Green Living June 2018

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June 2018






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“The highest form of true sustainability is to repurpose an existing facility.� -Craig Randock, AIA DLR Group, Design Leader


LIVE 8 TURNING GREEN Alternatives to plastic water bottles

June 2018

10 HEALTHY AND HEARTY SERIES One man’s road to recovery from cancer 12 SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE 17 FUN GREEN FACTS Tips for a healthy barbecue

18 ECO-FRIENDLY WEDDING GIFTS 20 FATHER’S DAY TRIBUTE Fairwell to a father and friend


Habitat for Humanity ReStore




Courtesy Volvo of Scottsdale

26 BREAKTHOUGH LEADERSHIP Increase performance in the work place 28 KEEP YOUR HOME COOL Cut back on carbon

30 CONSCIOUS CONNECTIONS Get by with a little help from friends 32 KATE GALLEGO Mayoral candidate shares plans for Phoenix PLAY 31 TESLA SPARKS TOUR Father Son Road Trip



34 FESTIVALS Fun tips for green summer 36 ARIZONA WILDLIFE SERIES New places to discover


Heathy food ideas


Can organic ice cream actually taste good?

44 GREEN SCENES Twenty fun things to do this month

on the cover John Martinson and his son, Neo, are touring 10 states in a Tesla this summer. The father-son road trip has turned into an experimental excursion in an electric car.


47 GREEN CHAMPIONS Eco-heros around the state

June 2018 | greenliving


June 2018 Editor’s letter

Hello Readers, If you grew up outside of Phoenix, and I think there are a few of you, there is something strange that takes place as summer in the Valley of the Sun Sun Sun draws near. It’s the confusion created by childhood memories of anticipating a season filled with friends, fireflies and afternoon naps with windows wide open and a fresh breeze blowing the sheer curtains. (That is a picture from my childhood.) Juxtaposed to reality – the feeling of utter DREAD of the approaching oven we will soon be enclosed in. No more cool walks in the park, unless it is at 4 a.m.; not even a nod from neighbors as they quickly slip behind garage doors and confine themselves to their cool cocoons; and going out only when absolutely necessary, with enough sunscreen layered on our rapidly aging skin to create a deathly pallor. But, I have some good news. Our June issue is like stretching out with a summer book that transports you to faraway places. Join China Mist cofounder, John Martinson, and his son, Neo, as they embark on a road tour in a souped up Tesla and wind their way through 10 states including Colorado, Wyoming, Oregon and California with a few stops in Canada. Or better yet, follow his blog by visiting And in our second father and son story, walk with Aaron Blackburn, our director of creative services, who just lost his dad to cancer. Blackburn explores the lessons learned from his dad, and ponders his first Father's Day without him. Refresh yourself with David Schaller's story about the Verde River and with the Turning Green column which is all about finding pure, clean and preferably non-contaminated water for your home. Get the scoop on the best new organic ice creams from our "He’s Green, She’s Green" columnists, John and Jennifer Burkhart. And check out the many outdoor events around the state, including the Flagstaff Hullabaloo and the Pine Strawberry Festival that Green Scenes staff writer, Lisa Racz, has sought out for all of us. And what could be more chill than our Cool Outrageous Stuff featuring fun finds for Father's Day. Before you know it, as our neighboring states (and most of our kids) are dreading the end of summer, our countdown to cooler days will be here - faster than you can melt ice on pavement. Stay cool!

And thanks for reading!,

Dolores Tropiano Editor I LOVE TO HEAR FROM OUR READERS!

Email me at

4 greenliving | June 2018

Yours in practicing a greener lifestyle PUBLISHER/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Dorie Morales DIRECTOR OF CREATIVE SERVICES: Aaron Blackburn MANAGING EDITOR: Dolores Tropiano ADMINISTRATIVE WIZARD: Sara Haidle COPY EDITOR: Rachel Luman

ADVISORY BOARD: Ric Coggins Valerie Crosby Ken Edwins William Janhonen Jon Kitchell




Connecting ConnectingWomen Womenwhere wherethey they

Work, Work,Live LiveororPlay Play!

John Martinson Mary McCormick Eric Olsen Thomas Williams

CONTRIBUTORS: Bethany Albright John and Jennifer Burkhart Ric Coggins Karen Contos Kamilla Graham

Kristi Hall Allyson R. Mallah John Martinson David Schaller Dolores Tropiano


Lisa Racz Melissa Watt


André Butzberger Faith Cain Chais Gentner


Paige Vanden Heuvel


Varun Aditya Raghavan


Subscriptions: Advertising: Editorial: 480.840.1589 • 7575 E. Redfield Road #219, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

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June 2018 | greenliving


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June 2018 | greenliving




Testing the Waters

Exploring alternatives to plastic water bottles


n part two of Turning Green, my family decided to put plastic water bottles on notice. No longer would they cover our counters and carpets and contribute to the contamination of the oceans. In our home, these bad-boy bottles were banned. But it wasn't easy. Like many harmful DOLORES TROPIANO relationships, plastic bottles had their benefits. First of all, we actually enjoy the taste of bottled water (save for my husband who hates any water unless it comes in a liter of soda). Strange as this sounds, we prefer drinking from a water bottle over a high-tech hydro cans. And we love the convenience. This became apparent when my son and his friends were going on a bike ride recently. He went to the fridge to grab some water bottles only to realize there were none to offer. Not cool. (And even though he seems to support the water bottle ban, he snuck a large plastic water bottle into the house after an Arizona Diamondbacks game last week and

8 greenliving | June 2018

I noticed that he's been secretly refilling it ever since.) Which I have just learned can also be harmful.

PROBLEMS WITH PLASTIC But the bad outweighs the good. Or it would soon after I soiled the reputation of this not so pure product. I set out to built a goodversus-evil case against plastic bottles. Sure it wasn't Batman taking on the Joker, but there are some serious movies out there that deliver the dark and dooming message of plastic pollution. (Check out "A Plastic Ocean" and "Divide in Concord.") Here are some serious problems with plastic: It poisons fish that eventually make their way to our plates. It has caused the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is more than twice the size of Texas! And according to National Geographic, 8 tons of trash enter the sea each year – that's the equivalent of five trash bags for every foot of coastline in the world. Oh, and did I mention that particles from the

plastic often end up in the water? Yeah, horrible hormone-disrupting chemicals like BPA and phthalates that can cause cancers, infertility and neurological disorders. But I was heading into untested waters. So, I purchased one on Amazon, ( probably not up to true scientific standards), and when it arrived I turned the entire experiment over to my younger son, Dante. Too many test tubes, droplets and multisyllabic scientific words for me. Soon we had a clear idea of our water's chemical content and were ready to find an alternative.

TROUBLED WATERS The tester evaluated for 10 contaminants including lead, which can lead to neurological and reproductive damage, to alkaline and copper, which can contribute to gastrointestinal problems. Did I really want to know this? The results showed no chlorine, iron, nitrates or nitrites, (phew!) but was positive for pesticides and hardness. The latter indicated that we had water that was as hard as hail. No surprise there. Next was the vast exploration of alternatives coupled with some ideas contributed by readers and friends. Some swore by water softeners, which reduce the damaging effects hard water has on plumbing and skin. But my understanding is that it may not necessarily remove contaminants from the water. Reverse osmosis had a lot of recommendations, along with concerns that it eliminates much-needed minerals from water. It also uses four gallons of water for every gallon made. Still, many people were optimistic about this option. Marc Richter, owner of Streamline Water, sells commercial reverse osmosis products with an eco-friendly membrane that reduces water waste by 75 percent a day. Purification products, such as Radiant Life, provide a 14-stage system that uses reverse osmosis and then remineralizes the water. Sounds perfect but costs a pretty penny. Other products do a variation of this, albeit with fewer stages, but for a lot less money. In the end, I decided to ditch the filtered water pitcher (which never gets refilled by anyone but me). Now, I'm leaning towards a remineralized reverse osmosis process. I'm also going to buy a bunch of BPA-free hydro flasks (that stay cold for 24 hours) to keep a crowd of kids hydrated in our home. Who ever thought something as simple as clean water, could become so complicated. Dolores Tropiano is the editor of Green Living magazine and the multi-tasking mother of Andre and Dante. She resides in Scottsdale, Arizona.

TURNING GREEN COMMITMENT CARD • On (date) ________ I/we (circle one) decided to change... ______________________________. • I/We believe this is important because________________. • Green Living or ____________________will help me/us stay accountable. • These are action steps needed to make this happen: • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________

READER COMMENTS Hi Dolores, I read your article on “Keeping Our Heads Above Water…Bottles” in May’s edition of Green Living magazine, and want to tell you what our decision is. We have H2O Concepts Water System in our whole house and love it. ( So, no salt added…ever. And all the bad stuff is filtered out, but the good minerals are left in. Plus all our faucets and showers, etc., are on the system, so we can shower in good, healthy, clean water too. But the point is that I have a hard plastic 750 ml water bottle that I fill up all day, every day. The same bottle. It’s awesome! Keep Smiling! Barbara Moss Try refillable metal bottles that hold a liter or more and stay cold for a long time after chilling in the fridge. Peter Corbett Dolores, Our family has rarely purchased a plastic water bottle over the last three years. The only time that we do is at the airport before security. We drink it and then we refill it once we get through security. Our method is to buy the glass kombucha bottles at Sprouts or Whole Foods. We then wash them out and refill them with filtered water and keep them in the refrigerator. Every time we go out in the car, we take one or two bottles with us. When guests come to visit, we offer them a glass water bottle to keep with them in the duration of their visit. We refill our glass bottles from our reverse osmosis system in the kitchen. In fact, we filter the osmosis water again in a Brita container on the counter. This works very well and now we have converted our daughter and her family to do the same thing. When we go to people's home, if they offer us a plastic bottle of water, we simply ask for water out of a glass. Thank you for your article. Cozette and Bill Matthews I highly recommend the brand Mira. We all use them. Keeps the water very cold for a long time. Irene Gottlieb Greco The most important thing consumers need to know is that not all water filters are created equal...don’t assume they all remove the same contaminants and choose anyone—do your homework. Most pour-through filter pitchers have a two-stage filter that use a layer of activated carbon to remove contaminants. ZeroWater uses a fivestage ion exchange filter that makes sure virtually all the dissolved solids are removed." Dawn Ryden with ZeroWater June 2018 | greenliving



HEALTHY AND HEARTY - PART 5 One man's path to recovery from cancer.

The Great and Powerful Oz recommends (gasp) a round of chemo! Doctors try to stop a rapidly spreading cancer so alternative treatment can work


y anticipated audience with the great and powerful Oz was finally realized in the form of not one, but three doctors poised “behind the curtain.” The doctors at the Hoxsey Clinic practice medicine from several schools of thought. I was able to schedule doctors from three different regimens over the two days of my visit. The first doctor I saw practices naturopathic oncology. She reviewed my RIC COGGINS American medical records and conducted a thorough examination. She confirmed my diagnosis, but was less optimistic on my prognoses. Later I was examined by another doctor practicing integrative oncology. This young doctor blends what he perceives to be the best of both the naturopathic and the allopathic medical worlds. I returned a second day to see an allopathic oncologist. Once all three had individually examined me and my records, they conferred with each other to discuss the best options for saving my life.

to be surgically inserted. Once on the feeding tube, I would likely never get enough nutrition or Hoxsey remedy in me to catch up with the aggressive lymphoma now spreading in my body. All three agreed the only chance I had was to return to Arizona and undergo “one, maybe two” rounds of chemotherapy in hopes of slowing down the tumor in my throat, thus buying me the other three weeks needed for the Hoxsey treatment to “kick in.” In addition to the traditional Hoxsey herbal tonic developed in the 1840's, they prescribed an ancient Chinese herbal lymphoma formulation to be compounded in San Francisco's Chinatown. It included another herbal formulation from a local Mexican Botanica ( a shop that compounds herbal remedies). I was also required to take a German B12 liquid supplement called Floradix, which is created from fruits

DOCTOR'S DIRE RECOMMENDATION The doctors’ collective findings were more dreadful to me than when I was first diagnosed with cancer. In summary, they told me that they were less optimistic than the American doctor who gave me three months to live. They told me the Hoxsey program needed about six weeks of treatment to make a difference and from what they could see, I only had three weeks before the rapidly growing tumor in my throat completely blocked both my windpipe and my esophagus. Once the tumor grew, I would require a trach tube and a feeding tube

10 greenliving | June 2018

"The idea of going back to Arizona to undergo chemo was a shock. How could this be?" and a daily regimen of oral Laetrile. Also known as amygdalin, Laetrile is a cancer-fighting drug derived from apricot pits and administered via IV or orally. Its primary active ingredient is vitamin B-17. Laetrile is illegal in the United States.

THE GOOD AND THE BAD I was more than happy to take the prescribed herbal medications – it was what I had hoped for, what I expected. I was happy, too, with the final bill; for all of the doctor visits and consultations, along with six months of cancer treatments, I wrote a check for about $1,800. But the idea of going back to Arizona to undergo chemo was a shock. How could this be? I had traveled to Mexico in hopes of escaping the ravages of chemotherapy only to be told it was inescapable. Instead of the wizard showing me the way back to Kansas, he demanded I first go and bring back the witch’s broomstick. At least it was only one chemo round instead of the months of chemo and the associated devastation that was my original treatment plan. I had to look on the bright side. In my next article, I follow the Hoxsey doctors’ recommendation and return to Arizona for a round of chemotherapy hoping it will slow the tumor’s growth in my throat so the Hoxsey regimen could catch the cancer.

Ric Coggins is a University of Arizona Master Gardener (Maricopa County) who grew up on a 1-acre garden tended to by his father, who was a regular contributor to “Mother Earth News” and “Organic Gardening and Farming” magazines. Ric continues his father’s “green” traditions, owning and operating The Fool on the Hill Farm, a one-acre organic garden homestead in Mesa.

June 2018 | greenliving


“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius


The struggle for simplicity in our personal and family lives By Bethany Albright


eeminiscing about “the good old days” when things were less complicated used to be a pastime reserved for greatgrandparents. But increasing numbers of people are realizing that we may have genuinely lost something important from past eras: the power of simplicity. Things are less expensive, more plentiful and more easily accessible than ever before. So why does life still seem like such a struggle? From a psychological perspective, all human behavior is meant to meet a need. In many ways our modern world has made meeting our needs easier than ever. We no longer have to toil long hours growing or raising our own food. Nor do we have to walk or ride horses for hours to get provisions. (And finding a stream of water is totally unnecessary when it flows straight out of a faucet.) Now we can just hop into our cars and drive to the local supermarket. And it is no secret that modern medicine has made some truly remarkable advancements in improving human life.

ARE SOME FOODS AND MODERN MEDICINES MAKING US SICK? In our quest to meet our needs, the argument can be made that we have gone too far in the other direction. Perhaps we have now overcomplicated many things and created detrimental situations for ourselves in our attempts to make our lives better. Our cheap and plentiful food is so over-processed and fake that it is making us sick. Even so-called “health foods” are full of sugar, fake fats, and other chemicals. Diabetes, heart disease and cancers are all on the rise and can be directly linked back to our diets. Modern medicine, though it

12 greenliving | June 2018

has saved countless lives and increased our lifespan, has also led to the rise of so-called medication-resistant “superbugs” like MRSA and created an epidemic of drug dependencies. Listen to any commercial for a new pharmaceutical solution and you quickly learn that drugs sometimes (often) create as many symptoms as they alleviate.

SCREENING OUT REAL LIFE These struggles extend to our personal lives as well. We trade screens and social media for genuine connection with other people. We have more free time than previous generations, but still manage to be busier and more stressed than ever. We’re told that the key to being happy is to have this and buy that, and we happily take on mountains of debt in order to get these things. To top it off, all our “improved” practices and products have created a mountain of waste and toxic substances that are choking our ecosystem. All this may make the future seem grim, because “fast and overcomplicated” are massive trends that touch every area of our lives. The good news is that reversing the cycle is easy and is something that you can start in your personal life or within your family. The key is to slow down, simplify and do more of less. Over the next couple of issues, I hope to share easy ways for you to start practicing intentional simplicity today. Your part is simple. Just stay tuned. Bethany Albright is the owner, herbalist and family wellness coach at Of Earth and Hearth. Part urban homestead, part wellness company, Of Earth and Hearth focuses on helping people live their best life the easy way, through simplification.


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June 2018 | greenliving


APRIL ECO EVENT On April 18, we celebrated the opening of Habitat for Humanity’s newest and largest ReStore in Arizona. The 25,000-square-feet resale shop is packed with new and donated products. Proceeds totaling $250 from this event went to Habitat for Humanity. VENDORS AND PARTNERS INCLUDED: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Habitat for Humanity ReStore - Host and title sponsor Habitat for Humanity - nonprofit Century 21 - Franca Amoroso-Chang VeggiDome Sooooo Hummus Factory Green Organics Pest Control Witnessing Nature in Food Nine Degrees North Catering Embajador Tequila Events by Danielle Phoenix Ale Brewery Sogno Toscano Pure Haven DON’T MISS OUT Pour Masters

on the next one


14 greenliving | June 2018

MAY ECO EVENT Courtesy Volvo’s new Scottsdale dealership (which can be seen from the 101 Freeway) hosted an Eco Event on May 16. Guests had the chance to test drive the new Volvo hybrid cars during the celebration of their new location. Proceeds from the event totaling $325 went to the Phoenix Chapter of the Electric Auto Association, a group that works to raise the awareness of electric vehicles.

VENDORS AND PARTNERS INCLUDED: • Courtesy Volvo of Scottsdale - Host and title sponsor • Electric Auto Association Phoenix Chapter - nonprofit • Embajador Tequila • Green Organics Pest Control • Phoenix Ale Brewery • Witnessing Nature in Food • Sun Valley Solar Solutions • Arizona Pool Water Recycling • Events by Danielle • Pomegranate Cafe • Pour Masters THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING US!


on the next one

June 2018 | greenliving


To find investing-life balance, work with a professional You know what you want retirement to look like, and leaving a comfortable legacy for your loved ones is a priority. But free time feels a lot less free when you spend more time than you’d like managing your investments. Working with a professional portfolio manager can help you find the right balance between living life and investing for the future. Call for a complimentary portfolio consultation.

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FUN GREEN FACTS Healthy summer barbecue tips


THERE IS A SUNNY SIDE TO A SUMMER BARBECUE It’s called a solar cooker. Used for grilling, this cooker can save your time, money and health. Solar powered barbecues let you cook with zero toxic smoke and no soot in your food. And since these cookers operate from direct sunlight, there are no negative effects from gas and charcoal. And chew on this; solar cookers can heat food up to five times faster than your average barbecue. Leaving more time for a frisbee toss with your friends. Solsource is a solar cooker brand that promotes healthy grilling. It can reach up to 400°F / 200°C and is 100 percent solar powered! It evens helps purify water for drinking when you’re enjoying the outdoors. The product is completely recyclable with zero carbon emission. So solar up that green grill and make a great, guilt free meal. Source:



While grilling has long been the go-to cooking technique for long weekends and pool parties, there is a lot to be said about its effects on your health. That perfect grill-signature-steak contains extremely harmful compounds. Not to splash water on your grill, but research has found that cooking and charing meats over an open flame increases exposure to carcinogens and the more “well” done the meat, the less “well” you will be. (Medium-well or well-done beef creates three times more of a risk of stomach cancer.) Try going out of your comfort zone and preparing your red meat more on the rare side. Your stomach and your whole body will thank you. Source:


DON’T TURN AWAY FROM BARBECUING JUST YET. You can still have your meat and eat it too. Just

incorporate these helpful and healthy tips into your grilling routine.

• Marinate meat for at least 30 minutes. This prevents cancercausing chemicals from forming when you grill. • Grill skinless chicken breasts and fish instead of red meat. Research also links red meat to increased colorectal cancer risk. • Skip processed meats like bacon, hot dogs and sausage. Eating these meats may raise your colorectal cancer risk. Source:



Looks like there’s more than just carcinogens to watch out for! The American Heart Association has found that meals are mainly made up of meat (beef, poultry and fish) grilled, broiled or roasted at high temperatures have a greater chance of causing high blood pressure. “The chemicals produced by cooking meats at high temperatures induce oxidative stress, inflammation and insulin resistance in animal studies, and these pathways may also lead to an elevated risk of developing high blood pressure,” said Gang Liu, Ph.D., lead author of the study. For more information on the recent study, visit

June 2018 | greenliving



By David M. Brown

ECO-FRIENDLY WEDDING GIFTS Make a commitment to each other and to the Earth

This is definitely not your mother's wedding registry! But with sustainability and environmental awareness at an all-time high, a gift registry can be the perfect way to set eco-friendly intentions for your relationship. We’ve gathered the best gifts to get friends and family involved as you and your future spouse decrease your carbon footprint while furnishing your home.



A no-brainer for a green couple committed to saving the planet The Breeze Countertop Compost Bin is convenient and effective. Patented technology make it both odor and fly-free. A specially designed lid can hang from the bin's edge to give you easy access while keeping counter surfaces clean. It's small enough to fit under counters or in cabinets. The Container Store, $19.99,

Grow ‘em yourself and eliminate waste Your sunny kitchen windowsill is the perfect place for herbs, and this set of three pots is perfectly sized to fit. Each pot is faced with a front slot for pre-printed labels marked basil, parsley or thyme, yet they can be customized by slipping in a label of your own. The matching tray keeps all of your herbs together for an organized look. One caveat - there are no draining holes. William Sonoma, $29.95,

RSVP BIOBAGS COMPOST PAIL LINERS The gold standard of compost bags Pail liners made from the compostable material Mater-Bi so they can take care of food scraps and other biodegradable waste naturally. GMO free, these bags fit most kitchen compost pails. Bed, Bath and Beyond, $12.99,

18 greenliving | June 2018

GARDEN JAR HERB KIT Kitchen greens, no watering can required Perfect for the person who often finds bundles of wilted, forgotten herbs in the back of the refrigerator. Save the parsley with easy-to-use garden jar herb kits. Cut your herbs while you cook! Modern Sprout, $20-100,

BUSINESS UNPAPER TOWELS Make a colorful statement in your paperless kitchen Rather than churning through paper towels, use these reusable towels for everything from wiping spills to drying your hands. The set of 16 is made from a linen/cotton blend fabric (machine washable) and edged in a variety of cheery colors. Food52, $40,

FRESH VEGETABLE STORAGE BAGS An easy, earth-friendly way to extend the life of your produce We've all been there: you open your crisper drawer and discover the saddest, squishiest carrot rolling around all alone. Vejibags are here to save that carrot from its rotting fate! These 100-percent organic cotton bags (a super-soft french terry) are one of the easiest and earthfriendliest ways to store produce so its stays fresh and crispy longer. Food 52, $60,

EARTH WEDDING CARBON OFFSET PACKAGE Reduce the footprint of your big day Weddings can be taxing to our Earth's natural resources and create greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Bonneville Environmental Foundation’s Earth Wedding Package offsets three metric tons of carbon emissions and 5,000 gallons of water for every 10 guests at the wedding – that’s the estimated water and carbon for travel and meals on the special day. BEF, $40, Product descriptions taken in part from company websites.

S’WELL WATER BOTTLE Drink to your health Nothing is less eco-friendly than plastic water bottles, right? This beautiful bottle will not only make you look good, but feel good, too. Each stainless steel S'well bottle is painted to imitate wood and is perfectly unique. The bottle keeps drinks cold for 24 hours, hot for 12, and the material is non-toxic, non-leaching and BPA free. Amazon, $37,

WOMEN’S DELUXE CRUISER BIKE Reduce your carbon emissions and get some exercise while you’re at it. Whether riding to the local coffee shop or commuting to the office, Phoenix’s pedal-friendly weather makes biking an obvious and healthy habit to take up. This mint-green-painted bike with its beautiful embroidered saddle adds style to your ride, while you improve your health and do your share for clean air. Amazon, $204.66,

NEATFREAK LAUNDRY DRYING RACK Cut down on the electricity bill and save your delicates some wear and tear Smooth out the kinks in the way you clean with 19 feet of hanging space that airs and dries out clothes, leaving you wrinkle-free every day. Quick-and-easy assembly allows for compact storage. Macy's, $29.99,

Flower the people you love with - Plants By Danielle Coletto One of my favorite 2018 wedding trends is the use of potted plants. From the ceremony to the reception to favors, potted plants bring life and charm to any space, and they meet all the requirements for an eco-conscious wedding. First, choose your favorite plant, whether it be flowering or succulent. Potted to match your theme and decor, the plants can line the ceremony aisle, making it feel as though the bride is walking through a garden. The pretty pots can then be moved and reused as centerpieces for the reception, adding beautiful live greenery to the dinner tables. After the wedding, they become gifts that are given to wedding guests as a favors and also to the happy couple as a symbol of love’s beauty and growth. Danielle Coletto is the owner of EVENTS by DANIELLE, which offers comprehensive global luxury wedding design. Her meticulous attention to detail and discerning eye for romance ensures that while other wedding planners may offer something merely memorable, your event will be unforgettable.

June 2018 | greenliving


Farewell to a Father, a Friend and A son loses his father but finds many gifts in his memories By Dolores Tropiano



y father is the reason I am earth conscious," says Aaron Blackburn, during a break from our work at Green Living magazine. Blackburn is a big, burly guy with a bald head and a huge heart. His eyes can swell up over something sentimental like the hammer his sons gave him as a gift. ("We love building memories with you," is inscribed on the handle.) And when you hit "Supreme Goddess of Love and Essence" on his phone, his wife, Jody, answers. Blackburn, 51, also happens to be a jack of all trades. He's a photographer, videographer, graphic designer, Eagle Scout and street dancer, a welder and an amazing jewelry artist. Oh, and he’s also the Director of Creative Services for Green Living magazine. Blackburn's dad, Clair Blackburn, died of cancer on April 10 of this year. Our colleague was beside his father in his final hours. In one precious photo, they are asleep together in the hospital with their hands held tightly, perhaps for the last time.

SADNESS AFTER THE STORM Now, three weeks after a flurry of responsibilities including a family service in Las Vegas, a military tribute in Idaho and the news of a dedication of a park in his father's name, Blackburn, has time to settle in with his sadness. The large strong man has an sensitive side, and tears come easy on ordinary days. These days though, they are even closer to the surface. Like fragile glass at the edge of a table, he can easily slip into sadness, especially when he talks about his dad's life. Clair Blackburn was born on February 26, 1940, and grew up in a Orderville, a small town in southern Utah. His son describes his dad as "an all American freckled country boy working on the farm and riding

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horses." The elder Blackburn was drafted into the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War and learned about radios, televisions and electronics. He worked for Departments of Energy and Defense for the balance of his career at the Nevada Testing Range outside Tonopha NV.

ECO-FRIENDLY FATHER Thinking back, Blackburn now sees the spirit of sustainability that ran through his father's entire life. He recalls the time he and his dad built a wood stove to heat their home in Idaho instead of using coal or an oil furnace. "He was an electrical engineer and a draftsman and he drew up the plans himself," explains Blackburn. The father-son team found three other people to buy in on the project to cut costs, "We had a little assembly line of these furnaces in the garage of a neighbor." One of the stoves was put in the basement of their home to heat the house and the water. Blackburn and the rest of the family would take turns bathing in a large, clawfoot tub with water heated from the stove. The non-mechanical water cycling idea, using convection instead of a pump, worked better than he had hoped. "The water was scalding hot in the cold cement basement" Blackburn says with a smile. Then, pausing as if looking back at the scene in his mind, he says, "It's true, it actually worked with no pump." Of course back then, Blackburn didn't realize the value of these earth-friendly experiences.

TURNING OVER A FATHER'S GREEN LEAF "I had no idea he was trying to help the environment. But he was," says the designer. "He heated his house with wood his entire life.

"What teenage boy wants to get on the neighbor's roof and put up solar panels? I was sweating like a pig soldering those pipes in the attic."


Dolores Tropiano is the editor and Blackburn's side-kick at Green Living magazine. The two are responsible for many of the magazine's most creative layout and story packages and have no idea who has put together any of the others.


Even in his final years, he would chop wood and stack it for winter." Another green seed was planted when his dad became hot on solar. At a time when solar energy was considered as preposterous by some as global warming is today, his dad was bent on installing solar panels on their Nevada home. The two climbed up on the roof and went to work. "We mounted them on our house and then on the neighbors'." Like most kids, Blackburn did not understand or appreciate his dad's actions and intentions. "Honestly it annoyed us," he says. "We all pushed back. What teenage boy wants to get on the neighbor's roof and put up solar panels? I was sweating like a pig soldering those pipes in the attic." Now, he has a different perspective. "I should have listened. I should have learned more when I had the chance," he says. Last year, Blackburn and his father had what would be their last father-son solar experience. With his father and sister, Angela, they drove out to Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project, a 1,670-acre utility-scale solar power plant in Tonopah, Nevada, to shoot photos for the local chamber of commerce. Blackburn hiked 20 stories up an ant-infested dune to get the best angles. At the height of the dune, he had a realization, a connection, between the massive solar farm and the panels he had installed on his own house that stretched from the past to the present and beyond. "I sat looking down at my father taking a picture of me as I took picture of him, and my perspective changed," Blackburn says. And at that moment, Blackburn realized that his father was more than just a crazy visionary. He had been far ahead of his time – that his dreams of solar power for the masses were coming true. "I gave him hell for all the work we did on the panels we put up," says Blackburn. "But in the end, he was right. That is the future."

June 2018 | greenliving


THAT OLD HOUSE BY THE DITCH A poem for my father on father's day Long summer days, quiet were the nights. I miss them so much. The smell of the fields, the sun on my face, the breeze and its soft touch.

She never wanted for a castle of gold she only had one wish… To love a man, and raise her three kids in that old house by the ditch.

I remember working on that old house, the wires, the wood, and the rocks. Everything needed work and we wanted to play no matter how stern the talks.

I don’t know why, I ponder that house I haven’t seen it for years. The old creaky stairs, the back porch we built on, the joy we shared and the tears.

Dad pressed on when winters were hard. I never heard him say… “Work isn’t fun,” “You aren’t any good,” “I wish you would go away!”

We started in that house, without any glass and the doors leaked cold air in. But the house was built strong, they moved it just fine not breaking our few things within.

We worked side by side all those years the wind, the wood and the stove. How’d we do so much with so little time to jump in beds so cold?

I remember the big swing, Dad made from tall poles three swings let us all have a turn. We built it with friends, it was made strong to last surely, a lesson to learn.

To get warm we held still, for stories from dad like three bears or a queen and a witch. You could still hear the water as we slept like kings in that old house by the ditch.

Behind it a long fence that hid all Dad’s crap the old cars, a wood pile and more. But the house stood high, so you could see everywhere on the porch just outside the back door.

Mom never slowed down, every day full of chores and little money to decorate in red. She made that old house a home of love with hard work, her songs and warm bread.

The attic was like magic, with treasures within, the basement had room for our friends. We loved watching TV in Dad’s room by the fire. Why do the good times have to end?

She did everything needed, outside and in, no projects could slow her down. Even though all alone when Dad was gone, and her friends lived way in town.

My new house is more quiet, it’s easy to heat, no one in their right mind would switch. But I can not deny, I still dream I live… in that old house by the ditch.

She loved the porch swing, the trees we put in the flowers, rhubarb and corn. She wore herself out making our clothes at night and then hot breakfast if cold was the morn.

By Aaron Blackburn

22 greenliving | June 2018

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Breakthrough Leadership is defined as the skills and qualities necessary to take human performance and organizational outputs toward successful and record-breaking levels. Recently, I shared the first in a series of four articles on breakthrough leadership. In that article I talked about things that leaders can do to encourage their own personal breakthrough strategies. This article is about the three steps that leaders can take to get everyone around them to breakthrough more often!

THREE WAYS TO HELP OTHERS BREAKTHROUGH Brand your leadership - In the book, “The Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun,” Wess Roberts describes the leadership style used for spreading fear in the western and eastern Roman Empires. In the book, “The Google Way,” Bernard Girard describes how the leadership brand at Google allowed them to reshape their business and the world. Attila’s style probably wouldn’t work in Silicon Valley. The message here is that your brand of leadership shapes your brand in business. If you are a CEO, do you lead with a brand or a style that’s all your own? If not, you should. Here are a few questions to help you determine your brand of leadership:

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• What do you believe leaders must do to help others be the best at what they do? • What makes you special? • How do you lead in a way that makes “special” show up more often? Leadership is both an art and a science. We know that creating a safe, fun, stimulating and inviting environment helps humans think and create with greater effectiveness. We also know that the psychological state of relaxed-alertness is the optimal condition for human performance. Leading in a way that supports these outcomes is shown to be the best way forward. Sorry, Attila. The question “What makes us special?” isn’t asked nearly enough. Many times, growing companies will lose their way when they respond to the growth instead of focusing on the unique competencies that cause the growth in the first place. Google is a special place because they value creativity and innovation. It’s in their brand and it’s how they are lead. What makes your team or organization special? Name it. Claim it. And lead in a way that makes it show up.

Make breaking through a working condition. Does your job have creativity in the job description? Does it suggest that you should reinvent your work and come up with new ways of adding value all the time? Sadly, most job descriptions don’t have such aspirational content. This is because most jobs, at their basic levels, are designed to keep people working to some imagined specification. However, futurists have made it clear that this crazy arc of change we can feel going on around us isn’t going away. Our world of work will keep changing. If we aren’t changing along with it, we won’t be able to keep up – and neither will the systems in which we work. Actively support learning and other crazy ideas. At the heart of any good leader is the capacity to learn new things and to support the learning of others. Teams and organizations are as effective as their ability to adjust to the world around them, learn new competencies and grow! To that end, the best leaders take specific actions to support learning. They get active and encourage participation in professional activities that result in growth. When budgets get tight, there is a

tendency to reduce investment in growth opportunities. This is a backward-facing solution. In most cases, growth and the bottom line come from learning new things and creating opportunities and innovations! So what crazy ideas do you have? Are you brave enough to pursue them? Leading means getting others to find their breakthroughs. Leaders who are good at this create teams that are extremely competitive and usually very happy working together. I encourage you to develop your leadership brand, make breakthroughs and agreed-upon working conditions, and create working environments where learning is at the center of your business.

Don’t wait. Start the breakthrough today – yours and theirs! Allyson Mallah is the CEO of Everest Edge Enterprises, LLC, a global managementconsulting firm with one focus - to disrupt the status quo and develop an edge for the organizations they serve. Mallah brings more than a decade of successful, high-performance leadership coaching experience serving a wide variety of clients including the C-Suite, senior leaders and high-potential emerging leaders.

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June 2018 | greenliving


K E E P COO L - REDUCE CARBON When it comes to your budget, air conditioning is just not chill By Karen Contos

Using electricity for heating and cooling buildings generates 40 percent of the world’s greenhouse gases (GHG) which puts too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing climate change. Consumers can save money and help the planet by reducing their energy footprint. Energy savings are easy to achieve over time, especially for homeowners. Start by buying Energy Star appliances and energy efficient windows and replace your incandescent bulbs with LED lights (they will last 15 times longer and emit 90 percent less heat). In this arid climate, you can also hang laundry on clotheslines or racks in lieu of an electric dryer. Renters can reduce their energy footprint, as well. Sign up for one of the following utility plans, and limit the use of heat generating or cooling appliances during peak periods. Be proactive and ask the landlord to install a smart thermostat and replace bulbs with LED lights. Local utility companies offer lots of programs to help consumers save money and use less energy. Online, both the Salt River Project (SRP) and Arizona Public Service (APS) have a “compare rate plans” program where the utility will recommend the best rate plan based on past usage. At SRP, one of the most popular rate plans is the EZ-3 plan. During the hot summer months, the most expensive power costs occur during the week from 3-6 p.m. (peak time). The power used during this peak is three times as expensive as other times of the day. If behavior is modified during these peak times, consumers can save a lot of money. They also have a plan where customers can save money by using less electricity during certain 8 hour windows on weekdays. Be proactive about your energy use during this time. Buy a smart thermostat and at 1 p.m. program the temperature lower than usual to cool your home before the peak period begins. Then, raise the temperature up to 85 degrees during the peak period and then back down to the usual temperature at 6:30 p.m. Consumers will also use less energy during the peak if they don’t use the dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, oven, or hot water heater. APS has a similar plan to the EZ-3 called the Saver Plan. The peak kilowatt per-hour charge is lower than SRP’s, however, the time that the rate is in effect is longer, from 3-8 p.m. For more ideas on saving energy, check out the Arizona Community Action Association’s website at and search for

COMPANIES Salt River Project (SRP) Arizona Public Service (APS)

28 greenliving | June 2018

energy savings tips. You can also explore and APS. com for tools such as the Appliance Usage Chart. Consumers can become green, save money and reduce their energy footprint today! Karen Contos is a co-chair of the Renewable Energy Priority of the Arizona Sustainability Alliance, a nonprofit organization working to create and support sustainable solutions in Arizona.

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ay was an unbelievable month. We celebrated the fourth anniversary of Conscious Connections with more than 100 local influencers. For the first time in my life, at the age of 46, I shared the details of my greatest challenges during the talk of my life (so far). I was most proud of the fact that I can, after more than 10 years, share my story without crying. I can clearly see how my KRISTI HALL toughest battles have also been my greatest gifts and how they have forged me into a better version of myself. At the same time, I was sorting through the spoils of a nearly 20year marriage. As I went through my home, room by room, going through photos and tokens from travels and reminders of the life my soon-to-be-former husband and I had created, I was pushed to let go, over and over again.

GRIEF AND JOY The juxtaposition of celebrating success and letting go of the past had a profound effect on me. It reminded me that even in moments of grief and loss, we can focus on blessings and joy. What I am most grateful for are the people in my life and our growing community. I am convinced that none of us can accomplish anything of significance alone. What can seem frightening and confounding when faced alone can turn into a minor detail when surrounded with love, abundant support and fresh perspectives. As a recovering lone ranger, I am learning that the sooner I ask for and accept help, the faster I move through my challenges.

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Staying stuck in fear and confusion does not serve anyone, and as I practice receiving at my next level, I am in awe of how much can be accomplished every day.

CHOOSING PASSENGERS FOR YOUR TRAIN’S PATH With a nod to the power of community and my growing conviction that love is our reason for being, I leave you with a quote from one of my mentors, Ariana Huffington: “The people we invite on the train are those with whom we are prepared to be vulnerable and real, with whom there is no room for masks and games. They strengthen us when we falter and remind us of the journey’s purpose when we become distracted by the scenery. And we do the same for them. Never let life’s Iagos – flatterers, dissemblers – onto your train. We always get warnings from our heart and our intuition when they appear, but we are often too busy to notice. When you realize they’ve made it on board, make sure you usher them off the train; and as soon as you can, forgive them and forget them. There is nothing more draining than holding grudges.” I invite you to consider joining the Conscious Connections train. We are a community of enlightened, business savvy entrepreneurial women (and a few men) ready to help you be your best and achieve your personal and professional goals. Simply visit and subscribe to our communications to stay in the know about upcoming bi-monthly live events and programs. Kristi Hall is an author, speaker and the creator of Conscious Connections, a community for more than 6,000 purpose-based business women. Learn more at





n July 1, my son, Neo, 17, and I will embark on a 6,000 mile, 31-day road trip across the West. The trip started as a fatherson bonding experience driving to some of the country’s finest national parks and visiting friends and family along the route. But after I applied the lens of sustainability to our journey, it became something much more.

TRIP TAKES A GREEN TURN Now, five months later, our summer road trip has evolved into an ambitious carbon-neutral adventure. We will be driving a Tesla Model 3 – Tesla’s new medium-priced electric vehicle – to prove the efficacy of electric road tripping. Our experimental excursion will benefit the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), Arizona State University’s School of Sustainability and other organizations working on the transition from carbon-intensive fossil fuel-based travel to low-carbon, clean-energy road tripping. RMI is a “think-and-do tank” that works with businesses, communities, institutions and entrepreneurs on global market-based solutions to “transform global energy use to create a clean, prosperous and secure low-carbon future,” a mission I strongly believe in. RMI will use our road trip to raise funds and awareness for their work, and we will also promote ASU’s School of Sustainability degree programs to audiences across the route, including ASU alumni, electric vehicle

enthusiasts, RMI supporters, K-12 teachers and kids.

THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD The route will take 31 days to complete. It will take us through 10 states (Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon and California) and two Canadian Provinces (Alberta and British Columbia) on a combination of highways, interstates and challenging twisty-turny roads. The car’s body will be covered in a professionally designed head-turning wrap promoting renewable energy, sustainable travel, electric road tripping, RMI, ASU’s School of Sustainability, sponsors and other partners. We have a blog (, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Flickr) and traditional media support (thank you Green Living AZ magazine and others). There will be events, live podcasts and meetups all along the route. We will depart from Wrigley Hall on ASU’s Tempe Campus at 8 a.m. July 1. Hope to see you there or on the road. "Wisdom is knowing what to do next; skill is knowing how to do it; and virtue is doing it." – David Starr Jordan John Martinson is cofounder of the Scottsdale-based China Mist Tea Company, which was started in his garage and built into an international iced tea brand. This summer he and his son are taking a 31-day electric road trip promoting clean energy and electric motoring.

June 2018 | greenliving


Gallego Gets the Green Light Eco-conscious Kate Gallego officially announces run for mayor of Phoenix By Dolores Tropiano


ice Mayor Kate Gallego was born and raised in Albuquerque, N.M., where the skies are clear and blue and open space is as ample as sunshine. It was in that enchanting space that she became conscious of environmental issues. As a child, Gallego’s dream job was to be a veterinarian, but those plans evolved from caring for animals to caring for the Earth. After graduating from Albuquerque Academy, Gallego left her small town to attend the most prestigious school in the country – Harvard University in Boston, Mass. Gallego brought her love of nature with her, graduating with a degree in environmental studies. Later, she received an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business. Gallego moved to Phoenix in 2004, where she worked in strategic planning for Salt River Project. In 2010, the councilwoman married fellow Harvard grad, Ruben Gallego. (U.S. Congressman Ruben Gallego represents District 7.) She also worked closely with former Gov. Janet Napolitano and the Arizona Democratic Party, before pursuing her own political career. Gallego was elected to the Phoenix City Council in 2013, representing District 8. There, she put her passion for the environment, sustainability and economic development to work, being recognized for her leadership countless times over the years. In 2016, Gallego and her husband were divorced. Their son, Michael, is 16 months old. Gallego had been prodded by supporters to run for mayor in the past, so when Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton decided to run for congress, Gallego announced her run for mayor of Phoenix. As of May 25, there were seven other candidates competing for the city's top job. Elections take place on Nov. 6. If she wins, Gallego, 36, won't be the first female mayor (there were two before her), but she will be the youngest. Green Living magazine recently sat down with Gallego to talk about her past, her future, and her passion for the environment. Let's go back for a moment in your life. You spent your childhood in Albuquerque and were then thrust into a dramatically different culture at Harvard University. What was that like? Being born and raised in New Mexico, there were lots of things I wasn't exposed to. When I was growing up, the richest person in Albuquerque that I knew was the guy who owned the car dealership. When I was at Harvard they kept talking about investment banking. I had no idea what that meant. You majored in environmental science. What drew you to that area of study? Growing up, I loved the outdoors and wide open spaces. It seemed so important to daily life and it was the perfect preparation for my

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studies. I did a lot of work on land-use planning and the needs of a downtown area. You've had many accomplishments while on the council, including securing equal pay for women. Can you tell us about that? It is important that women receive equal pay for equal work. It's an issue of fundamental fairness, but it is also part of Phoenix’s values. I want Phoenix to be the type of city where everyone has the opportunity to advance and where hard work is rewarded. Now, every city contract requires that the business have an equal pay policy. For example, the city of Phoenix owns the Sky Harbor airport newsstand. The owner said, "I've given a raise to every employee who has asked for it." But the problem with that is that male employees are more likely to ask. We need to train women to be assertive about being fairly compensated. After being on the city council for more than four years, do you remember the moment you decided to run for mayor? The first time I considered it was when I chaired the campaign for

that advises the city on environmental policy. In that role, I led the effort to develop the city’s renewable energy and climate change goals. The year I ran for council the book "Bird on Fire" came out calling Phoenix the least sustainable city in the world. I thought a good counterpoint to that book would be having someone on the council with a real interest in sustainability. So I ran and won. The city currently has very ambitious sustainability goals. Right now we have a goal to be carbon neutral by 2050, and make big investments in renewable energy, parks and outdoor spaces, local food and healthy eating. We are also working to reduce heat islands through green infrastructure and building codes. If I am elected mayor, these passions will continue to be priority for me and for the city. What part does green living play in your personal life today? I drive a Ford Fusion hybrid. I have solar panels on my house. I try to make sustainable decisions in all areas of my life. We use transit when we can, we buy environmentally friendly products and reuse bags. We also recycle or conserve water. On a personal note, what do you like to do for fun? I have a son, Michael, who is 16 months old. We go to the Children's Museum of Phoenix and he loves playing outside. He is fearless.

Proposition 104, which is the citywide transportation plan through 2050. Transportation 2050 is an opportunity to develop different ways for people to get around the city - biking, taking the bus or riding the rail. It is exciting from a sustainability point of view. On the night of the vote, someone approached me and asked if I was running for mayor. It was nice to be appreciated for what I was doing. I was tempted. Another moment came when the census announced that Phoenix was one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S. With that kind of growth, I thought, it's essential to ensure that we are thinking in terms of long term sustainability. It was very exciting.

It looks like he may already be following in his mom's footsteps with an interest in politic or at least "running" in a political office. Michael was running on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives (in Washington D.C. recently). The ABC evening news reported that a toddler had turned the US House into his playhouse. It was a good news story. Dolores Tropiano is the editor of Green Living magazine and the multi-tasking mother of Andre and Dante. She resides in Scottsdale, Arizona. Send card or email comments to

Why did you choose this path at this point in your life? The challenges that are facing the city are so important. I have a personal interest in sustainability. You can potentially make smart decisions and invest in sustainable growth, but we need strong leadership to make sure we are intentional about the kind of city we want to be. If elected, what would be one of your first priorities? When I decided to run, I was working on economic development - bringing businesses in and growing those businesses here. I felt that Phoenix needed to be purposeful about business development. I believe a more diverse economy is less dependent on growth and jobs in home building and tourism because when there is a downturn, there are so many job losses that take place in the same industry. We need leadership that can help create a more diversified economy with more jobs in health care, in precision medicine and other industries. How would your commitment to the environment influence your future work? Prior to serving on the city council, I was chair of the city’s Environmental Quality Commission, which is a citizen commission

June 2018 | greenliving



Arizona summers are like midwest winters -- these are the days locals are prone to staying indoors in a climate-controlled space just waiting for the extreme weather to break. However, around the state, you’ll still find lots of exciting reasons to get out of the house. From cactus festivals to sunrise yoga, there are plenty of ways to heat up your social calendar this season. Here are a handful of upcoming events from Flagstaff to Tucson that will keep you celebrating the splendor of summer.

GUIDED BIRD WALKS – RED ROCK STATE PARK Every Wednesday and Saturday through the summer Enjoy the beautiful summer mornings and catch sight of the many varieties of birds that live in the Red Rock State Park. Join a naturalist for a guided tour that is perfect for beginner and advanced bird enthusiasts. Park entrance fees are $7 for ages 14 and older, $4 for children ages 7-13. Guests are asked to meet on the viewing deck above the visitor’s center Wednesdays and Saturdays throughout the summer. Hike times vary. The park is located at 4050 Red Rock Loop Road, Sedona. For more information visit

FLASHLIGHT TOURS – DESERT BOTANICAL GARDEN Every Saturday night through the summer Discover the hidden world of the desert after dark with a flashlight tour of the Desert Botanical Garden. This self-paced walk is a great opportunity for young and old alike to experience the wonder of night blooming plants, nocturnal animals and the beauty of the garden at night. The tour is free with general admission every Saturday, 7-9:30 p.m. Desert Botanical Garden is located at 1201 North Galvin Parkway, Phoenix. For more information visit

SUMMER YOGA EVENT – YOGA REVOLUTION FLAGSTAFF AND ROOT PUBLIC HOUSE Every Sunday through the summer Every Sunday morning throughout the summer, Yoga Revolution Flagstaff and Root Public House begin the week with a morning flow under Flagstaff’s blue skies. Meeting on the rooftop of Root Public House, this yoga event is followed by a locally sourced and sustainable breakfast. Class is $7 per person every Sunday, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Root Public House can be located at 101 South San Francisco Street, Flagstaff. For more information visit yogarevolutionflagstaff. com.

34 greenliving | June 2018

RISE AND SHINE – SUNRISE YOGA ON THE VORTEX IN SEDONA Every Saturday through June Greet the sun and clear your chakras practicing sunrise yoga atop the most powerful vortex on the planet. This event is about finding harmony and centering while surrounded by the beautiful views of Sedona. Admission is $55 per person every Saturday in June, 6:30-8:30 a.m. Guests are asked to meet at 1225 West State Route 89A, Sedona and travel together to the vortex. For more information visit

ANNUAL WORLD ATLATL DAY – PUEBLO GRANDE MUSEUM June 2 Free demonstration of the atlatl, a weapon predating the bow and arrow. The atlatl was used worldwide for thousands of years and it consisted of a stick with a hook on the end to hold a dart or spear. Learn about this ancient weapon, practice your accuracy, and also explore the Pueblo Grande Museum. This free event is put on by the Study of Ancient Lifeway and Technologies (S.A.L.T.) and the museum from 9 a.m.- noon on June 2. The Pueblo Grande Museum is located at 4619 East Washington St., Phoenix. For more information visit

GREER DAYS June 8- 9 Kick off the summer in cooler weather up in Greer, Ariz. for a relaxing day full of the simple joys in life. This free festival will feature an old-fashioned parade, music, arts and crafts, delicious foods, an auction, the Lucky Duck race, children’s games and more. Check out their website to find out ways to participate in the parade. For more information visit


Arizona summers are like midwest winters -- these are the days locals are prone to staying indoors in a climate-controlled space just waiting for the extreme weather to break. However, around the state, you’ll still find lots of exciting reasons to get out of the house. From cactus festivals to sunrise yoga, there are plenty of ways to heat up your social calendar this season. Here are a handful of upcoming events from Flagstaff to Tucson that will keep you celebrating the splendor of summer.

SAGUARO FRUIT HARVEST – ARIZONA-SONORA DESERT MUSEUM June 16 Harvest saguaro fruit and learn how to prepare sweet syrup in the traditional Tohono O’odham manner. The Tohono O’odham are a Native American people residing primarily in Arizona and Mexico.This class will teach participants how to use cactus-rib harvest poles and cook the fruit while also exploring other important native food sources. The event is $66 per person and will be held at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson from 7 a.m. – noon, June 16. The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum is located at 2021 North Kinney Road, Tucson. For more information or to sign up, visit

JAZZ SPLASH – JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION June 16-17 Enjoy terrific jazz surrounded by the unique and beautiful architecture of Arcosanti, an experimental microcity located north of Phoenix. The Prescott Jazz Society and Milton deLove Cannon observe the 20th year of this Juneteenth celebration which commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery in the Texas. Admission is $10 per person per day, and tickets are available at the venue. Gates open at 3 p.m. at Arcosanti. Reservations are required and can be made by calling 928-632-7135. Arcosanti is located at 13555 South Cross L Road, Mayer. For more information visit

THE LAVENDER FESTIVAL June 21-June 23 The Lavender Festival starts with a thorough discussion on growing lavender, followed by a hands-on cooking demonstration. Stop into the wine tasting room or visit La Petite Provence, for a the cheese plate in the wine tasting room. Live music by Maddy’s Acoustic Duo on Saturday evening. Tickets: $5-12 per person. For more information visit

TILTED EARTH FESTIVAL – CORNVILLE June 22- 23 Relish in a weekend full of live music, a wine garden featuring three Verde Valley wineries and fine art activities at Page Springs Cellars for the 5th annual Tilted Earth Festival. With the intent to nurture the growth of culture, community and the economy in the Verde Valley of Arizona, this festival will leave you with a sense of purpose. Tickets are $65-$75, $105- $110 for commemorative wine dinner. For more information visit

HA:SAN BAK SAGUARO FESTIVAL June 23 Celebrate the amazing saguaro cactus at the 17th Annual Ha:san Bak Saguaro Festival. The festival includes hands-on activities, food (including Native American fry bread), storytelling, arts and crafts, archaeology hikes and an opportunity to plant your own saguaro to take home.The saguaro is not only an iconic symbol of the Arizona desert, but also holds great cultural and dietary significance to the Tohono O’odham Tribal Nation. This festival is free and open to the public with additional workshops available. Workshops are $65 per person or two for $100 by reservation only. The Saguaro Festival takes place on from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. June 23 at the Colossal Cave Mountain Park near Tucson, 1621 East Old Spanish Trail, Vail. For more information or to reserve your spot visit

Want us to list your event? Email your calendar events and photos to Please write CALENDAR and the event date in the subject line.

Or mail your calendar event to Green Living AZ Magazine att: Lisa Racz / CALENDAR 7575 E. Redfield Road #219 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

June 2018 | greenliving





he Verde River is one of the state’s last free-flowing rivers. It provides clean drinking water to some two million residents of the greater Phoenix area. The Verde watershed takes in all 192 miles of the river itself, from its headwaters in Chino Valley to the confluence with the Salt River, as well as smaller tributaries that feed into DAVID A. SCHALLER it. Especially valuable are the 40 miles of the Verde River federally designated as wild and scenic, one of only two such reaches in the entire state. The watershed includes one of the only 20 Cottonwood-Willow Gallery Forests in the world. More than 80 percent of the wildlife in the watershed depends on the Verde and its tributaries for habitat, including several threatened and endangered species. Naturally, the Verde River has a lot of friends: recreation enthusiasts, river restoration champions, municipal water providers and more. The Verde has so many supporters that “Friends of the Verde River” is now the waterway’s premier advocacy organization. Its programs run the gamut from habitat improvement and flow restoration to sustainable river recreation. Volunteers, foundation donors and partnerships have exploded since the group’s founding in 2007, permitting it to expand its focus to address issues that affect the entire Verde watershed as well as the group’s original emphasis on the river greenway and its riparian areas. Friends of the Verde River work to maintain flows for the Verde and its tributaries, protect area habitat, and involve the community in ways that will prevent more of the river from drying. Its long-term vision includes a healthy, flowing Verde River and tributaries that

36 greenliving | June 2018

support the unique environment, vibrant economy and quality of life in Verde Valley for future generations. Last year was a hallmark of sorts, as Friends merged with two of its partner organizations: the Verde River Basin Partnership and the Verde River Valley Nature Organization (VRVNO). This allows Friends access to the educational outreach and scientific resource strengths of the Verde River Basin Partnership plus the natural history and outdoor education event expertise of VRVNO. This combination of skill sets gives Friends the bandwidth it needs to take on its recently expanded scope. This progress did not arrive overnight - it was more than four years before the organization reached a point where the first paid staff persons could be hired. “Without volunteers, we wouldn’t have started,” said Matt Wilson, current program director with Friends of the Verde River. Wilson added, “Those volunteers’ hours just don’t get work done in the field, their hours are critical in counting toward the matching funds required for many of our funding sources. Now that our focus has expanded, we offer an array of volunteer opportunities to appeal to people’s varied interests: everything from trash cleanup along river banks, to invasive plant removal, to helping with our native seeds cooperative and its work in the valley.” In other words, there’s something for everyone who might want to befriend the Verde, whether they live in the Verde River watershed or somewhere else. If readers are interested, they can find additional information and a schedule of 2018 activities on the Friends of the Verde River website, David Schaller is a retired environmental scientist living in Tucson, where he writes on climate, water and energy security.


Map from

For a list of Arizona endangered species, visit

Map from

June 2018 | greenliving


Don’t miss our upcoming Eco Event celebrating the summer and a father-son road trip in a Tesla Model 3. Join Green Living Magazine as we send off China Mist co-founder John Martinson and his son, Neo, as they take to the road traveling through 10 states and parts of Canada, taking in the sights and telling their story in the upcoming issues.

The event takes place from 4-7:30 p.m. June 27 at Autowits, 7224 E. McDowell Road, Scottsdale


38 greenliving | June 2018

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Have a favorite recipe? Email it to me at We might use it in the magazine.


SERVINGS: 2 AS AN ENTREE OR MORE AS AN APPETIZER INGREDIENTS: • 1/2 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined, cut in half • Salt • Pepper • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved • 1/4 cup chopped scallions • 1/3-1 cup chopped fresh cilantro (to taste) • 1 head romaine lettuce • 1 avocado, cubed • 1 mango, cubed • 1/4-1 cup fresh lime juice (to taste)

• 3 tablespoons rice vinegar • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, peeled and minced • 1/2 teaspoon chili garlic sauce • 2-3 garlic cloves, minced • 4 cups shredded cabbage • 1 cup shredded carrots

DIRECTIONS: Wash and dry the romaine lettuce leaves. Season the shrimp with salt and pepper. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add shrimp and cook until pink, about two minutes on each side. Set aside. Mix together and set aside: lime juice (to taste), ginger, chili garlic sauce, minced garlic, shredded cabbage, shredded carrots. Once shrimp is cooked, add the tomatoes, scallions and cilantro to the cabbage mixture and toss all together. Spoon ingredients onto the romaine leaf and enjoy! You might drizzle with sweet chili sauce or peanut dressing. (Courtesy of Tryst Cafe) 40 greenliving | June 2018




Mix Mix itemsitems together, together, refrigerate refrigerate for atfor least at least two two hours, hours, and and serve. serve. As anAs an • 1 • medium 1 medium organic organic watermelon, watermelon, cubed cubed option a adda add handful handful of hand-torn of hand-torn mintmint or make or make savory savory withwith organic organic • 6 • medium 6 medium organic organic Fuji Fuji apples, apples, cored cored and and cut into cut into 8-128-12 slices, slices, thenthen option heirloom heirloom tomatoes, tomatoes, feta cheese, feta cheese, oliveolive oil, salt oil, and salt and pepper. pepper. cut slices cut slices in 1/2 in 1/2 (Courtesy of Chef of Chef Jennifer Jennifer Johnson, Johnson, Witnessing Witnessing Nature Nature in Food) in Food) • 8 • medium 8 medium organic organic navelnavel oranges, oranges, peeled, peeled, separated separated and and sliced sliced into into (Courtesy halves halves • Juice • Juice of 2 of organic 2 organic lemons lemons



• 3 • pounds 3 pounds grape-size grape-size organic organic heirloom heirloom tomatoes, tomatoes, whole whole • 2 • pounds 2 pounds minimini organic organic sweet sweet peppers, peppers, quartered quartered • 2 • pounds 2 pounds organic organic crimini crimini mushrooms, mushrooms, quartered quartered • Salt • Salt • Pepper • Pepper

• 2-3 • pounds 2-3 pounds sustainable sustainable porkpork tenderloin tenderloin (can(can get nice get nice cuts cuts fromfrom AZ AZ FineFine Swine Swine or Arcadia or Arcadia MeatMeat Market) Market) - sliced - sliced into into minimini skewer skewer pieces pieces about about 2-3-inches 2-3-inches longlong and and ½-inches ½-inches widewide • Olive • Olive oil oil • 70• mini 70 mini bamboo bamboo skewers skewers

DIRECTIONS: DIRECTIONS: SoakSoak bamboo bamboo skewers skewers in water in water overnight. overnight. Skewer Skewer mushroom, mushroom, sweetsweet pepper, pepper, tomato tomato and and meat,meat, thenthen repeat repeat withwith the rest the of restthe ofskewers. the skewers. Marinate Marinate withwith salt and salt and pepper, pepper, thenthen brush brush withwith a bitaofbitolive of olive oil. Preheat oil. Preheat grill grill to 350-360 to 350-360 degrees. degrees. GrillGrill untiluntil meatmeat is 160 is 160 degrees, degrees, turning turning as needed. as needed. MakeMake sure sure to keep to keep waterwater nextnext to the togrill the grill in case in case of flare of flups. are ups. Skewers Skewers should should be done be done in about in about 10 minutes. 10 minutes. ThisThis recipe recipe can be cancustomized be customized to include to include veg- veggies gies and/or and/or meatmeat of your of your preference. preference. Delicious Delicious withwith added added onions, onions, garlic, garlic, spicyspicy paprika, paprika, chicken chicken or with or with vegetables vegetables only.only. Don’tDon’t havehave a grill? a grill? These These cookcook well well under under a broiler. a broiler. (Courtesy (Courtesy of Chef of Chef Jennifer Jennifer Johnson, Johnson, Witnessing Witnessing Nature Nature in Food) in Food)

June 2018 | greenliving


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42 greenliving | June 2018

GR EEN C HAM PIO N S Each month in our Green Champions section, we feature three people -- one each in northern, central and southern Arizona -- who are making strides in the green community. In this issue, we’re celebrating three people who work to educate and protect the public by fostering environmental awareness and healthy lifestyles.

NORTHERN: LAURA HUENNEKE Known as a local world-changer, Laura Huenneke was recently honored by her community with the Environmental Caucus Founder Award for cultivating academic sustainability at Northern Arizona University. Huenneke’s scientific expertise, personal commitment to the environment, and effectiveness in getting things done provided the momentum to propel NAU into the nation’s sustainability spotlight. Huenneke has held many titles at NAU, such as Dean of the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Provost, and lastly an instructor at the School of Earth Science, Environmental Sustainability and Biology. Huenneke is recognized for her conscientious hard work and dedication in making a long-term impact on the environment while elevating NAU’s national reputation.,

CENTRAL: SHAWETA VASUDEVA Shaweta Vasudeva is sweeping the central Valley, educating people about how they can become the best version of themselves. Vasudeva specializes in multiple areas of work, such as craniosacral therapy, corrective exercise and nutritional therapy. Known on social media as ShayTheCoach, Vasudeva is a certified nutritional therapist, corrective exercise specialist, black belt karate and Tai Chi instructor, and the founder of After having dealt with major health issues, injuries and weight gain, Vasudeva’s athletic spirit persevered. “I have been on a personal healing journey for nearly a decade,” said Vasudeva. “I changed my life for the better with the power of fitness training, clean eating and karate, and through my personal journey I discovered my true calling of helping others achieve the life of their dreams!”,

SOUTHERN: KATIE LEHN Katie Lehn has been a dedicated dietitian and food coach in Tucson for four years. She works at Nourishing Results & Banner University Medical Center, where she passionately educates her clients about cooking and meal planning, healthy eating habits and cultivating an eco-conscious lifestyle. Lehn graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in nutritional science and loves to create delicious dishes inspired by in-season produce that she can share with her community. “My favorite dish is my kitchen-sink stir fry," said Lehn. "That's where I use up all my wilting produce at the end of the week to create a quirky, colorful and surprisingly delicious meal.”,

Want to nominate someone as a Green Champion? Email your candidate to!

June 2018 | greenliving




June 23

June 9

June 16




This Father’s Day weekend come to the Arizona Indoor Custom Car Show 2018, an all-indoor event displaying 500 of the hottest rides from the southwest and featuring five live bands, disc jockeys, and the Miss Custom AZ Pinup contest. Entry fee: $20, military 25 percent discount, kids 12 and younger: free. The show takes place from 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. at the Phoenix Convention Center, 100 N. 3rd St., Phoenix,

June 23-24

Mighty Mud Mania offers muddy obstacles for people of all ages and ability levels, as well as nonmuddy activities. The event includes inflatable water slides, open-play mud pits, food vendors, sponsor areas and wash stations. Mighty Mud Mania is partnering with Scottsdale’s Solid Waste to educate attendees about recycling. General admission: free, $10 for those 18 and older running the obstacle course. The event takes place from 7 a.m – noon at Chaparral Park, 5401 N. Hayden Road, Scottsdale,

June 9 PINEAPPLE TRIANGLE Pineapple Triangle event is a combination of local artists, community and charity offering handmade and custom design pieces with a mission of supporting local vendors. There will be food trucks and live music to enjoy as you shop. A minimum 20 percent of proceeds go toward local nonprofits. Admission: $10, children 12 and younger: free. The event takes place from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Desoto Central Market, 915 N. Central Ave., Phoenix,

June 15 DOWNTOWN CHANDLER ART WALK If you’ve been thinking about checking out all the neat shops and restaurants lining the streets of downtown Chandler, this is perfect opportunity. The Downtown Chandler Art Walk takes place every third Friday and features live music and a wide variety of juried artwork from local artists. The walk takes place from 6-9:30 p.m at the west side of Dr. A.J. Chandler Park and San Marcos Place, 3 S. Arizona Ave., Chandler,

44 greenliving | June 2018


June 17

> THE ARIZONA SCIENCE CENTER is offering dads free admission on Father’s Day. Come discover the world of science, history, and imagination with attractions such as the Dorrance Planetarium and the W.O.N.D.E.R. Center. The museum is located at 600 E. Washington St., Phoenix,

> DESERT BOTANICAL GARDEN offers free admission to dads with purchase of a child admission. The garden is located at 1201 N. Galvin Parkway, Phoenix,

> LEGOLAND DISCOVERY CENTER is offering free admission for dads with the purchase of child ticket. The center features 12 family attractions and the very latest LEGO products. The center is located at 5000 S. Arizona Mills Circle, Tempe (inside Arizona Mills Mall), arizona.


Phoenix-based Ken Koshio brings together a diverse fusion of musicians and artistic groups combined with Japanese taiko drumming. Tickets: $30-50. The show runs from 7-9 p.m., at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts, 7380 E. 2nd St., Scottsdale,

GLENDALE GLUTEN FREE & ALLERGEN FRIENDLY EXPO The GFAF Expo is the greatest event on earth for those living a gluten-free or allergen-friendly lifestyle. Enjoy free samples from exhibitors including baked goods, pizza and other products; meet with local and national brands, receive coupons and attend informative presentations. Tickets are $5-35. The expo runs from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at the Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa, 9495 W. Coyotes Blvd., Glendale,

June 24 EMBRACING YOUR JOURNEY EXPO The event offers a large selection of holistic, wellness and metaphysical products and service vendors all under one roof. Learn new ways to improve your life, find resources to help you grow spiritually and emotionally, and discover new products and services geared toward health and inspiration. The first 100 people will receive a swag bag full of gifts. Tickets are $5. The expo takes place from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m at the Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort, 7677 N. 16th St., Phoenix,

is offering a morning of kayaking for Father’s Day. All dads are free when two or more family members register. The lake is located at 80 E. Rio Salado Parkway, Tempe,






June 16

Celebrate all things Flagstaff at this community festival. Hullabaloo features live music, local foods, giant puppets, a bike parade, costume contests, circus performers, two performance stages, a huge kids area, local vendors, microbrews and more! The festival takes place from 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday, and 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sunday at Wheeler Park, 212 W. Aspen Ave., Flagstaff,


June 9-16

Taste the most authentic Mexican food north of the border at this festival which celebrates Tucson’s best 23 miles of Mexican food. The event will feature weekend staycation packages, food demos and education, live music and more. Advance tickets are $60 for adults, $20 for ages 5-17. The festival takes place from 6-8:30 p.m. at the JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort & Spa, 3800 W. Starr Pass Blvd., Tucson,


June 16-17 SONORAFEST 2018 - COCHISE COUNTY This megaregion festival features music and local food and beverage vendors. The state of Sonora in Mexico will share the richness of its culture, gastronomy, sports and commercial goods. The festival is free and takes place from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. at the Mall at Sierra Vista, 2200 El Mercado Loop, Sierra Vista,

June 23-24 REPTICON REPTILE AND EXOTIC ANIMAL CONVENTION Repticon tours the nation annually with regional and national vendors of reptiles, amphibians and exotic animals. This festival includes raffles of reptile supplies and merchandise. Each hour there are interactive seminars and live encounters featuring reptiles and amphibians. The convention takes place from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Pima County Fairgrounds, Thurber Hall, 11300 S. Houghton Road, Tucson,

The Grand Canyon National Park’s South Rim presents the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association and on the North Rim is the Saguaro Astronomy Club of Phoenix with their high-powered telescopes for viewing. Jupiter, Saturn and Mars will be evening highlights. Astronomy slide shows and green laser tours are also given at this event. The event is free with a $30 per vehicle park entrance fee. The party takes place from 8-11 p.m. Contact: 928-638-7641.nps. gov/grca

June 16 & 17 28TH ANNUAL PINE STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Enjoy cool mountain air, flats of fresh strawberries, strawberry treats, arts, crafts, food vendors, and fun for the whole family! The festival is hosted by the Pine/Strawberry Business Community and takes place at the Pine Community Center and Ramada, 3886 N. Highway 87, Pine,

June 20 - August 15 REPTILES AT THE RAILS During the summer season, Liberty Wildlife’s once-per-month educational program features cold-blooded creatures such as tortoises, lizards, Gila monsters and snakes to help connect the public with the natural world. Well-trained presenters will explain the natural history of each animal and the importance that they hold in the desert ecosystem. Admission: free. The program takes place from 11 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. at the Verde Canyon Railroad, 300 N. Broadway, Clarkdale, events.

June 13 ARIZONA GREEN CHAMBER’S LUNCH AND LEARN Mick Dalrymple, director of Sustainability practices at Arizona State University, will share the school’s updated sustainability goals and how the school is achieving them. Dalrymple will also offer ways to integrate the concepts into your business practices and personal life. Please register. 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at SkySong, the ASU Scottsdale Innovation Center, Global Room 20, 1475 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale,

June 26-28 NATIONAL ENERGY AND UTILITY AFFORDABILITY COALITION CONFERENCE The National Energy and Utility Affordability Coalition will cover areas such as innovative approaches to serving low-income energy consumers, weatherization and energy efficiency, energy policy and advocacy and serving vulnerable populations. The conference takes place from 9 a.m – 6 p.m. at the Sheraton Grand Phoenix, 340 N. 3rd St., Phoenix,

Want us to list your event? Email your calendar events and photos to Please write CALENDAR and the event date in the subject line. Or mail your calendar event to Green Living AZ Magazine att: Lisa Racz / CALENDAR 7575 E. Redfield Road #219 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

June 2018 | greenliving







If your dad loves the game of baseball, chances are he carried his glove around as a kid. Now, he still can. “When it was a Game” takes vintage baseball gloves and recycles them into handcrafted leather wallets, money clips and phone cases such as the Yogi Berra folded cash slot, Phil Rizzuto phone case and the Joe DiMaggio wallet. Or bring dad’s very own favorite glove back to life. Priced from $48.50. WHENITWASAGAME.ORG



Golf is considered a social game, but studies indicate that it’s not exactly eco-friendly. In America alone, an estimated 300 million golf balls are lost each year, and it takes 100 to 1,000 years for them to decompose. According to the Dutch Golf Association, the balls release dangerous levels of zinc in the decomposition process. Luckily, players who are keen on hitting out of bounds can now use these biodegradable balls and leave the course without a guilty conscience. From $1.25 to $.20 per ball, depending on quantity . ECOGOLFBALLS.COM





Scottsdale jewelry creator Cris Olson makes jewelry for men who don’t like jewelry. The fifth-generation jeweler, who has designed pieces for everyone from the Hollywood elite to Fiesta Bowl winners, creates rings that incorporate archaeological and historical elements. The award-winning artist has an uncanny ability to collaborate creatively with clients, taking their lifestyle and vision into account when creating a personal piece. The end result is heirloom-quality jewelry that is cherished by families for generations to come. Priced from $250. CRISOLSONDESIGNS.COM

Protect the environment and your phone with these Earth-friendly cases. Made from U.S.-sourced Forest Stewardship Council-certified hardwoods (FSC), these colorful Raidfox phone cases make both a fashion and ecological statement. They are created by using lasers to cut the wood and then finished by hand. Raidfox donates a portion of their revenue to humanitarian and environmental nonprofits around the world. Priced from $7.99. AMAZON.COM



Big boys like their milk, so the dairy-free alternative better taste as good as it is good for them. Califia Farms almond milk uses blanched raw California almonds to create a creamier, fresher, nuttier taste. It has no cholesterol; is GMO and soy-free; and with 50 percent more calcium than cow milk, it’s both great tasting and great for the body. Priced from $3.79 at Sprouts Farmers Market. CALIFIAFARMS.COM 46 greenliving | June 2018




Product reviews by our eco-conscious couple John and Jennifer Burkhart


Our favorite way to stay cool during the brutal Arizona summers is definitely sitting in a frosty movie theater. But a very close second would be diving into a carton of ice cream. Oddly, we haven’t tried eating ice cream in a movie theater, yet...but we’ve just added that to our summer to-do list! Gearing up for the hot days ahead, we tried a few frosty treats at home to see which brands and flavors would be stocking our freezer all summer long. These organic and specialty ice creams don’t run cheap, so read on to see which cartons are worth the price tag on that itty-bitty pint.



CHOCOLATE EXTREME MOOSE TRACKS HE SAID: Wowza! This is a chocolate overload and that’s a good thing. It’s as if O Organics made a smooth milk-chocolate ice cream with ribbons of dark-chocolate fudge and then someone at the office was like, “That’s not enough chocolate for me. Add chocolatecovered fudge cups!” It was a chocolate lover’s dream come true.

SHE SAID: Don’t try this unless you are a chocoholic. Lucky for me, I am! The super rich chocolate combined with the soft fudge cups and swirl sent my taste buds into simultaneous sugar heaven and sugar shock. I have no idea what a moose has to do with it, but he should keep making those tracks.

SORBABES : GOURMET SORBET DREAMY PASSIONFRUIT WITH VANILLA BARK + ORANGE ZEST HE SAID: I’m not really a big sorbet fan. I remember taking my first bite of this and thinking, “Oh here we go, another pint of frozen fruit juice.” But there’s a complexity to this sorbet that really grew on me. It has a bright passion fruit flavor that gives way to a sweet and bitter orange zest. And just when I thought the bitter flavor was going to be too much, BAM! Sweet vanilla chips to the rescue. I give major props to whoever came up with this combination.

COFFEE CHIP HE SAID: Coffee chip? More like ice chip. This one tasted like a frozen bowl of Folgers coffee with some chocolate chips tossed in. I’m not kidding when I say it crunched when I chewed it, and I’m talking about a bite with no chocolate chips. Seriously, I’ve had smoothies with less ice in them.

SHE SAID: Coffee and ice cream are a lovely pair, when done right. The coffee flavor was perfect and delicious with plenty of soft, chocolatey chips. I just couldn’t get over the extra icy crunch. It distracted from what was almost a perfect ice cream.


SHE SAID: While this was one of the most refreshing desserts I’ve had, it was also the most tart. I’m sure my twisted face with each bite was pretty comical. But I kept going because it was so good! And the vanilla chips were a tasty twist that helped to mellow out the passion fruit zing.

HE SAID: Diet ice cream exists? What monster invented this? I can’t begin to describe how horrible this “ice cream” was. Chocolate chips sealed away for all eternity in a mintflavored block of ice. Here’s my recommendation: if you’re on a diet and have to eat ice cream, cheat! Get the real deal and double up on gym days. Don’t waste your time and money on this.

JULIE’S ORGANIC COOKIES & CREAM HE SAID: This tasted like traditional cookies and cream ice cream, but it was muted as if someone had turned the flavor volume down to five. The ice cream was sweet with a mild vanilla flavor and the cookies had a nice chewy texture with a mellow milk-chocolate taste. Grab this one if you scare easily or have overactive taste buds.

SHE SAID: If you want a treat that’s not overly sweet, this is it. It could also use a bit more vanilla flavor, but the plentiful and delicious chocolate cookies were enough to distract me. I want to know where to buy the cookies in a box all their own!

SHE SAID: This was ice cream without the cream. The texture was so light that it disappeared like cotton candy on my tongue. Not to mention you’ll need biceps like the Rock to scoop the little shavings into your bowl. The cool peppermint flavor was the only good thing about it.

See more product reviews at June 2018 | greenliving


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Events by Danielle............................................ 29

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Arizona Pool Water Recycling....................39

Frame the Message Ink....................................7

Shay the Coach................................................. 29

Bauman's Xtreme Training...............................5

Friendly Pines Camp........................................23

Twisted Events: Spay and Neuter Event..13

Central Phoenix Women.................................5

Gluten Free Expo ............................................ 38

VeggiDome.......................................................... 38


Going Green House..........................................13

Watts Water..........................................................6


Hera Hub ................................................................7

Wave Health & Pain Therapy..................... BC

Courtesy Chevrolet.........................................39

Hippie Hobby........................................................7

Wells Fargo Advisors....................................... 16

Courtesy Volvo...........................................24-25


Witnessing Nature in Food..........................23

DLR Group.......................................................IFC-1

Net Neighborhood TV..................................48

Women of Scottsdale......................................5

Don Zavis Sales Training............................... 42

North Valley Women........................................5

East Valley Women............................................5

Phoenix Ale Brewery........................................13

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48 greenliving | June 2018



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Las Vegas • 4995 W. Eastern Ave • 702.342.8510

Imagine the life you’ll live... when you are finally pain free.

Wave Health and Pain Therapy is a proud provider of the Medsonix Therapy System. This results driven technology uses an integrated medical device that produces low frequency sound pressure to increase blood flow and mobility, decrease inflammation and pain, and relieve symptoms attributed to a wide range of diseases and disorders.

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to think of all the things you will do once you are pain free.

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA, and is provided for general information purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice. Under no circumstances does Wave Health and Pain Therapy, Medsonix, Medsonix Distributing or any of its affiliates recommend a particular treatment for specific individuals and in all cases recommend consultation with a physician before pursuing any course of treatment. Registration with the FDA, is not a testament of evaluation and/or endorsement by the same.

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Green Living is looking for motivated sales people to join our team. Help Promote OPENINGS IN eco-conscious Greater Phoenix products Greater Tucson & services Northern Arizona

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