may 2016 aug 2016 A GUI DE TO A LL THINGS GREENHILL.
GreenHill 200 North Davie Street, Box No. 4 Greensboro, NC 27401 Published in conjunction with the 2015 & 2016 program schedule May 2016 - Aug 2016 | A Guide to All Things GreenHill GreenHill All artwork (c)the Artists (c) 2016 GreenHill All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the copyright holder.
Cover and Book Design: Lauren Davis Gordon, Marketing + Design Guru, GreenHill
m ay 2 0 1 6 - a u g 2 0 1 6 1
greenhill F ro m the E ast to the W est, S u p p orts N orth C arolina A rt + A rtists
INTRODUCTION A N O T E O F W EL C O ME . Welcome to the May – August 2016 Program Guide where you will find a wide range of programs and activities you can enjoy over the next few months. This Program Guide is just a snapshot—to really enjoy and learn about what an inclusive, welcoming organization we are, you have to come and visit! This summer seems to be the summer of active collaborations. First, come to The Shop to view an exhibition by 12 Art Alliance instructors, put together by GreenHill’s shop manager Toni Tronu and Liz Busch, program director at the Art Alliance. Next, come to our Annual Meeting to hear from Stephanie Moore, Center for Craft Creativity & Design’s executive director who will speak about her organization’s history, a new and exciting creative place-making project entitled “The Hive” and their Benchspace Gallery where they recently presented Made-in WNC. Stephanie will also give brief history and talk about the significance of some of Asheville’s other arts organizations and their impact on WNC. The Annual Meeting is a perfect precursor to the July 27th panel discussion entitled “Economic Resurgence | Makers Making a Difference” which will feature 3 community leaders from both Asheville and Greensboro. Moderated by Greensboro City Council member Nancy Hoffmann, the panelists will discuss the role of the arts in economic resurgence and development, focusing on being thoughtful in development, allowing for serendipity and scaling up over time rather than building big and assuming “it will come”; advantages of walkability and green spaces; and defining the creative economy for both Greensboro and Asheville. Panelists include Karen Cragnolin, Rob Pulleyn and Pat Whalen from Asheville and Zack Matheny, Cecelia Thompson and Andy Zimmerman from Greensboro. Finishing out the summer is a closing reception and round-table with arts leaders in Asheville providing insights into their artist community. Summertime is always a special time for GreenHill, particularly in the ArtQuest Studios—and now you will be able to enjoy spending time with us in the early evenings Tuesday – Friday as we have extended our hours until 7PM. Imagine coming downtown to spend time in the Cultural District this summer—go to the Greensboro Public Library, wander over to the Children’s Museum, take a walk through LeBauer Park (after 7/15!) and then enjoy time with us at GreenHill. It will make for a special evening for you and your friends and family. See you soon! Best, Laura
EXHIBITION LA S T REMAINING C A T HE D RAL GreenHill’s spring 2016 exhibition presents works by Daniel Essig and Robert Johnson, two seminal Western North Carolina artists who are inspired by man’s essential relationship to the natural world. Essig and Johnson glean materials and find subjects in what Johnson has called the “last remaining cathedral”– places where wild nature still exists. A modern-day pilgrim, Robert Johnson has hiked and sketched in wilderness regions abroad, across the United States and near his home in Celo, North Carolina for over four decades to study scenery used as source materials for his iconic painting series. The practice of Asheville-based artist Daniel Essig also involves a close relationship with the natural world. Since childhood Essig has collected and preserved fossils, sheets of mica, rusty nails and old books. Objects from his studio’s archive of treasures embellish the sculptural books he creates that have redefined the field of book arts. Both Robert Johnson and Daniel Essig utilize the highest level of craft in works that transmit a spiritual connection to nature and a desire to encapsulate and render permanent a world that is rapidly disappearing.
UP COMING P R OGRAM S Artist Talk | Daniel Essig Wednesday, May 25 | 5:30 pm - 6:30 PM Free and open to the public. Donations appreciated.
First Friday | Performance by Mary D. Williams Friday, June 3 | 6:00 – 9:00 PM Join us for First Friday and with a performance by Mary D. Williams from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Mary Williams is a performer and scholar of African American musical traditions and has performed all over the United States as well as Paris. Her gospel music is rooted in her ancestral history and rings true among racial tensions of present day. She works in feature films and documentary theater, frequently collaborating with historian and writer Tim Tyson and playwright Mike Wiley. Williams is also an adjunct professor at the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University. Cash Bar. Free and open to the public. Donations appreciated.
Daniel Essig, N’Kisi Bricolage, 2006, carved & burnt mahogany and cherry, handmade paper, relics, mirrors, antique text paper, shell nails, Ethiopian binding, 15 x 10 x 10 inches
EXHIBITION GALLERY N O MA D S A S HE V ILLE The newest of GreenHill’s exhibitions highlighting NC’s regional art centers. Five Asheville art spaces will set-up camp all summer in The Gallery at GreenHill and present an exhibition of their choosing in 500 square feet of space. Participating art spaces include: Asheville BookWorks, Blue Spiral 1, Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center, Pink Dog Creative, and REVOLVE. Cited as a “Top 25 Small Cities for Art” for the past 12 years, Asheville has been described as an “artist’s utopia.” This exhibition will look closely at Asheville’s art scene, from leading commercial art gallery Blue Spiral 1 representing major southern artists for 25 years to the artist collective studio space Pink Dog Creative, one of the first to be established in Asheville’s River Arts District. In addition to works by contemporary Western NC artists, visitors will be able to see works by 20th century masters such as Joseph Albers and Kenneth Noland from the collection of Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center. GreenHill will present two programs focusing on the role of art spaces in the revitalization of the communities they are situated.
UP COMING P R OGRAM S Annual Meeting + Opening Reception Thursday, June 23, 2016 | 5:00 – 8:00 PM Come out to GreenHill for our Annual Meeting followed by a talk by Stephanie Moore, Executive Director of The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design, Asheville, NC. At 6:00 PM stick around for the opening of our summer exhibition Gallery Nomads Asheville with a beer tasting by Hi-Wire Brewing. Free and open to the public. Cash bar. Donations appreciated. Gallery Roundtable + Closing Reception Sunday, August 21, 2016 | 2:30 – 4:00 PM Get an insider’s view of the art spaces on view at GreenHill in Gallery Nomads Asheville at a Roundtable discussion with Asheville arts directors Jordan Ahlers of Blue Spiral 1, Randy Shull and Hedy Fischer of Pink Dog Creative, Alice Sebrell of Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center, Laurie Corral of Asheville BookWorks and Colby Caldwell of REVOLVE. Free and open to the public.
greenhillnc .org/gallery-nomads-asheville
Asheville Bookworks, Tiny Mailbox
INFOCUS GALLERY C O NNE C T T O T HE P ER F E C T P IE C E O F AR T InFocus Gallery is an art space designed to bring together new and seasoned art collectors and artists with exceptionally collectible works. The InFocus Gallery presents the work of established and emerging artists, with a focus on contemporary art in a range of wall works and sculptural objects.
upcoming dates COASTAL WORKS IN FOCUS JUNE 1 – AUGUST 12, 2016 Focusing on works which invoke a sense of the coast, InFocus Gallery features painters Robert Irwin and Ellen Hathaway, and sculpture Robyn Horn. Irwin moved to the coastal city of Beaufort, NC where he pursued his painting career and his love of sailing. Motivated by his desire to simplify life and live near the water, it appears in most of his paintings. Robyn Horn is influenced by the nature of the material and its resistance to being changed. Ellen Hathaway’S paintings calm and temp the senses, using the vibrancy of organic forms found in nature while inviting you within the painting to meditate intimately, imagery dissolves into expressionism, becoming more about paint, gesture and energy. COLLECTOR’S PROGRAM | hanging with jack Thursday, July 14, 2016 | 6:00 PM GreenHill art preparator Jack Stratton will lead a group on the ins & outs of hanging art. From finding the right spot, to measuring, to considering how to make the most of your wall space, Jack knows it all! This will be hands on, so come prepared to hang some art! TAYLOR WHITE August 17 - September 18, 2016 Raleigh-based artist Taylor White has exhibited her compelling figurative paintings focusing on the fragility of the human body in solo exhibitions in Melbourne, Australia and Oslo, Norway. White’s exhibition coincides with the creation of a wall mural in the 100 block of East Friendly Avenue facing the Greensboro Cultural Center in collaboration with No Blank Walls. Taylor White Opening Reception Wednesday August 17, 2016 | 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
greenhillnc .org/infocus-gallery
inFocus Gallery Works by Robyn Horn, Ellen Hathaway and Robert Irwin.
Robert Irwin, Lifeguard Chair, Atlantic Beach II, 2006, Oil on Panel, 24 x 54 inches
Top Left: Laura Way, Top Right: Lauren Gordon, Bottom Right: Toni Tronu.
7 squared i n c l u s i v e co m m u n i t y e x h i b i t i o n July 7 - July 13, 2016 7Squared is an inclusive community exhibition inviting NC artists of all ages and stages to submit an original piece of artwork measuring exactly 7in x 7in. GUIDELINES * One piece per person * Artwork may be made of any lightweight material able to be hung by a magnet * Artwork must be exactly 7in x 7in * Artist name, title, email and phone number must be written on the back of each piece of artwork * Artworks may be signed on front or not, however, the artist’s name will be provided to buyer at time of purchase * All work is for sale at $49 each and artists receive a 50% commission on sold works; checks will be sent on August 15, 2016 * Artists will be notified by July 14th if work sold IMPORTANT DATES * JotForm entries due by: JULY 1- Link to submit above. * Art drop-off at GreenHill: Tuesday July 5th 12-7pm * Art Pick-up: Thursday July 14th 12-7pm (unless you have been notified that your piece sold) *All pieces left for over two weeks, without staff consent will be donated to GreenHill.
greenhillnc .org/7squared
the shop a r t fo r y o u r l i f e The Shop at GreenHill features unique artworks from selected NC artists, including jewelry, ceramics, fiber, sculpture and 2-D works. At GreenHill we believe art makes life better. The Shop brings you art that not only makes a statement but also serves a purpose; it’s art for your life. influence | art alliance instructor show june 3 - june 30, 2016 Influence is a collaboration between GreenHill and Art Alliance Greensboro. The Shop at GreenHill will have works by 12 Art Alliance instructors in the mediums of sculpture, ceramics and 2D. Presenting artists include: Jim Barnhill (sculpture), L.T Hoisington (pottery), Brett McDonough (pottery), Susan O’Leary (pottery), Deik Pierce (pottery), Lorrie Price (pottery), Peter Strafaci (pottery), Anne Kiefaber (pastels), Mavis Liggett (oil), Tristin Miller (drawing), Mike Northuis (drawing/oil) and Jack Stratton (watercolor/ oil). Free and Open to the public. influence opening reception June 3, 2016 | 6:30 - 7:30 PM Free and Open to the public. Cash Bar.
greenhillnc .org/the-shop
Top: Mavis Liggett, Natural Bridge, Bottom: Charles Waldroup, Bottle Opener
y ak fo r t h e Y O UNG AR T I S T June - September 2016 An interactive themed-based educational program where young artists problem-solve, use exciting new art materials, look at and learn about NC art and artists and meet fellow artists. Activities will focus on the intersection of art and science. Time and Day: 4:00-5:15 PM on the first Tuesday of the month for k-2nd graders and the second Tuesday for 3rd-6th Cost: Each four-month session (one meeting per month) is $35. Household Members and above receive a 10% discount. MEETING ACTIVITIES FOR SUMMER/FALL 2016 AUGUST: The Science of Clay JUNE: Paper Making 101 SEPTEMBER: Whirligigs – Kinetics and Art JULY: Observation Journals
earl y bird frida y S UMMER T IME IN T HE AR T Q UE S T S T U D I O S June 4 – August 19, 2016 | 10 AM – 12 PM During the summer join us for Open Studio for the early bird. Start your Fridays with a fresh painting, nice blob of clay, or read a story and build with blocks. Early Bird Fridays are a time when families can enjoy a self-guided artmaking experience in the studios as well as take time to view the current exhibition in The Gallery at GreenHill. Perfect for ages 1 and up. $6.00 per person or Free with Household Level Membership and above.
greenhillnc .org/artquest-studios
adult workshop UN W IN D , RELAX AN D MA K E S O ME T HING GreenHill offers adult, teacher and teen Workshops designed to provide a socially charged space that will rejuvenate the spirit and increase understanding of NC art, art materials, and art processes. Led by trained facilitators and/or NC artists, activities unfold in a stress-free setting using art materials and techniques that can easily be enjoyed at all experience levels. You set the pace and enjoy spending time with others who love the opportunity to look at art, make stuff and meet great people. Offering both afternoon “Tea Time” and evening “After Hours” sessions, GreenHill’s Workshop’s offer something for everyone. Prices vary. Household Members and above receive a 10% discount.
Upcycled Bookmaking Thursday, August 11, 2016 | 1-4 pm and 6-9 pm Start creating your own handmade journals using that memorabilia you just can’t throw away. In this workshop you will visit The Gallery and view works curated by Asheville Bookworks. Then journey into the ArtQuest Studios where Jaymie Meyer will guide you through simple bookbinding techniques that accommodate a range of beginner-friendly materials from cardboard to shopping bags. Bring your own drinks and food. Cost is $35. Space is limited.
greenhillnc .org/adult-workshops
group visits fo r c h i l d r e n a n d a d u lts GreenHill offers learners of all ages the opportunity to experience NC art through Group Visits. Visitors go into The Gallery to learn about NC artists’ use of media, techniques and ideas represented in their art as well as time in the ArtQuest Studios, where they will engage in hands-on art making activities. School Group Visits are designed to meet the developmental needs of students, connect with gallery experiences, and make curriculum connections. Group Visits are $5 per student, with a minimum of 12 students. Group Visits are free of charge for Title I schools in Guilford County, made possible by Lincoln Financial Foundation.
greenhillnc .org/group -visits
summer camps at g r e e n h i l l Campers experience the magic of art through hands-on creative projects designed to inspire adventure and exploration through a spiraling lens of self, community, country and world culture. Small group sizes, experienced facilitators, access to the creative resources of the ArtQuest Studios and The Gallery makes each day a fun-filled and educational adventure. Each day (8:30 AM–1 PM) is balanced with guided art instruction, free exploration, stories, games and physical activity. Campers are asked to bring their own lunch. Snack will be provided. Household Members and above receive a 10% discount. 4 YEARS – RISING KINDERGARTEN June 13 - 17 - Art Around the World. Led by Laura Maruzzella July 5 - 8 - Sculpt It! A Three-Dimensional Adventure. Led by Jaymie Meyer August 1 - 5 – The Magic Paint Box. Led by Jaymie Meyer RISING 1ST– 3RD GRADE June 20 - 24 | Art Around the World. Led by Laura Maruzzella June 27 - July 1 | Sculpt It! A Three-Dimensional Adventure. Led by Jaymie Meyer July 11 - 15 | Chic Boutique. Led by Laura Maruzzella July 25 – July 29 | The Magic Paint Box. Led by Jaymie Meyer RISING 4TH – 6TH GRADE July 18 - 22 | Chic Boutique. Led by Laura Maruzzella August 8 - 12 | Create-a-thon. Led by Laura Maruzzella
other great programs ta g l i n e h e r e street art | a panel discussion Wednesday, June 28, 2016 | 5:30 – 7:00 PM Join us in The Gallery for a discussion looking at street art from the personal perspective of our panel of experts. Panelists will speak about the history of the practice and look at how contemporary public spaces are formed and enlivened. Free and open to the public. Presented by No Blank Walls in association with GreenHill Panelists: Edie Carpenter, GreenHill, Katie Lank, Center for Visual Artists, Gab Smith, CAM Raleigh and Emily Stamey, Weatherspoon Art Museum
economic resurgence Wednesday, July 27, 2016 | 5:30 – 7:30 PM Sponsored by The Cemala Foundation and Greensboro Partnership Join us for a panel discussion moderated by Nancy Hoffmann on the role of the arts in economic resurgence and development as well as the differences, similarities and meaning of “creative economy” in Greensboro and Asheville. Asheville Panelists: Karen Cragnolin, Rob Pulleyn and Pat Whalen. Greensboro Panelists: Zack Matheny, Cecelia Thompson and Andy Zimmerman. $12 register in advance or $15 at the door. Light appetizers and beverages included.
greenhillnc .org/events
Ben Owen, III
at greenhill
free family Night
wednesday evenings, 5-7 PM Come. Explore. Create.
sponsored by
THANK YOU, VF. For helping GreenHill make an impact in the lives of artists and our community.
Donald Martiny
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ArtsGreensboro financially supports more than 50 arts organizations and projects each year, connects the public to arts and entertainment, and financially supports the area arts scene through grants, marketing support and other important initiatives and services.
G re en hi l l S UP P O RTER S $1 0 00+ $20,000+ ArtsGreensboro The Cemala Foundation City of Greensboro^ Lincoln Financial Foundation North Carolina Arts Council VF Corporation $10,000+ Gail Boulton* Joseph M. Bryan Jr.* Fenwick Foundation Stephanie Quayle & David Couch* Susan & Mackey McDonald* Elizabeth & Kevin Phillips* Women to Women, an initiative of The Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro $5,000 - $9,999 Action Greensboro Spark Fund Adair Armfield* Banshee Wines^ Joseph M. Bryan Foundation/Arts Greensboro The Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro Barbara Kretzer* Rodney Ouzts & Massimo Fantechi* PNC Foundation SJ Edwards Foundation Tannenbaum-Sternberger Foundation Lauren & David Worth*
$2,500 - $4,999
Louise & Jim Brady*
Quaintance-Weaver Restaurants &
Joe Brady*
Nancy & James Bryan*
Elizabeth & Matthew Rankin*
Frances & Frank Bullock*
Katie & John Redhead*
Lisa & Willie Bullock *
Replacements, Ltd.^
Molly & Joseph Burns*
Catherine & Garson Rice*
Tonya & Sanders Cockman*
Dabney & Walker Sanders*
Mary Copeland*
Susan & Jerry Schwartz*
Joanna & Lawrence Cox*
Sue & William Smith*
Tiffany & Scott Crenshaw*
Kay Stern*
In Memory of Philip N. & Frances K. Daly
Jennifer & Aaron Strasser*
Fran & Bert Davis*
Kitty & Will Sydnor*
Crystal & Chris Dunbar*
Steven Tanger*
Diane & Charles Flynt*
Martha & Clifford Thompson*
Frank L. Blum Construction Company
Katherine & Michael Weaver*
Jane Gorrell*
Tom Willingham*
Donna & David Griffin*
Mary & Art Winstead*
Elizabeth & David Johnson*
Adrienne & Patrick Woods*
Lisa & Buster Johnson* Mary & Cranford Jones*
$1,000 - $2,499
Leslie & Robert Ketner*
1618 Concepts^
Charisse & Phil Kleinman*
Bank of North Carolina
Glenn Lavinder*
Buchanan Printing
John Lomax*
Frances & Frank Bullock*
Kathryn & Bobby Long*
Molly & Joseph Burns*
Laurie & Oliver Lloyd*
Cone Denim®
Caroline & Jonathan Maxwell*
Davis Forensic Group, LLC
Victoria & Ron Milstein*
Linda & Rodney Mortenson*
Dr. Robert J. Knox, DDS.*
Mindy & Chad Oakley*
Evan & Mark Dunnagan*
O. Henry Magazine^
The Fresh Market^
Pepper Moon Catering^
Carolyn & Art Green*
Sarah Poole & Maker’s Mark® Bourbon^
Pricey Harrison*
$1,000 - $2,499 CONTINUED Pam & Stephen Hassenfelt* Holli & Dan Heck* Bill Hervey* Stephen Hill^ High Point Bank Morgan & Jack Horner* Kimberly Jones* Kinder Morgan Foundation Linda & Benjamin Lambert* Jane & Richard Levy* Carolyn Maddux* Sallie McMillion* Judy Morton* Natty Greene’s Brewing Company^ Susan & Joe Nehmen^ Gloria & Reid Phillips* Principal Financial Group Joy Shavitz* Sherwin-Williams^ Linda & Thomas Sloan* Kess & Boon Thongteum* Betty Watson Laura Way* Sue White* Well-Spring Andy Zimmerman*
June 2015 - May 2016 ^In Kind *GreenHill Members
hours Monday : C l o s e d T uesday – F riday : 1 2 P M - 7 P M S aturday : 1 2 P M - 5 P M S unday : 2 - 5 P M
co n t a ct web : g r e e n h i l l n c . o r g e m ail : IN F O @ g r e e n h i l l n c . o r g p hone : 3 3 6 . 3 3 3 . 7 4 6 0