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Alison Bailin Batz

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Josh Coddington


Melat Alebachew

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Sly Panda Design

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Event View 360

Michelle Talsma Everson

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Jordan Gerard

Kirsten Holmstedt

Dr. Karan Lal

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GOOD Cesar Chavez Day

Discover the legacy of Cesar Chavez, a champion of social and environmental justice, on his special day. Organizations like Adelante Healthcare honor Chavez’s legacy by advocating for social justice and healthcare access for all. As part of its commitment to continuing Chavez’s legacy, they campaigned throughout March to support farm workers in need.


Fountain Hills Cares Event

Last month, Fountain Hills Cares held a community-wide event to discuss the psychological effects of social media use in teens and how to cultivate a healthy relationship with technology. According to Pew Research Center, 81% of teens in the U.S. are at an increased risk of feeling anxious, depressed, or ill from social media use.

GOOD WalletHub Ranks 2023’s Greenest States

WalletHub has released its report on 2023's Greenest States comparing all 50 states based on 25 key metrics, ranging from renewable energy usage to green buildings per capita. Vermont, New York, and California were ranked as the greenest, while West Virginia came in last. Arizona ranked 39th.


The Honorable Mayor Kate Gallego presented Gensler with a proclamation declaring March 30 as Gensler Architecture and Design Day. We were thrilled to see Gensler recognized for its dedication to supporting education and the community at large.


LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! The Green Living staff captured the auditions for our Earth Day Extravaganza ecoconscious kid’s fashion show produced in partnership with @morethanmodeling. Head over to Green Living ’s FB page for the full video!

Virginia Off-Shore Wind Farm

Virginia has given the go-ahead for a 2.6 GW wind farm plan, which is the largest U.S. offshore wind array. Dominion Energy's Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind array will become the nation's second offshore wind project and the first owned by an electric utility company, generating zerocarbon energy for up to 660,000 customers at peak output.

Tougher Pollution Rules for Trucks & Buses

The new EPA rules will cut down on soot and smog created by heavy-duty trucks, vans, and buses by requiring these vehicles to reduce emissions by nearly 50% by 2045. According to the EPA, this change is more than 80% stronger than the current standard which hasn’t changed since 2001.

Clean Hydrogen

An innovative way to produce hydrogen from biomass was just developed by a team of researchers from the Indian Institute of Science. Being able to create clean hydrogen from biomass rather than from fossil fuels is a complete game-changing technology.

Fungi, FTW!

The potential of MycoHAB blocks are impressive — they could be stronger than concrete blocks, they are insulating, and they are made from waste two-times over. If that’s not enough, they also sequester carbon. Wood dust waste is used as a base to grow oyster mushrooms, which are harvested and sold for food. Then, the waste left behind from the mushroom harvesting is pressed and fired into blocks that can be used to construct affordable housing.

Carbon Negative Insulation

HempWool, made by Hempitecture, is made from 90% hemp fibers for acoustic and thermal insulation. It is the only insulation on the market that is carbon negative, as the fibers actually sequester carbon and reduce the carbon footprint of a building.

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