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Keep Greene Beautiful



public, private, local and state resources.

Main Street: Greeneville is governed by a board of directors composed of business and community leaders.


In cooperation with the National Park Service, Main Street: Greeneville offers two daily guided tours of historic sites in downtown Greeneville.

The tour, “A Walk With The President,” is offered six days a week, Monday to Saturday, from April through October. The 90-minute walking tour begins at 9:30 a.m. and features 13 sites in the historic district.

Tours of the historic Dickson-Williams Mansion are conducted throughout the year, with the exception of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. The mansion tours begin daily at 1 p.m. January and February may have limited availability due to weather.

Tickets for both tours can be purchased at the General Morgan Inn, with all tours starting from there. Tours are limited to 12 people. Groups larger than 12 should call 423-787-0500 at least 24 hours ahead.

Main Street: Greeneville is involved in various community events.

Call Main Street: Greeneville at 423639-7102 or visit www.mainstreet greeneville.org for more information.

PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE SUN /THE GREENEVILLE SUN Bears were enjoying an impromptu lunch in this display by Andrew Johnson Bank, one of the winners of “Scarecrows of Main” competition in downtown Greeneville. Main Street: Greeneville is currently seeking entries for this year’s competition.

Greene County Partnership Program Helps Keep Area Clean

Keep Greene Beautiful, a Keep America Beautiful program affi liate, is an initiative of the Greene County Partnership that strives to improve the appearance of the community.

Keep Greene Beautiful works toward its goal of a cleaner, more beautiful community through educating children and adults on the importance of litter control and good solid-waste practices, including recycling.

Keep Greene Beautiful is dedicated to maintaining a litter-control program, promoting a clean and beautiful environment and instilling good environmental and solid-waste management practices.

For more information, contact the Greene County Partnership at 638-4111 or visit www.greene countypartnership.com.

Keep Greene Beautiful and Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation hosts annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection in Greeneville.

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