Green Living December 2017

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December 2017





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December 2017 features

To Tribe or Not to Tribe




2017 Waste Management Phoenix Open

live green

Balancing Give and Take


Welcome to America Project


Celebrating Earth


Hunger in Arizona


So You Want to Change the World?


The Gifts of the Holidays


Fun Green Facts


Wild Arizona Series: International Dark Sky Association


Green Gift Guide


Growhouse Garden Transforms a Community

work green

on the cover A hundred thousand people from all over the world gather at sunrise to witness the "Mass Ascension" at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival. Photo courtesy of Vince Alfaro.


Turning New Year’s Resolutions into Reality


Isagenix: A Leader in Health and Sustainability


2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV


Mediation: Conflict Resolution and the Collaborative Process


Water Champions at the Solar Decathlon

play green 30

Arizonans for Wildlife




Chandler Embraces Art and Culture


Thank You to Our Partners


Master Gardener’s Monthly: ‘Tis the Season for Tomatoes


Green Scenes Calendar of Events


Sustainable Shark Diving


Green Champions


PSA Higley Integrated Health: Treatment for Mind, Body and Community


He’s Green, She’s Green


November Launch Party


Cool Outrageous Stuff

December 2017 | greenliving


December 2017 Publisher’s Note The holidays are filled with consumerism. The holiday spending in America is expected to hit over $670 billion this year. Studies show that shopping locally rather than with big-box retailers keeps four times more money in the community. This money circulates back to support the local economy, schools and libraries. You vote with your dollars every day when it comes to the community you want to live in. If you shift 10 percent of your national spending to local businesses, it will make a massive investment in the place we call home. Buy Local Month is November 25 through January 1. Our Local First Green Gift Guide is the perfect place to find unique and ecofriendly gifts or experiences purchased from small-business owners. Here are five great gift ideas to share this season: UÊ Grow your own food. Buy a planter box from Veg Up Get Dirty or a Tower Garden for a vertical planting system. UÊ Purchase a CSA food box. UÊ Gift food items such as jam, jelly or healthy bread recipes in reusable containers. UÊ Fill reusable boxes and containers with food, beeswax covers and bamboo utensils for an eco-friendly gift basket. UÊ Buy a subscription to Green Living’s print or digital magazine, or a Greenie membership to our monthly Green Living issue launch parties. We care about the health and well-being of our community. When you buy gifts for the holiday season, please support our local advertisers in the print and digital magazine as well as the vendors at our launch parties. Our Unity issue is packed with great content. We are all connected; we are all one. Enjoy learning about the International Dark Sky Association; how Arizona ranks in terms of hunger; and what the water champions accomplished at the Solar Decathlon in Colorado. Learn about what nonprofits are doing about trophy hunting in Arizona; how to grow delicious tomatoes in the Master Gardeners series; and what Isagenix, a global health and wellness company, is doing to be sustainable. You can also read about eco-conscious shark diving and how to get “it” started today! Thank you for your readership and engagement in the conscious community, To educate, empower and inspire,

"I feel more confident than ever that the power to save the planet rests with the individual consumer." - Denis Hayes

To Tribe or Not to Tribe

WM Phoenix Open



Balancing Give and Take



Please send your answer to or share it on our Facebook page or Instagram

Dorie Morales Publisher and Editor in Chief I LOVE TO HEAR FROM OUR READERS! Email me at

2 greenliving | December 2017

Follow @greenlivingaz and stay in touch with the newest topics on sustainability!

Yours in practicing a greener lifestyle PUBLISHER/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF:

Dorie Morales


Aaron Blackburn Bharat Venkatesh Rachel Luman

ADVISORY BOARD: Veronica Bahn Valerie Crosby Ken Edwins William Janhonen

Jon Kitchell Mary McCormick Eric Olsen Thomas Williams

CONTRIBUTORS: Jill Bernstein Becca Bober Jennifer Burkart John Burkart Cynde Cerf Ric Coggins Carey Conley Erica Fetherston Melissa Foley DJ Gaughan, Ph.D. Kamilla Graham

Kristi Hall Gretchen Pahia Katie Peige Sara Regester J Douglas Roill Amanda Savage David Schaller Cie Scott Adrienne Udarbe Elaina Verhoff

MEDIA CONSULTANTS: Susan Breakstone Gabriell Wylie

Maddie Vann


Lisa Racz


Shannon Finn


Santiago Aveitia


Vikranth Cheepuripalli

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Work, Live or Play



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December 2017 | greenliving






belong to a spiritual community called Deer Tribe. I never thought much about the benefits of belonging to a tribe (defined as a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect) until I found myself in one. We share a common SARA REGESTER passion for personal growth through a very ancient shamanic lineage that is a rigorous path of leadership development for spiritual warriors involving a combination of alchemical ceremonies and kick-ass teachings. You put the two together, and you get radical transformation AND evolution (like self-growth on steroids). We have our own language called “deer speak” and when we use it “out in the world” we may not be understood. We have shared ceremonial experiences and a lifestyle that sets us apart from other “tribes.” But within that community, there is still room for diversity honoring individual autonomous freedom. As a tribe, we are all growing; some a bit ahead of us, others a bit behind us, but everyone is evolving and growing at their own innate pace. You may belong to a tribe, too. It is our nature to want to fit in, conform and to feel like we belong. We want to hang with people who

4 greenliving | December 2017

“get us” so we can lean-in for support when we face a challenge. We feel more confident in our vulnerability when we feel supported. We can go out on a steeper edge to stretch and grow when we surround ourselves with like-minded folks who are right there with us on our journey. Not all tribes are created equal. Some tribes may limit growth and keep people stuck in a box of limitation. If the tribe is too homogeneous, we will only see one point of view. We will miss the opportunity to see new perspectives or alternative viewpoints. Limiting thoughts will also stifle our growth, happiness and success due to tunnel vision and black and white thinking. We can lose our identity if we give up too much of our individuality to fit in and conform. This may feel like wearing a coat that is too small. It just doesn’t fit the truth of who we are in our true nature. We will then sabotage our happiness and success when we get stuck in the push-pull of resistance that keeps us in the comfort zone of our tribe, knowing there is a more authentic expression of our gifts and truth. It is stressful to be caught in the push-pull of trying to break free from a tribe that does not support us to shine authentically. Getting unstuck from our resistance feels like freedom. To opt out of belonging to a tribe makes it a lot more difficult to feel happy and build success. Cutting yourself off from the support of a community can lead to loss of hope, depression and

FAMILY isolation. Basically, doing it all on your own without support takes a monumental effort to find success and happiness without burning out. You have to create everything solely on your own. It can be exhausting not to have the support of a tribe around you to add loft to your wings. It’s as if you have to do all the flapping without the benefit of catching the draft of the thermals to help you fly. The same is true if you are in a tribe and you are not receptive to the support of the others around you. You can flap less and fly more when you are part of a broader community of supporters. According to the book “The Upside of Stress” by Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., belonging to a tribe is part of our brain-wiring. Our brain chemistry is designed to build and strengthen social bonds through the release of the neurohormone oxytocin. During times of stress, oxytocin will fine-tune our social instincts. Stress resilience is activated by oxytocin when we lean into likeminded supporters in the face of challenge and adversity. Connecting with others for support cultivates courage and confidence to meet a challenge successfully and to find meaning from adversity so we can be brave. This tribe-friendly tend-and-befriend stress response is how we are designed to bond and connect through a hug, a kiss, a text message or a shared beer. Elevated levels of oxytocin make you want to connect with others. Belonging to a like-minded tribe will support your happiness and success to shine your light brighter into the world. Working collaboratively within a tribe will create more happiness and success through the interconnection and inter-reliability with those around you to add some loft under your wings so you can fly with less effort.

Being part of a tribe will support you to feel more confidence and courage to step out of your comfort zone so you can grow at the edge. Sara Regester, BSN RN, is a Duke Certified Integrative Health Coach. She uses her knowledge from Shamanic studies of Indigenous healing to help individuals explore their “Evolutionary Blueprint” revealing the patterns that help her clients to get unstuck. Sara is the founder of Directions 4 Wellness, an international health and lifestyle-consulting practice and is the author of the ebook “How to Grow from Your Stress. She supports individuals and groups through her speaking, workshops and retreats.

December 2017 | greenliving







s the holidays end and the New Year approaches, many of us start to get the urge to declutter. After weeks of filling our homes with friends and food, decorations and gifts, we often end up looking around and thinking our houses feel about as stuffed as we do after a big holiday meal. And so begins the annual purge, followed by the burning ELAINA VERHOFF question: “Where should I take all this stuff?!” If that “stuff” includes housewares and furniture, there is a local organization that will happily take those items off your hands and put them to good use. That organization is the Welcome to America Project (WTAP). Created by Carolyn Manning in 2011, WTAP exists to provide a warm welcome to refugee families. This welcome comes in the form of friendship, which is most apparent on “delivery day” when a team of volunteers unloads a truck full of furnishings at the home of a refugee family who has arrived in Phoenix to begin a new life. WTAP Executive Director Collin Cunningham explains that donations given to the organization are put to good use, going directly to helping another family. “An apartment full of donations is the difference between a house and a home,” Cunningham explained. “A comfortable home is restorative. It helps refugees put down roots after many years living in a temporary setting without hope for a future.” Some of the items that are most needed by Welcome to America Project are microwaves, cleaning supplies, towels and drinking glasses. Items the organization is always in need of also include dressers,

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nightstands, end tables, coffee tables, kitchen tables and chairs, area rugs, clothes drying racks, stock pots, twin sheets, towels, microwaves, rice cookers, floor lamps, and bikes (for adults and children) with helmets and locks. Notably, the families’ apartments already have beds provided, so mattresses and bed frames are not needed. For those looking for a way to involve friends and family, a donation drive is a way to help others reduce, reuse and recycle for a good cause. “We have had Eagle Scouts do bike drives and furniture drives, which is awesome,” said Cunningham. “We have also had churches collect items off our wish list, and one group collected all the needed items to ‘sponsor’ an entire delivery!” Since the organization was formed, WTAP has furnished the homes of more than 2,000 families. Thousands of volunteers have supported the cause by donating items, giving their time and strength on delivery day, or making a financial contribution. Donated items can be dropped off at the WTAP warehouse, located at 2420 W. 1st St. #67, Tempe, Arizona, 85281 on Wednesdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. or Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. Dropoffs at alternate times can be arranged by emailing info@wtap. org, and pickup of larger furniture items is also available. Pickup times can be arranged at For more information on how to get involved in the Welcome to America Project, visit Elaina Verhoff is a Phoenix-based freelance writer and mother of two. She works at Gordon C. James Public Relations in Phoenix and blogs at Follow her on Instagram @elainaverhoff.





or most Arizonans, fall is a festive time that brings with it the warmth of holidays, celebration, and shared meals with loved ones. Unfortunately, this is not the reality for over one million Arizonans who don’t know when, or from where, ADRIENNE UDARBE their next meal will come. 16% Food insecurity, or the lack of access to nutritious food, affects 15.8 percent of Arizona residents, and 24 percent of Arizona children, according to Map the Meal Gap’s 2017 food insecurity report. That means there are enough food insecure people in our state to fill Chase Field more than 23 times, 84% and the Arizona Cardinals stadium more than 18 times. This also makes Arizona the state with the fifth-highest national food insecurity rate for children. In a state where 1,150,650 of our residents don’t know where their next meal is coming from, there is a pressing need for meaningful and comprehensive food insecurity solutions. In some areas of the state, more than 70 percent of residents have limited access to grocery stores. Maintaining a nutritious, nutrient-dense diet is especially difficult for residents who live far from grocery stores or who have limited transportation to reach them. Often times, families with a small budget for food and limited access to healthy food options will opt for fast food or convenience stores to put food on the table. Unfortunately, these food options are often high in sugar and fats and are inadequate substitutes for nutritious, filling meals. A complex web of factors weaves into the reality of an individual or family going hungry. Access to healthy food is dependent on where you live, cultural circumstances, how much you get paid, the resources available in your community, and more. Poverty lies at the center of this web. There is a close connection between economic security and food

security, which is why it’s important for employers to pay workers a living wage. Earning a livable wage means families can worry less about putting nutritious food on the table and can reduce their reliance on emergency food options like food banks. Increased economic security for families, combined with federal food nutrition programs, can reverse the growing levels of food insecurity in Arizona and across the country. Programs like Double Up Food Bucks help Arizonans – especially those who may have limited access to nutritious 24% food – bring home more healthy options. The program is a federally funded effort that doubles the value of SNAP benefits (formerly food stamps) used at farmer’s markets across the state. When someone 76% uses their SNAP Quest Card at participating farmer’s markets, every dollar they spend is matched with an extra dollar to spend on more locally grown fruits and vegetables, up to $20.00 per day. Those interested in learning more can visit www. Organizations across the state are tackling these issues to ensure all Arizonans have the opportunity to lead healthy lives, but we have a long way to go to change these staggering statistics. Emergency food systems like food banks provide meals to those who have nowhere else to turn; policy influencers work to implement school meal programs, supplemental nutrition programs and more; organizations tackle root causes and work to enact changes within the systems that lead to hunger in the first place. It takes a village to raise a child, and it will take a village to lift the weight of hunger and food insecurity off the shoulders of our state. Adrienne Udarbe is the Executive Director of Pinnacle Prevention, an Arizona-based nonprofit with a mission to inspire and advance a healthy food system and opportunities for active living. Our team of registered dietitians, researchers and social scientists believe all families should have access to healthy food and opportunities to develop healthy relationships with foods, and we work to make these visions a reality across Arizona. Learn more at www.

December 2017 | greenliving






love sparkly things and glorious, heartfelt, magical moments. Maybe that’s why I am such a fan of the holidays. I understand that this can be a time of stress for many, as we are adding merry-making to our already full lives. My best recommendation is to assess what brings you joy, say a hearty “yes” to those activities, and skip the rest. After all, KRISTI HALL it’s your life, your precious time and energy, and you always have a choice. I’m sharing a few of the holiday traditions that make my heart sing and fill my soul with goodwill. Please accept these as ideas to get your creative juices flowing and make conscious decisions about how you will plan the next few months. It’s not so much about the specific activities, but more about the spirit in which you participate in the activities you choose. Sparkles + Twinkle Lights. I enjoy the creativity of decorating a glitzy holiday tree. I reserve a weekend day (yes, it takes me a good six to eight hours to glam up my tree), put on some energizing tunes, and relish unwrapping boxes of collected ornaments and layering

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the tree with a bounty of jewel-toned treasures. I prefer to do this the weekend after Thanksgiving, so I can sit by the tree light all season and enjoy my masterpiece through New Year’s Day. I consider decorating the tree a significant artistic endeavor, and giving myself a full day to tune into my creativity is a soothing gift that is a reward unto itself. Cookies. I have precious memories of making sugar cookie dough, chilling it, rolling it out, cutting it into fun shapes and sizes, and painting each adorable cookie like a gift. Whether I take this on as a solo project or invite a friend into the mix, I rejoice when my counters are filled with colorfully decorated cookies that I package up and offer to friends and family as a handmade (with love) gift. Experiences. There are few young children in my nuclear family, and the adults have more stuff than they know what to do with. So, I focus on shared experiences instead of things as gifts. I treasure my time with my parents and fly off to Texas for about two weeks around Christmas to simply be with them. That means lounging in our holiday pajamas, my mom bringing me coffee and homemade banana nut bread in bed each morning, preparing favorite holiday meals together, watching Hallmark movies and playing cards by

CONSCIOUSNESS the fire. On occasion, we get a wild hair to travel and have spent Christmas on Tortuga Island in Costa Rica and seaside in the Caribbean. This year, though, it’s a traditional holiday at home for us. Gratitude. As we imbibe in the richness and privilege of our lives, the very best gift is the one of shared time. It’s pretty fun to connect with childhood friends who “knew us when” and consider how far we have come in this life. Nothing beats this feeling of deep satisfaction, and I dare say, this is what holiday magic is all about. It reminds us how bright and miraculous life can be, especially when shared. Staying Grounded. As much as I relish the holidays and focus on the magic, I have my own challenges visiting a state where the leading belief systems and values seem to differ significantly from my own. I do have some shocking moments that become an opportunity for me to practice love and acceptance. I look at it as a litmus test for how I am growing in consciousness and marvel at how little rattles me anymore. And if I do get a bit rattled, I retreat to my childhood room and meditate. Here’s wishing you all your heart’s desires for a meaningful time of your very own making. Cheers to YOU! Kristi Hall is an author, speaker, and creator of Conscious Connections, a local community of 6,000 purpose-based businesswomen. Join her community at For more articles and upcoming events, visit us online at

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December 2017 | greenliving





rizona’s wild places, even in the brightness of a summer day, can be lonely, uncertain places. Wilderness is rarely familiar or tame. It delivers a sense of aloneness to a larger, noisier world and creates special protection for areas where the human presence is limited and impermanent. Unknown to many, some of Arizona’s wideopen landscapes go further, offering the DAVID A. SCHALLER frontier of a starry night sky to accentuate their imposing earthly wildness. For much of this, we can be grateful to the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), an Arizona nonprofit that is successfully bringing more value to our wildlands by protecting their dark skies for present and future generations. Since its founding in the late 1980s, the IDA has established itself as the go-to authority for night-sky protection, not just in Arizona but throughout the world. Based in Tucson, its reach extends to chapters on five continents where it helps safeguard dark sky sites through education, promotion of responsible lighting technologies, and a rigorous dark sky conservation and advocacy program. The best-known of these programs is the International Dark Sky Places conservation program that recognizes and promotes

10 greenliving | December 2017

excellent stewardship of the night sky. It began as a way to encourage communities to preserve and protect dark sites, from communities and parks to reserves and sanctuaries. Arizona stands out, as of the 14 Dark Sky Communities designated worldwide, three are in the State: Big Park/Village of Oak Creek, Sedona and Flagstaff. To gain certification, communities must adopt quality outdoor lighting ordinances and take on measures to educate residents on the value of dark skies. A broader category of dark-sky places is those designated as International Dark Sky Parks. These are publicly or privately-owned spaces protected for nature conservation and which provide darksky programs for visitors. Arizona’s trove of Dark Sky Parks includes Grand Canyon National Park and the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument. Also owning dark-sky status is the little-known Oracle State Park, tucked away north of the Catalina Mountains which protect its skies from the bright lights of nearby Tucson. Up north, the Flagstaff Area National Monuments’ dark-sky site incorporates Wupatki, Walnut Canyon and Sunset Crater, which are jointly managed by the National Park Service. Given the proximity to Flagstaff, the defense of these dark skies depends significantly on a cooperative atmosphere among scientists, land managers, and city and county officials who see to it that effective lighting codes are in place and enforced.


The flagship park in our State Park system is undoubtedly Kartchner Caverns in southeast Arizona. Earlier this year, the park was designated as an International Dark Sky Park by IDA, becoming Arizona’s fifth such park with night skies protected from light pollution. On the occasion, State Parks director Susan Black told reporters how the dark-sky designation supports its mission “to preserve and protect Arizona’s natural resources,” thus adding dark sky as one more natural resource to defend. Dark-sky designations don’t happen by accident. They require a tenacious effort by entire communities to protect the night sky from the intrusions of artificial light. And when dark sky designations

are added to already world-class wilderness settings, our state demonstrates its leadership in natural resource protection. The IDA invites individuals, neighborhoods and corporations to join them in educating the public about the benefits of night-sky protection. Members receive periodic action alerts, have opportunities to become citizen scientists on behalf of the night sky, join or start a new chapter, and become a public advocate for dark skies. For more information, see David Schaller is a retired environmental scientist living in Tucson, where he writes on climate, water and energy security.

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December 2017 | greenliving







ural Spotlight typically focuses on the accomplishments of rural communities that address litter, create recycling options, and beautify their community in unique and interesting ways. This month, we’ve turned our attention to a unique urban farming project in the heart of downtown Phoenix that provides a case study in how any community, whether urban or rural, can take a blighted spot and turn it into a point of pride and community connection with benefits far beyond what you might expect. In 2008, Roosevelt Growhouse was created by two artists on a vacant corner in downtown Phoenix as an informal greening, arts and revitalization initiative. For the last nine years, Kenny Barrett and Joshua Hahn have expanded the project, gathering volunteers and supporters along the way. More than a simple vegetable garden, Growhouse has become an integral community action space in the urban heart of Phoenix. Through volunteer gardening days, cleanups, shared dinners and other events, Growhouse supports local food production, creates deep community connections, and demonstrates the value of greening, beautifying and making productive use of vacant lots. In 2011, the Roosevelt Row Community Development Corporation adopted the garden as part of the vacant lot activation program A.R.T.S. (Adaptive Re-use of Temporary Space), enabling the initiative to reach deeper into the community and expand their impact. In

12 greenliving | December 2017

January 2017, the farm moved from the original Sixth Street location to 1025 N. 2nd Street (just a few blocks west and north), a vacant lot next to the historic Knipe House. Kenny Barrett, the enthusiastic and creative force behind the initiative, immediately began bringing the new location to life by planting a field of sunflowers to “purify the soil and pull out any heavy metals.” While Barrett has remained the leading champion and creative force behind Growhouse, much of the hard work of preparing the soil, planting and nurturing the seeds, and reaping the bounty of the garden continues to depend on the dedication of dozens of community volunteers. Most of the volunteers come from the surrounding downtown neighborhoods, but the popularity of the project brings people from all over the Valley. Everyone is invited to participate. Growhouse Garden Volunteer Days are held every Saturday from late September through late May, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at the current site. After the sunflowers bloomed and were harvested, the garden waited out the heat of the summer while Barrett prepared for the first fall crops. Volunteers began planting in September, and the crops planned for the season include lettuce, Swiss chard, kale, beets, carrots, wildflowers, desert marigolds and herbs. When the crops come in, volunteers are invited to take home part of the bounty, but most of the food currently being produced goes to UMOM, a nonprofit organization focused on providing shelter, services and affordable housing for homeless families. Today, Growhouse is the urban farm that is more than just a garden -- it is a place to learn about urban desert vegetable farming, sustainable living, healthy eating and edible landscaping. In addition


to developing and harvesting an array of edible crops, Growhouse provides workshops and hosts events, including the popular annual dinner in the garden that strengthens their impact in the community. When asked what inspired him to launch this project nearly 10 years ago, Kenny replied laughingly, “I wanted to connect with where my food was coming from. I had an honest curiosity, what does a Brussels sprout plant look like?” Even at the beginning, his curiosity and passion went beyond just food. “The area was so vacant and blighted,” Barrett said of the lot. “We had an opportunity to make it our own. To make it a connector zone for community members. We see Growhouse as a green gateway

to downtown for people. It’s a free weekly way for people to get involved in the downtown community.” What has been the most gratifying part of this experience for Barrett? “For me, the most gratifying thing is having a place where I can go dig in the dirt and spend time in the sunlight connecting with my neighbors in a meaningful way over hard work, and achieving our common goal.” Learn more about Growhouse on their Facebook page. Jill Bernstein is the Executive Director of Keep Arizona Beautiful, a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering communities to take care of their environment through litter abatement, recycling and beautification.

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December 2017 | greenliving





he holidays are upon us, and this time of year is often a good time to reflect and focus on keeping our family, friends and planet safe and sound. For environmental activist Denis Hayes, creator of the Earth Day Network, sustainability and the future of the planet is always top of mind. Hayes was instrumental in helping to create GRETCHEN PAHIA the first Earth Day in 1970 and has been the president of the Bullitt Foundation since 1992. Looking back at the evolution of Earth Day and the Earth Day Network, Hayes says some things have gotten better, yet others have gotten worse for our world. “For the first time in 1990, we took things internationally, and now, on average, 190 countries participate in some way during Earth Day,” said Hayes. “However, international climate issues such as plastic in the oceans and migratory species that cross borders, are all in worse shape than they were in 1969.” Earth Day will celebrate its 50th Anniversary in 2020. Hayes says when the idea first took off in 1970, he wasn’t sure what expectations he should have. “I suppose it was much like leaping onto the back of a cheetah as it is beginning to accelerate — you have no clue where it is going to take you,” he said. The first Earth Day observances were far more reaching than even Hayes likely anticipated. Celebrations were held in a number of cities across the U.S. such as San Francisco, Chicago, Denver, Phoenix, New York and Washington, D.C. Hayes says it was an experience like no other he’d ever had.

14 greenliving | December 2017

“My day started off with a sunrise ceremony with a group of Native Americans out in the national mall in Washington, D.C.,” he said. “Then, I flew to New York City where, for the first time in my life, I gave a speech to a crowd of a million people, standing upon an 80-foot stage. It was like looking out at an ocean, seeing that flood of humanity gathered. I then raced off to Chicago for an event at the Loop and then back to Washington, D.C., to end the day with television interviews for the nighttime news.” Looking ahead to the 2020 anniversary celebrations, Hayes says there will be special events planned, and it will definitely be a collaborative effort worldwide. “While it is getting more dangerous to put these big group gatherings on in today’s world, we will do it to prove we haven’t lost momentum,” he said. “The essence of Earth Day is that it is about the people as a whole. The organizers will simply put out there a set of values that is from the whole, not just one person. It will be done by local people in specific areas; there is no one person in control.” Earth Day is celebrated each year on April 22 and is the largest secular observance in the world, calling billions of people to action to provoke changes in human behavior and public policy. Gretchen Pahia has 15 years of experience in both media and public relations and is an award- winning television news producer in Phoenix, Las Vegas and Portland. Gretchen is a native to Arizona, born and raised in Phoenix, and a graduate of Northern Arizona University. She lives in the Phoenix metro area with her husband, their two children and their dog.

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"If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it, even if I did not have the ability in the beginning.” -- Mahatma Gandhi



ill you be the next force for positive change? Maybe your desire is simply to start a business, lose 20 pounds, or find a perfect mate. If you are not actively engaged, sabotage by conscious or subconscious thoughts can derail your good intentions. Deciding to take less-than-perfect action will get you on your way and release you from being stuck. DR. CIE SCOTT Waiting for the perfect time to get started is a trap. When people do this, they never get started. It is almost never worth waiting for the perfect time and the perfect execution. You can learn more and improve your plans and performance along the way. You can start with uncertainty! If your heart is happy while working on your task, you can outperform any perfectionist. You may even begin to have fun and lose track of time; this is common when we allow ourselves to reject criticism and express creatively. Those delays that you may allow in getting started towards fulfilling your goals can happen for many reasons, including fear of failure. Sometimes it is more important to let go of our egos, embrace our vulnerability, and start something with no guarantees. You make progress even when you make a mistake — after all, mistakes are still experiences. You can be kind to yourself even when you expect some glitches in your plans. When you consider it, it is probable that those who have succeeded on a grand scale have “failed themselves forward.” There is no shame in that, and if they could tell you

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themselves, they would say the pain is worth the gain. Your results will sweeter for it. Enjoy the journey and focus on the results, and you can "eat the elephant one bite at a time," as they say. Let go of being a perfectionist and realize that spending all of the time learning and not executing hasn't really helped anyone. You can advance yourself when you free yourself and your ego of such strict demands. Are you still procrastinating? Assume that procrastination is value driven. Do you really want fantastic results or would you rather have an unchallenging life with comforts and inconveniences? When you convince yourself that the results are far more desirable than comfort and ease, you will talk yourself into making positive changes and creating that which you desire to express, whether those results benefit you, someone else or the planet. What is it that you value? Isn’t it truly more painful to wait and hope and never see that goal achieved? Focus on the results now and consider it. Listening to yourself make excuses is the worst kind of pain, and it can affect your whole life negatively as you allow this habit and begin to doubt yourself. When you begin, you can uncover new sources for assistance. Those whom you meet on the path can share more with you, and you can get to invent new ways to succeed. LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT! Dr. Cie Scott is a Media Psychologist, International Speaker and Author and host of the podcast THE GODDESS CODE. Find it on iTunes or, or you can listen to all episodes on


For more green fun facts, visit greenfunfacts

FUN GREEN FACTS Before you make your New Year’s resolutions, be sure to read through these Fun Green Facts. There are plenty of simple ways you can resolve to preserve this wondrous planet.



The scarce fresh water available to us is rapidly dwindling due to pollution, contamination, global warming and rising population levels. Do your part to save water by turning off the tap when brushing your teeth, taking shorter showers, installing low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators, fixing leaks, and planting drought-resistant plants in your garden. The EPA says that the water you save every year by using an ENERGY STAR-qualified clothes washer is enough for 300 loads of laundry, and that the average household wastes 10,000 gallons of water through leaks.



Reduce your contribution to the waste stream by stopping purchases of bottled water. Carry reusable bottles and grocery bags. Make sure you recycle your soda cans, as aluminum can be recycled indefinitely and saves much more energy than you’d expect. Paper is another resource that should be recycled or eliminated altogether — the EPA says recycling a ton of paper could save enough energy to power the average American home for six months. You can also reduce the amount of solid waste in the landfill by composting your food waste. Not only is this easy, but compost also makes an excellent fertilizer.



Make your home more energy efficient and keep costs down at the same time. Make sure to get a programmable thermostat that ensures you aren’t wasting electricity when you’re asleep or not at home. Switch out your traditional light bulbs with light-emitting diode light bulbs (LEDs) that last many times longer while using a fraction of the energy. Buy ENERGY STAR appliances, which have met EPA standards for energy efficiency — this will allow you to save on utility bills and bring down greenhouse emissions simultaneously.



Purchase a fuel-efficient and lowemissions vehicle — this is good for the environment and your wallet. Make sure your tires are inflated — underinflation increases tire wear and reduces your fuel economy. Also, consider giving your car a break. Carpooling, riding on public transport or cycling is a great way to curb greenhouse gas emissions. If you live far from your workplace, consider moving closer or telecommuting.



Around 50 billion metric tons of electronic waste is produced every year around the world. This not only accumulates as non-biodegradable waste but also releases mercury and other toxins that pollute the environment. Keep your electronics out of the landfill and donate or recycle them instead. There are plenty of organizations that recycle electronics and hazardous materials — look them up! December 2017 | greenliving





s a Green Living Magazine reader, you care about the health and well-being of your community. You probably also care about the impact of your spending, particularly when it comes to buying gifts for your friends and family for the holidays. You want to make sure that you find gifts that they’ll love, but at the same time don’t do harm to the environment. You’re in luck with the Green Living Gift Guide, which features exclusively sustainable and local gift ideas for this coming holiday season. You can easily bring a little joy to your friends and family as well as make a positive impact when you support businesses that are

green and locally owned. Studies show that up to four times more money remains in the local economy and recirculates to support jobs and a vibrant, prosperous community when you choose to shop locally instead of at national chains or mega online retailers. You vote with your dollars every day for the kind of community you want to live in. This holiday season is no different. Use this Green Living Gift Guide for the best recommendations from local and green businesses. Join Local First Arizona and Green Living magazine in celebrating Buy Local Month, and visit for more local shopping recommendations beyond the holiday season.

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18 greenliving | December 2017



Buy Two 50 Min. Massages for $99 Our lives have become packed full of work, social events, family and the ability to partake in almost any activity across the globe. We are working hard, overachieving, involved, active, and just plain busy doing. The driving and traveling alone can be stressful, not to mention meeting deadlines, work appointments, pushing ourselves to the next level, exercising harder, and getting the most we can out of every day. The overall experience of just laying still while a professional therapist smooths out the tense, sore muscles does wonders for the body, mind and spirit. It reconnects to ourselves, and the power of human touch transforms the body to a calmer state. There is not a machine on Earth that can provide such a healing experience in one short hour.

Body Beautiful Med & Day Spa invites you to escape from life’s daily pressures to relax and renew.

Massage can be combined with other therapies such as hot stones, stretching, and the use of cold lasers to provide even quicker healing. Hot stone therapy can take relaxation to a new level for those having difficulty with tense muscle groups. Cold laser therapy helps to heal pulled muscles in the back, neck and legs. It is also terrific for helping with neuropathy. Couples’ massages are also gaining in popularity. These massages may include a spouse or significant other, but many are coming in with their mothers, sisters or best friends. What a great way to share time with someone without distractions. If you forgot how wonderful it is to treat yourself to a full relaxation massage, then now is the time to start. Don’t let the stress pile up to the point where you aren’t enjoying the holiday season. When you are relaxed and happy, it’s easier to handle life’s more chaotic times. Spa-goers place a tremendous value on wellness, prioritizing balance, health and self-care to gain optimum performance in life. The spa has become a place of stress relief, physical healing and self-confidence. A gift of massage will do you or the recipient wonders. Your body will thank you 10 times over. Body Beautiful Spa has special running through the month of December. Purchase two Swedish massages for $99.00. One for you and one for someone else.

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December 2017 | greenliving






nce each year, tradition allows us to take pause and create a conscious effort to make some positive behavioral changes in our lives, affectionately referred to as the New Year’s resolution! New Year's resolutions are traditionally promises made to one's self — a positive affirmation or future vision of one's self — on New Year's Day. The results of various surveys J DOUGLAS ROILL revealed that approximately 66 to 70 percent of adults make New Year’s resolutions, but only 17 to 22 percent keep them. Research that looked at success rates of people's resolutions found that the first two to four weeks usually go fairly well, but by February people are already questioning their ability to succeed because they may not be meeting their own expectations. Other reasons people do not achieve their resolutions include but are not limited to: UÊ Not taking the necessary step to break down their vision of their better self into smaller goals or take smaller steps. UÊ Not being successful in the past setting similar type goals. When a person fails to achieve positive affirmations, this can erode their self-worth. This can result in giving up and going back to old habits. Their self-efficacy, the ability to reach similar goals in the future, also suffers. UÊ They want to change but are just not ready to do so. UÊ They do not have a plan on how they will reach their vision. UÊ Not identifying potential barriers that could get in the way and a not having a plan to mitigate these barriers. UÊ It is more painful (uncomfortable) to change than to stay

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the way they are. “We change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing. Consequences give us the pain that motivates us to change.” Henry Cloud It's never too late or too early to create a vision of one's self. If you find that the New Year has arrived before you have planned your resolution, then break tradition and resolve to set aside a week or even two to work on your resolution in the first or last weeks of January. Research shows that taking time to think through the implementation of a resolution increases the likelihood of achieving success. Take your time, and by the middle of January, you may have a resolution that will change your life. Reflecting back on the past year is an excellent way to clear the path for the New Year. Reflection allows us to let go of the restraints that can hold us back and build our strategies to move forward based on the strengths associated with our accomplishments. The benefits of this end of the year review offer us "lessons learned" from those situations that may not have turned out as we might have hoped, and those that did. Here are 20 reflection questions to clear a path for New Year's resolutions and make a difference in your life: 1. What were my resolutions or goals for 2017? 2. What were my most significant accomplishments for 2017 of which I am most proud?

LEADERSHIP 3. Now, what is one more? (There is always room for one more.) 4. What are the actions I took or process I followed to achieve these accomplishments? 5. What strengths did I tap into to be able to take these actions (determination, ability to focus, resources, faith, spiritual beliefs, a good support system, etc.)?

job in the next three months," are more defined. Intentions are stronger yet when written in terms of what you “will” do rather than what you “want” to do. For example, “I will exercise more this year!” is stronger than, “I would like to exercise more this year,” or “I am trying to exercise more this year.” An even stronger vision statement might sound like this: “I am consistently engaged in a planned exercise program that exceeds the national recommendations so I can maintain my strength and endurance, which will allow me to participate in active sports with my family and friends.”

6. How can I apply these strengths to move forward in 2018? 7. What did I intend to do in 2017 that did not go as well as expected? 8. What were the biggest challenges or barriers I faced in 2017 that contributed to not accomplishing everything I wanted or that I overcame? 9. How did I deal with each of these barriers? 10. Where do I get my strength from to overcome barriers? 11. How have I grown from these accomplishments and challenges? 12. What am I most grateful for as I reflect back? 13. What have I learned? 14. Who are my greatest supporters or support systems that I can rely on as I move forward?

Helpful hints: UÊ Break your vision down into smaller SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic and Time-specific.) For example: "I will go to the gym on Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week, after work, and before I go home, and the time I will devote will be 45 minutes of aerobic cycling class with my friend Sally followed by 15 minutes of strength building on the functional machines." UÊ Write down your goals. UÊ Post them where they can be easily seen. UÊ Record your progress in a journal. UÊ Verify your vision every 90 days, and check in with your goals monthly to assure they are still valid. UÊ Update them if there is a change or you reach your goals early. UÊ Share your goals with family and close friends to gain their support and accountability. J Douglas Roill, D.Mgt., RDN, is a Registered Dietitian and Health Coach. Douglas and his wife Bonnie Roill own Scottsdale-based B3 Nutrition. Bonnie, also a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Health and Wellness Coach, and a Hormone Support Coach, helps women upgrade their digestive and hormonal health, resulting in easier weight management by providing programs for individuals and groups, including the “21 Day Clean Eating Detox Jumpstart” program. Visit or contact Bonnie at (480) 242-9217 for more details.

15. How can I show my gratitude and appreciation to those who have supported me? 16. What would I like to be different in the upcoming year – what do I envision? 17. What would it feel like to experience this difference? 18. What am I willing to do to make this change a reality? 19. What barriers do I anticipate and what strategies can I put in place to overcome these barriers? 20. What is the first step I need to take to get closer to my goal? Ask anyone what their New Year’s resolutions are (current or past), and chances are you will hear one or more of the following: to lose weight, exercise more, quit smoking, eat healthier, relax more, spend more time with my family or friends, get a job, or stick to a budget. These are all very good intentions, positive affirmations, future visions and sound commitments — but not necessarily well-defined, achievable actions that will yield results. Specific intentions such as, "lose 10 pounds", "increase my inner core strength," or "get a full-time

December 2017 | greenliving






sagenix is a leader in quality products for healthy living, and it is on its way to becoming a sustainability leader as well. John Anderson and Jim and Kathy Coover founded the company in 2002 with a vision of impacting world health and freeing people from physical and financial pain. Erik Coover, son of Jim and Kathy and the BECCA BOBER company’s senior vice president of global field development, describes where the company is now. “We empower individuals, families and communities around the overall journey of nutrition, health and wellness,” said Erik Coover, expounding on the company’s goals. “We provide tailored solutions for what people are looking for.” Coover says his parents started the company with the intention of giving back. “We’re a legacy company,” he explained. “My parents didn’t start this company with an exit plan. They wanted to create a company that would deliver on the promise of network marketing.” Isagenix has an estimated year-to-date sales revenue of $1 billion for 2017, a number that Coover says shows how many lives the company is impacting. The company’s three-year plan is to double the number of customers. In order to grow, most companies must compromise their values and the future of the planet. Isagenix leadership sees things a little differently. For Isagenix, growth is an opportunity to help create a world that future generations can be proud of. The organization’s forward-thinking leaders see sustainability as a necessity, not a nicety. “We want to grow, but we understand that the bigger you grow, the more potential damage you will do to the environment,” Coover said. “We have to be like these companies that are doing such great things for the planet. We need to be the example first.”

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The Isagenix team embodies its sustainability vision through measurable actions. One of the first things the company did to change its path was to eliminate plastic water bottles from all of its office locations. The company encouraged employees to host paperless meetings and ended up reducing the amount of paper the company uses by half. The organization’s Green Today for Tomorrow initiative challenges employees to pick at least one way to be more sustainable. Isagenix is also working on a solar panel project for their corporate office. One of the most significant environmental impacts the company has had, however, is to compel all of its vendors and potential vendors to provide proof that their packaging is sustainable. “We challenged all of our vendors to bring forward their most


innovative sustainable concepts to implement going forward,” Erik Coover said. “We demanded that they provide sustainable packaging or we would not provide business going forward.” On the advice of their sustainability consultant, the company has picked a few main projects to focus on, but still faces some challenges. “Some of our Asian offices still have trouble accessing clean drinking water, so it is difficult to completely remove bottled water from those offices,” said Coover about one of the major barriers to success. For Isagenix, sustainability is personal. “It’s all about people for us,” Coover said. “I have a three-month-old daughter. I just want to set the best example that I possibly can for her. The only thing I can do is be an example for her.” To learn more about Isagenix products and the company’s commitment to its employees and customers, visit Becca Bober has an MBA with an emphasis on sustainability leadership. She has directed a number of corporate sustainability projects and currently produces educational content for online learning systems. She lives in Carefree, Arizona.

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December 2017 | greenliving




ind, body, spirit. Living a healthy, peaceful lifestyle is a goal for many people. Our interactions and relationships with others are essential to balance in our lives and to our overall wellbeing. In my practice as a licensed psychologist, I frequently encounter people who are in highconflict situations such as court litigation in DJ GAUGHAN, PHD divorce and child custody, probate disputes, and civil litigation. These situations cause unbelievable stress in people's lives that can devastate their physical health, mental health, and spiritual identity. Peacefully resolving disputes is a core value in the work that I do. Because of this, I have been a vocal advocate of alternatives to litigation, such as mediation, the collaborative divorce process, and alternative dispute resolution. When we experience conflict, our emotions interfere with rational thinking, and we frequently make poor decisions, behaving contrary to our own short-term and longterm best interests. Lacking additional insight, even many years later we can hold resentments that damage ourselves, our families, and our friends. Marriages, friendships and business partnerships can be affected when these conflicts are not resolved quickly. When you find yourself in these situations, it is recommended that you address the problems as soon as possible. Don’t let them fester. If we leave our emotions in the driver’s seat, we are headed downhill fast. When this starts happening, as it does with everyone from time to time, step back, switch drivers, and let your rational self put on the brakes. In situations where your emotional responses continue to

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push your rational self out of the driver’s seat over and over again, it may be time to seek out a mental health professional. If for some reason you should find yourself moving toward a legal confrontation, you might want to consider engaging in a “collaborative process” in order to avoid highly stressful and costly litigation. The collaborative process is a specific form of mediation that has actually been formalized as Rule 67.1 of the Arizona Family Court rules. These principles can also apply in other situations to avoid litigation. Somewhat surprisingly, there are attorneys and perhaps even a few judges who are not familiar with “collaborative procedures,” which are somewhat divergent from other forms of mediation and alternative dispute resolution. Many local professionals and organizations are committed to peaceful, healthy conflict resolution. Some examples are Best Legal Choices, Collaborative Professionals of Phoenix, and the Maricopa County Association of Family Mediators. These multidisciplinary professional groups include mental health providers, lawyers, financial advisors, and other associated professionals who have specialized training and expertise in conflict resolution. If you are less interested in fighting and more interested in finding a peaceful resolution to conflicts and you think you would like some professional help, check out one of the groups listed above or give my office a call and I will do my best to help you find someone who is a good fit for you. A licensed psychologist, Dr. Gaughan has been helping children, adolescents, and adults in Arizona for over 30 years. He offers individual, family and couples therapy, and groups for children and teens coping with their parents’ divorce. He also provides court-ordered services, interventions and evaluations. Dr. Gaughan can be reached by email: or by phone: 602-956-3237





was excited to test drive the 2017 Chevy Bolt EV. I have a hectic schedule with balancing the magazine, events, family and kid sporting events, so it was a pleasure to have the Bolt dropped off at my house. The knowledgeable and friendly sales associate, Nate, who works for Courtesy Chevrolet, arrived and was familiar with all the features DORIE MORALES of the car. He enjoyed the One Pedal Driving feature and was excited to show it off. One Pedal Driving is designed to get you where you are going energy efficiently. There is a low mode at any speed, which allows you to speed up or slow down by using the accelerator pedal. When you want to accelerate, you press on the gas like you usually would. When you want to slow down, you lift your foot off the accelerator. It is rare that you have to use the brake pedal. Instead of losing energy when you slow down, One Pedal Driving allows you to capture energy to recharge the battery. The exterior of the car is very sculpted and sporty. I enjoyed driving the Bolt EV because it is a comfortable ride. The car is zippy; it accelerates from 0-60 mph in 6.5 seconds and 1-30 mph in 3 seconds. It has a 238-mile range on a full charge. I have to admit; I was concerned about the driving range because I drive many miles for work. The fastest way to use up the electric charge is driving on the freeway at over 60 mph. Most of my driving is on the freeway, yet the charge was great after using the 120-volt charger overnight. The interior of the dashboard is highlighted with a smart-looking blue LED trim. There is an energy usage screen which breaks down the amount of energy used for driving, climate control and battery usage. There is range analysis which provides the best and worst case driving scenarios based on operating conditions. It monitors how you use efficiency based on driving information. There are many safety technology features. My favorites are the forward-collision alert and the lane keep assist, where the camera monitors the road lines and will turn the steering wheel if the vehicle

begins changing lanes without a signal. The side blind zone alert has radar sensors on both sides of the car and warns you when vehicles are in your side blind zones by indicating their presence with LEDlit symbols in the mirror. The car is spacious and comfortable for my family of four and an extra passenger. The rear camera mirror highlights a wide-angle view of the area behind the Bolt EV with an easy flip of the switch on the rearview mirror. The mirror surface doubles as a video screen and provides the driver with a highresolution view so you can see the approaching traffic. The rear storage was great for placing all of the materials and boxes of magazines I needed for expos and trade shows. I want to thank Courtesy Chevrolet for letting me test drive the Bolt and I concur that the Bolt is a top-notch car based on my experience. It is the 2017 Green Car of the year by the Green Car Journal, 2017 Motor Trend Car of the Year, and one of the Car and Driver “2017 10 BEST” award winners. “We are a third generation Arizona automotive dealership that knows the importance of supporting green issues and supporting the local community," said Scott Gruwell. "We stock and sell more green autos than any other dealership in Arizona. We are doing our part.' As the publisher/EIC of Green Living magazine, Dorie Morales turns living green into an art form, fully embracing the idea of living, working and playing green. Her vision of a sustainable future drives the magazine, educating, empowering and inspiring readers to make their own eco-conscious choices for the betterment of the planet.

December 2017 | greenliving



Photos Courtesy of Waste Management Phoenix Open





he Phoenix Open has long possessed the nickname “the Greatest Show on Grass” for its immense popularity and casual yet clamorous atmosphere that stands out from the other golf tournaments on the PGA Tour. Ever since Waste Management became the title sponsor in 2009, however, the Waste Management Phoenix Open (WMPO) has also earned the title of “The Greenest Show on Grass,” becoming a standard-bearer for

sustainability in sports. The Phoenix Open has a history of making the seemingly impossible possible, such as when Bob Goldwater defied those skeptical of a golf tournament in Phoenix; when The Thunderbirds went against expert opinion to move the venue to north Scottsdale; and when the tournament organizers disregarded critics and built a stadium around the 16th hole. Waste Management’s Zero Waste Challenge, which promised that zero waste would be sent to the landfill, was another goal that many decried as impossible — but the Phoenix Open once again achieved it against all the odds. In 2017, as with the last four tournaments, Waste Management successfully diverted 100 percent of the waste generated by over 655 thousand fans, players and sponsors from the landfill, repurposing it for beneficial use. To ensure that the initiative was successful, Waste Management worked with The Thunderbirds, sponsors and vendors to ensure that all event materials were compostable, recyclable, reusable or recoverable for energy. “From a sustainability perspective, since 2013, Waste Management has diverted 100% of tournament waste away from landfills, through recycling, composting, donation, reuse or creating energy,” said

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Janette Micelli, Manager, External Communications, WM Corporate Communications. “The 2018 tournament will be no different as the Waste Management Phoenix Open will go for six Zero Waste tournaments in a row.” There were no trash receptacles at the WMPO — instead, only recycling and compost bins were present on the golf course. Waste Management continued utilizing three Zero Waste Stations, consisting of repurposed 40-cubic yard dumpsters “transformed into eyecatching kiosks where fans could drop off waste items with volunteers who sort the materials.” The limitation to two choices — recycling or composting — not only educates attendees about sustainability but also inspires attendees to implement such practices in their daily lives outside the tournament. The waste diversion performance was calculated by measuring the different streams of waste leaving the venue. Of the waste material diverted from the landfill, approximately 50 percent was recycled, 34 percent was composted, 14 percent was converted to energy, and two percent was donated. Waste Management has worked with Underwriters Laboratories Environment Inc. since 2013 to validate the tournament’s diversion rate claims, achieving “Zero Waste to Landfill Operations with 13.9 percent incineration with energy recovery” this year. To conserve water and ease pressure on the municipal water supply in the face of the tournament’s record-breaking attendance, the WMPO employs hand sanitizer at hand-washing stations, and the portable toilets at the venue use less water than conventional ones. Since 2011, Waste Management has also engaged in a greywater operation to reuse water from cooking and cleaning in portable toilets. The initiative has allowed reuse of over 31,000 gallons of water since then and 5775 gallons in this year alone.


The WMPO Campaign that started in 2015 has also restored over 161 million gallons of water to the Colorado River Basin and Verde River through Change the Course, a campaign to “to raise awareness about freshwater, reduce water footprints, and restore flows and health to vital freshwater ecosystems.” The WMPO displayed 84,892 square feet of signage this year, almost 68 percent of which was reused from 2016 or earlier. Over 84 percent of the 2017 signage has been stored for potential reuse in 2018. Unused and perishable food from M Catering and Prom/Levy, totaling 18,450 pounds, was donated to local non-profit Waste Not, which disperses the food to various shelters. Additionally, 140,000 golf balls and 750,000 recycled-content golf tees in Waste Management’s two water features were reused for the tournament. Waste Management worked with the Council for Responsible Sport, which supports socially and environmentally responsible event organizers and provides a two-year certification recognizing the successful completion of such a sporting event. The Waste Management Phoenix Open achieved Evergreen Inspire, the Council’s highest level of

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THE SAVAGE NATION WITH MICHAEL SAVAGE certification that is achieved only after achieving multiple prior certifications and thus demonstrating a long-term commitment to producing responsible events. It is also the first PGA Tour tournament and the largest event ever to achieve Inspire status. “The Waste Management Phoenix Open is the most sustainable sporting event in the world,” Micelli said. “The tournament is recognized as a leader in how to produce responsible sporting events, while also inspiring other events to improve their social and environmental performance.” For the mentoring component of the Council’s Inspire program, the WMPO piloted the Golf Environment Organization (GEO) sustainable golf tournament standard at the 2017 tournament, providing feedback on credits and the documentation process. In 2017, the WMPO became the first GEO-Certified tournament. To learn more about the Waste Management Phoenix Open, visit

To advertise, host a show, or for more information: Call (602) 277-1100 or visit our website:

Bharat Venkatesh is a Tempe journalist who believes spreading awareness about the importance of sustainability should be part of every journalist’s ethical goal to seek the truth and report it.

December 2017 | greenliving





his October, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon was hosted in Denver, Colorado. Every two years, the contest challenges college teams to build the best solar house. The decathlon consists of 10 overall categorical contests. The Solar Decathlon is quite the undertaking. If chosen to compete, teams must spend two years fundraising and securing sponsors to build a 100-percent KATIE PEIGE solar-powered home and ship it to Denver. This year, two teams shipped their houses from Switzerland and the Netherlands. In past years teams have competed from other European and Asian countries. However, given the financial and temporal commitments, this year only 11 college teams participated rather than the usual 20. Previously, the decathlon was held in Washington, D.C., and Irvine, California. This year, not only was the location new but also a new categorical contest: Water. Denver is located near the headwaters of the Colorado River that provides water to 40 million people, including Phoenix and Tucson, and so it seems rather fitting that the water contest made its debut there. For the water contest, experts in water efficiency and conservation judged the teams on three criteria: conservation, reclamation and reuse, as well as landscaping. The Swiss team took first prize followed by the University of California, Davis, and the Netherlands. Many of the houses had their own water filtration and storage systems for rainwater and greywater. The Swiss team, comprised of students from three different universities in the Swiss-French region of the country, was not only

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first in water but also in architecture and engineering, as well as first prize in the decathlon. Their house showcased innovative water features including a hydroponic system, a worm composting toilet, a green roof, and rainwater and greywater collection systems that provide rainwater to the washing machine and greywater to the surrounding landscaping. The UC Davis house came in second place in the water contest with an overall theme about reacting to the California drought and water conservation. Highlights from their house include an aquarium that shows how much water the house is saving by how full the aquarium is, a smart home control panel that is displayed in the bathroom mirror so the owner can see how much water and energy is being used when brushing their teeth and getting ready, and a smart showerhead with built-in LEDs that change color based on how much water has been used. The Netherlands house featured a closed-loop shower system that collects and cleans the water for the shower, resulting in a shower that uses about a third of a gallon of water every 60 seconds, in comparison to the average American shower using about two gallons a minute. As water becomes more important in Arizona, you can do your part by championing efforts to conserve, reuse and reclaim water, and rethink your landscaping. To learn more about these houses and their creative, futuristic and sustainable ideas, check out the Solar Decathlon website at Katie Peige works for the City of Phoenix and has her Master's of Sustainability Solutions from Arizona State University. This is Katie's second time writing about the Solar Decathlon for Green Living Magazine. For more articles and upcoming events, visit us online at




t any time during the year we can be challenged with the balance of giving and taking, but during the holidays it's as if all bets are off. I suppose we just figure that if the balance is too hard to manage during the “normal” times of the year, we might as well just let it all go and start over on the magical day of January 1. It's as if on CAREY CONLEY that day balance will be restored without any internal effort on our part, which creates a vicious cycle year-round. The imbalance of giving and taking shows up in all areas of our life, which universally looks likes a culture of people continually saying things like, "I never have enough time," or "Tomorrow/next month/ next year I will finally get around to starting my dream." You may be one of those people who “never have enough me time." For there to be any balance of giving and taking in your life (no matter the time of year or circumstances), it comes down to three essential disciplines: self-respect, boundaries, and staying true to yourself and your vision. I have been coaching and training for over 20 years and have mentored hundreds of people of all ages. I hear everyone's issues, and I would have to say that, overwhelmingly, there is a severe lack of self-respect in most people. The imbalance of time, money and emotions is overboard to the extreme. They will give all they have, even when there is nothing left to give to someone else, but can look me straight in the face and tell me they would never invest that same time in themselves. And, we have a culture that rewards that behavior! Believe me when I say it is rewarding to have a servant's heart, but there is a quote often replayed to me by a very good friend: "Give from the fruits, not from the roots." As you are letting that sink in, there is a flipside to saying no for the sake of balance. This philosophy does not permit you to back out of a commitment to others simply because you didn't feel like it when the time came. This line of thinking stems from a lack of confidence.

respect is valuing yourself as much as you do others; so when asked if you will give of your time, money or emotions to a relationship, you can clearly make your yes a yes, and your no a no from the get-go. Lack of self-respect also shows up in having no boundaries set in your life; specifically around how much time you spend on certain things. Most people have serious problems with staying focused on the most vital parts of their life. There is an unbelievable imbalance in spending way too much time on the wrong things and giving to people who take the life right out of you. I challenge you to keep a journal for a week and record hour by hour what you did, the conversations you had, and how you felt. It may shock you to see how very little you are giving to the things that really matter and how much people are actually taking from you. If this is a problem, I suggest getting a really good day planner and time blocking each hour of your day to stay on track. You should also take things that don't belong in your life right now off your calendar. Easier said than done, I know, but it makes a world of difference! It all comes down to this: Maintaining true balance as much as possible between the give and take in life is knowing who you are, where you are going, and what your core values are. If you have never sat down to very explicitly write out a vision of what you intend your life to look like (I suggest thinking about three years out from now), you will continue to be off kilter. You have no “North Star” to follow, no plan in place to be able to make better decisions with your time, and most especially you will continue to fill up your days with the things (and people) that don't belong for now. I have seen miraculous things happen in the lives of the people who work on this, and I believe miracles will happen for you, too! Carey Conley is the co-creator of Infinite Nation and can be reached at (720) 331-8693,, or by visiting Join Carey’s Facebook group and network with entrepreneurs who lead with vision by visiting

December 2017 | greenliving





hen one hears the term “trophy hunting,” visuals of rare animals like lions, tigers and rhinos in far-off exotic places are what usually come to mind. However, trophy hunting is actually a more common practice in the United States than one may realize. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has filed a ballot initiative with the AMANDA SAVAGE Arizona Secretary of State’s office in hopes of restricting the hunting and trapping of Arizona’s wild cats, including bobcats, mountain lions, jaguars, lynx and ocelots. The initiative is called Arizonans for Wildlife. It officially launched in September 2017 and needs to obtain 150,642 signatures by July 5, 2018, to qualify for the November 2018 election. The HSUS defines trophy hunting as the killing of an animal to put either a body part or an entire body on display, not hunting for the primary purpose of meat consumption. The report State of the Mountain Lion found that, across America, 78,000 mountain lions alone have been killed by trophy hunters over the past two decades. Arizona ranks sixth in the country for the number of mountain lions killed by trophy hunters, and bobcat hunting is unlimited according to a statement by the HSUS. Other states like California have banned the hunting of specific big cats like mountain lions. However, hunters are still able to hunt bobcats with a license. “If passed, this initiative will spare thousands of Arizona’s wild cats from a cruel death at the hands of trophy hunters and trappers, who chase down these animals with packs of hounds, and trap them with

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barbaric steel-jawed leg-hold traps and snares,” said Kellye Pinkleton, campaign director for Arizonans for Wildlife and the Arizona state director of the HSUS in a press release. She added, “Trophy hunters kill these wild cats for nothing more than to display their heads or hides, and Arizonans don’t want to see their iconic species subjected to such pointless cruelty.” The HSUS takes a primary stance against the use of baiting, hounding and trapping used in the practice of trophy hunting. They believe that these practices are not only cruel and painful for the animal, but they also take away the element of “fair chase,” which is a principle in the sport of hunting. The HSUS also claims that killing these predators has a negative impact on local ecosystems. At the campaign’s kick-off event in Tempe, CEO of the Humane Society Wayne Pacelle commented, saying that there was “nothing noble or good about that," and that there are "lots of other ways to get a trophy." In a press release, the measure was described as having “reasonable exemptions for killing a wild cat if an individual’s personal safety is threatened and for the removal of wild cats if livestock or property are targeted. Activities by researchers, zoos, rehabilitation facilities, and wildlife managers or other purposes are also exempt as authorized by law.” The opposition, which supports the killing of big cats, claims that management of predator populations is essential for a healthy ecosystem. However, the HSUS argues that because of Arizona’s small amount of top predators, all are needed to promote more biological diversity. So, why choose Arizona for this ballot issue? According to the


HSUS, Arizona has the highest win rate of any ballot issue in the United States. "Six of six times has [Arizona] sided with animal protection," explained Pacelle. They've never lost. The organization expects strong support and to unite animal lovers and "real" hunters alike. Although, not with some opposition. Some sportsmen groups see the campaign as an attack on hunting in general. The Safari Club International, an organization that hosts contests and events to kill rare and endangered animals as well as other big-game, is expected to be an ongoing opposition. The campaign also has an impressive coalition of more than 30 non-governmental organizations and state legislators. Some include the Animal Defense League of Arizona, the NRDC and the Sierra Club. The campaign also has strong support from many city council members and district leaders from across the state, as well as groups like the Keepers of the Wild and the Arizona Animal Welfare League

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& SPCA, who were present at the kick-off event in Tempe. Due to Arizona laws, all signatures must be obtained physically. There is currently no online system to submit signatures electronically. However, volunteers are expected to be present at many upcoming events in Arizona before July 1, 2018. There will also be many static signature locations, though there is currently no list. The best way to stay in-the-know is to sign up at to receive email alerts and updates. Amanda Savage is a storyteller, writer and journalist who has worked with many newspapers, magazines, television shows, small businesses and international brands. She is an advocate for environmental conservation and is interested in showcasing the brands, companies, products, designers, thinkers and creators who are at the forefront of sustainability and the future. To contact her, please email For more articles and upcoming events, visit us online at PHOTOS COURTESY OF MATTHEW AND MONICA DEMATTEI, DEMATTEI CREATIVE

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December 2017 | greenliving



Vision Gallery, Downtown Chandler

Zoppé Italian Family Circus, Chandler Center for the Arts

Clint Black, Chandler Center for the Arts

Rendering of the new Chandler Museum, currently under construction




handler, Arizona, is known as the Innovation and Technology Hub of the Southwest, but this East Valley city also is home to a flourishing arts and culture scene. The Chandler Center for the Arts, built in 1989, is an example of the city’s serious commitment to the arts. A unique facility with CYNDE CERF award-winning acoustics, the Center serves the community with public performances Friday through Sunday while providing the students of Chandler High School with a worldclass space during the week for theatre, music and dance. More than 300,000 people experience arts and music performances at the Center each year, with more than 30 events supported by the Chandler Cultural Foundation, a 501c3 organization that raises funds for the Center’s artistic and outreach programs. “With broad support from the city, individuals and corporations, Chandler Center for the Arts has the ability to provide distinctive programs to our citizens and those who live in the surrounding community,” said Michelle Mac Lennan, general manager at Chandler Center for the Arts. “We also are able to serve the youth in our community with daytime performances of outstanding talent like the Utah Shakespeare Festival and Okee Dokee Brothers, so they have the special experience of going to the theater.” There are two galleries supported by the city and the Chandler Cultural Foundation. One is located at the Chandler Center for the

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Arts, and the other is the Vision Gallery, located at Chandler City Hall. Both regularly rotate exhibitions that showcase Arizona artists who work in a variety of media, including textiles, oil painting, photography and lino prints. “The Vision Gallery has a very important place in Downtown Chandler,” said Peter Bugg, visual arts coordinator for the city. “It served as the original catalyst for the revitalization of the downtown area and continues to be a part of its growth.” Bugg not only oversees the galleries but also manages the city’s public art collection. There are more than 650 pieces in Chandler’s collection, which includes the kinetic steel shade structure that makes up the front of Chandler’s City Hall, titled “Turbulent Shade” by artist Ned Kahn. The city also participates in public art initiatives like In Flux, providing more opportunities for local artists. All of these public artworks are funded through the city’s Percent for Art Ordinance, with one percent of capital improvement projects allocated for public art. All of this work is commissioned by the Chandler Arts Commission, seven residents who recommend and advise the city council, city manager and staff on the municipal arts fund. Chandler Museum has more than 750,000 items in its collection, including newspapers, letters, artwork, furniture, yearbooks, the entire East Valley Tribune photo archive and many other objects. This museum is small but mighty and is changing the way the community thinks about its history. After more than two decades of planning, a new museum building is currently under construction. The project is expected to open in fall 2018 and will include a 10,


Buddy Guy, photo by Josh Cheuse

National Archives, Frank Fujii overlooking the Butte Camp, Arizona

foot building and 10,000 square feet of outdoor space that includes a covered courtyard. “We are really excited about the new museum, and we know the community is going to be too,” said Jody Crago, administrator of Chandler Museum. “The new building is going to enable the museum to become a cultural destination with engaging, community-focused programs and forums, changing local exhibits, and world-class traveling exhibits.” In Chandler, a resident doesn’t have to look much further than one of the four library locations to find arts and culture programming. Chandler Public Library boasts a collection of two million materials available to its 330,000 cardholders. Individuals can check out items from a shelf – the newest releases, classics or best sellers. They also can access a multitude of materials online, including music, language learning programs, e-books and courses. In December, the library is adding Kanopy streaming movie service, which includes documentaries, independent films and the Criterion catalog. Chandler Public Library regularly hosts speakers at all of its locations. Most recently, the Library organized its fourth TEDxChandlerPublicLibrary event and is currently planning a Women’s Voices series that will provide a forum for local female

Eli Richard, Stain Glass Cacti, Vision Gallery

Speakers at TEDxChandlerPublicLibrary: Connect!, Oct 14, 2017 AZ

authors to share their stories. Earlier in the year, the library won an award for its outstanding collaborative series “America in Times of Conflict,” which included movies, events, exhibits and talks that combined the expertise of divisions across the city to bring unique stories from Arizona during times of war. Brenda Brown, community services director, said, “The City of Chandler is a place where we recognize the role arts and culture play in building community, creating wonder in our young people, and keeping creativity and learning alive in citizens of all ages.” Find more information about the City of Chandler’s arts and culture divisions and what they have coming up, visit their websites: Chandler Center for the Arts –www. Chandler Museum – Chandler Public Library – www. Vision Gallery – Cynde Cerf has had the pleasure of being a journalist, public relations practitioner and community volunteer in the Valley for nearly 20 years, working with some of the most inspiring people and organizations. She is currently an Information Specialist for the City of Chandler in the Community Services Department, happily spreading the word about the arts, culture, recreation and education experiences available in the city she calls home. Simply said, she has her dream job.

Chandler City Hall, Turbulent Shade, Ned Kahn

December 2017 | greenliving



Master Gardener’s Monthly ‘TIS THE SEASON FOR TOMATOES!


ecember is the month to start thinking about planting your tomatoes. While everyone else is having visions of sugar plums, I have visions of tomatoes dancing in my head! Depending on winter’s last frost date, tomato plants can be set out as early as the first week in February. Since it will take RIC COGGINS between six and eight weeks to germinate and grow to transplantable seedlings, this means one needs to decide in December whether they are going to buy container tomato plants from their favorite nursery or to get started on their own transplants from seed. While nursery transplant offerings are getting broader, now including organic and even some heirloom varieties, there is nothing like sitting down with online seed catalogs and choosing from hundreds of tomato possibilities. Consider varieties that are adapted to our Arizona soil conditions and climate. Look for cultivars that are noted to mature in 60 to 70 days. Small- and medium-sized tomatoes do better in our desert gardens as larger ones take longer to ripen. Tomatoes are also labeled “determinate” and “indeterminate,” which refers to the nature of the plant’s inclination to bushing or vining. Determinate plants tend to grow to a finite size, usually three to

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five feet in height. It is their nature to then produce fruit and decline. Indeterminate tomatoes have no preset shape or size growing as vines. With nurturing, they can be summered and wintered over for more than one season of harvests. The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension recommends Yellow Pear, Cherry, Sweet 100, Earlypak, Earlygirl, Small Fry, Patio, Champion, Earliana, and Sunripe varieties as having proven track records in Arizona. I usually start my tomato seedlings in mid to late December so as to have healthy, hardy transplants with well-developed root systems by the first of February. While you can start tomatoes in virtually anything with a light growing medium and good drainage, I choose to start my plants in peat pellets — compacted discs of peat moss which grow into little pots before your eyes with the addition of water. Once hydrated, I use a pencil to make 1/4-inch indentations where I place two to three tomato seeds, after which I use the pencil to move the peat around to cover the seeds. I place my planted peat pellets in a 10-inch by 20-inch germination tray, which will hold up to 55 pellets. I then place a two-inch-high transparent cover over the tray to maintain moisture until germination. Depending on the air temperature, you may want to consider a germination heater. My germination table is in a garage that can have broad temperature swings in December and January. To maintain the constant 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit temperature ideal for germinating tomato seeds, I use a thermostat to regulate the heater’s temperature. Grow

GREEN THUMB lights are also helpful in areas of low or uneven lighting. All of these germination items can be purchased at your nearby hydroponics and gardening shop. You can eliminate the need for heaters and lighting by simply germinating your seeds in a sunny window in your cozy warm house. Under proper conditions, your tomato seeds will germinate in 5 to 10 days depending on the temperature and the variety. It’s imperative that from the time they emerge from the soil, your seedlings get ample “sun” light. Seedlings not getting enough light will become what is called “leggy,” meaning they become unnecessarily tall and soon cannot support their own weight. Once the seedlings get their second set of leaves, called “true leaves,” I remove the transparent cover and begin misting several times daily to keep the seedling’s leaves from drying out, and I continue watering the peat pellets from the bottom to water the roots. A week after the first true leaves appear, is time to thin your tomatoes to the strongest seedling in each pellet. When my seedlings are 4” to 5” tall, I replant them (peat pellet and all) in recycled disposable plastic cups that I have drilled into the bottom of to provide drainage holes. This extra step of repotting provides considerably more soil to grow a much more extensive root system. This more developed root system will make a huge difference in the tomatoes’ survival when the heat comes. By the end of January, your tomato plants will be 8- to 10-inches tall and nearly ready to plant outside. Before planting, however, it is best to acclimate the young seedlings to a new “harsher” environment. This process is called “hardening off.” Hardening off is the simple process of setting your plants outside

for a few days in an area that is well protected from too much sun or wind. Also, if the nights are expected to dip cold, you should bring them in overnight until they have a chance to get used to it. At the first week of February, I start watching the weather daily to gauge if I think we have had the last frost of the season. Once I feel my crystal ball is clear enough to make a ruling, it’s in the ground we go with the most amazing varieties of organic tomatoes — colorful varieties you will rarely see in a nursery and flavorful tomatoes you will never be able to buy in the store! Ric Coggins is a University of Arizona Master Gardener (Maricopa County) who grew up on a one-acre garden tended to by his father, who was a regular contributor to organic gardening and farming magazines. Ric continues his father’s “green” traditions, owning and operating The Fool on the Hill Farm, a one-acre organic garden homestead in Mesa.

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December 2017 | greenliving






ourism’s relationship with animal encounters, both captive and noncaptive, needs to be more sincerely considered by the demand of people as travelers and the nature of the product supply from operators. People’s well-meaning curiosity, admiration and affection of wild animals may be the “inspiration” for thrilling MELISSA FOLEY and up-close interactions, but somewhere along the way we completely forgot how unnatural these encounters truly are. Regard for the well-being of the animal is often overshadowed by the human desire for a unique experience. On a mass level, questionable activities are justified by believing the experience is ethical simply because the operator tells us so. However good the intentions may be, without realizing the devastating impact and consequences of our actions we are doing far more harm than good. Realizing the economic potential of animal encounters, the tourism industry has capitalized on thrill seekers around the world looking for a face-to-face encounter with over 300 pearly white razor-sharp teeth. Shark diving excursions offer people a meeting with the ultimate predator. The animal is now designated a marine tourism species along with whales and seals, affording some regulation and oversight for these excursions. Cape Town, South Africa, is known for one of the most concentrated areas of great white sharks, and there are no shortages of opportunities for visitors seeking this adventure. However, shark diving in South Africa is strictly regulated by the Department of

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Environmental Affairs, protecting the white shark since 1991. I was previously strongly opposed to shark diving myself. I argued that the practice showed no respect for an endangered species and was concerned the activities were influencing their natural behavior. I agreed with many critics who claim the activity makes sharks more aggressive towards humans, thus unfairly perpetuating negative stereotypes and misperceptions of the species. However, many of my tourism industry colleagues insisted I visit a particular organization just outside of Cape Town that was utilizing the commercial tourist demand to fund critical research and conservation efforts. Activities on board these trips include photo identification, GPS recordings, biometrics and behavior surveys. They have proven to be genuinely committed to raising the standards for the industry, appropriately educating the public and advocating for the species. Aside from having a friendly and extremely knowledgeable team, the award-winning team of Marine Dynamics is internationally recognized for its leadership, partnerships, and the creation of a sustainable business model that benefits conservation objectives, contributing more than $70,000 annually towards research and conservation efforts. The entire client experience is focused on education, also giving visitors an opportunity to directly support shark research and other initiatives including the endangered African penguin housing project and a fishing line bin project addressing marine pollution. For over eight years, their resident Ph.D. biologist was the first to examine the relationship between cage diving and the behavior of great white sharks. This provided instrumental data in the first


published study of the great white shark population through fin identification, tagging and tracking for behavioral research and has contributed to more than 18 other published studies. Use of knowledge from daily activities has driven conservation initiatives and legislation critical to the sharks’ long-term survival. As it is actually quite difficult to catch the attention of these highly intelligent animals, extensive data has objectively suggested that the presence of shark diving has not negatively conditioned the animals and has had little impact on their natural behavior and patterns. According to the study, “… we don’t interact with a residential shark population that identifies with a territory, so it is rare for us to encounter the same shark repeatedly. It is very hard to condition a shark that you don’t see on a daily basis. In order to negatively condition a great white shark, you would have to see the same shark on a daily basis, over an extended period of time, coupled with a caloric reward at each visit.” Another important aspect is the company’s method for attracting the sharks and how they behave in their presence. They were the only shark diving excursion refusing to use shark products in their

chumming process, and they never taunt and tease an animal, luring them into head-butting of the cages for dramatic effect. These are important factors to consider from an operator, as one of the primary concerns of human-wildlife interactions is the influence on the animal’s natural behavior. It’s easy for one to assume that viewing animals in the wild in their natural habitat is enough not to exploit them, and we are each doing our part. In theory, this is true. However, it’s important to know that each of us, as consumers and tourists, has the tremendous power of our wallets to influence policy and industry standards by rewarding businesses and companies who operate consistently at a higher ethical standard. It’s important to educate yourself on the differences; otherwise, each of us becomes part of the problem. Melissa Foley has lived abroad for several years consulting for various NGOs in Greece, India, Cambodia, Thailand and Tanzania. Primarily focused on women’s health, education, advocacy and wildlife conservation, she has developed and implemented sustainable outreach programs integrating responsible tourism and voluntourism with local community development. PHOTOS COURTESY OF MARINE DYNAMICS

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December 2017 | greenliving




Treatment for Mind, Body and Community BY KAMILLA GRAHAM


ccording to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 43.8 million Americans live with a mental illness, and more than 23,000 Arizonans live with a severe mental illness. Here in the Valley of the Sun, PSA Behavioral Health Agency is on a mission to enhance the independence of this underserved community with services that offer support and work to provide empowerment. PSA stands for People/Service/Action, and they strive to “provide services by promoting hope, recovery, diversity and wellness through innovative programs, housing and peer-directed treatment.” PSA, which also oversees the nationally recognized PSA Art Awakenings program and the associated galleries like Warehouse 1005 in Downtown Phoenix, has recently opened the Higley Integrated Healthcare Center. The facility is offering not only behavioral, psychiatric and counseling service to adults with mental health needs but plans to provide medical services too. According to Mary Louisa Thompson, the site administrator for the new location, the goal is to provide independence and support to patients to cover their needs mentally as well as physically. The World Health Organization reports that many people who live with mental disorders have a 10- to 25-year reduction in life expectancy. According to the organization, “The vast majority of these deaths are due to chronic physical medical conditions such as cardiovascular, respiratory and infectious diseases, diabetes and hypertension. Suicide is another important cause of death.” There is a recognized connection between physical health and mental health, with most research pointing to a decrease in mental health

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symptoms when chronic physical health issues are also addressed. Current research also shows that most people who live with mental illness are more likely to develop chronic physical health conditions. “If we don’t feel good physically it can ruin our day,” said Thompson. “Our goal is to provide care for mental health and physical health for a more thorough and coordinated care.” The Higley Integrated Healthcare Center will be focusing on mental wellness for adults, including case management, psychological care, art therapy, substance abuse treatment, nursing and holistic care. However, this location will be taking care to the next level by also focusing on physical wellness with nutrition classes, a fitness center, Trauma and Tension Release Exercise programs, and they are planning on opening a medical service center. With participants able to address their physical health in coordination with their mental health in one facility, the hope is to prevent issues with medication interactions, lack of treatment, and undiagnosed physical health problems. PSA and their associated programs work to help people focus and discover a meaningful activity and an independent lifestyle. By covering people from their mind to their body, they are building a healthy and more empowered life for the people they are helping. For more information about PSA, PSA Art Awakenings, or the services they provide please visit their website at Kamilla Graham is an Arizona native and avid NPR listener who enjoys rediscovering the world with her kids and husband.



LAUNCH PARTY Thank you to everyone who attended our November issue launch party at Stardust Building Supplies in Mesa. Don’t miss our upcoming launch parties! Thursday, November 30 at the PSA Behavioral Health Agency in Gilbert, and Friday, December 15 at Isagenix in Gilbert. Find more information and RSVP at

A big shout-out to our sponsors from the party: HOST AND TITLE SPONSOR: Stardust Building Supplies NONPROFIT BENEFICIARY: Stardust Building Supplies

Lisa Racz, Green Living AZ Magazine, and Erin Swietlik, Balance and Rejuvenate Nutrition Services.

SPONSORS: Pomegranate Cafe, Witnessing Nature in Everything, the Arizona Honeybee Festival, Sifted Bakery, Veg Up Get Dirty PHOTO CREDIT: Shannon Finn (

Karen Jayne, CEO of Stardust Building Supplies.

Attendees mixing and mingling with each other.

Donna DiFrancesco, City of Mesa.

Cyndi Montag, Sifted.

December 2017 | greenliving





Recipe courtesy HonorHealth Virginia G. Piper Center. INGREDIENTS • Juice of ½ a lemon • 1 pound skinless/boneless chicken breast • teaspoon salt • cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt • 3 tablespoon evaporated skim milk (lower fat option for heavy cream) • 1 tablespoon flour of choice (wheat, chickpea, etc.) • 1 tablespoon pressed/crushed garlic • 1 tablespoon finely grated fresh ginger • 1 teaspoon chili powder • 1 teaspoon ground coriander • ½ teaspoon ground cumin • ½ teaspoon garam masala • ½ teaspoon ground turmeric • Non-stick cooking spray

DIRECTIONS: • Rub lemon & salt over chicken, cover & refrigerate 20 minutes. • While marinating, combine yogurt, evaporated milk, and flour and beat until blended & smooth. Add and mix remaining ingredients, pour over chicken and rub in well. Cover and chill 4-6 hours or overnight. • To cook chicken, preheat broiler on high, line broiler pan with foil and cover foil with nonstick cooking spray. • Place chicken on foil and cook for 4 minutes. Turn chicken over, baste with reserved marinade and cook an additional 4 minutes. Turn and baste chicken one more time on each side, approximately 4 minutes apart. • Cook for an additional 5-6 minutes to ensure marinade is cooked well and internal temperature of chicken at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove chicken from oven and let sit 5 minutes before cutting.


BALILA Recipe courtesy Pita Jungle INGREDIENTS • 16 ounces of cooked or canned chickpeas • 4 cloves of minced garlic • 2 teaspoons of cumin • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil DIRECTIONS: • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice • In a sauté pan heat up 2 tablespoons of olive oil and sweat the garlic, don’t let it brown. • ½ cup chopped tomatoes • Remove from fire and stir in 1 teaspoon of cumin then set aside. • ½ cup of chopped cucumbers • In 1/4 cup of water heat up the garbanzo beans. • ½ cup chopped onion • Drain the water. • ½ cup chopped bell peppers • Mash the mixture roughly (mash half of the mixture and only roughly mash the other half • ½ avocado cubed of the garbanzo mixture preserving half the shape of the garbanzo). • 2 green onions (chopped) • Drizzle on the minced garlic, cumin, olive oil mixture previously made and season to taste. • Fresh parsley • In a separate bowl fold the chopped tomatoes, chopped cucumbers, onions and bell • Pita chips and tortilla chips or blue peppers with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and pepper. corn chips 40 greenliving | December 2017

Traditions are certainly part and parcel of holidays, and everyone has their own traditions and ways to celebrate. One of the traditions our publisher, Dorie Morales, enjoys is a game where her family spins the globe and learns something about the countries their fingers land on — including recipes. Take a look at these recipes from other lands in our Unity issue, and be sure to try your hand at the game yourself some time. A dish ubiquitous in Indian restaurants around the world and among the United Kingdom’s most popular dishes, Chicken Tikka Masala has a disputed origin... The Avocado Balila is part of Pita Jungle’s current seasonal menu that digs deep in the roots of Levantine cuisine, focusing on rustic dishes from the coastal ranges around the Lebanon... One of the specialties of Nice in France, Pan Bagnat is Niçois for “wet” or “bathed” bread, referring to the way the bread absorbs olive oil, vinegar and tomato juice during its preparation... Read more on


FRENCH TUNA SALAD SANDWICH Recipe courtesy Compassion Over Killing / INGREDIENTS: TUNA SALAD • 1 15-ounce can chickpeas (garbanzo beans), drained and rinsed • 1 teaspoon kelp granules (try Sea Seasonings) • 1 stalk celery, finely diced • 1/8 yellow onion (about 2 tablespoons), finely diced • 1 clove garlic, minced • ½ cup vegan mayonnaise (try Just Mayo, Earth Balance, or Vegenaise) • 1 tablespoon mustard • 2 teaspoons lemon juice • 1 teaspoon vegan Worcestershire sauce • ½ teaspoon salt • ½ teaspoon black pepper

VINAIGRETTE • 3 tablespoons olive oil • 1 tablespoon balsamic or red wine vinegar • 1 teaspoon mustard • ½ teaspoon black pepper • ¼ teaspoon salt SANDWICH • 1 loaf focaccia or baguette • 1 large tomato, sliced • ½ cup Kalamata or black olives, pitted and cut in half • 2 cups red leaf or butter lettuce, torn • ½ cup fresh basil, shredded or torn

DIRECTIONS: • In a large bowl, mash the chickpeas with a potato masher until mostly smooth. Add kelp, celery, onion, and garlic and stir to combine. Stir in the mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, and Worcestershire sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste. • Whisk together the vinaigrette ingredients in a small bowl. • To assemble the sandwich, slice the focaccia in half horizontally. Drizzle the vinaigrette on the cut side of each half. Arrange tomato slices on the bottom half and sprinkle with a little salt. Scatter the olives over the tomato layer. Spread a layer of chickpea salad on the top half and finish with the lettuce and basil. • Cover with the top of the focaccia and press down. If eating immediately, place something heavy (like a pot) on top of the sandwich for about five minutes before cutting. If packing or eating later, wrap the entire focaccia tightly with plastic wrap. When ready to serve, unwrap the sandwich and cut crosswise into individual portions. December 2017 | greenliving


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Body Beautiful Spa .......................................... 19

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42 greenliving | December 2017


PHOENIXALE.COM 3002 E. WASHINGTON ST., PHOENIX 85034 • 602-275-5049

Hand Crafted All Natural Goat Cheese

Call Carol Shuler


Correction: In the November 2017 issue this photo of Kathy Maguire (DPR Realty LLC) and Bob Fox (Wild at Heart) appeared on our October Launch Party Page. The photo was shows with photo credits going to Shannon Finn. The photo was actually taken by Shannon Land. Please take a moment to look at her photos. She is an amazing photographer and we are sorry for the name confusion.



$12 Digital Magazine $39 Print Magazine $49 Greenie Membership December 2017 | greenliving





Dec 9 & 10 41st Annual Indian Market

Dec 9 & 10 Phoenix Art Museum’s Free Family Weekend

Dec 1 - Jan 7 CitySkate Holiday Ice Rink


Dec 6 HOLIDAY PET FESTIVAL WestWorld 16601 N. Pima Rd., Scottsdale 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. FREE. Bring the kids and four-legged family members to a fun-filled event dedicated to fur-babies. Tranquility Trail Animal Sanctuary hosts this event. Meet veterinarians and animal care professionals, receive discounted pet vaccines, enter a holiday pet attire contest, and enjoy an activity zone, free nail trims and free samples. You can also get to know an animal needing a forever home at one of the many visiting rescues.

Dec 9 & 10 41ST ANNUAL INDIAN MARKET Pueblo Grande Museum 4619 E. Washington St., Phoenix 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. General admission, $10. Members, Native Americans with tribal ID, and active duty and retired service members, $5. Children 12 and under are FREE. Spend the day surrounded by Native American History and shopping for authentic and handcrafted items from over 100 vendors at the Indian Market. Enjoy live traditional Indian dance performances and grab some authentic foods such as fry bread, cactus chili, Navajo tacos and more.

Dec 9 & 10 PHOENIX ART MUSEUM’S FREE FAMILY WEEKEND 1625 N. Central Ave., Phoenix Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday, 12:00 - 5:00 p.m. FREE. Every second weekend of each month, Phoenix Art Museum presents a free admission weekend where it is ok to roam free throughout the museum. This weekend there will be live music, a scavenger hunt, and hands-on art projects for everyone.

Dec 1 - Jan 6 GLENDALE GLITTERS 58th Ave. and Glendale Ave., Downtown Glendale 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. FREE. Take a drive through 16 blocks of Downtown Historic Glendale to enjoy this award-winning holiday tradition, and soak in the illuminating displays of more than one million twinkling lights. This is the largest free holiday display in all of Arizona. After driving through the light displays, take in the events that downtown Glendale has to offer each Friday and Saturday through December 16.


Dec 1 - Jan 7 CITYSKATE HOLIDAY ICE RINK CityScape Phoenix 1 E. Washington St., Phoenix Admission, $15. One of the oldest winter and holiday traditions can be enjoyed right here in downtown Phoenix … ice skating. Bring the whole family out for hot cocoa and an afternoon of skating on a real ice rink surrounding a 36-foot-high twinkling tree. This year, CitySkate is partnering with Phoenix Art Museum, creating an interactive “pop-up” shop next to Charming Charlie's. On weekends, take in a photoop with Santa each Saturday and Sunday from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.

Dec 1 - Jan 14 ZOOLIGHTS Phoenix Zoo 455 N. Galvin Pkwy., Papago Park, Phoenix Admission pricing varies depending on peak and nonpeak hours and with or without Dinos in the Desert. Value nights are available. Zoolights is a twinkling, magical wonderland bringing out the season of winter under canopies of colorful glimmering displays and sprinkles of snow nightly at 7:00 p.m. There will be festive foods and drinks to enjoy. Step back in time a bit as you stroll through the desert exhibit with life-size dinosaurs that seem to come back to life.

World Soil Day

44 greenliving | December 2017


Dec 31 - Jan 1 New Year's Eve Great Pinecone Drop

December 2 Fairy Garden Workshop

Dec 8 Arizona Forward's 48th Annual Luncheon




Dec 2 & 3

December 2

Dec 8


Fairy Garden Workshop Green Things 3384 E. River Rd., Tucson 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. FREE. Cost of supplies. Want to create a magical garden with fairies? Then this monthly event is just the thing. There are plenty of succulents and miniature fairies to choose from to create that personal and original space of green for your garden or doorstep. Please register for this event. (520) 299-9471

Arizona Forward's 48th Annual Luncheon Arizona Biltmore 2400 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 a.m. Sustainability is becoming the trend, from households to corporate businesses, that steers the decisions of conscious consumers. This year’s luncheon presents three guest speakers presenting on how sustainability combines and advocates for a healthier planet. Please register.

Dec 8 - 10

Dec 10 - 12

4th Avenue Winter Street Fair Tucson 10:00 a.m. to dusk FREE. This event on historic 4th Avenue brings over 400,000 people to Old Pueblo each year to browse through over 400 vendors. There will be two stages with live music, a kids’ area, face painting, carnival food, jugglers, 30 food vendors and more. Free shuttle service is provided from the Pennington Street Garage for those who want to take a break from walking.

National Immigrant Integration Conference Phoenix Convention Center 100 N 3rd St., Phoenix See website for schedule The National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC) is the largest conference on immigration going ten years strong in the United States. The National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) works with new American citizens on being powerful participants for a more democratic community for everyone. Leaders from across the US gear towards immigration and refugee issues. For more details, contact Taylor Alcaraz, registration coordinator via email at or call the Phoenix Convention Center at (602) 262-6225.

Spook Hall 260 Hull Ave., Jerome 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. FREE. This event benefits the Jerome Humane Society. One man’s trash is another man's treasure! Looking for that eclectic piece or something from the past that brings back childhood memories? Whatever you’re hoping to find, this flea market promises hidden treasures around every corner. 928-634-6166

Dec 14 VEGAN NIGHT OUT Abbie’s Kitchen 778 N. Main St., Cottonwood Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Price, $60 per person. Voted one of the best vegan restaurants in Cottonwood, Abbie’s Kitchen is offering a Vegan’s Night Out featuring a gourmet five-course meal dinner served with non-alcoholic beverages. There is a cash bar available. Enjoy cruelty-free dining in the charming comfort of an at-home setting.

Dec 31 - Jan 1 NEW YEAR'S EVE GREAT PINECONE DROP Weatherford Hotel Corner of Aspen Ave. and Leroux St., Flagstaff 9 :00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. FREE. Since 1999, the streets near the Weatherford Hotel, known as the Gopher Hole, have been Flagstaff’s hot spot for New Year's Eve. The great shiny metal pinecone is Flagstaff’s equivalent to New York’s glitzy disco ball for the New Year's countdown.

Dec 9 - 26 68th Annual Winterhaven Festival of Lights Tucson 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. daily FREE. Please bring food donations for Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona. Take a relaxing evening by hayride, bus trolley or by pedicab through bright fantasy displays at this festival of lights. Wear a comfortable pair of shoes if a good evening walk is preferred. Reservation are recommended for the rides by contacting the ride company directly. Winterhaven residents host this festival each year as a gift to the community.

Dec 13 Green Chamber of Commerce Lunch and Learn 30 N. 3rd Ave. #200, Phoenix 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The Green Chamber provides access to the tools for networking and education to help Arizona communities become more sustainable. The winners of the AIA-Arizona Sustainable Home Design Competition will be announced.

December 2017 | greenliving



GR EEN C HAM PIO N S Each month in our Green Champions section, we feature three people – one each in northern, central, and southern Arizona – who are making strides in the green community. In our December issue, we’re celebrating three activists and filmmakers spurring local and global change.

NORTHERN: KLEE BENALLY Founder and Project Coordinator, Indigenous Action Media

An activist for over a decade, Klee Benally (Navajo) founded Indigenous Action Media to offer media strategy and direct-action support and training as well as production opportunities to Native American youth interested in addressing social and economic justice issues through video and documentary films. He volunteers with the Protect the Peaks effort and has directed a documentary film, The Snowball Effect, that opposes the expansion of the Arizona Snowbowl ski resort on the San Francisco Peaks. He also helped start Outta Your Backpack Media in 2014, which empowers indigenous youth through media literacy and media justice with workshops and resource distribution. And if that was not enough — Benally is also the lead vocalist and guitarist for the Native American Music Award-winning punk rock band, Blackfire. INDIGENOUSACTION.ORG

CENTRAL: PETER BYCK Senior Sustainability Scientist, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability

A professor of practice at Arizona State University, in both the School of Sustainability and the Cronkite School of Journalism, Peter Byck has extensive experience as an environmental activist and as a writer, editor and director. His very first documentary film, Garbage, won the South by Southwest Film Festival. His award-winning Carbon Nation was screened around the world about how social, economic and national security issues can be influenced by climate change solutions, without addressing climate change causes or severity — making it wholly nonpartisan and relevant for everyone, regardless of their political affiliation. This revolutionary approach comes from Byck’s realization that most people have similar views on the development of energy and agriculture when the issue of climate change is removed from the equation. Byck is currently producing Carbon Nation 2.0 in collaboration with ASU. CARBONNATIONMOVIE.COM

SOUTHERN: KATHRYN BERTINE Founder, Board Chair and CEO, Homestretch Foundation

Racing cyclist, writer, filmmaker, activist, public speaker, consultant, former figure-skater and triathlete — Kathryn Bertine has a lot to her name. She founded the Homestretch Foundation in 2016, a nonprofit organization that “provides temporary housing and other resources to professional or elite athletes — primarily female athletes — who face financial and economic discrepancies.” Bertine wrote, produced and directed Half the Road, released in 2014, describing the challenges, pay and prize money disparities and racing opportunities for female professional cyclists. She also helped found the Le Tour Entier; a non-profit organization that established La Course, a race for female professional cyclists, and the RVA Hosts; an organization that offered host housing to qualified athletes from under-funded nations during the 2015 UCI World Cycling Championships. KATHRYNBERTINE.COM

Want to nominate someone as a Green Champion? Email your candidate to! 46 greenliving | December 2017



ORGANIC SNACK ALTERNATIVES Product reviews by our eco-conscious couple John and Jennifer Burkhart


The most wonderful time of year can also be the most stressful time of year. Well, we say it’s time to, take back the Holidays! Enjoy the season with family and friends however you see fit, even if that means shopping less, decorating less or RSVPing “no” to an invite. Need a festive beverage to sip while enjoying your extra time by the fire? Take a peek at our list.

ORGANIC VALLEY | EGGNOG (USDA ORGANIC) HE SAID: It isn't officially the holiday season until I've had a cup of eggnog. This Organic Valley eggnog is the cream of the crop. It's a heavycream style but light and smooth with the perfect balance of sweet and spice. This was good warmed with a splash of brandy or cold straight from the carton.

SHE SAID: Even though it was lightly spiced and less sweet, it was a nice break from the sugar-heavy nog choices out there. A no-frills creamy treat that the kiddos might enjoy, but I'd add some “frills” for the adults to jazz it up a bit and help power through the 200th playing of “Jingle Bells.”

COCOA METRO | BELGIAN DRINKING CHOCOLATE (USDA ORGANIC) HE SAID: This Cocoa Metro beats the pants off all other instant hot chocolate mixes. However, it's not really a fair fight because they add chunks of real chocolate to their mix. Seriously, this hot cocoa is an astronaut, and all other instant cocoas are jet pilots. Cocoa Metro is in a world of its own.

SHE SAID: You know that favorite box of Raisin Bran stashed in the back of the pantry with the leftover Halloween candy you're hiding from your kids/ roomie/partner/family member? You’d better stuff this in there, too. This decadent chocolate experience is better appreciated by adults, anyway, because it was (spendy) amaaazing.

365 ORGANIC | SPICED PUNCH (USDA ORGANIC) HE SAID: What an odd duck this one was. Like someone accidentally spilled fruit juice in apple cider. It smacks you in the mouth with intense apple and clove flavors up front, then moves to a citrus and elderberry finish. Give this a shot if you're sick of apple cider, and definitely drink it hot. 3 stars SHE SAID: This was alright cold, but warm was definitely tastier! It's like a festive, fancy apple cider that might just banish those icky winter germs. Elderberry, citrus and ginger are great germ-fighters! The sweet apple, tart elderberry and light spice make an exciting drink most holiday guests would like.

NORTH COAST | APPLE CIDER (USDA ORGANIC) HE SAID: I have fond childhood memories of coming in from the snow to a hot cup of apple cider. There's nothing better at warming your bones on cold winter day. This North Coast cider had a nice smooth yet tart apple flavor. It did have an odd, almost slimy mouthfeel, though. Not sure what that was about.

SHE SAID: This blend of apples was tasty cold, but warming it up brought out tons of flavor. I would definitely simmer this in a crock pot with mulling spices for a delicious drink for all – and your house will smell amazing, too!

DESCHUTES | JUBELALE, A FESTIVE WINTER ALE (USDA ORGANIC) HE SAID: Somebody at Green Living had to try this beer so you, the reader, could know what it was like. It's a tough job, but I decided to step up and take one for the team. This winter ale was scrumptious. It tasted very similar to a stout with strong cocoa and malt flavors, but it was lighter and less bready than a stout.

SHE SAID: While organic beers are hard to come by, there are still ways to choose a more “ethical” beer. This family-owned brewery crafts vegan beers and uses mostly non-GMO ingredients (dextrose is not certified nonGMO). With its colorful snowflake label, this would be a tasty holiday party addition. It's a little on the heavy side with decent hoppiness, a hint of warm spice, and finishing with a sweet-and-sour flavor. Yum!

3 stars

See more product reviews at

December 2017 | greenliving






Hydaway’s new kidsapproved collapsible hydration bottle is not only reusable, portable, eco-friendly and fun to use — it is also the perfect fit for kids, who need to stay wellhydrated throughout the day. Made from flexible, BPA-free, food-grade silicone, the Hydaway Kids Bottle’s innovative, hinged design allows the empty bottle to pack down flat so it can be stashed away in a pocket, lunchbox or backpack. Designed specifically for youngsters to easily grip, it has an easy-to-use, flip-up straw for quick sips, a stable base that prevents it from tipping or spilling, and a watertight guarantee. It is available in three bright color combos: Cool Breeze, Hot Lava and Very Berry. HYDAWAYBOTTLE.COM



Add this socially-responsible and eco-conscious accessory to your wardrobe this December. As good for the environment as it is for your waistline, Jelt Belt’s retro-inspired, multi-functional belts are made with super-strong, stretchy elastic constructed from 100% recycled plastic bottles with a “no-show” flat buckle and a non-slip grippy inner gel that holds on tight. Moreover, Jelt Belt is not just founded to create a multi-functional wardrobe piece, it is also committed to social responsibility and donates a portion of its sales to organizations that support veterans, families and the environment. The belts are available in multiple sizes for men, women and children. JELTBELT.COM $24 - $32





MPOWERD’s Luci, an inflatable solar light, was developed with the goal of making an affordable, clean energy product that people could use in any situation. They also make great gifts for the holiday season. The BYOL Stem Kit opens the door for bright young minds to learn about the power and potential of clean energy – educating the next generation about the growing importance of clean energy alternatives. The Luci Candle adds to the ambiance of your patio, yoga studio or dinner table, turning it into a soothing retreat. The collapsible Luci Outdoor 2.0 is perfect for nature lovers, giving you plenty of room for all your camping, hiking, climbing, kayaking or do-anything gear. MPOWRD.COM Stem Kit: $34.95 Candle: $14.95 Outdoor 2.0: $19.95



Formulated based on leading skin nutrition science, the ZSS Radiant Skin System brings out and promote natural skin radiance, locks in moisture, rebuilds collagen and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while protecting from damaging environmental aggressors. It includes a dietary supplement and topical serum specially designed to complement and synergize with your current skincare routine, even providing additional protection against UV rays. The serum incorporates Zeaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant, and other all-natural ingredients to ensure healthy skin, inside and out. ZSSSKINCARE.COM $129 for 30-day program


A homogenous blend of luxury and sustainability, Eileen Fisher Recycled Cashmere is a perfect gift for this holiday season. In Italy, where some of the most beautiful and elegant cashmere clothes are made, pieces of material are left behind. Respun from these discarded garments and cutting room leftovers, the Recycled Cashmere yarns divert factory waste and reduce our environmental impact. The incredibly soft fabric will make you want to wear nothing else. It is, indeed, the most luxurious way to recycle. EILEENFISHER.COM $398 Find more cool outrageous stuff at

48 greenliving | December 2017

Barium, Chromium, Cyanide Ethylbenzene, Monochlorobenzene, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes, Bromate, Chlorite, Haloacetic Acids (five) (HAA5), Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM), Chloramine, Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide

For some strange reason, otters, whales, and birds aren’t big fans of drinking and eating all of those chemicals. Every bottle that ends up in a landfill or in the water is an 8 oz tragedy. It is also an opportunity for all of us to make a difference. In 2017, the My Sister’s Closet family of brands took a pledge and eliminated all plastic bottles and bags from our operations. We’re asking that you take the pledge too. Plastic bottles might be convenient, but we’re pretty sure all those animals see things differently.




We carry brands that are committed to green technology and sustainability.

Scottsdale 15250 N Hayden Rd 480.582.5297 Phoenix 1817 E Indian School Rd 480.939.7636 Las Vegas 4995 W. Eastern Ave 702.342.8510

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