Greenland tours 2011

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Green Land Tours & Hotels is an award winning pioneer tour operator offering quality services in the beautiful, historic and lush Ethipia since 1997. Customers are invited to “leave the ordinary and discover the extrarodinary” with Green Land’s highly qualified staff. Our mission is to provide “excellence through experience” through our courteous and capable tour experts. They are ready to receive your request and provide various tour options to suit your budget, time and fun filled adventure. Our multilingual and professioanl guiding squad will ensure a memorable and colorful experience while in Ethiopia which exceed your expectations.

Staff Safety and comfort are priorities at Green Land and our field team consist of skilled trained and traveled drivers who are also guides. Our culinary chef, to suit every pallet and create comfort during camping trips, can provide delicios dishes from the locar or international menu. Our vehicles We also offer a fleet of brand new air-conditioned fully loaded 2007 Toyota Land Cruisers, as other models too starting from 1994 on, for off road challenges. Economical mini-busses and spacious tour busses are also available for larger grops; and all customers can hit the road relaxed knowing all vehicles are consistently serviced by qualified techinicians in the company’s workshop. Greenland in Africa Greenland’s standard and customized tour packages prioved sufficient options for travel in Ethiopia and neighboring countries such as Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Yemen. We will meet your desire to discover the extraordinary and fulfill your aspiration for adventure with our local and East African network of professionals. International recognition Greenland’s commitment to privide custormers with exce-

llence trhough experience has been recognized trhough various Intrnational Awards for tourism and by trade leaders ins Madrid, Geneva, Berlin and, finally, Ethiopia Ministry of Tourism and Culture, who has given consecutive awards for best performance. Our custommers However, the most important recognition is from our custommers who return year after year and also recommend our services to friends and family. So when you are ready to leave the ordinary and discover the extraordinary for business, holiday, adventure o pilgrimage please call our customer service office at 251-166-299252-61 or visit our website: or stop by our office at Bole Road near Bole International Airport and pickup a Greenland’s Tour Guide

ETHIOPIA The wonderland

Independent for three millennia, Ethiopia has survived dynamic historic changes and is the birthstone of great endogenous civilizations. Today’s Ethiopia was once in control over the entire East African territory. At that time it was a world-famous influential powerhouse with absolute control over the Red Sea, Indian Ocean trade routes and South Arabian countries.

Historic route. 8 days (with flights) Historic route. 10 days (with flights) Historic route. 15 days (all by drive) Historic route with trekking at Semien Mountains. 15 days Omo Valley. 11 days Omo Valley. 15 days Surma people & the western side of the Omo River. 15 days History & culture. 15 days History & culture. 19 days Tigray churches, Danakil, Djibouti & Harar. 14 days

Ethiopia is a country of variety, extremes, uniqueness, freedom, colorful culture, religions, legends, natural beauty and much more. On the map of East Africa, Ethiopia is easily found in the area called the horn of Africa. Covering a total area of 1,112,000 sq. km., Ethiopia shares boundaries with Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti and Eritrea. Ethiopia ranks second in Africa for population size. With close to 70 million people, Ethiopia hosts about 80 different tribal groups, all of which speak different languages and have their own cultural codes.

Danakil Depression, Afar People & Tigray churches. 20 days Gumze, Ganzo & people of the north-west. 15 days (new program) Omo Valley with boat on Omo River. 15 days (with 4 days boat)

The cultural variety, which is a result of immense tribal differences, can be seen among the individual tribes. Rich in culture and a variety of dialects, Ethiopia prides itself on being the only nation in Africa to have its own language (Amharic) and alphabet (Ge’ez). Ethiopia was the first country to build a Christian church on African soil. Christianity crossed the border in the 4th Century AD during the time of the Axumite kingdom. Even now this church shelters the original Ark of the Covenant brought from Israel by King Menelik I of Ethiopia. It is found in the town of Axum in northern Ethiopia. In addition it is here that the famous pre-Axumite obelisks

stand. It is believed that the erection of these obelisks dates back to 300-200 BC. The tallest (33m) has fallen down; the second (27m) was stolen but the third (23m) still stands. These structures are the tallest on earth to be carved out of a single rock. Ethiopia is considered to be the original home of humankind. The 1974 discovery of Lucy, locally called Dinkinesh (meaning “you are special”), asserts this as true. The 12th-century town of Lalibela, located in north-west Ethiopia, has been home to the extraordinarily carved rock-hewn churches since the reign of King Lalibela (1181-1221 AD). These eleven rock-hewn churches are sometimes referred to as the eighth wonder of the world. Gondar, the town of castles and the 17th century Ethiopian capital, has great historical significance. It was here that King Fasiladas relocated the former capital. The best example of a medieval-period church is that of Debre Berhan Selassie, which adds to Gondar’s charm. Southwards, the Rift Valley system is another wondrous region where many other attractions are sited.

The six or seven Rift Valley crater lakes are home to a large number of bird and marine life. They are also a paradise for nature and water lovers. National parks with their exotic birds, animals and plant life add to the beauty of the Rift Valley region. Beautiful landscapes and natural features are the most enjoyable components of the system. Salt lakes, active volcano sites and caravan routes still number among Ethiopia’s great attractions in the Rift Valley. Further south is the Omo Valley with its popular ethnic treasures. This is where about 50% of Ethiopia’s ethnic groups live: the Konso with their terraced agriculture and rituals; the Mursi with their clay lip plates and barbarian life style; the Hamer with their bull-jumping ceremony, which young men must experience in order to qualify for adulthood; and the Karo with their body painting and adornment. Here unusual traditions such as dance, music and rituals from birth to marriage and burial are still observed in their genuine and original forms.

ETHIOPIA The wonderland

Historic Route

Historic Route

North ethiopia. With flights (8 days)

North ethiopia. With flights (10 days)

01. Addis Ababa SUN. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Morning free. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) tour of the capital: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum & St George church. ON (overnight) chosen hotel. 02. Addis Ababa - Axum Fly to Axum, transfer hotel for check-in. Then visit the steles, St Mary of Tsion church (where legend says is deposited the Ark of Covenant), the bath and the palace of Queen of Sheba, and different archeological sites. Meals & ON hotel 03. Axum - Tigray Churches Visit the Tigray rock churches, as Degum Selassie, Abreha We Atsbeha & Wikro Cherkos (or could be Medhanealem Adikesho, Michael MahalZenghie & Petros Paulos). Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Axum hotel or similar in Mekele. 04. Axum - Lalibela Drive to Lalibela, diving via Ambalagi, Alamata, Woldya, Dild & the Tekeze river, with very nice views and admiring the Tigray, Azebo/ Raya, Afar (with luck around Woldya) & Wollo people. Spot also the endemic Gelada Baboons at Dild. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Yemereha htl www. or similar

05. Lalibela Full day visit of the rock-hewn churches in Lalibela, defined as the 8th wonder in the world. Churches built in the 12th century; the African Jerusalem. And late afternoon take part of the coffee ceremony in the hotel (the coffee ceremony in an important part of Ethiopian culture). Meals & ON at your hotel 06. Lalibela - Gondar Fly to Gondar. Transfer and check-in hotel. Then visit the castle’s compound & King Fasiladas bath, Debre Birhan Sellasie church (light of Trinity) with wonderful murals, Empress Mentewab palace, Qusquam monastery and if time permits the Falashia village too. Meals & ON hotel 07. Gondar - BahirDar Morning drive to Bahirdar, with very nice views and Amhara people villages. Check-in and lunch at your hotel in Bahirdar. Afternoon boat trip on lake Tana to admire the beautiful monasteries over the lake’s islands, as Asua Mariam and Ura Kidane Mehret, with also the visit of an Amhara people village & coffee plantations. Dinner & ON hotel in Bahirdar

08. BahirDar - Addis Ababa SUN. Morning admire the Blue Nile falls. Lunch back to your hotel in Bahirdar. Afternoon fly to Addis Ababa. If time permits visit the Merkato, biggest open air market in Africa. Have day use room available. Dinner invited in a traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Then departure (or overnight and departure next day morning)

[we also suggest extension to another tour in Ethiopia, or to the parks in Tanzania or Kenya or the fantastic beaches in Zanzibar or Monbasa or in Sudan (see our programs)]

01. Addis Ababa SUN. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Morning free. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) tour of the capital: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church. ON (overnight) chosen hotel. 02. Addis Ababa - BahirDar Fly to Bahirdar, and transfer hotel for check-in. Morning drive to admire the Blue Nile falls. Lunch back to Bahirdar. Afternoon boat trip on lake Tana to admire the beautiful monasteries over the lake’s islands, as Ura Kidane Mehret and Mahal Zeghie Gyorgis. Meals & ON hotel in Bahirdar 03. BahirDar - Gondar Morning drive to Gondar. Then visit of castles and churches in Gondar: visit the castle’s compound, the Debre Birhan Sellasie church (light of Trinity) with wonderful murals, the King Fasiladas bath, the old Qusquam monastery, Empress Mentewab palace and more. Meals & ON hotel in Gondar. 04. Gondar - Semien Mountains Drive to visit the Semien mountains. Have walks admiring spectacular views, spot endemic mammals (as the gelada baboons), birds, very nice flora, and visit some Amhara people villages. Lunch box; dinner & ON Walia hotel or similar at Debark

05. Semian Mountains - Axum Drive to Axum through more spectacular views. Arrive late afternoon Axum and check-in at your hotel. Lunch on the way, dinner & ON hotel in Axum 06. Axum our of Axum: visit the steles, St Mary of Tsion church (where legend says is deposited the Ark of Covenant), the bath and the palace of Queen of Sheba, tombs of kings & archeological sites. Meals & ON hotel in Axum 07. Axum (Yeha Temple) Drive to Adua and then proceed to visit the Yeha pre-Christian temple (temple of the moon), the DebreDamo monastery (where only men can enter, by climbing with ropes for 16 meters) and possibly also Wikro Cherkos or Abreha We Atsbeha church. Lunch on the way; back dinner and ON hotel in Axum 08. Axum - Lalibela Fly to Lalibela, defined as the 8th wonder in the world. Check-in & lunch at hotel. Afternoon start the visit with the first group of the rock-hewn churches in Lalibela. Have dinner and ON Yemereha htl or similar

09. Lalibela Morning visit one of the churches out of the town. We propose an excursion by mules to the Asheten Mariam church, with spectacular views too. Or by car to the cave church of Naktuleab. Back for lunch at the hotel. Afternoon visit the remaining churches in Lalibela. Later take part of the coffee ceremony in the hotel (the coffee ceremony in an important part of Ethiopian culture). Dinner & ON at your hotel 10. Lalibela - Addis Ababa TUE. Fly to Addis Ababa. Day use hotel. Afternoon visit the Merkato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Evening or next day departure (or overnight and departure next day morning) [we suggest extension to another tour in Ethiopia, or to the parks in Tanzania or the fantastic beaches in Zanzibar or other (see our programs)]

ETHIOPIA The wonderland

Historic Route

Historic Route with trekking at Semien Mountains

North ethiopia. All by drive (15 days)

North ethiopia. (15 days)

01. Addis Ababa SAT. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Morning free. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) tour of the capital: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church. ON (overnight) chosen hotel.

06. Lalibela - Mekele Morning drive to visit the very nice Yemerehenna Kristos church. Then proceed your drive to Mekele, admiring spectacular views through Sekota. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Axum hotel or similar.

11. Semien Mountains - Gondar Drive to Gondar and visit the castle’s compound & King Fasiladas bath, the Debre Birhan Sellasie church (light of Trinity) with wonderful murals and Empress Mentewab palace, Falashia (Ethiopian Jew) village, & more. Meals & ON htl

01. Addis Ababa SUN. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Morning free. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) tour of the capital: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church. ON (overnight) chosen hotel.

02. Addis Ababa - Kombolcha SUN. Drive to Kombolcha. Being Sunday admire on route the very colorful Afar & Oromo people market at Senbete village. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON hotel.

07. Mekele - Hawsen (Tigray Churches) Visit the Tigray rock churches, as Degum Selassie, Abreha We Atsbeha & Wikro Cherkos (or Medhanealem Adikesho, Michael MahalZenghie & Petros Paulos). Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Gheralta lodge at Hawsen (or if not available at a hotel in Adigrat town).

12. Gondar - BahirDar Drive to Gorgora. Meet your boat and cross lake Tana. Admire on the way the very colorful monasteries over the lake’s island, as Narga Selassie on Dek island, Ura Kidane Mehret and Asua Mariam. Reach late afternoon Bahirdar. Have your lunch on the way; check-in, dinner & ON hotel

02. Addis Ababa - BahirDar Fly to Bahirdar, & transfer hotel for check-in. Morning admire the Blue Nile falls. Lunch back in Bahirdar. Afternoon visit the churches on lake Tana’s islands, as Ura Kidane Mehret and Asua Mariam. Dinner & ON hotel in Bahirdar

08. Hawsen - Axum Drive to Axum, with visit of DebreDamo monastery & Yeha temple. Afternoon visit of Axum: the steles, St Mary of Tsion church (where legend says is deposited the Ark of Covenant), the bath and the palace of Queen of Sheba. Meals & ON htl

13. BahirDar Morning drive to admire the Blue Nile falls. Then drive to DebreMarkos. ON htl

03. Kombolcha - Woldya MON. Drive to admire the other very colorful Afar & Oromo people market at Bati village. Proceed then to Woldya. Lunch box on the way; dinner & ON hotel. 04. Woldya - Lalibela Drive to Lalibela. On the way visit the cave church of Naktuleab. Afternoon visit the first group of the 12 rock-hewn churches in Lalibela, defined as the 8th wonder. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Yemereha hotel ( 05. Lalibela Morning excursion to one church out of town. We propose Genete Mariam (by car) or Asheten Mariam church (to reach by foot or mules). Back for lunch at your hotel. Afternoon visit the second group of churches in Lalibela town. And then take part of the coffee ceremony in the hotel or a traditional house (the coffee ceremony in an important part of Ethiopian culture). Dinner and ON hotel

09. Axum - Debark (Semien Mountains) Drive to Debark, crossing very nice views over the Semien mountains. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON hotel in Debark (the new Walia hotel as soon is opened; or the Semien Park or similar meanwhile. Option Semien lodge in the park). 10. Semien Mountains A full day for walks and admiring spectacular views over the Semien mountains. Walk to the Ginbar falls and to Geech (or to Buhawit) to a particular flora and fauna, and with the chance to spot the endemic Walya Ibex, the Gelada baboons and the Lammergeyer. Lunch at the Semien mountains; back for dinner & ON htl

14. BahirDar - Addis Ababa Cross the Blue Nile gorge and proceed to DebreLibanos monastery. Visit the monastery and very nice views around Jema river gorge. Spot the endemic Gelada baboons. And the old Portuguese bridge. Then proceed back to Addis Ababa. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON hotel 15. Addis Ababa SAT. Remaining visits in Addis Ababa as the Ethnographic museum, the Trinity church and the Mercato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Evening departure [we also suggest extension to another tour in Ethiopia, or to the parks in Tanzania or Kenya or the fantastic beaches in Zanzibar or Monbasa (see our programs)]

03. BahirDar - Gondar Drive to Gondar & visit the castle’s compound, Debre Birhan Sellasie church (light of Trinity) with wonderful murals, King Fasiladas bath, Mentewab palace. Lunch. Then drive to the Semien mountains, to Debark, to arrange also all permits, mules for trekking, scout, guide, etc. Dinner & ON Debark Walia hotel or similar. 04. Gondar - Sankaber (Semien Mountains) Drive to Sankaber where you will start the trek. Trek to Geech (3350 meters above sea level) (6-7 hours, 17 km), enjoying a beautiful landscape, spot the endemic wattle ibis and white collar pigeon, & more. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camp 05. Sankaber - Imetgogo Trek to Imetgogo (6 hrs, 10 km, 3380 mt), the most panoramic view of the Semien mountains. Camp.

06. Imetgogo - Ambilco Trek to Ambilco (8-9 hrs, 12 km, 4200 mt). Camp. 07. Ambilco - Ras Dashen Climb Ras Dashen, the highest peak of the Semien mntns (4,620 masl). Full day walking. Back ON Ambilco camp 08. Ambilco - Sona Trek to Sona (8-9 hours, 12 km, 3200 mt). Camp. 09. sona - Mekaribia Trek to Mekaribia (8 hours, 11 km, 2200 mt). It’s lowland and the weather changes and it will be warm and when you reach river Lamo (possible to swim in the river) lunch will be served. The area is also famous for its bird life and see the colobus monkey and admire the vegetation. Camp. 10. Mekaribia - Mullite Trek to Mullite (5-6 hrs, 9 km, 2100 mt). Camp. 11. Mullite - Adiarkai Trek to Adiarkai (1 hour and 30 minutes) to meet your vehicle/s to drive then to Axum. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON in hotel in Axum 12. Adiarkai - Axum our of Axum: visit the steles, St Mary of Tsion church (where legend says is deposited the Ark of Covenant), the bath and the palace of Queen of Sheba. Afternoon drive to the Yeha temple & Adua. Back ON Axum

13. Axum - Lalibela Fly to Lalibela, and visit the rock-hewn churches in Lalibela, defined as the 8th wonder in the world. Meals & ONYemereha htl or similar 14. Lalibela Morning excursion by mules to the Asheten Mariam church, with also spectacular views. Afternoon remaining churches in Lalibela. ON htl 15. Lalibela - Addis Ababa SUN. Fly back to Addis Ababa. Afternoon visit the Mercato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Evening departure (or overnight and departure next day morning) [we also suggest extension to another tour in Ethiopia, or to the parks in Tanzania or Kenya or the fantastic beaches in Zanzibar or Monbasa (see our programs)]

ETHIOPIA The wonderland

Omo Valley

Omo Valley

South Ethiopia. (11 days)

South Ethiopia. (15 days)

01. Addis Ababa SUN. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) start the tour: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church.. ON (overnight) hotel. 02. Addis Ababa - Arbaminch Drive to Arbaminch, admiring Tiya steles or Adadi Mariam church (rock-hewn church, as per tradition associated with King Lalibela during early 12th century), the Guraghe + Wolayta people & villages and spectacular views. Lunch on the way. Reach Arbaminch, with spectacular views at the Swaynes hotel over Chamo & Abaya lakes. Dinner & ON Swaynes hotel. 03. Arbaminch - Jinka Drive to Jinka, admiring the Konso, Derase, Tsemay, Ari and Benna people on the way. Visit a Konso people village, which are famous for the terracing agriculture, and have particular way of life and traditions. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Jinka in htl 04. Jinka - Mago N.P. (Mursi people) Enter into the Mago National park, admiring different mammals and birds on the way; and proceed to visit the Mursi people and villages. Here for beauty women use to put round plates into their lips. Lunch on the way; afternoon back Jinka. Visit the Jinka museum and walks to visit the town. ON in htl

05. Mago - Turmi (Key Afer Market) Drive to Turmi, admiring Thursday KeyAfer village market of Tsemay & Erbore people. Proceed to visit the Hamer people. If lucky in the evening admire one of their dances: the Evangadi. Dinner & ON Turmi Evangadi lodge www. 06. Turmi (Karo and Hammer people) Drive to visit the Karo people, for their very interesting decoration and scarification all over their body; and very nice views over Omo river from Kortcho village. Visit then the Nyangatom people crossing the Omo river with small boats at Kangate. Back late afternoon to Turmi. With luck we’ll try also to participate to the Hamer people marriage ceremonies, with the bull jumping & more. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Turmi Evangadi lodge 07. Turmi (Dimeka market) SAT. Drive to Dimeka village, to participate to the very colorful Hamer, Karo and Dassanech people market at Dimeka village. Ones the market is done, visit in the region some very interesting Hamer people villages to understand their culture and try to look with luck for Hamer people marriages & dances ceremonies. ON Turmi 08. Turmi - Arbaminch (Erbore and konso people) Drive to the Erbore people and visit their villages & culture. Then cross the Weyto river valley, to the Konso people (if their village not visited on day 04, can be done now). Proceed to Arbaminch. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Swaynes htl.

09. Arbaminch (Chamo Lake) Morning boat on Chamo lake for crocodiles, hippos and birds. Then walk to the Netch Sar National park to see spectacular views. See different animals, as the endemic Swaynes Hartebeest, numerous zebras, lesser kudu, dik-dik, Kori Bustard, and more. Lunch. The vehicles will reach you; make a game drive and then drive back to Arbaminch. If time permits visit also the 40 springs, from which Arbaminch’s name derives. Dinner & ON Swaynes hotel. 10. Arbaminch - Langano Drive to Chencha, for the Dorze people, with their unique culture, houses, and traditions. Visit also the Tuesday colorful market. Then proceed to the Rift Valley lake of Langano, at the Wenney eco-lodge, secluded in a natural paradise at shore of lake Langano and near to Munessa forest. Possibility of trekking, bird-watching, horse-riding, boat excursion, cycling, and more. 11. Langano - Addis Ababa WED. Drive back to Addis. Afternoon visit the Mercato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Evening departure (or overnight and departure next day morning) [we also suggest extension to another tour in Ethiopia, or to the parks in Tanzania or Kenya or the fantastic beaches in Zanzibar or Monbasa (see our programs)]

01. Addis Ababa SAT. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) start the tour: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church.. ON (overnight) hotel. 02. Addis Ababa - Bale Mountains Drive to the Bale mountains, for spectacular fauna & flora. Visit of the park. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Wabe Shebele hotel Bale Goba 03. Bale Mountains - Dolo Morning drive & walk at Sanete plateau, with afro-alpine vegetable & the chance to spot the endemic Semien fox. Then drive to the Tuludimtu forest for very nice views, different flora and the chance to spot the endemic Mountain Nyala. Proceed admiring very nice views and visiting Oromo people villages to Dolo. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camping Dolo. 04. Dolo - ElSod Crater Visiting Oromo people reach Borena people & villages. Visit one village with particular traditions. ON camping ElSod, on top of the crater. 05. ElSod Crater - Konso Early morning, around 6 am, walk to the crater, to admire Borena people extracting salt from a marshy lake. Visit then the singing wells around Elsod. Drive to Yabelo & proceed to Konso and visit one village. ON hotel or camping near to the king palace. In this case we have the chance to see his village and palace.

06. Konso - Jinka (Key Afer Market) THU. Proceed to admire the Thursday KeyAfer village market of Tsemay & Erbore people. Then drive to Jinka admiring Ari people. ON hotel or camping

11. Turmi (Dassanech people) We proceed to Omorate village, where we’ll visit Dassanech people. Then drive to the Turkana lake, visiting Incoreana people. Back late afternoon to Turmi. ON Turmi

07. Jinka - Mago N.P. (Mursi People) Enter into the Mago National park & full day for Mursi & Body people visiting their villages & culture, way of life & culture. With luck we look for the donga game (August, September & October). If time permits make a game drive in the late afternoon on the high mountains of the Mago park. ON camp near to Elwoha village

12. Turmi - Arbaminch (Erbore people) Visit Erbore people & villages, and proceed to Arbaminch. ON Swaynes hotel

08. Mago N.P. (Muguji people) Cross the Mago National park & proceed for the Muguji people & villages. With luck we’ll visit in the evening on of their dances. ON camping next to a village 09. Mago N.P. - Turmi (Karo Kortcho) Visit Karo people villages of Lubuk or Duss & Kortcho. Proceed the to the Nyangatom people crossing Omo river, at Kangate. Visit one of their villages, with very interesting cultures. Drive then to the Hamer people at Turmi & ON bungalows or camping at the Evangadi lodge 10. Turmi (Hamer people) MON. Full day visit the Hamer people villages. Walk to a Hamer village; then visit the very colorful monday market of Hamer, Karo & Dassanech people. With luck visit one of the Hamer people marriage ceremony with the bull jumping. And with luck also a Hamer people dance: the Evangadi. ON Evangadi lodge Turmi

13. Arbaminch (Chamo Lake) Boat on lake Chamo admiring crocodiles (the biggest in Africa with length over 7 meters), hippos and birds. Reach the other side of the lake and walk to the Netch Sar park. Visit many animals, as Swaynes Hartbeest, lesser kudu, zebras, birds & more. Reach the mountain top (“Yesghier dildi”, which means mountain of paradise) with spectacular view over Chamo & Abaya lakes and the Netch Sar park. Have lunch. Then come same way back; or the cars can reach you at the park and drive back. Dinner & ON Swaynes htl 14. Arbaminch - Langano Lake (Dorze people) Drive to the Dorze people, admiring their villages, and particular way of life and houses. And very nice views. Lunch box. Drive then to the Rift Valley of Langano. Dinner & ON Wenney ecolodge 15. Langano - Addis Ababa SAT. Relax at Langano. Possibility of trekking, birdwatching, horseriding, cycling, swimming. Lunch. Drive then back to Addis Ababa. Ones in Addis, short visit of the Mercato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner in traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Then transfer airport for departure.

ETHIOPIA The wonderland

Surma People & the western side of Omo River

History & Culture

South & West Ethiopia. (15 days)

North & South Ethiopia. (15 days)

01. Addis Ababa SAT. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Morning free. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) tour of the capital: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church. ON (overnight) chosen hotel.

07. Tulgit - Kibish Drive to Kibish, admiring very nice views. Visit the Surma people around Kibish. With luck we’ll participate to a donga game, which is a stick fighting ritual. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camping

02. Addis Ababa - Nekemte Proceed to Nekemte. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON in hotel

08. Kibish (Surma people) A full day for the Surma people. ON Kibish

03. Nekemte - Gambela Drive to Gambela, at bank of Baro river, a previous famous commercial point with Sudan. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON in hotel 04. Gambela (Nuer and Anuak people) Drive to the Nuer & Anuak people. With scarification all over their body, they leave at bank of Baro river, and are fishermen and hunters. ON next to a village (or back to Gambela) 05. Gamgela - MizanTeferi Drive south to MizanTeferi, admiring very big forest and nice views. Visit on the way the Dizi people. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camp 06. MizanTeferi - Tulgit (Surma Land) Drive to the unique Surma people. Here women wear circular or trapezoidal shaped plates into their lips. Men have different scarification all over their body. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camp near to Tulgit

09. Kibish - Adikas (Omo N.P:) Drive to Adikas & proceed to the Omo National park. It is the biggest and richest of fauna park in Ethiopia. Late afternoon game drive. Dinner & ON camp 10. Adikas (Gane Drive) Morning game drive. Then drive to visit the Nyangatom people and their villages, with their particular culture and way of life. Dinner & ON camping, next to a village 11. Adikas - Omo River (Mursi people) Continue to the Omo river, and visit the Mursi people. Women put circular plates into their lips; men scarifications to indicate the number of enemies or wild animals killed. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camping, at bank of the river

12. Omo River - Maji (Dizi people) Drive to Maji, visiting on the way different Adikas people villages. Visit also the Dizi people. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camp at Maji 13. Maji - Bonga Proceed to Bonga, via Macha Waji. Visit Bench Meshenger people on the way, with also very interesting culture. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camp 14. Bonga - Jima Drive to Jima, with a stop to waterfalls on the way, for short walking too. Reach Jimma and visit the AbaJifar palace, old king house + the museum of all his artifacts & more, in town. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON htl 15. Jima - Addis Ababa SAT. Drive back to Addis Ababa. Ones in Addis, short visit of the Mercato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner in traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Then transfer airport for departure (or overnight in Addis & departure next day)

01. Addis Ababa SAT. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Morning free. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) tour of the capital: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church. ON (overnight) chosen hotel. 02. Addis Ababa - BahirDar Fly to Bahirdar. Morning admire the Blue Nile falls. Lunch back to Bahirdar. Afternoon boat on lake Tana for monasteries over its islands, as Ura Kidane Mehret and Asua Mariam. Dinner & ON htl in Bahirdar 03. BahirDar - Gondar Drive to Gondar. Then visit the castle’s compound, Debre Birhan Sellasie church (light of Trinity) with wonderful murals, King Fasiladas bath, Empress Mentewab palace and Qusquam church. Meals & ON htl in Gondar. 04. Gondar - Lalibel Fly to Lalibela; transfer and check-in hotel. Have lunch. Afternoon visit the first group of the rock-hewn churches, defined as the 8th wonder in the world. Dinner & ON Yemereha hotel or similar 05. Lalibela Morning visit Naktuleab cave church. Or you can choose to walk (or with mules) to the Asheten Mariam church, with spectacular views too. Back to the htl for lunch. Afternoon visit the remaining churches in town. And then take part of the coffee ceremony in the hotel (the coffee ceremony in an important part of Ethiopian culture). Dinner and ON (overnight) hotel

06. Lalibela - Axum Fly Axum. Visit the steles, St Mary of Tsion church (where legend says the Ark of Covenant is deposited), the bath & palace of Queen of Sheba. Meals and ON in hotel 07. Axum - Addis Ababa Fly to Addis. Drive to Langano Rift Valley lake. Possibility of trekking, bird-watching, horse-riding, cycling. 08. Addis Ababa - Arbaminch (Dorze people) Drive through the Wolayta people & villages and admiring spectacular green hills, to Chencha, for the Dorze people, with their unique culture, houses, and traditions. Visit also the very colorful SAT market. Dinner & ON Swaynes hotel Arbaminch. 09. Arbaminch - Turmi Drive to Turmi, admiring on the way the Konso, Derase, Tsemay & Hamer people. ON Turmi Evangadi lodge in bungalows or camping (pls pass us your choice to check availability) 10. Turmi (Dassanech people) MON. Morning excursion to Dassanech people villages at Omorate, at bank of Omo river. Then back Turmi for the monday very colorful Hamer, Karo and Dassanech people market. Then visit the Hamer people and their villages. With luck we’ll try also to participate to their marriage ceremonies, with the bull jumping. And if lucky see one of their dances: the Evangadi. ON Turmi.

11. Turmi (Karo and hamer people) Drive to visit the Karo people, for their very interesting decoration and scarification all over their body; and very nice views over Omo river from Kortcho village. Proceed then to the Mago National park. ON camping 12. Turmi - Mago N.P. - Jinka (Mursi people) Enter into the Mago National park, admiring different mammals and birds on the way; and proceed to visit the Mursi people and villages. Here for beauty women use to put round plates into their lips. Then drive to Jinka. ON in htl or camp. 13. Jinka - Arbaminch THU. Drive to Arbaminch, admiring the very colorful Thursday’s Tsemay and Erbore people market at KeyAfer village. If time permits visit also one Konso village. Konso people are famous for the terracing agriculture, way of life in the villages, traditions and more. Dinner & ON Arbaminch Swaynes htl 14. Arbaminch (Chamo Lake) Morning boat on Chamo lake for crocodiles, hippos and birds. Then walk to the Netch Sar National park to see spectacular views & animals as the endemic Swaynes Hartebeest, zebras & other. Have lunch. Then drive back to Arbaminch. If time permits visit also the 40 springs. Dinner & ON Swaynes hotel 15. Arbaminch - Addis Ababa SAT. Drive back to Addis visiting the Guraghe people villages & very nice views. Lunch on the way; dinner traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Departure

ETHIOPIA The wonderland

History & Culture North & South Ethiopia. (19 days) 01. Addis Ababa SAT. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Morning free. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) tour of the capital: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church. ON (overnight) chosen hotel. 02. Addis Ababa - Axum Fly to Axum, & visit the steles, St Mary of Tsion church, the bath & the palace of Queen of Sheba. Lunch. Drive to the Yeha temple, DebreDamo monastery and proceed to Hawsen or Adigrat. ON Gheralta lodge Hawsen (or htl in Adigrat) 03. Axum - Mekele (Tigray Churches) Visit Tigray rock churches, as Degum Selassie, Abreha We Atsbeha & Wikro Cherkos (or option could be also Medhanealem Adikesho, Michael MahalZenghie & Petros Paulos). ON Axum htl or similar in Mekele. 04. Mekele - Lalibela Drive to Lalibela, admiring spectacular views. We’ll drive via Ambalagi, Alamata, Kobo, Woldya, Dild & the Tekeze river valley, with very nice views and admiring different ethnic groups as the Tigray, Azebo/ Raya, Afar (with luck around Woldya) & Wollo people. With luck spot also the endemic Gelada Baboons around Dild. Lunch box; dinner & ON Yemereha htl or similar 05. Lalibela Full day visit of the rock-hewn churches in Lalibela, defined as the 8th wonder in the world. Churches built in the 12th century; the African Jerusalem. Meals & ON htl

06. Lalibela - Gondar Morning visit Naktuleab cave church. Proceed then driving to Gondar, city of castles of the 16th century, crossing very nice views admiring the Semien mountains at the north (around Gaynt) & the Historical site of DebreTabor, Ethiopian capital during Emperor Tewodros IV (19th century). Cross Fogera valley, one of the most fertile in Ethiopia, with rice and many other farms. Reach late afternoon Gondar. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON htl in Gondar

10. Addis Ababa - Arbaminch MON. Drive to Arbaminch, admiring Tiya steles or Adadi Mariam church (rock-hewn church, as per tradition associated with King Lalibela during early 12th century), the Guraghe + Wolayta people & villages and spectacular views. Lunch on the way. Reach Arbaminch, with spectacular views at the Swaynes hotel over Chamo & Abaya lakes. Dinner & ON Swaynes hotel.

07. Gondar - BahirDar Morning tour of Gondar, visiting the castle’s compound & King Fasiladas bath, the Debre Birhan Sellasie church (light of Trinity) with wonderful murals and Empress Mentewab palace. Lunch. Then drive to Bahirdar. Dinner & ON htl

11. Arbaminch - Jinka Drive to Jinka, admiring the Konso, Derase, Tsemay, Ari and Benna people on the way. Visit a Konso people village, which are famous for the terracing agriculture, and have particular way of life and traditions. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Jinka in htl

08. BahirDar Morning drive to Gorgora. Meet your boat and cross lake Tana, admiring the beautiful monasteries over the lake’s islands, as Narga Selassie on Dek island, Asua Mariam and Ura Kidane Mehret, with also the visit of an Amhara people village & coffee plantations. Lunch box on the way; dinner & ON hotel in Bahirdar

12. Jinka - Mago N.P. (Mursi people) Enter into the Mago National park, admiring different mammals and birds on the way; and proceed to visit the Mursi people and villages. Here for beauty women use to put round plates into their lips. Lunch on the way; afternoon back Jinka. Visit the Jinka museum and walks to visit the town. ON in htl

09. BahirDar - Addis Ababa Morning drive to admire the Blue Nile falls. Have lunch back in Bahirdar. Then fly to Addis Ababa. Transfer to your hotel for check-in, dinner and overnight.

13. Jinka - Turmi (Key Afer Market) Drive to Turmi, admiring Thursday KeyAfer village market of Tsemay & Erbore people. Proceed to visit the Hamer people. If lucky in the evening admire one of their dances: the Evangadi. Dinner & ON Turmi Evangadi lodge www.

14. Turmi (Karo people) Drive to visit the Karo people, for their very interesting decoration and scarification all over their body; and very nice views over Omo river from Kortcho village. Visit then the Nyangatom people crossing the Omo river with small boats at Kangate. Back late afternoon to Turmi. With luck we’ll try also to participate to the Hamer people marriage ceremonies, with the bull jumping & more. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Turmi Evangadi lodge

17. Arbaminc (Chamo Lake) Morning boat on Chamo lake for crocodiles, hippos and birds. Then walk to the Netch Sar National park to see spectacular views. See different animals, as the endemic Swaynes Hartebeest, numerous zebras, lesser kudu, dik-dik, Kori Bustard, and more. Lunch. The vehicles will reach you; make a game drive and then drive back to Arbaminch. If time permits visit also the 40 springs, from which Arbaminch’s name derives. Dinner & ON Swaynes hotel.

15. Turmi (Dimeka Market, Hamer people) SAT. Drive to Dimeka village, to participate to the very colorful Hamer, Karo and Dassanech people market at Dimeka village. Ones the market is done, visit in the region some very interesting Hamer people villages to understand their culture and try to look with luck for Hamer people marriages & dances ceremonies. ON Turmi

18. Arbaminch - Langano Lake (Dorze people) Drive to Chencha, for the Dorze people, with their unique culture, houses, and traditions. Visit also the Tuesday colorful market. Then proceed to the Rift Valley lake of Langano, at the Wenney eco-lodge, secluded in a natural paradise at shore of lake Langano and near to Munessa forest. Possibility of trekking, bird-watching, horse-riding, boat excursion, cycling, and more.

16. Turmi - Arbaminch (Erbore people) Drive to the Erbore people and visit their villages & culture. Then cross the Weyto river valley, to the Konso people (if their village not visited on day 04, can be done now). Proceed to Arbaminch. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Swaynes htl.

19. Langano Lake - Addis Ababa WED. Drive back to Addis. Afternoon visit the Mercato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Evening departure (or overnight and departure next day morning) [we also suggest extension to another tour in Ethiopia, or to the parks in Tanzania or Kenya or the fantastic beaches in Zanzibar or Monbasa (see our programs)]

ETHIOPIA The wonderland

Tigray Churches, Danakil, Djibouti and Harar

Danakil Depression, Afar people & Tigray churches

North & East Ethiopia. (20 days)

North & East Ethiopia. (14 days)

01. Addis Ababa SAT. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Morning free. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) tour of the capital: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church. ON (overnight) chosen hotel. 02. Addis Ababa - Mekele Fly to Mekele. Meet your vehicle/s. Drive to the Tigray churches. Visit Micael Imba & Micael Barka churches. ON Gheralta lodge (or Axum htl in Mekele) 03. Mekele - Gheralta Full day for Tigray churches: we suggest Abreha We Atsbeha, Degum Selassie & Wikro Cherkos. ON Gheralta lodge (or Axum htl in Mekele) 04. Geraltha - Berhale Drive to Berhale and visit Afar people and villages; meet the camel caravans coming from the cities back to Dalol and from Dalol with the salt to be sold in the cities of Tigray & neighboring regions. ON camp Berhale 05. Berhale (trekking) Walk with the Afar people following their camels caravans. Is an unique experience. Two days of trekking bring you in contact with these unique people. You’ll see how the Afar people leave and move during these days; how they prepare their traditional bread, tea and lot of new interesting discoveries. Lunch during the trek; dinner & ON camp along the river side 06. AhmedAle (Trekking) Another full day trekking and discovering. Dinner & ON camp AhmedAle

07. Dalol Another special day: drive to Dalol, to see the Afar men extracting salt. Are spectacular colors of nature, unique in the world. Back ON camp AhmedAle 08. dalol - Afar Villages Drive to some Afar villages, as Emegubi. Is very interesting experiencing their way of life. Dinner & ON in the Afar village. 09. Afar Villages - Dodom Visit the morning life of the people in the village. Then proceed to Dodom. Organize the camels for the materials for climbing the volcano next day. ON camp 10. Dodom - ErTale Volcano Climb ErTale volcano (early morning). Here are fantastic views, with the lava and the volcano rim. Pass your day and night on the rim of the volcano, camp 11. Dodom - Lake Afrera Walk back to the vehicles. Then drive to lake Afrera. Visit Afar people extracting salt from lake Afrera. Proceed to the hot springs, where we’ll camp. 12. Lake Afrera - Semera Drive to Afar people and the Afar people capital: Semera. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camp Me’aseni lodge or other 13. Semera - Tadjoura (Djibouti) Drive to Djibouti and proceed to lake Easal. Visit very nice views. Then drive to Tadjoura, previous capital. Relax at the beach. ON htl or camp 14. Tadjoura Relax. Optional organize boat excursions locally, and if possible making also some diving & other activities. ON hotel Tadjoura

15. Tadjoura - Djibouti Drive to Djibouti town. Visit of the capital & the town life. Dinner & ON 4* hotel 16. Djibouti - Lake Abe Drive to lake Abe, for spectacular views. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camp 17. Lake Abe - Dire Dawa (Ethiopia) Enter back into Ethiopia & drive to DireDawa. Visit the train station and the town. Dinner & ON hotel in DireDawa 18. Dire Dawa - Harar Drive to Harar, with an early morning visit of the chat market at the Awedae village, on the way. Then visit of Harar: the city walls, the mosques, the churches, French poet Rimbaud house, the Adere people traditional houses, the markets, the basket productions and more. Evening visit a man feeding wild hyenas. ON hotel 19. Harar - Awash N.P. Drive to the Awash National park, visiting on the way Adere and Afar + Kereyou people. Then game drive and spot antelopes as the Orix, the Awash river and very nice falls, many birds, crocodiles and more. Dinner & ON Fafate lodge or Genet hotel 20. Awas N.P. - Addis Ababa THU. Cross Metahara lake & drive back Addis Ababa. Ones in Addis, short visit of the Mercato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner invited in a traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Then transfer airport for departure

01. Addis Ababa SAT. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Morning free. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) tour of the capital: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church. ON (overnight) chosen hotel. 02. Addis Ababa - Kombolcha SUN. Drive to Kombolcha. Being Sunday admire on route the very colorful Afar & Oromo people market at Senbete village. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON hotel. 03. Kombolcha - Semera (Bati Market) MON. Drive to admire the other very colorful Afar & Oromo people market at Bati village. Is the most colorful market of northern Ethiopia and is amazing to see all these camel caravans at ones; and the interaction among the residents and Afar people. Proceed then to Semera, where we take the permits for the Danakil. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camping 04. Semera - Lake Afrera Drive a few hours to reach lake Afrera, and visit Afar people extracting salt. Proceed then to the hot springs, Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camping 05. Lake Afrera - ErTale Volcano Continue till Dodom. Here we organize the camels for the materials and trek from around 1500 hrs till early evening to ErTale volcano. Fantastic views, with the lava and the volcano rim. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON simple camping on the volcano

06. ErTale Full day at the Ertale volcano. Can walk all around the rim. Meals & ON on top 07. ErTale - Dodom Walk back to Dodom, to meet the vehicles. Drive then to an Afar people village (Emegubi village) for some very interesting experiences, admiring their culture & way of life. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON in the village. 08. Dodom - Ahmedale Proceed to Ahmedale. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camp 09. Ahmedale - Dalol Another special day: drive to Dalol, to see the Afar men extracting salt. Are spectacular colors of nature. Lunch box; dinner & ON camping AhmedAle 10. Dalol - Dry River Follow up camels caravans and walk with the Afar people. You’ll see how they prepare their traditional bread, how they travel, communicate & more. Is another unique experience. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camping at bank of the dry river

11. Dry River - Gheralta Continue walking with the Afar people, following the camels caravans. Reach then Berhale, where you’ll meet the vehicles. Drive then to Gheralta, in the Hawsen region. In ones from 120 mts below sea level we go to the Ethiopian highlands. Here in the Tigray region are found more than 110 different churches, with different architectural and ornamental designs, from the Axumite to the Zegwe dinasty, built in such difficult places over mountains to protect the churches and monasteries from any enemy. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Gheralta lodge Hawsen (or Axum hotel in Mekele, if Gheralta lodge is not available) 12. Geraltha Visit Abreha We Atsbeha, Degum Selassie, Mariam Korkor and/or Daniel Korkor churches. Lunch on route; dinner & ON Gheralta lodge (or Axum htl in Mekele) 13. Geraltha - Kombolcha Crossing lake Ashandi, we proceed to lake Hayk. Visit Debre Estifanos monastery, over an island of the lake. Drive to Kombolcha. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON hotel in Kombolcha (suggested Sunny side or Hikma or Tecle) 14. Kombolcha - Addis Ababa FRI. Crossing fantastic views, reach Addis Ababa. Ones in Addis, short visit of the Mercato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner invited in a traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Then transfer airport for departure (or overnight and depart next day)

This is a new expedition, never done before now. And can be done also before or after the Historic route; or after this you can extend to the Surma people or Omo valley

ETHIOPIA The wonderland

Guzme, Ganzo & other people of the North-West

Omo Valley with Boat on Omo River

North & West Ethiopia. (15 days)

South Ethiopia. (15 days)

01. Addis Ababa THU. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Morning free. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) tour of the capital: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church. ON (overnight) chosen hotel. 02. Addis Ababa - DebreMarkos Drive to visit the Debre Libanos monastery, the old Portuguese bridge and Jemma river valley. Spot also the endemic Gelada Baboons here. Proceed then crossing the Blue Nile valley to DebreMarkos. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON htl DebreMarkos 03. DebreMarkos - Kossober - Mandura - Zengena SAT. Drive to Kossober to visit the Gojam and Agew people Saturday’s market. Then proceed to Chagni (60 km, 1 hrs) and Mandura (67 km, 1 hr driving) to admire another colorful market, this time of the Gumze and Agew people. Then drive back to Zengena lake for ON camping (lunch on the way; dinner at camp) 04. Zengena Lake - Shinashia (Agew people) SUN. Drive to Dahans Baguna to admire a Gumze & Agew people market. Then proceed to very nice and traditional Agew people villages. Reach then the Blue Nile. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camping at Shinashia, at a Agew people village. 05. Shinashia - Asosa Proceed to Guba (or also called Mankush) village, where you find also a previous palace of Dej Asmach Jemal, built during Emperor Menelik reign. Reach so Janga where you can admire the Blue Nile, before entering in Sudan, called here “Sirba Abay” (189 kms, 4 hrs). Proceed so to Sherkole where you can admire the Berta people, traditional gold miners, at work. (2 hrs drive). Then continue for the overnight at Asosa, at Mango campsite, among lot of Mango trees (lunch on way; dinner camp)

06. Asosa - Kumruk (Sudan) TUE. Morning drive to the Sudan border town of Kumruk (3 hrs), get the permits, and drive to Fametsere, where under a volcanic mountain (which they call the gold mountain and have many traditional believes) the Berta people extract salt. Proceed then to a traditional gold market, where you can admire the way they do their market. Afternoon proceed to admire the Bambasi village very colorful market of the Oromo, Mao & Komo. The Mao & Komo are very traditional tribes, with many scarification all over their body. The Mao men have scarification in the face & chest, while female on the belly. While the Komo on the front & face, while female on the belly. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camp Asosa 07. Asosa - Ye’amsera Drive to Ye’amsera village (Tongo region) & camp next to the mosque, built in 1952 by an Algerian coming from Saudi Arabia. Here in July (Arabian calendar on Mirage 27) there is a famous pilgrimage. Organize the permits & police escort and drive to the Ganzo people village. The Ganzo are the 81st tribe, just discovered few years ago. Are totally 150 members. Have scarification over their body, mainly the men in the face & chest; while female in the belly, arms & back. They hunt (warthog, alligators, monkeys, etc) and in the evening you’ll participate to dinner and dancing. Is a very particular experience. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Ye’amsera camp. 08. Ya’amsera - Asosa (Ganzo people) Morning dedicated to the visit of the Ganzo people. Afternoon proceed to Asosa. On the way make a 1 hrs trek at Inzi, for very nice views over the region, and some villages. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Mango campsite Asosa

09. Asosa - Nekemte Drive to Nekemte (341 kms, 8 hrs). On the way visit very nice views and Wollo people resettlements. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camping or local hotel 10. Nekemte - Gambela Proceed to Gambela, at bank of Baro river, a previous famous commercial point with Sudan. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON in hotel 11. Gambel (Nuer and Anuak people) Drive to the Nuer & Anuak people. With many scarification all over their body, leave at bank of Baro river, and are fishermen and hunters. ON next to a village 12. Gambela Visit villages; then proceed back to Gambela. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON htl 13. Gambela - Jima Drive to Jima, with a stop to waterfalls on the way, for short walking too. Reach Jimma and visit the AbaJifar palace, old king house + the museum of all his artifacts & more, in town. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON htl 14. Jima - Langano Lake Drive to the Wolayta people and villages. Proceed then to the Rift valley lake of Langano. Reach the Wenney ecolodge, and possibility of horse-riding, walking, cycling, bird-watching, swimming and more. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Wenney ecolodge 15. Langano - Addis Ababa THU. Drive back to Addis Ababa. Ones in Addis, short visit of the Mercato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner in traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Then transfer airport for departure.

01. Addis Ababa SAT. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) start the tour: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church. ON (overnight) hotel.

06. Mago N.P. - Omo River (Navegation) Drive to the Omo river & start navigating, with boats capacity 6 clients/boat. Is a unique experience, visiting these villages which have very few contact with tourism and you can really experience their culture. ON next to a Mursi people village.

12. Turmi - Arbaminch (Erbore people) Drive to the Erbore people and visit their villages & culture. Then cross the Weyto river valley, to the Konso people (if their village not visited on day 04, can be done now). Proceed to Arbaminch. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Swaynes htl.

02. Addis Ababa - Arbaminch Drive to Arbaminch, admiring Tiya steles or Adadi Mariam church (rock-hewn church, as per tradition associated with King Lalibela during early 12th century), the Guraghe + Wolayta people & villages and spectacular views. Lunch on the way. Reach Arbaminch, with spectacular views at the Swaynes hotel over Chamo & Abaya lakes. Dinner & ON Swaynes hotel.

07. Omo River (Muguji people) Continue boating and this day experience the very colorful & interesting Muguji people, with unique culture. ON camp, next to a very interesting Muguji village 08. Omo River (Nyangatom and Karo people) Visit Muguji & Nyangatom people . ON camp next to a village

13. Arbaminch (Chamo Lake) Boat on lake Chamo admiring crocodiles, hippos and birds. Reach the other side of the lake and walk to the Netch Sar park. Visit animals, as Swaynes Hartbeest, lesser kudu, zebras, birds & more. Reach the mountain top (“Yesghier dildi”, which means mountain of paradise) with spectacular view over Chamo & Abaya lakes. Have lunch. Dinner & ON Swaynes htl

09. Omo river (Karo kortcho) Reach Kortcho village, admiring Nyangatom & Karo people. End of boating days. Fantastic view over Omo river and the valley. ON camp next to Kortcho village.

14. Arbaminch - Langano Lake (Dorze people) Drive to the Dorze people, admiring their villages, and particular way of life and houses. Lunch box. Drive then to the Rift Valley of Langano. Dinner & ON Wenney ecolodge.

10. Karo Kortcho - Turmi (Hammer people) MON. Meet yr vehicles & drive to Turmi, to visit the Hamer people & villages. Visit Monday’s very colorful Hamer, Karo & Dassanech people market at Turmi village. Afternoon walk to a Hamer village to experience their culture. With luck we’ll try also to participate to the Hamer people marriage ceremonies, with the bull jumping & more. Also in the evening to admire one of their dances: the Evangadi. Meals & ON Turmi Evangadi lodge

15. Langano - Addis Ababa SAT. Relax at Langano. Possibility of trekking, birdwatching, horseriding, cycling... Lunch. Drive back to Addis Ababa and short visit of the Mercato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner in traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Then transfer airport for departure

03. Arbaminch - Jinka Drive to Jinka, admiring the Konso, Derase, Tsemay, Ari and Benna people on the way. Visit a Konso people village, which are famous for the terracing agriculture, and their particular way of life and traditions. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Jinka in htl 04. Jinka - Mago N.P. (Mursi people) Enter into the Mago National park, admiring different mammals and birds on the way; and proceed to visit the Mursi people and villages. Here for beauty women use to put round plates into their lips. On camp near to Elwoha village 05. Mago N.P. Full day to visit the very interesting Mursi and Body people villages. If is June visit also the Body people competition, which is an unique experience. Also having a full day for the Mursi people you can really experience their way of life, culture and traditions. On camp near to Elwoha village

11. Turmi (Dassanech people) Morning drive to Omorate, at bank of Omo river, to visit the Dassanech people. Then back to Turmi, for the Hamer people villages. ON Evangadi lodge Turmi

KENYA & TANZANIA The wild experience Omo Valley & Tanzania. 16 Days Omo Valley & Kenya. 16 Days Historic Route & Kenyan wildlife (Kenya). 15 Days (With Flights) Historic Route & Tanzanian Wildlife (Tanzania). 15 Days (With Flights)



For a country of its size, Kenya sure packs a lot in: mountains and deserts, colourful tribal culture, beaches and coral reefs, and some of Africa’s best wildlife attractions. In fact, to say Kenya is Africa in microcosm would not be stretching the point. There are a million different reasons to come here, and picking just one is nigh impossible. Stunning landscapes set the scene, from Kakamega’s rainforests to Indian Ocean beaches by way of Mt Kenya National Park; the rolling grasslands of the Masai Mara to searing deserts on the shores of the Jade Sea; with The Rift Valley, home to Hell’s Gate National Park, cleaving a massive gash through it all.

Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar… The names roll off the tongue like a roster call of Africa’s most alluring destinations, all packed into one country. Resonating with hints of the wild and exotic, these four alone are reason enough to justify packing your bag and heading off to Tanzania. But the list isn’t finished. Bagamoyo, Tabora, Ujiji – stops on the 19th-century caravan routes into the heart of what was then an unknown continent. Mafia and Pangani – once famed ports of call for merchant ships from the Orient. Kilwa – linchpin of a far-flung Indian Ocean trading network. Kigoma, Kalema, Kipili, Kasanga – bustling outposts along the remote Lake Tanganyika shoreline. Selous – Africa’s largest protected area. Ruaha and Katavi – insider tips for serious safari-goers. Mahale and Gombe – prime destinations for seeing chimpanzees in the wild.

Ethiopia, Kenya & Tanzania. 22 Days Kenya & Tanzania. 12 Days (All Driving) Kenya & Tanzania. 16 Days (With Flights) The Tanzania Experience. 11 Days The Kenya Experience. 11Days

Wildlife safaris have been the mainstay of Kenya’s tourism for decades, and several Kenyan parks, like Tsavo National Park, are among the best places in Africa to see lions, elephants, leopards and the famous wildebeest migration. Kenya rates as one of the top five birdwatching destinations in the world; other activities for outdoor enthusiasts include trekking the glacial ridges of Mt Kenya, ballooning over the Masai Mara, snorkelling at the Marine National Park in Malindi on the Indian Ocean coast, and much more besides. Kenya’s biggest city, Nairobi, with the baddest of reputations, is sidestepped by many visitors, but, in fairness, has an interesting urban appeal with its cafes and nightlife. The people, too, represent a wide cross-section of everything that is contemporary Africa, and everyday life brings together traditional tribes and urban families; ancient customs and modern sensibilities.

Within the space of several hours, it’s possible to go from lazing on idyllic beaches to exploring moss-covered ruins of ancient Swahili city-states; from climbing mistcovered slopes in the Southern Highlands to trekking through the barren landscapes around Ol Doinyo Lengai, guided by a spear-carrying Maasai warrior. Yet, despite its attractions, Tanzania has managed for the most part to remain unassuming and low-key. It has also remained enviably untouched by the tribal rivalries and political upheavals that plague many of its neighbours, and this – combined with a booming tourism industry – makes it an ideal choice for both first-time visitors and Africa old hands. Throughout, Tanzania offers travellers an array of options, set against the backdrop of a cultural mosaic in which over 100 ethnic groups amicably rub shoulders. While most visitors head straight for the famed northern

wildlife-watching circuit, followed by time relaxing on Zanzibar’s beaches, Tanzania has much more to offer anyone with the time and inclination to head off the beaten path. Follow the coastline south into a Swahili culture whose rhythms have remained in many ways unchanged over the centuries. Journey through rolling hill country along the Tanzam highway, detouring to Ruaha National Park. Admire ancient rock paintings around Kolo village. Explore the Lake Victoria shoreline, with its small fishing villages and tranquil islands. Experience the seldom-visited wilderness of Katavi, teeming with buffaloes and hippos. Wherever you go, take advantage of opportunities to get to know Tanzanians. With their characteristic warmth and politeness, and the dignity and beauty of their cultures, it is they who will inevitably wind up being the highlight of any visit.

KENYA & TANZANIA The wild experience

Omo Valley & Tanzania

Omo Valley & Kenya

South Ethiopia & Tanzania Parks: Serengeti N.P. & Ngorongoro Crater. (16 days)

South Ethiopia & Kenya: Turkana Lake, Samburu N.P. & Mount Kenya (16 days)

01. Addis Ababa SAT. Arrival in Addis Ababa. Afternoon visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church.. ON (overnight) hotel. 02. Addis Ababa - Arbaminch Drive to Arbaminch, admiring Tiya steles or Adadi Mariam church, the Guraghe + Wolayta people & villages and spectacular views. ON Swaynes hotel. 03. Arbaminch (Chamo Lake) Morning boat on Chamo lake for crocodiles, hippos and birds. Then walk to the Netch Sar National park to see spectacular views. See different animals, as the endemic Swaynes Hartebeest, numerous zebras, lesser kudu, dik-dik, Kori Bustard, and more. Game drive and then drive back to Arbaminch. ON Swaynes hotel. 04. Arbaminch - Jinka Drive to Jinka, admiring the Konso, Derase, Tsemay, Ari and Benna people on the way. Visit a Konso people village, which are famous for the terracing agriculture, and have particular way of life and traditions. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Jinka in htl 05. Jinka - Mago N.P. (Mursi people) Enter into the Mago National park, admiring different mammals and birds on the way; and proceed to visit the Mursi people and villages. Here for beauty women use to put round plates into their lips. ON back to Jinka in htl 06. Mago N.P. - Turmi (Key Afer market) Drive to Turmi, admiring Thursday KeyAfer village market of Tsemay & Erbore people. Proceed to visit the Hamer

people. If lucky in the evening admire one of their dances: the Evangadi. Dinner & ON Turmi Evangadi lodge www. 07. Turmi (Karo and hamer people) Drive to visit the Karo people, for their very interesting decoration and scarification all over their body; and very nice views over Omo river from Kortcho village. Visit then the Nyangatom people crossing the Omo river with small boats at Kangate. Back late afternoon to Turmi. With luck we’ll try also to participate to the Hamer people marriage ceremonies, with the bull jumping & more. ON Turmi 08. Turmi (Dimeka market) SAT. Drive to Dimeka village, to participate to the very colorful Hamer, Karo and Dassanech people market at Dimeka village. Ones the market is done, visit in the region some very interesting Hamer people villages to understand their culture and try to look with luck for Hamer people marriages & dances ceremonies. ON Turmi 09. Turmi - Arbaminch (Erbore people) Drive to the Erbore people and visit their villages & culture. Then cross the Weyto river valley, to the Konso people (if their village not visited on day 04, can be done now). Proceed to Arbaminch. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Swaynes htl. 10. Arbaminch - Langano Drive to Chencha, for the Dorze people, with their unique culture, houses, and traditions. Then proceed to the Rift Valley lake of Langano, at the Wenney eco-lodge, secluded in a natural paradise at shore of lake Langano

11. Langano - Addis Ababa - Serengeti (Tanzania) TUE. Drive back to Addis. Afternoon visit the Mercato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Dinner traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Evening departure to Tanzania (or can be next morning, according to the final flights schedules). ON htl 12. Serengeti N.P: Arrival Kilimanjaro airport. Fly to Serengeti National park. ON lodge 13. Serengeti N.P. Game drive at Serengeti National park, very rich of fauna and flora. Try to be here on the migration period, where million hartebeestS makes the park rich of predators, looking for their passage as a good hunting. Visit the big five and lot of animals to be spotted in this fantastic habitat all year round. Balloon safaris can be organized by request, with supplement cost. ON lodge or tended camp 14. Serengeti N.P. - Ngorongoro Crater Game drive & then drive to Ngorongoro crater. ON lodge over the rim or other 15. Ngorongoro Crater Game drive at Ngorongoro crater, a secluded park, with the richest game in a short perimeter. Afternoon drive out of Ngorongoro. ON hotel or lodge 16. Ngornongor Crater - Arusha SUN. Drive back to Arusha and departure

01. Addis Ababa SAT. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Morning short tour of the capital. Lunch. Drive to the Rift Valley lake of Langano. Dinner & ON Wenney ecolodge 02. Addis Ababa - Arbaminch Drive to Arbaminch, admiring Wolayta people & villages and spectacular views. Proceed then to the Dorze people and Chencha village. The Dorze are famous for their houses, cultures (among which the false banana, from which they extract the Kotcho, their traditional bread) & more. Dinner & ON Swaynes hotel Arbaminch. 03. Arbaminch (Chamo Lake) Morning boat on Chamo lake for crocodiles, hippos and birds. Then walk to the Netch Sar National park to see spectacular views. Lunch. Game drive & drive back to Arbaminch. Dinner & ON Swaynes hotel. 04. Arbaminch - Jinka Drive to Jinka, admiring the Konso, Tsemay, Ari and Benna people on the way. Visit a Konso people village, which are famous for the terracing agriculture, and have particular way of life and traditions. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Jinka in htl 05. Jinka - Mago N.P. Enter into the Mago National park, admiring different mammals and birds on the way; and proceed to visit the Mursi people and villages. Here for beauty women use to put round plates into their lips. Lunch on the way; afternoon back Jinka. Visit the Jinka museum and walks to visit the town. ON in htl

06. Magro N.P. - Turmi Drive to Turmi, admiring Thursday KeyAfer village market of Tsemay & Erbore people. Proceed to visit the Hamer people. If lucky in the evening admire one of their dances: the Evangadi. Dinner & ON Turmi Evangadi lodge www. 07. Turmi (Karo and Nyangatom people) Drive to visit the Karo people, for their very interesting decoration and scarification all over their body; and very nice views over Omo river from Kortcho village. Visit then the Nyangatom people crossing the Omo river with small boats at Kangate. Back late afternoon to Turmi. With luck we’ll try also to participate to the Hamer people marriage ceremonies, with the bull jumping & more. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Turmi Evangadi lodge 08. Turmi (Dimeka market and hamer people) SAT. Drive to Dimeka village & visit the very colorful Hamer, Karo & Dassanech people market. Ones the market is done, visit in the region some very interesting Hamer people villages to understand their culture and try to look with luck for Hamer people marriages & dances ceremonies. ON Turmi 09. Turmi (Dassanech people) Drive to Omorate, to visit the Dassanech people, at bank of Omo river. Take then the necessary permits to enter into Kenya. Drive then so to lake Turkana, admiring the Omo River, only affluent of the lake. Proceed into Kenya & drive to Sibiloi national park. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camp 10. Turmi - Turkana Drive to Loyangalani, at bank of lake Turkana. Admire here the Turkana and Samburu tribes, with very interesting culture & villages. Dinner & ON Oasis lodge

11. Trukana A day to enjoy these very interesting tribes, and also Elmolo bay, or south island. Optional make a boat excursion too. Back for dinner & ON Oasis lodge or similar 12. Turkana - Baragol - Marala Sanctuary Drive to Baragol & proceed to Maralal sanctuary. Dinner & ON camp 13. Sambur N.P. Proceed to the Samburu National park, one of the richest & more interesting parks in Kenya. Very wide number of animals leave in the park; admire so the numerous fauna & a very interesting flora. Meals & ON in lodge 14. Samburu N.P. - Buffalo Springs Proceed to Buffalo springs reserve & game drive. Meals & ON camp 15. Buffalo Springs - Mount Kenya N.P. Drive to Mount Kenya National park, another extremely interesting park, with different flora & fauna. Optional make also different walks. Meals & ON in lodge 16. Mount Kenya N.P. - Nairobi SUN. Drive to Nairobi & have the afternoon tour of Nairobi. Dinner at the famous carnivore restaurant, before transfer to airport for departure (or if next day, ON Panafric or similar 4* hotel in Nairobi)

KENYA & TANZANIA The wild experience

Historic Route & Kenyan Wildlife

Historic Route & Tanzanian Wildlife

North Ethiopia & KenyaParks: Nakuru N.P., Maasai Mara & Mombassa. (15 days)

North Ethiopia & Tanzania Parks: Serengeti N.P., Ngorongoro Crater & Manyara Lake. (15 days)

01. Addis Ababa SAT. Arrival in Addis Ababa. Afternoon tour. ON (overnight) chosen hotel. 02. Addis Ababa - Axum Fly to Axum, beginning of Ethiopian History, with the legend of Queen of Sheba, Solomon of Israel and their son King Menelik. Morning visit the steles, St Mary of Tsion church (where legend says is deposited the Ark of Covenant), the bath and the palace of Queen of Sheba. Lunch. Then drive to the Yeha temple, DebreDamo monastery and proceed to Hawsen or Adigrat. ON Gheralta lodge Hawsen (or if not available, Eve or Woldusbagadas htl in Adigrat) 03. Axum - Mekele (Tigray Churches) Visit the Tigray rock churches, as Degum Selassie, Abreha We Atsbeha & Wikro Cherkos (or option could be also Medhanealem Adikesho, Michael MahalZenghie & Petros Paulos). ON Axum htl or similar in Mekele. 04. Mekele - Lalibela Drive to Lalibela, diving via Ambalagi, Alamata, Woldya, Dild & the Tekeze river, with very nice views and admiring the Tigray, Azebo/ Raya, Afar (with luck around Woldya) & Wollo people. Spot also the endemic Gelada Baboons around Dild. Dinner & ON Yemereha htl or similar 05. Lalibela Full day visit of the rock-hewn churches in Lalibela, defined as the 8th wonder in the world. Churches built in the 12th century; the African Jerusalem. Meals & ON htl 06. Lalibela - Gondar Morning visit Naktuleab cave church. Drive to Gondar, admiring the Semien mountains & the Historical site of DebreTabor, Ethiopian capital during Emperor Tewodros IV (19th century). Cross Fogera valley, one of the most fertile

in Ethiopia, each late afternoon Gondar. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON htl in Gondar 07. Gpmdar - BarhirDar Morning tour of Gondar, visiting the castle’s compound & King Fasiladas bath, the Debre Birhan Sellasie church (light of Trinity) with wonderful murals and Empress Mentewab palace. Lunch. Then drive to Bahirdar. Dinner & ON htl 08. BahirDar Morning drive to admire the Blue Nile falls. Lunch back to Bahirdar. Afternoon boat trip on lake Tana to admire the beautiful monasteries over the lake’s islands, as Asua Mariam and Ura Kidane Mehret, with also the visit of an Amhara people village & coffee plantations. Dinner & ON htl in Bahirdar 09. BahirDar - Addis Ababa - Flight to Kenya SUN. Fly to Addis Ababa. Afternoon visit the Merkato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Evening departure to Kenya (or can be next morning, according to the final flights schedules). ON htl 10. Nakur N.P. Depart for Lake Nakuru National Park (A fresh water lake with over 2 million flamingos that flock to feed on the teeming algae , over 450 different bird species have been recorded and it hosts a sanctuary to The Black Rhino and White Rhino). Arrive at the lodge for lunch & spend the early afternoon at leisure. Game drive at 1600hrs in search of wildlife. Dinner & ON at Flamingo Hill Tented Camp or other

11. Nakuru N.P. - Masai Mara Drive for the worlds famous Maasai Mara Game Reserve (Its sheer beauty of wide savannah, rolling hills, meandering rivers, riverine forests, forests with huge grazing herds, bountiful birdlife and the big five). Arriving at the lodge for lunch and spend the early afternoon at leisure. Enjoy a game drive at 1600hrs in search of wildlife , Dinner and Overnight at Ilkeliani Camp or Serena or Sopa lodge or other 12. Masai Mara Enjoy an early morning game drive at 0630hrs in search of wildlife. Return to the lodge for breakfast and spend the day at leisure. Enjoy a game drive at 1600hrs in search of wildlife , Dinner and ON at Ilkeliani Camp or Serena or Sopa lodge or other 13. Masai Mara - Nairobi - Flight to Mombasa THU. Depart for Nairobi. Enjoy a leisurely and scenic drive with a brief stopover at the View Point to Marvel at the beauty of The Great Rift Valley. Arrive in time for lunch at The Carnivore Restaurant to experience game meat and barbeque meat. Fly then Monbasa. Transfer to your hotel to relax. Dinner & ON hotel 14. Mombasa A day at leisure and relaxing at the beach and with activities. Meals & ON hotel 15. Mombasa SAT. Relaxing day before transfer to airport to connect to the international flight

01. Addis Ababa SAT. Arrival in Addis Ababa. Afternoon tour. ON (overnight) chosen hotel. 02. Addis Ababa - Axum Fly to Axum, beginning of Ethiopian History, with the legend of Queen of Sheba, Solomon of Israel and their son King Menelik. Morning visit the steles, St Mary of Tsion church (where legend says is deposited the Ark of Covenant), the bath and the palace of Queen of Sheba. Lunch. Then drive to the Yeha temple, DebreDamo monastery and proceed to Hawsen or Adigrat. ON Gheralta lodge Hawsen (or if not available, Eve or Woldusbagadas htl in Adigrat) 03. Axum - Mekele (Tigray Churches) Visit the Tigray rock churches, as Degum Selassie, Abreha We Atsbeha & Wikro Cherkos (or option could be also Medhanealem Adikesho, Michael MahalZenghie & Petros Paulos). ON Axum htl or similar in Mekele. 04. Mekele - Lalibela Drive to Lalibela, diving via Ambalagi, Alamata, Woldya, Dild & the Tekeze river, with very nice views and admiring the Tigray, Azebo/ Raya, Afar (with luck around Woldya) & Wollo people. Spot also the endemic Gelada Baboons around Dild. Dinner & ON Yemereha htl or similar 05. Lalibela Full day visit of the rock-hewn churches in Lalibela, defined as the 8th wonder in the world. Churches built in the 12th century; the African Jerusalem. Meals & ON htl 06. Morning visit Naktuleab cave church. Drive to Gondar, admiring the Semien mountains & the Historical site of DebreTabor, Ethiopian capital during Emperor Tewodros IV (19th century). Cross Fogera valley, one of the most fertile in Ethiopia, each late afternoon Gondar. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON htl in Gondar

07. Lalibela - Gondar - BahirDar Morning tour of Gondar, visiting the castle’s compound & King Fasiladas bath, the Debre Birhan Sellasie church (light of Trinity) with wonderful murals and Empress Mentewab palace. Lunch. Then drive to Bahirdar. Dinner & ON htl 08. BahirDar Morning drive to admire the Blue Nile falls. Lunch back to Bahirdar. Afternoon boat trip on lake Tana to admire the beautiful monasteries over the lake’s islands, as Asua Mariam and Ura Kidane Mehret, with also the visit of an Amhara people village & coffee plantations. Dinner & ON htl in Bahirdar 09. BahirDar - Addis Ababa - Flight to Tanzania SUN. Fly to Addis Ababa. Afternoon visit the Merkato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Evening departure to Tanzania (or can be next morning, according to the final flights schedules). ON htl 10. Serengeti N.P. Arrival Kilimanjaro airport. Fly to Serengeti National park. ON lodge 11. Serengeti N.P. Game drive at Serengeti National park, very rich of fauna and flora. Try to be here on the migration period, where million hartebeest makes the park rich of predators, looking for their passage as a good hunting. Visit the big five and lot of animals to be spotted in this fantastic habitat all year round. Balloon safaris can be organized by request, with supplement cost. ON lodge or tended camp 12. Serengeti N.P. - Ngorongoro Crater Game drive & then drive to Ngorongoro crater. ON lodge over the rim or other

13. Ngorongor Crater Game drive at Ngorongoro crater, a secluded park, with the richest game in a short perimeter. Afternoon drive out of Ngorongoro. ON hotel or lodge 14. Ngorongor Crater - Lake Manyara After Breakfast travel to Lake Manyara National Park, famed for flamingos and birds of prey. Enjoy free time at your lodge, set on the Rift Valley escarpment overlooking the park and valley 1,000 feet below. Keeps a sharp eye for tree-climbing lions lazing among the limbs of acacia trees on an afternoon game drive. Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Lodging: Lake Manyara Serena Lodge 15. Lake Manyara - Arusha SAT. After Breakfast drive to Arusha and then transfers Kilimanjaro International Airport fly back home, Lunch at Arusha

KENYA & TANZANIA The wild experience

Ethiopia, Kenya & Tanzania

Kenya & Tanzanian

South Ethiopia & Main Parks of Kenya & Tanzania. (22 days)

Mt. Kenya, Samburu N.P., Lake Nakuru, Masai Mara N.P., Amboseli, Ngorongoro and Lake Manyara. (12 days)

01. Addis Ababa - Langano SAT. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Morning short tour of the capital. Lunch. Drive to the Rift Valley lake of Langano. Dinner & ON Wenney ecolodge 02. Langano - Arbaminch Drive to Arbaminch, admiring Wolayta people & villages and spectacular views. Proceed then to the Dorze people and Chencha village. The Dorze are famous for their houses & cultures. Dinner & ON Swaynes hotel Arbaminch. 03. Arbaminch (Chamo Lake) Morning boat on Chamo lake for crocodiles, hippos and birds. Then walk to the Netch Sar National park to see spectacular views. Lunch. Game drive & drive back to Arbaminch. Dinner & ON Swaynes hotel. 04. Arbaminch - Jinka Drive to Jinka, admiring the Konso, Tsemay, Ari and Benna people on the way. Visit a Konso people village, which are famous for the terracing agriculture, and have particular way of life and traditions. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Jinka in htl 05. Jinka - Mago N.P. (Mursi people) Enter into the Mago National park & visit the Mursi people & villages. For beauty women use to put round plates into their lips. Lunch on the way; afternoon back Jinka. Visit the Jinka museum and walks to visit the town. ON Jinka in htl 06. Jinka - Turmi (Key Afer market) Drive to Turmi, admiring Thursday KeyAfer village market of Tsemay & Erbore people. Proceed to visit the Hamer people. If lucky in the evening admire one of their dances: the Evangadi. Dinner & ON Turmi Evangadi lodge

07. Turmi (Karo and Nyangatom people) Drive to visit the Karo people, for their very interesting decoration and scarification all over their body; and very nice views over Omo river from Kortcho village. Visit then the Nyangatom people crossing the Omo river with small boats at Kangate. Back late afternoon to Turmi. With luck we’ll try also to participate to the Hamer people marriage ceremonies, with the bull jumping. ON Turmi Evangadi lodge

14. Masai Mara N.P. Game drive at Masai Mara, with the big 5 and lot of animals and a wonderful savanna land. Visit also the famous Masai people. ON lodge

08. Turmi (Dimeka market and hamer people) SAT. Drive to Dimeka village & visit the very colorful Hamer, Karo & Dassanech people market. Then visit in the region some very interesting Hamer people villages & with luck Hamer people marriages & dances ceremonies. ON Turmi

16. Ambosel N.P. - Arusha Morning game drive. Then drive to the border and proceed to Tanzania. Proceed then to Arusha, one of the biggest northTanzania town. ON 4* hotel

09. Turmi - Omorate (Dassanech people) - Turkana Drive to Omorate & visit Dassanech people, at bank of Omo river. Take then the necessary permits to enter into Kenya. Drive then to lake Turkana, admiring the Omo River, only affluent of the lake. Enter into Kenya & ON camp Sibiloi national park. 10. Turkana (Kenya) Drive to Loyangalani, lake Turkana, for Turkana and Samburu tribes. ON lodge 11. Turkana - Maralal Sanctuary Continue to the Maralal sanctuary & game drive. ON camp 12. Maralal - Lake Baringo Proceed to lake Baringo for flamingoes & many birds- Naivasha. ON camp 13. Lake Baringo - Masai Mara N.P. Drive to the biggest Kenya National park: Masai Mara. ON Serena or Sopa lodge

15. Masai Mara - Amboseli N.P. Proceed to very interesting Amboseli park, with the spectacular views of Mount Kilimanjaro. ON Serena or Sopa lodge

17. Arusha - Manyara N.P. Drive to lake Manyara National park; game drive & ON Serena or other lodge 18. Manyara N.P. - Serengeti N.P. Proceed to the Serengeti National park, the other side of Masai Mara, with wonderful savanna land, and crossing the very interesting Masai people. ON lodge 19. Serengeti N.P. Full day game drive in Serengeti, maybe the most fabulous parks in Tanzania. 20. Serengeti N.P. - Ngorongoro Crater Drive to Ngorongoro crater, a secluded park, with the richest game in a short perimeter. ON lodge with fantastic view over the crater. 21. Ngornongor Crater - Karatu Drive into the crater for game drive. Proceed then to Karatu. ON hotel 22. Karatu - Arusha SAT. Drive to Arusha. Evening (or next day) departure

01. Nairobi - Mt. Kenya N.P. SUN. Fly to Nairobi. Met upon arrival by our representative and proceed to Mt.Kenya National Park in Nanyuki. Arrive in time for lunch at Serena Mountain Lodge. Afternoon game viewing. Dinner and overnight at Serena Mountain Lodge. ( 02. Mt. Kenya N.P. - Samburu N.P. Depart after breakfast and drive further north crossing the Equator to the semi-desert Northern frontier where Samburu, buffalo springs and Shaba Reserves are located to arrive in time for lunch. Unique to this area are reticulated giraffe, Grevy’s Zebra Gerenuk, Beisa Oryx and Somali ostrich. There are also lions, cheetahs, elephants, buffalo, leopards, other big game and 100 species of birds. Meals and overnight at Samburu Sopa Lodge. Full Board (www. 03. Samburu N.P. Leave with picnic lunch for game drive in Samburu. This area is quite unique for its geographical and also its wildlife. You can expect to witness an abundance of wildlife here including the long necked gerenuk, Grey’s zebra and reticulated giraffe. Meals and Overnight at Samburu Sopa Lodge. Full Board 04. Samburu N.P. - Lake Nakuru Leave after breakfast and drive via Nyahururu Falls for a photo stop before proceeding down into the Great Rift to Lake Nakuru National Park, famous for its thousands flamingos and other birds. After lunch enjoy a game drive through the park and a visit to the lake. The park is also a sanctuary for the rare black rhino, leopard, waterbuck and other species of birds. Meals and Overnight at Flamingo Hills Tented Camp. Full Board ( )

05. Lake Nakuru - Masai Mara N.P. Depart after breakfast leaving Lake Nakuru behind and drive across the Rift Valley to Narok town, proceed on to Masai Mara Game Reserve to arrive in time for lunch. The Mara is actually the Northern tip of the famous Serengeti. During your afternoon game drive you may see all of the Big Five (Lion, Leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino) as well as plains game such as giraffe, antelope and Zebra. Meals and Overnight at Mara Leisure Camp FB. ( 06. Masai Mara Early morning game drive and after breakfast game drive until time for lunch. Afternoon game drive in Masai Mara Game Reserve Kenya’s premier reserve, home to huge numbers of plains games such as wildebeest, Zebra and gazelle as well as large populations of lions. The Mara River which runs through the reserve contains many hippo and crocodiles. Mara Leisure Camp. Full Board 07. Masai Mara - Amboseli N.P. Early morning game-viewing drive. Return to the lodge for breakfast. Proceed to Amboseli National Park right on the border with Tanzania. Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest mountain at 19,340 feet (5,895 metres).This afternoon you enjoy a game drive in majestic Amboseli. Serena Safari Lodge FB ( 08. Amboseli N.P. - Arusha This morning you enjoy a game drive in Amboseli National Park. The park is particularly famous for its huge herds of elephants which take on a red color from the dust they coat themselves in. This mid morning transfer to Namanga and then proceed to Arusha, Tanzania side. ON Charity Hotel BB (

09. Arusha - Karatu After Breakfast drive to Karatu near Ngorongoro Conservations Area, visiting local market and community activities on the way then followed by Lunch at Endoro Lodge, Dinner and Overnight stay at Endoro Lodge Karatu ( 10. Karatu - Ngorongoro Crater Head to the heart of Ngorongoro Crater, one of the largest calderas in the world, which contains a variety of ecosystems and an astounding concentration of birds and animals. Encounter massive herds of zebra, wildebeest, and gazelles. This area affords an opportunity to spot the Big Five, which includes African elephant, leopard, the black maned lion, buffalo, and the rare black rhinoceros. Enjoy a picnic lunch in the crater. Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Lodging: Endoro Lodge ( 11. Ngorongoro Crater - Lake Manyara N.P. After Breakfast travel to Lake Manyara National Park, famed for flamingos and birds of prey. Enjoy free time at your lodge, set on the Rift Valley escarpment overlooking the park and valley 1,000 feet below. Keeps a sharp eye for tree-climbing lions lazing among the limbs of acacia trees on an afternoon game drive. Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Lodging: Lake Manyara Serena Lodge ( 12. Lake Manyara - Arusha THU. After Breakfast drive to Arusha and then transfers Kilimanjaro International Airport fly back home, Lunch at Arusha

KENYA & TANZANIA The wild experience

Kenya & Tanzania Main Parks. (16 days) 01. Nairobi SUN. You begin your magical holiday today as you board your flight to Kenya – the heart of African Safari! On arrival into Jomo Kenyatta International Airport you are met by our representative and transferred to Sarova Panafric Hotel. Situated in the Central Highlands at an altitude of 6,130 feet (1,870 metres), Nairobi enjoys a mild climate. Day free for orientation and safari briefing. Overnight stay at the Sarova Panafric Hotel BB 02. Nairobi - Nakuru N.P. Proceed down into the Great Rift Valley to Lake Nakuru National Park. Afternoon you take game drive in Lake Nakuru National Park. Famous for its flocks of over one million Flamingoes. As well as seeing many large game animals such as zebras, elephants and gazelles, this is one of our best chances of seeing rhinos. Lake Nakuru National Park was the first place in Kenya selected as a rhino reserve. ON at the Flamingo Hills Tented Camp FB or similar 03. Nakuru N.P. - Masai Mara This morning you drive down into the Great Rift Valley. Crossing the valley you make your way to Kenya’s premier wildlife park - the Masai Mara. This is the northern section of the Serengeti Plain, which is home to the greatest concentration of game animals in the world. Arrive in time for lunch. Afternoon game viewing. Meals & ON Mara Leisure Camp FB or similar

04. Masai Mara Masai Mara the vast, open grasslands of the Serengeti-Mara are home to over 3 million large mammals. These include over 1.4 million wildebeest which migrate in an enormous, straggling herd each year between the southern parts of the Serengeti to the northern part and back again. On your morning and afternoon game drives in the Masai Mara you have a very good chance of seeing all the major Plains animals including lion, leopard, buffalo, elephant, rhino, hyena, cheetah, jackal, warthog and many species of antelope. All meals and overnight at Mara Leisure Camp. Full Board 05. Masai Mara - Victoria Lake Proceed to Lake Victoria. Dinner & OM Sunset Hotel or similar 06.Victoria Lake - Serengeti Depart for Serengeti. You’ll be picked at Isbania border with Tanzania driver-guide to proceed to Serengeti National park for game viewing, Dinner & Overnight at Serengeti Savannah Camp in Serengeti or similar 07. Serengeti N.P. Observe wildlife in the first light of day, an African safari thrill. An afternoon game drive on the Serengeti plains may yield sightings of wildebeests, zebras, giraffes, hyenas, leopards, cheetahs, elephants, rhinoceros, hippos, buffalos, jackals, and gazelles. This is one of the best places on the continent to see prides of lions. Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner Lodging: Serengeti Savannah Camp or similar

08. Serengeti - Ngorongoro Crater Head to the heart of Ngorongoro Crater, one of the largest calderas in the world, which contains a variety of ecosystems and an astounding concentration of birds and animals. Encounter massive herds of zebra, wildebeest, and gazelles. This area affords an opportunity to spot the Big Five, which includes African elephant, leopard, the black maned lion, buffalo, and the rare black rhinoceros. Enjoy a picnic lunch in the crater. Lodging: Ngorongoro Serena Lodge FB www. or similar

11. Lake Eyasi - Lake Manyara N.P. Depart for Lake Manyara National Park with picnic lunch, famed for flamingos and birds of prey, game viewing at Lake Manyara Park then evening drive at Lake Manyara Serena Lodge, set on the Rift Valley escarpment overlooking the park and valley 1,000 feet below. Keep sharp eyes for tree-climbing lions lazing among the limbs of acacia trees during the game drive. Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. ON Lake Manyara Serena Lodge or Similar

09. Ngornogoro Crater - Lake Eyasi Depart for Lake Eyasi, we will meet with the Hadzabe people, The Hadzabe are one of the last hunter gather tribes in East Africa and they live their traditional lifestyle in the forests between Oldeani and Lake Eyasi. We will have a chance to meet with the whole clan and spend quality time with the men, women and children both in their encampment and out in the wilderness Lodging & Meals: Tindiga Tented Camp, Lake Eyasi

12. Lake Manyara - Tarangire N.P. Morning depart to Tarangire National Park, which boasts one of the highest concentrations of wildlife in Africa. You may see large herds of wildebeest, zebras, giraffes, and buffalo. Relax at your safari lodge before the late afternoon game drive, and swap sightings at the welcome reception and dinner. Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner. ON Tarangire River Camp or similar 13. Tarangire - Arusha - Fligh to Zanzibar Drive back to Arusha and then connect flight to Zanzibar met at Zanzibar Airport and transfers at Mtoni Marine Hotel or similar for Overnight stay. Meal Plan: Bed and Breakfast.

10. Lake Eyasi The whole day is designed to be spent visiting and walking with the Hadzabe tribesmen. The Hadzabe will take us to their birthing tree; help us stalk wildlife, search for edible roots, and scoop honey from a tree. Truly an unforgettable day in the bush! ON Tindiga Tented Camp, Lake Eyasi

14. Zanzibar Relax at your hotels, with activities, diving, swimming, cycling, walking, exploration of the villages, and more. A half day guided tour of stone town can be organized and include the slaves market, St Joseph’s cathedral, mosques, the spice markets, and much more. Walking into these narrow streets, by visiting how the local people leave-meet-and enjoy, the shops, colors & history, are so exciting. 15. Zanzibar Leisure day. Meal Plan: Bed and Breakfast. Mtoni Marine Hotel or similar 16. Zanzibar MON. Transfers at Zanzibar Airport for departure

KENYA & TANZANIA The wild experience

The Tanzanian Experience

The Kenyan Experience

Main Parks. (11 days)

Main Parks. (11 days)

01. Tarnagire N.P. SUN. Arrival to Kilimajaro airport and drive to Tarangire Park. ON lodge Meals and Overnight at Tarangire River Camp or similar 02. Tarangire N.P. - Lake Natron Morning game drive in Tarangire National Park. Later on depart with picnic lunch box to Lake Natron, evening at leisure at the campsite or lodge, dinner and overnight Natron Tented Camp or similar 03. Lake Natron Excursion in Lake Natron, evening at leisure at the campsite or lodge, dinner and overnight Natron Tented Camp http:// or similar 04. Lake Natron - Serengeti (Lobo) Proceed to Lobo for en route game drive with picnic lunch box, afternoon game drive, evening at leisure at the campsite or lodge, dinner and overnight Lobo Wildlife Lodge or similar 05. Serengeti After breakfast, proceed for a full day game drive in Serengeti National Park Overnight Lobo Wildlife Lodge http:// or similar

06. Serengeti Proceed for a morning game drive in Serengeti National Park with picnic lunch box, later on drive to Ngorongoro for evening at leisure at the campsite or lodge, dinner and overnight Ngorongoro Serena Lodge or Similar http://www. or similar 07. Serengeti - Lake Manyara N.P. After breakfast, descend down the crater floor for half day crater tour with picnic lunch. Later on ascend and proceed to Lake Manyara for evening at leisure at the campsite or lodge, dinner and overnight Migunga Tented Camp http:// or similar 08. Lake Manyara - Arusha - Flight to Zanzibar After breakfast, proceed for a game drive in Lake Manyara National Park with picnic lunch box, later on drive back to Arusha. Fly then to Zanzibar. Meet your vehicle to bring you to your hotel, at the shores of these fantastic beaches. ON Sunset Kendwa or Breezes hotel or similar (for upgrading, we propose The Palm as exclusive hotel or the Baraza, luxury accommodations. Or other). Relax. or similar 09. Zanzibar Relax at your hotel, with activities as diving, swimming, cycling, walking, exploration of the villages, and more. ON hotel

10. Zanzibar A guided tour of stone town includes the slaves market, St Joseph’s cathedral, mosques, the spice markets, and much more. Walking into these narrow streets, by visiting how the local people leave-meet-and enjoy, the shops, colors & history, are so exciting. Relax during lunch with a fantastic view over the sea. Afternoon back for a wonderful sunset, relax, swim & dinner with nice music and overnight at your hotel. 11. Zanzibar WED. Have breakfast and then drive to the airport for your flight. Extend for the parks in Tanzania or Kenya, or for the unique history & cultures in Ethiopia (pls see our programs) or fly back home

01. Nairobi SUN. Arrival to Nairobi. Have a day of tour of Kenya’s colorful capital. Dinner Carnivore restaurant. ON Panafric or Holiday Inn Nairobi or similar on BB basis. 02. Nairobi - Aberdare N.P. After early breakfast depart at 0700hrs for Aberdare National Park. (An atmospheric park that’s offers scenic beauty of the Aberdare Ranges, Mighty falls that plunge 300m and its home to the rare bongo species). Enjoy a leisurely drive arriving at the base hotel in time for lunch and a transfer will be arranged to the Tree Hotel where the afternoon is spent at leisure viewing wildlife directly from the Lodge as they come for water and salt lick. Dinner and Overnight at a Lodge 03. Aberdare N.P. - Lake Nakuru Depart for Lake Nakuru National Park (A fresh water lake with over 2 million flamingos that flock to feed on the teeming algae , over 450 different bird species have been recorded and it hosts a sanctuary to The Black Rhino and White Rhino). Arrive at the lodge for lunch & spend the early afternoon at leisure. Game drive at 1600hrs in search of wildlife. Dinner & ON at Flamingo Hill Tented Camp or other 04. Lake Nakuru - Masai Mara Drive for the worlds famous Maasai Mara Game Reserve (Its sheer beauty of wide savannah, rolling hills, meandering rivers, riverine forests, forests with huge grazing herds, bountiful birdlife and the big five). Arriving at the lodge for lunch and spend the early afternoon at leisure. Enjoy a game drive at 1600hrs in search of wildlife , Dinner and Overnight Serena or Sopa lodge or Keekorok lodge or other

05. Masai Mara Enjoy an early morning game drive at 0630hrs in search of wildlife. Return to the lodge for breakfast and spend the day at leisure. Enjoy a game drive at 1600hrs in search of wildlife , Dinner Serena or Sopa lodge or Keekorok lodge or other 06. Masai Mara - Amboseli N.P. Drive to the Amboseli National Park lying below the most famous symbol of Africa, Mt Kilimanjaro. Game drive enroute to your lodge. Overnight at Oltukai Lodge or Serena or similar 07. Amboseli N.P. Full day at this very nice National park. ON lodge 08. Amboseli N.P. - Nairobi Morning game drive. Then drive to Nairobi, ON hotel 09. Nairobi - Flight to Malindi Transfer to JKI Airport for your domestic flight to Malindi, an ancient town whose history goes back thousands of years and a coast where one can surf all year round. The Malindi Marine National Park presents a remarkable showcase of the wonderful tropical marine ecosystem. Transfer to your hotel in Watamu. Overnight at Turtle Bay Beach Club or other on All Inclusive Basis.

10. Malindi Full day at leisure on the beach. Overnight hotel on All Inclusive Basis. 11. Malindi WED. Transfer to Malindi Airport for your domestic flight to Nairobi. Connect on to your next flight.

SUDAN & DJIBOUTI The trace of history

From de Queen of Sheba to the Black Pharaons 16 days Sudan, Ethiopia, Djibouti 24 days



Sudan is the largest, yet one of the least visited, countries in Africa. Although various ongoing conflicts mean much of this vast nation remains off limits, travel is possible in the northeast, and in parts of the south, where Africa transitions into the tropics. The pyramids and other ancient sites littering the northern deserts may pale compared to the best Egypt has on offer, but you can usually experience these without another person in sight – and this sense of discovery often repeats itself in the towns, too, since Sudan’s tourist trail is still no more than a trickle. And while the solitude is a top draw, visitors invariably agree that the Sudanese are among the friendliest and most hospitable people on earth, with a natural generosity that belies their poverty, and this alone makes any trip worthwhile. Whether you rush through on a Cairo to Cape Town trip, or spend a slow month soaking up the history and hospitality, visiting Sudan is an eye-opening and rewarding experience.

Small in size, big in ambitions. Djibouti may be one of the tiniest, youngest and least-known nations in Africa, but it could also well be the most talented or, depending on your perspective, the most opportunistic. While its larger, more powerful neighbours are embroiled in a never-ending border dispute, Djibouti stands out as a haven of stability and neutrality. Sadly, for the few travellers who venture here (except, maybe, for the French, who colonised the country and are more acquainted with its assets), Djibouti is usually nothing more than a transit point on the road to Eritrea or Ethiopia. But, you would miss out if you limited your experience of the country is waiting around in Djibouti City for a connecting plane, train or bus. Why not settle in for a while and enjoy its dishevelled nightlife, luscious cuisine and well-organised infrastructure? Better still get out of town and immerse yourself in eerie lunar landscapes, such as the other-worldly Lac Abbé or the vast salt lake, Lac Assal.

Or visit the verdant slopes of the Goda Mountains, which rise like a green surprise in the northwest of this otherwise sun-bleached land. Djibouti is also a great place for a few days’ strenuous activity, with hiking, diving, snorkelling with whale sharks (whisper it softly) and even windsurfing on wheels (yes!) readily available. For such a tiny speck of land, there’s a startling variety of adventure options. But if you need to recharge the batteries, you could simply laze on a pale-sand beach in the Gulf of Tadjoura. True, Djibouti will put a dent in your wallet, but if you have a penchant for bizarre or secretive places, be sure to squeeze it into your African odyssey. It could hold you captive longer than expected.

SUDAN & DJIBOUTI The trace of history

From the Queen of Sheba to the Black Pharaons Historic Ethiopia & Sudan. (16 days) 01. Addis Ababa SUN. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Morning free. Afternoon (1400 hrs from the hotel) tour of the capital: visit Entoto mountains with views over the capital, the National museum, St George church. ON (overnight) chosen hotel. 02. Addis Ababa - Axum - Hawsen Fly to Axum, beginning of Ethiopian History, with the legend of Queen of Sheba, Solomon of Israel and their son King Menelik. Morning visit the steles, St Mary of Tsion church (where legend says is deposited the Ark of Covenant), the bath and the palace of Queen of Sheba. Lunch. Then drive to the Yeha temple, DebreDamo monastery and proceed to Hawsen or Adigrat. ON Gheralta lodge Hawsen (or if not available, Eve or Woldusbagadas htl in Adigrat) 03. Tigray churches Visit the Tigray rock churches, as Degum Selassie, Abreha We Atsbeha & Wikro Cherkos (or option could be also Medhanealem Adikesho, Michael MahalZenghie & Petros Paulos). ON Axum htl or similar in Mekele. 04. Lalibela Drive to Lalibela, admiring spectacular views. We’ll drive via Ambalagi, Alamata, Kobo, Woldya, Dild & the Tekeze river valley, with very nice views and admiring different ethnic groups as the Tigray, Azebo/ Raya, Afar (with luck around Woldya) & Wollo people. With luck spot also the endemic Gelada Baboons around Dild. Dinner & ON Yemereha htl www. or similar

05. Lalibela Full day visit of the rock-hewn churches in Lalibela, defined as the 8th wonder in the world. Churches built in the 12th century; the African Jerusalem. Meals & ON htl

which name stands for the wide flat plains of the area that are watered by seasonal rains, making them ideal for cultivation. The main crops are sorghum and sesame and the area is dotted with clusters of villages. ON in a basic hotel

06. Lalibela - BahirDar Morning visit Naktuleab cave church. Proceed then driving to Bahirdar, crossing very nice views admiring the Semien mountains at the north (around Gaynt) & the Historical site of DebreTabor, Ethiopian capital during Emperor Tewodros IV (19th century). Cross Fogera valley, one of the most fertile in Ethiopia, with rice and many other farms. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON hotel in Bahirdar

10. Metema - Khartoum rive towards Khartoum, crossing the Gezira State. Here we found evidence of the British colonization: indeed, its capital, Wad Medani, is the centre of the region’s cotton farms established as a massive experiment carried out by the British, starting from 1911. The clay plains of Gezira, located between the Blue and the White Nile, are some of the richest agricultural lands in Sudan and, by far, the most intensively farmed. In the afternoon we reach Khartoum. Dinner & ON Grand Holiday Villa Hotel

07. BahirDar Morning admire the Blue Nile falls. Afternoon boat trip on lake Tana to admire the beautiful monasteries over the islands, as Asua Mariam and Ura Kidane Mehret, with also the visit of an Amhara people village & coffee plantations. Dinner & ON htl 08. BahirDar - Gondar Drive to Gondar (2 hrs drive on a new road) and then tour, visiting the castle’s compound & King Fasiladas bath, the Debre Birhan Sellasie church (light of Trinity) with wonderful murals and Empress Mentewab palace. Meals & ON hotel 09. Gondar - Metema Drive to Metema, the town in the border Ethiopia-Sudan. Make the necessary process and we drive North-West to the agricultural town of Gedaref, capital of Al Qadarif State,

11. Khartoum - Omduman - Khartoum We move to Omdurman, the ancient capital of Sudan. Here we visit the Khalifa’s House and Mahdi’s tomb in order to learn about the quests of this charismatic leader that expelled the British and the Egyptians uniting the country under Islam. We then visit the interesting souk, which is the largest of the country and where it is possible to find some handcrafts. Lunch in a local restaurant. We then cross the Nile on a bridge to see the confluence between the Blue and the White Nile (Please note that it is forbidden by the law to stop on the bridge and to take pictures) and we then visit the Ethnographic Museum that shows the very interesting varieties of Sudanese tribes. Return to the hotel in the evening, dinner free and overnight stay.

12. Khartoum - Merowe Then visit of the Archaeological Museum that contains two beautiful temples rescued by UNESCO and moved from the Lake Nasser area, when it was flooded by the water. Late in the morning we begin the journey northward through the Western desert. We travel in a flat desert where the view can span 360° around and we reach Wadi Muqaddam with its many acacia trees. We will stop at the “chai houses”, literally tea houses, which are simply a sort of very Spartan “motorway restaurants”, in the desert where local truck drivers usually stop for a quick meal and some rest. In the afternoon we reach the Nile in the small town of Merowe. Dinner & ON at the Nubian Rest-house, just at the foot of Jebel Barkal. 13. Nubian Desert Landmark in the Nubian Desert, Jebel Barkal (“Jebel” means mountain in Arabic) can be seen from a few dozen kilometres whilst still in the open desert. At the foot of this wonderful red sandstone mountain, considered holy since the ancient times, there is a big temple, dedicated to the Pharaohs of the New Reign and to their patron, Amon. Amon’s ancient “Pure Mountain”, the Olympus of the Nubians, was the religious Nubian heart for more than 1000 years. Besides the ruins of the big temple there are still several sculptured granite rams. In the mountain wall there is a big room decorated with basrelief. The Royal necropolis of the ancient city of Napata, the Nubian capital (from 800 to 400 b.C.) before the Meroitic period, had a large number of pyramids, located in three different places: few hundred meters north of Jebel Barkal; a dozen kilometers southwards from the holy mountain, in El Kurru; in Nuri, which is located on the other bank of the Nile. We then move southwards to the village of El Kurru where there is one of the necropolis of the ancient capital, Napata. Here we can visit two tombs excavated in the rock under pyramids - partially collapsed - and are decorated with images of the Pharaoh, of the gods and multicolour hieroglyphic inscriptions. The trip goes on with the visit to a site, rich in fossil trunks in the desert. Back to Karima, dinner & ON Rest-House

14. Nubian Desert Depart northwards, going into the Nubian Desert with its level evenness, its sand stretches and its soft undulation. It is an almost sterile area where no vegetation survives. Here there used to be the beautiful granite rocky formations of the 4th Cataract, which prevented the Nile from flowing slowly and formed many rapids that obstructed the navigation. In April 2008 the new Dam of Merowee has been completed and the flooding of the artificial lake started. Here we take a suggestive cruise on the Nile and we walk on the small islands to explore the sandy beaches along the Nile edges. We cross the Nile to reach the Pyramids of Nuri and then we depart through the Bayuda Desert, an area bounded by the loop that the Nile forms between the 4th and the 6th Cataract and characterised by sharp black basalt mountains, most of them volcanic and typically cone-shaped. They alternate with level pebble stretches and large valleys crossed by dry wadis, where little vegetation can be seen. It is very likely to meet isolated groups of Bisharin nomads, who live in familiar groups in small huts made of intertwined branches close to the rare water wells, with their caravans and herds of camels and donkeys. Lunch on the way. Late in the afternoon we reach the town of Atbara, located on the confluence between the Nile and the Atbara River. Here we cross the Nile for the last time. We start driving south on a level ground area where there are many small camel thorn acacia trees as far as we can see. And then, all of a sudden, we can glance at more than 40 pyramids, located on top of a hill, some of them perfectly preserved, that belong to the Royal Necropolis of Meroe. Dinner & ON at the permanent tented camp of Meroe (comfortable and fully furnished tents) with a beautiful view onto the pyramids. 15. Nubian Desert (pyramids) - Khartoum Visit of the pyramids. The Royal necropolis of Meroe is located at about 3 km from the Nile on some hills covered by yellow sand dunes. Several pyramids stand out with their sharp shapes against the clear sky. Each one has its own funerary cha-

pel with the walls fully decorated with bas-reliefs that show the King’s life and offers to the gods. We then start heading south until we need to take a detour from the main road in order to visit the two impressive archaeological sites of Naga and Mussawarat. The site of Naga is located about 30 km to the east of the Nile and it is one of the two centres that developed during the Meroitic period. In Naga, in a typical Saharan environment with rocks and sand, we find a temple dedicated to Apedemak (1st century a.D.): a wonderful building with bas-relief decorations depicting the god with a lion’s head, the Pharaoh, noblemen and several ritual images. A few metres away there is a small and odd construction with arches and columns, named “kiosk”, in which we can notice Egyptian, Roman and Greek styles, all at the same time. Not far away we reach another temple dedicated to Amon with many statues of rams and beautiful gates decorated with bas-reliefs. We then go to Mussawarat, not far away from Naga. This settlement is located in a beautiful valley crowned by hills. Here the ruins of a very big temple are visible; it once played an exceptional important role. Its main characteristic, the Great Enclosure, is made by many constructions and boundary walls which surround a temple built in the 1st century a.D. The large number of elephants represented on these walls makes you think that this animal used to have an important role in this area. Beyond the big wadi there is another temple dedicated to the god Apedemak. Picnic in the area. In the evening we reach Khartoum. Check in at the Grand Holiday Villa Hotel. Dinner free 16. Khartoum MON. Transfer to the airport for the flight to Addis Ababa; transit and proceed to your destination [we also suggest extension to the parks in Tanzania or Kenya or the fantastic beaches in Zanzibar or Monbasa (see our programs)] The itinerary can be run in opposite direction without any changes for visits and excursions.

SUDAN & DJIBOUTI The trace of history

Sudan, Ethiopia & Djibouti Sudan, North Ethiopia & Danakil. (22 days) 01. Khartoum SUN. Arrival in Khartoum. Transfer hotel. Visit then visit the Ethnographic Museum that shows the varieties of Sudanese tribes. On Grand Holiday Villa Hotel

can glance at more than 40 pyramids, some of them perfectly preserved, that belong to the Royal Necropolis of Meroe. Dinner & ON at the permanent tented camp of Meroe with a beautiful view onto the pyramids.

02. Wadi Muqaddam We travel to Wadi Muqaddam, with stop at the “chai houses”, literally tea houses, and in the afternoon we reach the Nile in the small town of Merowe. Dinner & ON at the Nubian Rest-house, just at the foot of Jebel Barkal.

05. Nubian Desert (pyramids) Visit of the pyramids. Several pyramids stand out with their sharp shapes against the clear sky. Each one has its own funerary chapel with the walls fully decorated with bas-reliefs that show the King’s life and offers to the gods. We then start heading south until we need to take a detour from the main road in order to visit the two impressive archaeological sites of Naga and Mussawarat. The site of Naga it is one of the two centres that developed during the Meroitic period. We find a temple dedicated to Apedemak (1st century a.D.): a wonderful building with bas-relief decorations depicting the god with a lion’s head, the Pharaoh, noblemen and several ritual images. A few metres away there is a small and odd construction with arches and columns, named “kiosk”, in which we can notice Egyptian, Roman and Greek styles, all at the same time. Not far away we reach another temple dedicated to Amon with many statues of rams and beautiful gates decorated with bas-reliefs. We then go to Mussawarat, not far away from Naga. Here the ruins of a very big temple are visible. Its main characteristic, the Great Enclosure, is made by many constructions and boundary walls which surround a temple built in the 1st century a.D. Beyond the big wadi there is another temple dedicated to the god Apedemak. Picnic in the area. In the evening we reach Khartoum. Check in at the Grand Holiday Villa Hotel. Dinner free

03. Wadi Muqaddam Visit the temple, dedicated to the Pharaohs of the New Reign and to their patron, Amon. The Royal necropolis of the ancient city of Napata, the Nubian capital (from 800 to 400 b.C.) had a large number of pyramids, located in three different places: few hundred meters north of Jebel Barkal; a dozen kilometers southwards from the holy mountain, in El Kurru; in Nuri, which is located on the other bank of the Nile. We then move southwards to the village of El Kurru where there is one of the necropolis of the ancient capital, Napata. Back to Karima, dinner & ON Rest-House 04. Nubian Desert (pyramids) We cross the Nile to reach the Pyramids of Nuri and then we depart through the Bayuda Desert. It is very likely to meet isolated groups of Bisharin nomads. Lunch on the way. Late in the afternoon we reach the town of Atbara, located on the confluence between the Nile and the Atbara River. Here we cross the Nile for the last time. And then, all of a sudden, we

06. Gedaref Drive to Gedaref, capital of Al Qadarif State, which name stands for the wide flat plains of the area that are watered by seasonal rains, making them ideal for cultivation. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON in a basic hotel 07. Metema - Gondar Proceed to Metema, the Sudanese-Ethiopian border. Proceed then to Gondar. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Goha or Lammergeyer hotel. 08. Gondar - BahirDar Morning visit the castle’s compound & King Fasiladas bath, the Debre Birhan Sellasie church (light of Trinity) with wonderful murals and Empress Mentewab palace, Falashia (Ethiopian Jew) village, & more. Lunch in Gondar. Afternoon drive to Bahirdar, admiring on the way lake Tana and Amhara people villages. Dinner & ON Abayminch or Tana hotel in Bahirdar 09. BahirDar Morning drive to admire the Blue Nile falls. Lunch back to Bahirdar. Afternoon boat trip on lake Tana to admire the beautiful monasteries over the lake’s islands, as Ura Kidane Mehret and Mahal Zeghie Gyorgis. Meals & ON hotel in Bahirdar 10. BahirDar - Lalibela Drive to Lalibela, keeping on your left side the spectacular views over the Semien mountains. Cross DebreTabor town, ones capital of Ethiopia, and reach late afternoon Lalibela, defined as the 8th wonder. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Yemereha hotel or similar

11. Lalibela Full day visit of the rock-hewn churches in Lalibela, defined as the 8th wonder in the world. Churches built in the 12th century; the African Jerusalem. And late afternoon take part of the coffee ceremony in the hotel (the coffee ceremony in an important part of Ethiopian culture). Meals & ON at your hotel 12. Lalibela - Axum Drive to the very interesting Yemerehenna Kristos church, the first church in Lalibela. Proceed then to Mekele & continue to Hawsen. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Gheralta lodge (or if not available Axum hotel in Mekele) 13. Tigray churches Visit the Tigray rock churches, as Daniel Korkor, Mariyam Korkor and Abune Yemata (clients should be very fit for mountain climbing for this church) or Abune GebreMicael. Lunch box; dinner & Gheralta lodge (or hotel in Mekele) 14. DebreDamo - Yeha Drive to DebreDamo monastery, where only men can enter, climbing with ropes for 16 meters. Proceed then to Yeha preChristian temple. And reach late afternoon to Axum. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON Yeha or Remhay hotel 15. Axum Visit of Axum: the steles, St Mary of Tsion church (where legend says is deposited the Ark of Covenant), the bath and the palace of Queen of Sheba, and different archeological sites. Meals & ON hotel

16. Axum - Mekele Drive to Mekele, admiring the mosque of Negash and the churches of Wikro Cherkos and Abreha We Atsbeha. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON hotel in Mekele. 17. Mekele - Berhale Drive to Berhale and visit Afar people and villages; meet the camel caravans coming from the cities back to Dalol and from Dalol with the salt to be sold in the cities of Tigray & neighboring regions. Drive then for dinner & ON camp AhmedAle 18. Dalol Drive to Dalol, to see the Afar men extracting salt. Are spectacular colors of nature, unique in the world. Lunch box; back for dinner & ON camp AhmedAle 19. Dodom - ErTale Drive to Dodom, and then climb ErTale volcano. Here are fantastic views, with the lava and the volcano rim. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camp on the volcano 20. Lake Afrera Walk back to the vehicles. Then drive to lake Afrera. Visit Afar people extracting salt from lake Afrera. Proceed to the hot springs, where we’ll have dinner & camp. 21. Djibouti Drive to Djibouti and proceed to lake Abe, for spectacular views. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON camp at the lake, admiring spectacular views

22. Lake Easal Proceed to lake Easal. Visit very nice views. Then drive to Tadjoura, previous capital. Relax at the beach. Lunch on the way; dinner & ON hotel at these fantastic beaches, called white sand beach 23. Tadjoura Relax. Optional organize boat excursions locally, and if possible making also some diving, snorkeling & other activities. Meals & ON hotel Tadjoura 24. Djibouti MON. Drive to Djibouti town. Visit of the capital. Then dinner & transfer airport for flight back home (or next day)



GreenLand Tours and Hotels

GreenLand Tours and Hotels

HARAR & AWASH Park (3 days)


01. Fly to DireDawa. Meet your vehicles and proceed to Harar. On the way visit the chad market at Awedae. Afternoon visit of Harar: the mosques, city walls, the basket production, the markets, French poet Rimbaud house, and more. Evening visit a man feeding wild hyenas, at the doors of the town. Meals & ON in hotel

01. Drive to the Rift Valley lake of Langano & relax at the Wenney ecolodge, secluded in a natural paradise at shore of lake Langano and near to Munessa forest. Possibility of trekking, bird-watching, horse-riding, boat excursions, cycling, fishing & more.

02. Drive to the Awash National Park, visiting Afar people on the way. At the park admire a very nice flora & fauna (Oryx, lesser kudu, dik-dik, crocodiles, hippos, many birds & more), the Awash river falls + the river gorge & more. ON Fafate lodge in the park or Genet hotel in Awash town 03. Cross Metahara lake & proceed to Nazareth. Then drive back to Addis Ababa. Afternoon visit the Merkato, biggest open air market in Africa. Dinner invited in a traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Evening departure [we also suggest extension to another tour in Ethiopia, or to the parks in Tanzania or the fantastic beaches in Zanzibar or other (see our programs)]. End of service.

LALIBELA (3 days) 01. Fly to Lalibela, meet your guide & the vehicle at the airport and drive to town. Check-in at the Yemereha hotel ( or similar. Lunch. Afternoon visit the first group of the rock-hewn churches. ON hotel 02. Morning visit one of the churches out of the town: we suggest Asheten Mariam by mules or Genete Mariam church by car. Lunch at your hotel. Afternoon visit the remaining churches in Lalibela. Dinner & ON hotel 03. Morning visit the Naktuleab cave church (if time permits, according to the return flight schedule). Then transfer airport to fly back Addis Ababa. End of services.

02. Drive to the hot springs & swimming pool of Wondogenet. Possible also to walk in the forest. Lunch. Afternoon drive to the Awasa Rift Valley lake and make a boat trip on the lake. Dinner & ON Awasa in hotel 03. Morning visit the fish market. Then drive to Shala & Abyata Rift Valley lakes National park, with possibility of spotting birds, pelicans, flamingoes & visit the hot springs. Lunch on the way. Then drive back to Addis Ababa. Evening departure

MAASAI MARA (3 days) 01. Fly Nairobi. Drive then for the worlds famous Maasai Mara Game Reserve (Its sheer beauty of wide savannah, rolling hills, meandering rivers, riverine forests, forests with huge grazing herds, bountiful birdlife and the big five). Arriving at the lodge for lunch and spend the early afternoon at leisure. Enjoy a game drive at 1600hrs in search of wildlife , Dinner and Overnight Serena or Sopa lodge or other 02. Enjoy an early morning game drive at 0630hrs in search of wildlife. Return to the lodge for breakfast and spend the day at leisure. Enjoy a game drive at 1600hrs in search of wildlife , Dinner and ON Serena or Sopa lodge or other 03. Depart for Nairobi. Enjoy a leisurely and scenic drive with a brief stopover at the View Point to Marvel at the beauty of The Great Rift Valley. Arrive in time for lunch at The Carnivore Restaurant to experience game meat and barbeque meat. Tour of Nairobi. Transfer then to the airport for departure

LAKE MANYARA & NGORONGORO CRATER (3 days) 01. Arrival Kilimanjaro airport. Meet with your guide. A 2 hrs drive on asphalted road, will bring you to lake Manyara National park. Is the only park where with luck you can spot the famous tree climbing lions. Lot of birds, hippos, and other animals, make this park so interesting. ON Serena hotel or other 02. Drive to Ngorongoro crater conservation. Proceed for game drive. Is habitat of lot of animals. Is one of the richest of fauna and wonderful flora. View the big five. ON lodge with fantastic view from the rim (or hotel) – Endoro Lodge or similar 03. Drive back to Arusha. Then transfer Kilimanjaro airport for your flight to your next destination. We propose a fantastic extension to the beaches of Zanzibar or extend for the unique history & cultures in Ethiopia or to other parks in Kenya or southern Tanzania (pls see our Programs)

ZANZIBAR (3 days) 01. Fly to Zanzibar. Meet your vehicle to bring you to your hotel, at the shores of these fantastic beaches. ON Breezes hotel or similar 02. Relax at your hotels, with activities, diving, swimming, cycling, walking, exploration of the villages, and more. A half day guided tour of stone town can be organized and include the slaves market, St Joseph’s cathedral, mosques, the spice markets, and much more. Walking into these narrow streets, by visiting how the local people leave-meet-and enjoy, the shops, colors & history, are so exciting. 03. Have breakfast and then drive to the airport for your flight.

MONBASA or MALINDI (3 days) 01. Fly Malindi or Monbasa. Dinner & overnight hotel. Relax 02. Relax and activities as diving, snorkeling, swimming, and much more at these fantastic white sand beaches. ON htl 03. Fly Nairobi- short visits- connect your flight to Addis Ababa & yr destination

INCLUDE: Vehicles as follows: capital cities + Historic routes + extension tours by minibus/bus (minibuses are 12 or 15 seats but we accommodate till 9 or 12 clients only respectively; Coaster buses are 22 seats but we accommodate till 19 clients only), the rest of the tours in Ethiopia, Sudan & Djibouti with 4WD Land Cruisers capacity till 4 clients/car (max 4 passengers, which could include also one guide or one cook, + driver) [while in Djibouti will be capacity till 6 passengers/car] and minibuses or Land Cruisers with open roof capacity till 5 or 7 clients/each in Kenya &Tanzania 4* hotels in the capital cities in BB (bed and breakfast) 2-3* hotels & camping during the rest of the tours in double/twin room Meals in FB (full board), with non-alcoholic drinks, during the tours English speaking guide all the tour (or can be an English speaking driver-guide + local English speaking guides) Entrances fees & needed permits for visits Cook or driver-cook or local cook for camping nights Boat on Tana and/or Chamo lakes as on the program Needed support vehicle for cook, escorts, police, scouts etc when needed Necessary escort & police during Danakil trip, scouts during trekking at Semien mountains or boat trip on Omo River Camels for materials climbing ErTale volcano or mules for materials during trekking at Semien Mountains Boats on Omo river capacity till 6 clients/each Needed truck to bring the boats on Omo River Administration cost & government taxes

DON’T INCLUDE: Drinks and meals in the capital cities; Alcoholic drinks and drinks out of the meals for all the tour incidental meals, snack and drinks; Flights, including embarkation fees, airports porters and taxes (are quoted separately, and can be booked if you request us on time during booking); Tips, all personal expenses, expenses to see dances, ceremonies; Photo and video filming fees; Laundry services; Excess baggage charges; Hotel/airport porter fees and gratitude expenses; Personal traveling insurance (is requested); All whatever not included under the list “Services INCLUDE”


GreenLand Tours and Hotels





WALIA-SANKABER HOTEL Debark. Semien Mountains WENNEY ECOLODGE www. Tel: 251-091-1405966 Fax: 251-011-6632595

Swaynes Hotel adopted its name from the endemic Swaynes hartebeest. Nowadays the small surviving population is restricted to the grass and thorn scrub plains of southern Danakil and the Rift Valley lakes region, on the Alledeghi plains east of Awash and from Awash valley to the sourthern lakes. Swaynes Hotel is located in beautiful Arba Minch. It is easily accessible to and from Addis Ababa. The hotel boasts a spectacular hilltop setting overlooking the forest of Netch Sar National Park and two lakes of the Rift Valley (Chamo and Abaya). Our goal at Swaynes Hotel is to satisfy you beyond your expectations. Our great rates and courteous service have earned us an excellent reputation. For more information, please contact our Reservations department. Swaynes Hotel has 40 rooms all furnished with artistically designed Dorze furniture. The outside of the bungalows is constructed of bamboo, resembling the Dorze houses with their very high roofs of 9 to 12m. They are covered with intersecting bamboo and the roof is thatched with leaves from the false banana tree or “enset”. The design in front resembles an elephant trunk, a typical Dorze style. The inside of the rooms blends comfort with the richest elements of Ethiopian culture. The materials used are all ecological and natural and originate entirely from the surrounding area.

Wenney Eco-lodge is situated in a secluded natural paradise on the shores of Lake Langano near Munessa Forest. The Langano area is considered to be the most popular resort area in southern Ethiopia. The lodge boasts a great location. It offers a lovely view of the golden-brown lake and its volcanic islands. Visitors marvel at the fascinating and beautiful scenery as well as the large number of animals found within close range. Accommodation at Wenney Eco-lodge is modern and of high quality. As the establishment is brand new, we put a great deal of consideration into our facilities in order to provide you with comfort and contentment while keeping ecological features in mind. Our accommodations include self-contained rooms, bungalows and a campsite. Most of the rooms are self-contained, very spacious and complete with running water. They are set in an attractive, calming decor. The bungalows are set in traditional Ethiopian style in a clean, wooded and secluded area. They are very comfortable and constantly remind the visitor of Ethiopian hospitality. They offer total privacy with maximum comfort. For those interested in camping, Wenney Eco-lodge offers excellent camping facilities. Our campsite is secure and completely independent with all the necessary facilities including bathrooms and toilets with warm and cold water.

Encompassing an area of about 30,000 square meters, Evangadi Lodge and Campsite is located 850km south of the Ethiopian capital city (Addis Ababa). It derives its name from its rich cultural surroundings. The word Evangadi refers to the cultural and traditional night dance of the Hamer people. Evangadi Lodge is a branch of Swaynes Hotel (located in Arba Minch). Our campsite on the same land is completely independent with showers and toilets.You may rent your own tent for overnight use and gaze at the star-filled skies of southern Ethiopia. The nights in Ethiopia are warm and suitable for camping outside. Evangadi Lodge provides excellent accommodation, ranging from comfortable rooms furnished with cozy and attractive Ethiopian furniture to fixed tents. Evangadi Lodge is an ideal place to stay for days in a haven of tranquility, fun, laughter and comfort. The lodge and campsite is constructed and furnished with artistic and comfortable features. The campground is set under the shade of acacia-dominated woodland, which is also an excellent habitat for many bird species such as hornbills, woodpeckers, weavers, doves, starlings, sunbirds, etc. In addition, the campsite offers the opportunity to enjoy nights under starry African skies.

Yemereha hotel is a breakthrough in being able to alleviate part of the serious accommodation problem faced by the most frequently visited historic and religious Lalibela in hosting its tourists. Lalibela is a town in northern Ethiopia Lalibela is one of Ethiopia’s holiest cities, second only to Aksum, and is a center of piligrimage for much of the country. During the reign of Saint Gebre Mesqel Lalibela (a member of the Zagwe Dynasty, who ruled Ethiopia in the late 12th century and early 13th century) the current town of Lalibela was known as Roha. The saintly king was given this name due to a swarm of bees said to have surrounded him at his birth, which his mother took as a sign of his future reign as Emperor of Ethiopia. The names of several places in the modern town and the general layout of the monolithic churches themselves are said to mimic names and patterns observed by Lalibela during the time he spent in Jerusalem and the Holy Land as a youth. Stretching out on one of the hills- a part of the Lasta mountain ranges, units of the hotel are situated in just the right places to feed guests with the surrounding breathtaking landscape scenery.

Walia-Sankaber hotel is located in the main gate way of Simien mountain National park in Debark (100 km north of Gondar). Debarq is one of the 105 wonders in the Amhara region of Ethiopia. It is named after its largest town, Debarq. Part of the Semien Gondar zone, Debarq is bordered on the south by Dabat, on the west by Sanja, on the northwest by the Tigray region, on the north by Addi Arkay, and on the east by Jan Amora. Walia-Sankaber Hotel will have 40 fully furnished rooms artistically designed by different Ethiopian furniture designers. The inside of the rooms blends comfort with the richest elements of Ethiopian culture. This enables clients to realize what Ethiopian leaving style looks like. Walia-Sankaber Hotel offers camping facilities. The weather here offers a suitable atmosphere for camping. Apart from tents our Hotel will provide cooking materials and camping gear based on special request.

YEMEREHA HOTEL www. Tel: 251-918775648 Fax: 251-913048458 EVANGADI CAMPSITE AND LODGE www. Tel: 251-091-1190209/10 Fax: 251-011-6632595 SWANYES HOTEL www. Tel: 251-046-8811895 Fax: 251-046-8812200 WALIA HOTEL Tel: 251-913-021018


GreenLand Tours and Hotels



Please note that the exact final hotels or camping will be sent you separately, in a file called “hotels list”. We might not be able to use hotels or camping mentioned in the program. The exact hotels or camping will be then those sent to you separately, after confirmation of the booking

Guides: We provide English, Spanish, Italian, German, French and Russian speaking guides. Tell us always on time your choice. And as you see, we have different prices for the different guides

We suggest all our travelers to adapt to the local situations, changes, and way of accommodation. Furthermore flight schedules might change or flights might be cancelled due to aircraft problem, weather, or other. We’ll try in these cases to readapt the tours as much as we can. The Green Land Tours is not liable for any visit that clients might loose or change.

Please note clients must join other clients of different Nationalities. So is important to adapt with persons of different Nationalities. Guests cannot request for private services at last moment, if booked in a joining tour. For private services, please ask for supplement cost and so separate tour in advance. And finalize prior to arrival in Ethiopia with the Green Land Tours very clearly.

Nothing is as at home; we are here to experience and taste the local atmosphere, with its accommodation, and any changes in the best positive way.

Vehicles: will be chosen the best for each situation, as the Green Land Tours, expert in the territory, things is best. So please trust the provided vehicles & services. And ask all information prior the start of tour Furthermore we provide standard vehicle on these tours. If you want to upgrade to new vehicles (models 2006-2010) contact us on time and we can provide, with the necessary cost supplement. But we need also to organize on time. So please do not request us on last minute ones here; but before starting the tour and during the booking

Green Land Tours will do all its best to create the best situation and traveling facilities always. Important notes for arrival & departure: a) Transfer airport-hotel is always provided. b) Arrivals: For those clients arriving with evening flight, the city tour will be done on the last day. For those clients arriving one day before, the next morning will be free and the city tour will proceed in the afternoon, as planned c) Departures: if departures don’t fit with the dates we planned, for last day we can organize short excursion near Addis or additional tour in Addis. Discuss with us prior to your tour or with our sales office in Addis Ababa for the prices. Extra overnights will be so charged. Please tell us which hotel you choose

Payment: To be done within max 10 days after confirmation of services, if booking is done within 8 & less weeks from the start of the tour Or anyway to be paid before 45 days prior to clients arrival in Addis Ababa

Cancellation fee: 30 to 20 days prior to clients arrival = 15% will be deducted 19 to 11 days prior to clients arrival = 50% will be deducted 10 and less days prior to clients arrival = 100% will be deducted . Children rate: 0-2 years = free on ground service. Same room with parents 3-7 years = 50% discount ground service fee. Same room with parents 8-12 years = 25% discount on ground service in same room with parents; or 10% discount on ground service if in private room. The routing is subject to change if security, service, quality or given circumstances (weather etc.) will require a change of operation/accommodation. Rates are subject to change in case of energy, taxes or other 3rd party costs will increase more than 5 % afterwards. Flights rates are subjected to changes, without pre-notice. The final hotel list is subject to availability, reconfirmation and will be forwarded 4 weeks before arrival to the client

Enjoy your tour.

P.O. Box 19018 Addis Ababa (ETHIOPIA) (Our office is located 2 minutes from the airport at Gerji (near Abshiro Building) TELEPHONE NUMBERS: 251-011-6299252/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 251-011-6299260/1 251-91-1203614 251-91-1613016

FAX: 251-011-6299259 EMAIL:


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