1. Photo voltaic cells (polycrystalline) A. Technical description
Solar PV is one of the most widely used renewable energy generation technology. The name PV itself indicates the basic principle, i.e. the process of converting light (photons) to electricity (voltage), called the PV effect. Solar PV first generates Direct Current (DC) which is converted into Alternating Current (AC) through an inverter and it is finally sent to the distribution system. Solar PV has both grid and off grid applications. In the case of developing countries, rooftop solar system is very common. Source: NJ Solar Solutions, Inc.
C. Opportunities and application
Solar Module BOS EPC
Project development
Components & systems
B. Value chain and its components Composed of Polycrystalline, Ingot, Wafer and Cell Combination of cells produces the solar module and when modules are installed using the supporting system, it forms an array A system which makes it possible to store, convert and distribute the electricity generated by solar modules to the end users Composed of inverter that converts DC to AC, battery, and other supporting sub components Engineering Procurement Construction Resource assessment & feasibility Project development: permit and license, site acquisition and others Project financing
In terms of providing green and renewable energy source by exploiting solar energy, PV is one of the promising technologies. Solar PV is suitable where the potential of or solar radiation is high. The energy from solar PV may be widely used in residential, agriculture and industry sectors.
D. Global market and uptake 4%
12% 33%
Global PV installation Germany (2000-2012) is focused Europe without Germany mainly in Europe Asia is becoming a major Rest of World market player China & Taiwan North America Japan
Key players in the global market: 1. China & Taiwan 2. Japan 3. EU 4. Rest of World 5. North America
2. Flash Geothermal (electricity) A. Technical description
Only 0.1-0.3% of world energy demand is met by geothermal, even though theoretically 1TW power potential is expected. Flash geothermal power plant with a water cooling system is the most common type among various other geothermal power plants. A mixture of water and steam from the wells enters the flash tank. The steam is separated by a steam separator and delivered to the turbine, and the turbine powers a generator, which in turn generates the electricity. The major system of flash geothermal power plant is electricity generation and distribution system. Source: Geothermal Energy Association, A guide to geothermal energy and the environment
C. Opportunities and application
Electricity generation distribution Cooling system EPC
Project development
Components & systems
B. Value chain and its components Composed of turbine, generator, production well, injection well, transformer and etc. The pressurized high-temperature water is drawn from beneath the surface through the well into the flash tanks, where a sudden decrease in pressure causes the liquid water to vaporize into steam, and the steam separator inside the flash tank separates water from the steam. The steam then powers the turbine-generator set which generates the electricity. A system composed of cooling tower and condenser Engineering, procurement and construction Production drilling Transmission Feasibility study Consideration of legal and administrative requirements
Geothermal has been providing safe, reliable and environmentally friendly energy in a sustainable manner. Geothermal energy is currently extracted using wells or other means that produce hot fluids from hydrothermal reservoirs with naturally high permeability.
D. Global market and uptake 3.5 3.7
3 2
1.8 1.8
Global trends in geothermal power investment (2004 – 2012), billion USD
0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Geothermal global key markets 1. US 2. Philippines 3. Indonesia 4. Mexico 5. Italy
Source: Geothermal Energy Association, Renewables 2013 Global Status Report
3. Biodiesel production A. Technical description
Biodiesel is a renewable fuel produced using bio-based raw materials especially oil bearing seeds or agricultural co-products and by products. Technically, it is fuel comprised of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derivate from vegetable oils or animal fats which meets the international fuel standards. Oil bearing seeds are produced through agricultural farming and they are the major feedstock for the biodiesel. Once the feedstock is received, it is pressed in an oil expeller and vegetable oil is extracted which goes through further physical separation and chemical treatment called “trans esterification” to produce pure biodiesel. Source: Yale Scientific, http://www.yalescientific.org/2011/11/algal-biodiesel-as-an-energy-source/
C. Opportunities and application
Process Utility EPC
Project development
Components & systems
B. Value chain and its components Composed of tank and loading/unloading station To maintain the production process continuation during supply shortage for some intervals, the feedstock should be stored This is the major system of biodiesel production, composed of mixer, heater, reactor, feeder and etc. Raw oil extracted from vegetable seeds goes through both physical and chemical separation process called trans esterification For a large scale biodiesel production plant, large amount of electricity is required and it can be obtained either from grid or generated by using biodiesel Engineering, procurement and construction Feasibility study and site development Commissioning & operation Project development & financing
Biodiesel, which is natural, renewable can be used in heating applications (e.g. home heating or industrial usage) and transportation. The use of biodiesel fuel may be the solution to the increasing transportation energy crisis since biodiesel can be substituted for diesel fuel in all vehicle types.
D. Global market and uptake USA Brazil Germany Argentina France China
3.6 8.6
2.7 0.2
1.9 2.8
Development of world biodiesel production as of 2012 (%)
50.00 40.00
World biodiesel production market forecast (2011-2020), Bln
30.00 23.58 25.81
27.53 29.15
30.82 32.29
34.02 35.98
20.00 10.00 0.00
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Source: REN21, OECD-FAO
4. Building Energy Management System A. Technical description
Building Energy Management System, known as BEMS, is a computer-based system that automatically monitors and controls a range of building services. Generally energy services BEMS cover include heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) and lighting. A BEMS facilitates the integration and interoperation of equipment, appliances, and devices via a network of sensors and controls. BEMS should be distinguished between BMS, building management system, which can have energy management capability aspects, but also include functionality such as fire monitoring systems, security systems, and other building mechanical controls. Source: http://www.new-learn.info/packages/euleb/en/glossary/index17.html/
C. Opportunities and application
Software Network EPC
Project development
Components & systems
B. Value chain and its components Composed of outstations, sensors and controllers.
Software programs reside in the controllers and in the user’s workstation computer. The software contains the procedures that process incoming data and issue commands to equipment. The network includes network cable and communications hardware and software to allow BEMS components to communicate with each other. The network allows communication between outstations, terminal unit controllers and central terminal. Procurement and installation Integration design Data collection and monitoring Pre-process data to determine building’s thermal characteristics
BEMS which has technological advances in monitoring and control leading the way to provide huge volumes of data on building energy use and efficiency, both new and existing vendors
D. Global market and uptake Building Energy Management Systems world market revenue and its forecast, 2011-2020, Million USD, with CAGR 13.59%
6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Key industry players by region. Asia pacific is expected to be the second largest market by 2020
Source: Pike Research
5. Power generation from landfill gas A. Technical description
Landfill gas to energy generation is a widely used technology throughout the World. The basic principle here is to decompose municipal solid waste in a landfill which produces landfill gas (LFG) that contains about 50% of methane. The produced LFG will be captured and then used for generating electricity by using gas engines. Source: Caterpillar, Landfill Gas to Electricity
C. Opportunities and application LFG provides corporations and power producers with a significant business and environmental opportunity to transform a harmful waste into an environmentally beneficial and cost-saving fuel source.
D. Global market and uptake Since 1975, over 1,150 landfill gas plants have been installed worldwide. Successful Landfill gas to energy projects around the world.
The residual and excessive landfill gases are usually destroyed by flaring. An enclosed flare is usually used to burn up the gas. Composed of flare stack, air louvers and ignition chamber. Collected LFG is sent to the gas engine where internal combustion takes place and it produces electricity. Composed of gas engine, transformer, meters, MCC(motor control centre) and etc.
Electricity Collection & Flaring generation transportation
Composed of collection wells, blower, compressor and etc. This system is designed to collect LFG efficiently
Procurement and installation Engineering
Project development
Components & systems
B. Value chain and its components
Feasibility study and site development Project development and financing
Expected increase in waste generation, landfill gas in developing countries is predicted to rise rapidly.
Source: Hans Willumsen, ‘Number and types of landfill gas plants worldwide’ Global Methane Initiative
6. Industrial waste to construction material (slag) A. Technical description
Blast furnace slag is a by-product of iron production when the iron is processed using a blast furnace, slag and iron both collect at the bottom of the furnace. Depending on the way of cool process, three main categories of BFS could be produced, which are namely ground granulated BFS, pelletized slag and air-cooled slag. Ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS), also called slag cement, is generally used as the material for cement or fertilizer as it normally contains up to 95% of glass . Source: NSA, National Slag Association
C. Opportunities and application Slag cement is expected to replace Portland cement by avoiding two processes in raw material and burning processes which has significant positive impacts in terms of cost reduction, the environment and quality improvement.
The molten slag separated from the molten iron is then diverted to a granulator where it is rapidly quenched with water, called ‘granulated’, until it turns into a raw material called granules. Composed of mill, blower, classifier, compressor, and etc. Slags are finely ground into a cement-like powder that contains the same basic chemical components as Portland cement. The raw materials of slag cement are first broken by crushers until they become suitable particle size. Then this crushed slag cement material is ground by using grinding mill such as vertical roller mill or ball mill. Procurement and installation Engineering and transportation Project development and financing Wholesale
Grinding & Mill EPC
Pre process
D. Global market and uptake
Project development
Components & systems
B. Value chain and its components
Global cement demand, 2002-2011, Million tons
4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000
Global apparent steel consumption by region, 2012, % 10%
2002200320042005200620072008200920102011 1,500
9% 66%
EU CIS Central&South America Middle East
Apparent steel consumption and its forecast by 2014, Million tons
2% 3% Rest of Europe NAFTA Africa Asia & Oceania
Source: International Cement Review, World Steel Association