A Jurisdictional Approach and Green Development in Indonesia
REDD+ and green development in Indonesia
There is a growing interest and alignment in following a green development pathway • The Government of Indonesia is commi3ed to an inclusive model of green development • The private sector is mobilizing towards green growth while community empowerment is fundamental to achieving equitable, low-‐carbon development • Green development will only be achieved through a coordinated effort by all parts of society REDD+ is not only aligned but fundamental to green development in Indonesia • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is one of the desired outcomes of green development • The REDD+ naDonal strategy goes “beyond carbon” with its four green development goals: o reduce GHG emissions o increase forest carbon stocks o conserve biodiversity o support economic growth
What is the REDD+ jurisdic?onal approach? Defining a jurisdic?onal approach • In Indonesia, the following administraDve units are jurisdicDons; Republic of Indonesia, provinces, districts, or lower level government units. • In the context of REDD+, the ‘jurisdicDonal approach,’ is defined as: “the na(on-‐wide approach under which REDD+ is implemented & administered through Indonesia’s provincial and district government units, with performance aggregated at the na(onal level.” • The jurisdicDonal approach aims to integrate REDD+ within the Indonesia’s current jurisdicDonal structure by building on and strengthening exisDng governance systems. • This will require the establishment of a naDonwide REDD+ JA framework that clearly defines the responsibiliDes of all government levels and other stakeholders within a common and coordinated structure for delivering REDD+ goals. • The term ‘jurisdicDonal REDD+’ was first used in the context of carbon accounDng; however, the jurisdicDonal approach goes beyond GHG measurement to posiDon to REDD+ as a central element of green development.
Why a REDD+ jurisdic?onal approach in Indonesia?
A jurisdic?onal approach (JA) is appropriate for REDD+ in Indonesia because… 1.
Land is mostly publicly-‐owned and the government controls key land use decisions
Decentralized structure gives greater responsibility to sub-‐naDonal jurisdicDons
Coordinated naDonal framework but allows bo3om-‐up, locally derived soluDons
Encourages integraDon with exisDng planning processes that ensures accountability
Allows exisDng acDviDes are integrated into jurisdicDonal programs
Encourages close collaboraDon between government, companies and communiDes
Gives responsibility to stakeholders closely involved in forest and land use management, such as KPH, which will play key role in addressing deforestaDon.
Enables integraDon of acDviDes, among others through community-‐based REDD+ programs and working with the private sector & local communiDes.
Aligned with internaDonal consensus on programmaDc REDD+ implementaDon
10. Enables reducDon of risk of displacement and reversals through a more integrated measure
How the REDD+ Agency supports a jurisdic?onal approach
Coordina?on is fundamental to a jurisdic?onal approach • This requires both verDcal and horizontal collaboraDon within GoI • A mulD-‐stakeholder approach is essenDal, with partnerships with communiDes, civil society, private sector, development partners, academics etc. The REDD+ Agency has a range of ‘direct management’ responsibili?es • Developing and implemenDng naDonal priority REDD+ programs • FacilitaDng the planning process at all levels of government • Establishing and managing a financing mechanism that funds a range of acDviDes • CreaDng a system to measure each jurisdicDon’s REDD+ and green growth performance • IdenDfying priority REDD+ jurisdicDons within Indonesia In parallel, the REDD+ Agency must establish effec?ve partnerships with: • GoI ministries that control fiscal and regulatory frameworks related to land use sectors • Sub-‐naDonal governments within the priority REDD+ jurisdicDons • Local communiDes that are directly engaged in land management decisions • Private sector companies involved in site-‐level land management
Key systems within a JA framework
A na?onal REDD+ JA framework is needed to … o Provide guidance to all REDD+ stakeholders o Outlines their responsibiliDes o Explain how they will benefit from the system It is proposed that the overall REDD+ JA framework consists of three systems: • Planning and implementaDon: to define how each level of government develops and implements a jurisdicDonal REDD+ program, working with all the relevant stakeholders using a programmaDc approach. • Funding and incenDves: to connect domesDc and internaDonal, and public and private finance to the acDviDes within the jurisdicDonal programs, and ulDmately reform Indonesia’s domesDc regulatory and fiscal system to support green development. • EvaluaDng performance: to measure the performance of each jurisdicDon in implemenDng programs and acDviDes, and delivering REDD+ goals that is aligned with the MRV system, compliant with safeguards and, ulDmately, achieving green development/growth.
Planning and implementa?on: using a programma?c approach Na?onal • Planning:
REDD+ NaDonal Strategy (Indonesia’s overarching REDD+ plan) Support sub-‐naDonal governments on developing jurisdicDonal programs • ImplementaDon: Support land tenure reform, transparency etc. Develop priority investment programs (e.g. 10 IAs, FMU, peatland) Sub-‐na?onal (Provincial – SRAPs and District – Green Development Strategies) • Same approach for provinces and districts but strategies will reflect the different roles of each level of government in natural resource governance • Planning: Strong partnerships with all key stakeholders (e.g. communiDes, companies) Agreed set of shared development goals to clarify expectaDons Clear statement of poliDcal commitment from local government leadership Clear connecDon with the development and spaDal plans AnalyDcal tools that provide high-‐quality informaDon to decision makers • ImplementaDon: Necessary insDtuDonal arrangements Resources mobilized from all available sources ProgrammaDc approach (e.g. green villages, cerDficaDon, PAs, indigenous communiDes)
Funding and incen?ves: shiWing from interna?onal to domes?c REDD+ programs and ac?vi?es need to use mul?ple funding sources • The majority now is internaDonal but the relaDve contribuDons will change with Dme. 1. DomesDc support (e.g. budgetary allocaDons and fiscal transfers) 2. Bilateral internaDonal support (e.g. Norway’s support) and other financial sources (e.g. internaDonal climate finance and private investment) channeled through FREDDI and other means. Long-‐term funding and incen?ves for REDD+ will be primarily domes?c and private • SRAPs and district strategies integrated into the development and sectoral plans to generate budgetary support for priority REDD+ acDviDes • Fiscal framework currently provides incenDves for ‘brown growth’ – need for reform so sub-‐ naDonal governments receive greater incenDves to prevent forest conversion • Regulatory and licensing frameworks to support green investment from private sector
Evalua?ng performance: measuring progress Measurement of performance must go beyond carbon • JurisdicDons should be measured on their progress against the goals of Indonesia’s REDD+ and compliance with social and environmental safeguards. • The REDD+ Agency is developing a ‘REDD+ AcDons Performance Index’ (RAPI), which will include a: o Readiness Index: iniDal condiDon of jurisdicDons to assess readiness for JA o Performance Index: measure jurisdicDons’ performance against indicators • REDD+ Agency is facilitaDng an inter-‐ministerial process to establish a naDonal Reference Emissions Level (REL). • A MRV system is essenDal part of the broader evaluaDon system, especially as the GoI needs to report is naDonal emission to UNFCCC.
Conclusions • REDD+ has the potenDal to support the broader transformaDon of Indonesia’s economy and landscape management toward green development/growth. • REDD+ concepts and systems are sDll evolving globally and in Indonesia, and the jurisdicDonal approach will conDnue to evolve as well. • The JA helps to ensure that REDD+ supports Indonesia’s green growth approach by: o Taking a collaboraDve approach o SupporDng the full set of development objecDves important to key stakeholders o Strengthening key cross-‐cuong funcDons related to jurisdicDonal planning, monitoring, and incenDves for sustainable landscapes o There is a need to develop JA model for REDD+ in Indonesia at province and district levels based on the experiences of current programs (i.e. program in Berau)
The JurisdicDonal Approach to REDD+ and green development in Indonesia was developed by BP REDD+, supported by the Global Green Growth InsDtute (GGGI), Kemitraan, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the World Bank, and other contribuDng partners.
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