Pay for Performance- Social Media Management

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Pay for performance


MEDIA Management


Greenlight is the first and only major agency to offer social media optimisation within a pay for performance pricing model. Greenlight gives brands a directly accountable, measurable and scalable way to get the most out of the billions of actions and interactions taking place across social media each day between consumers and their brands within their target markets.

What is the value of... • A Facebook friend to your brand? • A share on Facebook? A Google+ follower? • A Twitter follower? • A retweet? • A YouTube subscriber? • A repin on Pinterest • A mention in an influential particular blog or a national news website?

Social media activity undertaken today is based on the assumption that you really can’t quantify the value of those actions or interactions. However, if you could it would allow you to build social media campaigns aimed at achieving tangible outcomes, as you would know the impact of each social media interaction on your levels of brand awareness, brand visibility and even on your actual sales. We’re talking about a watershed moment where you would finally have a recognisable return on investment (ROI) model for Social Media that you can believe in. Now you can achieve this within just a few months! The vast majority of social media agencies will know this but are generally unwilling to allow measured against actual results, or to innovate away from basic servicing models. It’s easier for them that you remain ignorant. Greenlight is different. We’re a performanceoriented agency and have been for a decade - we like being able to point to something we have done and say that it has delivered an x percentage increase in brand visibility, or has added x pounds of directly attributable new revenue. We’ve built a model for social media optimisation that puts that imperative at the centre of everything we do.


Hoxton Gin

e came to Greenlight with an amazing new product W and significant growth ambitions. Greenlight took on the challenge, building a brand identity for our product, and driving a wider digital communications strategy, underpinned by their unique performancebased approach to social media marketing. We have been overwhelmed by the success - Hoxton Gin is now being carried by Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and Ocado. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Greenlight to any brand looking to maximise their brand and social media potential online.

Gerry Calabrese Owner, Hoxton Gin


Our Experience At Greenlight we: • C reated the Social Media strategy for an International retailer across all territories • C reated the digital strategy for a new brand • C onceived campaigns to grow market share by linking activities across all social media platforms • I dentified influential voices in specific markets to ensure our client dominated their market • R un blogger engagement campaigns to create awareness, advocacy and online presence • E nabled clients to re-align their marketing strategy so that it resonates with their customers • S upport social media presence and manage social media community and customer service

Some of our clients:





Deep Dive Forensic Audit

Pay for performance activities

By way of an example, we determined with one specific client that the majority of their Facebook friends were not actually customers, but simply interested in one of the celebrities that acts as an ambassador for the brand. We found that marketing to these users on Facebook converted a particular percentage of those Facebook friends to paying customers. This provided us with evidence that x percent of any new Facebook friends would (statistically) convert to new sales.

The first phase is a pre-requisite ahead of Greenlight and a client entering a potential pay for performance model. It is an in-depth, analytical consultancy piece directed at understanding the real value of social media to you and your business. We’ll determine with real data what each type of social media interaction is worth to you - from how much money you make from the average re-tweet of your content, to the brand value of making the front page of the leading news site in your sector. With this information, we know how much effort and budget should be expended for what anticipated return – be that return purely commercial or the return being valued by its impact on brand visibility, awareness or recall.

Armed with a real commercial understanding of your business and how consumers engage with it, and even how they could and should engage, Greenlight then develops a social media ratecard that itemises each potential social media interaction a consumer could make with you, along with the remuneration Greenlight would expect for succeeding in delivering each incremental additional consumer action.

With that information we determined the monetary value of building new Facebook friends, and agreed on a per-new-friend performance based remuneration package. We then drove an additional 150,000 new friends for them within a 6 month period, using content marketing, blogger outreach, traditional PR, game and video production and leveraging their existing marketing activities.

Delivery is a two-phased approach that is simple in concept but requires significant agency capabilities to deliver:

Greenlight then builds services, campaigns, and strategies that are deployed and their performance (as measured by the ratecard) then dictates how much Greenlight should be paid.


an additional 150,000 new friends for them within a 6 month period


The core of the delivery team is our social strategy team

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With a 30 strong social media team of social media experts, community managers, PR professionals, designers, developers, and more, there are no limits to the activities and campaigns we might propose and deliver from inception-todelivery-to-measurement, to drive the agreed consumer actions and responses.




1 S imon Rogers DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL MEDIA Responsible for overseeing all aspects of Greenlight’s Social Media department. Simon has an indispensable wealth of experience, working on brands, such as the BBC, British Gas, Cadbury, CarPhone Warehouse, Diageo, Experian, Land Rover Jaguar, Nationwide Building Society and VW. Simon has worked for WPP, Market Sentinel, Burberry and Cap Gemini.

2 Sam Haseltine S E N I O R C R E AT I V E S T R AT E G I S T Sam built and sold his first digital venture while still at University. He has overseen all of Greenlight’s social campaigns from conception to execution and is the mastermind behind our most innovative concepts. He has an insatiable curiosity and passion for Social Media. Determined to keep abreast of the latest trends, technological innovations and creative campaigns, Sam’s personal research is a 24/7 avocation.

3 P atricia McElhinney SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER With 7 years’ experience in the travel industry Patricia brings a vital and global perspective to the Greenlight team, having worked for Princess Cruises and Norwegian Cruise Line. She understands the vital role of social media and has a passion for helping companies achieve their true potential online through increase their brand awareness engaging prospective and existing customers.

4 V ictoria Galloway LEAD COPYWRITER Victoria works across the board on all Social Media clients, to develop innovative content; from creative blogs and news articles to implementing highly effective online PR strategies. With a strong background in Journalism, she has developed the online presence for many international brands. Victoria has a degree in Classics from the University of Warwick.

5 A ndy Edmonds HEAD OF OUTREACH Andy is responsible for overseeing the creative off-page strategy and outreach activities for global, national and local businesses. From conception to post-implementation, Andy designs highly effective campaigns that harness both Search and Social. By providing completely integrated campaigns for global and UK-based corporations, including RS Components, New Look, Santander, On the Beach and Sky, Andy has gained valuable insights into how to bridge the Search and Social divide and infuses every campaign with a bespoke knowledge and works across all sectors and industries.

The Broadgate Tower London, EC2A 2EW t +44 (0) 20 7253 7000 f +44 (0) 20 7101 2899 e

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