Green Living July 2017

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July 2017

Solar and Energy Issue!

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A Global Look at Renewable Energy

Saving Lives with Art

Nature and Science Activities


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Yours in practicing a greener lifestyle publisher/editor-in-chief CREATIVE Director assistant editor COPY Editor

Dorie Morales Misty Voitovski Bharat Venkatesh Rachel Luman

advisory board Veronica Bahn Ken Edwins Jon Kitchell Eric Olsen

Valerie Crosby William Janhonen Mary McCormick Thomas Williams

contributors Angela Brooks John Burkhart Michelle De Blasi Kamilla Graham Julie Knapp Lloyd Ramsey David A. Schaller Media Consultants Susan Breakstone Editorial Interns Chais Gentner Rachael Vargas Event Planning/ Social Media Interns Rachel Hurvitz

Jennifer Burkhart Chris Davey Annie DeMuth Dr. Emmanouil Karampahtsis Gretchen Pahia Kyle Ritland Michelle Talsma Everson

Shelby Rainford Bobby Yalam

Chelle Mahoney

Graphic Design Intern Julia Mummelthie

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2 greenliving | July 2017

departments features


July 2017

on the cover


The image featured on our cover was drone operated by photographer Christian McBeth. Read more about three trends driving the future of solar in Arizona on page 22!

24 Green Picnicking Destinations and Tips

14 15

Fun Green Facts Art Awakenings: Saving Lives with Art


38 Affordable Aquaponics 40 Recipes 42 Green Scenes Calendar of Events



work green 16

Nature and Science Activities

2,000-year-old Water System

Whole Family Santa Cruz County

Saving Lives with Art

35 Launch Party Photo Collage 36 Why Your Garden Needs a

8 How to Hit the Pause Button and Detox This Summer 10 Make Moving Easier for the

A Global Look at Renewable Energy

play green

Nature and Science Activities

live green

Climate Change Series:

Solar and Energy Issue!

US $5.95

The World’s Energy Problems


July 2017

It’s a Home Run! The Diamondbacks’ Energy and Solar plans for Chase Field

18 Sun After Dark: APS’ Energy Storage Strategy 22 Three Trends Driving the Future of Solar in Arizona

26 A Bright Future for Renewable Energy 28 Straight from the SOURCE: A Scottsdale Startup’s Product Uses Solar Energy to

46 Green Champions 47 He’s Green, She’s Green 48 Cool Outrageous Stuff


Make Water Out of Thin Air

30 Ask an Expert: Should I Install Solar on My Roof at Home?


July 2017 | greenliving


July 2017 Publisher’s Note


t’s no secret that July in Arizona is hot and sunny. That’s why this issue is all about solar power and energy. Although most of us are grateful for the temporary relief we get from powering up our air conditioners, this issue reminds us to be mindful of our energy bills and our impact on the environment over the summer. Thankfully, Arizona is becoming more sustainable each year and ranks third in the nation for solar energy, falling behind only North Carolina and California.

According to a 2016 study by the Solar Energy Industries Association, there are over 469,000 homes powered by solar and over 7,310 jobs in the solar industry. Arizona generates more than 5 percent of its electricity from solar. One of the largest solar projects in Arizona is the Solana project, which was completed in 2013; it generates enough energy to power more than 41,652 homes. In this issue, you’ll learn about global renewable energy and the Paris Climate Accord, how a local startup product in Scottsdale uses solar energy to make water out of thin air, how APS is storing energy and what is trending in the solar industry. You can read about green picnic ideas, nature and science activities for the kids and how we all can have affordable healthy food. This issue shows how we can save lives through art, make healthy recipes and much more. July is National Blueberry Month and July 16 is Fresh Spinach Day, so be sure to check out our delicious recipes incorporating these two summer foods. Most of our recipes are vegetarian and can easily be adapted to fit your dietary needs. This month, our “He’s Green, She’s Green” couple reviewed different on-the-go smoothie kits so you know what to purchase to stay healthy and cool this summer. And, as always, check out our reviews of cool outrageous stuff.

“The future is green energy, sustainability, renewable energy.” - Arnold Schwarzenegger Enjoy the lazy days of summer by taking advantage of the warm weather and choosing to go swimming, boating, camping, gardening and vacationing. This summer, try eating more freshly picked fruits and veggies. Visit an art museum, take in a ballgame or two and do fun (and green!) things daily. If you enjoy our magazine and want to get to know the people behind its production and articles, stop by one of our monthly launch parties. These events are a great way to connect with people in Arizona’s eco-conscious community while enjoying healthy food, drinks, vendors and live music. The goal of our launch parties is to create conscious connections while inspiring others to live, work and play green. Have a happy and safe summer and don’t forget to support your local community by taking the time to participate in the many concerts and festivities around our state. Wishing you sustainable knowledge!

Dorie Morales Publisher and Editor in Chief I love to hear from our readers! Email me at

Making Moving Easier for the Whole Family

Pg. 10

Sun After Dark: APS’ Energy Storage Strategy Local Startup Uses Solar Energy to Produce Water

Pg. 28

Pg. 18-20

Visit our Facebook page and tell us how much you saved by switching to solarpowered energy. If you saved the most, you will receive a prize.

Follow @greenlivingaz and stay in touch with the newest topics on sustainability! 4 greenliving | July 2017

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July 2017 | greenliving



Beaver Creek, Rimrock

5 Local Green Picnic Destinations by Rachael Vargas


his summer, don’t let the Arizona heat deter you from soaking in the scenic outdoors. Go outside, be active, and enjoy the fresh air with your family and friends in the higher desert altitudes and cooler temperatures with the help of our savvy picnicking list. So pack up your insulated cooler, slather on some natural sunscreen, and say yes to one of these dynamic destinations for your next family outing. Beaver Creek, Rimrock First on the list is the Beaver Creek day-use picnic site in Rimrock. Visitors can opt for small no-fee sites or large sites with a small fee. Located off Interstate 17, the site offers all the basics: picnic tables, restrooms, filtered drinking water and plenty of parking. This site is a bird lover’s haven, so don’t forget to pack your binoculars. For a full day, the fee is $10 per vehicle. Grasshopper Point, Sedona Next on our list is Grasshopper Point swimming and picnic area. Located in Sedona amongst the red rocks, it is one of our favorite picks because of its renowned swimming hole — a perfectly shaded retreat to indulge in after a tasty snack of wine and cheese. The site also provides hiking and fishing for picnickers and visitors. There is an $8 fee per vehicle. We recommend that you bring plenty of reusable water bottles or thermoses because there is no on-site drinking water. Please also keep in mind that the facility only accepts cash or checks.



White Bridge, Camp Verde We love White Bridge picnic site because of its ease of access to the Verde River. As a visitor, partake in non-motorized boating, fishing and swimming. Located on the corner of Arizona State Route 260, this lake-like destination is fully equipped with outdoor grilling, so you can pull together a more elaborate menu. Like Grasshopper Point, this destination has no on-site water. Don’t forget to pack your thermos with plenty of ice water.


6 greenliving | July 2017

White Bridge, Camp Verde


Green Picnic Tips • Bring cloth napkins for the messy eaters in your family. • Pack your favorite picnic snacks in reusable containers made from stainless steel or glass to avoid environmentally unfriendly to-go containers. The goal is to eliminate as much waste as possible. Antelope Canyon, Navajo Nation


Antelope Canyon, Navajo Nation The breathtaking Antelope Canyon is certainly one of the more scenic locations on our list. It is made up of two separate canyons: upper and lower canyons. We advise that if you are going strictly to picnic, opt for the upper canyon; the lower canyon is harder to navigate because of narrow walls, stairs and ladders. There are no picnic tables, bathrooms or drinking water, so make sure to pack accordingly, but the views are undeniably worth it. Also, don’t forget to pack plenty of trash bags as everything you bring with you should leave with you. Canyon de Chelly, Chinle Canyon de Chelly is the final destination on our list. There is no need to look elsewhere if you want to plan a picnic safe from the blazing summer sun. This site is filled with cottonwood trees that offer shady protection during your relaxing hike. With no picnic tables available, be sure to bring a blanket to rest on the ground. We love this spot not only for its shade but also because of its cost-free entry. Located off Highway 191, Canyon de Chelly offers hiking and Jeep tours as an ideal post-lunch, afternoon activity. Whether you’re looking for shade, accessibility, outdoor activities or an unmatched view, mark your calendars and indulge in one of these eco-friendly picnic spots this summer. Savor this chance to try new recipes, make memories with friends and family, and explore Arizona while being good to the environment.


• Bring bags to pick up garbage and recyclables along the way. • Visit a local grocery store and pick up a bottle of your favorite sustainable wine, or local craft beer to support local businesses. Sip your wine in a stainless steel wine glass. • Make a cheese board of your favorite local and organic meats and cheeses! Freshen up your board with things like grapes, fig jam and roasted nuts. • Enjoy your picnic on a chic, yet green, recycled or organic linen. Canyon de Chelly, Chinle

Originally from Portland, OR, Rachael Vargas is a senior studying journalism at the University of Arizona and a member of Sigma Kappa Sorority. She enjoys trying new restaurants and loves music. Find more health & wellness articles at

July 2017 | greenliving


Health & Wellness

and Detox this Summer by Dr. Emmanouil Karampahtsis


etoxing is not just a way to lose weight or get through a hangover. It is not a fad diet with unhealthy restrictions where you deprive your body. It is a chance to nourish your body and check in on the products you are using on your Dr. Emmanouil skin and at home. We are exposed to Karampahtsis thousands of pollutants, toxins and chemicals in the environment every day. Giving the body a boost in detoxing can help improve energy and health, and the summer is a great time to evaluate what you are applying and ingesting.  Drink Up The liver and kidneys are two important organs the body uses to flush toxins. One of the best and easiest ways to help support the liver and kidneys is to drink plenty of water. This is especially important in the summer as it is hotter outside, causing the body’s temperature to rise. Increasing water intake will help these organs perform better, but be sure to choose natural spring water from a trusted source. If you drink water from a reverse osmosis filter, make sure to add some trace minerals as they are completely removed by the filtration process.

8 greenliving | July 2017

Eat Clean Beyond water, the food you choose is an important part of the detox and health-improvement process. Eat a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh fish and organic meats. A plethora of fruits and vegetables are in season in the summer months, making it easy to pack them into your meals. Choose organic options when possible, as

Health & Wellness

non-organic fruits and vegetables can be full of pesticides, and meats can be loaded with nitrates, preservatives and chemical additives that are toxic to the body. Eliminate or reduce your intake of packaged and highly processed foods; these foods are typically loaded with preservatives, refined sugar and elements that can interfere with the detox process. Soak up the Sun The sun is a powerful source of life, and our bodies need it to stay healthy. It is recommended to get 30 to 60 minutes of early morning or evening sun a day. Sunlight helps activate Vitamin D, often called the “sunshine vitamin” since it is produced in the skin when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D has several functions in the body, including helping to absorb calcium and phosphorous and boost immune system function. Beyond the early morning sunlight exposure, it is important to protect the skin with sunscreen. However, not all sunscreens are created equal. The skin is a huge organ


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Reserve Now and can absorb the lotions and sunscreens we apply to it – many of them full of unwanted chemicals or fillers. Choose a sunscreen that contains zinc oxide as the active ingredient. Zinc oxide stays on top of the skin and is not absorbed. A high-quality sunscreen with UVA protection is recommended. Additionally, it is important to evaluate the other lotions, perfumes, household cleaners and scented candles you are using. These products can also emit chemicals into the air that you can absorb, so choose natural or organic products that contain fewer harsh chemicals. Dr. Karampahtsis is a naturopathic doctor, formulator and founder of ProlifeStream. He has been in clinical practice for over a decade in Scottsdale, Arizona. Dr. Karampahtsis holds a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from SouthWest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM) in Tempe, Arizona. He is board certified by the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine (A4M) and specializes in hormone balancing, gastrointestinal health, weight management and cancer care. Find more health & wellness articles at

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July 2017 | greenliving



Make Moving Easier

for the Whole Family A by Gretchen Pahia

s many across America watch the latest child, Barron Trump, move into the White House, it’s a reminder that while moving can be stressful on a family, it can be particularly stressful for kids. However, it doesn’t have to be. There are certain Gretchen Pahia things families can do to save energy and time during the moving process. Jacqueline Moore of, the company that made it possible to sell and buy homes online, says there are a number of ideas available to families. “This doesn’t have to be a difficult time for families. It should be fun and exciting,” said Moore. “We want to make the process as seamless and trouble-free as possible.”

10 greenliving | July 2017

As a way to cut down on waste and focus on growing technology and sustainability, Opendoor offers some can’tmiss tech tips for moving with kids. • Use Pinterest to create a wish list. Ask your kids to create a (realistic) Pinterest board of what they’d like to have in their ideal house. They may not be able to get a personal movie theater like Barron Trump, but it’s likely that a few of their wish list items are also on yours. • Visit homes together through virtual tours. Get them excited about what a new home can offer by checking out homes online or through mobile phone apps such as or Engaging online will go a long way toward having them get excited about the move. • Create a digital memory box. Acknowledge that you will miss the neighborhood you are leaving. Create a digital memory box by taking pictures of the people and places that are meaningful to your child. • Set up a teachable moment and declutter at the same time. Get rid of those unused toys and clothes and have your kids donate them to those in need. Research local nonprofits that support a cause your child cares about. You can even create a keepsake decorated with pictures from the


charity as a reminder of the good you’re doing. • Use online invites and iMovie to share the experience with friends. Barron is said to be most looking forward to having his New York City friends over for a sleepover. Borrow a page from his book and use or to invite friends over for a party. Your child can also give friends from the old neighborhood a virtual tour of the new house on their mobile phones. • Sell your home online. Nothing adds stress like preparing for every home showing or open house — from shoving toys in the closet and cleaning handprints off the walls to making sure your kids have put away their laundry. Instead, take advantage of new sites that allow you to sell your home online so your kids hardly notice the process. Sites like make it possible to

sell your home for a competitive price in just a few clicks. • Use social networks to engage in your new neighborhood. This is a stressful time for your youngsters, so help them get acclimated to your new neighborhood by signing up on free social networks, like, to find kid-friendly restaurants, the best parks, and even the best ice cream! “When kids are moving, it automatically triggers stressful emotions about leaving their current home and friends behind,” said Moore. “Technology is second nature for kids. Using tech to engage children in the move will make the entire experience more comfortable and exciting for the whole family.” Gretchen Pahia has 15 years of experience in both media and public relations and is an award-winning television news producer in Phoenix, Las Vegas and Portland. Gretchen is a native to Arizona, born and raised in Phoenix, and a graduate of Northern Arizona University. She lives in the Phoenix metro area with her husband, their two children and their dog. Read more housing articles at

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July 2017 | greenliving



Climate Change Series:

Santa Cruz County By David A. Schaller


anta Cruz County hugs the back north into the U.S. carrying mountain runoff as well state’s southern border, as treated wastewater from the border towns of Nogales, helping form both Arizona’s Arizona, and Nogales, Sonora. Lately, the river faces the and the country’s frontier with the threat of drying out should prolonged drought continue, Republic of Mexico. It is Arizona’s while rains that do arrive bring disruptive flooding to the smallest border towns that hug hillsides and stream channels. county by area and possesses The county’s elevation helps buffer it from the desert David A. Schaller a population under 50,000. extremes experienced in neighboring Pima County; yet Nonetheless, Santa Cruz has assumed outsized importance as climate change intensifies, even this advantage will in the state and national economy not keep aquifers and rivers as a 21st-century gateway for from being depleted, watersheds international trade through from diminishing, and wildland Nogales, its port city and county fires from taking advantage of seat. parched grasslands. As this article The economy of Santa Cruz was being written, range fires County depends on several sectors spreading around Sonoita were supporting the movement of forcing evacuation and leaving a goods and services from Mexico path of property loss as they fed to the United States; the most on drought-dry grass and shrubs. prominent being the production, On the upside, the businesses processing and transportation of along the Santa Cruz CountyThe art colony of Tubac agricultural commodities. Tourism, Sonora border have always health and fitness, as well as selected manufacturing and required cooperation on everything from import/export technology sectors also offer employment opportunities for protocols and produce inspections to water and sewage county residents. Beyond the border hub at Nogales lie the treatment. Trade and environmental agreements have recreational getaways of Patagonia and Sonoita, the art colony introduced organizations like the International Boundary of Tubac and the burgeoning wine country around Elgin. and Water Commission, the North American Development The Santa Cruz River, from which the county took its Bank and the Border Environment Cooperation name, is an international asset in the region. It begins in Commission, whose collaborative benefits have helped southern Arizona, flows south into Mexico, then turns Santa Cruz County address many pressing issues involving

12 greenliving | July 2017


water, wastewater, trade and climate. Since 1992, a federal advisory group known as the Good Neighbor Environmental Board has worked to assist border counties like Santa Cruz by advocating for projects to improve the quality of life of persons residing on the U.S. side of the border. Its recent report, “Climate Change and Resilient Communities Along the U.S.-Mexico Border,” summarizes the effects that climate change in the U.S.-Mexico border region, identifies possible future impacts and recommends a series of mitigation and adaptation steps for communities to consider in places like Santa Cruz County. The Board, representing a diverse group of private sector and government entities, understands that climate change problems that originate on both sides of the international border will demand solutions that also extend across that border. As is the case elsewhere in Arizona, human intervention will be crucial for the people of Santa Cruz County to mitigate the effects of climate change and help create adaptive measures to dodge the worst-case scenarios. A long and patient history of cross-border and public-private cooperation promises the county an advantage as it faces the challenges ahead. The common ground established across areas as important as water and wastewater should give the county a greater capacity to reach a consensus and better respond to the climate stressors stacking up along our

As climate change intensifies, even elevation will not keep aquifers and rivers (like the Santa Cruz River, pictured) from being depleted, watersheds from diminishing, and wildland fires from taking advantage of parched grasslands.

southern border. For Green Living’s climate change series, each month we will focus on one of Arizona’s 15 counties and how climate change is affecting it specifically. Next month’s installment will focus on Yavapai County. David A. Schaller is a retired environmental scientist living in Tucson, where he writes on climate, water and energy security. Read more environment articles at

July 2017 | greenliving


Green Life

did you know ?

For more green fun facts, visit greenfunfacts

fun green facts Check here every month for some fun facts and stay green! Aside from the obvious turn the lights off when you leave the room, here are some small ways that you can save energy while simultaneously saving money!


Keep lamps away from the thermostat

The heat emitted from your lamp can be registered by the thermostat, causing the air conditioner to run excessively. Simply move your lamps, or any other items which emit heat (such as candles or Scentsy wickless candles), away from your thermostat so your climate control-system doesn’t work as hard.


Use your garbage disposal less

In addition to using energy and affecting your water supply, garbage disposals destroy valuable natural scraps that can be composted to create new life. Composting is a great way to create fresh, healthy soil and most scraps that you would normally put down the garbage disposal can be composted. Don’t put meat scraps or bones in your compost pile (unless it is covered) because this can attract animals. You can put anything biodegradable into your compost pile, including: • Food scraps • Eggshells • Hair • Dust from sweeping or vacuuming • Tea bags • Napkins • Paper towels



Place and pack your freezer smartly

Location is key when it comes to saving energy with your freezer. Reduce the amount of energy needed to preserve your food by keeping your freezer in the basement, where it is cooler, or in an area that receives little to no direct light. Let any hot food cool before you place it in your freezer or refrigerator so these utilities don’t have to use as much energy to maintain temperature. You can also save energy by creating an organization system for your freezer and refrigerator. Place similar items together, with frequently used items near the front or on the door; this means you won’t spend as much time with the door open, letting cool air escape while you search for the ingredients for your meal.1


Don’t style your hair with heat

Curling irons, flat irons and blow dryers may not use that much energy, but they are harmful to your hair. It is easy to forget to turn off your curling or flat iron when you leave the house, which wastes energy and leads to fire hazards. You can avoid these issues by letting your hair air dry or by using foam overnight curlers. Although you might need to adjust to this new way of styling your hair, the positive effects of saving energy — and saving your hair from heat damage — are worth it.


Drive sustainably

Try to avoid wasting gas by accelerating quickly and braking frequently. Getting your car tuned up regularly can save about 10 percent more gas. If you must stop your car for more than 60 seconds, it is more fuel-efficient to turn off the engine than to idle. If you have heavy items in your car that you don’t regularly need, taking them out will improve fuel economy. If possible, switching to an electric or hybrid vehicle will help save energy and nonrenewable resources too.3

Use less hot water by utilizing dishwashers and taking showers

You are more likely to waste hot water doing dishes by hand than if you let the dishwasher do the work for you, according to a European study through the University of Bronn, Germany. The study showed that “new” dishwashers are able to reach at least the same performance with significantly less amount of water needed as any test person.” Save time, money and water by using a dishwasher rather than doing your dishes by hand. Furthermore, a showerhead typically pumps out 2.5 gallons per minute, so a 10-minute shower would use 25 gallons of water. On the other hand, the average bathtub holds anywhere from 35 to 50 gallons of water. So, unless your showers run over about 15 minutes, taking baths instead will help conserve both water and energy. 2 1 Source:; 2 Source: publikationen/eedal-manualdishwashing-ht1;; 3 Source:

14 greenliving | July 2017

Arts & Entertainment

Art Awakenings: Saving Lives with Art P by Kamilla Graham

hoenix’s First Friday Art Walk is among the largest in the nation, with artists traveling across the state to showcase their work. Along Roosevelt Row in Downtown Phoenix, you can find a delightful collection of galleries displaying local artistic talent. Among these is Warehouse 1005, one of the several statewide galleries for PSA Art Awakenings, a program that “promotes empowerment and recovery through the power of creative expression with children and adults who are affected by serious mental health, general mental health and substance use challenges.” According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) website, one in five Americans lives with mental illness. PSA Art Awakenings was founded in 2000 by CEO Sara Marriott. When asked why she started the program, she said, “I love art history. I love the master artists and know that many had suffered from behavioral health issues. When the idea came up about helping people improve their mental illness by creating art and selling art, it seemed like a good idea. And it caught on.” PSA is now a nationally recognized program that offers psycho-social rehabilitation and art therapy programs for more than 2,500 adults and children throughout Arizona. Studios are located all over the state, including in downtown and northwest Phoenix, Casa Grande, Tempe, Tucson, Parker, Bisbee, Douglas, Kingman and Yuma. The studios provide a safe and supportive environment for adults and children to explore artistic expression. Furthermore, it creates a community where artists learn respect for themselves and others, personal accountability, and pride in their accomplishments.

Staffed with expressive art therapists, artistic behavioral health specialists, behavioral health paraprofessionals, and support staff including peer artists, PSA Art Awakenings is far from the typical clinical mental health treatment center. The studio and workspaces are inviting; the artists display work, and sell it to the general public. They have the freedom to express themselves through many mediums: ceramic, textile, mosaic, paint, sculpture, jewelry, written and even music. They work with master artists and therapists, learning new techniques and exploring their artistic abilities. Warehouse 1005 also works within the general community with exhibits such as the upcoming “Black and Gray” scheduled for September, which is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. The mural outside of the Downtown Phoenix gallery boldly states, “Art Saves Lives.” Creating a place for those who live with mental illness to find their voice and become empowered could indeed save many lives. PSA Art Awakenings is always looking for material donations such as canvases, brushes, paint and other materials. If you’d like to support their program and the artists, please drop in at one of their many studios throughout the Valley, or visit to learn more.

Learn more about Art Awakenings at For more information about the PSA Behavioral Health Agency, visit Kamilla Graham is an Arizona native and avid NPR listener who enjoys rediscovering the world with her kids and husband. Find more arts and entertainment articles at artsentertainment

July 2017 | greenliving


corporate social responsibility

It’s a Home Run! The Diamondbacks’ Energy and Solar plans for Chase Field by Annie DeMuth


n light of the solar and energy theme of this issue, it makes sense to illuminate the continuing sustainability efforts of one of Arizona’s favorite ballparks and recognize the pioneers behind their green initiatives, starting close to home at the Arizona Diamondbacks baseball stadium. The major league establishment has made sustainability a defining issue, bringing it to the forefront. Diamondbacks Vice President of Special Projects Graham Rossini spoke optimistically of the meaningful obligation. “We feel that we have a social responsibility to educate our fan base on how they can follow our lead and make behavioral changes in their own day-to-day lives, whether at home or work,” he said. He added that the stadium’s mass reach provides them a unique advantage to help promote positive change in the baseball world, which going forward, is the goal. Most notable is APS Solar Pavilion, a 17,280-squarefoot solar shade covering the western plaza entrance and ticket offices at Chase Field. For the project, the ballpark partnered with Arizona Public Service, the largest electric utility in Arizona, generating electricity to over 1.2 million people. Aside from providing much-needed shade in sweltering temperatures, the pavilion produces 100,000

16 greenliving | July 2017

kilowatts of solar energy, which is enough energy to power 11 home games. The initiative that should pay off over the coming years as millions of baseball fans make their way to Chase Field to watch their teams’ showdowns against the Diamondbacks. Leading this green enterprise are Diamondbacks President and CEO Derrick Hall and the director of Special Projects Matt Helmeid. Adamant about setting the bar high and laying out a positive example, Hall manages to run his team with these sustainable principles. Similarly, Helmeid works day to day to make many of these ideas a reality for the eco-conscious stadium. However, their efforts are only made possible by local sustainable companies like APS and Waste Management, which have allowed the Diamondbacks to implement these initiatives and pave the way for a new method of doing things. “We have been able to lean on them [APS and Waste Management] for expertise, while also providing a valuable platform to communicate their own environmental messaging,” said Rossini. As far as new ideas for 2018, there is talk of implementing an urban garden to sell fresh and locally sourced food at the concession stands. “We serve an enormous amount of food in the ballpark, and having an on-site garden is

corporate social responsibility

Read more about corporate social responsibility at

The Arizona Diamondbacks are proud members of the Green Sports Alliance, a groundbreaking coalition of professional sports teams committed to promoting greening initiatives in sports.

dbacks com/green



E. Jefferson St.





S. 7th St.

Annie DeMuth is a freelance writer and blogger interested in fashion, yoga and healthy living. She received a degree in journalism from the University of Arizona in 2013 and has since contributed to a number of local magazines. She now writes content for professional photographers’ websites and also maintains a weekly yoga blog focused on inspiring others with yoga advice and wellness tips. For more information, please visit


Randy Johnson Way/S. 4th St.

valuable as both a food source and communication tool,” Rossini said. The Diamondbacks’ ecoconscious efforts only continue from there. Right now, fans who drive electric cars are encouraged to utilize the vehicle charging stations located on the northwest corner of Fourth Street and Jackson. Completed this past off-season, all concourse lighting and most parking garages have been converted to energy-efficient LED, resulting in 60 percent power savings annually. In partnership with Waste Management, the ballpark added 200 dual recycling bins throughout the building’s exterior. New to 2017, they also installed high-efficiency hand dryers in the restrooms with hopes of reducing more than 1,000 miles of paper towels each year. “We are always looking for additional ways to expand our sustainable operations, which certainly include solar and energy efficiency,” Rossini said. In the end, these projects are in place to not only set the Diamondbacks apart but to eventually establish the industry standard for global solar initiatives.

2 12








Jackson St.




15 16







200 Waste Management Recycling Bins

11 APS Solar Pavilion


Ballpark-Wide Recycling Program

12 High Efficiency LED Concourse Lights


Season Ticket Holders Issued Reusable "Loyalty Cup" to Use for $2 Beverage Refills

13 Building Management System Efficiently Controls Facility Lighting and Cooling


Game Day and Concessions Staff Uniforms are Made with 16 Recycled Plastic Bottles

14 Chilled Water Loop Air Conditioning System


Energy Efficient Hand Dryers in all Restrooms


D-backs Insiders Printed on Recycled Paper with Soy Ink


Light Rail


Shared Ride Opportunities


Electric Car Charging Station


SustainU-Green Clothing


Low Flow Aerators on All Faucets


Water Efficient Toilets & Urinals

CONCESSIONS 17 All Grease is Recycled into Biodegradable Diesel 18 In 2016, 12,290 Pounds of Stadium Food were Donated, Providing 10,241 Meals to Those in Need 19 Compost Program with Levy Restaurants 20 Over 100 Concessions Products Locally Sourced

July 2017 | greenliving


energy Sector

Sun After Dark: APS’ Energy Storage Strategy by Bharat Venkatesh


ith costs of solar energy production decreasing as related technology advances, the future of the solar industry seems bright. However, we can’t always count on unobstructed sunlight — even in Arizona. Questions and doubts that arise regarding solar energy’s utility when systems can’t function at full capacity have triggered research into energy storage. To better align power availability with peak demand, Arizona Public Service (APS) has formulated an energy storage strategy to increase the value of renewables. Integrating energy storage with the electrical grid — in the form of grid-connected batteries, for example — allows variable resources such as solar energy to be captured during the day and used during the night, providing the most benefit to both customers and the grid. Batteries are deployed along with rooftop solar installments as part of the Solar Partner Program, generating additional power during high demand, and along with emerging technologies as part of the Solar Innovation Study, which integrates distributed energy resources to integrate new energy solutions into the grid. According to APS’ 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report, batteries can also provide

18 greenliving | July 2017

ancillary benefits such as “frequency response, voltage regulation and spinning reserve, as well as defer investment in transmission or distribution needs.” Despite their wide use, however, batteries are not the best option for storing energy, not least because of safety and cost concerns. Thermal storage can be integrated into buildings as a multi-stage, variable speed HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) system that uses a smart thermostat program to pre-cool homes with the solar energy available during the day, essentially shifting loads to offpeak hours. “When we say storage, people want to jump to batteries but … left in line, waiting to be picked is something that can actually work just as well, if not better, and is far cheaper and doesn’t involve lithium,” said Marc Romito, director of customer technology at APS. “There’s no mining and dangerous chemicals involved in thermal storage.” Excess energy can also be stored in grid-connected residential hot water heaters, enabling occupants to use it whenever they need to. This system, called load management, allows APS to maximize the utilization of solar energy produced during the peak midday hours even

energy sector

after sunset. “So, if you can take your house and precool it before you even come home — get it super cool, so to speak — using the extra abundant daytime energy, you’re avoiding using energy during the peak, when solar isn’t producing. And that’s one way to deploy thermal storage,” Romito said. The Solana Generating Station in Gila Bend was the first solar power plant utilizing thermal energy storage in the United States, generating solar energy for up to six hours after sunset. The plant employs concentrating solar power (CSP) trough technology, focusing sunlight on a pipe containing molten salt with 2700 parabolic trough mirrors. The molten salt acts as a heat-transfer liquid and drives a steam turbine to generate electrical power. APS distributes 100 percent of the power generated at the facility. “We already have the largest storage facility deployed in the U.S., and we’ve had it since 2013, I believe, and that’s the Solana Generating Station,” Romito said. “[It] is a 280 megawatt concentrated solar-power facility that uses molten salt to store that daytime energy to be used at night, and it’s one of a kind in the world. It’s a big, big, big player in the industry.”

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continued on page 20


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Solana Generating Station

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energy sector

continued from page 19

The employment of locally implemented and fast-acting microgrids can also improve grid resilience and flexibility. These function as small-scale power facilities that provide backup power during peak hours and in the event of grid outages. The cost of developing a microgrid can be shared between APS and the customers, resulting in greater costeffectiveness and deployment of grid resources. Energy storage and load management are of particular importance because peak energy demand occurs after sunset, when solar power can no longer be produced. The load at these times forces shifts to other resources that run around the clock, such as nuclear power or fossil fuels. Not only does this negatively affect the grid, it also results in increased carbon dioxide emissions. The timing imbalance of power production is represented by the “duck curve,” a graph resembling the silhouette of a duck that compares

Red Rock Solar Plant

the total electric load with the renewable energy load. It helps reduce intermittency presented by solar and other renewables, providing consistency instead. Bharat Venkatesh is a journalist living in Tempe, Arizona, who feels spreading awareness about the importance of sustainability should be part of every journalist’s ethical goal to seek the truth and report it. See more energy sector articles at

APS Battery Storage

20 greenliving | July 2017

July 2017 | greenliving


energy sector

Three Trends Driving the

Future of Solar in Arizona by Kyle Ritland


olar energy is in the news a lot lately. With a rate case currently under review for APS, and similar rate shifts recently completed at both SRP and TEP, it may be difficult to discern exactly what is happening with Arizona’s solar industry. It would be easy to assume that things aren’t going so well — with solar companies seemingly lining up on one side, and the utilities on the other. The truth, however, is that the energy industry isn’t quite so cut and dry. How people power their lives is evolving, and solar energy was an early player in this journey. For the first time, consumers were given a genuine choice of where and how they could acquire electricity. Solar stands as a shining example of our free market at work and perfectly demonstrates how disruptive technology can spur innovation. Today — still very early in the clean-energy revolution — people’s consumption patterns are also evolving. The proliferation of new technologies like electric cars or liberal work-from-home programs is completely changing decades of predictable supply-and-demand patterns. Amidst all this change, solar cannot stand alone. People count on utilities to power their homes at night. Conversely, utility companies need the solar industry to understand better how consumers use electricity inside their homes. After all, solar companies have spent years on the front lines designing highly personalized energy solutions. What’s more, a growing number of utility companies are hungry to demonstrate their commitment to renewables as waves of environmentally savvy consumers enter the market. All these factors have rewarded the solar industry with years of exponential job growth. Between 2015 and 2016 alone, solar employment grew by nearly 25 percent. Solar is here to stay, and the most forward-thinking utility companies know that collaboration, not confrontation, is the key to building a more sustainable future. This explains why Sun Valley Solar Solutions, along with other leading Arizona-based solar installers, worked closely with APS to reach a settlement in advance of this year’s rate case vote. Thanks to that effort, we now know where APS is heading, and the solar company is already working on innovative solutions to maximize savings under the new rates that will be rolled out later this year.

22 greenliving | July 2017

Here are three major technology shifts you can expect from the solar industry in the coming years:


Next-generation systems will be smarter and more interactive; this approach is referred to as “smart solar,” and these systems will include things like intelligent inverters, demand-mitigation devices, and high-efficiency AC systems — all networked and accessible to the homeowner online or through a smartphone. The idea is to empower homeowners to keep as much solar-generated energy inside the home, rather than sending excess electrons back into the utility grid.


Those who engage in solar with their personal energy use will save big: Utility companies want your help to manage electrical demand. The more customers can keep bursts of short-term excessive energy consumption to a minimum, the more the utilities are prepared to reward those efforts. The tools described above as part of the “smart solar” ecosystem will enable customers to tap directly into the savings potential of these demand-based rate plans.


Energy storage will bring the promise of solar full circle: Batteries and other energy storage technologies extend the benefits of a rooftop solar throughout a full 24-hour day. Once people can use their excess solar electricity after the sun goes down, the utility grid can be relegated exclusively to backup duty. Innovation is happening very quickly in this category, and while it’s not quite there yet, battery capacity and cost is within a few years of being truly competitive. More investment resources are flowing into renewable energy than ever before. This makes it all the easier to have faith in the future of solar. After all, the one thing we can absolutely count on is that the sun will rise in the morning.

As the VP of Marketing for Sun Valley Solar Solutions, Kyle combines his passions for marketing and sustainability to help customers better understand the value of Arizona’s most abundant natural resource. When not touting the benefits of solar, encouraging his friends to opt for paper over plastic, or growing his own vegetables, Kyle is generally found hiking with his pointer Toby or preparing a home-cooked meal for friends. “Don’t forget to compost!” Read more articles about energy at

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July 2017 | greenliving


energy sector

(Or why we should stay in the Paris Agreement) by Shelby Rainford


espite studies showing that most Americans in every state support the United States’ participation in the Paris Climate Accord (an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, adaptation and finance starting in the year 2020), on June 1 of this year, President Donald Trump made a statement withdrawing the U.S. from the agreement. The U.S. now joins the only two other countries that did not sign the agreement: Syria and Nicaragua. In his speech announcing the decision to withdraw, President Trump stated, “The Paris Climate Accord is simply the latest example of Washington entering into an agreement that disadvantages the United States to the exclusive benefit of other countries, leaving American workers...and taxpayers to absorb the cost in terms of lost jobs, lower wages, shuttered factories, and vastly diminished economic production.” The assumptions of this statement are based upon a flawed report from May 2017 that has been widely debated, according to The Coal Industry The “lost jobs” and “shuttered factories” to which the president was referring are related to the coal industry, which has been diminishing through the years. The 2016 International Energy Outlook Report by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) projected that “Coal is the world’s slowest growing form of energy,” increasing at an average rate of 0.6 percent per year by 2040. As of March 2017, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that there

24 greenliving | July 2017

are about 53,000 Americans working coal-mining jobs, while there are at least 4 million American jobs in renewable energy according to the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). A recent study by the EDF stated, that “Solar and wind jobs have grown at rates of about 20 percent annually in recent years and are each creating jobs at a rate 12 times faster than that of the rest of the U.S. economy.” So, yes, the coal industry is slowing down, and coal jobs are being lost, but many more jobs are being created in their place in the form of renewable energy. Renewable Electricity or Fossil Fuels Although fossil fuels continue to lead the world as the number-one source of energy, Ren21 states that the amount of electricity produced through renewable resources around the world increased by nearly 9 percent in 2016; 47 percent of this growth was due to solar power, and 34 percent was from wind energy. “For the fifth consecutive year,” stated the report, “investment in new renewable power capacity…was roughly double the investment in fossil fuel generating capacity... The world now adds more renewable power capacity annually than it adds in net new capacity from all fossil fuels combined.” Although investments in renewable energy outrank fossil fuels, these investments in renewable power have decreased by 23 percent since 2015. As fossil fuels and nuclear energy are being overlooked in favor of renewable energy, China has become the largest investor in renewable power, providing the U.S. with potential business opportunities.

energy sector

5 Quick

Energy Facts:

Changes Not Happening Fast Enough 2016 was the third consecutive year that the “global energy-related CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and industry remained stable, despite 3 percent growth in the global economy and an increased demand for energy,” according to Ren21. However, changes in energy sources for heating, cooling and transportation are simply not happening fast enough. In 2016, heating and cooling accounted for over 50 percent of the world’s energy usage with renewable power providing only 25 percent of this power. Transportation utilizes “oil products account[ing] for around 93 percent of final energy consumption.” Ren21 cites subsidies as the main reason for the continued reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear power in these areas. Looking Forward Each year, these global trends continue to tilt in favor of renewables, which is the future of the world and the future of America. As coal jobs diminish and move toward safer automation, America should join the world in its quest for sustainability through renewable energy. Global warming cannot continue to be ignored. Shelby Rainford is a senior majoring in professional writing and minoring in computer science at Blackburn College in Carlinville, Illinois. She strives to lead a sustainable lifestyle and, through her writing, hopes to inspire others to do the same. In her free time, Shelby enjoys reading, knitting and exercising.

“Energy” and “electricity” are often used interchangeably, even though “energy” is a blanket term that covers electricity, transportation and heating and cooling, according to the global renewable energy policy network (Ren21). In 2015, renewable resources were responsible for 9.5 percent utilityscale electricity generation (EIA). By 2025, Arizona’s Renewable Environmental Standards require that 15 percent of Arizona’s electricity come from renewable resources (EIA). The myth that fossil fuels and nuclear energy are needed as “baseload” electricity has been proven false by countries like Germany and Denmark (Ren21). In 2016, 48 nations committed achieving 100 percent of their electricity renewably (Ren21).

See more energy sector articles at

July 2017 | greenliving


energy sector

for Renewable Energy by Michelle De Blasi and Chris Davey


t is an exciting time for the renewable energy sector. As with many industries, disruptive technologies are quickly changing the landscape of the energy sector. Although traditional carbon-based power will continue to power the country for the foreseeable future, there is no doubt that renewable energy sources have gained considerable ground in the last decade. The improvement in renewable technologies appears to be exponential at times. Both globally and domestically, the choice for expanding and updating energy resources is increasingly turning to renewables. Despite the lack of clear policies that would further bolster development of new markets for renewable energy, the cost of renewable energy technology is becoming more competitive because significant energy-consuming states such as California and Nevada are shifting away from investments in carbon-based resources such as coal. Even with the continued stay of EPA’s Clean Power plan, that may never be enacted, market forces appear to be shifting to a reduction in carbonbased emissions even without regulatory mandates. Arizona is uniquely positioned to take advantage of these market changes. Although Arizona’s diverse mix of powergeneration resources provides reliable low-cost energy, there is great potential to become a regional exporter of renewable power. Solar energy remains an abundant resource in Arizona that can be further developed for its economic growth potential. Storage technologies for the renewable sector continue to improve, with some Arizona electric utilities beginning to test battery storage at substations to better utilize the solar energy generated during non-peak hours. The synergy between using solar energy to charge the batteries that can be used later in the day provides a peakshaving ability so utilities can better utilize the intermittent solar resources. This continued diversification of the energy mix will provide greater security for the state’s economy that

26 greenliving | July 2017

can more easily adjust to a reduction in the carbon-based power resources. The increased market share of renewable resources will also help increase continued economic growth. It will be important for all stakeholders to work together to ensure that facilities can be repurposed as they are decommissioned, and that displaced workers from the carbon-based resources are trained to work in the new energy economy. Finding common ground to resolve these issues is not a simple task, and the Arizona Energy Consortium (AEC) continues its focus on working with members to provide an open discourse about how to best achieve these goals regardless of one’s position on climate change. The AEC actively promotes collaboration for growth and retention of all industries that impact the energy sector, whether they are producers or users of power. The AEC is looking forward to helping shape the course of the renewable energy sector over the next decade as technologies continue to improve and the renewable energy sector gains more market share. It will continue to act as a resource and a forum for the industry to share solutions to continue powering the future of Arizona’s energy sector. For more information, visit Michelle De Blasi and Chris Davey are co-executive directors of the AEC. Michelle is an environmental lawyer at Fennemore Craig. She graduated cum laude from the University of Washington School of Law and specializes in cases dealing with energy and environmental natural resources, Indian law, renewable energy and clean technology. Chris Davey is the president of EnviroMission, Inc., where he was key in helping develop the first solar tower project in the U.S. Chris was named a Green Pioneer by the Phoenix Business Journal in 2011, celebrating his work in sustainability. See more energy sector articles at

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July 2017 | greenliving


energy sector

Straight from the SOURCE

A Scot tsdale startup’s product uses

solar energy to make water out of thin air by Michelle Talsma Everson


ater is a precious resource in the desert; there’s not an abundance of it, so desert dwellers are urged to conserve every drop. What is abundant here though, is solar energy. So if a product could harvest solar energy Michelle Talsma and turn it into water, it would be an Everson ideal match. According to Scottsdale startup Zero Mass Water and its CEO, Dr. Cody Friesen, that product is SOURCE.

28 greenliving | July 2017

“Zero Mass Water is a leading renewable water company whose product, SOURCE, is a drinking-water solar panel that uses solar energy to make water out of air, free from infrastructure,” Friesen said. “Installed on three continents in seven countries, SOURCE is democratizing water worldwide.” In addition to being Zero Mass Water’s CEO and founder, Friesen is an associate professor of materials science at Arizona State University. He explained that the intellectual property behind SOURCE lies in the specialized materials developed to efficiently capture pure water from the air and the mechanisms used to produce pure CEO, Dr. Cody Friesen water from those materials. “This technology is years in the making and our incredible product is the only purely infrastructurefree source of great-tasting drinking water,” he said. So how does it work? According to Friesen, the device uses its technology to passively collect humidity in the air. That humidity is then turned into filtered water that will come out of your tap or any water source of your choice. Each SOURCE panel has a 30-liter reservoir, is fairly low maintenance

gl energy sector

and has a 10-year shelf life, according to the company. In Arizona, humidity is typically low. However, Friesen says that is not an issue. “We have panels deployed in Arizona today and have proven that SOURCE makes water from air in even the most arid climates,” he said. For those who are interested in installing SOURCE panels, the price varies depending on home or business size and needs. According to Zero Mass Water’s website, a primary panel is $2,900 and costs go up from there as the buyer’s needs fluctuate. The company describes it as a very customizable process. In time, Friesen hopes that this technology becomes a game changer for sourcing water. “By providing water independent of infrastructure, SOURCE transforms how people everywhere access the water they drink—enabling individual ownership for the first time,” he said. “As the world’s first truly renewable water, SOURCE offsets the water waste of municipal and the plastic waste of bottled, becoming the only drinking water choice without negative consequences. For customers in the U.S., SOURCE provides great-tasting water they can feel good about drinking.” To learn more about Zero Mass Water and SOURCE, visit Michelle Talsma Everson is a freelance writer, editor, public relations consultant and mom based in Phoenix. With degrees in both journalism and PR from Northern Arizona University, she writes for several Valley publications. Find out more at

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July 2017 | greenliving






s an engineer who specializes in the design of high performance buildings, which typically include some component of renewable energy, I am often asked by homeowners “Should I put solar on LLOYD RAMSEY my roof at home?” I often answer that question with a question of my own: “How old is your refrigerator?” What does the age of a refrigerator have to do with installing solar panels? The typical single-family home might consume on average 12,500 kWh per year, and a refrigerator more than five years old is less efficient than a new Energy Star rated appliance. That old refrigerator is costing you approximately $100 per year and consumes almost 1,000 kWh of energy -- replacing it will save you $150 over the next five years. Better yet, you probably have an even older refrigerator plugged in for extra cold storage; unplugging that completely will save you another $150 per year and reduce your home energy consumption by 10 percent overall. The point is that there are very simple things you can do to lower your energy consumption and reduce your energy costs that are more cost effective than installing solar on your roof. CONSIDER THESE QUICK FIXES: Replace your incandescent lights with new LEDs. This could save you approximately $125 per year.


2 3 4

Install a programmable thermostat to save another $180 per year.

Tune up your AC unit annually and replace the air filters every 3 to 6 months, saving another $100 per year.

Don’t use your clothes dryer or oven during peak hours. Not only is the energy more expensive at that time, but your AC unit must work overtime to remove the extra heat from your home. This can save you $100 per year.

5 6

Make sure the doors and windows on your home close properly and seal tightly, saving up to $50 per year.

Check your refrigerator, even if it is new. Cleaning the condenser coils and making sure the door seals properly when closed can save you $75 per year. Only when you have reduced the demand loads in your home should you consider renewables like solar. You’ll reduce the amount of solar energy you require and save yourself more money without paying to install or maintain equipment that you don’t need. Lloyd Ramsey has more than 25 years of professional experience implementing sustainable design strategies for new construction, modernizations, and adaptive-reuse. He is the Chairman of the USGBC Arizona Chapter and sits on the Executive Board of the Discovery Triangle. Read more articles about energy at

30 greenliving | July 2017

How many light bulbs does it take to change an American?

It’s no joke: climate change is a critical issue for all life on Earth. But can the actions of one individual really make a difference? Visit to calculate your impact on the world around you and learn about steps you can take to make the world a better place for us all. Photo Š / Color of Time

July 2017 | greenliving


Green Kids

Summer Science and Nature

Activities for Kids by Chais Gentner


lthough kids have been anticipating it for the past 180 days, for parents, summer break is nothing to look forward to. Frantically trying to fill up your child’s day with something beyond naptime, TV time and snack time is difficult. However, if you include activities that are both fun and environmentally conscious, maybe summer break won’t be so challenging after all. Here are some tips to help your kids go green this summer! Add Green to your Red, White and Blue Stay away from disposable party ware this 4th of July and host an eco-friendly party instead. Americans throw away enough paper and plastic cups, forks and spoons every year to circle the equator 300 times! Instead, use a tablecloth you can wash and reuse and encourage your guests to bring their own plates and bowls to the party to cut back on waste. Should you use propane or charcoal for backyard grilling? A recent study by Environment Impact Assessment Review shows

32 greenliving | July 2017

that “the overwhelming factors are that as a fuel, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) is dramatically more efficient than charcoal in its production and considerably more efficient in cooking.” Moreover, most U-Haul locations will refill your propane tank for less than $3.29 per gallon, which also cuts down on waste. Involve the kids! Make American flags from recycled paper, create eco-friendly sparklers with directions from Crafting a Green World or bake with vegan ingredients. Build a Solar Oven Take advantage of the sun this summer by building your own solar oven for creating tasty treats. Try this science project that uses only household items and a pizza box. Make simple snacks like cheese rolls ups, chocolate fondue, s’mores, nachos, roasted apples with cinnamon and more. Your kids won’t want you to cook for them ever again! For full instructions, visit

Green kids

Lava Tubes Flagstaff Flagstaff is the perfect summer getaway when you don’t want to go far to get away from the heat. A quick two-hour drive to the beautiful Ponderosa pine forest leads to one of Arizona’s own volcanic destinations. The lava tubes, located in Hart Prairie, include a 700,000-year-old tunnel filled with molten lava. During a mile-long hike through the tunnel, temperatures cool down to 35-45 degrees, even in the summer. Grab a few, cheap headlamps from Target for $12.99 before you go. Floral Journal Create your very own floral journal this summer! Few wildflowers bloom in the Arizona summer because the rains are more sporadic and localized than during winter and the soil dries up from excessive heat. However, the rare ones that do blossom are worth seeking. Explore the Valley to discover and observe these flowers and note their habitats and origins: devil’s claw (proboscidea parviflora), Arizona poppy (kallstroemia grandiflora), firewheel (gaillardia pulchella), prairie zinnia, (zinnia grandiflora) and cosmos (cosmos bipinnatus). Jot down descriptions in your flower journal and try drawing your own sketch of each bloom. When you get back home, you can do your own internet research on each flower you were able to find.

simplest terms: 1. Braid the bags 2. Create side supports 3. Attach hooks 4. Make the back support 5. Connect body pieces 6. Knot the body of the chair 7. Make the bottom support 8. Connect the side pieces For more elaborate instructions, visit Up-swing/ Recycled Succulent Planters Recycling is vital to our life now and for our future because our planet has fewer resources every year. When planting your succulent arrangements, use an old paint can, soup can, mug or any other type of container as a recycled vase. Then get creative! Have the kids doodle on recycled paper and glue their drawings onto the recycled cans. Alternatively, use chalkboard paint to decorate the vase, then kids can use chalk to create new designs whenever they please. There are many ways to get creative when it comes to using recycled materials. Challenge your children to be environmentally conscious in everything they do. Chais Gentner is a journalism student at the Walter Cronkite School at Arizona State University. She enjoys using her voice to write about issues pertaining to climate change, sustainability and politics. Find more green kids articles at

Plastic Bag Hammock Some of us are guilty of hoarding endless amounts of plastic grocery bags in our kitchen cabinets. You could drop them off for recycling, but where’s the fun in that? Instead, recruit your kids to make an innovative, summer project: Create a recycled hammock, made entirely out of plastic bags. This DIY craft needs approximately 500 plastic bags, so ask friends and families for donations if your collection is too small. You will also need two spring-link carabiners and six feet of rope. In

July 2017 | greenliving


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34 greenliving | June 2017

June launch party

Ocotillo Circle (Jaedon Bonifield, Antonio Sampaio, Nick Hildebrandt)

Thank you to everyone who attended our June issue launch party at the Cattle Track Arts Compound in Scottsdale!

Don’t miss our upcoming launch party! Wednesday, July 12th at Enterprise Bank & Trust, Phoenix. Find more information and RSVP at

A big shout-out to our sponsors from the party: Host Sponsor: Cattle Track Arts Compound Title Sponsors: Desert Discovery Center, Swaback Partners

Embajador Tequila

Sponsors: Baron Studio, AZ Stormwater Outreach for Regional Municipalities, Cult Coffee Roaster, Nekter Juice Bar, The Pomegranate Cafe, Recycled City LLC Tower Garden, Beautycounter with Michelle Coffey, The Girl and The Egg, Witnessing Nature In Everything, PSA Behavioral Health Agency, Art Awakenings Tammy Bosse - Designated broker Boss properties

Nonprofit Beneficiary: Desert Discovery Center Photography by Rachel Hurvitz

Beautycounter with Michelle Coffey

PSA Art Awakenings

Nekter Juice Bar

June 2017 | greenliving


Green Thumb

Master Gardener Monthly Why your garden needs a 2,000-year-old water system by Julie Knapp


hen most people think of watering in a low-desert landscape, thoughts go to drip lines or flood irrigation. Both of these require continual access to water, which limits where and how much you can plant. Unless you live in older city sections or you are near farmlands, you probably don’t have access to flood irrigation. This type of watering is only successful with lawns and orchards, anyway. If you want to grow a vegetable garden or plant flowers and groundcover other than lawns, you have to seek other means. A successful choice for the Southwest low desert is an olla (pronounced OY-yah). Irrigation ollas can be traced to China 2,000 years ago, but no one really knows when the first olla was used. When you don’t have a drip system in a planting area, an olla can save the day. An olla is simply an unglazed clay pot with a neck or hole at the top to add water. Because the pot is unglazed, water will seep through the clay underground. It was a great way for indigenous people in China, South America, Africa and North America to irrigate crops. The pots were buried in the ground next to the plants, with only the small opening above ground. The plant roots reached out to the water seeping from the olla. This system allowed people to haul water to the crops less frequently and use water more efficiently. Horticulturists in Texas and New Mexico have tested ollas and found that crops and urban gardens flourish because the plants take water whenever they want and only the amount they need. Unlike irrigation that has dry times in between watering, the plants have a constant flow that allows them to continue growth without stress. The results have been phenomenal, with healthier and more productive plants, less evaporation and water use, and lower weed growth. What more could a grower ask for? An additional advantage is that you aren’t reliant on where your irrigation and drip lines flow. You can grow

36 greenliving | July 2017

plants anywhere you would like. Simply bury the ollas in the ground next to your plants, refill it when the water level is low, and watch your plants thrive. You can purchase ollas for $20.00 to $50.00, or make your own for about $3.00. Automated ollas As I added a raised bed that was not on my drip line, I wanted to automate the ollas so that I didn’t have to fill each one individually. To do that, place a large five-gallon bucket on the raised bed edge a bit higher than the soil level. If you don’t have a wide edge, place a second bucket upside down as a platform for the bucket reservoir. Drill a hole near the base of the bucket and seal a half-inch drip tubing in the hole, then run the line down the center of the bed. Attach a spaghetti line (1/4-inch) and an emitter to each olla, then insert the other end into your half-inch tubing. When making your own ollas, place the emitter at the end of the line inside each one and seal the spaghetti line at the top hole with silicone so it will stay secure. You can also buy pre-made systems online. Simply fill the bucket with water and it will flow to each olla. Since the ollas are sealed, the water won’t flow out. It is a simple gravity-fed system that has been used for centuries. It’s also how rainwater catchment systems work. Whichever olla system you choose, you will cut back on watering frequency, save more water than with a drip system, and create a much healthier environment for your plants. Julie Knapp is a Maricopa County master gardener and certified agriscape designer. She helps people combine their ornamental landscaping with edible plants so that the two blend aesthetically. Julie is a writer, blogger and an instructor at Scottsdale Community College, where she has designed a future Native American demonstration garden. Read more about gardening at

Green Thumb

How to Make

an Olla You will need:

• 2 identical 6-inch unglazed terra cotta pots (for small planting pots, use two 4-inch pots) • 1 4-inch terra cotta base plate (you will use it as the lid, but some people simply use a large flat rock) • 1 large marble or broken tile piece (any smooth non-toxic, non-porous item to plug the hole in the bottom of one of the pots) • Gorilla Glue • Waterproof caulking silicone adhesive • Caulking gun

To make the olla

1. Caulk the marble into the bottom hole. I use those big shooter marbles for the 6-inch olla. Make sure that it is sealed both on the inside and the outside of the pot. It won’t be pretty, but it will be below ground. 2. Wet the lip of one of the pots, then apply Gorilla Glue. Turn the other upside down and press it onto the top of the glued pot to adhere the two together. Place several heavy books on top of the pots and let the glue dry for a few hours.

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3. Now caulk the outside seam with silicone and run your finger lightly around the edges to ensure a tight seal. (Gorilla Glue is the tightest connection but it tends to create small porous bubbles. The caulk will fill that in.) Then, put the books on top of the pots again so the seal can cure overnight. 4. The next day, fill the olla with water to test the seal. If it still leaks, touch up the seal around the sides with caulk again. Make sure that the plugged hole in the bottom is sealed properly.

JoAnn Holland • President & CEO

480-809-3779 July 2017 | greenliving


Green Thumb

Affordable Aquaponics by Angela Brooks


r. George B. Brooks, Jr., author of “The 3-Hour Farm,” believes that everyone can have access to affordable healthy food. Brooks is an agricultural scientist, Phoenix native, and CEO of the Phoenix-based AgTech R&D firm Angela Brooks NxT Horizon, and he believes the answer to food freedom for every person resides in our own backyards. “There is a food revolution coming,” said Dr. Brooks. “Urban Agriculture is going mainstream in the city of Phoenix. It is written in the City’s General Plan, and a recent Phoenix RFP will see urban farms to be set up in every city park over 20 acres in size. Add to that the fact most homes in the Phoenix Valley have backyards, and the opportunity to

38 greenliving | July 2017

grow healthy, sustainable, abundant and most importantly affordable food becomes enormous.” According to Dr. Brooks, the way to do this is through aquaponics, a method of recirculating aquaculture where the fish feed the plants and the plants clean the water for the fish. Growing Food Freedom At 61 years old, Dr. Brooks has walked this Urban Agriculture road for some time. He helped to write Arizona’s aquaculture (fish farming) laws and served as vice chair of the successful 2015 Phoenix General Plan effort. “Urban Agriculture is a business,” Brooks explained. “You can grow food just for the fun and health of it, which is good. But it can benefit a family in more ways than that. I know of one local backyard farmer who claims to save $4,800 a year on her food bill. That’s just like getting a $6,500 raise after taxes.” The problem, according to Brooks, is that aquaponics is currently too expensive and complex for many people. “It must be affordable, simple to use and cost effective. The goal is to grow food for less cost than buying from the supermarket. To do this, in my opinion, we need something new,” he stated. Bird’s-eye View The solution to this conundrum appeared on the back of an airline napkin. While flying home from a wedding, Dr. Brooks saw thousands or unused or underused 8- to 12-foot kiddie pools scattered in backyards across the Valley. “Aquaponics in its current form can be a complex maze of pipes and parts and sometimes-leaky seals. So why not just convert these pools to mini-farms by putting all the aquaponic components, including a food-safe liner, inside them in one self-contained system? No muss. No fuss. No leaks,” Dr. Brooks explained. “By harnessing these thousands of pools that are just sitting there, think of how

Green Thumb

much food could be grown to eliminate food deserts and potentially save money on family food bills?” Getting the Word Out Dr. Brooks is effusive about what happened next: “It took us two years to work out the bugs and get the costs down. But over that time, what we found was that these pool farms are elegant and amazing. Not only with some practice did we grow more than 100 types of food including fish, giant prawns, vegetables, flowers and fruit, but at equal or better production levels than the traditional methods at a fraction of normal construction and production costs. Most importantly, because the DIY design is so simple, teams of two or three novices can build the 5.5-by-8-foot units in less than three hours.” According to Dr. Brooks, the farms are catching on and units have been set up across the Phoenix metro area. “The question is now, how to get the word out to the greatest amount of people around the world? Our solution was to put it in a book entitled ‘The 3-Hour Farm,’” he said. Available on Amazon, “The 3-Hour Farm” provides every detail of how to build an at-home aquaponics system. Today there are likely millions of pools and tanks worldwide that are the right sizes for fish farming. Tomorrow, those pools could be growing food, creating an elegant way to feed the world, one family at a time.

The President of Life Strategies, a Human Resources and Sustainable Communities consulting firm, Angela is a certified Master Gardener from the University of Arizona Cooperative extension. She believes in organic, non-chemical gardening utilizing reusable, repurposeable materials and practices permaculture sustainable gardening wherever possible. She may be reached at Find more green thumb articles at

July 2017 | greenliving





Chia Seed


Recipe and Image Courtesy of JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa

This simple six-ingredient chocolate chia seed pudding is naturally sweetened, thick and creamy. Loaded with nutrients, it makes the perfect vegan and gluten-free breakfast, snack or dessert! Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups Almond Breeze almond milk original, unsweetened 1/3 cup chia seeds 1/4 cup cacao or unsweetened cocoa powder 2-5 Tbsp maple syrup if not blending (can sub 5-9 pitted dates if blending) 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon (optional) 1/4 tsp sea salt 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional) Directions: 1. Add all ingredients except sweetener to a mixing bowl and whisk vigorously to combine. If you’re not blending, sweeten to taste with maple syrup at this time. If blending, you can sweeten later with maple syrup or dates. 2. If blending, add to a blender and blend until completely smooth and creamy, scraping down sides as needed. Sweeten to taste. 3. Let rest, covered in the fridge for at least 3-5 hours, or until it’s achieved a pudding-like consistency. 4. Serve chilled with desired toppings such as fruit, granola or coconut whipped cream. 5. Keep leftovers covered in the fridge for 2-3 days, though it’s best when fresh. Yields 4 servings

40 greenliving | July 2017

Blueberries and French


Recipe and Image Courtesy of Chef Jennifer Johnson

According to, July is National Blueberry Month, and what better way to celebrate than to indulge with decadent blueberry-topped French toast! With whole wheat bread, chopped nuts and blueberries, this guilty pleasure still packs in vital nutrients while satisfying the cravings of your sweet tooth. Ingredients: 3 slices of whole wheat or gluten-free bread, preferably with seeds and nuts 3 eggs 3 Tbsps milk or water A pinch of nutmeg or cinnamon Directions: 1. Beat eggs and milk or water until frothy. 2. Dip bread in egg mixture until soaked through. 3. Saute in a hot greased pan until bread is brown, then flip to finish the other side. 4. Repeat with remaining slices of bread. 5. Top with fresh blueberries, cinnamon, slivered almonds, pecans, coconut cream or organic unsweetened shredded coconut.


Sorbet Pops Recipes and Images Courtesy of JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa Revive Spa Bistro

Blueberry Yogurt Pops


Frittata Recipe and Image Courtesy of Chef Jennifer Johnson

Get your protein fix with this veggie-filled frittata! Adapt this healthy recipe with your favorite vegetables, meats or cheeses. July 16 is Fresh Spinach Day, according to, so take advantage with this nutrientrich dish! Ingredients: 8 eggs 1 cup spinach, turkey, cheese, mixed vegetables, or filling of choice 9 Tbsps milk 2 Tbsps water (or use all water instead of dairy) 2 pinches of nutmeg Directions: 1. Beat eggs until foamy. 2. Pour half of egg mixture in oven safe pan or skillet, then add preferred filling followed by the rest of the eggs. 3. Bake at 350 degrees until center is not soft. 4. Top with salsa, Greek yogurt, For more tomatoes, recipes, visit avocado, or recipes whatever makes you happy.

Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups water 1 1/2 cups sugar 3 cups Greek yogurt 1/2 lemon, juice and zest 1 tsp blueberry puree Directions: 1. Pour water and sugar in a saucepan. 2. Heat the ingredients until dissolved. 3. Stir the simple syrup and place the saucepan over medium heat. 4. By the time the edges start to simmer, the liquid should be completely clear, not cloudy. 5. Immediately remove from the heat source. 6. Once the syrup has cooled down completely, add all the ingredients along with the simple syrup to the blender. 7. Place mixture into pop molds and freeze for 24 hours. Yields 20 pops

Pineapple Kale Pop

Ingredients: 1 cup water 1 cup sugar 1/3 cup kale 2 1/2 cups fresh pineapple Directions: 1.Make simple sugar as mentioned in Blueberry Yogurt Pop recipe. 2. Once the syrup has cooled down completely, add all the ingredients along with the simple syrup to the blender. 3. Place mixture into pop molds and freeze for 24 hours. Yields 18 pops

Strawberry Purple Basil Pop

Ingredients: 30 fresh strawberries 2 tsp fresh lemon juice 1/2 Tbsp simple syrup 1 tsp purple basil Directions: 1. Steep purple basil in the simple syrup, then cover with plastic. 2. Once the purple basil simple syrup is cool, pour into blender and blend with the remaining ingredients. 3. Strain the mixture through a chinois. 4. Place mixture in pop molds and freeze for 24 hours. Yields 16 pops

July 2017 | greenliving



green scenes juLY calendar of events

7/2 & 23 Adopt A Pet at the Park

7/4 4th of Zooly

7/23 Edible Medicinal Desert Plants Walk


July 1-31 Build a Better World Scottsdale Public Library 7377 E. Silverstone Dr., Scottsdale Build a Better World is this summer’s Reading Program theme. Help teach your kids about the importance of sustainability and being green, as well as encouraging them to read by signing them up for the summer reading program at the Scottsdale Public Library.

July 2 & 23

Adopt a Pet at the Park 1:10 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Chase Field 401 E. Jefferson St., Phoenix The Arizona Humane Society and the Arizona Diamondbacks join together to help animals find a home at the “Adopt Spot” near the PetSmart Patio during the game.

July 1-7

National Clean Beaches Week

42 greenliving | July 2017

July 4 4th of Zooly 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Phoenix Zoo 455 N. Galvin Pkwy., Phoenix Have some family fun with the animals at the Phoenix Zoo this Fourth of July! There will be an all-American barbeque with free carousel rides, special animal encounters, and live music. Kids can enjoy inflatable bounce houses and slides during dinner with a special viewing of the Tempe Town Lake fireworks once the sun goes down. Admission is $35.00 to $45.00.

July 9 Purple Lotus: “Embracing your Journey” Expo 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort Anasazi Ballroom 7677 N. 16th St., Phoenix Purple Lotus Productions offers a large variety of products, services, workshops and events to help you on your Mind – Body – Spirit journey. The July expo will feature lectures, workshops, and vendors. Learn, grow, explore and discover. july-9th-2017---eyje.html

July 23 Edible Medicinal Desert Plants Walk 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Boyce Thompson Arboretum 37615 U.S. Highway 60, Superior Take a guided one-hour tour of the Curandero Trail and learn about the native plants that have sustained the people of the Sonoran Desert for years. Tickets cost $5.00 to $12.50.

July 27 to 30

Arizona Breakfast Weekend Various locations Arizona Breakfast Weekend gives foodies an excuse to venture outside their neighborhoods and try new breakfasts spots in the Phoenix area. All participating restaurants will be offering a menu with meals for $7.00, $10.00 and $15.00 per person or couple (not including tax or beverages). The goal is to make Arizona one of the top culinary destinations in the country while exposing Phoenicians to new restaurants.


7/1 2017 White Mountain Water, Wetlands and Wildlife

7/1-2 37th Annual Pine-Strawberry Arts and Crafts Festival

7/1-3 11th Annual Flagstaff Art in the Park

northern arizona

July 1 2017 White Mountain Water, Wetlands and Wildlife 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. The White Mountain Wildlife & Nature Center 425 S. Woodland Rd., Pinetop Bring the entire family to the White Mountain Wildlife and Nature Center to learn about the importance of wetlands, wildlife and people, as well as the impact of invasive species. Guests can explore the Big Springs Pond for critters. You will get wet, so dress accordingly! Admission is free.

July 1 to 2

July 1 to 3

37th Annual Pine-Strawberry Arts and Crafts Festival

11th Annual Flagstaff Art in the Park

Saturday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Sunday, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Pine Community Center Ramada 3886 N. Highway 87, Pine One of three arts and crafts festivals the Pine-Strawberry Arts and Crafts Guild sponsors each year; guests are invited to a pancake breakfast in the morning, followed by an art sale. With over 80 booths, hand-chosen local artists display their work for visitors. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Free admission.

9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. This one-of-a-kind arts and crafts festival, located across the street from City Hall in Flagstaff, features more than 100 artists from across the Southwest, continuous live music, and a wine garden showcasing local Arizona wineries.

July 11

World Population Day

business events

July 12 Lunch and Learn At Bluewater Grill

July 13

July 25

Café y Connections

Regional Food Producers Forum

11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Bluewater Grill 1720 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix Join the Arizona Green Chamber of Commerce at Bluewater Grill to learn about engineering design on the world’s first living building. This event features guest speakers Mathew Ford and Mathew Spencer of Solutions AEC. Admission for members and their guests is $25.00, and $35.00 for non-members.

8:30 a.m. University of Phoenix 1625 W. Fountainhead Pkwy., Tempe The Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce welcomes all to their networking event. Guests will learn the “5 Steps to Becoming a Self-Published Author” with author Edgar R. Olivo of Compass Career and Business Solutions. Refreshments will be provided, and don’t forget to bring your business cards! Admission is free, RSVP at their website.

9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Yavapai College, Community Room 601 W. Black Hills Dr., Cottonwood Good Food Finder AZ and Local First Arizona foundation present the Regional Food Producers Forum. This forum is for current and potential small-scale food producers to meet and discuss the local food community. Local producers will be highlighted, as well as opportunities for supply chain enhancements. There will be a focus on vendor marketing in preparation for the 2017 Farmer and Chef Connection. Admission is free. nazproducerforum

July 2017 | greenliving


Photo credit: Arizona Daily Star


7/1 2017 Cool Summer Nights: Glitter and Glow

7/29 Breeze in the Trees 5k

7/29 2017 Harvestfest at Sonoita Vineyards

southern arizona

July 1

July 29

July 29

2017 Cool Summer Nights: Glitter and Glow

2017 Harvestfest at Sonoita Vineyards

Breeze in the Trees 5k

5:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Arizona Sonora Desert Museum 2021 N. Kinney Rd., Tucson Fun for the whole family, Cool Summer Nights is a chance to see sunsets, stars, night-blooming plants and nocturnal animals. Bring your flashlight to see bats, beavers and scorpions. Arrive early for the best parking! Free with museum admission.

6:30 a.m. (registration at 5:30 a.m.) Green Valley Pecan Company 1625 E. Sahuarita Rd., Sahuarita Get active in the fresh air by participating in the Breeze in the Trees 5K through the shady Green Valley Pecan Farm orchards. The race is a warmup for the Pecan Classic in the fall. Race admission includes a T-shirt. Cost is $20.00 for ages 17 and under, $25.00 for ages 18 and over. All participants $30.00 after July 1. breeze-in-the-trees-5k

10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Sonoita Vineyards 290 Elgin-Canelo Rd., Elgin Harvestfest is Sonoita Vineyard’s grand festival. Tickets include wine tasting with a souvenir glass, souvenir giveaway to the first 100 people, wine and food pairings, and winery tours at 11:00 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. Grape stomping starts at 1:00 p.m., and vineyard tours by wagon are available throughout the day. VIP guests will enjoy a private climatecontrolled room, VIP restroom, private bar, parking, giveaway, lunch voucher and after party. General admission is $25.00 pre-purchased or $30.00 at the door. VIP package is $85.00, limited to 50 people.

July 29

International Tiger Day

For more events, visit

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July 2017 | greenliving


G reen Champions Each month in our Green Champions section we feature three people – one each in northern, central and southern Arizona – who are making strides in the green community. In our July issue, we’re celebrating three individuals professionally dedicated to solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources. NORTHERN: Karin Wadsack, Project Director, Northern Arizona University’s School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability

Karin Wadsack promotes an eco-conscious lifestyle in Flagstaff, Arizona, especially through renewable energy. With experience in journalism, marketing and corporate operations management, Wadsack has harnessed her expertise in wind and other alternative energy sources to oversee various projects. In 2012, Wadsack was recognized by the United States Department of Energy as Young Wind Advocate of the Year for her service as principal investigator for NAU’s Collegiate Wind Competition Team and her continued leadership at the United States Department of Energy’s Four Corners Wind Deployment Research Center. In Flagstaff, she chairs the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy project team of the Sustainable Economic Development Initiative of Northern Arizona and also heads a federally funded mission to establish clean energy projects and policies for tribes in Northeast Arizona. Beyond Arizona, Wadsack managed rainwater harvesting operations as a United States Peace Corps volunteer in Bolivia and worked in the design and installation of a solar and wind power company in rural Ohio. NAU.EDU

CENTRAL: Kay Young, President, Sky Renewable Energy

President of the construction firm Sky Engineering and its energy division Sky Renewable Energy, Kay Young has helped her companies blossom from humble beginnings in a guesthouse into thriving corporations. Created originally to supply electricians for the construction firm’s projects, the renewable energy division has developed into a wind, biomass, hydro, and solar power contractor under Young’s leadership. Its services include commercial construction and installation of these renewable energy sources for corporations, school districts and federal agencies. Sky Renewable Energy was ranked among the Top 10 Alternative Energy Companies in Arizona by The Arizona Republic. Prior to heading Sky, Kay Young earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting at Arizona State University. Her accounting knowledge, along with her brother Scott’s construction expertise, ultimately helped to bring Sky Renewable Energy to the forefront of alternative energy developers in Phoenix.

SOUTHERN: George Villec, President, GeoInnovation

Recognized as a renewable energy industry leader in Tucson, George Villec oversees the operations of GeoInnovation, a commercial solar electric contractor that provides services for Southern Arizona. Villec’s experience and educational background in professional mechanical engineering helps him to maximize the efficiency and reliability of the photovoltaic systems that GeoInnvation installs. In addition to ensuring the highest quality design and installation, Villec has improved the aesthetics of the company’s solar energy installations. This has helped to boost the demand for solar paneling in Southern Arizona, as consumers can invest in the systems without taking on a visual burden. As a founding member of the Southern Arizona Solar Standards Board, Villec works to set standards for all solar power corporations in the region, and to better inform consumers when purchasing these systems. Beyond his corporate work, Villec educates students and other professionals on renewable energy and engineering at local schools and community colleges. Charitably, under Villec’s leadership, GeoInnovation has donated several residential solar power systems to Habitat for Humanity and other local projects.

Want to nominate someone as a Green Champion? Email your candidate to! 46 greenliving | July 2017

He’s Green She’s Green smoothies Product reviews by our eco-conscious couple John and Jennifer Burkhart During these sweltering summer months, who can resist a frosty meal-on-the-go, or a chilled sweet snack? Smoothies are the perfect “break from the heat” convenience food. But can they be convenient, healthy and budget-friendly too? Your best bet is to assemble smoothies from scratch, but we did find a few pre-made “kits” to try. Let the brain freeze commence! vega | protein smoothie: Tropical Tango He said: The Vega protein is a blend of pea protein and a seed whose nickname is Inca peanut. What’s the perfect flavor combination for green peas and peanuts? Tropical Fruit! Wait, what? Mangoes and passion fruit? No. I first thought they named this after the tango dance, but that’s a highly coordinated dance and this is flavor chaos. Now I realize its named after the military code for the letter T. Example; Whiskey Foxtrot Tango?

She Said: Hoo boy this was awful! I know it’s more of a protein shake than a smoothie, but still, the texture of watery powder that just wouldn’t mix was just... no. Adding frozen banana and ice hides the texture a little, but it was still chalky enough that I definitely wouldn’t look forward to drinking this every day.

He gave it:

She gave it:

Jamba Juice | at-home smoothie: Caribbean Passion He Said: “Too much of a good thing” is the phrase that comes to mind with this one. They want you to start with sweet fruit juice in your blender (we chose apple), then add the contents of this pouch which is naturally sweet mangoes, strawberries, and peaches. Oh, I almost forgot, they’ve sweetened the contents of the pouch with sugar!? Since when are fruits not sweet enough for us? Next time we’ll make it without the juice... if there is a next time.

She Said: For those with a sweet tooth, this one is sure to send you bouncing off the walls. The mangostrawberry-peach combo is delicious! The package makes 2 servings, and you only add juice, so it’s convenient for sure. The price of convenience though is packaging, natural flavoring, modified corn starch and added sugar.

He gave it:

She gave it:

Manitoba Harvest | Hemp protein smoothie: chocolate He said: Hemp seed is amazing. It can be turned into milk, cereal, or bread. It can also make fuel for your car, ink for your pen, or paint for your house. One thing it can’t do is make a decent tasting protein smoothie. This one was like chocolate flavored dirt milk with a lawn clippings aftertaste thanks to the added greens. We’re going to have to get creative to finish this bag.

She Said: Unfortunately, my first reaction was to spit this in the sink! I couldn’t imagine a worse way to ingest some greens. Per the directions, I blended this powder only with unsweetened almond milk. The result was a watery, grainy, bitter broccoli-flavored mess. Don’t do that. Blend in some frozen banana and peanut butter and you might choke it down.

He gave it:

She gave it:

Bright Greens | smoothie shakers: Bright blueberry He Said: Whoever thought this one up is a genius. I can’t believe I never thought to re-freeze smoothies in the ice cube tray. Just add water, shake, and you’ve got a delicious smoothie with a bright blueberry lemon flavor with an aftertaste of sweet dates and greens. Perfect for those sweltering summer days when you don’t want to do anything.

She Said: How do you make a smoothie without a blender? Pour the pre-blended cubes into a mason jar, add hot water, shake and presto! Yes, it’s still cold, but on the thin side as expected. It tasted pretty good, with balanced flavors of greens and sweet blueberries. This might do in a pinch, but the single-serving packaging isn’t exactly eco-friendly.

He gave it:

She gave it:

Sambazon | superfruit packs: pure unsweetened acai berry, USDA organic He said: This Sambazon takes a bit more work than the rest. You have to add your own fruit, milk or juice, but it’s worth the extra effort. We followed the smoothie recipe on the back and got a tasty berry smoothie that was not too sweet or tart. It has tons of Omega vitamins and antioxidants too.

She Said: The smoothie recipe on the package made a refreshing, but mild-tasting drink. We used blueberries, hemp milk and honey, but for more flavor, I’d try apple juice and strawberries. With four puree packs per package, you could potentially make 8 antioxidant and omegapacked smoothies. Who wouldn’t want to start the day Brazilian style without flying to the Amazon?

He gave it:

She gave it:

See more product reviews at

July 2017 | greenliving





Keep Time with H2O

The Drop Bedol Water Alarm Clock is the new way to keep time. This ecofriendly timepiece runs only on water and is even shaped like a water drop. It is perfect for either home or travel. Just unscrew the base and fill with tap water. Reduce your carbon footprint by keeping time with H2O. The Drop is available in blue, green, charcoal, pink and purple. $29.00


Guilt-Free Snacking

For people on the go, these delicious nut clusters by EFFi Foods are a must have. This plant-based treat is packed with natural probiotics and exotic super fruit, and can be kept in your bag or in the car as a healthy and convenient snack. $8.99


Solar Powered Keyboard

Your computer absorbs a great deal of power, but you can still cut back on the energy your computer’s accessories take in. Logitech has created a solar wireless keyboard that charges itself from sun and artificial light. With the energy it draws, the keyboard will stay charged for up to three months. This sleek design looks great on any desk space. $59.99



Birksun Solar Backpack

Whether you’re traveling, going on a hike, or heading to school, Birksun has a solar-powered backpack for you. The sleek solar panel on the front of the backpack stores power in a battery that can charge any smartphone -- so you’ll never have to search for a wall plug. Check out their website to see what colors and fabrics they carry to complement your personal style. $139.00


Solar Powered Lawn Mower

Imagine mowing your lawn handsfree from anywhere in the world. The company Husqvarna has released a small, fully automatic lawn mower operating on solar power. It stays quiet and is completely free of emissions. Through the smartphone mobile application, you can receive your Automower’s status and send “Start,” “Stop,” and “Park.” The future of grass cutting is here, and it is all about the environment. $1,999.95

Bamboo Dry-Erase Board

The Bamboo Desktop Dry-Erase Board from Three by Three Seattle helps you make paperless and re-writable to-do lists at your desk while keeping photos and notes secure with magnets. The boards are made with superior materials and are produced to the highest standards of quality. The modern design will also elevate your workspace style with chic colors like stainless steel, gold and white. $20.00 Find more cool outrageous stuff at

48 greenliving | July 2017


Act now before the 2017 rate case changes everything! Any day the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) is expected to vote on a proposed APS rate change that could dramatically alter how solar customers are billed. The good news is that APS has promised 20-year grandfathering for all current solar customers, as well as those who submit a reservation before the vote takes effect. If you want to be able to kick back, relax and take comfort in the fact that you’ve locked in your rates for the next 20 years, then now is the time to act.

Contact us today to lock-in your rates! Not ready for a free consultation? We invite you to download our complimentary guide, Five Things You Need to Know About the APS Rate Case, to help answer any questions. Download the guide at




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