Greenhill Class of 2023

On the cover: The Class of 2023 listened to senior Madison Rojas deliver her Appreciation Address at Commencement.
Greenhill Mission:
In a diverse and inclusive community, Greenhill prepares and inspires students to lead authentic, purposeful lives.

Greenhill Vision:
We see our students joyfully reaching their full potential. We see our school thriving as an academically excellent, diverse, inclusive, and connected community.
We see our world made more hopeful because of the Greenhill community.
Greenhill Core Values: Excellence Integrity Compassion Courage

We congratulate the
On Tuesday, May 23, the Class of 2023 graduated from Greenhill School at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center.

HEAD OF UPPER SCHOOL TREVOR WORCESTER welcomed the graduating class and families before introducing senior Madison Rojas to deliver a message of gratitude to Greenhill faculty and staff. Musical performances by the Greenhill Singers were interspersed between the two senior addresses given by Aaron Johnson and Laya Venkat

Fredston Family Head of School Lee Hark, Associate Head of School Tom Perryman ’81, and Board of Trustees Chair Augusto Sasso awarded diplomas to the students as they walked across the stage.
To conclude the ceremony, Mr. Hark delivered his charge to the Class of 2023, and the newest Greenhill graduates recessed out of the Eugene McDermott Concert Hall to celebrate and take pictures with their families and friends.

This event would not have been possible without the extraordinary efforts of Assistant Head of Upper School Rebecca Shuman, Dean of Students Jack Oros, Head of Upper School Trevor Worcester, Senior Class Dean Stephanie Almanza, senior advisors, and faculty and staff volunteers.

We should be kinder to ourselves, and more forgiving of our foibles and mistakes. More compassionate about our foolish decisions. No matter how old we get, or how wise, we are always learning. Growing. Evolving.

And I have a hunch that if we are compassionate with ourselves, maybe we could get better at expressing compassion for others. Leading with compassion is difficult, and like all difficult things, it requires practice. But it’s worth it.”

Thank you to everyone who stayed by our side through the mistakes, through the misunderstandings and unfortunate blunders. But most importantly, thank you all for helping us learn the greatest lesson of all — the strength of growing up in a community that wholly cherishes everyone for their true authentic self.”

The biggest gift that Greenhill’s Class of 2023 has given me, from sixth grade to now, is the ability to be authentically myself. Through the years, our class has experienced so many moments of redemption, moments of forgiveness, and moments of open-mindedness. The Class of 2023 is the class of second chances... I’m standing up here today to acknowledge the uncertain kids that we all used to be and to honor the passionate and creative people that Greenhill has shaped us into.”

Graduation is a time to celebrate our high school accomplishments. To be proud we’ve made it to this stage today, through the trials and the tribulations, through the high school experience and the madness that comes with it. With this success that we have earned, we can continue to take this momentum into our futures and refuse to remain complacent. Today, we continue to build upon the successes and failures of the past four years. Today, we can begin to take our results and change our outlook. Today is another cornerstone in our lives, a day where we begin to look toward the horizon of our futures and the endless possibilities it holds.” —

VALERIE XU | Valedictorian

The Valedictorian is the graduating senior who has earned the highest cumulative Upper School grade point average.
“Valerie has clearly excelled across all academic disciplines. She has enrolled and successfully completed eight AP courses and two post-AP courses – achieving an A or A+ in all of those high-level courses. In those courses, faculty members remark on Valerie’s ability to ‘often change the way I understand the difficult material we cover in class ’ Valerie deftly navigates challenging humanities and STEM courses, demonstrating her mastery in Vector Calculus one block, and then philosophizing with the ancient Epicureans in Honors Latin Seminar the next. Not only can she articulate an argument as a four-year member of Debate, but she has also honed her journalism skills as a four-year member of our Evergreen staff, culminating in her position as managing editor. Our Evergreen sponsor noted, ‘We will dearly miss Valerie’s stories and her passionate and dynamic presence ’ We will indeed.”
The Salutatorian is the graduating senior who has earned the second-highest cumulative Upper School grade point average.

“‘Frequent and enthusiastic participant ’ ‘Ultimate reliability.’ ‘Simply wow ’ Those are just a few descriptors from the faculty who have taught Nikitha. Over the course of Upper School, Nikitha has successfully completed eight AP courses, earning an A or A+ in all of them, and three post-AP courses, also earning an A or A+ in those courses. This stellar academic work often extends beyond the classroom. Her strong skills in the sciences afforded her intensive summer research through UT Southwestern, she was the student leader behind our US Math Lab, and her innate Latin skills propelled her to serve as the Texas State Junior Classical League Webmaster. She also has an eye for photography, as that passion and skill intersect with her social justice nature. Nikitha is collaborative, service-oriented, and achieving in all disciplines at the highest level.”
AARON JOHNSON | The Estelle Dickens Service Award
The Estelle Dickens Service to Greenhill Award is presented to the senior(s) who have given the most outstanding service contribution to Greenhill School. The award commemorates the more than four decades of service given to Greenhill by beloved teacher and administrator Estelle Dickens.
“As his advisor noted, ‘Aaron is always doing something to help the community.’ He brings a steadfast commitment to all activities for which he serves and leads. Aaron has been an ambassador for the school as a Hill Guide, deftly touring prospective families across the campus. He is a football and track standout and a decorated cellist in our orchestra. He served as Vice President of his class for the first three years of Upper School, and his peers elected him student body Vice President this year. Aaron also served as President of the Black Student Union this year, and he has been a member of our Student Inclusion Council. The contributions to our community are vast, and most of all, as his advisor again noted, ‘Aaron treats people with kindness and focuses on making sure that everyone here feels like they belong.’”
NIKITHA THODUGULI | The Estelle Dickens Service Award

The Estelle Dickens Service to Greenhill Award is presented to the senior(s) who have given the most outstanding service contribution to Greenhill School. The award commemorates the more than four decades of service given to Greenhill by beloved teacher and administrator Estelle Dickens.
“Nikitha serves our community with enthusiasm. There is a personal level of service she provides, as she quickly jumps in to help her peers when academic questions arise in the many disciplines in which she excels. Perhaps that desire to help and serve was the impetus behind the creation of the Math Lab, a space for students and faculty to provide help to those who may be struggling with specific concepts in their math classes. Nikitha has also poured countless hours into her various roles in Junior Classical League, strengthening our own chapter and serving others as a state officer. This is in addition to her work as an honors photographer and four-year debater. Nikitha is an exemplary mentor, tutor, and serviceoriented leader.”
KHUSHI CHHAYA | The Kate Cecil Award
The Kate Cecil Award is given to the senior who renders the most outstanding service to the Dallas community. The award is named in honor of Kate Cecil, a member of the faculty for 17 years.
“Khushi has logged nearly 500 hours of service during her Upper School career, and there are undoubtedly hundreds more not officially logged. As one faculty member remarked, ‘Khushi gives of herself far beyond what she asks or receives.’ She has not focused on a singular organization, but rather has worked with a variety of different organizations focused on education and supporting learners from disadvantaged communities. One of those organizations is Upchieve, whose mission is to democratize access to academic support so that all students have an equal opportunity to finish high school, attend college, and achieve upward mobility. Khushi also volunteers with Akanksha Education Fund, which not only runs schools in India to provide children with education, but also works to build bridges to connect US and Indian students in conversations about various topics. Khushi is already living and modeling an authentic, purposeful life.”
AZAL AMER | The Phillip G. Foote Award

The Phillip G. Foote Award is given to the senior who is considered by the faculty to epitomize the qualities of citizenship in the Greenhill community. These qualities are rooted in the school’s core values of excellence, integrity, compassion, and courage. The award is named for Greenhill’s second Head of School.
“Azal has made his impact on the community in countless ways. As Azal’s college counselor noted, ‘He is extremely empathetic by nature and has always been the go-to person for his peers when they are going through challenging emotional times ’ That was clearly why Azal’s peers nominated him for the Hope Squad, a peer-to-peer suicide prevention program. Additionally, his level of integrity is one to aspire to, and his service on our Honor Council for multiple years is a testament to his character and the respect of his peers. Azal’s heart is in all things STEM, and the service and leadership he has demonstrated in our robotics program is superb. And lastly, I admire Azal’s humility, as he shared this with his college counselor: ‘If nothing else, I exist to enjoy and make other lives better because existence itself is a miracle.’”

The Board of Trustees Award
The Board of Trustees Award is presented to the senior who has met the challenge of Greenhill with perseverance, courage, and humor.
“As courage is one of our core values, I want to share how Ivy embodies the core values of our school. Ivy has been described by faculty members as ‘unique, powerful, inspirational, and reaffirming,’ and has displayed a high level of excellence and courage with her actions and activism on a wide range of issues. Throughout her journey in Upper School, Ivy has developed an elite set of skills that has translated into authentic, real-world engagement. Skills from journalism afforded opportunities to work on press and social media for political campaigns; skills from debate led to policy research and participation in a 36-day bus journey that explores Jewish political identity and the intersection between Judaism and social justice. Ivy’s integrity and compassion feature frequently on campus. As one faculty member noted, ‘Ivy has brought visibility to those voices that may feel vulnerable.’ Whether she engaged in courses that center on narratives too often left out of the traditional canon, pushed for clearer gender equity policies, or served and led on our Hope Squad, which helps reduce youth suicide through education and training, Ivy brings her authentic self to all she does, modeling our mission: leading a purposeful life.”

GABRIEL RUDELMAN | The Senior Leadership Award

The Senior Leadership Award is given to the member of the senior class who best demonstrates the qualities of leadership.
“Gabriel has provided exceptional leadership across the Upper School. As his advisor noted, ‘Buoyed by compassion, enthusiasm, and a drive for excellence, Gabriel is committed to supporting his classmates in all venues.’ With his ‘magnetic spirit,’ Gabriel navigates and elevates class discussion with his ability to ‘disagree without ugliness ’ His determination in the athletic arena never wavered, although it was marred by injuries, cut short by surgeries, and interrupted by prolonged recoveries. His teammates and coaches rewarded his grit by choosing him to be captain in two different sports. As a peer mentor, Gabriel modeled the mission and values to the ninth graders in his charge with his words and actions. As Class President, he has steered this ship of seniors with a dedicated, joyful spirit that has solidified the connected ethos of the Class of 2023. As Gabriel’s college counselor wrote, ‘Leadership is in his blood.’”
MADISON ROJAS | The Bernard L. Fulton Award

The Bernard L. Fulton Award is the highest honor given in the Upper School and is presented to the senior who best embodies the mission and core values of Greenhill School. The award is named for the founder and first Head of Greenhill School.
“Madison speaks her truth, lives her values, and looks to serve. Academically strong, Madison has enrolled in challenging, thought-provoking classes throughout her Upper School journey and has been an integral force in every class discussion. One of her teachers remarked, ‘Madison exemplifies all the qualities we want to encourage and nurture in our students.’ And her dedication in and out of the classroom comes from a fountain of joy, showering all those with whom she interacts with an incredible laugh. Leading the student body is a daunting task, and yet Madison has done so with grace and compassion and has earned a spot in that elite pantheon of Greenhill leaders. As educators, we are privileged to teach a student like this, and one faculty member remarked, ‘I have never worked with a student quite like Madison, but I hope someday I’ll be lucky enough to again.’ Madison is a gifted student, a talented debater, a rock star leader, a poet laureate, and a tireless advocate for social justice and change.”
Helen Fulton Award

The Helen Fulton Award is named in honor of Helen Fulton, founding faculty member and wife of Greenhill’s founder, Bernard Fulton. Helen Fulton was a lifelong learner, exemplary citizen, and a well-rounded and balanced individual. This award is unique in that seniors nominate their peers who they believe embody these characteristics, and then the winners are chosen by a faculty vote. Ten students were chosen to receive this award.

Greenhill’s Baccalaureate was held at the Lovers Lane United Methodist Church and provided graduating seniors a final opportunity to reflect on their time at Greenhill, remembering with a sense of gratitude, humility, and larger purpose.

Senior class leaders offered an invocation, anthems, readings, and benedictions to express their gratitude and commitment to the Greenhill experience, values, and beliefs.

Associate Head of School for Mission, Community, and Culture Tom Perryman ’81 was chosen by the seniors to deliver the keynote address. He thanked the Class of 2023 for bringing their purposeful and authentic selves to Greenhill and spoke of his wishes, hopes, and dreams for the graduating students.

I wish for you a life of critical thinking. I want for you courageous mentors. I dream for you an orientation toward others. I long for you to have grace with yourself. And I pray for you to experience deep and authentic love. Look around you. This beautiful, richly diverse, wacky and wonderful, beaming, motley crew of family and friends and fans and faculty will follow you wherever you go, next year and in the years to come. I say all this simply to remind you that you never walk alone. All this, and so much more, is what we wish and want and dream and long for and hope and pray for you.”

will attend these colleges in the United States and abroad.
Amherst College (2)
Arizona State University
Babson College
Barnard College (2)
Boston University (2)
Carnegie Mellon University
Clemson University
College of Charleston
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University
Columbia University
Cornell University (2)
Duke University
Elon University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Emory University
Florida State University
George Mason University
George Washington University
Grinnell College
Harvard University
IE University (Spain)
Indiana University (3)
Laguna College of Art and Design
Loyola University Chicago
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Middlebury College
Mount Holyoke College
New York University (3)
Northeastern University (3)
Northwestern University (2)
Oberlin College
Pitzer College
Purdue University
Rhodes College (2)
Rice University (6)
Rollins College
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (UK)
San Diego State University
Sarah Lawrence College
Savannah College of Art and Design
Southern Methodist University (5)
Stanford University
Syracuse University
Tarleton State University
Texas A & M University
Texas Christian University (4)

The University of Texas at Austin (14)
Trinity University
Tulane University (7)
United States Military Academy
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of California-Los Angeles
University of Chicago
University of Miami
University of Michigan (3)
University of Mississippi
University of Pennsylvania (2)
University of Pittsburgh
University of Richmond (2)
Vanderbilt University
Wake Forest University (4)
Washington and Lee University (3)
Washington University in St Louis
Williams College

SENIOR BREAKFAST AND WILDFLOWER STOMP The Class of 2023 received their senior sweatshirts in October 2022. Continuing the tradition, they participated in the Estelle Dickens Wildflower Stomp with their Heart of the Hill groups. Those seeds have since bloomed into a beautiful field of colorful flowers near the Preschool building.

SENIOR/PARENT COOKOUT Family members came to campus early in the fall semester to celebrate the beginning of senior year and enjoy a delicious cookout.

In the spring, four seniors presented Capstone projects reflecting months of collegiate-level field research. These varied and involved projects evoke an earnestness for exploration and intellectual curiosity.

Azal Amer
“Are you interested in learning why so many things in the world tend to…wobble? Why skyscrapers shake, why doors close differently, how cars breaking more makes us safer? The answer takes us all around, but its complexity can make it hard to gain an intuitive understanding. I have spent the past year designing interactive websites and games to solve this problem, tools that would allow students to develop unique connections between concepts and their intuition. Whether you are a student studying physics or simply interested in learning more about our world, you will have a better understanding of the subject matter and the process of designing educational tools. My capstone focuses on giving students access to interactive tools to manipulate physics themselves and gain a better understanding of the natural phenomena that govern our world.”

Ava Iwasko
“How do you evaluate online sources? What questions do you ask yourself? How do you decide if a source is reputable or if it is spreading misinformation? The goal of my capstone is to help Greenhill students answer those questions by looking more deeply at the sources from which they get their information, for both academic and personal usage. While Greenhill does a great job of teaching students how to find reliable sources for academic purposes, I have noticed a gap in my own Greenhill education for how to find those reliable sources when scrolling on social media or reading about political events in my own spare time. I have created a 5-day program that teachers could implement into the ninth-grade history curriculum that strives to teach students about misinformation in our current world of ubiquitous social media and political polarization. All students engage with social media and the internet in some way—it is my hope that my capstone will help students understand what they can do to mitigate the amount of misinformation they are taking in to become the most informed digital citizen they can be.“
Ella-Rose Levy
“Imagine a paleontologist digging up a fossil of a 250-million-year-old organism, perfectly preserved, that wakes up exactly as it did millions of years ago when it went dormant. It may sound like the plot of Jurassic Park, but it is a completely real story of the discovery of Bacillus spores. Bacillus bacteria are amongst the oldest living creatures to ever be discovered, and they are in almost every ecosystem in the world – especially water and soil. The purpose of my capstone project is the discovery of new or novel bacteria that are able to serve as beneficial probiotics and can ultimately serve as feed additives for animals. My capstone focuses on what makes an ideal probiotic and why it is critical for our world, what I have discovered about learning and performing scientific experiments, and most importantly, what I have learned about myself in the process.”
Aakash Vattikuti
“The brightest minds that brought us services like YouTube, Uber, and Coinbase have all used pitch decks to receive millions of dollars in funding for their money-making ventures. These decks are similar to Shark Tank-style presentations but comprehensively dive further into financial modeling, projections, and competitive analysis. In the world of business, pitch decks are utilized to help startup companies evolve into the corporations that we know by name. My capstone will teach you how to create compelling investment pitches that will help you monetize your ideas.”


The Greenhill Athletics Department is proud to send the following seven student athletes to compete at the college level. Congratulations!

Recap of the Spring Season
Thank you for supporting our student-athletes during the spring season!
At the SPC Spring Championships, the girls tennis team finished third in the conference. The boys lacrosse team earned third place in the 3A tournament. The boys golf team tied for third place with a team score of 639. Henry Zhong ’25 finished third in the individual category with a score of 147. The girls golf team finished in fourth place, and the boys tennis and girls lacrosse teams finished in sixth place. Softball came in sixth place, and baseball placed seventh. Girls track finished fifth in the conference and boys track came in seventh. Both teams had strong performances throughout the competition, including second place finishes in the boys and girls 4x100 meter relay, boys 100 meter, girls 400 meter, and girls high jump and long jump.

The girls lacrosse team made it to the championship game in the Texas Girls High School Lacrosse League’s North District Division II state championship. Despite losing to Keller, the team showed great progress throughout the season and brought a high level of intensity to every game.

Our student-athletes demonstrated dedication, courage, and heart in every contest. Greenhill is proud of their commitment to their programs and teammates.

2023 All-SPC Spring Award Winners

Drew Muller ’23
boys lacrosse

Jack Reed ’23
Zain Crumedy ’24
Jadon Lee ’24
boys golf

Henry Zhong ’25
boys tennis
Tal Rogozinski ’25
girls tennis

Sasha Motlagh ’23
Sophie Schwartz ’24
Sophia Chao ’23
girls lacrosse
Katie Stone ’23
Lexie Stone ’23
track and field
Celina Prieur ’23
Leah Smith ’23
Jaden Watt ’23
Jack Bovard ’24
Laird Burke ’25
Lyna Kamgang ’25
Andrew Puplampu ’25
Nia Harrison ’26
Photo credit: Sharon Ellman and Scott PeekACADEMIC HIGHLIGHTS
Greenhill’s Youth and Government Delegation competed at the State Conference, where they earned the Premier Delegation Award and excelled in the mock legislative session, county court trial, and media.

Azal Amer ’23 and Shreeya Madhavanur ’23 received the Legislative Committee Distinguished Delegate Award. Madhavanur also earned the Outstanding Club Leader award for her integral role as the club president, supporting, coaching, and mentoring her teammates. Ian Bock ’23 received the Outstanding Written Bill and Senate Distinguished Delegate Awards for his exceptional work. In the media branch, Teja Mettu ’23 captured key moments throughout the conference as a photojournalist and was recognized for his outstanding contributions with the Photojournalism Distinguished Delegate Award.
Julia Rogers ’29 was named the Level 1 division winner in the 2022-23 Letters About Literature Texas contest for her letter to Sharon Draper, the author of Out of My Mind. Hundreds of students participated in the annual statewide contest that invites fourth through twelfth graders to write letters to authors about how their words affected them or changed their worldview. A total of eight Greenhill students were named finalists — Ian Bhatia ’29, Emerson Chwerchak-White ’29, Julia Bella Frankfurt ’29, Benedetta Gennarelli ’29, Aashi Punnam ’29, Julia Rogers ’29, Margaret Starrs ’29, and Carrie Wang ’29
For the first time in four years, Greenhill Robotics competed in the NXT Regional Championship where The Motorheads, consisting of Kevin Han ’23, Pranav Joshi ’24, Aditya Pulipaka ’24, Dibyadeep Saha ’24, Vedant Subramanian ’26, and Tarik Syed ’26, placed 19th. The team qualified for the Texas State Championship, making this the first time Greenhill advanced past regionals.
The team received the second place Design Award at regionals and the silver Motivate Award and a bronze Inspire Award at the North Texas Semi-Regional Qualifier Tournament.

A school record of 43 Greenhill Speech and Debate students qualified for the Texas Forensic Association State Tournament. The Debate team placed tenth in the Team Sweepstakes out of 173 schools. In World Schools Debate, four out of five of the teams made it to the quarterfinals with two advancing to the semifinals. Fourteen students qualified for the National Speech and Debate Tournament in June.
At the Tournament of Champions, Adam Kesselman ’24 reached the semifinals in Lincoln Douglas Debate and was the seventh individual speaker, and Seth Lee ’24 reached the double octo finals.

Forty-three Greenhill Middle School students competed at the Texas State Junior Classical League (TSJCL) State Convention on April 14-15 and brought home the first-place trophy for the second year in a row. This was the first time in years that the Novice Certamen Team made it to State. Twenty of Greenhill’s JCLers will be competing at Nationals in July.
At the annual TSJCL Area C Convention in February, 52 Middle School students competed and won more than 90 ribbons. The Novice Certamen Team of Ansh Gandhi ’28, Tomal Khan ’28, Connor Kim ’28, Arman Makhani ’28, and Dylan Shah ’28 brought home the first-place trophy.
The Greenhill MIDDLE SCHOOL QUIZ BOWL TEAM A, comprised of Tomal Khan ’28, Connor Kim ’28, Arman Makhani ’28, and Dylan Shah ’28, had a great showing at the 2023 Middle School National Championship Tournament, finishing in 13th place out of 160 of the best teams in the nation. Makhani was recognized as an All-Star by finishing with the eighth-best individual performance in a field of over 800 students. The team also placed first at the Spartans Middle School Invitational.

The Greenhill UPPER SCHOOL QUIZ BOWL TEAM A, comprised of Maya Jagsi ’26, Aaron Kuang ’26, Nikky Nandipati ’24, and Kate Ponnambalam ’26, won three straight playoff games and finished in 33rd place out of more than 300 teams at the High School National Championship Tournament. Overall, Nandipati finished 55th among more than 1,200 players.
The Greenhill MIDDLE SCHOOL QUIZ BOWL TEAM D (Blake Clark ’29, Benedetta Gennarelli ’29, Colin Houpt ’29, and Adam Tawil ’29) placed first in the Elementary Division in the TQBA Turkey Trot tournament.



Embracing the power of creativity and connection, our visual arts students have been diving into the annual theme of Creating Connections with remarkable enthusiasm! (1) Our fourth-grade artists invited teachers to the pottery wheel, sharing the knowledge they’ve acquired and fostering a sense of artistic camaraderie. (2) Middle School students sketched their friends during a guitar class, capturing the essence of friendship through their art. (3) Upper School students had the privilege of learning the art of weaving from fiber artist Sarita Westrup.

Montage, Greenhill’s student-produced literary-art magazine, received a Silver Crown Award for outstanding achievement in publication design and content. The Crown Awards are the highest recognition given by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association to a student print or digital medium for overall excellence.
CSPA’s Board of Judges selected 225 award winners from more than 800 entries submitted from across the country and around the world. Montage has been named a finalist for five out of the last six years, winning three Gold Crown Awards and two Silver Awards during the same period.

SHE KILLS MONSTERS Greenhill Theatre went on an epic adventure for the spring play and took audiences on a journey of love, loss, and self-discovery while performing She Kills Monsters, written by Qui Nguyen.

MIDDLE SCHOOL FINE ARTS SPRING FLING The second annual Spring Fling Fine Arts Festival showcased Middle School success in the arts. The event was filled with excellent student performances and student art displays that included photography, painting, and more.


During the Lower School end-of-year ceremony, fourthgrade students reflected on lessons they had learned, reminisced about fond memories, and enjoyed performances from their peers in the other Lower School grades.

Following the ceremony, families filled the Michael Manes Grand Lobby and MPAC patio to celebrate their students’ achievements.

Helen Misura was a founding faculty member of Greenhill in 1950 and served as the first Head of Lower School from 1950-1969. Upon her retirement in 1969, the school established an award in her honor, given to fourth-grade students who demonstrate outstanding leadership, scholarship, citizenship, and sportsmanship.
Congratulations to our 2023 recipients: WALTER BLACK and JULIA PINHO
Eighth-grade students gathered on the morning of their Eighth-Grade Recognition Ceremony to enjoy brunch together in the Crossman Dining Hall.

During their culminating ceremony in Rose Hall, students commemorated the year with insightful speeches before meeting their families to celebrate the end of the year.

A friend of Greenhill’s founders, Ronnie Freeman was a Middle School student in the 1950s who, before she died of spinal meningitis, showed tremendous resiliency, perseverance, and courage. This award is given to the eighth-graders who attended Greenhill for four years and maintained the highest standards of scholarship, citizenship, leadership, and participation in school activities. It is the highest honor attained in Middle School.
Congratulations to our 2023 recipients: LYDIA KERRIDGE and MILES WILSON


Catch up on how we are advancing our approach to building and sustaining inclusive community at Greenhill in the recent issue of the Plural Commons Digest. Content includes a reflection on Lunar New Year, a discussion about the connection between inclusion and compassion, and an exploration of leadership throughout the Greenhill community.

Read the spring edition of the Digest by visiting

EARTH DAY In honor of Earth Day, Middle School students decorated pots and planted lettuce and spinach to serve as food donations for families who are experiencing food insecurity in our community.

FOURTH-GRADE AMAZING RACE Fourth-grade students were given clues and raced across campus to different stations where they were required to complete a task before moving on during the annual Fourth-Grade Academic Amazing Race.

The School would like to thank PA President Amanda Beck for her dedication to bringing our community together this year and welcome incoming PA President Jennifer Stinchcomb!

At the year-end volunteer appreciation luncheon, Amanda said, “Together we have been able to say thank you to our teachers, build school spirit and community at our sporting events, serve seconds in the cafeteria, re-stock library shelves, support each other, and hopefully create new friendships along the way. My hope is that when you gave your time to Greenhill, you received even more in return.”
The MARGOT MCGUIRE AWARD honors volunteers who, outside the normal responsibilities of a PA leadership position, have made the greatest contributions over the course of a current school year. Recipients of the Margot McGuire Award must exhibit strong character, set a positive example for those around them, and go above and beyond to contribute to the Greenhill community. The Parents’ Association presented the Margot McGuire Award to Sam Utay and Mirjam Kirk.
The ANN PERRYMAN AWARD recognizes parents of graduating seniors who have provided extraordinary leadership and service to Greenhill through the Parents’ Association. The Parents’ Association presented the Ann Perryman Award to Kaitlin Prieur and Stacey Titens

The PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION SERVICE AWARD recognizes parents who have provided outstanding service to Greenhill throughout their involvement with the Parents’ Association. The Parents’ Association Service Award was given to Carla Bolden, Lael Brodsky ’86, Michelle Muller, Misty Quinn, Grace Smith, and Priya Venkat.

No matter how much time has passed since you received your diploma, Greenhill connections hold strong.
On the weekend of April 21 and 22, 2023, nearly 300 alumni and guests from more than 15 states returned to Dallas to celebrate milestone reunions, catch up with old friends, and relive great memories.

The festivities kicked off on Friday with a campus tour and Alumni Lawn Party in Founders’ Place. Kids filled the playgrounds and played lawn games while adults connected and enjoyed the Easy Slider food truck.

On Saturday, the Class of 1973 celebrated their 50-year reunion in the Marshall Family Performing Arts Center. Other milestone reunions were celebrated around Dallas including the classes of 1983, 2003, 2008, and 2013.

HORNET HUSTLE The third annual Hornet Hustle family run/walk was hosted by the Greenhill Alumni Board on May 7. More than 100 students, parents, alumni, grandparents, and friends joined in for the two-mile lap around our athletic facilities. Thanks to the Burke family and Sevin Burke Group for their sponsorship. Because of their generosity, all participant proceeds went to the Greenhill Fund, which directly supports every student and employee on campus.

SENIOR LUNCHEON Each May, the Alumni Board hosts the senior luncheon to celebrate and officially welcome our newest alumni in the days before commencement at Bent Tree Country Club.

The room was filled with seniors, advisors, Alumni Board members and senior parents who are also Greenhill graduates. Seniors learn about the benefits and opportunities available to them as Greenhill Alumni. Meredith Small Wallace ’97 was the honored speaker at this year’s luncheon. She shared the value of being a Greenhill alumna and the lifelong impact of relationships that formed on the Hill.

This year was extra special because the Class of 2023 included the 5,000th Greenhill graduate!

The Greenhill School Alumni Board announced the 2022 Alumni Award winners in the fall. These awards celebrate alumni achievements, honor the legacy of excellence, and encourage and inspire future alumni.

The Distinguished Alumni Award recipient is Rashad Hussain ’97 and the Alumni Service Award honoree is Julie Ray Fields ’83
The Distinguished Alumni Award is designated for alumni who achieved prominence in their field through their personal and professional endeavors. The award honors a graduate whose outstanding character, accomplishments, and service embody the characteristics and spirit of Greenhill’s mission to prepare and inspire our students to lead authentic, purposeful lives.
Established in 2020, the Alumni Service Award honors a graduate for outstanding service and dedication to Greenhill School. Honorees demonstrate loyalty to Greenhill, exceptional contributions of time and effort, and personal commitment to advancing the School’s mission.
We were thrilled to host both Alumni Award winners on campus in the fall. Hussain spoke with Middle and Upper School students about his time at Greenhill and how it prepared him for his political career. Fields joined Director of Alumni Relations Katie Young for a conversation about her Greenhill experience during an Upper School Assembly.
2022 Distinguished Alumnus
RASHAD HUSSAIN ’97 is an attorney, diplomat, and professor who has served in all branches of the U.S. Government in legal, foreign policy, and national security positions. He is presently U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom and serves as an advisor to the President and Secretary of State on religious freedom conditions and policy around the world.
Prior to this appointment, Hussain was Director at the National Security Council’s Partnerships and Global Engagement Directorate. From 2015 to 2021, he served as Senior Counsel at the Department of Justice’s National Security Division.

President Obama appointed Hussain to serve as his Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), U.S. Special Envoy for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, and Deputy Associate White House Counsel. In his roles as envoy, Hussain advised on foreign policy issues and worked with other countries and multilateral organizations to expand partnerships in education, entrepreneurship, health, international security, science and technology, and other areas. During his years at Greenhill, Rashad was active with the debate program. He and his debate partner, Josh Goldberg ’97, enjoyed many victories including winning or finishing second at almost every national tournament their senior year. They were runners up at the Tournament of Champions in 1997. Their deep friendship continues now, more than 25 years later.
“Thinking back to my experience at Greenhill, and the opportunities to learn about and learn directly from people of other faiths, including my debate partner, Josh Goldberg ‘97, who is Jewish…created a strong foundation for me to advocate for religious freedoms,” Rashad told The Evergreen in 2016.
Rashad received his J.D. from Yale Law School, where he served as an editor of the Yale Law Journal and master’s degrees in Public Administration and Arabic and Islamic Studies from Harvard University. Hussain holds bachelor’s degrees in Political Science and Philosophy from UNC – Chapel Hill. He has also taught as adjunct professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center and the Georgetown School of Foreign Service. Hussain lives with his family in Virginia and is an avid basketball fan and youth sports coach.

JULIE RAY FIELDS ’83 2022 Alumni service award
JULIE RAY FIELDS ’83 actively served the Greenhill community for nearly two decades as a member of the Board of Trustees and Alumni Board, as a Parents’ Association Volunteer, and as a Greenhill Fund Volunteer. Julie first came to Greenhill in 1975 as a fifth-grader and was active on the student council and as a cheerleader during her years as a student. She and her husband David are the proud parents of two Greenhill alumni: Elizabeth Fields Asen ’09 and Andrew Fields ’13.

Julie loved connecting with the Greenhill community as a cheerleader, and as a Greenhill parent, she had the opportunity to do so again as an active volunteer. Julie co-chaired the Greenhill Fund parents’ effort, served on the Board of Trustees on nearly every committee, and co-chaired Grandparents and Special Friends Day. She regularly volunteered on campus and served on the Alumni Board for 12 years. In February 2000, she co-chaired the 50th Anniversary Greenhill Gala celebration with Cynthia Colter, raising an astonishing $300,000 in one evening.
“The [50th Anniversary] celebration was a magnificent time for the school, and I was humbled and honored to play a role in that historic moment,” said Julie. “The gala evening was inspired by Bernard Fulton’s ambitious dream of a community of learners in an environment that promotes not only academic achievement, but also holistic development.”
An experience during Upper School Community Service Day with her daughter Elizabeth inspired Julie to continue service beyond the Greenhill campus. Elizabeth volunteered with Plano Family Literacy, and her enthusiasm prompted Julie to learn about the immigrant support program, eventually resulting in an 11-year volunteer relationship. Julie has also been actively involved at Golden Acres, Jewish Family Service, Community Home for Adults, Temple Emanu-El.
Julie credits her parents Helaine and Gerald Ray, and husband David Fields, for supporting and encouraging her to give back. The Greenhill community has benefited tremendously from her contributions.

Established by alumnus Johnny Chilton ’78 and his wife, Alexandra, the Wes Kittleman Impact Award is named in honor of Wes Kittleman, former Upper School faculty member. It is awarded annually to one member of the Upper School full-time teaching faculty. Nominated by the senior class and voted on by the Upper School student body, this award recognizes an outstanding member of the teaching faculty in the Upper School who is known for excellence and dedication in their positive and transformational impact on students.
CATHY FALK, Upper School Math Teacher
In nominating Mrs. Falk, seniors wrote:
“Mrs. Falk cares for students immensely and has a true passion for teaching. She loves to help us learn and is so kind-hearted. She is a tough teacher but always strives to educate us to the highest standard.”
“In one sentence, Mrs. Falk makes math fun. Even though she teaches traditionally very difficult classes, she always does her best to make sure we truly understand concepts with fun acronyms and an overall positive attitude. Mrs. Falk’s humorous puns and hearty laughter made calculus even more enjoyable.”
“It’s beyond the teaching — Mrs. Falk looks out for all of us and makes sure that we’re all having a great time in her class. She made it even more fun for us by teaching us Calculus Carols over winter break one year!”
“The most important lesson Mrs. Falk taught me is how to love math. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this award.”
The responsibilities of the Greenhill School Board of Trustees include affirming and upholding the Mission of the School; establishing school policies; selecting the Head of School; approving campaign goals for annual giving and special capital campaigns; and approving the annual budget. Members of the Greenhill School Board of Trustees are elected by their peers at an annual meeting or a meeting specially called for the election of Trustees. Members are elected to serve three-year terms and may serve two successive terms.
Parent, ’25, ’28
Ian and his wife Mimi are parents to rising eleventh-grader Mia and rising eighth-grader Sloane. He is President and CEO of Universal Power Group. Ian also serves as a Central Regional Board Member for UNICEF and is a member of the YPO Dallas Chapter. Ian holds a B.B.A. from the University of Denver.
Parent, ’28, ’32
Cate and her husband Imran are parents of rising eighth-grader
Tomal and rising fourth-grader
Kyla. Cate is the Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of the VerishopGroup. Cate has previously served on the boards of Make a Wish MNY and the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Her husband Imran was the Chief Strategy Officer at Snap, Inc. before co-founding VerishopGroup with Cate. Cate holds a B.S. from Cornell University and an M.B.A. from The Wharton School.

Parent, ’23, ’26

Karen and her husband Gregory are parents to recent graduate Aaron and rising tenth-grader Kendall. Karen is a Senior Financial Analyst with the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas, and her husband is a Director of Enterprise Counterparty Risk Management at Fannie Mae. Karen will join the Board as an ex-officio trustee in her role as President Elect of the Parents’ Association. Karen holds a B.B.A. degree in accounting from Howard University and is a licensed CPA.
Parent, ’27, ’27
Doug and his wife Catherine are parents to rising eighth-graders
Carter and Andrew and younger daughter Lollie. He is a Managing Member of Moran Capital, LLC, a privately held real estate management company. Doug served on the Lamplighter School Board of Trustees from 2013 to 2022 and served as the Board Chair from 2020 to 2022. His wife Catherine is an artist and serves on the Greenhill Cultural Arts Committee. Doug received a B.B.A. from the University of Texas in 1999.

Parent, ’26
Vaughn is the parent of rising tenth-grader Zach and older sons Trey and Luke. He was the former Co-Founder, President & General Partner of MorningStar Partners. Vaughn has served as director for numerous oil, gas, and energy boards. He is currently a trustee for The Dallas Museum of Art. Vaughn’s late husband Kent Kunkle was a community activist and served on the board of the Lamplighter School. Vaughn received his B.S. in psychology from Oklahoma State University in 1976 and an honorary doctorate of Humane Letters in 2012.
1945 - 2022
To learn more about The Fulton Society and other ways to leave a legacy at Greenhill, please contact Diana Kao, Director of Major Gifts, at (972) 628-5683 or
Drew Steele Parham, one of Greenhill School’s most beloved faculty members, had an immeasurable impact on the lives of her students and colleagues. Parham’s exuberant personality and passion for teaching elevated the minds and inspired the hearts of three decades of students before her retirement in 1998.

Parham dedicated 30 vibrant years to enriching the school’s foreign exchange program. In addition to her exemplary teaching, she also chaired the language department with vision and energy, with significant accomplishments, including the introduction of Chinese to the curriculum and the addition of Spanish into Preschool and Lower School. Parham remained a regular visitor to the Hill until her passing in 2022.
Greenhill School recently received a generous gift from Drew Parham’s estate, which will ultimately support two foundational components of Greenhill:
• General Endowment Fund, which will ensure long-term financial sustainability and operational support, including recruitment and retention of a world-class faculty, enrichment of curriculum and programs, and operational resources to maintain new and existing facilities.
• General Endowment for Financial Aid, which will help ensure that every deserving student can afford a Greenhill education, including the continuation of our need-blind admissions policy, thereby ensuring our ability to attract the highest quality students and maintain a socio-economically diverse student body.
Fredston Family Head of School Lee Hark said, “Planned gifts are an investment in Greenhill’s future. These gifts to our general endowment play a critical role in shaping the growth and development of the school by supporting the faculty, programs, and facilities that enhance the Greenhill experience, all of which meant so much to Drew, a true Greenhill Legend. We are deeply grateful to the Parham family for their heartfelt gift to Greenhill School.”
With this planned gift, Parham’s legacy will live on for generations to come. Through this gift, Drew Steele Parham and her late husband Sam Parham became members of The Fulton Society.
Progress continues in the Growing Stronger Together Campaign.
The Rosa O. Valdes STEM + Innovation Center has been taking shape since breaking ground in February 2022. Even with supply chain challenges, the construction process is progressing at a remarkable pace. The building exemplifies innovation and sustainability, with features such as rainwater collection, passive lighting in classrooms, efficient heating and cooling systems, and the use of mass timber materials.
Since beginning this campaign, the goal has been to open the Rosa O. Valdes STEM + Innovation Center to our community in the fall of 2023. We are on track to achieve this milestone and anticipate that students and faculty will begin to utilize this transformative facility midway through the fall semester. The Rosa O. Valdes STEM + Innovation Center will provide a remarkable, cutting-edge space for our students to learn from faculty in science, technology, engineering, and math; engage in hands-on learning in innovation, design, and entrepreneurship; and build community.

The Growing Stronger Together campaign is the largest fundraising effort in Greenhill’s history. It encompasses the Rosa O. Valdes STEM + Innovation Center, improvements to our athletics facilities, and support for our growing endowment. We are grateful for the overwhelming support received from the Greenhill community. Through the generosity of parents, alumni, faculty, and friends of the school, we have raised over $57 million to date, steadily progressing toward our $85 million goal.
With the Rosa O. Valdes STEM + Innovation Center nearing completion, our focus now shifts toward enhancing our athletics facilities. Collaborating with community members and master planners, detailed plans for updates to athletics facilities are in progress.

Together, we are shaping a brighter future for Greenhill School and our students!

To learn more about the campaign or how to make a contribution, please visit or contact Chief Development Officer Aaron White at