Green growth poster english

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The Government of Indonesia - GGGI “Green Growth Program”

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction



Green Growth is pro-growth, pro-jobs, pro-poor and pro-environment.



Green Growth is not a new concept





Let us move towards a systematic approach to measure Green Growth performance!

Sustained Economic Growth

To promote Green Growth in Indonesia that recognizes the value of natural capital, improves resilience, builds local economies and is inclusive and equitable.


1 Greening the planning process

Inclusive and Equitable Growth

REDD+ Agency (BP REDD+)

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

Ministry of Environment

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministry of Agriculture

Ministry of Forestry

Central Statistics Bureau (BPS)

Ministry of Industry

Ministry of Stateowned Enterprise (BUMN)

Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technologies (BPPT) Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)

National Council on Climate Change (DNPI)

$ Social, Economic, and Environmental Resilience


Healthy and Productive Ecosystems Providing Services


Ministry of Public Works


Ministry of Finance


Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS)

Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs

$ Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan

Provincial Government of Eastern Kalimantan

Other Provincial Governments






2 REDD+ for Green Growth

Regional engagement

To ensure that REDD+ finance, programs and policies catalyze Green Growth in Indonesia.

To support provincial governments in prioritizing and implementing Green Growth.

s A Program Led by Hybrid Teams

Identification of Economic Activity Which economic activity can achieve the existing vision in a greener way?

1. To mainstream Green Growth within Indonesia’s economic development planning processes. 2. To increase the use of green technology and increase capital investment in green industry.

Green Growth Roadmap

Government Officials

$$$ Assess Green Growth Performance Assessment which includes quantifiable and intangible environmental and social costs and benefits (extended CBA). Is economic activity performing well? Are there greener alternatives available?


GGGI Staff

Local Experts

Partners •

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Figure 2

Redesign of Enabling Conditions Visioning

Baseline Assessment

A vision-led process across sectors

What is the background situation against which Green Growth performance can be measured?

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Green Growth

Could Green Growth performance of the economic activity be further improved?

support and and project


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Business Case Development

* For more information, please download this report at (available in English and Indonesian)

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Green Growth

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Sustained economic growth



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Governm nt of Indonee sia GGGI

Sustained economic growth

Figure 3

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Healthy and

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g Green Gr ents: owth October 2013

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a new International Organisation dedicated to pioneering a new model of economic growth in collaboration with developing and emerging countries. The model is known as 'Green Growth', that aims to simultaneously target economic growth, poverty reduction, job creation, social inclusion as well as environmental sustainability and resource security. The Government of Indonesia is a founding member of GGGI.

printed on recycled paper

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