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Purpose and Passion
ReFashioned Art with Laura Madden
LLaura Madden wears many hats—she’s an entrepreneur, small business owner, social media influencer, and sustainable fashion advocate. But first and foremost, she’s an artist dedicated to using her platform for good.
“ReFashioned Art is a purpose-driven business, largely developed by my values and mission to merge style and sustainability,” Madden says. “My work as an artist is a rather unique niche: I make abstract modern art that brings a fashionable edge to your home,” she continues. “I love fashion, but I also care deeply about the environment—for that reason my originals are made using repurposed materials.”
Starting out, Madden worked in fitness, styling, writing, and modeling. She slowly built her network and became an influencer who ran a popular blog about the intersection of style, sustainability, and self-esteem.
“When one chooses to shop sustainably and curate a conscious wardrobe, it is assumed that style, luxury, and convenience will be compromised to some extent, and that it will cost extra for responsibly-sourced items,” she explains. “These are just a few of the stigmas I intended to challenge to change the conversation to a more empowering one—and years later, I believe that I have.”
She shares that her passion for sustainability came about in 2015 when she watched a life-changing documentary about the social and environmental issues brought up by the fashion industry. “My guilty pleasures [shopping and fashion] that I assumed weren’t hurting anyone, were in reality hurting a lot of people,” she says.
“I couldn’t stand the fact that something I loved so much was creating so much distress on the planet. How could something that brought me so much beauty and joy be so dirty and destructive?”
With this realization, Madden became an advocate for sustainable fashion—including purchasing most of her own wardrobe second hand and supporting sustainable brands. As if she weren’t busy enough, in 2019, she became a professional artist, creating pieces made from sustainable materials.
She notes that ReFashioned Art is first and foremost an art brand. “I am using my work to tell a story and create a narrative that style and sustainability can co-exist,” she says. “By repurposing old items into something more fashionable, chic, and contemporary, I hope to inspire you to look for beauty where it is not normally found.”
When the pandemic hit in 2020, Madden started doing online art shows from her home each week. “This helped me to grow my network, spread the word about sustainability, and continue to advocate for sustainable fashion.”
Some of her pieces are avant garde, including graffiti style, minimalist, abstract portraits, and even sculptures. One of the art series she’s most proud of is the ReFashion ReSculpt, a 3-D sustainable art series.

“Looking forward, I would love to partner with more designers—I am obsessed with design—and it gives me such a thrill to help their vision come to life by providing the artwork to complete a project,” Madden shares. “I am also looking into product development partnerships, such as home apparel, accessories, and gifts.”
She adds that, in 2022, she was approached by David E. Adler Fine Rugs to design a carpet that came out in the fall. Two more are currently in the works. Today, Madden’s blog serves as both a portfolio for her work and also as an update on her many media appearances and projects. She is most active on Instagram and her social media channels, where she shares her work and adventures. In addition to promoting sustainability, she also makes sure to give back to causes she’s passionate about, including Free Arts for Abused Children, Baller Dream Foundation, and Arizona Animal Welfare League. For those interested in supporting sustainable art and fashion, Madden advises, “Get creative and look for beauty where it is not normally found.”

She adds, “We only have finite resources. The best thing we can all do is ask, ‘How else can I use this item?”
Laura Madden’s work can be found on her Instagram @iamlauramadden or her website at iamlauramadden.com.