Email: Web Site:

“ Providing Environmentally Safe Industrial Scrap Recycling Solutions since 1987� East Tennessee Iron and Metal is proud to be East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia’s leading industrial scrap recycling facility. We are constantly striving to provide solutions for material handling problems. Our goal is to provide excellent service, competitive pricing, and an environmental peace of mind. Our commitment to quality service has earned us consistent high marks in customer satisfaction. Financial Strength—stable and profitable company allowing us to have competitive rates for recycled materials. Reliable Service—professional, and quick and efficient with one on one access to your personal account manager. Consistent Quality—high quality standards, in demand products, clean materials shipped worldwide. Honesty and Integrity—safe and reliable handling of your scrap materials, compliance with all government regulations and environmental laws. You won’t find a better level of customer service anywhere in East Tennessee or Southwest Virginia!

P.O. Box 460 Rogersville, TN 37857


Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Real Estate Sales, Property Management Parrish Properties Debbie Wilson 1105 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-0164 Fax: 638-2061 Email: Village Green Robert H. Bailey 45 Laurel Gap Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 620-2627

Real Estate Sales, Rentals Accurate Realty, Inc. Wayne Ailshie, Sam Riley 132 W. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-0001 Fax: 787-0770 Email:

Bewley Properties, Inc. Kent Bewley 615 W. Main St. P.O. Box 459 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 638-6971 Fax: 638-2969 Email:


Scrap Guy Jeff Collins P.O. Box 1718 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 798-8984 Web Site:

Recycling/Waste Services Allied Waste Services Scott Barrett 2825 Carters Valley Rd. Church Hill, TN 37642-6186 Tel: 345-3000 Fax: 357-3680 East Tennessee Iron & Metal, Inc. Jason Putnal Hwy. 66, Bulls Gap 37711 P. O. Box 460 Rogersville, TN 37857 Tel: 235-4119 Fax: 235-4149 Greeneville Iron & Metals Jeff Collins 315 Old Stage Rd. P.O. Box 1718 Greeneville, TN 37744-1718 Tel: 639-1562 Fax: 798-8988 Web Site:

West Main Recycling Rocky Luster 1310 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Mailing: P.O. Box 574 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-2018 Email:

Towne & Country Event Rentals & Venues Carol Brown 201 W. Summer St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-4268 Fax: 638-5092 Email: Web Site: www.Zowneandcountryrentalsand

Residential Mortgages Mortgage Investors Group Joyce Keisling 3145 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 588-5341 Fax: 588-5269 Email: Web Site:


Restaurants, Food Services

Grand Rental Station Danny Venerable 2215 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6160 Fax: 636-8860

Amis Mill Eatery & Catering Jake Jacobs 127 W. Bear Hollow Rd. Rogersville, TN 37857 Tel: 272-7040 Email: Web Site:

Home of the Original Chip Burger and Cheese Chipper

Serving Greeneville for Over 94 Years


In the for a Milkshake?

201 3 Nobody makes ‘em better

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11-E By-Pass Greeneville

639-6311 © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

than we do!

Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner

All Our Traditionals Plus Specials + Wraps + Chicken Sandwiches + Shakes + Breakfast Omelettes + Sandwiches + Mini Chippers + Chili + Chicken Tenders & more...

Little Top —Drive Thru— 507 N. Main St. | 639-9800 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8:00-6:30

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 117

Angeez Sweet Shop Angie Lawson 1154 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 972-7354 Email: Captain D’s Seafood Kitchen Harold Moore 245 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6311 Cuz’s Drive-Thru Wade McAmis 535 Van Hill Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 234-0021 Dairy Queen of Greeneville Sandra Kesterson 3630 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 P.O. Box 10 Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 525-5109 Email:

Davy Crockett TA Travel Center Jason Brandon/Richard Brandon 195 Van Hill Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 234-4451 Fax: 234-6201 Email: Web Site: Diamond House Henry Lam 650 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6440 Fat Boyz Anthony Carter 3124 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-0504 Email: Fatz Café Tammie Gass 3140 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-9090 Fax: 787-0843 Web Site:

Servpro of Greeneville


Call ServPro of Greeneville today to have one of our fully licensed and trained technicians help you begin recovering from your loss. Available 24 hours a day and with over 35 years as an industry leader, we can make it “Like it Never Even Happened.”

Jimmi Jon’s Hillbilly Café Jamie Barrett 400 E. Bernard Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-0202 Fax: 525-5417 Email:

Ma & Pa’s Restaurant April Habberstad 6853 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2427 Email:

KFC Charles W. Middleton 1701 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 P. O. Box 1210 Elizabethton, TN 37644-1210 Tel: 423-543-4626

McDonald’s Brian Grubb 107 Austin St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-3277 Email: Restaurants, Food Services

Lenny’s Sub Shop Tess Villarta 1345 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-9009 Fax: 638-9019 Email:

McDonald’s Brian Grubb 504 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 377435 Tel: 636-2673 Email: Restaurants, Food Services

Little Top Drive-Thru Keith W. Paxton 507 N. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-9800 Email:

McDonald’s Brian Grubb 3755 Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-8976 Email:

From A Few Hours A Day To 24 Hours, 7 Days A Week, Let Our Trained, Insured, And Bonded CAREGivers Make A Difference Between Counting The Years And Living Them.

With A Little Help From A Friend!

State Licensed • Each office is locally owned and operated. FOR MORE INFORMATION & A FREE CONSULTATION, CALL

1156 B Tusculum Blvd. • Greeneville




118 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

1021 Coolidge St., Suite 5, Greeneville, TN (423) 638-1016 © 2013 The Greeneville Sun

McDonald’s Brian Grubb 35 Speedway Lane Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-7000 Email:

The Salsa’s Restaurant Javier Olivares 625 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-0800 Fax: 787-0800 Email:

McDonald’s Brian Grubb 2760 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5561 Email:

Sno-Biz of Greeneville Josephine Cutshaw 549 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2640 Fax: 638-2640

Old Stage Restaurant Mike Helbert 2012 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-5391 Pal’s #06 Willis Shaffer 1335 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7555 Fax: 638-7555 Email: Web Site: Pizza Inn of Greeneville Tim Landeck 275 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2000 Email: Plum Natural Health Food Store & Vegetarian Deli John Campbell 1720 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Email: Tel: 787-7782 Fax: 787-7782 Property Valuations David Harris P.O. Box 5605 Kingsport, TN 37663 Tel: 239-6464 Fax: 239-4224 Email: Red Rocks Pizza & Eatery Howard Seymour 3990 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 525-5326 Rocky’s Pizza Drew Thornburg 104 Village Drive, Ste. 3 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-7597 Fax: 638-3260 Email:

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Restoration Servpro Shanel Loveless 65 Stone Dam Rd. Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 638-1104 Fax: 638-1626 Email: Web Site:


Roofing Materials, Metal Fabrication JD Metals Michele Horner 5994 Chuckey Pike Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 257-8310 Fax: 257-8442 Email:

RV Dealers Tri-Am RV Center of East Tennessee Amy M. Perkins 1202 Idell Rd. Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-1167 Fax: 235-1176 Email: Web Site:

Stan’s Bar-B-Q Stan Fortner Kim Fortner 2620 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-0017 Web Site:

Gilley’s Western Store Greg Gilley 7960 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-6800 Fax: 422-4689 Email:

Sweet CeCe’s David Emmett 1337 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-2323 Email: Web Site:

Lowe’s Mike Stout 2375 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0012 Fax: 639-3812 Email: Web Site:

Baileyton RV Park & Driving Range Patricia Linn 7485 Horton Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 234-4992 Fax: 234-4992 Email: Web Site:


Screen Printing

Sysco Knoxville Adam Wagner 900 Tennessee Ave. Knoxville, TN 37921 Tel: 423-914-4597 Fax: 865-545-5690 Email: Web Site: The Tannery Downtown Donna McInturff 117 E. Depot St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-2772 Wendy’s Michael Forte 13350 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-4572 Wendy’s Michael Forte 601 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-1926 Wendy’s Michael Forte 1330 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-3531

Blue Springs Roofing Nathan Carter 1105 Old Newport Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-3901 Fax: 798-7146 Email: Burriell’s Roofing Terry Burriell 876 Flag Branch Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 620-7341

RV Parks

East Tennessee Promotions Scott Bullington 1149 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 1 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1234 Fax: 636-1234

Security PFS Security Group, Inc. Scott Foshie 839 Meadowbrook Rd. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 329-6422 Email:


423-639-1221 2013 Mike Harrell - Owner

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 119

Security/Janitorial /Staffing Solutions

Shipping/Documentation Services

A Services Group, LLC Walter A. Glenn 1021 Coolidge St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1016 Email:

The UPS Store 5004 Scotty Long 1113 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-9992 Fax: 798-9909 Email:

Senior Care


Home Instead Senior Care Tracey Kendall 136 Boones St., Ste. 2 Jonesborough, TN 37659 Email: Web Site:

Shred-It 14201 Hickory Creek Rd. Lenoir City, TN 37772 Tel: 800-697-4733 Fax: 865-671-0786

Septic Services

D&D Vinyl Siding David Fillers 213 Wykle Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 823-1097 Email:

M.C. Septic Services Mark Collins P.O. Box 2666 Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 787-0399 Fax: 525-4773 Email:



Roto Rooter Mike Harrell P.O. Box 220 Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 639-1221 Fax: 638-4962 Email:

Advantage Sign Co. Stacy Lee 415 Banks St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-9727 Fax: 787-9705 Email:

Swatzell’s Septic Charles Love 220 Pleasant Hill Rd. Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 257-2747 Email:

Sign Shack Paul B. Love 323 E. Bernard Ave. , Ste. 3 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-7596 Email:

Shipping & Printing Package Express Center, Inc. Russell Israel 302 CCU Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-8057 Fax: 800-570-0683

Signs Plus Phil Wilhoit/Kritter Malone 708 E. Church St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-0087 Fax: 636-9877 Email:

Round Table Office Complex. Suite 307

P.O. Box 817 Greeneville, TN 37744

Bob Gay Financial Advisor (423) 693-7241

120 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Snyder Signs Adam Miller 3918 Creekmore Drive Johnson City, TN 37601 Tel: 282-6221 Fax: 282-6222 Email: Web Site:

Slaughter Houses/ Meat Markets Snapps Ferry Packing Jack Southerland 5900 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Afton, TN 37616 Tel: 638-7001

Spas/Salons Sculptz Salon & Spa Georgia Redmond 506 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 636-1900 Email: Web Site:

Stock Brokers & Financial Planners Edward Jones Investments Bob Gay P.O. Box 817 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 307 Greeneville, TN 37744-0817 Tel: 639-7241 Fax: 888-440-5292 Edward Jones Investments Greg Spain 627 Asheville Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 798-9258 Fax: 817-697-9779 Email: Web Site: Rather & Kittrell Greg McMurry 11905 Kingston Pk. Knoxville, TN 37934 Tel: 865-218-8400 Fax: 865-218-8450 Email: Web Site:

Storage Services All Volunteer Storage Donnie E. Christian 60 Pruitt Road North Greeneville, TN 37743 Mailing: P.O. Box 16083 Bristol, VA 24209 Tel: 638-1411 Email:

Greeneville Mini Warehouses Mark Williams 2040 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-6781 Fax: 639-0851 Email: Greeneville Self Storage Michelle Loven P.O. Box 636 1418 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 636-1112 Fax: 636-3075 Web Site: T.E.G. Lease Tracy E. Gass 107 Gass Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 798-2163 Fax: 787-0401

Television Stations WCYB, WEMT, CW Candy Crigger 101 Lee St. Bristol, VA 24201 Tel: 276-821-5250 Fax: 276-645-1553 Email: Web Site:

Tire Sales Blue Springs Tire Ricky Moore 8005 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-6685 Double D Tire & Battery Flint Carter 403 Bernard Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1402 Fax: 525-4199 Email: Porter’s Tire Stores, Inc. Chasity Wolfe 914 W. Main St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-9225 Fax: 586-1863 Email: Web Site:

Title & Escrow Services Greene County Title Company Judy Robinson 518 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0683 Fax: 639-9563 Email: Web Site:

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

Reliable Title & Escrow, LLC Melissa Neesen 1104 Tusculum Blvd., Ste. 301 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2100 Fax: 638-6100 Email: Web Site: Unified Title & Escrow, Inc. Lynn Griffin 816 Tusculum Blvd., #2 Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-0002 Fax: 787-0012 Email: Web Site:

Tool & Die Right Angle Enterprises, Inc. Paul McAfee 111 Mimosa Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0790 Fax: 638-2153 Email:

Tool & Die & Precision Sawing J&J Tool & Die Company, Inc. James Joseph 120 Fairgrounds Circle Greeneville, TN 37745 Mailing: P.O. Box 640 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-1061 Fax: 639-8064 Email:


Trailer Sales & Service

Trophies & Engraving

Trucking & Excavation

C & C Custom Trailers Gina M. Tipton 7090 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Chuckey, TN 37641 Tel: 257-8888 Fax: 257-8889 Email: Web Site:

Quality Trophy & Engraving Mike Burleson Elaine Burleson 3300 W. Market St. Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 928-3307 Fax: 928-3323

Hookers Excavation & Trucking Birdie E. Hooker 479 Oasis Rd. Mailing: 522 St. Clair Rd. Bulls Gap, TN 37711 Tel: 235-3165 Fax: 235-3165 Email:



Uniform Rental


Everhart Transportation, Inc. Cline Everhart 1622 Industrial Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 783-9900 Fax: 639-1633 Email:

Unifirst Corporation Justin Lewis 10603 Lexington Drive Knoxville, TN 37932 Tel: 865-675-5453 Fax: 865-675-5473 Email: Web Site:

Greene Coach Company, Inc. Russell W. & Sheila Ooten 126 Bohannon Ave. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-8271 Fax: 638-5541 Email: Web Site:

Landair John Tweed 1110 Myers St. P.O. Box 938 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 783-1300 Fax: 636-7274

Forward Air Bruce Campbell P. O. Box 1058 Greeneville, TN 37744-1058 Tel: 636-7000 Fax: 636-7274

Greene County Express Eddie Harmon P.O. Box 775 Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 639-4364

Travel Cruise Planners Kristin Small 765 Henard Rd. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 525-7287 Fax: 855-278-9377 Email: Web Site:

Lynn Hope Towing Lynn Hope 80 Clay Way Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 823-1070

Utilities, Related Services Admiral Propane Melody Maphis 1145 Forest St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7945 Fax: 639-5968

What does the partnership do for your business?

We are committed to assisting your business through our quality membership services which include: Newsletter

Business Seminars

Receive a "Partners" biweekly newsletter to stay Topics range from health care to international informed of all Partnership activities and events.  trade.

Greene County Partnership Board Room Additional Information

is available to Partnership members for business- is available at no cost, including club listings, apartment listings, phone books, tourist related meetings. information and relocation information.

Ribbon Cuttings

are available to new members - we coordinate the publicity.

24-Hour Emergency Service

Lynn Hope Towing “We Doze But Never Close!” • Light to Heavy Duty Towing • Roll Back Service Available • Lockout Service • Local & Long Distance Hauling

• Secured Fenced Storage Lot • Video Monitoring • Fully Insured


© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

2011 2012

35 Mt. Pleasant Rd. Greeneville, TN

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 121

Airgas Alan Foulks 1120 Tusculum Blvd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1281 Fax: 638-4636 Email: Web Site:

Greeneville Light & Power Company Bill Carroll 110 N. College St. P. O. Box 1690 Greeneville, TN 37744-1690 Tel: 636-6200 Fax: 638-7611 Web Site:

Atmos Energy Tony Hughes 1221 Snapps Ferry Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 787-1388 Fax: 787-1387

Greeneville Water Department Laura White 516 N. Main St. P. O. Box 368 Greeneville, TN 37744-0368 Tel: 638-3148 Fax: 638-3140

CenturyLink Robert Kricko 210 N. College St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-2424 Email: Comcast Russell Byrd 5720 Asheville Hwy. Knoxville, TN 37924 Tel: 639-0145 or 1-888-683-1000 Web Site:

Shaw LP Gas Johnny Wilson 205 W. Bernard Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 639-7788 Fax: 636-8902

Vending Machines, Services Professional Vending Doug Fezell P.O. Box 2167 Greeneville, TN 37744-2167 Tel: 639-3188 Fax: 235-5836 Email:


Davis Elliot Company, Inc. Brian Sarrett 4211 Georgia Ave. Nashville, TN 37209 Tel: 615-460-7166 Email:

Greene County Veterinary Medical Center Doug Woolsey 247 Baileyton Rd. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1621

Glen Hills Utility District Lloyd “Hoot” Bowers P.O. Box 399 Greeneville, TN 37744 Tel: 639-8622 Fax: 639-3260

Popcorn Video Richard Scull 1260 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 638-1484

Video Stores

Your natural gas company

122 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Warehousing GCS Partnership Jeff Monson 406 N. Irish St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-0990 Fax: 639-0919 Email: J&J Warehousing Jerry Fortner 60 Bridge Burners Rd. Mosheim, TN 37818 Tel: 422-4481

Warehousing, Distribution & Cartage SoPakCo Wesley Keller 102 Coile St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 639-1163 Fax: 639-7270 Email: Web Site:

Waste Services Transport Technologies, LLC Jeff L. Collins P.O. Box 1864 185 Old Stage Rd. Greeneville, TN 37744-1864 Tel: 638-3485 Fax: 639-4808

Web Development (Mobile & Standard) Mobile ico Wallace D. Morrison 103 Longview Drive Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 561-350-6961 Email: Web Site:

Wedding Planning, Products & Services Team Bridal Benjamin Dean 129 Hermitage St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 329-8978 Email: Web Site:

Welding Neas Welding Kim Neas 1133 Forest St. Greeneville, TN 37743 Tel: 638-9551 Fax: 638-9110

Wholesale Distributors Charles C. Parks Company Gary Pickett P.O. Box 119 Gallatin, TN 37066 Tel: 615-452-2406 Fax: 615-451-4212 Email: H.T. Hackney Company Ross Tutterow P.O. Box 1398 Johnson City, TN 37605-1398 Tel: 926-6175 Fax: 926-9899

Wholesalers Sam’s Club 8222 Andrew Weatherford 3060 Franklin Terrace Drive Johnson City, TN 37604 Tel: 282-3360 Fax: 282-4269 Email: Web Site:

Web Site Consulting

Window Tinting

Rick Whittington Consulting Rick Whittington 117 South 14th St., Ste. 310 Richmond, VA 23219 Tel: 804-335-1477 Email: Web Site:

Tommy Bennett Window Tinting & Accessories Tommy Bennett 114 Austin St. Greeneville, TN 37745 Tel: 329-8468 Email:

© 2013 The Greeneville Sun

"Thank you to the following advertisers in the feature section."




Angus Palm............................................................................................................... 21 ..............................................................28 Bachman Bernard Auto Mall ...........................................................................Inside Back Cover ...................................................24 Century 21 Legacy ..................................................................................................... 34 ..............................................................34 Frontier Health/Nolachuckey Mental Health............................................................... 39 ..............................................................38 Greene County School System.................................................................................... 47 ..............................................................47 Greeneville Astros ...................................................................................................... 1 ...............................................................54 Greeneville City School System .................................................................................. 51 ..............................................................50 Greeneville Light & Power System ............................................................................. 35 ..............................................................34 Greeneville Lions Club ............................................................................................... 55 Hometown Realty of Greeneville, Inc. ........................................................................ 36 ..............................................................34 Laughlin Memorial Hospital ................................................................................Back Cover .......................................................39 Life Care Center of Greeneville ................................................................................... 42 ..............................................................43 Link Hills Country Club .............................................................................................. 54 ..............................................................55 Parker Hannifin ......................................................................................................... 24 ..............................................................25 Rodefer Moss & Co., PLLC........................................................................................... 25 ..............................................................25 RPC, Inc. ................................................................................................................... 26 ..............................................................26 Summers Taylor, Inc. ................................................................................................. 27 ..............................................................26 Summit Family Medicine and Occupational Health Services ....................................... 44 ..............................................................44 Takoma Regional Hospital ............................................................................. Inside Front Cover ..................................................44 The Greeneville Sun .................................................................................................. 17 ..............................................................55 Transport Technologies, LLC ....................................................................................... 28 ..............................................................28 Walters State Community College .............................................................................. 49 ..............................................................48

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

2013 Greene County Partnership Directory | 123

"Thank you to the following advertisers in the business listings."

Advertiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ad A Services Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 ABC Family Dentistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Air Pro Heating & Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Allstate/Lori Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Amedisys Home Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 American Greetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Andrew Johnson Insurance & Investment Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Atmos Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Bailey's Heat and Air. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Bird's Electric Heat and Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Benchmark Physical Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Blackburn, Childers & Steagall, PLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 C & C Millwright Maintenance Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Captain D's Seafood Kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 The Cave Law Firm, PLLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Cheek Solutions, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Consumer Credit Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 DTR Tennessee, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 David Dykes, D.D.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 East Tennessee Hematology & Oncology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 East Tennessee Iron & Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 East Tennessee Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Eastman Chemical Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Edward Jones/Bob Gay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Farm Credit Services of Mid-America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Free Will Baptist Family Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Fresenius Medical Care/Dialysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Gardner Paint Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 General Morgan Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Greeneville Federal Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Greeneville Iron & Metals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Kevin Hartman, D.D.S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 124 | 2013 Greene County Partnership Directory

Advertiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ad Holston Home for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Home Instead Senior Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Interstate Graphics of Morristown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Jarden Zinc Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Little Top Drive-Thru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 LMR Plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Lynn Hope Towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 McInturff, Milligan & Brooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 MECO Contract Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Midway Construction Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Moore's Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Peake Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Precision Machine & Welding, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Premium Waters, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Price & Ramey Insurance of Greeneville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Ron's Millwright Service, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Roto Rooter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Round Table Office Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Saratoga Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 SEDA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 ServPro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Signature Healthcare of Greeneville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Staff Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 State Farm/Lisa Crum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 The Greeneville Sun Classified Marketplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Town of Mosheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Tusculum College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Tusculum Family Physicians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Unity Urology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Wal-Mart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Wellington Place of Greeneville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

Š 2013 The Greeneville Sun

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